T~E ~UA(]A~AIN.. -. TPl'c~e(4ad()l'P~~1-. OOt1t: F\4U.UU
A Nation
To Be Ignorant
Never Was And Can Never Be." - Thomas Jefferson hrs: Angel on 19Truckers Dec at 20:26 SMS toMassMurder? Bobby/Lara from Trucker aka Lonely Hearts Club QuirkOf Nature Or Used Trucks forKris, Sale Special Offers to Jobs Wanted Events Jobs Offered (T rucker -Idaho Classifieds) Observer,July2000 Truck Hire Spares Truck Truck Repairing Tyres & Truck Service Driving Truck Schools realized how rich 1 am." & Transport Remgerated Removals, Packing &Advertising) Storage Transport Brokers CIA "War" Or. On] found 8Furniture AIDS Wheels Bobby's Bravehearts Cartage & Oversees Transport Contractors (T rucker &Consultants GuWWar Syndrome: Biological found you! Warfare: Then (Trucker News) AIDS searched my heart and 'AIDS: The Manufactured Virus' reached into pocket and aTruck few coins, - and OffidalUSGovemmentDocumentsin Houseof Human Experimentation '50's onwards Representatives(1969): Evaluation: SResearch,Development, yntheticBiological kjents. T est Horny, Hungry &. Hopeless: Help? AIDS Biological Warfare - Idaho Observer,February2001 yeto - opened Straight-Shooter? --'02 [AIDS: Immune Deficiency Syndrome] 97 -a SA up my wallet and found it., empty, Contrad Agent &Service Covert IntelligenceOperativefor the SA ExecutiveOutcomes,say: He HoldsA Masterof Nudear Engineering, Corporate Sugar-Daddy? -Captain ABlack Secret Officer on Governor's Security Detail, in Sacramento, California, '02 --Acquired A Barbadian Officer in ScienceDegreein Queen's 'Guard', in MercenaryOutfit: my Shepherds Bush Home, '94 - Rough-Cut In Oakland Police Dept, inSheriff's Oakland Police Dept. -- AA- Sgt. in the San Bernadino County Dept, in Mojave Dessert, Ca, on 04London, Dec '01 (2nd Floor), California, '01 - UK, 00 nnnnvf ~ US Overpopulation 'Government' AIDS rt Terrorism 'Quotes' AIDS, 'AIDS&Created Was Developed In American Bio-Warfare Laboratories'
I nOcuMtNtA110N? 11
'AIDS Is A Black Depopulation Virus'
11 11
nnAVt"tAflt~!: Wlt8tl:tI8AU Ott 1tU8!
OFFICIAL US GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS IN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (1969) therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.
AIDS: 'The Manufactured Virus'
3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be
The transcript that follows is taken from the June 9, 1969 Senate testimony
of Or. Donald MacArthur,
a high-level Defense Department
biological research administrator. Judge for yourself. Funding was approved in 1970: $10 million to the Dept of Defense. Approved by Sec. Of Defense, Mr. Robert McNamara.
plans were made to initiate the program. However decreasing funds in CB, growing criticism of the CB program, and our reluctance to involve the NAS NRC in such a controversial endeavour have led us it for the past 2 years. It is a highly controversial
issue and
populations. On the other hand, without the sure scientific knowledge that such a weapon is possible, and an understanding of the ways it could be done. There is little that can be done to devise defensive measures. Should an enemy develop it there is little doubt that this is an important area of potential military technological inferiority in which there is no adequate
competent scientists in the field, almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported from sources other than 000. However, it was considered possible to
research program.
Statement of Director, Defense Research and Engineering Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1969 TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1969 SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL
there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of large
Glenard P. Upscomb, Califomia, Jamie D. Whitten, Mississippi, William E. Minshall, Ohio, George W. Andrews, Alabama, John J. Rhodes, Arizona, Daniel J. Flood, Pennsylvania, Glenn R. Davis,
Temporarily assigned H.B. 15090 PART 5: RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT,
5 years at a total cost of $1 0 million.
biology is a relatively new science. There are not many highly
to postpone
Ninety-First Congress: First Session Subcommittee on Department of Defense George H. Mahon, Texas, Chairman; Robert L.F. Sikes, Florida,
Department of the Army Statement of Director, Advanced
in approximately
4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program.
initiate an adequate program through the National Academy of sciences - National Research Council (NAS-NRC), and tentative
FOR 1970
Wisconsin, John M. Slack, West Virginia, Joseph P. Addabbo, York, Frank E. Evans, Colorado.
Biological Warfare Viruses
Human Experimentation, '50's onwards:
1950 In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city OR. MACARTHUR:
There are two things about the biological agent
field I would like to mention.
One is the possibility of technological
surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. MR. SIKES. Are we doing any work in that field? OR. MACARTHUR. We are not. Certainly not lack of interest.
pneumonia-like symptoms. 195 I Department of De fen se begins open-air tests using disease-producing bacteria and viruses. Tests last through 1969 and there is concern that people in the surrounding areas have been exposed. 1953 US. militaJy releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulphide gas over
MR. SIKES. Would you provide for our records information would be required, what the advantages The time and the cost involved?
ships over San Francisco. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with
Winnipeg, St Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia Their intent is to determine how
MR. SIKES. Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest? OR. MACARTHUR.
would be to biological attack, the US. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria ITOm
on what
of such a program would be.
We will be very happy to. The information
efficiently they could disperse chemical agents. 1953 Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in which tens of thousands of people in New York and San Francisco are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii. 1953 CIA initiates Project MKULTRA. This is an eleven-year research
follows: The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular
program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that would
biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to
be used for mind control and behaviour modification.
biological warfare. A small group of experts considered and provided the following observations:
involved testing the agents on unwitting human beings.
this matter
1. All biological agents up to the present time are representatives
1955 The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human of
naturally occurring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes. 2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro organism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and
T peckePs
Six of the subprojects
with biological agents, releases bacteria withdrawn
ITom the
Army's biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl. 1955 Army Chemical Corps continues LSD research, studying its potential use as a chemical incapacitating agent More than 1,000 Americans participate in the tests, which continue until 1958. 1956 US. military releases mosquitoes
infected with Yellow Fever over
Savannah, GA and Avon Park, Fl. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.
P IJ (!(JX 11J13. l!eaefa>1
1958 LSD is tested on 95 volunteers at the Anny's Chemical Wmfare
Desert Storm veterans
Laboratories for its effect on intelligence.
are infected with an altered
a microbe commonly
strain of
used in the production
population is code named Project THIRD CHANCE; testing of the Asian
biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the mv protein coat. indicating that it had been man-made. 1994 Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least
population is code named Project DERBY HAT. 1965 Project CIA and Department of De fen se begin Project MKSEARCH,
military personnel in human experiments
a program to develop a capability to manipulate human behaviour through the use of mind-altering drugs. 1965 Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected
dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionising radiation, psycho chemicals, hallucinogens, drugs used during the Gulf War. 1995 US. Gov admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and
1960 The Anny Assistant Chief-of-Stafffor
Intelligence (ACSI) authorizes
field testing of LSD in Europe and the Far East Testing of the European
to dioxin, the highly toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Viet Nam. The men are later studied for development of cancer, which indicates that Agent Orange had been a suspected carcinogen all along. 1966 CIA initiates Project MKOFTEN, a program to test the toxicological effects of certain drugs on humans and animals. 1966 US. Anny dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the
50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of and for intentional exposure to
scientists who had performed human medical experiments
immunity from
prosecution in exchange for data on biological wmfare research. 1995 Dr. Garth Nicholson uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, FL and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections. 1996 Department of De fen se admits that Desert Storm soldiers were
NY City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when
exposed to chemical agents.
army scientists drop light bulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates. 1967 CIA and Department of De fen se implement Project MKNAOMI, successor to MKUL TRA and designed to maintain, stockpile and test
investigation into bio weapons use & Gulf War Syndrome. http://www.healthnewsnet.com/humanexperiments.html
1997 Eightv-eight
of Congress
sign a letter demanding
biological and chemical weapons. 1968 CIA experiments with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by injecting chemicals into the water supply of the FDA in Washington, D.e. 1969 Dr. Robert McArthur ofthe Department of De fen se requests from Congress
$10 million to develop, within 5 to 10 years, a synthetic
biological agent to which no natural 1970 Funding for the synthetic 15090. The proiect.
biological agent is obtained
under the supervision
of the CIA, is carried
1975 The virus section of Fort Detrick's Research
is renamed
the Fredrick
due to genetic
Centre for Biological Warfare Research
Facilities and placed
under the supervision ofthe National Cancer Institute (NC]) . It is here that the U.S. Navv, purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses, initiates a special virus cancer program. It is also here that retro virologists isolate a virus to which no immunity exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T -cell Leukaemia Virus). 1977 Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.e., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and S1. Louis. 1978 Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted begin in New Y or"- Los Angeles and San Francisco.
