Speaking Hope to the World Ways To Get Involved PRAY: Prayer is a significant part of TWR Canada’s ministry. Sign up for our monthly prayer guide featuring a different missionary, program, project, or need each month. Subscriptions to the Project Hannah monthly prayer calendar with daily items for prayer, and TWR Canada’s weekly ministry e-updates are also available. These informative prayer tools help you to pray more effectively.
SERVE: We have many opportunities for individuals to serve as a volunteer, or in the mission field from four weeks to two years to full time. We are always seeking skilled professionals in the areas of engineering, journalism, broadcasting, administration, and other related disciplines. Our missionaries and volunteers become the hands and feet of Jesus by meeting everyday needs of regional importance.
GIVE: TWR Canada receives its funding from generous individuals, churches, and organizations who choose to sponsor a ministry project or a TWR missionary. TWR Canada receives no government funding.
GET CONNECTED: Stay informed by signing up for TWR Canada’s weekly emails highlighting projects, missionaries, and new initiatives. Connect with TWR Canada on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and on our website for updates and news that can be easily shared with friends and family. We also look for people to coordinate local events and TWR presentations across Canada to help share the work of TWR.
TWR Canada PO Box 25324 London, ON N6C 6B1 info@twrcanada.org (888) 672-6510 www.twrcanada.org
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Welcome to TWR Canada! I began serving with Trans World Radio (TWR) Canada in 1985 on the Caribbean island of Bonaire as a diesel mechanic and electrician, never knowing if anyone was really listening to the programs my station broadcasted. Now, as president, I have the opportunity to hear from listeners and see first-hand the incredible impact TWR has on those who listen. For nearly 40 years, TWR Canada has been instrumental in several key projects including building a transmitting station in Benin, introducing Project Hannah to Africa, ministering to the Persian-speaking world, delivering the Gospel to Cuba, supporting ministry in Quebec, bringing Seminary on the Air (SOTA) to China, launching the worldwide web radio program Radio Organic Live for Chinese young adults, and sending dedicated missionaries to serve throughout the world. I’ve seen the incredible impact of one man in a prison with a radio who spread the Gospel message to 10 people, then 200 people, and then to 800 people. That’s the power of the Gospel. Radio and technology are just effective tools. Pray for those who listen every day to our programs, and pray for the volunteers, national workers, and missionaries who write, produce, edit, and broadcast the programs we air. God can use us mightily as we pray and support this work together.
Thank you for speaking hope to the world.
Ray Alary President, TWR Canada
PERSIAN-SPEAKING WORLD TWR Canada funds and broadcasts a daily Christian radio program into Iran. Together with Voice of Christ Media Ministries, Words of Hope, and other organizations, TWR Canada broadcasts two hours daily on short wave radio, and 24/7 on satellite radio and the Internet. On www.PersianVoice.org people can read messages, books and tracts, and listen to sermons and worship music. Listeners are encouraged to correspond with and speak to spiritual mentors.
CHINA TWR Canada has several ministry initiatives aimed at Chinese people in Canada, China, and abroad. In 2011, TWR established a new China ministry office in Toronto as a base for church leadership training for the Seminary on the Air (SOTA) program, short-term missions teams, and the web radio program Radio Organic Live broadcasting in Mandarin and Cantonese.
MISSIONARIES TWR Canada is engaging in a renewed emphasis to strategically place more Canadian missionaries around the world.
SPECIAL PROJECTS TWR Canada has engaged in several special projects, including funding the construction of two critically-needed staff houses in Benin, West Africa, a conference centre in Central Asia, a production studio in Uruguay, and delivering media players into the Low German speaking communities in Bolivia
TWR Canada Projects PROJECT HANNAH Project Hannah offers compassion, encouragement and hope to suffering women worldwide through prayer, awareness, mercy ministries, and radio programming. The Women of Hope broadcasts share practical advice and Biblical teaching, letting listeners know they are understood and loved—especially by God. First aired in 1998, today the broadcasts are aired in more than 55 languages from hundreds of AM, FM and shortwave radio stations. TWR Canada funds the production, translation and airtime of Women of Hope in areas of Africa, East Asia and Canada. Rooted in prayer and fasting, Project Hannah has also become a global prayer movement, with more than 40,000 intercessors in over 120 countries praying the same prayer requests in over 60 languages. Ministry teams share God’s love in tangible ways by caring for the suffering through prison ministries, refugee assistance, care for AIDS patients and orphans, and much more.
