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Since 1989, the HRRC has brought together scholars, students, practitioners, and community members for research and educational opportunities to foster disasterresilient built, social, and natural environments
The HRRC envisions a world where communities reduce hazard vulnerability and disaster impacts, promote social equity, and enhance environmental sustainability through innovative and locally-grounded research and education
The globally-recognized research center led by Dr Michelle Meyer has received major grants from the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Science and Technology, FEMA, and others Since 2013, HRRC has received over $50 million in research funding to better understand how to mitigate, prepare, respond, and recover from disasters HRRC faculty work with TxTC community partners. TxTC also provides outreach, training, and community engagement support to the HRRC.
Latest Research
Understanding of how communities can effectively leverage philanthropic resources to meet housing-recovery needs after disasters
Evaluating cascading effects among interconnected infrastructure, models and tools to integrate social systems vital to the functioning and recovery of communities healthcare, education, social services, and financial institutions
Identifying disparities in business and nonprofit impact and recovery from Hurricane Harvey, COVID-19, and Hurricane Laura
Organizing a Community of Practice to help guide the development of small towns and rural communities in the Gulf Coast region to utilize land-use planning tools
Disaster Recovery: with the American Planning Association developed a guide for planning practitioners on leveraging existing planning activities and programs for recovery and resilience
Planning for Community Resilience: This handbook guides any community through the process of determining their level of hazard exposure, physical vulnerability, and social vulnerability with the goal of determining the best planning strategy
Disaster Recovery Housing Plan Evaluation Protocol: This protocol supports local communities to design high-quality housing recovery plans in order to maximize funding opportunities, and supports state agencies to evaluate housing recovery plans