2000 -
CIA oversees "war" on AIDS
out by
Review, Nov., 1970), designed to selectively target and
eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible differences and variations in DNA.
- Idaho Observer,
under HR
the Special Operations Division at Fort Detric"- the army's top secret biological weapons facility. Speculation is raised that molecular biology techniques are used to produce AIDS-like retroviruses. 1970 United States intensifies its development of "ethnic weapons" (Military
by Dr. Len Horowitz On April 30, 2000, The Washington Post announced
a National
Security Agency (NSA) move to place AIDS science, and all public health agencies conducting it, under the cornmand of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This move, curiously, follows South Afiican President's Thabo Mbeki's decision to include the testimonies of "dissident" scientists in his country's review ofHlV /AIDS treatment practices and the epidemic's origin. President Clinton, advised by the National Intelligence Council (NlC), to formally declare global AIDS a US. "national security threat," signed this policy into law. The action foreshadows the likely persecution, if not incarceration or assassination, of "dissident" AIDS scientists. The CIA wamed in their report to the president and press that, "The persistent infectious disease burden is likely to aggravate and, in some cases, may even provoke economic decay, social fragmentation, and political destabilization in the hardest hit countries .... " The study defined "instability," as revolutionary wars, ethnic wars,
by the CDC,
Ads for research
subiects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men. 1981 First cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New
genocides, and disruptive regime transitions .... Dramatic declines in life expectancy, the study said, are the strongest risk factor for "such threats to national security." Killing two birds with one stone, promoting vaccination and medication,
may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine 1985 According to the joumal Science (227: 173-177), HTL V and VISNA,
the propagandist report stated that such threats and "deterioration" might be followed by only "limited improvement ... owing to better prevention and control efforts, new drugs, and vaccines."
a fatal sheep virus, are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship. 1986 According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
the book Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, j 998). The "number of 15-year-
Y or"- Los Angeles and San Francisco,
that AIDS
(83:4007-4011), HlV and VISNA are highly similar and share iIIl structural elements, except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTL V. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists. 1986 A report to Congress reveals that the US. Government's current generation of biological agents includes: modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic engineering to change
The report posted one statistic that reflected the evidence advanced in
olds per 10,000 of that age group who have lost their mothers or both parents to AIDS," in Uganda, the report said, was 1,100 compared to lOin the United States. Why so many orphaned children in Uganda? Because this was the principle site of the Afiican hepatitis B vaccine trials in 1974-1975. Uganda was the home of the International Agency for Research in Cancer (!ARC) that collaborated
with Litton Bionetics, the US. Anny's sixth top biological
by all existing vaccines.
weapons contracting lab during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Bionetics was
1987 Department of De fen se admits that, despite a treaty banning research
the organization that, at this time, developed numerous AIDS-like viruses under the direction of Dr. Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute (NCI),
and prevent treatment
and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation. 1990 More than 1500 six-month old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental. 1994 With a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicholson at the MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston, TX discovers that many UN T~E RUM AGAIN T l'uc;k!Jf>~dDul'lIal
who more than a decade later received credit for "discovering" virus HTL V -ill (HN -I). Given the potentially grave socio-economic,
the AIDS
political, and now military
implications of uncovering a vaccine industry-linked cause of AIDS, future publications and open dialogue regarding this hypothesis in the mainstream and scientific media may be increasingly difficult to achieve. According to US. government
watchdog groups, and related policy analysts linked to
~ U
aox 1U13. lJeauml'l Wern . .o'7U
JuriMed - a North American alternative medicine advocacy organization
the new Clinton decree empowers the CIA to act against scientific "dissidents" who raise concerns regarding vaccination policies, as done in this article, as a threat to US. national security. The JuriMed communique heralded the likelihood of increased "mainstream [media] blackouts on AIDS dissident positions," and "global disease control" initiatives including "wideranging vaccination programs" becoming more coercive. Obviously, due to the lethal nature and severe cost of the AIDS
persons said they had something for me. The progress report was about 350 pages. The cover was faded with a vel)' strange design. Dr. Horowitz had accurately described the cover and in bulk form reprinted a number of the pages of the program. As I examined the report for the first time, it appeared to have a blueprint or schematic attached. The FLOWCHART of the program unfolded in five sections and definitively proclaimed this to be the "research logic" of the SpeciaJ Virus Program. I knew it then and I know it now, this flowchart is the "missing link" in proving the laboratol)' birth of the AIDS
pandemic, should this author's horrific documentation be largely disseminated, and the man-made origin of AIDS premise established firmly, it
pandemic. Graves' research supports conclusions reached by Dr. Horowitz and
would beg a global re-evaluation of vaccination science, politics, and policies. At Jeast three third world nations, including the nation ofIslam, Kenya, and
others who can prove that the US. Government created and spread AIDS all over the world. The U.S. government refuses to acknowledge that it caused the most deadly epidemic in world histol)'.
now South Afiica, have moved in this direction. The man-made theol)' and vaccine-transmitted
hypothesis of AIDS is
not easily embraced. However, the implications of ignoring this hypothesis are unfathomable. Such actions strain the ethical fabric of science, our moral obligations as world citizens, and may be contributing to an irreversible attack against humanity. On the other hand, the AIDS crisis may serve an ideologically justified
This article: httn://\\ww.prolibertv.comlobserver!2001 The Idaho Observer P.O. Box 457, Spirit Phone: 208-255-2307 Email:
Web: http://idaho-observer.com
& http://proliberty.com/observer/
function conceming burgeoning ethnic populations in a period of global transition. In effect, it provides a revenue-generating control mechanism for "national security" interests and the organizations,
institutions, and industries
aligned with what amounts to utilitarian global genocide. This article: http://proJibertv.com/observer/20010806.htm
Quirk of Nature or Mass Murder?
Excerpts from: http://aidsbiowar.com! Over the past few decades there is proof that government
- Idaho Observer, February 2001 -
agencies have
repeatedly exposed people to biological agents in secret experiments authorized by government agencies. We have read about the secret radiation
Graves submits 'Special Virus Flowchart" to Congress National Leaders Ignore Evidence Proving DoD Link to Worldwide AIDS Epidemic, by Don Harkins WASHINGTON,
D.e. - On January 20, 2000 The Sixth Circuit Court of
Appeals named the office of the President of the United States to answer
experiments performed on unsuspecting US. citizens. There are over 500 documented criminal experiments that have been performed on people without their knowledge or consent So the idea of AIDS as a biological experiment is not without precedent. Charges of secret and unethical experiments
against helpless American
lawyer Ed Graves' federal lawsuit for global AIDS apology and reparations. The court's order followed Graves' submission of the 1971 Special Virus
citizens are not the ravings of paranoid people. On the contrary, they are serious accusations of an informed and enlightened citizeruy. Milital)' bio
Flow Chart into evidence. On January 12,2001 Graves v. The President of the United States and the issue of the laboratol)' origin of AIDS was dismissed as "mvolous."
warfare attacks against unsuspecting Americans in the I 950s and 60s are a documented reality. A decade ago, the idea of AIDS as a man-made disease was considered.
Dr. Graves filed the People's petition for rehearing En Banc January 22, 2001. When Graves presented the Flow Chart to the US. Surgeon General's office January 24, 2001, America's
top doctors admitted no prior knowledge
to our government's secret virus development program (Special Virus 19621978) which produced 60,000 litres of contagious cancer prior to the 'mysterious' onset of the global AIDS epidemic. Graves' grass roots activism has already Jed scientists to immediate break-throughs
for people living with AIDS, and other illnesses. Graves
continues his push for immediate program review on all levels of government while the people of the world await the U .S. federal court response. Graves has spent the last eight years tracking the origins of AIDS through a densely-covered
paranoid. Conveniently lost in the histol)' of AIDS is the gay hepatitis B vaccine that immediately preceded the slaughter of gay Americans. Were the Ebola and Marburg viruses aJso created in bio warfare laboratories during the 1970's? Are significant truths being censored by science, media, and academia? This website is not the reflection of anyone's' personaJ agenda or vendetta: it is honest joumalism
gleaned rrom the hard-earned
research of
impeccably-credentialed professionaJs. To ignore and remain in denial of this research is to make a mockel)' of medical science as a field of open and honest inquiry. What follows is not theol)'.
propaganda trail of the highest deception. The
shocking conclusions of Graves' research led him to file the landmark federal case Graves vs. The President of the United States no. 9904476. His new book "State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratol)' Birth of AIDS" should be required reading for the world to ensure we establish a firm foundation to never again allow the greatest nation in world histol)' to unleash biological agents on the people of the world. Graves provides the irrefutable "missing link": the AIDS research logic flowchart. It is the linkage of over 20,000 scientific papers which conclusively prove a "candidate"
nonsense. Now the idea is fTequently mentioned in the media, but the evidence for it is never discussed, and the idea is always dismissed as
virus was developed and mass produced. The "creation,"
"production" and "proliferation" of AIDS is the ultimate assault on the social fabric of our nation, said Graves.
