T-O Today - Sept. 2011

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T-O TODAY Volume 1 | Issue 3

Relive Your Childhood Service Partner Spotlight:

The Eliminate Project

Fall Retreat

Network on Your Campus Potluck with other Orgs

Circle K International develops college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.

The T-O Today

Texas-Oklahoma CKI

Table of Contents


CKI . . . . . . . . 4 of ks oc Bl g in d il Fall Retreat: Bu . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y il m Fa a Build ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . t gh li ot Sp r Service Partne . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k or tw Ne A Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . s m ra K-Family Prog . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p Re bSu Meet yo ur . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ho W ’s W ho




President’s Texas Tech Chat: @ 1pm President’s UT Dallas Chat: @ 7pm President’s Chat: OCU @ 1pm

President’s Chat: UT Austin @ 8pm

S 408 er vice 3.6 hou rs

Ser vice Ho ur Goal: 1 6,000 ho ur Interclub G s o a l: 7 5 interclubs Kiwanis Fa mily Relati ons: 175 K FRs 25. 16 .00 14 % %

Int erc lub s 12

Labor Day 5




Secretary Re ports are due!

Dis trict Goals 52%






Dis trict Boa rd Phone Conference @ 9pm


S eptember



s F am ily R 44 elation



19 President’s Angelo Sta Chat: te @ 6pm




o f




President’s So uthweste Chat: rn @ 6pm



President are due! Reports


President’s Chat: Texas A&M @ 1pm



So uth Texa s Fall So uth Padr Rally in e Island, Texas




President’s OSU @ 7pm Chat:



Fri day


We dnesday





President’s Chat: SWCC @ 8p m


President’s OU @ 7pm Chat:

President’s WTAMU @ Chat: 7pm



President’s 20 President’s UT Pan Am Chat: 21 @ 7pm Lamar @ 1p Chat: m




C a l e n d a r 1

! CKI Dues are due

Oklaho maPanhandle Fall Rally in Lubbock, Texas



President’s Chat: SWCC @ 8pm

President’s Chat: WTAMU @ 7pm




President Reports are due!


orts Secretary Rep are due!

President’s Chat: UT Dallas @ 2pm




President’s Chat: OU @ 8pm


Weekend Meeting )


Chat: President’s @ 8pm Texas A&M







President’s Chat: Lamar @ 1pm

President’s Chat: OCU @ 1pm

President’s Chat: Angelo State @ 6pm



President’s Chat: UT Pan Am @ 7pm

President’s Chat: UT Aus tin @ 8pm





Kiwanis (District DFW


Red River-Metro in Fall Rally Terrell, Texas

Keys to College Webinar @ 8pm

President’s Chat: Libby @ 8pm




President’s Chat: Southwestern @ 6pm

President’s Chat: OSU @ 7pm




Southeast TexasGulf Coast Fall Rally in Houston, Texas


Hill Country Fall Rally in s San Angelo, Texa

Family Board Mar riott


More than a Re g u l a r We e k e n d . . . Simply saying that Fall Retreat was fun would be an understatement. Taking place at Camp Honeycreek last year, my first Fall Retreat was such a blast and a great way to take some time away from the stress of school. Even though, you do get some free time to study, you can also take part in different activities during this time. Last year I was able to canoe and shoot a bow and arrow for the first time ever! Although my favorite experience was trying so many new things, staying up all night playing games with new friends was a close second. I will never forget the people I met at Fall Retreat and still keep in contact with them. As opposed to District Convention, where we have to dress business casual, it is completely acceptable to walk around in shorts and a t-shirt at Fall Retreat. It was actually encouraged last year since we played a kickball game and had several other outdoor activities like a scavenger hunt, which you can most likely expect at this years Fall Retreat! This year, Fall Retreat will take place in Bridgeport, Texas at Bridgeport Camp and Conference. With the theme being “Building Blocks of CKI”, our aim is to focus on not only CKI, but the entire K-Family. We must realize that as an organization, we consist of many people of all ages and that they all depend on our success. If you’re worried that you may not know much about Builders, K-Kids, Kiwanis, and the rest ifof the K-Family, then you will definitely benefit from coming to Fall Retreat this year, since there will be a workshop with information all about those clubs and the role they play in Kiwanis International. Early registration for Fall Retreat is only $70 and covers lodging, three meals on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday, and a t-shirt. Rest assured, however, that you will gain so much more by coming to Fall Retreat on November 4th-6th! Please mark your calendars and try your very best to make it to Fall Retreat! If you have any question or just want to know more information, feel free to contact me at frcoordinator@txokcki.org. See you there,

Denise Gonzalez

District Events Chair Like us on Facebook! Texas-Oklahoma Circle K International

Join our Event! T-O CKI Fall Retreat Building Blocks of CKI

Register Online! Fall Retreat Registration Form

Texas-­‐Oklahoma District presents…

November 4-6, 2011

Bridgeport Camp & Conference Bridgeport, Texas Contact Fall Retreat Coordinator Denise Gonzalez at frcoordinator@txokcki.org for more information.

