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Outputs Outcomes
The planning process started in September 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic TxTC worked with the County for the next two years to complete the following outputs:
TxTC compiled an existing conditions report and sought community feedback to confirm or correct data gathered from a variety of public sources
The County created a Task Force Committee to represent the County, City of Comanche, City of De Leon, and the youth in the community The task force committee met 15 times to communicate community needs and validate the plan priorities.
Community engagement strategies included focus group interviews, public meetings, online and paper surveys, virtual engagement, and booths at community events.
Dr. Clare Losey, Assistant Research Economist at the Texas A&M Real Estate Center, compiled and presented a housing affordability analysis. The plan outlines the goals, objectives, and actions. The recommendations are supported by maps, case studies, and other planning tools. The implementation section pulls together all of the strategies in the plan, along with timelines, responsible parties, and potential funding sources.
The Comanche County Comprehensive Plan was the first time the County, cities, and community members collaborated to identify their shared priorities
The County Commissioners Court came together to identify and map new subdivisions in the incorporated areas, which was a critical step to plan for managed growth
Texas Department of Transportation representatives engaged with community stakeholders and students to identify road improvement priorities. The plan catalyzed conversations with schools, the medical community, and other relevant partners for workforce development.
The project allowed the TxTC team to think creatively about document organization and development.