Suppressed History And Censored Research Owing To Massive US. Government Cover-up AIDS and Ebola, two of this centwy's most virulent diseases. Why was AIDS originaJly known as "The Gay Plague" in America? Is AIDS merely a fTeak accident of nature caused fTom an Afiican green monkey virus? Or is AIDS a government-sponsored genocide program that seeded a laboratory virus into select populations for political and sociaJ purposes? Is it possible to create pathogenic viruses by genetic engineering? Scientific arguments have been made to support various theories of an artificial origin of AIDS, though th= arguments have been suppressed in both the mainstream press and in scientific literature ..... The most danming evidence that AIDS was man-made comes fTom the Department
(DOD) Appropriations
Hearings for
"Few people can understand the depth of the deception on behalf of the United States. On one hand we seek to protect (fTom killing) a fetus. On the
1969 wherein Pentagon officials, namely a one Dr. MacArthur requested an AIDS-like virus, and bio warfare labs dutifully provided a virus which would
other hand, we secretly try to kill the person, particularly if they are Black or
destroy the human irnmune response. This genetically-engineered
socially disenrranchised. Thus, in its simplest form, if there is a top secret federal plan or policy to enact coven genocide, somebody would eventually find it
would be vel)' different rrom any previous microbe known to mankind.
I first read about the Special Virus in "Emerging
Viruses: AIDS
Interestingly, the above Hearings on "Synthetic Biological Agents" occuned the same year as the famous StonewaJl Riot that won ITeedom and political
Ebola, Nature, Accident or IntentionaJ?" by Leonard G. Horowitz. I followed
clout for the gay community! Neither the government nor the press nor the scientific community has made any effort to bring the above facts to the
Dr. Horowitz's
attention of the public.
suggestion and ordered progress repon #8 (1971) through the
public library. About a week later, I was in the library and one of the counter ON THE ROAfl AlJAlI'I T "ucklJpa
0 lJox 1013.IJ!lauiDl'I
WwI . .0'70
Enter the heroic patriots!! There are tireless physicians who have spent
vaccine program that offered health benefits for themselves
and their
years researching and documenting the exhaustive evidence that proves conclusively that HIV/AIDS is in fact biological (germ) wartare
community. Most of the men in the experiment were white. Three months after the experiment began at the New York City Blood Centre, the first AIDS
case was discovered in a young white Manhattan gay. Beginning in March
Whereas both our derelict politicians and mainstream media
continue to fail us regarding this most tremendous story of our time! The heroic physicians introduced on this page are the true "saviours" if you will,
1980, similar vaccine ex-periments took place in Los Angeles, San Francisco, St. Louis, Denver and Chicago. In the fall of 1980, the first West Coast case
who alone have exposed the government's lies and devious smokescreens contrived to conceal an event that is easily the greatest mass murder in world
of AIDS was reported in a young white gay man rrom San Francisco. To this
history!! Those who control, manipulate, and censor the major media, are aware of the political and social implications of the AIDS bio warfare story. The reason for AIDS disinformation is obvious: to cover up the man-made origin of this disease. Americans have been duped!! In his well known report WHO MURDERED
AFRICA, Dr. WilIiam
Campbell Douglass, MD., wrote that HIV was finally produced (genetically
day the New York City Blood Centre refuse to release their data on the AIDS deaths following that experiment! The details of the experiment, and its effect on the health of these men, are contained in the records of the trials. However, since 1984, when 64% of the men who got the vaccine already had full-blown AIDS, no additional reports have been released (Waves Forest, "Designer Diseases", Open Road, Fall 1988, pJ). The U.S. Department of Justice is keeping this incriminating information "classified" and "unavailable" for
engineered) in 1974, after having been PREDIcrED and REQUESTED! He tells us that the AIDS virus by the WHO (World Health Organization), was
public research and investigation. The definitive report of this study can be
not just a diabolical scientific exercise that got out of hand. It was a coldblooded successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a
DEATH and QUEER BLOOD. Those American gays never realized they were the victims of a secret biomedical plot directed against them. The more
successful experiment in Afiica. Afiican AIDS was the result of the smallpox eradication vaccine program conducted by the World Health Organization
one studies the hepatitis B experiment, the more the connections to biological wartare and genocide become apparent. To those perceptive enough to discern it, the mass deaths of homosexuals rrom AIDS was similar to the mass deaths of Jews in the Holocaust!
during the 1970s. It was not an accident It was deliberate! It is more than hypothetical hyperbole to conclude that our government has conducted bio warfare on Black Afiica. It is fact For decades depopulation
has been the highest long-range priority of US
foreign policy towards the Third World. It was classified - it was a secret. "Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter of vital US national security." (National Security Memorandum,
Henry Kissinger]
Viruses cannot jump species unless they are specifically engineered to do so. It is also scientific fact that the AIDS virus bears no resemblance whatsoever to any virus ever found in a green monkey or chimpanzee, but does bear a total resemblance to cow virus and sheep virus, which have been bonded together to create a hybrid virus. The only possible way these two different species of virus could bond together would be from deliberate laboratory manipulation, and then further engineered to make the jump into a human system. lIlY is the synthetic biological agent l<Xjuested by the United States Government to accomplish a hidden Federal program. Dr. Robert Strecker is on record saying that science's new super germ HIV (this perversion of science), had been worked on being created for 30 to 40 years, and because it was engineered at Ft. Detrick, MD, obviously his claim holds that it was specifically designed as a weapon of mass destruction. As bizarre as it may seem, there are connections between the U.S. Army's Fort Detrick bio warfare lab and the National Cancer Institute, where Robert Gallo and other leading AIDS researchers worked. (See Emerging Viruses, AIDS and Ebola, by Leonard Horowitz.) The Army's DEPARTMENT
BIOLOGICAL W ARF ARE already has a well-documented tradition of EXPERIMENTATION ON HUMAN BEINGS ... Since the beginning of recorded history there has never been a group of people so universally hated and despised as homosexuals.
And especially by the Pentagon! What
found in two books by Dr. Alan Cantwell, AIDS and the DOCTORS
Media Disinformation With the publication of And The Band Played On in 1987, the media became obsessed with author Randy Shilts' "Patient Zero" story. A Canadian airline steward named Gaeton Dugas is portrayed as the promiscuous gay man "who brought the AIDS virus rrom Paris and ignited the epidemic in North America." What Shilts probably did not know is that when Dugas was diagnosed with AIDS in 1980, over twenty percent of the Manhattan gays in the hepatitis B experiment were HIV positive. This twenty percent infection rate was discovered after the HIV blood test became availab1e in 1985, and after the men's' stored blood at the New York Blood Centre was retested for HIV antibodies (JAMA, Vol. 255, pp. 2167-2172,
1986). Remarkably,
gay men had the highest recorded incidence ofHIV anywhere in the world for that time! Even in Afiican populations, where AIDS had been theorized to exist for millennia, there were never reports of such a high incidence ofHIV in 1980. The media continue to promote ludicrous propaganda about the origin of AIDS, always avoiding discussion of the idea that HIV came out of a laboratory, and always pointing the finger to Afiica.
Dr. Robert Strecker Dr. Robert B. Strecker, M.D.,PhD.,
was the first AIDS whistleblower,
and Lorimar Pictures has bought the screen rights to this most brilliant and courageous doctor's life story. And a true AIDS activist, Eric Taylor, the 1994 founder ofRL.O.O.D.,Brotherly Lovers Of Original Democracy, - in Philadelphia, to spearhead a class action lawsuit against the Pentagon for bioengineering AIDS, has collected over 3,000 signatures from all 50 United States. Witnessing the unprecedented openness of the Clinton Administration
happened in 1978 and beyond to cause AIDS to burst upon the scene and devastate the homosexual segment of the American population?
