Mom's Notes Oct/Nov Edition 2014

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MAKING NEW PARENTHOOD EXTRA SPECIAL WITH 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN OBSTETRICS, HAVING WELCOMED MORE THAN 40 000 BABIES INTO THE WORLD, WITH LEADING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY, 10 SPECIALIST GYNAECOLIGISTS AND 26 BEDS, WE ARE UNIQUELY QUALIFIED TO DELIVER THE EXPERTISE YOU EXPECT AND THE CARE YOU DESERVE. MEDICLINIC BABY: SUPPORTING YOU THROUGH EVERY STEP OF PREGNANCY, BIRTH AND BABY CARE. Provided free of charge to parents of babies born at Mediclinic hospitals, the programme offers: • The latest pregnancy and postnatal information posted online weekly, keeping you informed about every stage of your baby’s development. • Tailor-made antenatal classes and courses, with professional help and support. • Luxury antenatal weekend courses, specially designed for busy couples*. • Assistance with birth registration (Department of Home Affairs satellite office). • Mother and baby bag, with all the essential items you’ll need for your first few days in hospital. • Pregnancy Journal, Antenatal File and baby care DVDs. • A celebration surprise for you and your partner. • Your baby’s picture on our website (only with your consent). • Mother and Baby Wellness Clinic. • A 24-hour helpline, 0860 233 333, to answer all your baby-related queries. For more information about Mediclinic Nelspruit, or to register for the Mediclinic Baby programme, visit


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*Terms and conditions.


Liewe mamma

Soos hierdie uitgawe van Mom’s Notes, is elke uitgawe ‘n wonder werk van ‘n span mense wat dit uit hulle har te deel. Dit inspireer my ook . Ek skr y f hierdie ook vanuit ‘n plek diep in my har t en deel dit graag met jou. As ‘n mamma van vier met ‘n besige manlief, het ek weer besef hoe min tyd ons vir mekaar maak . Iewers het jy nodig om die ‘halt’ teken op te sit. Hierdie week het ek gesien hoe jou lewe in ‘n oog wink kan verander. Vra enige persoon wat ‘n geliefde aan die dood moes afstaan. Ek het net besef dat oor minder as 2 maande is dit kersfees. Dit behoor t nie die enigste tyd in die jaar te wees wanneer vriende en familie saam kuier nie. Die tyd is net te kosbaar daar voor. Hierop het ek myself voorgeneem: · · ·

Ek gaan tyd maak vir familie Ek gaan ‘n vriendin bel Ek gaan haar met iets beder f

Ons het almal dieselfde verskoning. Ons noem dit “LEWE”. ‘n Uur uit my dag gaan nie die wêreld in duie laat stor t nie. Die R 20 0 uit my bankrekening gaan nie die land se ekonomie op sy knieë dwing nie, maar ‘n klein ‘beder f ie’ gaan die wêreld verskuif in haar ‘besige’ lewe.



WE DELIVER... Platters Cupcakes Cakes Novelty cakes Canapes Buffet Daily home cooked meals ...RIGHT TO YOUR DOORSTEP

Wees deel, wees betrokke, w ys jy gee om, geniet jou vriendskappe en ‘celebrate life’. Dit is waaroor ons nuwe Mom’s Notes vandag gaan. Die lewe is kor t en ons gaan elke oomblik daar van geniet voor ons weer te ‘besig’ raak . Liefde Groete, Yulandi P.S. Baie dankie aan Melanie van Spry fotograf ie vir ons voorbladfoto. ADVERTISE IN MOM’S NOTES! Contact us today! Yulandi Jansma: 083 462 8527 Email: Disclaimer: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, neither Mom’s Notes nor TwoRedPens can be held responsible for damages or consequences of any errors or omissions. The publisher does not stand warranty for the performance of any article or service mentioned in this magazine whether in an advertisemnet or elsewhere. Redistribution of Mom’s Notes, alterations or unauthorised reproduction of any advertisers' artwork in any way, is strictly prohibited. Mom’s Notes and the artwork contained inside is the property of TwoRedPens and its advertisers.


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Ingrid Scheepers - 083 417 7301 Email - We LOVE Cooking - Anything is possible in Ingrids Kitchen!


Shop UG65a | Ilanga Mall | Tel: 013 742 2382


voorwaar ie artikels is lles weet. otes... d N s, s g in m o ss M ra Liewe oet mos a dsy is vol ve rif! Elke bla esonderhede. ‘n Ma m vir daardie middae sk d ty e ik rl e b k los ntak ‘n wond atkis vol ko sommer in my handsa klok om te lui. sk Dankie vir ‘n n e a dit vir die lke m pitkos vir e er klein boekie dat ek skoolhek as jy wag ie k k d koor, r le o 'n vo f Dis so os ‘n massa s uit nveld, o so fe it e d o l k a lin tb k e uis oefte langs die n eer in ons h Om by almal se beh lewe yk rt a p r a a f. d”, m niet die jie lee lewe is ‘n lie lkeen in sy eie wêreld een is so uniek en ge die kombuis ie “D sê t. Elk Mense or” in wat e ma sal wee ie ot Kokkedo lige kinders met 3 woe baie energie soos elke voorskoot, speel “Gro r poppe. Boeta jaag d lke a ar E a rg . a h is h ve r t , g vi e ti m r g m o e k re s, m te su ou tka manier. Ou ee in die si vir r die lewe n op hulle eie s ‘n balletopvoering g daagliks hoe kosbaa die huis vind ek stilte din f n su n ie se in e vr va b le r u k k e o mo en e n ‘n terwyl sy golfstok genade. So deur die ru telefoonnommer va t e m d n ro ‘n kat net na n die dag is oek opsoek oomblik va ai gou deur my dagb la binneste. Sy myself en b wil skakel. koud in my die nommer it g d a ra rd g o k w e wat gie en skielik agte dat ek van my nig ede week en die ged m te LEWE! Ek los r e m m o ln aan g ‘n se dit is o or verl My oog van teen borskanker verlo er besef hoe kosbaar my sitkamer. Ek proe rby e d in ve w ry g y s n st h n ri e topvoe het die y mete rkop toe vee laat m van die balle eta ‘n soen op sy voo en wat ‘n verskil sal moet uit r en gaan wees deel o o b e te getjies d a is en ge en! alles net da koekies in my kombu gliks deur die klein din hoe jy dit ookal wil do , e a g d a o n d n die gebra r die lewe r die LEWE vandag om ons vie hardloop. K rwyl ons nog kan. Vie te gaan maak etnis Gro rien Ka

Mom's Notes Magazine |




CELEBRATE LIFE WITH YOUR CHILDREN “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

Smile at them when they look your way. More than once.

Make a date with your child – Just the two of you. If you have more than one, rotate, but find and make the time. Be creative.

Pack a special note in their lunch bag, gym bag, or in a place that they would need encouragement and be surprised.

Write a note of love or encouragement to them. Share your memories with them. The day they were born, first, second, third… birthdays, first pre-school day, first day at ‘big’ school, your wedding day… Celebrate celebrate celebrate!!!! Surprise them and clean their room, and add a special touch that you know will mean a lot them. Invite their friends over for a game night and let them know you are finding favour with their friend choices. Hug them with all the love you have ever wanted to show them, regularly. Surprise them with an answer that they wouldn’t expect. “Yes, that would be great!” Watch old movies of them when they were smaller. Listen - with all your attention and senses. Listen with your heart, not just your head. 8

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Support them in a decision that they are having trouble with, with your words and your presence. Listen to their music. Read their books. And talk with their friends. Listen to their advice. Take their suggestions and show them their input is important too. Plan a special trip and have fun together. Have regular family night’s. Help them achieve their goals. Even if they aren’t the goals you would choose. Colour, draw and make music with them. Dance with them!!! Read, read, read – out-loud. Celebrate their unique abilities, gifts and talent. Love your spouse, and your children in turn will KNOW that they are loved. Capture many moments with pictures

– showing them later, and re-living the memories. Be available. HERE ARE WAYS TO HELP CHILDREN CELEBRATE MISTAKES:


1. Embrace mistakes. Remind your children often: “No one is perfect” and “Everyone makes mistakes. It is part of how we learn.” This teaches children to keep a good attitude about their mistakes, and they’ll be less fearful of making mistakes.


2. Remind children of what they’ve already accomplished. Children should take note of their accomplishments so that they can see how far they have come, without focusing on the mistakes they may have made on the way.


3. Encourage inventiveness. Support your children in solving problems. Brain storm scenario’s and let them think about 2/3 ways to solve this problem. We need to let children make mistakes and learn from them. We need to watch them struggle and settle their own problems. It’s important that they are able to function on their own. We can teach our children that little failures are opportunities for growth and that effort should be celebrated.


4. Tell stories of failures that were really successes. Many successful people relate that their mistakes and failures were valuable lessons. Their difficult and often painful experiences shaped their future in powerful ways. This is a worthy attitude to adopt. Collect stories about failures that were the start for great achievements.


5. Be honest, parents can share their mistakes with children and what they learned from those errors. “Yesterday we were supposed to read two books and I only read one. Today I am going to make that up to you.” “I thought that you were coming out of bed just because, but you were trying to let me know that your sister hurt herself. That was my mistake. I am sorry." Teaching kids to celebrate mistakes goes a long way in promoting resilience in kids and helping them celebrate life to its fullest. CORA BREYTENBACH Educational Psycologist 082 810 2409

Mom's Notes Magazine |



GIDDY UP HORSEY! We are an extremely happy family of three and soon our 2nd daughter Mikahella will be born. Bringing up children these days is significantly more challenging than ever before especially when both parents work, therefore my husband and I have decided to put my own carreer aside for now in order for me to raise our children myself. I do help out when time allows in my husband’s ice business. We love making memories and celebrating life by going away at least once a month as well as plan a big family vacation once a year. Planning parties and entertaining friends is our way of celebrating life. A great deal of our free time is spent around activities and entertainment for Amilla, our most precious 3 year old daughter. Gerrit & Mireille Pieters

With over 60 different themed decor to choose from, Magic Functions will deliver and set-up at your home or we can even source a suitable party venue for you!

corporate event, year end function, kitchen tea or a birthday for that someone special. No event is too big or too small for us to create into a magical experience.

We have all the extra party goodies you require. We can even supervise the children for you and play theme and age appropriate games during the birthday party or arrange some other form of entertainment for the children, for example a clown, magician or puppet show!

We are fully prepared for any event and can offer a wide selection of tents and marquees to accommodate just about any number of guests safely. We supply everything you need from the cutlery, crockery, to the linen and decorations.

But the fun is not limited to just catering for the kiddies. At Magic Functions we understand the importance of getting everything just right when it comes to a

We will also do the cleaning up for you after the fact ensuring that you have an enjoyable evening without the hassles of the morning after the night before!



