Project Hannah June 2013 Prayer Calendar

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Women in the northeast Asian countries of China, North Korea, and South Korea live vastly different lives. Their cultures, circumstances, and future possibilities are worlds apart. But they still share the same desires to love and be loved, to have families and friends, and to make the world a better place. They also face similar struggles and challenges.

Praying for . . . Women in Northeast Asia

Women desperately wanting a better future try to escape hunger and abuse in North Korea only to be victims of human trafficking. If caught by authorities in China, many are sent back to North Korea, where they face torture in labour camps or execution.Those who make it to South Korea find few who will help them learn how to survive in a world that is very foreign even though the language and faces are similar. Many women defectors end up working as prostitutes.


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7. Women in China who are forced to undergo operations to stop their reproduction ability. Pray also for women who endure enormous fines, physical abuse, or imprisonment if they do not abort their babies.

2. Christian women in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea to live in a way that honours God, cultivating an outward appearance that reflects the Christian values taught in God’s Word. “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature” (Romans 13:14).

8. China’s future generations as the one-child policy produces great pressure on families. Most children have no siblings, aunts, or uncles. Couples have to take care of four elderly parents. Many young couples are also choosing not to have children.

4. God’s guidance and physical strength for Project Hannah’s Mandarin Women of Hope production team (Betty Chiang, Sandra Zee, Emily Feng, Grace Li, and Jasmine Huang). Pray that listeners to the programs on shortwave radio or the Internet will respond to Christ’s offer of salvation. 5. Project Hannah’s 65 prayer groups in China praying with us in nine languages and dialects. Pray also that God will continue to use them to reach out to others, distributing clothing and blankets to those who are disadvantaged.

China’s one-child policy and a culture that favours sons have led to the abortion of millions of girls. This has created a society of 37 million more men than women. Statistics show that at least 13 million abortions are performed every year, not including unreported ones and the 10 million abortion pills sold. The one-child policy systematically punishes, abuses, and violates females, imposing fines and requiring abortions and sterilization. Suicide rates are 25 percent higher for women than for men.

June 2013


1. Chinese and Korean women in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, North and South Korea, and around the world. Ask that they will be led to pray for one another and to help women who are suffering and need to experience God’s love.

3. Married women who are suffering for their faith or face opposition from their unbelieving husbands, to continue to stand firm in God’s truth. Pray that they persevere in love so that their husbands may be saved.

Most South Korean women enjoy the comforts of prosperity and education. But their plans for the future must endure challenges from society’s preoccupation with materialism, sexual promiscuity, and women’s rights. Wrong choices can alter their lives. Often women are not taught about birth control or the dangers of abortions.Abortion is illegal in South Korea with exceptions for rape, incest, or severe genetic disorders. Official data shows there are 440,000 childbirths annually and more than 340,000 abortions, 95 percent of them illegally in hospitals and clinics.

Women of Hope broadcasts in more than 60 languages. PH’s monthly prayer requests are used in 77 languages.


6. God’s protection over Chinese women in ministry as they share God’s truths. Pray also for retired preachers in China, where the majority of ministers are women. Pray that God will bless them with good health, joyful hearts, and adequate provisions and that they will be cared for and respected by their church members.

9. Safety for those who visit and deliver Radio Church Kits to groups that desire to listen to TWR programs, including Women of Hope. 10. China’s minority women to have the opportunity to hear the Women of Hope programs in their heart languages and in a way that speaks to their needs. 11. Chinese women who are considering suicide. China’s female suicide numbers are the highest in the world (about 500 a day). Pray that through the Women of Hope programs these women will hear the message of hope in Christ and begin to sense their value to God their Creator. 12. God’s intervention and protection for the women in China who face rape, abduction, and slavery. In some areas, young men outnumber young women by 30 to 40 percent (Operation World). Because of the shortage of women, many foreign and rural girls are sold into “marriages” against their will and are sometimes shared by brothers.

JUNE 2013 13. Chinese and Korean parents to value the lives of girls, who are created by God. Abortion is used as birth control with little regard for the life being destroyed. Many younger single women have several abortions and do not hear of the dangers this has on their health. 14. More girls in China to have the opportunity to study. Many parents still believe that it is a waste of time and money for girls to be educated. As a result, many women are unable to obtain a good job because of their lack of skills and knowledge. 15. Women to be encouraged and strengthened to face the stress and challenges of their lives. 16. Single women who are serving the Lord and need comfort and encouragement when they face struggles without the support of husbands or families.

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19. Jisu Kim, Korea Project Hannah coordinator; and Sinhui Kim, Samule Jang, Kongyoong Sa, and Hoyeon Jung, Project Hannah’s Korean prayer calendar translators and designer. Pray for the intercessors in Korean churches who receive the 1,000 prayer calendars distributed each month or download them from the Internet.

22. Safety for the many ministry organizations delivering radios, Bibles, and relief goods to North Koreans. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:9-10).

27. South Korean Christians to show God’s love and grace to North Korean women defectors and help them adjust to the many new customs and modern technology that they did not have back home. Pray that Christians will reach out to the women who have been forced into prostitution to escape starving.

20. More opportunities to present Project Hannah’s ministry to pastors and church groups. Pray that Korean women in countries around the world will form prayer groups to support the efforts to reach Korean women through the Women of Hope programs.

23. Those who desperately flee North Korea and pass through China, Vietnam, and Mongolia to enter South Korea. South Korea is now home to more than 24,000 refugees, including about 16,000 women. They deeply miss their families in North Korea and struggle to find employment.

28. Protection against sexual harassment for women in the workplace. Pray that men of God will stand firm in their faith and have the courage to stand up for women who are abused.

21. Listeners of the Women of Hope programs to share with family, friends, and neighbours the good news and helpful lessons they hear on their radios. Pray that God will grant the underground church in North Korea strength, perseverance, and renewed faith each day to overcome persecution and hardship.

17. Christian mothers to become good role models through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that they will love God’s Word, cherish opportunities at church to worship and learn, desire to serve God and others, and strive to walk closely with God. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10b). 18. Project Hannah’s South Korean Women of Hope production and translation team (ChangYong Kim, SookKyung Kim, MunKyung Lee, HyunJoo Jun, KyungJa Kim, HyangSook Choi, Hyejung Kum, YongJu Lee, EunHye Jung, Hyunsook Shin, Soonki Han, and Soonyoung Choi) as they provide hope and encouragement to women in North Korea. They receive no response from this closed country, where Christian women face horrible abuse.


24. Protection for North Koreans who entered China illegally to escape starvation and search for hope. It is estimated that more than 300,000 of them are hiding in China. Pray for South Korean Christians who teach God’s truths to North Koreans in China and other countries. 25. The majority of North Koreans, who are starving and have no rights or freedom. Pray that God will rescue his children from these horrible circumstances. “The Lord said, ‘I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering’” (Exodus 3:7).

29. Young women and teenagers in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam who are in danger of being sold to Chinese men as “wives” because there are so few females available in the rural areas. 30. The many who have not yet heard the message of God’s grace. Through prayer, claim for God the women, men, and children from every nation, tribe, people, and language who will bow before God and acknowledge Him as Lord. Sources:

26. Christians in South Korea to overcome temptations, to live pure lives, and to proclaim the Gospel and transform their society. “You are the light of the world. … Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:14, 16).

Serene and Betty

Women of Hope volunteers in South Korea


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