in dealing with similar situations such as cold war radiation experiments conducted upon thousands of unsuspecting poor people, Gulf War Syndrome
Actual NYC Blood Centre recruiting ad - June, ]979
(increasingly linked to experimental bio wartare vaccines given to a halfmillion U.S. troops), and a Presidential apology for the racist Tuskegee
For Gay Men to Join the HEPATITIS
*A Sexually Transmitted Disease. Enrolment closes in June,
after which the vaccine may not be available for several years. Take the FREE blood test to determine your HEPATITIS
B status and eligibility for the
program. For hours and information call: New York Blood Centre 570-3047 AIDS in America clearly traces back to the U.S. Federal government's infamous enterprise of deceit, the hepatitis B experiments performed on thousands of gay volunteers between the years 1978- I 981. New York City (in
syphilis study rrom 1932 to 1972, Brotherly Lovers is pursuing a Congressional hearing rather than a class action. Nothing less than a Congressional hearing and investigation that may lead to a full world conference in the United Nations is needed to clarifY and defuse the alleged mentally deranged plan of world depopulation
genetically engineered bio-weapons and prevent world panic! Now if silence is complicity, then the American mainstream press IS libel for ifs continuing, ongoing silence in the face of this, diabolic world genocide encompassing the decimation of third world countries for purposes of population control. The
1083 gay men), San Francisco (in 7000 gay men). The experiment began in Manhattan in November 1978, when over 1,000 homosexuals and bisexuals
CIA's want and need for an offensive biological agent to stem the Afiican
were injected with the experimental
birth rate is a matter of record documented
vaccine. Dr. WolfSzmuness'
experimental hepatitis B vaccine was manufactured by the National Institute of Health (NIH). Also taking part in the study were the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and big drug companies such as Merck, Sharp & Dohme, and Abbott Laboratories. To be eligible for the experiment the men had to be young, healthy, promiscuous (emphasis added), and under the age of 40. For
over 50 years ago. The American
people have the right to know and deserve a dialogue on this global genocide ofNuremburg gravity! The massive government cover up and disinformation campaign is expected to escalate (witness the proliferation of certain conspicuous books). Dr. Leonard Horowitz is building a grass roots activist movement to finally expose this great crime against humanity, and to hopefully prevent future bio-attacks against gays and other targeted groups
statistical purposes - gays were set up -- the government tested and interviewed the most promiscuous gays e_ those signed up in VD clinics for
with "ethno-specific" viruses. The Genome Project makes this technology a very plausible reality for concern. During the late 1950's, the 60's, the 70's, and
example, and then made the statistics fit the entire gay community. Szmuness had no trouble rounding up gays who were willing to be guinea pigs in a
the early 80's, scientists and policy makers in the U.S. believed there was a
explosion of peoples who they considered inferior and or " U
Sex 1 U13. Seril!fol'l WBIJt. !f7U
undesirable. This is historically the vel)' essence of the intolerant and
doubt, who waslis behind this diabolic genocidaJ assault on mankind, nothing
genocidaJ mindset. The political consequences
if the new genetic technology is used for evil purposes. The cancer virologists
is being done 10 rectifY this MASS MURDER Dr. Len Horowitz (800-336-9266), Dr. Alan Cannvell, MD (323-462-
and the genetic engineers are the new masters ofIife and death on the planet Physician/scientist, cancer/AIDS researcher, Dr. Alan R CantwelI's AIDS bio warfare books are his classic AIDS AND THE DOCTORS OF
0197), Professor Francis Boyle (217-333-7954) and Don Scott (705-6700180) will aJI testifY as to the laboratol)' origin of the HIV virus. Don Scott is President of The Common Cause Foundation:
DEATH (suppressed
http://www.cfsaudio.4biznetlccflindex.htrn The world needs to view the testimony rrom June and July 1969, and
for humanity can be disastrous
at the Fifth IntemationaJ AIDS Conference
at MontreaJ,
Canada), and the Benjarnin Franklin A ward winning sequel, QUEER BLOOD: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot 1-800-356-9315 (24hrs). Dr. Cantwell is aJso author of the revolutionary
the progress reports of the US.'s "SpeciaJ" Virus program. These are the is
a continuing tragedy that microbiologists, pathologists, oncologists, dermatologists, and other physicians and researchers are not willing to investigate the microbe of cancer. Knowledge
of this cancer germ has been
suppressed by a greedy and arrogant scientific establishment
that does not
reaJly want to find a cause and a cure for cancer because it is more lucrative to continue the "search." Until this infectious agent is recognized, it is doubtful that medical science will ever achieve an effective treatment for AIDS and cancer. A terrific SOURCE for books about AIDS as a man-made disease, emerging viruses, the cancer conspiracy and other medical conspiracies etc., contact: Dr. Alan Cantwell, Author of Classic AIDS Books, Aries Rising Press, P. O. Box 29532, Los Angeles, CA 90029. PhondFAX
(323) 462-6458. E-mail AlanRCan@aol.com.
"missing links" in that they provide the data, experiments concocted the H1V virus.
and contracts that
The people of the world need for this information to come out. The progress reports are absolutely extraordinary and astonishing in proving the culpability of the United States of America. WHERE ARE GOOD DECENT PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT AFRAID TO BEAR FORTH THE TRUTH?
I seek a mandate rrom the
people of the world to further assist in exposing this covert genocidaJ biological warfure and inhumane medical experimentation, the keystone of an aggressive ongoing gJobaJ population control program. We have aJlowed 30 years to pass, it is time. If you are opposed to State-sanctioned, premeditated MURDER, get involved or wait until you are chosen to be culled. Sincerely, Boyd E. Graves, Director - AIDS CONCERNS. In Canada on Saturday, August 21, 1999, American, Boyd E. Graves
Current catalogue of books upon request Dr. Horowitz's brilliantly researched book, EMERGING
& Ebola;
Nature, Accident or IntentionaJ? (1996) Available aJso rrom
Aries Rising Press. According to Dr. Horowitz, one of the prime players was HenI)' Kissinger, former Secretary of State, who in 1969 aJlocated $10 million of CongressionaJ funding for the development of AIDS-like viruses by the US. military. Kissinger aJso aJlegedly instructed the CIA to stockpile a Pandora's box of deadly viruses for a secret germ warfare project code-named MKNAOMJ. Kissinger and a few MKNAOMJ scientists controlled the fate of AIDS-like viruses engineered for the Army for use in CIA-directed operations. EMERGING VIRUSES delivers a particularly devastating indictment against AIDS researcher Robert GaJlo: Horowitz reveaJs the early Nazi roots of biological warfare research. EMERGING VIRUSES concludes that the people society blames for starting the AIDS pandemic - American gay men and Afiicans - are innocent victims, while those who created AIDS continue to profit by developing expensive new drugs to treat it Pharmaceutical industriaJists create the problems and then manufacture the solutions. EMERGING VIRUSES is an explosive book exposing the madness of modem medicine and a powerhouse
of evidence to show why
AIDS is a man-made disease. "Perhaps now, as AIDS consumes the lives, liberties, and pursuits of an estimated 50 million HIV -positive people worldwide, the time has come to vanquish our delusions about it and its origin." AIDS Bio-Engineering
the 'research logic flow' of a "hidden" Federal program
entitled, "SpeciaJ Virus". The "SpeciaJ Virus" program began in 1962 and produced at least fifteen progress reports that correspond to the schematic. The flowchart IS the "missing link" in the definitive proof of the laboratory origin ofH1V /AIDS. It has already met and exceeded the scrutiny of some of the world's top micro biologists and scientists, including Dr. Garth Nicolson. You can only fool intelligent people for so long. Our take on this new round of transparent propaganda aJleging a natural evolution ofthe AIDS virus rrom wild Afiican chimpanzees is that it is a desperate attempt to further obscure the scientific evidence and incriminating
facts. Now that thousands of
grassroots activists are successfully aJerting millions more regarding the works by Drs. Strecker, Cantwell, Horowitz and others, spin doctors need to work overtime. Their periodic propaganda can only distract and confuse people for so long. Millions now reaJize that AIDS, as well as other immune system related disorders including chronic fatigue CFIDS, fibromyaJgia, Lupus, multiple sclerosis and many more neurological injuries including autism attention deficit, and hyperactivity disorders in our children, aJong with several unique contemporary cancer epidemics including lymphomas, leukaemia's and sarcomas, are largely vaccine induced injuries. John SeaJe, M.D., concluded that AIDS was man-made in "Origins of the AIDS Viruses, HIV -I and H1V -2: Fact or Fiction?" which was published by The British Journal of the RoyaJ Society of Medicine in 1988 (81: 617-
On Trial
My name is Boyd Graves and I have AIDS. Last September
stunned the IntemationaJ medical community when he presented the AIDS
I filed suit
against the US. for the "creation, production and proliferation of the AIDS virus." ] submitted to the U.S. Federal court, page 129 of US. House Bill 15090.11 is the US. Pentagon's incriminating testimony about creating a new virus (July I, 1969). NOW we have the "progress reports" of a hidden Federal program entitled "SpeciaJ Virus." The "SpeciaJ" virus program began in 1962
619). And Dr. Georges Mathe, the father of bone marrow transplantation one of the giants of clinical immunology, has long stated HIV is an engineered virus. Lieutenant Disclosure
Colonel Thomas
(V.S. Army, retired)
witness, www.disclosureproject.org)
AIDS Biological Warfare American
E. Bearden
bio warfare
in 1988 claiming
labs, urging:
wrote the book,
that HIV was developed
"It is imperative
that the Congress
[according to the progress reports]. The program inoculated monkeys with human viruses and then released them into the wilds of Afiica. The US. owns
ofthe United States launch a full inv~tigation of the entire background ofthe AIDS bio warfare strike, as a matter ofthe highest priority." Bearden holds a Master of Science degree in nuclear engineering and a
a primate colony in Uganda In progress report #8, 1971, (See Emerging Viruses, pp. 406-409) we have discovered a paper by Dr. Robert GaJlo that is identical to his 1984 announcement of the CO-discovel)' of AIDS. I have
Bachelor firm.