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Join us if you dare for a Halloween scare... You can come for the night, you can come for a flash... But come to have fun at our Halloween bash! Come on over for the harrowing fright the Winkler are brewing for a Halloween Night! Eyeballs, cocktails & witches brew... some tasty snacks like a finger or two! With lot of Tricks and a lot of Treats only for you and your kids! Friday 31st October 2014 18:00 p.m. - 24:00 p.m. R 200.00 per person R50.00


For only R360 per person, We will take care of your dĂŠcor, music and meal arrangements. HASSLE FREE YEAR END FUNCTION Minimum 50 people, smaller groups can be hosted in our main dining room at R200 per person


Every weekend October to November 2014, pay R2500 for a two night stay including breakfast and dinner. Romantic room drops and complimentary cocktail on the terrace.

Contact us for any additional information on any of these offerings. Alisha: 013 750 7300 | Mom's Notes Magazine |


LIEF VIR DIE LEWE Ons almal vra onsself een of ander tyd af, wat gaan ek word en hoeveel kinders gaan ek eendag hê. Oorspronklik het die Pringle’s ‘n groot gesin beplan en alhoewel ‘n dogtertjie ook in die beplanning was is hulle so trots op die manne in hulle lewe. Spandeer ‘n dag in die lewe van ‘n gesin met vier seuns (van 3 maande tot 9 jaar oud), ‘n professionele-rekenmeester-moeder, ‘n multi-besigheidsman-vader en jy kom gou agter dat die soort families nie anders kan as om deur ‘liefde’ aanmekaar verbind te wees nie. Die Pringle familie is sportmal. Bennie is Voorsitter van die Witrivier Rugbyklub en was op sy dag ook ‘n kranige losskakel. Hy het al in drie agtereenvolgende klub kampioenskappe gespeel (2004-2006) en was in 2012 deel van die eerstespan wat by Witrivier rugby die eindrondte van die Klub Kampioenskappe gewen het. Die seuns is al uit hulle babaskoene langs (of op) die veld. Andeon (9jr) speel al bal vandat hy regop kon staan. Sy boet Liam (7jr) is nie net op rugby versot nie maar ook op die krieketveld en golfbaan SHOP 8 RIVERSIDE JUNCTION NELSPRUIT. TEL: 013 757 1645 | EMAIL: SALES@TRAPPERSNEL.CO.ZA

Nieuwenhuis Photography Eunice: 0722297444 |

bedrewe. Die twee manne is die trots van Skaak vir Laerskole in Mpumalanga. Hulle het beide vroeg met die sport begin (Andeon op 7 en Liam op 5) en het al in Durban, Benoni en Kaapstad aan die Suid Afrikaanse Skaak kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Andeon is verlede jaar as die nommer een speler in die Ehlanzeni Distrik aangewys, ondanks die feit dat hy teen seuns in die ouer ouderdomsgroep (O/10’s) deelgeneem het. Asof dit nie genoeg is nie is daar nog twee boeties wat in hulle spore volg. Henro is nou 2 jaar oud en sy bynaam ‘bederfie’ doen hom gestand, aangesien hy ‘n mens binne oomblikke om sy pinkie kan draai. Hy laat ook nie op hom wag nie en maak gou sy stem dik wanneer dit sy beurt met die bal of gholfstokke is. Hierdie mannetjie is vol maniere en groet sommer met die intrap slag met die hand. Die ‘stroopsoet’ een, soos sy ma Jacqueline na hom verwys, Nihan is mamma se klein prinsie. Dit is duidelik dat die vier manne se gene uit ‘n aantreklike familie stamboom kom. Tel maar hoeveel keer jy die word ‘liefde’ op die Pringle Facebook sien. Dit straal

van geluk, geen verwyte, ‘n opgewekte, positiewe, en ‘go-getter’ houding. Die wortels lê diep in die Laeveld gegrawe. Die seuns is in Laerskool Bergland, waar pa Bennie ook sy laerskool dae deurgebring het. Jacqueline het oorspronklik gemik om ‘n loopbaan in skoonheid te volg maar haar rekeningkunde punte en ‘n gesonde hupstootjie (van haar ma) het haar in die rigting van ouditeursfirmas gestuur. Haar grootste plesier is om die ‘moederhen’ in haar besige familielewe te wees, vertel Jacqueline. Bennie is trots en noem haar sy ‘yster vrou’. Sy is die ondersteuning, die netwerk, die raamwerk wat alles bymekaar hou. Respek en spasie is die hoekstene gebou op die fondasie van liefde in die gesin. Wanneer jy weg ry, vra jy jouself af, hoe kry hulle dit reg? Die manne bly besig. Hardloop, stoei, lag en speel. Nie een keer hoor ‘n mens dat dit moeilik gaan nie. Inteendeel hulle gryp doelgerig elke oomblik aan om te lag en gelukkig te wees. Dit is hoe die Pringle’s ‘life CELEBRATE’.





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1 x 500ml Coke or Slush 1 x Medium Popcorn 1 x Packet of Jelly Babies


1 x Small Popcorn 1 x Small Smarties 1 x 350ml Coke or Slush





INDOOR SKATE PARK OPENING OCT 2014 Your all-weather children’s social venue: including pool table, lounge area showing extreme sport DVD's, café with covered outdoor seating, also selling decks, wheels, trucks, hippie bags & much more. IDEAL LOCATION FOR CHILDREN’S PARTIES - SEPARATE AREA FOR SMALLER CHILDREN • White River R40 ROCKYSDRIFT, almost opposite Engen Garage • Open: Tuesday to Sunday 12h00 - 20h00 • NO DRUGS, NO ALCOHOL, NO VIOLENCE 18

Published by TwoRedPens |

SK8 YOUR HEART OUT Indoor Skate Park

We are using our expertise in extreme

sports to offer a much needed positive, healthy activity for local teenagers in the form of an indoor skate park. There is no similar facility currently in the Province. It will provide a safe terrain for many people, particularly teenagers, who enjoy skateboarding and BMX bicycling. Our experience with extreme sports ensures young people are encouraged to be disciplined in order to maintain their safety whilst at the same time they grow in both courage and humility—all positive psychological concepts. Research demonstrates that positive youth activities that provide structure after school and attachment to community are critical for reducing high school dropout rates, teen pregnancy, drug use and juvenile crime. We adhere to a strict "no drugs, no alcohol, no violence" policy so will be offered as a safe place for young people to gather, skate and relax. This community development project is more than just a place to skate six days a week. Teenagers can eat outdoors under cover, play pool, watch extreme sport DVD's in the lounge area, there will also be a retail area for equipment and accessories. We anticipate the result will be an enhanced sense of community pride and confidence that ultimately builds local economies.

We are actively seeking sponsors to maintain running costs and for large apparatus. There will be enormous potential for advertising and media exposure for sponsors. According to recent figures there are more than 12 million skateboarders around the planet and this number is growing steadily, with an overwhelming majority of them, around 80%, being younger than eighteen years of age.

Local students estimate that one-third of their peers skate and the number would double upon completion of the park. Shortly after this concept was born we discovered youths in Nelspruit had obtained over 500 signatures to petition for such a venue to be opened. With the assistance of sponsors we can now provide that venue!�

ADVERTISING & SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES STILL AVAILABLE *Children with food intolerances are catered for with our Gluten-Free bakery items, including rolls, sliced loaves, shortbread and pizza bases. All products are deliciously moist, tasty soya flour. Available soon - diary free snacks. (Enquire about bulk orders). Contact: Tanya Ritchie | 0846207777 | Mom's Notes Magazine |





At a recent birthday party I was observing my three-and-a-half-year old son playing with the birthday boy and the other buddies from school. As the playing got more rough, there were a few remarks made by the parents, including the usual “boys will be boys”. The boys were “sword” fighting with empty plastic wine bottles and the parents were quickly summoned to drink up so that every boy could have his own “sword”... Of course we obliged. As the boys were getting progressively more hyper, running around and screaming at the top of their lungs, I wondered why we never use this saying with girls. Are we not using this saying to pardon boys from misbehaving? It seems to me that some boys can do almost anything they want: bullying, hurting each other, talking back to teachers/ parents, and get away with it because “boys will be boys”. Are our gender stereotypes so fixed that we don’t notice this behaviour anymore, because “boys will be boys”?


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I think in the modern day and age gender stereotypes are definitely not as strict and rigid as it was 20 or 30 years ago, but I still see grown men ill-treating their wives and children and talking to them in a derogatory manner. Is that how you want your son to treat his family one day? Why don’t we use this saying when boys are calm, kind, compassionate, generous, gentle and considerate?

My husband displays all these qualities and for that I am thankful every day. He just loves chick flicks and often cries more than I do! Together we teach our son to be respectful and kind towards nature and to respect people of any colour, shape, size or religion. Yes, boys will indeed be boys and they will get up to all sorts of mischief, but let’s not excuse any behaviour through this saying. Teach your son to be good, and then when he shares a toy or a sweet with a friend, or pushes a sad friend on the swing, smile with pride and say: “boys will be boys, and these boys will one day be fine young men.”

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NATALIE GROBLER For appointments please contact: 071 246 0357

BIRTHDAY PARTIES A birthday celebration that leaves kids on a natural high (not a sugar high!) is possible with these practical healthy smart party tips. SERVE HEALTHY TREATS Party food doesn’t have to be unhealthy – there are plenty of alternatives to the traditional favourites. Swap crisps covered in flavourants and colourants for tasty crisps made from parsnip, sweet potato and beetroot. Fill sandwich with extra salads , grated carrots, cucumber, tomato or avocado, and serve jelly made from fruit smoothies


INGREDIENTS: Peanut or Macadamia Butter Banana, Peeled Whole WheatTortilla Wrap (Tortilla) DIRECTIONS: 1. Lay whole wheat wrap flat on the kitchen counter. 2. Spread peanut or Macadamia butter across tortilla, making sure to go all the way to the edges. This will serve as the “glue.” 3. Place whole peeled banana on the edge of the wrap. 4. Roll up wrap with banana and squeeze gently so that the peanut butter “glues” the wrap together. 5. Cut off ends and then slice into approximately 1inch pieces.

rather than artificial packet mix. If we want our kids to eat healthy we should aim to make food not only taste good, but entertaining and fun. These tips offer solutions that should keep both parents and children happy. 1. BALANCE IS THE KEY: Many typical party foods are high in refined sugars and trans fats, these foods will not fill your children up and could perhaps cause them to overeat considerably. By adding protein into the mix the absorption of sugar into the blood stream will be slower and should help your children feel fuller for longer and therefore eat less. Proteins that work well at parties are milk, yoghurt, nuts, healthy mini sausages and cheeses. Again, presentation is everything, serve things on colourful platters and be creative on how you cut up the various snacks. 2. IN GOOD ORDER: Don’t bring all the food for the entire party out at once. First, bring out water, fruit kebabs and bite-sized finger wholegrain sandwiches with different fillings such as cheese, marmite, peanut /

macadamia butter, chicken or cooked ham. These snacks will keep kids feeling full so they will be less inclined to fill up on the sugary foods. 3. PORTION CONTROL Some children are good at knowing how much to eat, but plenty of kids will overeat at a party. A great way to avoid this is by putting together individual themed party packs. Fill each pack with a selection of foods that balance out the sugar. This lets you regulate how many lollies or chips each child has, nobody misses out. But above all, children love the surprise of unwrapping their own treats and choosing what they eat. SOME IDEAS: • Safari dried fruit and nuts • Small yoghurts • Cheese wedges (choose unprocessed cheese) • Pretzels (avoid the ones with flavourings) • Crackers (crackers in different shapes go down well) • Popcorn (stay away from microwave popcorn) • *100 % fruit bars

