T-O TODAY Fiesta Style Hello Texas- Oklahoma District, I want to inform you of a change that has occurred on the District Board. Melissa Askew, the Governor that you elected at DCON, has resigned from her position as District Governor. The board had an emergency board meeting and held a round of elections to find Melissa’s replacement. The board elected me to be your new District Governor for the rest of the CKI year. I am extremely excited about this opportunity that has been given to me. I have watched Melissa over the past months and feel I am very prepared to hold this position. Please understand that this decision was very difficult for Melissa to make and she did it with the best interest of the district in mind. Melissa was a great Governor and we will all miss her, but are excited with the work she will continue to do in CKI. But now is a time to move forward and be prepared for the future. Over the next month I will become familiar with the tasks of the Governor and what will be expected of me. I know it is a period of transition for the district board as well as the district as a whole. Now as your Governor I am responsible for taking care of the district. So if you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. My e-mail address is governor@txokcki.org. My cell phone number is (214) 356-5174. Please feel free to contact me through e-mail or phone if you have any questions or problems. I am here to help you all. I look forward to having contact with you and being able to visit your chapters for different events. And I encourage everyone to please join me at District Convention in March for a wonderful party to celebrate our year in CKI!
Live to Serve, Love to Serve! Heather Brittle Governor Texas-Oklahoma District Circle K International
Texas-Oklahoma Circle K International
Volume 29, Issue 3
Special points of interest: • Letter from Governor • Letter from Kiwanis Governor, Jerry Ward • Spring Rallies • Marketing for clubs • DCON • Tomorrow Fund Info.
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Fall Retreat Recap Jonathan Herrera– District Editor Circle K Members throughout the Texas-Oklahoma District were brought together for a weekend of incredible activities of leadership building, inclusiveness, and an opportunity to meet others within the district. October 26th – 28th was marked for this event at Camp Honey Creek. Many Circle K members were given the opportunity to participate in activities from archery, to swimming, to hiking. Other activities were in teams either building a float, given a theme, and having a great time using their creativity and a few raw materials. The last part of the event included a bon fire at night and members enjoying a time of relaxation eating “smores” and telling spooky stories. I encourage everybody to come again next year and bring your friends for a weekend of entertainment. Our district focuses on the ability of bringing our chapters together and the service we perform for our communities while developing leadership qualities in all the members.
Call to Convention By Amanda Hodgson– District Treasurer University of Texas I’m writing to you on behalf of the 2007-2008 Texas-Oklahoma District Board of Circle K International. We are proud to invite you to our 54th Annual District Convention. We encourage you to join us in beautiful San Antonio at the luxurious Omni Hotel at the Colonnade on March 7-9, 2008. This is the last event hosted by the 2007-2008 District Board, and we want to celebrate another fantastic year of Circle K with our members. District Convention is not only a time for you to meet new friends and reunite with old ones, but it is also an important opportunity for Circle K members to have a voice in the direction of the organization on the District level. All the attendees participate in sessions during which the current District Board will lead discussions about the problems facing the district. During the House of Delegates, members representing their chapters will be able to elect the 2008-2009 District Board of Officers, as well as vote on several amendments that can modify the structure of the TexasOklahoma District of Circle K. Additionally, we are conducting workshops, and providing plenty of free time to explore San Antonio, including a trip to the Riverwalk for an additional fee of $10. Attendees will also have the chance to compete for scholarships and chapters can distinguish themselves by winning awards, which will be presented during a beautiful three-course dinner ceremony that precedes a lively Ballet Folklorico performance and a dance on Saturday night. It is important that every Circle K member is afforded the many opportunities that come with attending District Convention. The $155 registration, which includes a two-night quad-occupancy stay and two luxurious meals, as well as the programs listed above, is a steal, but we understand it can be difficult to manage. Your sponsoring Kiwanis clubs will be more than happy to assist you, especially to attend District Convention, and fundraising can not only be financially beneficial, but you can grow closer as a club as well. We hope to see you there!