been called by the Pentagon and the Centre for Disease Control out of Atlanta. However, nothing compares to the incriminating testimony the Pentagon gave on June 9, 1969. On June 9. 1969. the Pentagon admits that it was doing research on an offensive biological agent that would lead to a "World-Wide scourge and black-death type plague in certain geographical areas of the world. " The major press in the US. refuses to view the Pentagon testimony or . the progress reports of this "hidden" Federal program. Even the U.S. Federal court set aside the direct evidence and ruled this to be 'fiivolous'. The world is awakening to the devastating effects of the man-made HIV retroviruses that are methodically annihilating one continenfs population after another. Although some of the top world scientists know without any shadow of a
TpuckeP\\ JouPllal
of Science degree in mathematics,
and now heads an aerospace
The New York Native was the first American paper to report the stol)', quoting an anonymous source who worked for the Fort Detrick Biological Warfare lab in Bethesda, Maryland, and claimed that the AIDS Bio warfare program was called "Operation Firm Hand." (4/13/87). Jakob Segal, an East Berlin microbiologist,
in the London
Sunday Express, October 26, 1986, insisted that "the AIDS virus was manmade," and when asked about the widely-accepted green monkey theory of AIDS, the German professor quipped, "It's ludicrous and scientifically incredible - and has been promoted I believe, by the U.S. Government of the cover-up." Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross,
as part
M.D., has been most outspoken against
physicians who are hiding the truth about the man-made origin ofH1V and generous with her endorsements promoting Dr. CantweJl's honest books. Dr. Cannvell's
expose of AIDS as a man-made epidemic has aJready resulted in ~ D Box 1D13.lJeaufoPl
WBSt â&#x20AC;˘
the New York and Los Angeles productions
of two critically-acclaimed
Health Organization
collaborated on the development,
production and
proliferation of a synthetic biological agent that subsequently became known as HlV and AIDS. It is a fact that people are unwittingly used as guinea pigs
in covert medical experiments. The Army's LSD experiments,
The AIDS biologic experiment is a replay of the medical terrors of Nazi
the Tuskegee
syphilis experiment, Agent Orange, the exploding Persian Gulf War
occurring in front of our eyes. Dr. Strecker has astutely pointed out why the
Syndrome, the human radiation experiments, as well as hundreds of documented bio warfare experiments conducted by the military on
perpetrators selected gay men for the hepatitis B experiment Because, said the doctor, they knew that NOTI-IING would be done since homosexuals are
unsuspecting civilians. And the National Academy of Sciences is silent on its cooperative role with the military in the development of secret biological
the most hated group in history. And the silence continues! NEVER in the history of medicine has a viral disease EXCLUSIVELY
weapons for mass killing.
Germany, but few people realize that another man-made Holocaust is
attacked only gay men (originally). HERE, according to the doctors, is the "SMOKING GUN" . How do you turn a black heterosexual disease in Afiica into a white homosexual disease in America? How could AIDS have started in Afiica and in New York City at the same time? THE ENEMIES OF TIllS EXTREMEL
Fifty years ago, splitting the atom created the threat of global annihilation. Now scientists are splitting genes and creating new diseases, with equally alarming destructive potential. AIDS is not an isolated phenomenon. It may have been only the beginning. With the advent of genetic manipulation,
- recombinant engineering, some most incredible and
deadly viruses can now be manufactured with little difficulty. Dr. Horowitz notes that two of the worlds leading experts in monkey virology have declared that Ebola and Marburg were also artificially created. Horowitz documents a complex network ofU.S. govemment officials and departments, drug companies, international agencies, and well-known scientists that in the
last 50 years has vigorously pursued biological warfare as a defense alternative to nuclear war. The U .S. has the largest arsenal of chemical and
Proving that AIDS emerged simultaneously in Afiica and America in the late ] 970s, Scientific American (March ] 996) published, "The Afiican
biological weapons in the world. Dr. Cantwell explains how the AIDS virus was predicted by the
AIDS Epidemic," which states: "One frequently mentioned explanation for
biological warfare establishment
the severe epidemic in the AIDS belt is that the virus originated here and continues to move outward from an epicentre of disease. But AIDS cases
the 1970s paved the way for the "introduction" ofHIV into the gay and black communities. In the 1970s, genetic engineering of viruses was commonplace.
appeared in hospitals in Uganda and Rwanda at the same time they did in the West, and NO STORED HUMAN-TISSUE SAMPLES TAKEN FROM AFRICANS DURING THE ] 970s ARE HIV -POSITIVE."
In many laboratories it was common to transfer animal cancer viruses between animal species. And dangerous animal cancer viruses were
Dr. Robert Strecker believes the diabolic "plan" for Afiica was spelled out in a ]972 memorandum
published by the Bulletin of the World Health
Organization. The report indicated that infection with certain retroviruses could resuJt in "selective damage" to the immune system, particularly to white blood cells known as "T-cells." A careful study of World Health Organization literature revea1s the careful planning that went into the seeding of AIDS in various nations. In 1987, the WHO was publicly accused of unleashing the AIDS epidemic in central Afiica, as a result of its smallpox vaccine programs. The most logical explanation to account for the millions of Afiicans infected is that the vaccines used in the WHO mass inoculation programs, 1960-1977, were contaminated. The AIDS medical establishment
accepts the notion
that a black Afiican heterosexual AIDS epidemic transformed itself into a
and how biowarfare experimentation
into human cells. These experiments
form the basis of human
genetic experiments that now utilize animal cancer viruses to replace genetic material into human cells. By design, the public is kept ignorant of the new super germs, microbes and viruses perfected by the bio warfare establishment over the past half -century. When virologists shotgun viruses into tissue cultures and create new germs, they have no idea what kind or how many Frankenstein monsters they are creating. HI\Z was created in a laboratory by combining lethal animal "retroviruses" in human cancer (HeLa) cell cultures and/or calf serum. Such research, conducted in the world's most prestigious medical institutions and laboratories, is veiled in total secrecy. The Pentagon is supporting research on biological warfare in over] 00 Federal and private laboratories including many prominent universities. (New Scientist, London, 5/19/88). Discover the medical and scientific ploys used by AIDS experts to cover
young white male homosexual epidemic in Manhattan. How is this
up the man-made origin of AIDS by blaming green monkeys for the outbreak
bio]ogically possible? In truth, the transformation of a black heterosexual epidemic into an exclusively white American homosexual epidemic is not biologically possible. Nevertheless, the leading AIDS experts carefully avoid all discussion of this issue. The US. media have censored all serious
of this new and unprecedented disease. QUEER BLOOD is a book that will convince you that AIDS is not an accident of nature caused by monkeys or rain forests, but a deliberate man-made holocaust of unspeakable evil. We
discussion of AIDS as a man-made disease, and have dismissed the accusations as propaganda of the worst sort On the contrary, it is they the media who are disseminating the government's official line propaganda! To blame green monkeys and a rain forest virus for AIDS may be politically correct, but it is also scientifically naive. The disease in Afiica began in the cities, and not in the jungles. And the most important point of the matter is that the genetic makeup of the AIDS virus does not exist in man or primates. So not only is it improbable that the virus came from monkeys, it's virtually impossible. To further demolish the theory that HIV had been present in Afiica for centuries, Dr. Horowitz cites a
challenge any AIDS expert or microbiologist to medically refute Dr. Cantwell's book, QUEER BLOOD. "A new kind of insanity is beginning. And it hides under the name of medical science. Its hallmark is the utter hick of a philosophical system of ethics and morality." Aries Rising Press continues to bring important and controversial books to the attention of the public. Because of their nature, the titles are unlikely to be found in book stores, or to be reviewed by the corporate-controlled media. The Establishment
media outlets are projections of the conglomerates
own them. They propagate the consensus view. Suggested additional reading: Healing Codes For The Biological Apocalypse
by Drs. Horowitz
& Barber
gene-typing study by Dr. Gerald Myers of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Developing an HIV -tree based on archeoepidemiology, Myers
(] 999)
concluded that "the preponderance of evidence still argues for an explosive event in the mid-1970s." Simply put, new viruses mutate rapidly while old viruses mutate slowly. HIV IS THE MOST RAPIDLY MUTATING
so many people are sick today, what the true causes of our disease epidemics are, and how to defend yourself against the coming [man-made] plagues, read this book." Don Harkins, Editor Book Review, The Idaho Observer
VIRUS EVER KNOWN AIDS to the mid-] 970s.