Crossing Centre: +27 (013) 755 5500 | c/o Madiba Drive & N4, Nelspruit I’Langa Mall +27 (013) 742 2225 | c/o Bitterbessie Street & N4, Nelspruit

4. FABULOUS FRUIT Skip the additive-packed sweets in favour of bowls of berries and grapes. Make-your-own fruit kebabs with chocolate “fondue” for dipping. You can also layer freshly chopped fruit with custard and jelly made from fruit juice to make individual trifles. If it’s hot – then how about freezing homemade strawberry or mango smoothies into lolly sticks? 5. KIDS WHO LUNCH If you’re including lunch it is important to offer some savoury treats. • Do-it-yourself personal pizzas using whole-wheat English muffins or pita bread for crust. Top with tomato puree, cooked ham (avoid the processed kind), cheese, pineapple and/ or fresh veggies. • Good quality sausages wrapped in bread • Whole-wheat wraps with interesting crunchy fillings • Hummus, cottage cheese or avocado dip with pita bread or veggies • Variety of small quiches • Baked potato wedges with a low fat mayo dip 6. DRINK IT UP Children love water, especially if they have been running around playing party games. Sweet drinks such as cordial, juice and soft drinks will actually make them thirstier. They need water to hydrate themselves. The trick is to make water fit in with the party theme. You can buy brightly coloured plastic ice cubes to put in each cup and use coloured or themed cups, bendy straws or mini umbrellas – make water look fun and they will drink loads of it.

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“...MAAR MAMMA VERSTAAN NIE!” Mia het pas wakker geword, en met haar blos pienk wange en krullebos is dit moeilik om haar vir enige iets minder as ‘n engeltjie te sien. Maar haar Mamma het reeds ‘n beklemming om haar hart, want vandag vier hulle haar beste maatjie se derde verjaarsdag. Partytjies is mos vir alle kinders net ‘n fees, nie waar nie? NEE. Beslis nie waar nie. Mamma trek vir Mia haar mooiste frille-rok aan en stel voor dat sy haar blink kerkskoene dra... Met daai gespes wat so pla?! Hare kam, tandeborsel. Nag. By die partytjie speel die maats na hartelus. Mia vermy meestal die swaaie en die klimraam wat krioel van jong lewenslustige lyfies, want sy weet nie hoe om so te klouter nie. As ‘n maatjie te naby speel of dalk bietjie rof verby hardloop is sy histeries en vloei die trane. Die maats sing uit volle bors vir die verjaarsdagmaatjie terwyl Mia eerder haar ore toedruk. Die verjaarsdagkoek se taai versiersel op haar handjies laat haar in trane na Mamma toe hardloop. Nathan wil aan haar goue krulle vat en Mia byt hom geniepsig. Die ander mammas lig hul wenkbroue, Mamma is bloedrooi en vir Mia was die dag net een te veel. Sy is ‘n gesonde dogtertjie wat hope liefde van haar familie af kry. Volgens die dokters makeer sy niks, het geen gestremdheid nie en is sy hoogs intelligent, maar haar ouers is raadop en moedeloos met haar


Published by TwoRedPens |

optredes en gedrag wat so “anders” is. Mia se lyfie sukkel met sensoriese prosessering. Dr A. Jean Ayers, PhD, het sensoriese prosessering (vroeër sensoriese integrasie) beskryf as die onvermoë om informasie wat deur die sintuie verkry word te gebruik om daaglikse aktiwiteite te hanteer (Kranowitz, 2005).


Sommige kinders, en selfs volwassenes, se breine sukkel om al die miljoene sensoriese prikkels te verwerk en te organiseer. Daar ontstaan dan ‘n “verkeersknoop” in die brein. (SPD Foundation, 2010). Stukkies sensoriese inligting sit dan “vas in die verkeer”. Kinders met SPD kom dikwels stout, onvoorspelbaar en ongedissiplineerd voor. Dit impakteer op hul alledaagse aktiwiteite soos speel en leer omdat reaksie, aandag, beweging en emosies hierdeur geraak word. SPD gebeur in die sentrale senuweestelsel. Die brein kan nie sy belangrikste werk doen nie – naamlik, om sensoriese boodskappe te organiseer. Daarom sukkel die kind ook om aksies te beplan en uit te voer en kan hy sukkel om te leer (Kranowitz, 2005). *Lees verder op bl. 26

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If you desire it, we most likely hire it!

Tel: 013 753 2948/9 | 12A Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit Mom's Notes Magazine |



SPD kan beide oor- of ondersensitiwiteit vir stimulasie of ‘n kombinasie daarvan, veroorsaak. Slegs een sintuig mag sensitief wees of verskeie sintuie. SPD kan van ‘n geringe mate tot uiterste gevalle van sensitiwiteit wissel (Jeppe, 2011). Let op die volgende tekens: • Akuut bewus van agtergrondgeluide • Waaiende hande of herhaalde bewegings • Lae bewustheid van temperature of pyn • Koördinasieprobleme • Skakel moeilik oor tussen aktiwiteite • Selfbesering of aggressie • Weersin in aanraking en teksture • Sensitief vir reuke • Afkeer in versorgingsaktiwiteite • Swak balans • Onvermoë om te kalmeer Kinders met SPD het dikwels moeite met motoriese en ander vaardighede wat vir onderrig en die bereiking van leermylpale nodig is. Dit kan lei tot ‘n swak selfbeeld en ‘n gevoel van mislukking.


Ons sintuie, brein en spiere ontwikkel in ‘n spesifieke voorafbepaalde volgorde. Volgens Dr. M de Jager in Wikkel Die Brein Wawyd Wakker, ontwikkel senuweenetwerke wanneer primitiewe ANTENNAVERSTELLER Masseer albei oorskulpe gelyktydig van bo na onder met sirkelbewegings. (De Jager, 2009)


Published by TwoRedPens |

reflekse bewegingsreaksies uitlok ten einde die sintuie, brein en spiere te laat saamwerk. Elke primitiewe refleks het ‘n spesifieke funksie om sekere dele van hierdie meganika wat nodig is vir leer, te ontwikkel. Wanneer die funksie voltooi is, inhibeer die refleks. Indien nie, bly die refleks aktief en manifesteer dit in gedrag soos wat Mia vertoon (De Jager, 2009). Neurologiese bane van verbindingsbedrading gelei elektriese impulse vanaf die sintuie, na die brein en weer na die spiere. Verbindingsbedrading moet behoorlik ontwikkel en deur ‘n vetskede beskerm word, sodat dit tot vinnige reaksies en taakvoltooing kan lei. Dit sal die “verkeer” in Mia se brein reguleer. Hierdie ontwikkeling van verbindingsdrade vind plaas deur die herhaalde bewegings wat deur primitiewe reflekse ontlok word (De Jager, 2009). Indien daar by ‘n kind steeds aktiewe reflekse is wat leer en alledaagse funksies belemmer, word ‘n Mind Moves® tuisprogram aanbeveel wat die primitiewe refleks mimiek sodat die funksie verrig kan word en die kind beheer kan neem van sy aksies en gedrag. Geskryf deur: Igna du Plessis (Gevorderde Mind Moves Instrukteur)

MIND MOVES MASSERING Laat staan die kind regop met albei arms teen ‘n 90˚ hoek langs die liggaam. Staan agter die kind en trek die buitelyn van sy liggaam met ferm hale van kop tot tone na. Hou die voete ‘n oomblik vas. Herhaal drie maal. (De Jager, 2009)

g in r e t a C , y it a it p s o H s e ic v r e S d o o F d an

Tell: 0860 009 548 | Email: 3 Corner Ripple Street & Eastern Boulevard Riverside Park EXT 24, Nelspruit

Everything you could ever want. And more. For Less. Mom's Notes Magazine |


SHARE A LITTLE A BANDANA CAN GIVE SOMEONE A FUTURE Hopes, dreams and aspirations! We all have them. As a parent, all we wish for our children is for them to grow up happy, healthy and to achieve their own goals. Most children want to be a doctor, a chef, a policeman, a champion boxer or even a rock star. The possibilities for their future are endless.

parent, your ever faithful ‘fix it’ band aid or comfor ting kiss, cannot make it better. The reality for countless patients is the uncer tainty of what the future holds for them. Their dreams and aspirations are placed on hold. For many patients their only hope is to receive a much needed bone marrow stem cell transplant.

Just imagine if one day you receive that devastating diagnosis that your child has a life threatening blood disorder like leukaemia? All dreams are immediately shattered. Your world becomes a dark, scary place filled with incredible emotion, terror and sheer helplessness. This time as a

You could be their only hope! For R25, buy your brightly coloured bandana and contribute towards saving a life. Funds raised through National Bandana Day go towards paying for the expensive tissue typing (DNA) tests for new donors

DID YOU KNOW? • It only takes two test tubes of blood to register you as a donor. • It won’t cost you anything. The Sunflower Fund sponsors the R2000 test cost on your behalf. TOLL FREE NUMBER: 0800 12 10 82



to join The South African Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR). This offers patients the hope of finding their lifesaving donor match.

We cannot do this without your support”, implores Tarryn Corlett, Chief Executive Officer for The Sunflower Fund.

12th October is National Bandana Day. The Sunflower Fund encourages the public to buy a bandana from their nearest Pick n Pay or local Round Table, including Namibia and wear it to show their support towards the brave fight that these patients face on a daily basis when they lose their hair from their chemotherapy treatments.

CRITERIA TO BECOME A DONOR: • Donors must be committed to help anyone and not just the patient that motivated them to join The Registry. • Donors must be between 18 – 45 years of age. • Donors must be in general good health (with no history of hepatitis or sexually transmitted diseases). • Donors must weigh over 50kgs with a BMI > 35 and preferably, but not necessarily be a blood donor.

“Please support this campaign and help make a difference as together, we can save more lives.


GELOOF, HOOP EN LIEFDE Probeer altyd positief bly en dink aan alles wat jy nog in die lewe wil vermag.

