update M I N I S T RY
ISSUE 2-2012
am often asked what’s been the biggest change in Trans World Radio (TWR) since I began my TWR service 25 years aago. In July 1987, I arrived with my family on th the island of Bonaire on my first assignment as a diesel mechanic and missionary. M My early days as a diesel mechanic were sspent with the crew who maintained the over twenty radio towers on the property. Twenty-five years ago, it took over thirty families to keep the Bonaire site operational. TWR had to produce its own electricity to ensure a secure source of power, and when listeners requested copies of our programs (by handwritten letter), we sent them a 90-minute cassette tape. Today, we purchase power and with the help of computers and the Internet, the same work is performed by less than 10 people. We’re now distributing audio players which hold a mini SD card the size of your thumbnail that holds hundreds of hours of programming. Many of these changes allow us to share the Gospel much more effectively.
The idea of partnerships isn’t new. For twenty-five years I’ve had the privilege of serving with TWR Canada in partnership with many of you who were our Canadian support team. By partnering together we can do remarkable things. Though there have been and continue to be many changes in the tools we use to do ministry, and even in how we do ministry, let me assure you about the one thing that has not and will not change: the message we share. Jesus, the only hope for this world, is the reason we do what we do. He remains the bringer of hope, and our great Redeemer. This newsletter provides a brief update on some of our far-reaching ministry work. Thank you for your support and interest in TWR.
Ray Alary President, TWR Canada
In 1993, God called me to be an administrator and a leader. I’ve had to totally depend on God to do what I now do. People are often surprised when I tell them technology isn’t the area where I have seen the most change (though there have been many advances in technology). The biggest changes I’ve seen are not the tools we use to do ministry, but in how we do ministry. Strategic partnerships – working with like-minded organizations – is cost effective, more efficient, and reaches more people with the message of the Gospel. TWR Canada has fostered strong partnerships with the Gideons International in Canada, Hope for the Heart, and Thru the Bible to name just a few.
For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? Romans 10:13-15
In Quebec expressing a personal faith in Christ is often seen as a rejection of family and culture, and Evangelicals comprise less than 1% of the Francophone population. In addition to secularization, Quebec faces many growing negative influences: agnosticism, the New Age movement, and cults. Younger generations learn nothing about the truth of the Bible in our contemporary school system and are negatively influenced by these trends. TWR Canada shares the transforming message of Jesus Christ in French with the people of Quebec through the Charles Price 30-minute weekly Living Truth or La Parole Vivante program on radio, television, and by Internet. Aujourd’hui l’Espoir (Hope Today) partners with TWR Canada in our Quebec City studio. Aujourd’hui l’Espoir staff answers calls from listeners 24 hours a day — seven days a week, handles listener follow-up, and connects new believers with local churches. TWR Canada is also committed to raising the financial support needed to purchase air time on commercial stations across the province of Quebec. God is definitely using this ministry to bring unity among Quebec churches and believers! More than 80,000 people watch this program weekly. Our programs continue to be streamed and downloaded online proving that people are hungry to hear the Gospel.
SPECIAL SUMMER CAMPAIGN: In partnership with Aujourd’hui l’Espoir, other ministries, and local churches, a special Caravan of Hope evangelization campaign is taking place this summer. • 18 days of events on the theme Rendez-Vous with Faith. • Distribution of 30,000 to 40,000 copies of the Gospel of John. • Hope Breakfast with testimonies from local believers. • Eight days of presentations with the theatrical Gospel group Vent d’Espoir, and the group Antydot from France. • A team of mobilized Christians to distribute scripture. • A live presentation on the web that will remain available on the www.toutchretien.com website. The presentation will be broadcast on Tele-Mag television. • The Caravan of Hope will cost $30,000, about a dollar a person for the anticipated crowd to receive a copy of the Gospel.
“I was recently saved while listening to your program and joined a church. Thank you for your ministry. It is a marvelous gift from God, since it is my main source of spiritual food.”
“I received a Bible two years ago, but never read it. As I was exploring on the Internet, I came across one of your French programs. For the last six months, I have been listening to the program daily with an open Bible. I became a believer and turned my life over to the Lord. I now have the assurance of salvation. I’m contacting you now because of the changes the Lord is making in my heart!”
