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Our story so far
Our Purpose Our Impact
Founded in 1993, Texas Target Communities is an initiative between the Office of the President at and the School of Architecture at Texas A&M University
TxTC provides technical assistance to small, under-served communities across the state and focuses on holistic efforts to address land use planning, development management, and a host of challenges (i e civic, environmental, economic, etc.) encountered by communities today.
Additionally, the thoughtful community engagement serves as a “real world” transformational learning experience for students at Texas A&M University.
TxTC, positioned within the university, is a trusted bridging organization to connect the assets of the 1) university, 2) industry, and 3) communities Industry serves as the “movers and shakers” of society that often control or obtain significant amounts of resources Communities, particularly the lowcapacity communities TxTC serves, often feel like the “moved and shaken” of society that often are left out of conversations or lack control. Each entity has a range of talents, interests, capacity, and strengths that, when combined, support increased quality of life for people across the state, country, and world. This “Integrated Impact” approach utilizes:
Faculty and students within the university through “high impact service-learning” and “engaged research” to mobilize knowledge, Leaders, the workforce, and consumers within industries through “social innovation” to mobilize application, and Leaders, stakeholders, and the public within communities through “collective impact” to mobilize action