and Myer's genetic research pinpoints the origin of
If you scoff at the notion that HIV was artificially created, you won't be so cocky once you see how much evidence exists! There is in fact a mass of circumstantial and scientific evidence that proves absolutely that American gays and black Afiicans were targeted for genocide via vaccine programs by America's military-medical-industrial complex and agents of the CIA. MR. A.H. P ASSARELLA, DIRECTOR FOR THE DEPT. OF DEFENSE has recently CONFIRMED HlV ]S A SYNTHETIC BIOLOG]CAL AGENT. The evidence is overwhelming, the United States Government and the World UN THE ~UAO AfJAlN
"....you are left completely shocked by revelations that go far beyond
exposing the genocidal intentions of a few evil men. If you want to know why
The United States and Biological Warfare by Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman (] 999) And The Waters Turned To Blood by Rodney Barker (1996) With an update on the "cell from Hell." Available from Aries Rising Press. Email alanrcan@aol.com A Conspiracy of Cells by Michael Gold (1986) A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical and Biological Warfare by Robert Harris and leremy Paxman (1982) Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment by lames lones (1981) The Killing Winds by leanne McDermott
(] 987)
P U Bvx 1[)13. Be9uibl'l WwI . .!Y7U
it is only because THE UN1TED STATES FEDERAL
Conspiracies, Cover-Ups and Crimes by Jonathan Vankin (1991) OsIer's Web: Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic by Hillary Johnson (1996). The in-depth story of this new epidemic, as well as the failure of the NIH and the CDC to protect the public health is available ITom Aries Rising Press.
are 'infected' or at risk of being 'infected' have a CHOICE as to their own health SOLUTIONS, including Altemative therapies which have
Clouds of Secrecy by Leonard Cole The Human Radiation Experiments
others about these courageous and exceptional doctors and their eye-opening
Of Gulf War Syndrome by Patrick G. Eddington (1997)
findings, which now include recently unearthed highly incriminating government documentation by onc equally brave lawyer, Boyd Ed Graves.
AIDS: The End of Civilization by Dr. Douglass (1989) Dr. William Campbell Douglass dedicates his book to Robert Strecker, M.D., ...."without whose brilliance and courage none ofus today would have the slightest idea
We thank you for your attention.
what really happened to cause the current AIDS epidemic." It is ironic that the great AIDS plague was brought upon man through
Some or all of these mysteriously "introduced" viruseslbacteria are NOT an accident of nature - but rather an "introduction" ofbio warfare-connected
- a smallpox vaccination campaign in Afiica, Brazil and Haiti,
infectious agents into certain "high-risk" and/or minoritY populations for diabolic and money-making and "research" purposes. Is anyone thinking about this possibility? Or are we all so brainwashed by nonsensical "AIDS
and by the use of hepatitis B vaccine on homosexuals in the United States. Now we are to expect the very people who created this intemational holocaust to save us with another vaccination. Unfortunately
promise such as Polyatomic Oxygen Therapy, or will the CDC,
WB, IMF, U.S. Federal Gov't, USAID & U.S. pharmaceutical giants including Merck, Sharpe & Dohme who created this virus also control this too? We urge the reader to do your homework, become informed, and tell
Terror At The Atlanta Olympics by Kenneth Alonso, M.D. (1996) Gassed In The Gulf: The Inside Story Of The Pentagon-CIA Cover-Up
literally influences, controls and regulates all the mechanisms of Justice in the World Court & UN today. Where will Mankind find Justice? Will those who
AIDS is a moving target
and mutates many times faster than the influenza virus. With tens of millions of various genetic variations possible with the AIDS virus, and the reality that
science" that we have lost the ability to reason for ourselves? As a group, the gay community remains steadfastly brain-dead with their everlasting denial
many genetic combinations are spreading at the same time, including some times as many as two or three or more genetic varieties in the same patient, it
about the laboratory origin ofHIV. From this brief account of the evidence, it is obvious that it was indeed
is obviously futile, foolhardy, extravagant and deceitful to pursue the mirage of vaccination.
possible to createthe AIDS virus in a laboratory, that an epidemiological model for targeting the specific groups affected by AIDS existed, and that individuals and institutions with both motive and opportunity to do such a
The world was startled when the London Times reported on its fTont page, May 11, 1987, that the World Health Organization (WHO) had "triggered" the AIDS epidemic in Afiica through the WHO smallpox immunization program. The only people in the free world not surprised by the
thing did exist in the past and still do exist today. The critical question is whether there are individuals and instiMions now courageous enough to stop this mass murder.
London Times tront page story were the Americans - because they never heard about it It is chilling to think that our press is so controlled that the most momentous news break since the assassination of President Kennedy didn't
even make the sports section, much less the ITont page of any American daily paper, radio or television news. Bill Cosby stated his belief that AIDS was man-made on CNN, Thanksgiving 1991, the same year he told the National Enquirer, "A real-life Frankenstein started the disease. I believe AIDS has been man-made. AIDS
Lt Colonel
was started by human beings - maybe even one person - in a Frankenstein sort of way to get certain people they didn't like." 12/24/91 Sadly, AIDS activists
E. Searden,
US Army, ret, Disclosure
witness (www.disdosureproiect.orq):
Author of 'AIDS Biological
Warfare" in 1988. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Nudear
and the gay community continue playing the ostrich by ignoring the AIDS Bio warfare Story (denial is reassuring, ignorance is bliss), and are merely preoccupied with quilts, parades and rides (any excuse for a party!), fearing that this information could trigger a backlash of queer-bashing than AIDS has already escalated. Fundamentalist
and a Bachelor of Science Degree_ in Mathematics. Currently Heads an Aerospace Finn.
Dr. Boyd E. Graves, J.D: Petitioner for Global AIDS Apology; Petitioner of landmark federal case, Graves vs. The President of
rage in darkness. The
Hitlerian right-wing dream ofliquidating homosexuals into extinction is an impossibility, for these creative people are UniversaJ and eternal. One would think that the parallels to Nazi Germany would be all too obvious. Unlike
the United States no. 99-4476; (www.bovdqraves.com).
Author of
'State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of Aids,'
k.\"S and blacks, most gays are also in denial about the rise ofneo-Nazisrn, lixgerting the tragic origin of the pink triangle so proudly displayed. If the mainstream press continues to black out this story, we will pursue
Dr. Leonard
it in the altemative media, public forums, community
Readers are encouraged to obtain and study the references cited and to
Dr. Garth
demand a full inquiry. Brotherly Lovers Of Original Democracy, founded in
(both PhD's):
Founders of The
Institute for Molecular Medicine. Both Nancy and Garth are in the process of being nominated for a Nobel Prize for the development
1994 in Philadelphia, is petitioning Congress for a hearing on AIDS bio warfare, and has accumulated over 3,000 signatures. To help insure a hearing
of nucleoprotein gene tracking which is a technique that has been applied to the study of cancer metastasis as well as HIV-1 infection and the invasive infections associated with the veterans of Desert Stonn.
giving support to the doctors' and lawyer Grave's claim that HIV is manmade, please contact Eric Taylor at: 412 - 835 - 8024 In fmally bringing to light the true man-made origin ofI-llV, it is . reasonable to believe that more viable treatments would surely be expedited! And also the presently waning interest in AIDS would gather force and become aflame with new life and passion all over again; to be looked at and
Dr. Robert
Attorney, intemist. gastroenterologist
additional doctorate in phannacology. Trained pathologist and insurance industry consultant. Published The StTecker
examined afresh. It is incumbent upon all of us to become as aware as possible, to understand where these invisible threats are coming ITom. We must educate ourselves beyond network television, mainstream newspapers
media is not
Ms. Eva Lee Snead,
going to present a serious discussion of the AIDS Bio warfare Story. From its embryonic stages to its Intemational deployment, HIV is the most lethal disease to affect Mankind as global pandemic in recorded history. Will the real culprit, the United States Federal Government, be made accountable WorldIUN Court for 'GENOCIDE & ACTS AGAINST HUMANJTY'.