Volume 29, Issue 3
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Letter from Texas-Oklahoma District Kiwanis Governor This years Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Governor is Jerry Ward. As the governor, Jerry. Ward has made some goals for the Kiwanis District and is focusing on maintaining Texas-Oklahoma District as one of the strongest. When we asked Governor Ward what the Kiwanis District was doing this year he responded with this; “I am asking the Kiwanis District to work on Kiwanis, and to focus on these three areas. Growth; Service; and the Texas Oklahoma Foundation Why is growth first? If there is no growth in membership there will be no Kiwanis to serve the children of the world. We need to recruit members into existing clubs and we need growth through building new clubs. After growth we will work on service. Kiwanis is service oriented. We do hands on service we are not just fundraisers. Service Leadership Programs include CKI, Key Club, Builders Club, K-Kids Aktion club, branded programs of BUGs and Terrific Kids. I am so happy to see members of these groups as I make my official visit to each division. Working with the youth of Kiwanis is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have in Kiwanis. Just watching them grow into leadership roles by doing service. I am amazed again and again by these young people. Let me talk about the Texas Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation. It is one of the greatest things the District has going for it. I promise you if you talk to any CKI administrator from any other district they are envious of our Foundation. Currently we give 13 scholarships for CKI, and six scholarships for Key Club. The Foundation also helps support K-Family joint board meeting with Kiwanis, Key Club and CKI boards. Support for CKI Fall Retreat and Key Club Weekend of a Lifetime.” Inevitably, Mr. Ward will continue to raise the standards for Kiwanis and maintain the Texas – Oklahoma District as one of the strongest around.
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Market Your Club Kristen Reed– International Representative Serving Sub-region F (Capital, New York, New England, and New Jersey) Below is a list of marketing and public relations ideas for your club to try out. Remember, www.circlek.org has a plethora of downloadable and customizable recruitment materials so feel free to check those out! The list I have compiled uses some of those downloadable resources with a mix of unorthodox methods of recruitment. I hope this helps you with all of your recruitment needs during this busy time of the year and good luck roping in those new members. •
Chalk Sidewalks (make sure its washable)
Put Signs on Orange Cones
Make up stickers and distribute
Campus Newspaper
Distribute information during meals
Signature block on your emails
Your AIM Profile
Make a Facebook Flyer
Myspace Group
Create Table Tents
Write on the white/chalk boards in classrooms •
Lollipops with messages attached
Write on Frisbees and pass them out
Signs inside bathroom stalls
Make buttons for people to wear
Find some old t-shirts, reverse them, and write the information on them
• Send out mass e-mails to residents life staff and ask them to announce your event
Volume 29, Issue 3
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Tomorrow Fund Kristen Reed– International Representative Serving Sub-region F (Capital, New York, New England, and New Jersey) The Tomorrow Fund is an endowed fund for Circle K International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund, utilizing the interest earned, helps Circle K Clubs and Districts serve the world through grants for service opportunities. The fund is established through a portion of your Circle K Club International dues, through direct donations, through the donation of Carthage-Pullman Society Memberships, and through the donation of Sapphire Circle Honoraries. Tomorrow Fund grants can help you take action. Look around and identify the things that need to get done on your campus, in your community and in your world. Circle K Clubs and Districts can now apply for grant funds to support varied service projects. Some examples of what Tomorrow Fund grants might support include: • Based on a need to develop better reading skills among at-risk kindergarten students, a Circle K club might make chair covers with pockets in them for books. Each kindergarten student has a book read to them by the Circle K member, and the books and chair covers are donated to the classroom. • A District Project might focus on neglected and abused school children who are less likely to have book bags and school supplies. The district could solicit donations from many area businesses and together with their grant be able to supply 200 children with book bags supplies to get started in the school year. Grants by the Circle K International Board from the Tomorrow Fund must be in accordance to the Policies of Circle K International. The Tomorrow Fund grants are granted only to Circle K Clubs and/or Districts. The Grant Review Committee may award up to, but not more than, the amount of interest earned off of the endowment available at the convening of the committee. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind when completing the application:
The committee judging the application does not live in your community, so the better you clarify the project, the better the committee can understand the project.