Ek is in 2011 met borskanker gediagnoseer. Die wind was uit my seile. Ek het gedink dit is die einde, min het ek geweet, dit was ‘n tweede kans op die lewe. ‘n Paar dae voor my 34ste verjaarsdag het ek ‘n mastektomie ondergaan, en was absoluut plat geslaan! Ek het net gedink aan alles wat ek sou misloop: my seuntjie se eerste dag van skool en dogtertjie se eerste liefde en my man alleen met twee kinders. Ek het net besluit hier gaan ek deurkom, ek het te veel om voor te lewe. Ek het begin met agt sessies chemo wat fisies uitmergelend was. Ek was naar en my bene in my lyf was seer. Party dae het dit gevoel of ek nie my arms kon optel nie en emosioneel was ek moeg. Dan het ek weer aan my familie en vriende gedink. Die bestraling het my vel rou en stukkend gelaat. Ek was byna klaar met my behandeling en ek lewe nog! Ek het baie op en af tye gehad. Wat vir my die ergste was, was toe my hare begin uitval het. Almal sou nou weet dat ek kanker het . Ek wou nie die simpatie in ander mense se oë sien nie. Met die verloop van tyd het ek net meer positief geraak te danke aan al my geliefdes se ongelooflike ondersteuning. Ek het nader aan die Here gekom en het besef dat die siekte op my pad gekom het met ‘n rede. Ek is hier om ‘n verskil in iemand se lewe te maak en hoop te gee – daar is ‘n lewe na kanker.

Ek is nou in remmissie en het rekonstruktiewe chirurgie gehad. Die pad was lank maar alles was die moeite werd. Ek waardeer klein dingetjies in die lewe wat ek as vanselfsprekend aanvaar het. Vir die mense wat nou gediagnoseer is of besig is met chemo wil ek verseker: kanker is nie ‘n doodsvonnis nie. Moet nooit opgee nie. Bly positief. Dink aan alles wat jy nog in die lewe wil vermag. Die versie “geloof, hoop en liefde”, dit is die waarheid. Glo dit en jy sal kanker oorkom. Ek het!!!!


Safe Breast Screening No compression No radiation Safe in pregnancy Safe withHEALTH implantsCENTRE THERMAL

ALTMED MEDICAL CENTRE - NELSPRUIT Booking essential : 082 497 3256 or 013 752 2299 email:


CHEMOTHERAPY Depending on what chemotherapy (cytostatica) you have, your hair may fall out but not necessarily. Hair loss usually occurs two to three weeks after the first treatment. The drugs that are used during the treatment affect all fastgrowing cells in the body, which also means that the healthy cells are affected. Besides bone marrow, the hair is the fastest growing tissue in the body, the hair follicle absorbs the chemotherapy drug and is no longer capable of producing new hairs. During chemotherapy the scalp is more sensitive to external influences, such as cold and heat. In addition, the scalp will be a lot dryer and flakier. Hair loss due to chemotherapy is temporary, after the chemotherapy treatment it takes several weeks before the hair begins to grow again. The hair follicle needs time to recover before it can produce healthy hair. The hair will initially be thinner and different in structure.

Gently wash the scalp daily with a MEDICEUTICALS® shampoo, use lukewarm water. BIOCLENZ™, HYDROCLENZ™, FOLLIGEN™ or SATURATE™ - shampoo for hair growth. VIVID™ this shampoo can be used to shampoo your wig. Follow with conditioning the scalp with THERAPEUTIC™, leave it on for 1 to 2 minutes and then rinse. Spray NUMINOX™ or CELLAGEN™ onto the scalp and massage gently, do not rinse. You can also use MEDICEUTICALS® products after the chemotherapy treatment to keep the scalp and hair in optimum condition.

TREATMENT PLAN DURING CHEMOTHERAPY For best results it is recommended to start with MEDICEUTICALS® before the chemotherapy treatment. Always consult a MEDICEUTICALS® specialist / wig salon for personal advice and guidance. • Helps stimulate new hair growth • Helps to bring and keep the scalp in optimum condition • Helps to keep the new hair growth in optimum condition

Mari’s Hair studio | 29 Mirvis street | Nelspruit | 082 924 9641



CELEBRATION - AN ACT “People of our time are losing the power of celebration. Instead of celebrating we seek to be amused or entertained.” - Abraham Joshua Heschel I used to be a living, or shall I say ‘dying’ example of this. In the middle of 2006 I had a reality check. I was sitting in a bar bragging about my prior prowess on the rugby field when an elderly man turned to me and said, ‘That’s impressive. What are you today? ’ The answer hit me right between the eyes. I was an unhealthy slab of a man weighing 178kg. That’s right, one hundred and seventy-eight kilograms! Shortly after that evening, I woke up one morning, said a prayer and decided to turn this sinking ship around. I wanted to celebrate life. Three years later I had lost 78kg and represented Mpumalanga in bodybuilding. I placed third in my division at the SA’s, and I simply felt happy and alive. This is how I did it. I started out with nothing but an old pair of ‘tekkies’ and simply walked 1.6km every second day – at 178kg running was not an option. This I did for two weeks and then progressed to five days a week and double the distance on Saturdays. My wife appreciated my efforts and joined me on my walks, adding much needed motivation.

Written by Freek Carelse K-FIT Nelspruit

When the first kilo’s were shed and I started feeling better in general, I altered my eating habits. I cut out sodas and started drinking water or freshly squeezed orange juice. The lure of fast food and restaurants were still there, but I had made the shift in mindset – that was the crux of it. When I had mastered the walking, I decided to incorporate some bodyweight exercises into my routine: push-ups, sit-ups and squats. I would go to the rugby field, do 10 pushups, run up a flight of stairs twice, do 10 sit-ups, run the stairs again, do 10 squats, the stairs again and then a jog around the field. I repeated this routine three to four times. The longer I kept it up, the more my motivation grew and there was no way that I’d allow myself to fall back into my old diet of KFC and ‘slap chips’. Crinkle Cut chips, Coke and Jolly Jammers gave way to more fresh fruit, meat and vegetables. Living a healthy life is not more expensive. I learnt some interesting things during my journey. Both fat cells and muscle cells have memory, but muscle memory is everlasting whilst fat cell memory is temporary. The implication of this is that you have to maintain a consistent body weight for at least four years to effectively destroy fat cell memory; otherwise it is capable of a four-fold increase!

Crossing Centre: +27 (013) 755 5500 | c/o Madiba Drive & N4, Nelspruit I’Langa Mall +27 (013) 742 2225 | c/o Bitterbessie Street & N4, Nelspruit

Today I celebrate a 16-18% body fat percentage, a healthy, energetic life and a positive attitude, all key to running a successful business. I now wake up in the morning with every intention to turn my celebration into an act and not into amusement or entertainment. If you are where I once was and wonder where you’ll get the means to achieve your weight goals, just look around you. You do not necessarily need gyms and personal trainers. It can start with something as simple as putting on a pair of ‘tekkies’ and going for a walk. Make it a lifestyle and forget about quick fixes to weight problems. Make a conscious decision to celebrate life and do it at your own unique pace. If I could do it, surely you can too. Start celebrating today by turning your amusement into an act. SOLI DEO GLORIA

White River +27 (013) 751 2267/8 | Chief Mgiyeni Khumalo Drive & Hennie van Till Street, White River | Find us on Facebook


Written by Robin Jansma

het die hele dag met moeilike pasiënte te doen, vertel sy verder. As sy saans by die huis kom is sy nie lus vir kos maak nie.



ms net in die kar die winkel te sit es vir die aand gewoonlik die kinders. tap vertel ons verhale en wat ons so laat

m persepsies gpunt van 'n t dit lekker verskaf is dit om dinge soos ruik, respek, erskeidenheid, g, verder aan te

n bejaarde 'n skoothondjie uitgestap kom. en weet of die rmark agter die wanneer hy op nie kry 'n naam esellige oupa r 'n vrolike roekpakkie voor nt sy loop nie. haar boude


Die laaste keer toe ons hier gesit het, het daar 'n jong meisie verby gekom. Ek onthou haar nog goed. Die mooiste glimlag wat ek in my lewe nog gesien het.

voor ons verby. Ek sê wals, want sy loop nie. Haar rooi hare is tot op haar gevleg terwyl sy links en regs in die rigting vanisdiemense snuisterye waggel. Dit lyk boude gevleg terwyl sy links en regs in Daar wat asof sy altyd opgewonde en gelukkig is. die rigting van die snuisterye waggel. Dit Ek sienlewe haar in 'n kunstige klein huisie die vier en iewers langs 'n stroompie woon. 'n Luilyk asof sy altyd opgewonde en gelukkig dan is daar mense lekker lewe, nie te veel stres nie en ook nie getroud nie. Dra dit 'n verband met is.of syEkdalksien haarmagin 'n kunstige klein huisie Ons sit en wag weer verby wat die lewe as mekaar, vra ek? kom. Die een wat haar eerste sien kry 'n meulsteen sien. tien punte. iewers langs 'n stroompie woon. 'n LuiSy word deur die teenoorgestelde beeld gevolg. man in die 'n snyerspak. lekker lewe, nie te veel stres nie en ook Ek wil'n Ouerige een van Ek besef ons ken nie hierdie mense nie, Die bekommernis op sy voorkop spreek maar vir ons isnie hulle interessant. Vreemd, getroud nie. Dra dit 'n verband met boekdele as eerste hoofstuk van sy voormalige mense wees. maar interessant. Soms kan dit ook verhaal. Dadelik dink ek hy moet 'n heeltemal skeefmekaar, loop. Wanneer jy Sondag vra ek? prokureur wees, ek weet nie waarom by die kerk uitstap en jou dogter jou in nie. Sy skouers hang. Sy hare is ietwat sy stamp, wink sy in die rigting van Dit amuseer ons om soms net in diedie deurmekaar gewaai, maar jy kan sien hy een van ons 'persoonlikhede'. Die blinde is 'n statige man wat elke oggend mooi voor die winkel Sy word deur die teenoorgestelde beeld kar in die parkeerarea meisie. geroskam by die huis met 'n vierkantige gevolg. 'n Ouerige man in 'n snyerspak. tassie en 'n kosblik uitstap. Hy woon tien te sit en wag terwyl die inkopies vir Persepsies kan jou soms verras. Ons teen een teen 'n bult met 'n uitsig en ry daagliks mense is wat Die bekommernis op sy voorkop spreek 'n duur motor. gedoen word. Ons speel vergeet dat daar die aand met pyn of vreugde rondloop. Mense pyn agter boekdele 'n soort gordyn wegsteek. as eerste hoofstuk van sy gewoonlik speletjie, ek en wat Net voor die deur 'n sit 'nfamilie hawelose man Met die speletjie leer ons om moeilike en vrou op hulle bagasie. Hulle eet 'n verhaal. Dadelik dink ek hy moet 'n te aanvaar en die kinders. Wanneer mense verby situasies te identifiseer, witbrood. Op die grond lê 'n vuil poedel. hanteer. Ons leer om ons naaste te Die hondjie kry ook dadelik 'n gepaste prokureur wees, stap vertel ons mekaar van hulle teverstaan. Ons leer wat dit is om deel van ek weet nie waarom naam. Die prentjie verander skielik toe gemeenskapnie. te wees. leer van SyOnsskouers hang. Sy hare is ietwat 'n vier- of vyfjarige seun langs kom lewensverhale enhulle bespreek elke 'nmense. Dis 'n lekker speletjie en as familie sit. Slordig maar gelukkig. Hy het nou net vier ons die lewe vir wat dit is. deurmekaar gewaai, maar jy kan sien hy leidraad wat ons so laat dink. 'n vyf rand gekry, omdat hy iemand se pakkies kar toe gedra het. 'nekstatige Net voor ons is ry kyk na die kar man wat elke oggend mooi langs ons in die parkering. Daar hang Ek hoor die mense wie se pakkies hy geroskam 'n pienk beertjie aan die spieëltjie,by 'n die huis met 'n vierkantige Dit interessant gedra is het baie is nie gaaf nie. Die oom moetom persepsies leerlingbestuurder in haar skoolklere 'n moeilike vrou hê,vanuit kom dit vandie die oogpunt van 'n tassie en 'nhaar.kosblik uitstap. Hy woon tien van mense agter die stuur en mamma langs agtersitplek. Hoekom, vra ek? Pappa, ek vir mekaar. een teen 'n bult met 'n uitsig en ry dink diete oomhoor. se tannieBehalwe is dalk 'n se-ke-dat dit lekker Hulle lag skelmteen kind ra-ta-res-se, probeer sy dit uitspreek ons gepraat? motor. 'skoon' vermaak verskaf is ditEk dink hulle het'noorduur (ons help haarfamilie reg). Die sekretaresse ook 'n praktiese manier om dinge Net voor die deur sit 'n hawelose man soos kreatiewe denke, taalgebruik, en vrou op hulle bagasie. Hulle eet 'n respek, kommunikasie, drome, witbrood. Op die grond lê 'n vuil poedel. verskeidenheid, dankbaarheid en wat Die hondjie kry ook dadelik 'n gepaste nog, verder aan te wakker. naam. Die prentjie verander skielik toe 'n vier- of vyfjarige seun langs hulle kom Ons eerste kandidaat is 'n sit. Slordig maar gelukkig. Hy het nou-net bejaarde oom en tannie wat met 'n vyf rand gekry, omdat hy iemand se 'n skoothondjie op die arm by die pakkies kar toe gedra het. winkel uitgestap kom. Dadelik wil die jongste een weet of die bestuurder Ek hoor die mense wie se pakkies hy van die supermark agter die hondjie gedra het is nie gaaf nie. Die oom moet gaan skoonmaak wanneer hy op die 'n moeilike vrou hê, kom dit van die vloer 'oeps'. Die tannie kry 'n naam agtersitplek. Hoekom, vra ek? Pappa, ek en die oom word as 'n gesellige oupa dink die oom se tannie is dalk 'n se-keuitgebeeld. Dan wals daar 'n vrolike ra-ta-res-se, probeer sy dit uitspreek dame in haar blomme-broekpakkie Published by TwoRedPens |