Canadian Missionary Kirk Baskin Shares His Experiences from Kefa Sempangi in Uganda. When men came to his church to kill him, he told them they were lost unless Jesus forgave them, and offered to pray for them. In both cases, the assailants accepted Christ. “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.” – Psalm 31: 24
Kirk is a B.C. native in Johannesburg, South Africa on a one-year mission trip with TWR Canada. Here’s a recent update on his activity and experiences. The other day, someone I know got mugged for his cell phone. The idea of facing a desperate guy with a knife is a little scary, but two stories come to mind: David Wilkerson in New York City faced an angry gang member with a knife, and David simply responded with, “Jesus loves you.” The other story is
A few weeks ago, I joined a youth group to do some door-to-door outreach in a squatter camp outside of Johannesburg. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about the idea, but when I received the invitation to join, I felt compelled to say yes. I ended up in a group along with a guy and a girl from the local church, and an Afrikaans friend of mine. It was a new thing for all four of us, and we walked quite hesitantly up to the first shack that we chose, but the Grandma who answered the door didn’t just talk to us at the threshold—she invited us in to sit down.
into their humble homes. Inside the walls of a home is an exclusive, intensely revealing place. I learned much that day. Most of the people we visited invited us to pray for them. The African way is for everyone to pray out loud at the same time. I am still getting used to keeping my train of thought as I pray into a cacophony of voices. I don’t know how strong my faith was as we prayed for people to be healed, men to get jobs, and for women that their husbands would stop drinking. But God showed me how hungry the world is for Him. For the next few days I read my Bible in a new light, because Jesus felt so relevant to me and the world. I want to know how to share Him better. “So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.” – Ezra 8:23
This was the case with many of the people we met. I felt strangely honoured to be allowed
PARTNERSHIP UPDATE: Delivering God’s Word
Through a partnership with The Gideons International In Canada, TWR Canada was able to fund three Bible distribution projects in June of 2011 in Nepal, Vietnam, and the Philippines. We are now able to report on those projects. It’s through partnerships like these, where the TWR radio ministry is enhanced by the work of the Gideons in providing Scriptures in local languages to reach new believers and disciple new converts. In the Philippines, 900 Bibles were purchased in Tagalog, Ilocano, and English for distribution in Luzon, Philippines for young people, new believers, and seekers. In Nepal, our funds were used to purchase 1,000 Bibles between August 2011 and June 2012. “My name is Suresh...I am the only Christian in my family…I started corresponding with TWR-Nepal, and I got a New Testament Bible. I began studying the New Testament with so much interest. Then, upon my request, I finally got a complete Bible from TWR-Nepal. Through reading and mediating on God’s word I came to know the true God.
Now my life has been changed completely. I attend to Church regularly and participate in Church activities. I want my parents to be believers in the Lord Jesus Christ as I did, therefore please remember me and my family in your prayers. Thank you very much.” In Vietnam, Bibles are purchased in Ho Chi Minh City, and staff distributes them to listeners and local church leaders in poor rural areas. 460 Bibles were distributed between August 2011 and June 2012. “Thank you for giving us 20 Bibles. Most of the new believers in our church are poor. Therefore, very few of them can purchase Bibles for themselves. What you have done is practical and valuable. There are 90 new believers in our church this year, therefore there is a need for more Bibles.” – A Vietnamese Pastor.
Throughout the 20th Century, Christianity has undergone stiff repression in China. In the 1950’s, missionaries were expelled but state-sanctioned churches were permitted. Under Mao Tse-tung in the 1960’s and 70’s, Christianity was forced underground and left many Chinese martyrs. Since the 1980’s religious belief has once more been allowed in state-sanctioned churches though persecution of underground house churches continues. Independent estimates claim there are 60 million Christians making Christianity the fastest-growing minority religion in China. There are more people attending Sunday services in China than in all of Europe. There simply aren’t enough leaders equipped to care for the spiritual needs of the underground house churches. Going to seminary is impossible for all but a few. Incorrect teachings have infiltrated the house church movement causing confusion among China’s believers. In answer to this urgent need, TWR launched Seminary on the Air (SOTA) in March 2001. TWR Canada’s SOTA has been providing intensive seminary training teaching biblical doctrine and life applications through shortwave radio, the Internet (SOTA Online), and in-person training.
The 29th China Internet Development Statistics report by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) revealed that China has 513 million Internet users - 356 million (69.3%) of those access the Internet with a mobile device. This makes the Internet potentially the most efficient platform to share the Gospel with Chinese people. TWR programs can now be downloaded on mobile devices such as iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad through the Apple App store.