Write legibly, or enter the application on a computer utilizing the application format.
Follow the directions! Do not attach any additional pieces except for the budget.
Ensure that all required signatures are included.
The project should reflect appropriate planning and ideas that have been thoroughly thought-out.
Have someone else read the application to check for grammar and spelling.
The budget must cover all areas of the project and should be clear.
The timeline should be accurate and well prepared.
There is only one funding cycle for the Tomorrow Fund. The postmark deadline is July 15. The applications must be submitted to the Youth Funds Specialist at Kiwanis International, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268; or via fax at 317/879-0204. If you read the application, clubs may request funding assistance from $200 to $2,000. The committee typically funds those clubs who are asking for a portion of the total cost of the project, and clubs who are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. Even though it is January it is never too early to think about applying for a grant – Please let me know if you have any questions on the application, disbursement, or just general information on the Tomorrow Fund. The College of New Jersey and Christopher Newport University both received Tomorrow Fund grants this past granting cycle and your fantastic CKI club can get one as well!
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Interested in running for District Board? Read This! You love doing community service and you love being a member of Circle K International. But have you ever thought about taking that love and passion to the next level? How about using your talent to serve your fellow Circle K members? What about becoming an officer on the District Board!! I know that might sound a little scary and seem like a lot of work, but the benefits you will receive from being a District Board member will out weigh all of the work you will do. Between the memories and experience this year has given me, I know that the decision I made to be on the District Board was a great one.
Now if you are considering running for one of the positions of the District Board, we need to put you in contact with the right person. Please contact the individual that now fulfills the position you would like to run for so they can give you information on duties, responsibilities, and the procedure of running for a district office. There is a service agreement and the 2008-2009 calendar that you will need to go over for you to be fully aware of everything you will be committing too. If you are running for a position that is not currently filled, please contact myself and I will be happy to go over everything with you.
I greatly encourage everyone to make contact with the District Board to get more information about running for a district office It is such an amazing experience that everyone should at least learn more about the possibility of running for a position. And as always, if you have any questions or concerns about running for the position of a District Board member, please feel free to contact me at anytime. I’m very excited to see everyone running for a District Board position and the endless possibilities in store for the 2008-2009 District Board! ~Heather, District Governor
Spring Rallies Bailey Dobbs – Oklahoma/Panhandle LTG University of Oklahoma With the start of the spring semester, the CKI year is almost at its end. One of the most important tasks at the end of each term is the election of new officers for the clubs and the divisions. The election for divisional Lieutenant Governors is held every year during a Spring Rally, held prior to the District Convention. The Spring Rally is an important meeting for all clubs to attend, not only for the election of the Lt. Governor, your division’s liaison and representative to the Texas-Oklahoma District Board, but for the valuable information presented. Spring Rallies are a time for all the clubs in the division to get together and gain essential information for upcoming district and international events. You will receive important information on the upcoming District Convention, to be held this year in beautiful San Antonio, Texas, and International Convention, in Denver, Colorado. Weekend of Officer Workshops (WOW) is another important event that will be presented at the Spring Rally. However, the most important aspect of the Spring Rally is the election of the new Lt. Governor so it is important that your club is represented. Each rally must have a quorum of chapters in good standing present to vote for the position. Each club is allowed two voting delegates so it is important to send at least two members to ensure your club is fully represented. However, do not feel that you are limited to brining only two members; you should bring as many as possible to ensure your members have access to the material presented and to meet and socialize with the other clubs in your division. Many Spring Rallies will also feature a service project, or other event, which provides an opportunity to serve your greater community while getting to know other members of your division and socialize. Get to know other clubs in your area before you meet again for convention, as it may provide opportunities for your club to organize interclubs and social events with other chapters.