M.P.H: Harvard Graduate,
known authority in public health
(www.tetrahedron.orq) Author of: 'Emerging Viruses: Aids & Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?
meetings and individual
dialogue, until the American public demands the information they rightfully deserve and need!
and radio. Controlled by corporate interests, the commercial
D.M.D., MA,
M.D: Author of 'Some call it AIDS, I cal1it
Murder!' Mr. Alan Cantwell,
in a If
Jr., M.D: Author of 'Aids and the Doctors of
bringing to justice those culpable for these genocidal acts is an impossible task IJN THE RIJA() AlJAlN T puckew
-l'rlE'e 8 -
I' IJ 8,", 1()13.lJerJufol't Wwt â&#x20AC;˘ .o'7()
aoaaY'~anAV£fl£Allt tnUtfl-t£tt£n~: 'Origins of AIDS' Debate Behind 'The News',
HARTS/NSA_NEWS: I'm curious. You know how many people I have contacted and shared the AIDS information with them, and they are totally in denial. They don~ even want to read the documentation. I want to know, if possible, where did you get YOUR information about AIDS being a black depopulation virus? BOSS: UK military intelligence (MI5) informed me about it in 1972. By
including the State of the New South African
the way MI5 is in my opinion better at gathering intelligence than MI6 to MI10. Anyway in 1972, I was informed by a counterpart of mine at MI5 that there was currently a biological warfare depopulation virus
'Democracy', and more:
being worked on which would target specifically blacks. At that time it of course did not have the name of AIDS, but their information was that it would target the immune systems of predominantly blacks, that once it had been widely distributed among the black population (and
All Interviews By
I1A~T~/N~A _NEW~:
HARTS/NSA_NEWSis an Internet news service for intelligence & military
whites as a Trojan Horse initiative), it would have a slow latency period and once the virus was activated or even before it was fully activated within the hosts body it would be spread through sexual intercourse, which would of course do the job of removing the darkies
agencies, military attache's from Embassies worldwide, and other
who are fornicating like rabbits.
interested intelligent individuals. It is a joint project between HARTS Spokesperson, Lara Johnstone, and the NSA (National Security Agency),
HARTS/NSA_NEWS: That was in 1972? BOSS: Yes, 1972 or very close to 1972. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: The current South African political situation?
America's largest and most covert, secret, Cryptological government
BOSS: A major fuck up! During Apartheid we had corruption,
military/intelligence agency. The following are PARAPHRASEDinterviews.
lie to you about that, there was a fair amount of corruption, but the infrastructure grew, the roads were fixed, things worked. Right now
(Humanity for Amnesty, Reconciliation, Truth & Sustainability)
the corruption is tearing the infrastructure
Invention Ever.. UK Military Intelligence (MI5) informed me about it in 1972' Officer
in Bureau
[Name Withheld Face-ta-face A very MAN: LARA MAN:
of State
for his own protection] conversation in 2002:
small town somewhere in South Africa: Are you Lara Johnstone? JOHNSTONE: Yes, why? I've heard from my sources that you are someone
speak to, that you are especially gee-politics, convenience - getting LARA JOHNSTONE:
BOSS: Well, let me just stick to confidential sources.
I will inform you
Oh, that's interesting. [Laughs] You guys sure
do know how to creep out of the fucking woodwork
in the strangest of .. But to get back to
issues, I really would love to talk to you, because your opinions come very highly recommended, and I would love to sit and pick your brain. When can we get together? LARA JOHNSTONE: Well anytime, let me know where you live . [Gives me his home address details]. JOHNSTONE: By the way, what is your opinion on AIDS, it came from and so on? AIDS is the most wonderful biological depopulation virus
EVER INVENTED, especially for certain population groups, if you know what I mean! I mean it is killing blacks at a rapid rate, which is really good for keeping their numbers down to at the very least reasonable levels, cause you know how those kaffirs breed. The people who invented AIDS deserve fucking medals, they sure do. LARA JOHNSTONE: Hmmm interesting! Later at BOSS's
home [Lara = HARTS/NSA_NEWS
TI'uckef'IJ cloul'"al
very bad situation. Additionally our current government, similarly to some in the Apartheid government do not seem to realize the power of forces in the West, especially from organisations
like the Central
Intelligence Agency. These idiots in power think that they are in charge, that they are running the country or that they know what they
have something to say, because if you don~ and disregard them or worse intentionally disrespect their statements, then you are going to bear repercussions,
and not in your wildest dreams will you ever be
able to pinpoint that the origin of your misfortune
comes from your
own ignorance at the power that that organisation has. They are not stupid and not people you want to anger. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: What about the National Security Agency? OFFICER FROM BUREAU OF STATE SECURITY (BOSS): Oh, you know about the NSA? Well not many people even know about the NSA, and some who do scoff. Yes the NSA is more powerful than the CIA, and for the most part the CIA is the more public, but still very covert arm of organisations
like the NSA, Free Masons and so on.
'AIDS Is A Manmade Military Scientific Virus to Covertly Kill & Depopulate Blacks' Covert
and/or wish to meet and I will do my best to be there. BOSS: LARA where BOSS:
twenty years. The repercussions on South Africa will be massive in refugees, financially and in many other ways. Our government bureaucrats don't seem to have a clue, and don't say a word. It is a
on the planet. You would do well to listen when those people speak or I need to
very aware about issues going on in politics, and I would like to spend some time - at your together and just chatting. Sure, do you wish to share what sources?
fucking places, don~ you? BOSS: [Laughs] Well, it does keep life interesting.
three years, at the maximum five years. Just yesterday the news was that Zimbabwe has three months before it will disintegrate. It is
are doing. They have no idea of the ways in which covert forces play in African politics. The CIA, the Free Masons and IIluminati and organisations related to these organisations in short pretty much run the show. The CIA is probably one of the most powerful organisations
that years ago I used to be an Officer in the Apartheid Govemments Bureau of State Security (BOSS) and that I still have some very good sources for information. LARA JOHNSTONE:
of this country apart. In my
opinion, unless something drastic happens to alter the course of events, we will have a civil war in South Africa within the next two to
heading the exact same direction that Angola was in years ago, soon they will be in an anarchic state equal to what Angola went through for
'AIDS: Most Wonderful Black Depopulation
I won~
[Name Withheld Face-ta-Face
& Assassin
for his own protection] conversation in 2002:
HARTS/NSA_NEWS: Your thoughts on AIDS origins, motives, etc? AGENT FREE MASON #1: AIDS is a manmade virus to covertly kill and depopulate as many African blacks as possible. There are too many of them, they continue to breed prolifically and any attempt to address the issue politically is accused of as being racist. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: Why do you think so many of South Africa's political leaders refuse to acknowledge
the origins of AIDS?
editor] p
U ~ox 1IJ13. ~eaufopj WWI . .!Y7U
FREE MASON #1: Ignorance,
blended with a lack of appreciation intelligence
and stupidity,
wait for another few hundred, if not thousand years. So say the The recent bombings
in Sowetho &
Bronkhorstspruit? AGENT FREE MASON #1: Notice the Cryptological HARTS/NSA_NEWS: AGENT
up to people to decide which they prefer, and they better make up their minds quick, once the latter option unfolds, the former will have to
for the value of accurate
prophecies. Prophedes however are not written in stone, which is what awareness and 'waking up' is all about. You can either live the
script mindlessly,
Such as?
#1: Religious/Spiritual
bombing of the Muslim Mosque and the Buddhist Temple were dues to the spiritual significance of the bombings. The date of the bombings
was important, not for it's particular date, but because it occurred SEVEN days after an important event of spiritual significance. There were TEN bombs. SEVEN times TEN is SEVEN1Y.
or you can leam to create a new reality for humanity.
We are at the crossroads, a very important, dangerous and also exdting time for humanity. We shall see where we end up, a new beginning, or an old beginning. AGENT
FREE MASON #1: Thanks for the copy of the last
HARTS/NSA_NEWS. Pretty accurate I have to say for paraphrased conversations. I guess you do listen [smiles]
Seventy is a
very significant religious/spiritual number, especially for Christianity. For those who don't know, think about where it mentions SEVEN1Y
would be helpful, don~ you think?
which involves FORGIVENESS.
The South
Well considering
the topic of discussion
FREE MASON #1: Yes, I'd say so. There were a few
African govemment thinks that it can play games with organisations like the Free Masons, and others. They dearty don't seem to have a
interesting things I wanted to share with you, which some people may find interesting. During the Apartheid years I was approached three
grasp as to whom they are dealing with. The bombs were a message both to South Africa, HARTS and to you. I am well aware that you
times by three different groups with a very specific job. The job was to assassinate Nelson Mandela who was then being held on Robben Island. One of the groups who put out the job for Mandela's
understand the significance of them, some of the individuals involved in the actual bombings are not aware of them, and so far it seems the South African media and govemment are - as usualis one of the reasons I was instructed to contact you. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: information with me? AGENT
assassination is going to surprise you and many others. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: Who was it? AGENT FREE MASON #1: The PFP.