“I have been listening to Seminary on the Air broadcasts for about four years. This has helped guide my life, and helped me grow in faith and understanding of God’s greatness. In recent years after accepting Christ, I have experienced His love, righteousness, power, holiness and majesty. I have also experienced His helping hand in times of suffering. I want to register for the first three years of the course. Please pray for me that I will have the time to complete it. I also pray that God will help provide the textbooks as they are not freely available in China.” – A sister from China
The past year been very busy for TWR Canada’s China ministry, and China Ministry Director Dr. William Tsui. SOTA was launched in Germany this year, and Dr. Tsui is preparing to re-launch SOTA in China. In the past year, Dr. Tsui has done over 100 presentations and training sessions in Mandarin and Cantonese to mainland Chinese audiences and Chinese churches in North America, Asia and Europe. TWR Canada now has two short-term missionaries and three full-time workers in China. The Seminary on the Air program is one of the most effective ways to reach China for Christ, by equipping future Church leaders. For $900, or $25 per month over 3 years, TWR’s China Ministry can bring a student through the full SOTA (Seminary on the Air) program. Please consider this lifetransforming investment. “I am a long-time listener. I listen to your program Seminary on the Air via the Internet every evening. I love your programs very much. I really thank God for letting me to discover such an excellent Gospel broadcast station… Thank you for replying to me via emails, and giving me plenty of valuable theological truth and knowledge.”
CHINA MINISTRY FACTS 1.4 BILLION People Live in China Estimated Number of Christians in China: Year Number 1900 . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 1949 . . . . . . . . . . . 800,000 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 MILLION 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . 10 MILLION 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . 25 MILLION 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . MORE THAN 60 MILLION 15,000 Registered Churches 50,000 Registered Meeting Points 6 New Churches Established Every Day 30,000 – 40,000 New Christians Every Year 10,000 – 20,000 Chinese Students Coming to Canada Every Year
TWR Canada is involved in four training centers in China. From March 2011 to February 2012, 579 books have been delivered into China for these training centers and a library in one of the centers. As of July 2012, 41 of the 213 registered SOTA students in Canada have graduated from the SOTA program. 100 new SOTA students expect to be added over the next year. “Peace be with the staff of TWR! I love the program Seminary On The Air. Would you please send me some books that can help my understanding of the Bible? Amen!” – Listener to the Mandarin SOTA program
TWR Canada
INCOME Missionary Support1 General & Designated Contributions2 Other
$405,455 $412,244 $2,037,702 $1,383,549 $42,483 $11,055
Total Income
$2,485,640 $1,806,848
EXPENSES Ministry - Program Expenditures3 Public Awareness4 Administration
$1,848,319 $1,583,610 $184,436 $108,434 $222,397 $221,452
Total Expenses
$2,255,152 $1,913,496
Income Less Expenses Net Assets*, Beginning of Year Net Assets*, End of Year * Cash Reserves & Property
General & Designated Contributions (83%)
Missionary Support (16%) Other (1%)
Ministry (82%) Public Awareness (8%)
Administration (10%)
$1,074,842 $1,170,435 $1,305,330 $1,074,842
As a non-profit ministry organization, TWR Canada depends on God and the voluntary contributions of His people. To help assure good stewardship of the funds entrusted to the ministry, TWR Canada belongs to the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) and adheres to its financial standards. An independent chartered accounting firm audits TWR Canada’s annual financial statements. Complete audited financial statements are available to anyone upon request.
TWR Q & A Q: What are TWR’s beliefs? A: TWR Canada exists to reach the world for Jesus Christ by sharing the inspired Gospel message. For more detailed information, visit our website www.twrcanada.org/beliefs, drop us a note, or call and speak with our staff. Q: Where does TWR Canada work? A: TWR Canada focuses on ministry work in Africa, the Middle East, Quebec, and China, and with the global women’s ministry Project Hannah. Special projects in Cuba and Bolivia have also been recently undertaken. Q: How is TWR funded? A: TWR Canada receives its funding from generous individuals, churches, and organizations that choose to sponsor a ministry project or a TWR missionary. TWR Canada receives no government funding.
Notes: 1. Missionary support reflects contributions for the support of overseas missionaries and their ongoing needs including living allowances, housing, retirement savings, taxes, medical insurance, and travel expenses to and from the field. 2. General and designated contributions income includes general donations, designated gifts for specific ministry projects and revenue from TWR’s partner broadcasters who help share in the cost of TWR Canada’s ministry. 3. Program Expenditures expense includes all costs related to producing and broadcasting radio programs. This includes most of the costs related to TWR Canada’s missionary personnel overseas. 4. Public awareness expense includes the costs of fund raising, the TWR newsletter and other publications and activities used to raise awareness of God’s work through this ministry.
Q: How does TWR monitor its work? A: TWR Canada staff visit project locations to ensure the effectiveness of its programs. Several times a year an independent, active governing Board of Directors holds meetings to review all TWR Canada activity. Annually, an independent financial audit is undertaken. TWR Canada also is fully certified by the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC), indicating that a charity adheres to high standards and is operating with integrity. Q: How do I find out about serving with TWR? A: We are always seeking skilled professionals for short-term, long-term, and career missionary positions in the areas of engineering, journalism, broadcasting, administration, and other related disciplines. For more information see our website www.twrcanada.org/serve.