K-Family Growth John Cano– Membership/K-Family Chair University of Texas The fall semester has been a busy one in terms of chartering new chapters for the Texas-Oklahoma District of CKI. With the best and brightest students across our two great states forming new clubs and reviving old ones we are sure to set records this year in service to our communities, leadership development for our members, and fellowship so we can all have the best time
together. The University of Oklahoma, Lamar University in Beaumont, Del Mar College in Corpus Christi and West Texas A&M chapters recently celebrated their chartering successes. If you are in the area try visiting the following schools as they build their clubs and charter: Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Oklahoma City University, Angelo State University in San Angelo, and St. Edward’s University in Austin. For more information about these developments feel free to contact
me or any board member. Maybe you have a friend at some school in our district who has not heard of CKI – this is a great time to get them involved! I am so proud of the work that so many have put into making new clubs and dedicating themselves to bettering their world. District Convention in San Antonio will surely be an amazing experience with the chance to make so many awesome new friends and get back in touch with ones you already have!
Volume 29, Issue 3
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Special Olympics Heather Brittle– District Governor University of North Texas Have you ever found yourself asking someone in our Circle K District what the Governor’s Project is? Or how you could participate in the Governor’s Project? Well I am here to answer your questions and solve your problems! The 2007-2008 Governor’s Project is Special Olympics. Special Olympics has offered more than 200 competition opportunities in 2007 with the help of more than 40,000 volunteers and 2,700 coaches. Special Olympics sent over 60 athletes to compete in the 2007 World Summer Games in China. This is a time for us to help out those with life challenges, something our District strives to do every month. The Special Olympics Texas and the Special Olympics Oklahoma have ample opportunities for our Circle K chapters to volunteer their time with these wonderful individuals. There are dates every month all through out both states when volunteers can help with competitions that are being held. You may contact the Special Olympics Texas at http://www.sotx.org/ and the Special Olympics Oklahoma at http://www.sook.org/index.htm. Please look at these websites and become involved in a wonderful organization. I look forward to seeing everyone at a Special Olympics competition sometime soon.
Oklahoma Rising Klint Neal– Oklahoma Chapter President University of Oklahoma Oklahoma Rising! Recently, the state of Oklahoma celebrated its 100th birthday. Huge festivities across the state helped mark the milestone, including parades, concerts, and dedications. Now in a brand new century, Oklahoma will play host to a unique Circle K event; Weekend of Officer Workshops. Weekend of Officer Workshops, or more commonly known by its acronym of “W.O.W.,” is a twoday event held during spring semester. During the workshops, which are scheduled for Saturday, April 12 through Sunday, April 13, 2008, chapter officers are trained
in Circle K history and facts to gain a better understanding of our organization, participate in leadership development seminars, learn and discuss suggestions for club operations, and bond with their fellow district club officers. This training helps club officers plan, utilize their resources, and function throughout their term. This year W.O.W is co-hosted by the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma City University. The workshops will be held in the beautiful, very modern business college of Oklahoma City University. In
addition to workshops, the weekend will also encompass a potluck K-Family Lunch with area Key Clubs and Kiwanis Clubs, possibly a small service project, and a special, surprise Saturday night activity. We hope you will be able to join us in April. Mark your calendars now! Keep watch for more information in February and at DCON, with details including our great low price and travel suggestions.