Come relive your childhood memories at Fall Retreat 2011!!

Building a Family: The Power of Impact


By: Donnesh Amrollah District Governor

hink back to your first experience in the Kiwanis Family. What were you doing? Who was the first person you met? Did they make an impact on you? For me, my first memory was my freshman year in college when I went to my first CKI meeting. Beside a few high school friends, the first person I met in CKI was our then president, Lance Demonterio, who greeted me with a friendly attitude and open arms. After an entertaining first meeting, the veteran members got together to meet in their committees, and as I was about to go home, Lance stopped me, and encouraged me to stay for the committee meetings, to see if I was interested in joining one. Needless to say, I stayed, joined, and well, the rest is history. I owe a lot to Lance, because his belief in a new member’s ability inspired me to get more involved in CKI, which completely changed my life in ways that are indescribable. Without him, I would not be the person I am today. He included me in a bigger picture, and made me feel that I actually have the power to make a difference. What is significant about the Kiwanis Family is that each and every one of us have at least one person like Lance in our life because of the Kiwanis Family. We have that one person (or group of people) who said something to us, or did something for us that made our committment to service more personal.We do not merely do service because we like to, we serve because we want to be alongside those people who care for the same causes we do. We want to support them the same way they support us, and in time, we want to be able to change another person’s life, the way ours were changed. Like those before you, you now have a legacy to pass down. And what better legacy is there than to make a difference in someone’s life? This year with the District’s “One Family, One Legacy” intiative, will be all about making an impact, not only within our Kiwanis Family and our community, but within our organization for years to come. The legacy we create this year, by strengthening relations with the K-Family and the community, will be a long lasting testament to our ability. This year, by reaching out to our fellow Kiwanians and Key Clubbers, by investing in our Builder’s and Aktion Club members, by fostering service and character in our K-Kids, we will leave our organization with the ability to say we inevitably changed someone’s life.

But, how will increasing relations withing the Kiwanis Family make a difference? Simple. Because we have the power to show our Kiwanis Family that we care about them, and that we believe in them. We have the ability to be role models to our K-Kids, and Builder’s Clubs through our interaction. We have the chance to learn and understand our older K-Family members in Kiwanis, Aktion, and Key Club. We have the power to show them that as members of Circle K International, we are passionate the service we do, and are deidicated to the realization of mankinds potential, starting with those close to us. And then when we have shown our Family that we value their contributions, and care to work beside them, we can go out in our community to better the lives of those who need it. That will be a legacy we share together. So think back to that K-Family member in your life who reached out to you, and how you felt around that person. Think how, in some way, either significant or miniscule, they changed your life. And when you do, thank them for allowing you the chance to grow as an individual and for being a part of something special that is the Kiwanis Family. Then when you have done that, accept the responsilibilty that it is your turn to reach out to someone and make your impact. It is your turn to empower them. It is your turn to include them in the bigger picture. It is your turn to leave a legacy.


Service Partner Spotlight: By: Paul Rizk Southeast Texas LTG In 1990, a serious health problem plagued much of the developing world. Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) is a lack of a critical element in the human body, Iodine. Without this element, people suffer from developmental delays, thyroid problems, and mental retardation. Kiwanis, partnered with UNICEF, raised 73 Million dollars essentially eradicating IDD. Now, Kiwanis is back at it again, but this time they are taking Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT). Tetanus is a bacterial infection of the nervous system that causes painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. This claims nearly 60,000 infants every year, and many mothers as well. The treatment for tetanus is antibiotics and pain medication, but many victims of MNT do not have access to the medicine. Prevention of MNT is two faceted: a vaccination is available for infants and adults but MNT can be prevented if the umbilical cord is cleaned properly after birth. Kiwanis has set a fundraising goal of 110 Million dollars to eradicate MNT. If a club makes a donation by September 30, 2011, your club can become a charter donor for The Eliminate Project. You or your club can be part of a group that leads the way through the commitment of early gifts. After September, clubs will receive different levels of recognition for donations ranging from $100,000 and less. Many of the patches and recognitions are based upon an average donation per member. A great way to achieve this is to partner up with your local Kiwanis