Q: Where can I learn more about TWR? A: In addition to subscribing to our mail and email communications, TWR Canada hosts dozens of local special events where ministry updates and front-line reports are shared. Plan to attend an event near you. We also strive to keep our website up to date. Q: How can I help TWR? A: Stay informed by signing up for TWR Canada’s weekly emails. Connect with TWR Canada on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and our website for updates and news. We’re always looking for people to help coordinate local fundraising events. Consider making a monthly financial commitment to the work of TWR Canada, and including TWR Canada in your will and estate planning.
Last year, TWR Canada made a commitment to help fund the construction of two desperately needed staff houses in Parakou, Benin, near our West Africa transmitting station. God has supplied in an amazing way for this project. Our goal was to raise the funding over two years and initially begin by building one house. But with 93% of the funding in place, we told our staff to build both houses. We trust that the Lord will supply the last 7% ($26,000).
Building a house in Benin is not like building a house here in Canada. All the cement blocks are made by hand, and before we could begin we had to build a water tower to ensure a steady water supply to make the blocks. The water tower is completed, the house foundations are dug, the floor is poured, and the walls are up. This is amazing progress. The target for completion is November, with a
dedication of the houses planned for February or March 2013. Missionary Garth Kennedy, our project manager, has kept the project on time and on budget. In Benin, this again is not easy because water and electricity not only go off for a few hours, but sometimes for days at a time. We will take advantage of the water supply from the city to keep our water tank full, and the two houses will have a back-up generator for times when there is no electricity. These homes will provide a stable living environment that will allow our missionaries to focus on the ministry work ensuring a radio signal goes out consistently.
D you know that more than 50,000 Did Mennonites with roots in Canada M aand Germany colonized the Bolivian llowlands? The patriarchal society iis divided into a series of farming ccommunities that adhere to Old Colony customs (anti-modernity) C aand choose horse-drawn buggies aand hand-sewn clothes over music, sports, television or Internet. Women rarely attend school after age 12, and only the men learn Spanish. In these colonies, isolation and illiteracy compound a lack of biblical knowledge and training. Through radio and other special projects, TWR is able to reach them T w with the Gospel. T TWR Canada has partnered with tthe Evangelical Free Church of Canada in the Every Mennonite Home in Bolivia Project. Earlier tthis year, two teams went door to door handing out printed Gideon Bible translations, and 2,500 solarpowered audio media devices. The device contains portions of the radio program Thru the Bible (TTB) translated in Low German. TTB is a radio program consisting of 1,300 episodes that teach the Bible from Genesis through Revelation over five years. TWR has been a partner with TTB for many years.
Solar-powered audio media device
Please pray for the Mennonite people in Bolivia, and for more workers who can follow up with them.
TWR Canada PO Box 25324 London, ON N6C 6B1 info@twrcanada.org (888) 672-6510 www.twrcanada.org
Thank You!
TWR Canada exists because of your faithful prayer and financial support. An Official Receipt for Income Tax Purposes will be issued for the eligible amount of any gifts. You may give by mail, phone or online at www.twrcanada.org.
For just $25 a month with a three-year commitment, you can provide a Chinese or Chinese-Canadian student with an intensive seminary-level training program (SOTA). Many of these graduates return home and begin a home church, equipped to meet the spiritual needs of their church family, and support the explosive growth of churches in China with sound biblical doctrinal education.
Celebrate with us the final completion of two critically-needed staff houses for our team working in one of the world’s harshest environments; Benin, West Africa. Your gift of $50, $100 or any amount towards the remaining $26,000 still needed will help complete this critical project. Make your cheque out to TWR Canada and note that it is for Benin Housing.
GIVE TO QUEBEC MINISTRY Your financial gift and prayer support will encourage and help continue the lifetransforming ministry of TWR Canada in Quebec, an important mission field in our own backyard.
ATTEND A TWR SPECIAL EVENT TWR Canada hosts events across the country offering exciting ministry updates and dynamic speakers. If you would like someone to speak to your church, study group or club - or even just a gathering of friends, please contact us. We would be happy to work with you to share what God is doing around the world through TWR. Find event details on our website, or contact our office: www.twrcanada.org/events.
SERVE WITH TWR TWR Canada offers mission opportunities around the world in a variety of technical and non-technical positions for all ages, expertise, and experience levels. Contact Gwen at info@twrcanada.org.
5 REMEMBER TWR IN YOUR WILL AND ESTATE PLANNING Leave a legacy! A planned gift through your will or estate can impact future generations by ensuring that the Gospel reaches every corner of our world. Contact Irv Wilson in our office for more information, or email info@twrcanada.org.