Speaking Hope to The World TWR is a media ministry reaching beyond the limitations of geographic isolation, political boundaries, religious repression, or a person’s physical disability to share the Gospel of Christ. Speaking fluently in more than 200 languages, TWR exists to reach the world for Jesus Christ. Our global media infrastructure engages hundreds of millions of people in over 160 countries through more than 2,000 broadcasting outlets.
AFRICA TWR Canada actively ministers in Africa by sending skilled missionaries, funding broadcasts throughout Africa, building and maintaining transmitters and stations, and providing leadership training resources.
Changed Life Testimonies: CUBA TWR has been delivering Christian programming to Cuba for over forty five years. In 2009, TWR Canada had a ministry breakthrough with the start-up of program production from a Havana studio. Producing programs for Cuban listeners in Cuba was something impossible previously under Communist rule.
QUEBEC TWR Canada shares the transforming message of Jesus Christ in French with the people of Quebec through the Charles Price 30-minute weekly Living Truth or La Parole Vivante program on radio, television, and by Internet.
“I was committing crimes… robbing, stealing, fighting. In prison a man began to teach me Bible lessons and introduced me to TWR. I got a radio and the lessons instilled new life, new thinking, and a new attitude in my life. I became a new creature in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
“...for some days I listen to you on the radio and now I know what is the truth. Please explain to me how to become Christian?” “I was devastated and depressed, and I tried to commit suicide. I began listening to TWR, and this program taught me things I had never heard. I wrote to the people at the radio program… and I began attending church. Today, Jesus Christ is my Lord and my strength and my joy.”
Monte Carlo, 1960
More than fifty years ago, TWR aired its first program ram o from Tangier, Morocco, and soon after relocated to ve Monte Carlo, Monaco. The 100,000-watt shortwave transmitter in Monte Carlo was housed in a d i World W ld War W II to t broadcast b d t repurposed transmitter station built by Adolf Hitler during Nazi propaganda. Never used for its original purpose, TWR utilized the facility to transmit the Good News of Jesus Christ to millions of listeners. Fast forward to March, 1973, and TWR Canada opens its first offices in London, Ontario. Today, long-time missionary Ray Alary serves as TWR Canada President.
Our Partners Together with international partners, local churches, and ministries, TWR Canada supports broadcasts in various languages, unique d the th he ministry projects, and sends Canadian and national workers around world. With partners like the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Joni and Friends, Luis Palau, Chuck Swindoll, Charles Price and The Peoples Church in Toronto, the Gideons, and others, TWR is taking the Gospel to all corners of the globe.
How Hope is Spoken
What Others Say About TWR “How thrilled I’ve been that TWR has been able to put a blanket of the Gospel in so many parts of the world that no one else could reach”. – BILLY GRAHAM Evangelist – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
“Trans Word Radio has specialized in taking the Gospel into the otherwise unreachable, sometimes neglected, and often forgotten regions of the world... Thank God for their vision, stability, and the long arm of their reach.” – CHARLES PRICE Senior Pastor – Living Truth Ministries & The Peoples Church
“We have enjoyed a wonderful partnership with TWR. Their expertise in diverse cultures has become an invaluable resource to us.” – CHARLES R. SWINDOLL President – Insight For Living
“TWR has been a pioneer in global broadcasting. We thank God for TWR.”
TWR Canada leverages the best and most appropriate new technology to reach a world desperate for the hope of the Gospel. Through the Internet, solar-powered MP3 players, wind-up and solar-powered radios, shortwave, medium wave, FM and AM broadcasting, a global network of 13 high-powered transmitter sites and over 2000 radio stations, plus training materials, discipleship conferences and personal listener follow-up, TWR is reaching the world for Christ.
Why Still Use Radio?
In developing countries radio is accessible to everyone, while the e Internet requires a fee-based connection and a computer or mobile device, and print materials require distribution and basic literacy ple skills. Radio does not respect political borders and can reach people isolated by war, geography, physical disability, or social pressure. In Africa, 1 in 3 people own a radio. Even in our own culture, radio continues to be an important tool especially in emergency situations where information needs to reach people within a specific region quickly.
General Director – Back to the Bible
“TWR is a powerful partner in evangelism. I thank God for TWR.” Founder – Luis Palau Association
“No one covers the globe with the Gospel quite like TWR, and I’m thrilled that our worldwide ministry to people with disabilities can be a part of TWR’s outreach.” – JONI EARECKSON TADA Founder and President – JAF Ministries