and Key Clubs to get a big fundraiser underway. Lamar University is taking a unique approach to raise money for this cause. Vice President Joshua Altares decided to host a kickball tournament to raise funds. Josh created a miniature kickball league for local high school and college students a couple of years ago and was surprised with the turnout. “We had about fifteen teams sign up, and I expected maybe five to show, but twelve ended up competing.” Josh adopted the rules for official kickball leagues. The tournament will be held Saturday, September 24th at a sports complex in Beaumont, Texas. The tournament is open to the entire city of Beaumont. Anyone who is sixteen or older is eligible to register on a team of fourteen for forty dollars. Since the announcement of the tournament in early September, Lamar has received over $1000 in corporate donations. Not only is this a CKI event, but a local Kiwanis club is helping by cooking food for the event. Proceeds from the food sales will go exclusively to the ELIMINATE project. President of Lamar CKI, Will

Robbins said, “During the tournament, information will be available to spread the word on how easy it is to help eradicate MNT.” In addition to Kiwanis and Circle K, Key Club will be entering teams in the tournament. To get started fundraising for ELIMINATE, you can come up with a big, citywide fundraiser that will raise money or repurpose one of your already existing fundraisers for ELIMINATE. Make sure to announce what the ELIMINATE project is dedicated to eradicating and spread awareness of the issue. This event looks promising and should give the T-O District a big push in the right direction in eliminating MNT. For more information regarding the planning that went into the kickball tournament contact me at southeasttexasltg@ txokcki.org.

T-Ogeth er, we’ll elimin nate maternal and neonatal tetanus. We will keep one baby from dying every 9 minutes from neonatal teta nus. T-Ogether, we’ll eli minate mater nal and neonatal tetanus. We will ke ep 160 babies from dying each day from neonatal tetanus. T-Ogether, we’ll eliminate maternal and neonatal teta nus. We will raise the US $110 million dollars needed to elim inate MNT by 2015. T-O geth er, we’ll eliminate maternal and neonatal teta nus. For US $1.80, we will be able to provide one mother wi th three doses of the te ta nus vaccine. T-Ogether, we’ll eiminate mater nal and neonatal te tanus. We will protect 61 million mothers and future babies from tetanus. T-Ogether, we’ll eliminate maternal and neonatal te tanus. We wi ll keep one baby from dying every 9 minutes from neonat al tetanus. T-Ogether, we’ll eliminate mat ernal and neonatal tetanus. We will k eep 160 ba bies from dying each day from neonatal tet a nus. TOgether, we’ll elimi nate maternal and neo nat al tetanus. We will raise the US $110 mil li on dollars needed to elim inate MNT by 2015. T-Ogether, we’ll elim in ate maternal and neonatal tetanus. For US $1.80, we will be able to pro vi de one moth er with three dos es of the tetan us vaccine. T-O gether, we’ll eiminate maternal and neo natal tetanus. We will pro tect 61 mill ion moth ers and fut ure babies from tet an us. T-Ogeth er, we’ll elimin ate maternal and neonat al te tanus. T-Oge ther, we will make a di ff er en ce.

we’ll ELIMINATE. To get more information you can go to


a {service} network.

Want to reach out to Key Club? Here’s one way.

Make Friends, Do Service, and Bolster your Membership

By: Chris Hester Membership Development Chair

As College freshmen we come into college excited to join multiple extracurricular activities and generate multiple lasting friendships. As our inaugural year continues and we become second years, we settle on one or a select few organizations to retain our allegiance. There we base the solid foundations for most of our friendships, and cease to venture out our last two years. What we’re missing out on here, and what your CKI club can capitalize on, is the opportunities and relationships offered by other organizations on campus. How do we rectify this? Simple. Branch out to other organizations with joint service projects or invite them to your own. Well, at least it sounds simple, but considering there are dozens to hundreds of organizations for even the smallest schools, how do you go about picking? Very selectively. When deciding on which organization to align with it’s important to consider many factors:

Can We Both benefit from Joint projects? If you’re going to invest your time and resources into a

collaboration effort, you want to create something that both parties can benefit from.

Can WE recruit members? Once again, rodeo members are most likely not going to want to join CKI. While any partnership can be beneficial, you want to get the most out of your project. So make sure to pick a project that really displays what CKI represents, as well as bring your ‘A-game’ recruiting when talking to members of the other organization. As a general rule it’s always better to be the hosting organization because there is usually more interest in learning about the host club. Another good rule is to not pick other purely service organizations. For an example of both consider this question: you wouldn’t go to a museum and advertise about your own museum, would you?

