Project Hannah
January 2013
Praying—Increasing Awareness—Reaching Out Through Women of Hope Radio Programs 2012 NEW LANGUAGE HIGHLIGHTS 2012 was another exci ng year for Project Hannah worldwide! God has allowed the ministry to proclaim His message through the Women of Hope broadcasts in four new languages: • • • •
Arabic — on air January 2012 and website launch October 6, 2012 (Middle East, North Africa) Croa an — on air May 2012 (Croa a) Turkish — on air September 2012 (Turkey) Farsi — on air September 2012 (Persian Speaking World )
As you know, in Canada we are thrilled to be part of making the Farsi (Persian) broadcasts available. In September, the le6er highlighted this new ministry. In this newsle6er, I’ve focused on the Arab and Turkish programs. We trust God to bring much fruit through these broadcasts. Thank you for your prayers and support. Arabic Women of Hope (adapted from infoSERV, Europe’s news journal) From the moment of their birth ll they meet with death, many Arab women are shackled in the silence of their pain and misery. They yearn for freedom and uncondi onal love: freedom from religious beliefs, rituals, and prac ces which enslave and marginalize them in mul ple ways, leaving them living in darkness all of their lives. Realizing the need to free Arab women from these shackles, Project Hannah’s prayer movement began in July 2011 and grew rapidly. Then TWR’s Arabic Ministries ini ated the Arab Hope for You (Women of Hope) broadcasts, and in January 2012, they began airing weekly from TWR’s transmi6er that is directed toward Middle Eastern countries. A listener from Lebanon writes, “The program, Hope for You, is like a well in the desert for the thirsty women in our Arab region … I listen to the broadcast every Saturday and many women in my church listen to the program too. We want as many women [as possible] to know about it. We believe it’s impact will be big throughout the years.” In another exci ng development, the Project Hannah Arabic website ( was launched in August so that the modern Arab woman could find her refuge in it. She can have her ques ons answered and challenges dealt with and get connected with a friend that will guide her through her hardships. This is all based on a biblical perspec ve. TWR’s Arabic department director says this about the website: “The website is very beau ful in terms of design and content. Women can listen to the program’s episodes, read spiritual, social, psychological, and family ar cles and listen to daily devo ons and songs. They can also communicate with us and share their comments on Facebook and Twi6er.”
Turkish Women of Hope The Turkish Women of Hope broadcasts will reach the women of Istanbul and beyond. As the most populated city in Turkey, Istanbul serves as a microcosm of the country. Over the past three decades, large numbers of people have migrated to Istanbul from eastern and south-eastern provinces. OHen, in the face of difficul es adap ng to life in the city, these immigrants embrace the tradi ons of their cultures even more strongly. These women are oHen hidden from learning about God’s Word and His love for them. They are lied to and told they have no value; this treatment manifests itself in discrimina on against and suicides among women. They need a voice to give them hope and to let them know they are loved in God’s eyes. Women of Hope began airing in Turkish in September 2012 and helps women deal with their place in society. It reaches them in their unique circumstances, addressing the way they live and how to handle their problems. Through the programs, women are directed to Christ as the answer to their life ques ons. Marli Spieker, Global Ministry Director/Founder of Project Hannah says this about the Turkish program, “This is a special milestone in our ministry to women worldwide. In my spirit I already see this fountain of hope springing up with the soothing grace and love of the Messiah Jesus in the hearts and minds of these dear women all over this vast region and then spilling over into their families and communi es.” MANITOBA TOUR REPORT (September 2012) This past September, Marli Spieker (Global Ministry Director/Founder), Ray Alary (TWR Canada President) and I (Colleen Shoemaker) had the privilege of sharing the ministry of Project Hannah in several loca ons in Manitoba. We were very encouraged and blessed by the warmth in the care and recep on we received. We were able to create awareness for the plight of women, introduce the ministry to many new people, and highlight what God is doing through Project Hannah to those who have been commi6ed partners for years. It was a privilege to meet face to face many people who share our compassion for hur ng women. As a result of our me in Manitoba, many joined the worldwide team of intercessors, and we were blessed financially as well. It was a special blessing to meet and spend me with Evelyn Barkman, who started PH in Mali (Bambara language) and the Low German produc on team (Hilda, Carol, Joyce, Dianne, and Erma). These volunteers are talented, dedicated, and share a heart of compassion for the women they serve. Thank you ladies for your faithful and sacrificial work. THANK YOU!!! Your prayers and giHs make it possible for us to carry out the work of Project Hannah. Thank you for helping us proclaim the freedom, jus ce and mercy that is found in Christ to women all around the globe. May God be glorified! We wish you His richest blessings in 2013. (Project Hannah is a ministry of Trans World Radio; therefore, please note that cheques must be made out to TWR. The designa.on to Project Hannah can be noted on the memo line or in a separate note.) Colleen Shoemaker Canadian Coordinator for Project Hannah TWR Canada Box 25324 London, Ontario N6C 6B1 1.888.672.6510