Sy praat met 'n glimlag al maak sy nie haar mond oop nie. Sy het groot ronde lippe. Baie plek vir daai soet glimlag. Haar oë is ook groot. Baie plek vir 'n vol lewe. Haar hare is donker en kort, definitief ‘n sportiewe strook in haar, ondanks die wit loopstok wat voor haar voel-voel na die randsteen.

(ons help haar reg). Die sekretaresse het die hele dag met moeilike pasiënte te doen, vertel sy verder. As sy saans by die huis kom is sy nie lus vir kos maak nie. Die laaste keer toe ons hier gesit het, het daar 'n jong meisie verby gekom. Ek onthou haar nog goed. Die mooiste glimlag wat ek in my lewe nog gesien het. Sy praat met 'n glimlag al maak sy nie haar mond oop nie. Sy het groot ronde lippe. Baie plek vir daai soet glimlag. Haar oë is ook groot. Baie plek vir 'n vol lewe. Haar hare is donker en kort, definitief ‘n sportiewe strook in haar, ondanks die wit loopstok wat voor haar voel-voel na die randsteen. Ons sit en wag of sy dalk weer verby mag kom. Die een wat haar eerste sien kry tien punte. Ek besef ons ken nie hierdie mense nie, maar vir ons is hulle interessant. Vreemd, maar interessant. Soms kan dit ook heeltemal skeef loop. Wanneer jy Sondag by die kerk uitstap en jou dogter jou in die sy stamp, wink sy in die rigting van een van ons 'persoonlikhede'. Die blinde meisie. Persepsies kan jou soms verras. Ons vergeet dat daar daagliks mense is wat met pyn of vreugde rondloop. Mense wat pyn agter 'n soort gordyn wegsteek. Met die speletjie leer ons om moeilike situasies te identifiseer, te aanvaar en te hanteer. Ons leer om ons naaste te verstaan. Ons leer wat dit is om deel van 'n gemeenskap te wees. Ons leer van mense. Dis 'n lekker speletjie en as familie vier ons die lewe vir wat dit is. Net voor ons ry kyk ek na die kar langs ons in die parkering. Daar hang 'n pienk beertjie aan die spieëltjie, 'n leerlingbestuurder in haar skoolklere agter die stuur en mamma langs haar. Hulle lag skelm vir mekaar. Ek dink hulle het oor ons gepraat?

Written by Joe Dreyer



Nicolette Valentyn Communication here is key and if this is done correctly, life at home and life at work will merge to form the perfect compromise. A dynamo. That’s most likely the first impression you would get had you walked into the office of Nicolette Valentyn. After responding to an advert in the local paper for a position as event’s planner, Nicolette started down a career path that would see her owning her own events and party planning company a little more than a decade later. During her time at the helm of one of the region’s most prominent event hiring companies, the 35 year old mother of two, soon established herself within the industry as the woman who gets the job done. She was charged with managing projects ranging from the six year old’s Smurf themed birthday party to the behemoth that is the country’s largest arts and culture festival – Innibos. But, there comes a time as the adage goes, when all things must end and so the success story of Monkey Magic Events was born. It was a bold step to say the least, but Nicolette forged ahead unperturbed, spreading her time between early

mornings and late nights to leave her footprint firmly on the local industry. And, that, she most certainly has done. “I started out in my garage at home,” she explains, “less than a year after the fact I was forced to move into a bigger premises and by default expanded not only my horizons, but the business too. We went from doing children’s parties exclusively to landing the biggest contract of my solo career with the Innibos festival.” But how does one manage a successful business as time consuming as events planning whilst simultaneously catering to the needs of a six year old daughter, a two year old son and a farming husband? The key, according to Nicolette is found in support and a sound structured routine. “My husband works as a farm manager and so we share the long hours away from home. This makes it a little difficult to not only spend quality time with the kids, but also with each other. We literally plan our months in advance and make sure to add at least one evening

in the month for that illusive date night.” She adds that having the support of her family is key and perhaps the deciding factor when looking at starting up your own enterprise. “My daughter, Claire, has really taken it upon herself to climb in and help me at work. We make it fun and she often packs the party packs or helps with various little tasks around the office. My husband really steps in over weekends when I need him most and this despite his very taxing day job. Bruce helps erect marquis tents and organizes some of the more labour intensive projects which really takes the load off. Another important and often overlooked aspect of the “Mompreneur” is making time to spend with your children. And by time, Nicolette means giving them her undivided attention. “You know, everything in a regular “Monkey Magic day” is consumed with things that I have to do. And even though hubby and I take a day every second week to take the kids out to the water park or the botanical gardens, it

really doesn’t make up for a week or so on holiday. We plan a descent getaway each year and during that time all I have to do is spend time with my children. I make sure that when the holiday comes we book into a resort where someone else can make the beds, do the cleaning up and prepare the food. Total relaxation is something every hard working person and their families are deserving of. We forget that our children and partners share the exhaustion, the stress and the loneliness along with us.” So to sum it up, Nicolette has this piece of invaluable advice for all would-be entrepreneurs, “organize your life according to a day planner. Schedule yours and your partner’s biggest events or functions of the year and then plan the rest of the days around those. Communication here is key and if this is done correctly, life at home and life at work will merge to form the perfect compromise.”

Shop UG65a | Ilanga Mall | Tel: 013 742 2382

CELEBRATING @ | 013 741 2551

Nelspruit’s best kept secret, is a secret no more. Stoep, at Sonpark Boulevard is bursting at the cultural seams – literally. Overwhelming the senses with a host of big name entertainers lining up to perform at “Agter Stoep”, Elsabe Malan and Koos Vermeulen are only getting better. August and September saw the likes of blues maestro Albert Frost, Afrikaans soul giant Mel Botes and other inspiring artists who performed to a mass of local music lovers. October is set to follow suite with an incredible line up just waiting to entertain you. Have a look at our calendar on the next page and be sure to make your bookings well in advance. Stoep is not just about music and the arts. There you will also find a blend of good food, great company and extraordinary ambience that for a moment could make you forget you were dining right in the heart of Mpumalanga’s capital city. Whether it is a corporate luncheon, year-end function or stork party, Stoep is able to offer you a hassle free experience at a budgetaccommodating cost.

They have recently expanded their facilities and are now able to host weddings for up to 120 guests in an outside environment perfect for the Lowveld weather. So the next time you and a friend or colleague need to find a hideaway for that intimate coffee break or lunch date, drive on through Sonpark Boulevard and take a left just opposite the filling station. It’s the explosion of art that will catch your attention, and the welcoming staff at the door that will keep it. Come in, sit down and stay a while. Your senses will thank you. For a complete schedule on what lies ahead for the month of October, as well as the services and art classes available at Stoep, feel free to visit their Facebook page, or check out their website at Alternatively contact them for bookings on 013 741 2551 or email at Stoep – Where anything goes.

Hierdie Stoep is nie net vir Ouma en Oupa nie, daar is iets vir almal. As jy kunstig, kreatief, funky of gesellig is, is Stoep die plek vir jou.

WHAT CAN YOU DO AT STOEP • Open Mic Night – every Wednesday • Live Music on Friday nights • Popular musicians and artist regularly perform at Stoep • Takeaways • Platters for private functions • Have cake and tea with friends • Search for some books • Enjoy art exhibitions • Take part in art classes • Outside catering for functions • Purchase your art supplies • Have your own private party or function • Sing, dance, laugh and have a good time • Creativity courses.

10 OCT

31 OCT







14 NOV

28 NOV










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ARKANSAS SPUR (013) 745 8043 West End Centre MOUNTAIN SPRING (013) 742 2250 I’langa Mall

menu FREE upon entering our lucky draw colour-in competition.

A boy and a girl will be drawn as winners at Arkansas Spur and Mountain Spring Spur respectively. Simply hand-in the completed artwork and enjoy your free meal on or before Tuesday, 30 November 2014. TERMS & CONDITIONS: • Children can enter more than once. • Competition will be open to all kids aged from 3 - 12 years • Qualification to draw subject to sit-down meal upon handing-in of original Mom’s Notes colour-in page at either Arkansas Spur or Mountain Spring Spur. • Competition closes 30 November 2014. • Every child receiving a FREE meal must be accompanied by an adult enjoying a sitdown meal.