Do We Both have similar interests? In most cases you wouldn’t want to do a joint service project with the rodeo team. They’re interested in roping cows and you’d like to tie down some hours. Instead, try finding organizations which share your passion for service, or ones that you can join in a

specific goal with. For instance, most universities have UNICEF chapters, and what could be better than a joint Eliminate project? Nothing, that’s right! Habitat for Humanity is also an excellent choice.

Interact! Make sure that the organization is one that you can support yourself. Be sure to attend a few of their meetings (especially before the project to promote it) and socialize with those members who you think might be interested in joining CKI. Not everyone falls in love at first sight, but after a few dates they might think you’re the one!

But above all else, just remember to have fun with it. At the end of the event whether you’ve recruited any members or not, you still have to remember that you’re doing a service project. So have fun and don’t put so much interest in recruiting that the project itself suffers. Good luck!


S Y KE Student Orgs

you may find on Campus


e g le l Co r a n i b e W A “How To” for clubs interested in Keys to College

October 13, 2011 8:00pm CST For more information, email governor@txokcki.org

Key Club Senior? JOIN HERE. Have questions about college? Cirlce K can help.

Kiwanis Member?


Circle K members have questions about your professional careers and learn more about Kiwanis.

Who’s Who?

Meet Your Sub-Region D Representative

Lauren Perkins

When I came to West Texas A&M University for college, I was ner vous. In high school, I had not really been involved in any clubs, but I felt I needed to join something so that I could meet people and make friends now that I was in such a different environment. Because of my SAT scores, I was inducted into the honors program, and as luck would have it, one of the coordinators of the program just so happened to be the faculty advisor for CKI and, after a bit of convincing, I went to a meeting. I was instantly hooked, signing up for as many service projects as I could, even though this was only my first meeting. My love for service has grown

and guided me through this past year as lieutenant governor for the OklahomaTexas Panhandle Division of the Mighty Texas-Oklahoma district and as fellowship chair of the International LSSP Committee, and continues to be my driving force this year as the International Representative for Subregion D. Service has my heart and I can truly see the goodness in every person I have met in the Kiwanis Family. Even though I have a pretty heavy course load this year as a communications disorders major, I still have time for myself, my club, my schoolwork, my job, and service to my community because, honestly, service and CKI “work” are what I do when I am stressed, when I

Wanna know how your disrict board works? Need your quest ions answered? Your District Board is here for you! Click on our Picture for cont act informat ion.

Execut ive Staff

District Governor

am bored, when I am tired, and when I have free time. It is the best part my life. I look for ward to getting to know you more at T-O’s Fall Retreat. Have a great ser vice year! In Ser vice, Lauren Perkins

District Secretary-Treasurer

Donnesh Amrollah

Sarah Haagen

I serve as your representative to CKI. I communicate with our SubRegional Rep and inform them of what’s happening with your clubs. I work with your club President, and help them whenever they need me.

I serve as the district’s record and financial keeper. I work with your club Secretary with reporting club operations, and your club Treasurer with financial matters, specifically when it comes time to submit dues!

Lieutenant Governors

We serve as your liaisons to the District Board of Officers. We work with you and your club officers to answer any questions you have. We also plan your divisional rallies that give you more insight on our District and International. South Texas

Southeast Texas/ Gulf Coast

Oklahoma/ Panhandle

Hill Country

Red River/ Metro

Sanjuana Zavala

Paul Rizk

Patra Kositchaiwat

Valerie DelaRosa

Donald Aaron

Thank you to the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee for all the work you’ve done with the CKI Directory.

T-O’s Special Thanks

Great Job, University of Texas at Brownsville CKI for having the most service hours this month! 251.5 hours!

Committee Chairs

We are the backbone of the District. We work behind the scenes in the district and create resources to help you out. We help build relations with the whole Kiwanis Family, plan events, work with recruitment and retention programs, and will even make this newsletter. You name it, we most likely play some role in it. Kiwanis Family Relations

K-Kids/ Builders/ Aktion

Kiwanis Family Relations

District Events

Membership/ Laws and Regs

Public Relations & Marketing

Jace Venters

Denise Gonzalez

Chris Hester

Fabian Fernandez

Key Club/ Kiwanis

Dear Reilly Robertson, You are amazing! Trust me, there are people who agree. Thank you for being outstanding. Southwestern University CKI now has an awesome website because of you! Neal Wright

T-O cki CKI helps you connect and serve with other people in your life.

Southwestern Oklahoma State University UT Austin

Baylor University

UT Brownsville- Southern Most College Lamar University

Angelo State University

Oklahoma City University

UT Dallas

Oklahoma State University Southwestern Christian College Southwestern University University of Oklahoma Texas A&M Galveston UT Dallas West Texas A&M UT Pan American Texas Tech University Texas A&M

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