Goal Update 5,000 service hours- 4,548.5 hours as of January 2008 500 members– 377 reported by International 50 Inter-clubs- 36 as of January 2008 5 new charters- West Texas A&M, University of Oklahoma,, Lamar University, Del Mar College and Oklahoma City Univ. 75% chapter attendance at District Events- 70% of chapters attended Fall Retreat, 11 out of 16
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Importance of Reporting By Gavin Robert, La-Miss-Tenn Secretary/Treasurer Accurate reporting from Circle K clubs is vital to this organization for a variety of reasons. One of the predominant reasons is for the facets of leadership of this organization to accurately and responsibly assess the good and the bad and to take into account what is working and not working. When I say working and not working, and assessing the good and bad, I am speaking of several issues. It may be communication or resources, or most notably membership. The several district boards of Circle K need to know exactly how their districts are growing and the activities happening. The only way for that to be facilitated is through accurate and precise club reporting. I myself am a district secretary/treasurer, and it is sometimes perplexing to try to document exactly how many members are in my district if and when clubs don't report their membership totals. It is equally just as hard to reach goals for service, interclubs, Kiwanis-Family relations, and various other goals set by leaders, if clubs do not take the necessary time to report such information. I
know that sometimes we forget things, and when I was a club secretary, I forgot at times; but, we must strive to report everything necessary that our leaders find necessary to require. Communication and resource concerns are just as necessary to report as well. Leaders need to know from the clubs how they can better communicate and provide resources to them. For those districts which utilize lieutenant governors, those fulfilling the office typically act as liaisons from the district to the clubs within his/ her division. Lieutenant governors, as well as other board members, rely heavily on communication. Within my district, clubs have the opportunity to report how well they feel their lieutenant governors have communicated with them and if it sufficient to their needs. They also have the opportunity to note how lieutenant governors can better serve them. When clubs take the time to document feedback, the district leadership can take the information and use it to improve the entire board’s performance. Taking the time to report how leaders can
better serve clubs is essential to the well being of the entire membership. From this, leaders are given insight into what resources and tools clubs need to help them in serving their communities. Districts and International have awards dedicated to the hard work that individual clubs and members do year round. If clubs do not report their activities, those of us that were elected to the district and international levels to serve the membership, will have no knowledge of how the reward clubs and members for their work. Clubs are very well deserving of the rewards due them.
What to see while in San Antonio in Picture Form
The Alamo
Downtown San Antonio
Alamo made out of Graham Crackers! YUMMMMY!
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Program Ads for CKI District Convention 2008 Please support Circle K International’s 54th T-O District Convention in San Antonio, TX by purchasing ad space in our convention program. By purchasing an ad in our program, you can: * Congratulate a CKI chapter or an individual student * Send good luck wishes to Convention attendees * Wish a graduating senior Best Wishes * Advertise your business Mail this form with payment to: Texas-Oklahoma CKI District c/o Program Ads 624 Six Flags Drive, Suite 265 Arlington, TX 76011-6342 Program Ads must be received by February 10th. (Electronic submission by email of any pictures or logos to administrator@txokcki.org is preferred)
Please include your name, address, email, and phone number. Type Size Price Full page 5 by 8 $80 Half page 5 by 4 $40 (Student discounts are half price.)
Total: Circle method of payment: cash/check. Make checks payable to T-O CKI PLEASE MAKE SURE TO DO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING 1. Send finished ad in the format you would like to see it printed. 2. Send us information and we will construct your ad for you. **Note: some ads may require modifications to allow proper program spacing.
TexasTexas-Oklahoma CKI District Convention
Remember the Alamo! March 77-9, 2008 because that’s where you’ll be headed when you join the rest of your Texas-Oklahoma amigos in beautiful San Antonio, Texas for the th 54 Annual Texas-Oklahoma District Convention Of Circle K International.
Our final fiesta for the 2007-2008 school year will be filled with Mexican flare. There will be: • exciting workshops • the annual elections of the district governor, treasurer, secretary, and editor, • opportunities to apply for scholarships and awards, • and of course, time to fiesta! The place to be is the Omni Hotel March 7-9, 2008! Make sure you get your R.S.V.P. in to reserve your spot at the biggest party of the year for T-O! Texas-Oklahoma 2007-2008 Radiating Service through Volunteering & Parties!
2007-2008 District Board Heather Brittle
District Governor
University of North Texas
Denise Braun
District Secretary
Sam Houston State University
Amanda Hodgson
District Treasurer
University of Texas at Austin
Jonathan Herrera
District Editor
Austin College
Timothy Edmond
Southeast LTG
Sam Houston State University
Kris Robles
Hill Country LTG
University of Texas at Austin
Bailey Dobbs
OK/Panhandle LTG
University of Oklahoma
John Cano
K-Family Chair
University of Texas at Austin