Mom's Notes Magazine |





50 medium, SPAR Freshline rooi appels 50 geskikte stokkies 800g SPAR suiker 250ml water (1 k) 20ml SPAR asyn (4 t) 200g SPAR gouestroop (150 ml) (12 e) knippie SPAR sout 25ml SPAR botter (2 e) rooi kleursel Metode: 1. Was en droog die appels af en steek ‘n stokkie in die stingelent. 2.Verhit al die ander bestanddele stadig, terwyl geroer word, om die suiker op te los. 3. Was die kristalle van die kant van die kastrol af met ‘n kwassie. 4. Kook die stroop tot die middelslagkraakstadium. 5. Haal van die hitte af en plaas die kastrol in kookwater. 6. Doop die appels een vir een in die stroop, bedek goed. 7. Laat regop staan in ‘n houer om af te koel.



65g sagte SPAR botter 125ml SPAR grondboontjiebotter 250ml SPAR suiker 2 groot SPAR eiers 30ml SPAR melk 500ml SPAR koekmeel 15ml bakpoeier Gebruik 'n houtlepel of klitser om die botter en grondboontjiebotter saam te verroom.Voeg die suiker geleidelik by die mengsel.Voeg die eiers een op 'n slag by en Published by TwoRedPens |

klits goed.Voeg die melk by. Sif die meel en bakpoeier saam in 'n aparte bak.Voeg die meel by die mengsel en meng goed. Gebruik teelepels om balletjies te maak met die mengsel. Skep dit op 'n gesmeerde bakplaat. Bak by 180°C vir 15 minute.


Lewer 16 groterige stukke Bestanddele: 500g SPAR suiker (625 ml) (2½ k) 125ml SPAR melk ( ½ k) 250g klapper (780 ml) (3 k + 2 e ) 5ml vanieljegeursel (1 t) 1t kremetart Knypie SPAR sout Paar druppels ‘cochenille’ (rooi voedselkleursel) Metode: 1. Smeer 'n pannetjie of bak van 20 x 20 x 5 cm 2.Verhit suiker en melk oor matige hitte in 'n middelslag-kastrol met 'n dik boom net totdat die mengsel opkook. 3.Verlaag hitte en kook 2 minute sonder deksel.

4. Haal van die stoof af, voeg klapper, vanieljegeursel, kremetart en sout by en klop vinnig tot goed gemeng. 5. Gooi helfte van die mengsel in die pannetjie en maak gelyk. 6. Roer 'n paar druppels cochenille by res van mengsel om 'n mooi ligpienk kleur te verkry en smeer oor wit laag in pannetjie, terwyl nog warm. 7. Sny in blokkies en laat koud word.

perfect for a special treat inside of a lunch box, a colorful dessert at a party, or even a gift to friends! With just a few ingredients and the help of a parent, this Fairy Bread can be made with the hands of sugar and fairy loving kids. White bread 600g of SPAR cream cheese 2 tablespoons of SPAR sugar Rainbow sprinkles

FAIRY BREAD Have you ever heard of Fairy Bread?

Fairy Bread is a simple dessert snack filled with lots of imagination and fun! Do you know what fairies eat? We don’t know for sure. But, we’ve pretended that the fairies taught us this exact recipe because they know how much we love them. It’s pretty special, don’t you think? Fairy Bread is

Directions: 1. Using an electric mixer (it makes stuff fluffy, which fairies love) combine the cream cheese and sugar 2. Cut the crust off of the bread 3. Using a rolling pin, roll the square bread pieces until they are thin. 4. Place a thin layer of the sugary cream cheese on top of the square bread 5. Pour rainbow sprinkles on top (believe it or not, kids are really great at this) Mom's Notes Magazine |




Die SAVF Cecilia van Wijk kleuterskool het sy deure amptelik geopen op 1 Oktober 1960. Die kleuterskool is deur die SAVF tot stand gebring en is vernoem na Cecilia van Wijk. Vandag nog verwys ons kleuters na die skool as die Wijkie Bytjie skool, ‘n samestelling van ons naam en die bytjie op ons embleem.

Ons streef daarna om in ‘n gesonde en veilige leeromgewing elke dag vir die kleuters lekker en genotvol te maak deur verskeie buitemuurse aktiwiteite aan te bied soos Beau-Arts, Ruga Kids, Playball, Kindermuzik, Sporty Girls, Monkeynastix en Dance Academy. Al hierdie aktiwiteite vind gedurende skooltyd plaas.

Wijkie Bytjies is geleë in die hartjie van Nelspruit, en bied onderrig vir kleuters vanaf 18 maande tot en met Graad R. Die skool maak gebruik van die CAPS kurrikulum vir Graad R en die Blitsige Breintjies leerprogram vir die jonger kleuters. Ons is ook ten volle geregistreer by die Departement van Onderwys en is ‘n Afrikaans medium skool.

Elke laaste Vrydag van die maand hou ons ook speelgoeddag, dan mag die kleuters hulle eie speelgoed skool toe bring en bietjie by die maatjies kom spog. Ons reël ook interessante en opvoedkundige uitstappies vir ons kleuters en het al die Dinosaurus Park, Nelspruit Polisie se Lugvleuel, die Botaniese Tuine en die Play Park besoek. Pret-dae by die skool is ook veral baie gewild by ons kleuters soos Hoededag, Speelgoeddag, Fantasiedag en Lentedag, en somtyds hou ons sommer net lekker piekniek onder die bome.

By die Wijkie Bytjieskool is daar lekker groot speelareas vir die kleuters om rond te hardloop en ook interessante klim-en-klouter apparate. Die kinders geniet hierdie buite spel besonder baie. Ons glo dat elke kleuter uniek is en probeer om hulle op ‘n emosionele en fisiese vlak aan te raak en te vervul sodat elkeen tot sy of haar eie volle potensiaal kan ontwikkel.

Kom kuier saam met die Wijkie Bytjies by die Kersmark op die plaas by WHISPERING THORNS GUEST FARM

SAVF Cecilia van Wijk kleuterskool is een van die oudste kleuterskole in Nelspruit en ons glo en vertrou deur ons passie, liefde vir ons kleuters en ons hoë standaard sal ons nog lank in die toekoms bly voortbestaan om vele klein lewentjies aan te raak.

23-25 OKTOBER 2014


SAVF Cecilia van Wijk Kleuterskool Murraystraat 31, Nelspruit Tel/Faks: 013 752 4491 | epos:



• Die grondslag van die skool is op Christelike normes en waardes gegrond. • Afrikaanse onderrig vanaf 18 maande tot Graad R • Graad R volg Caps kurrikulum • Geregistreer by Departement van onderwys en Departement van Gesondheid.



• Informele vakansieprogram word gedurende vakansies gevolg • Voldag tye: 07h00 – 17h30 en halfdag 07h00 -14h00 • Groot buite speel area met klim-en-klouter aparate. • Ontbyt en gebalanseerde middagete word verskaf. • Kom registreer vandag vir 2015 Vir meer inligting kontak ons gerus: Hannelie of Elzane Tel/Fax: 013 752 4491 31 Murray Str, Nelspruit

Birthdays Arkansas Spur, 013 745 8043 Westend Centre Mountain Spring Spur, 013 742 2250 I’langa Mall


Includes a selected Kids’ Meal (choose from our kids’ beef burger, fish fingers, viennas, toasties or pizza) PLUS a soda or fruit juice, soft serve and a “Spur Birthday Gift.”

Spur has devised the perfect party package. Invitations, balloons, food, entertainment are all provided, allowing parents to sit back and fully enjoy the special occasion. We have the play canyon which is a fun and safe area for kids to enjoy and play in and exciting activities to keep them busy. Families are at the heart of the Spur experience and their staff is committed to doing everything they can to make it a day to remember.



Uplands College Grade 10 & 11 students, who will be attending the World Youth Rhino Summit in September, were fortunate to recently have assisted Dr Peter Rogers, a wildlife vet, with a wounded rhino on a reserve near Hoedspruit. The excursion was a blitz of early rising, bush coffee and breakfast, helicopters, dart guns and tranquiliser darts, and the actual act of treating a 16-year-old rhino cow’s bullet wound. Dr Rogers was informative, forthcoming and allowed us to get hands on and involved in the process. It was a privilage to get up close and personal with this magnificent beast. All the more precious because she and her kind are so threatened. The fact that we were treating a bullet wound as a result of an

attempted poaching brings home the need for our young delegates to present a strong case at the summit. 100 young people (12 of whom are Uplanders) aged 15-17 years, carefully selected for their future leadership qualities from Africa, Vietnam – a leading driver of the rhino poaching crisis as well as from India and Indonesia (last remaining countries of Asian rhino), UK, USA, Canada, Europe, South America and Australasia will attend the summit. Over half of the African delegates will represent South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Zambia, Uganda, Swaziland and Mozambique. Our rhino saving excursion was a lifetime experience and prepared us well for the role we are to play at the summit.

Photo: (L-R) Sophie Lehnhardt (German Exchange Student); Uplands Students: Sarah Pepworth; Emma van der Meulen; Lisa Thomson; Mr Neil Rautenbach; Josh Rogers; Robyn Forte; Jared Adams; Delano Van Rooyen; Megan Potgieter; Mrs Sharon van Reenen; Ms Jennifer Schaum and Robert Fletcher

E-mail: Website: Join us on Facebook


Look no further than a Beachcomber Mauritius Resort. While you soak up the sun, the kids will be kept busy with fun activities the whole day at the Bob Marlin Mini-Club. It’s your time to relax and unwind. Call us NOW for a quotation.


45 Ferreira Street Nelspruit, 1200 Tel: 013-7552146


Saam met die aanbieding van ons tema, Wilde Diere, het ons die uistappies na Elephant Whispers in Hazyview gereël. Met groot opgewondenheid het ons die slapies getel en Vrydag 15 Augustus het die groot dag uiteindelik aangebreek. Nadat ons oor veiligheidsmaatreëls ingelig is het ons die ses olifante ontmoet. Elke olifant is aan ons voorgestel. Die groot bul, Thembo het die grootste indruk op ons gemaak. Die olifante is vreeslik slim en verstaan ‘n menigte opdragte in verskeie tale. Met koppies propvol interessante feite en gewoontes rondom olifante is ons Karnallies terug na Nelspruit. Wat ‘n onvergeetlike ervaring!

