Project Hannah Ministry Update - February 2013

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Project Hannah

February 2013

Praying—Increasing Awareness—Reaching Out Through Women of Hope Radio Programs

FROM MARLI’S DESK ... My heart is full with all that God is doing through this blessed ministry. I wish I could take you with me to see firsthand. Here is a glimpse of this past year’s journey: •

A&er 15 years of prayer and hard work, God is fulfilling our dream to reach women behind the veil! On Jan. 7, Project Hannah (PH) began broadcasts in Arabic! By early September, Women of Hope passed the 60-language mark when Farsi and Turkish were aired!

In June, more than 30 women from different parts of the world gathered in Cary, North Carolina, for the first PH Global Working Forum. These are amazing days of discovery and reshaping in this ministry.

This summer I traveled again to Central Asia. The willingness of the women there to trust God in the midst of unimaginable suffering inspired me. I le& encouraged by the 13 women from five “Stan” countries who are on fire to expand the prayer ministry along with the eight-year-old exis=ng radio outreach.

In early September, a Somali team was trained to do radio produc=on and the prayer ministry, breaking through the darkness of violence, ethnic cleansing, famine and more. By October, God provided full funding for the new Somali ministry through Chris=ans in the Netherlands! What a joy to see God giving us the right people and means to reach women behind the veil, deep in the Muslim world.

In November, I went to Brazil to celebrate 10 years of Project Hannah there in my homeland during a na=onal conference that brought men and women from all over the country to celebrate God’s faithfulness and the miracles He performed across that vast land. The Portuguese edi=on of my “When Hope Wins” book was published!

You see why my heart is so full of gra=tude? But the work is far from finished. It is too big, and some=mes the burden of reaching these dear women seems too heavy … unbearable. But then I remember to throw it back where it belongs – on Jesus’ shoulders. His yoke is easy; He didn’t say it would be small, but it is light, no maCer the size of it! Project Hannah Leaders at PH’s first Global Working Forum

A NEW PROJECT HANNAH PARTNERSHIP Project Hannah Interna=onal has embarked on a new partnership with The JESUS Film Project! For many years, Campus Crusade for Christ’s The JESUS Film Project has led people to Jesus and discipled them on a worldwide scale. Their film Magdalena is opening women’s eyes to the truth, helping them discover the power and healing of Jesus that releases them from sin, shame and bondage. This dynamic film communicates Mary Magdalene’s joy in knowing Jesus, and includes stories of several other women whose lives were changed when they met the Saviour. The Magdalena film, and it’s accompanying Bible study lessons, reveal what happens when women discover their value to God and refuse to live in defeat: they grow spiritually and take on a godly influence in their homes, churches and communi=es. Women today s3ll need to discover this freedom and become steadfast disciples of Jesus. You can watch the Magdalena film at hCp:// PORTRAITS OF HOPE: The Message of Magdalena Project Hannah and The JESUS Film Project have joined their strong exis=ng infrastructures to take the message of Magdalena to a new level of media distribu=on with a mul=-faceted strategy, including prayer, radio broadcasts, Bible study, mul=ple media plaNorms, websites, follow-up and leadership development. Portraits of Hope is a new series of twenty-six 15-minute radio programs created from the audio of the film. Ul=mately these will be used as a discipleship tool in mul=ple languages to complement PH’s global ministry to women. Portraits of Hope will draw women to be discipled in the Word of God by its companion Bible study that looks deeper at the women of the Bible. This comprehensive ministry of media and follow-up has an enormous poten=al to quickly reach around the world and impact millions of women. It will help li& women from hopelessness to a life of dignity. Women will know their value to God, their redemp=on in Christ, and their poten=al to become godly agents of change in society. •

Pray for producer June Felix as she creates program scripts.

Pray for TWR missionaries Marvin Heath and ScoC Hollinger as they adapt exis=ng film audio for a radio program and work with June on script crea=on and program produc=on.

Pray for God’s =ming and guidance as audio produc=on begins.

A NOTE FROM COLLEEN: Please join me in giving praise to God for His con=nued faithfulness and amazing grace! And as always, thank so much for your prayers and support to this vital ministry. You are a blessing! Colleen Shoemaker Canadian Coordinator for Project Hannah TWR Canada Box 25324 London, Ontario N6C 6B1 1.888.672.6510

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