OUPA EN OUMA DAG – 29 Augustus Saam met ons tema “Ons Land Suid Afrika”, is ‘n spesiale dag vir die grootouers van ons Karnallies gereël. Hierdie wonderlike dag was by die Red Leaf Fig restaurant in die botansiese tuine gehou. Hierdie is ‘n dag wat ons spesiaal dankbaar is vir ons grootouers en alles wat hulle vir ons Karnallies beteken en doen. Die kleuters het tradisionele Afrikaanse danspassies en volkspele vir Oupa en Ouma uitgevoer. Spesiale liedjies is vir Ouma en Oupa gesing en daarna is lekker saam gekuier.


PUMAKI The Steval Pumas’ Mascot

1.What is your favourite drink? After a long day running around on the pitch, meeting new fans, I love to have a Powerade sports drink.

2.What is your favourite song? It must be the team song, Sponono. Do you know it?

3. No, not yet? Can you maybe give us the words? Sponono hee… Sponono spo. Nono Sponono hee… Sponono. Ajikajika… ajikeleza Puma boys, ajikeleza ajikeleza Puma Boys. Did you know you can visit our Facebook page, Steval Pumas and download the song as a ringtone!

4.Who is your most favourite player? Let me see, there is Reynier van Rooyen, Ruwellyn Isbell, Snake Nhlapo, Macello Sampson, the biokineticist, Drew van Coller, JW Jonker, Frank Herne, Dylon Frylinck, JW Bell, Rosko Specman, physio Luzahn Louw, team doctor Kobus Hugo,

coach Jimmy Stonehouse, captain Corné Steenkamp, managing director of the MPU rugby PTY, Rian Venter, vice-captain Stefan Watermeyer, coach MJ Mentz, team manager Marius van Rensburg, the man behind the scene Daniel Masheke, Faf de Klerk, Ashwin Scott, Deon Scholtz, Johan Herbst, Pieter Stemmet, Jaco Bruwer, JC Roos, Stephan Kotzé, DeJay Terblanché, Renaldo Bothma, Uzair Cassiem, Vincent Koch, Jerome Pretorius, Dewalt Pretorius, Heinrich Steyl, Justin van Staden, Coenie van Wyk, Wilmaure Louw, Brian Shabangu, Johan Pretorius, Jacques Momberg, Corné Fourie, Sabelo Nhlapo, JJ Breet, Eduan van der Walt, Marius Coetzer, Giant Mtyanda, Frikkie Spies, Rudi Mathee, Doppies le Roux, Marco Kruger, RW Kember, Hennie Skorbinski, Francois du Toit and Bernado Botha… they are all on the photo below!

5. Is there any chance of a misses Pumaki? Wow…no ways. There is too much Absa Currie Cup action in my program.


Official Pharmacy and sport supplement sponsor of

6.Waar oefen jy al jou bewegings? Ek was jare lank ‘n gimnas, maar om eerlik te wees, ek oefen maar skelm by die huis as die span op die veld rond draf.

7. Het jy ‘n gunsteling beweging wat jy graag die skare mee vermaak?

& Pumaki

Om die waarheid te sê ja... om blad te skud met al die Pumavriende en saam op al die foto’s te wees! My flikvlakke wat ek doen trek egter ook baie aandag.

8.Waar kuier jy gereeld?

Met die Steval Pumas se kantore wat nou geskuif het na die Sonpark Sentrum is dit altyd lekker om by een van die vele restaurant te gaan kuier. En ek is mal oor skoolbesoeke.

9. Het jy ‘n groot droom?

Beslis, dat die Steval Pumas die Absa Curriebeker sal wen.

10.Wat maak van die Pumas ‘n goeie span? Hulle het familiewaardes en werk as ‘n eenheid saam. Crossing Centre +27 (013) 755 5500 I’Langa Mall +27 (013) 742 2225 White River +27 (013) 751 2267/8

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Isuzu 3 Towers | Mountain bike stage race

3 OCTOBER 2014

Steval Pumas vs Vodacom Blue Bulls Mbombela Stadium

10 OCTOBER 2014

Pro-Life Pet Rescue 2nd Golf Day White River Country Club

20 - 21 OCTOBER 2014 Basic Lightroom 5 Workshop

23 OCTOBER 2014

Mpumalanga Job Expo | Bundu Lodge

24 - 26 OCTOBER 2014

BirdLife Lowveld | Satara Outing


Dans vir Charlene Laeveld Skougronde. Fredi Nest & Friends.

5 - 9 NOVEMBER 2014

Celebrity Cycle tour and Golf Day Nelspruit Golf Club


6th Annual Golf Day charity event Nelspruit Golf Club


Time Freight Super Enduro 3 Rebel Raceway

15 NOVEMBER 2014 Ilanga Trail Series | Berlin

Events calendar supplied by: Cell: 082 828 6325 For more details and events visit: Information correct at time of sending to print but be sure to look online for updates and changes.

From 1 October 2014, children travelling in and out of South Africa will be required to carry an unabridged birth certificate as well as a valid passport, under new regulations aimed at improving the safety of children. The rules are aimed at improving the safety of children, including their protection from child trafficking, abduction and kidnapping. It can take several weeks for an unabridged birth certificate application to be processed. HERE IS AN EXCERPT AS PER SECTION 12 OF THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NO. 37679 13, 22 MAY 2014 : (12)(a) Where parents are travelling with a child, such parents must produce an unabridged birth certificate of the child reflecting the particulars of the parents of the child. (b) In the case of one parent travelling with a child, he or she must produce an unabridged birth certificate and (i) consent in the form of an affidavit from the other parent registered as a parent on the birth certificate of the child authorising him or her to enter into or depart from the republic with the child he or she is travelling with; (ii) a court order granting full parental responsibilities and rights or legal guardianship in respect of the child, if he or she is the parent or legal guardian of the child; or (iii) where applicable, a death certificate of the other parent registered as a parent of the child on the birth certificate; provided that the director general may, where the parents of the child are both deceased and the child is travelling with a relative or another

person related to him or her or his or her parents, approve such a person to enter into or depart from the republic with such a child. (c) Where a person is travelling with a child who is not his or her biological child, he or she must produce this gazette (i) a copy of the unabridged birth certificate of the child; (ii) an affidavit from the parents or legal guardian of the child confirming that he or she has permission to travel with the child; (iii) copies of the identity documents or passports of the parents or legal guardian of the child; and (iv) the contact details of the parents or legal guardian of the child, provided that the director general may, where the parents of the child are both deceased and the child is travelling with a relative or another person related to him or her or his or her parents, approve such a person to enter into or depart from the republic with such a child.

(d) Any unaccompanied minor shall produce to the immigration officer a (i) proof of consent from one of or both his or her parents or legal guardian, as the case may be, in the form of a letter or affidavit for the child to travel into or depart from the republic: provided that in the case where one parent provides proof of consent, that parent must also provide a copy of a court order issued to him or her in terms of which he or she has been granted full parental responsibilities and rights in respect of the child; (ii) a letter from the person who is to receive the child in the republic, containing his or her residential address and contact details in the republic where the child will be residing; (iii) a copy of the identity document or valid passport and visa or permanent residence permit of the person who is to receive the child in the republic; and (iv) the contact details of the parents or legal guardian of the child.


Riverside Auto Centre | Call: 013 757 0883 Email:

SOQI WELLNESS CENTRE FOR YOUR HEALTH Want to get healthy naturally? Want to make sure your body gets all the nutrients needed? Why not visit the SOQI wellness centre! Our treatment is not age or gender restricted. SOQI Multi Energy The multi energy concept of SOQI introduces beneficial energies of nature in the human body through the combination of theories of eastern and western medicine, with the motive of providing the body with alternative methods to help recover its full natural potential and a prolonged life. SOQI Spa Most illness is caused by blood circulation and this causes the body to become sick. SOQI energies unblock blockages and recharge the body to bring wellness. The SOQI spa will refresh and recharge your body and rejuvenate your youthfulness.

The spa has four different energies that they apply to recharge the body, namely: Motion Energy - Oxygenate the body’s cells to distribute energy evenly to all channels. Thermal Energy - Expands the body’s cells to improve circulation and the ability to eliminate toxins Electric Energy – Activates cells and optimizes metabolism. Nutritional Energy – Sun Ancon Enzymes aid in the digestion, absorption of nutrients & process of detoxification. For only R170 per person, come do a Health Check-up to find out what is going on inside your body, from head to toe! Healing starts from the inside as nature intended it to be.

The R170 Check-up includes a FREE 45min health treatment.

We test the 12 main organs of your body by computer Meridian device and we will then explain & treat the cause of all diseases for example Cancer, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Blood Pressure and many more.

Gerda: 061 676 9832 | | 19 Leopard Avenue Nelspruit X22



Keeping up with the Jones’ can cost you a pretty penny, literally. In our previous article we covered the idea of having too much debt and pointed out some ways in which a debt counsellor could be beneficial to the cause.

stress that inevitably surrounds every instance of over indebtedness. Debt Solutions is able to design a scheme that will work towards settling any and all debt to ensure financial freedom to cover monthly expenses.

Before you start, a visit to a debt counsellor is always a great idea if you really don’t have a strong financial sense or are unable to balance the income with all those monthly expenses. First things first though, let’s help you through the process of debt review.

We consider the interests of the consumer to be our primary concern - therefore we aim and work towards becoming a friend and partner to our consumer, working together to conquer the crippling consequences of debt burdens. Because we are skilled in negotiating with creditors, we will ensure that they are fully informed of our complete strategy of repayment, as we steer towards mutually beneficial and acceptable proposals and agreements without ever losing sight of the interests and well-being of our consumer

THE DEBT REVIEW PROCESS The debt review process was introduced in 2007 with the National Credit Act (NCA). The major benefit of this is that while you are in the process of receiving debt counselling and making plans to repay your debt, no legal action can be taken against you by the creditors. But that doesn’t mean that this is an easy way out at all. You have to prove that you have a regular income which you can then use to develop a reasonable repayment plan which will benefit both you and the creditor.

At Debt Solutions we aim to develop solid and affordable repayment plans for our clients, which will also be acceptable to the creditors. We will manage the entire process, with the best interests of our consumers as our primary objective.

A repayment strategy will be formulated to enable you to still maintain essential family cost-ofliving and other necessary day-to-day expenses. The strategy adopted will relieve you from continued financial pressure, and the consequential mental anxiety and 62

Published by TwoRedPens |

DEBT SOLUTIONS Tel: 013 752 8193 or 013 752 2994

Try out Mpumalanga’s latest tree-top adventure


We offer different adventure party packages to suit everyone’s needs.


The Tree-Top Challenge is an elevated obstacle course or high ropes course, made up of interconnecting poles and trees that support various obstacles or elements between them. CONTACT INFO Bookings: (013) 737 6747 | 082 825 0209 Email: | Website: Facebook: Address: Perry’s Bridge, Main Rd, Hazyview, Mpumalanga


NEW SUZUKI ERTIGA When space and versatility meet sleek style • Award-winning global life utility vehicle (LUV) adds space and versatility to Suzuki’s compact vehicle family. • Three seating rows provide ample space and comfort. • Versatile seating and cargo arrangements ensure exceptional practicality. • Proven 1,4-litre engine and frontwheel drive link class-leading fuel efficiency to performance. • Adapted Swift platform delivers agile handling and smooth ride comfort. • Feel-good interior offers tactile quality and extensive standard features.

SAFETY The Ertiga offers a high degree of active and passive safety measures across the entire model range. Dual front airbags are provided for all three specification levels, together with three-point seat belts for the front, centre side and rear seating positions, and a two-point lap belt for the second-row centre seat. Head restraints for the front seats are standard on GA models, while GL and GLX versions get head restraints for all seven seating positions. The strategic use of high-tensile steels for selected body panels, including the main frame of the passenger safety cell, the framework members and parts of the main floor, assists in body shell integrity in the case of a collision, while the front and rear doors are equipped with side impact protection beams. ABS anti-lock brakes with electronic brake force distribution (EBD) are another range-wide standard feature, ensuring the retention of vehicle and steering control, even under hard emergency braking.


Published by TwoRedPens |

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Celebrate the coming of summer!! Celebrate whats right in the world... don’t wait till things go wrong to dampen your “coming of summer” spirit. Summer is exceptional in the Lowveld, and a time when we all want to be outdoors to experience our wonderful weather! With this in mind, why not do a 7/10 point check on your house before the first rains and ensure a problem free summer! GEYSER THERMO DOWN Most geysers are set higher for winter but now is the time to lower your geyser settings so that you can enjoy energy savings GUTTERS CHECK Gutters get clogged up with all the dead leaves during the winter months and if not cleared properly could cause huge damage with the rainy season. Our experts know just how to check the cross and down pipes to ensure effective drainage. ROOF TILES Sometimes due to wind or cats on roofs, some of the tiles move ever so slightly. If these are not checked properly the first rains will not be enjoyable as it will cause leaks into your home, causing potentially major damage. Our team are proficient in checking tiles to ensure your home stays dry. CHECK STORM WATER DRAINS


Check the drains near your house as a huge amount of water could come flooding through your house if these were in anyway blocked.

Wood Check: Check the doors and windows especially, but also the moisture content in hardwood floors and structures tends to make them warp and less durable. Wooden items and wood floors should be checked before the rainy season and where possible waxed to protect them from moisture. CHECKING OF OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL FITTINGS Cover them immediately to stop penetration of rainwater. Any damaged electrical cords should be replaced without any delay. Most people feel uncomfortable while making additions or changes in electrical supply, so consult our professional team of electricians. Tel: (013) 752 3722 FREE QUOTATIONS After Hours: 072 612 1919 E-mail:




CHECK DOORS Most external doors have a gap found at the bottom. Make sure to install a metal and rubber flap at the bottom to shield your home from water seeping in during heavy storms as this could weaken the foundation of your floors, wall and doors.



School & Sport Uniform Suppliers Skooldrag & Sport Klere Verskaffers

Tel: 013 741 3268 | Nelacres Shopping Centre Figtree Str | Nelspruit Email: Tel: 013 235 3302 | nr 1 Eeufees Str | Lydenburg

PICK UP & DROPOFF POINTS MPUMALANGA Amersfoort Bree N11/Plein Belfast N4 Engen/Wimpy Carolina BP C/O R36/Voortrekker Ermelo Engen Church N11/Voortrekker Machadodorp BP C/O Molen/Quitzow Middelburg N4 Shell Ultra City Milly's N4 Caltex Nelspruit Sonpark BP Garage Ngodwana N4 Engen Volksrust Engen/Wimpy Laingsnek N11/Joubert Warden - Shell, Piet Retief Str Witbank Mcdonalds (Highveld Mall Mcdonalds) GAUTENG BP/N1 (Potch & Vanderbijlpark Rd) Bronkhorstspruit N4 The Rose Sasol Grassmere Engen/Wimpy Heidelberg Excel Cnr Voortrekker & HF Verwoerd JHB OR Tambo Int Airport ( Bus & Coach Terminal) Kranskop 1STOP Kranskop 1STOP Engen Kroonvaal N1 Engen/Wimpy Lanseria International Airport (Bus & Coach Terminal) Melville Mcdonalds University Road Pretoria Hatfield Shell C/O Festival & Burnette Zebetiela 1STOP Villiers - Vaal 1STOP N3 FREE STATE Bloemfontein College Square Bothaville Shell Garage R30 Brandfort BP Voortrekker Str Kroonstad N1 Shell Ultra City Theunissen Caltex R30/Piet Retief Str Ventersburg N1 Caltex Welkom Engen Toronto/Badenhorst Str Windburg 1st T/O from Bloem N1/N5/R708 Harrysmith Inn Engen C/O N5 & Mckechnie LIMPOPO Polokwane Total Savannah NORTH WEST Fochville/Carletonville Crossing N12/R500 Potchofstroom Univ. C/O Steve Biko & Gerhard Dekker Klerksdorp Flamwoodwalk Shopping Centre KWAZULU-NATAL Durban Sasol C/O Masabalala Ave & Somtseu Rd Estcourt Shell Ultra City N3 Ladysmith Engen/Wimpy Lyell/Murchison Newcastle Engen/Wimpy N11 Pietermaritzburg Engen 101 New England (Kwik Spar)

19 Rood Street, Nelspruit. OR Tambo International Airport Kiosk No3 Bus and Coach Terminal. 165 Haldonweg, Bloemfontein 0861 33 44 33 (08:00 – 17:00) 082 420 0187 (after hours 17:00 – 20:00 & 05:00 – 08:00) | Fax: 086 616 3202



RENAULT DUSTER CELEBRATING SUMMER WITH THE DUSTER! The Renault Duster with its elegant style, chrome-plated radiator grill and double-optic front lamps has a very reassuring appearance. The imposing lines of its front grill and the skid plates reveal the SUV DNA of the Renault Duster. Making it the perfect family car. OFF-ROAD ABILITY The New Renault Duster 1.5 dCI Dynamique 4x4 is at ease on the most demanding off-road tracks. Its high ground clearance (210mm) 70

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is complemented by its favourable approach, break-over and departure angles (30, 23 and 36 degrees respectively) - all of which give this agile SUV the ability to go almost anywhere.

STANDARD FEATURES The New Renault Duster comes standard with ABS with EBD, powerassisted steering, six-function on-board computer, front and side airbags, electric windows front and rear, electric mirrors, remote central locking, reverse parking sensors, front fog lamps, roof rails, 16 inch wheels, Touch screen navigation, Bluetooth速 connectivity and fingertip audio controls.

OUR ABSOLUTE PRIORITY. SAFETY FOR ALL PREVENT To anticipate risks and notify the driver under all circumstances. Designed to empower and inform the driver in real time, the technology developed by Renault allows you to drive more safely and with more peace of mind. CORRECT Advanced technology that rewrites the rules. Reanult has developed driver support systems that ensure responsiveness to all threats and thus

help compensate for unseen road hazards and driving errors. PROTECT All occupants of the vehicle as well as others using the road. Thanks to its expertise in accident research and new teqhnology for all, Renault offers one of the safe. CONTACT INFO ADDRESS: Cnr R40 And Wille Street, Whiteriver Road, Nelspruit 1201, South Africa PHONE: 013 757 6000

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Catching the moments you might miss

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We are a unique and diverse dance programme that is offered as an after school activity for both boys and girls from Grade 000 – Grade 7. Teaching children technique and rhythm, and increasing their overall self-confidence. For more info please contact Maryke du Toit Cell: 082 818 0913 | | Like us on Facebook

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By moving and dancing to music and playing simple instruments, children improve their gross and fine motor skills. Activities that encourage freedom By moving and dancing to music and playing simple instruments, children within a fun and friendly structure spark creativity. improve their gross and their fine motor skills. Activities that encourage freedom And of course, they develop a lifelong lovestructure of music. within a fun and friendly spark their creativity. 013 741 5356

Maths Reading English Spelling Comprehension Exam preparation

And of course, they develop a lifelong love of music.


By moving and dancing to music and playing simple instruments, children improve their gross and fine motor skills. Activities that encourage freedom within a fun and friendly structure spark their creativity. And of course, they develop a lifelong love of music.

Kindermusik is a music and movement programme for all children from newborn to seven years. Teaching your child early language, literacy, maths, social-emotional, motor, cognitive and physical skills through music.

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Kip McGrath’s qualified teachers create individual tutoring programs for your child, using proven Kip McGrath methods of tuition.



Contact: Eulonka at 082 954 0113 or email:

website: Contact: Eulonka at 082 954 0113 or email:


A play activity programme developed by an Occupational Therapist and Physiothera pist Months) (2-6 Babes Tiny specifi cally for babies.  Babes (6-9 Months) Months) Busy Babes Guided play and(9-12 explo ration with age appro exploration with age appropriate toys play andtoys. Guidedpriate to do exercises for Mom and Baby Easy Easyto-do exerct toises music for Mom and baby Fun and movemen es to educate the sense of touch “Feeling” Fun and experienc movement to music . time with your baby while enhancing your baby’s Exper iences special Enjoying to bonding educate the sense of touch. friends sensory-motor experience and making new

Contact: Eulonka at 082 954 0113 or email:

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TOUCH is a child’s 1st langauge. Mind Moves… MOVEMENT is a child’s 2nd langauge. Boots die primitiewe refleksDo not deprive child these things bewegings na wat babas van TOUCH is a a child’s 1st of language; nature vanaf bevrugting en MOVEMENT is a child’s 2nd language. - Get everybody moving through dwarsdeur hul eerste lewensMIND MOVES Do not deprive a child of these things jaar uitvoer, om die brein en

Get everybody MOVING through liggaam te bedraad met die ELMARIE SWANEPOEL Mind507 Moves! oog op doeltreffende leer. 083 8718 Die natuur gebruik die kind se WE DEVELOP A POSITIVE SELF-IMAGE AND can Mind Moves offer me? behoefte om te beweeg om FOCUS ON LONG TERM MOTIVATION

‘n kind te help ontwikkel en School readiness assessment. Mind Moves Reflex assessment to identify and wanneer hul ontwikkel het, remove barriers to learning. kan kinders die behoefte om • Study fitness to help your child to study te beweeg, beheer. according to his brain and learning style. • Mind Dynamix Profile to assist learners to NTSvan die “noodseine” wat Sommige choose subjects or careers. PAR TIES & EVE • Mind Moves workshops for parents, teachers op moontlike liggaamlike ontwikkelingsagterstand dui is: and therapists. • •


For any enquiries, contact: Elmarie Swanepoel Advanced Mind Moves Instructor at: c: 083 507 8718 e: For more information visit our website at

Pleas e conta ct us to find out more abou t our fun filled holid ay progr amm es

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General Fitness Gymnatics Basic Movement Skills Aerobics Speed and Agility Cardio Vascular Fitness Motor Imitation Skills For more information please have a look at our website: Nelspruit/Barberton: Rolandi 082 827 8359 White River: Marle 082 304 9664

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