Why have you chosen to share your
FREE MASON #1: Allot of reasons, some already shared,
but I'll let others figure that out for themselves. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: You must be aware of the fact that there are those who don't believe the AIDS information,
The old Progressive
Federal Party? You've
got to be kidding. AGENT FREE MASON #1: No, I am not kidding, and yes the Progressive Federal Party. They seemed to hope that if Mandela was assassinated that there would be a backlash against the NA TS, and that the PFP would then get into power. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: What happened?
who refuse to print the
HARTS information, etc. What do you have to say about that? AGENT FREE MASON #1: Not many people realize the significance
AGENT FREE MASON #1: Well I tumed down the job, and I imagine so did the others who were approached with it, if there were. I don't
of the times we live in. Not many realise the significance that some . very powerful people - with access to much more information than
mean to be arrogant, but there aren~ many covert agents in South
you and I have. Decisions need to be made, the prophedes predicted, and so on. Not many seem to realize that much of what
Africa of my calibre. There are about fourteen of us and we all know each other, we keep in discreet contact as we need to, and we also
happens in the next few weeks, months and years has to do about free will. Many are waiting for others to act, for someone else to say something, for someone else to do something, that indudes political
share information about jobs that are being offered and so on. Obviously if a job went out to kill one of us, and one of the others took it, they probably would not let you know, but if they did the job then you'd be dead. Anyway I tumed down the job and since Mandela is still alive, so did the others.
leaders, joumalists, business leaders, etc. They are waiting for an order from someone above, or so on. They don't realize that there is NOT going to be 'an order'. They don't realize that these are the times about personal choice, where for various reasons, the wortd is being brought to a position where everyone is being asked to make their
share with you is that there is currently a big job out. I am not going to go into the details of what it is, or even if it involves any violence,
dOC')rs, insurance polides, etc. etc. They don't want to educate jI-,R:ves to be self-suffident, to be knowledgeable about issues
explosives or nothing of the sort. Alii will tell you pretty high up and pretty well planned. I will also where it is planned. Once it occurs you will hear news, print, television and otherwise. As for time
surrounu,;t9 i~,,"ir01/m health, finandal, spiritual, emotional, physical, psychologicai 8nd geo-political. In some ways powers that be have even gone out of their way to do the George Orwell-1984-doublespeak thing, intentionally. Many things were intentionally tumed upside down and inside out. For example psychological 'health' was being educated,
#1: I did not think that assassinating
Mandela would have benefited humanity in South Africa, and that's why I tumed it down. Additionally, the other information I wanted to
own decisions. Most people prefer to have others make their decisions. People are so used to being taken care of by govemments,
defined as being normal, conforming,
Why did you tum down the job?
occur I can't tell you since that is dependent
is that it is pretty big, tell you the dty for about it, it will be big as to when it will
on other issues, and it is
one of those things that depend on other variables. One thing though is that when it happens in the town of [mentions the name of the town]
in other words people were
and some believed that they had to be boringly dull,
then you will know that I was involve.d. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: Alii can say is that if you need a
emotionally dead, obey all rules without thinking, etc. in order to be psychologically healthy. Well anyone with any curiosity or with half an
spokesperson to attempt to get your message out, your reasons, or the reasons for whomever is doing what, then I shall do my best. If
independent enquiring mind would realize that such a definition of psychological health or well-being was simply the opposite of healthy. In this manner it is therefore easier for the powers that be, who if and
you want HARTS to represent or distribute your views, or any message you wish to share, as to motives, etc., you don~ need to ask. I hope that nobody will be hurt, and I wish people would start listening
when the wortd needs to be culled of ifs overpopulated masses to the tune of about 5 billion would know eugenically who the stronger, more
to one another, so that some people don~ feel the need to bring their concems to the attention of the public through violent actions, but from
independent thinking minded human beings were, and could therefore make sure that those were NOT CULLED, but remained,
personal experience non-violent manner,
and would then be the majority. Humanity would have made a massive evolutionary leap. It was done to separate the automatons
attempting to share information with people in a I am well aware of how very little people listen.
That doesn~ make violence right, but govemments
from the thinking men and women, and as you can see there are a rather large significant number of automatons on our planet. Just about your entire country consists of automatons. There are many
critics, or those who have concerns resorting to violence.
who listen to their
very seldom find those critics
It's easy for the govemment
to currently only
paths this road can lead to and prophecies predict it will lead to. There are two extremes: the first is truth and forgiveness; the second is
blame the 'right-wingers' and so on, and to refuse to acknowledge their own lack of, in some cases blatant refusal to listen. In my opinion, unless they do start seriously listening they will be shooting
mass genocide
through a dash of dvilisations,
chemical warfare, commonly
biological and
known as Armageddon.
in the foot with a double barrel shotgun.
Ifs quite simply
1IJ -
LJ ()
Box 11J13. Beal!flJlll Weal. ~7IJ
#1: Thank you, you know the cityltown
where the job will occur, so all you need to do is wait. Once it occurs in
HARTS/NSA_NEWS: discuss next?
No problem, I understand.
[town] you will know, then we shall see what we need to do next. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: Okay, be careful please. AGENT FREE MASON #1: I will be, and I always am, it's why I'm
one of the best. And there is something
reality of the fact that the possibility that we are the only beings in the Universe is ludicrous.
else I want to say to you.
HARTS/NSA_NEWS: What is that? AGENT FREE MASON #1: I don't know exactly how to say this, but I want you to know that I think you are an enlightened soul. I not only enjoy our conversations, Ileam from them, they make me think. I thought I had read up allot about many different spiritual and other issues, and you surprise me. You really intrigue me, but I can't put my finger on it. HARTS/NSA_NEWS:
What shall we
'AIDS Is A Manmade Military Synthetic Biological Agent To Attack Blacks Immune Systems, for Depopulation Purposes' 'Inner
I don't think that you are someone who is
afraid of much, but I want to ask you, if there is something that you are afraid of, what would it be? I think I know the answer, but I want your opinion first. AGENT FREE MASON
[Thinks] What do you think, tell me what your thoughts are, you said you think that you know the answer, what do you think the answer is? HARTS/NSA_NEWS: I think that what you have experienced in life, the work that you have been involved in - you have had to make sure that you have as much control of a situation as possible. Your seaJrity - or what security you do have - comes from your ability to assess a situation and realize or manipulate it. The thing that you fear the most is loss of control, especially emotionally
- to be totally vulnerable.
one area in your life where you know that you need to be very careful is emotionally, because if you let your emotions run wild and you lose control of your feelings, then you will be vulnerable. You are very afraid of being emotionally vulnerable, especially to someone whom
to SA Apartheid
[Name Withheld Face-to-face HARTS/NSA_NEWS:
#1: Interesting question, let me think about it.
#1: What about UFO's and beings from
other planets. I see that fits into HARTS mission statement and in my opinion at some point in time humanity is going to have to face the
for his own protection] conversation in 2002
Your thoughts on AIDS origins, motives, etc?
PM employee: AIDS is manmade. It is a virus to intentionally kill black Africans. It will be one hell of a day when you find a politician willing to tell the truth about it, but that doesn't mean it's not true. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: Why do you think so many of South Africa's political leaders refuse to acknowledge the origins of AIDS? PM employee: Politicians for the most part are not interested
in telling
the truth, only in protecting their reputations. Not many of them care about the truth, or for that matter about telling the truth. That situation is much worse in South Africa these days than it was under apartheid. Whatever you say about the Apartheid politicians, many of them during those times were willing to speak out about issues the world condemned them for, because it was their truth. These days we have a bunch of hypocrites who would sell you ice in winter they are so sleazy. Another reason some of them don't want to tell the truth now, is because it would expose them as part of those who covered the
you don't trust. Your experiences with women have taught you that you cannot trust them with your vulnerability, with caring deeply for them because they will hurt you, they will not be honest with you. They will stab you in the back. You are cynical about women, and yet
whole issue up. There are quite a few blacks, and I am talking about blacks in high positions who are allegedly squeaky dean, who talk
you also - like any man or human being - would like to know or find that someone whom you can be vulnerable with. In a sense the thing
allot about justice, truth and reconciliation and such stuff, who covered up quite a bit of this information. In short they participated in the cover-
you fear most emotionally, is also like an almost magnet, it is what you want - to be able to be totally who you are with someone and to trust
up of the intentional murder by biological warfare of millions of their fellow 'brothers.'
them. The difficult thing considering
HARTS/NSA_NEWS: information with me?
who you are is that, being totally
who you are would mean being totally open about what you have done in your life, and that would be a lot of vulnerability, not just emotionally, but legally. Being emotionally vulnerable would put your physical freedom at risk. You know that, and I'd say in some sense you have come to the condusion, although you may wish that it wasn't so, that it will always be that way, and that you just have to realize that there may not ever be anyone whom you can be totally open with or be totally emotionally vulnerable with. AGENT FREE MASON #1: Wow! I am impressed;
I had no idea that
you read me that well. In some sense you tell me things that I hadn't even thought about myself. You are right, one of the things that I am most afraid of, and I'm surprised that I'm admitting it to you, is to be emotionally
with a woman.
I told you, you were an
enlightened soul [Laughs] HARTS/NSA_ NEWS: Well I wouldn't go that far, I was just saying
PM employee:
Why have you chosen to share this .
You care allot about issues, you don't give a shit
about being politically correct, you just say things as you see them. I trust you.
'AIDS Is A Biological Warfare Virus to Depopulate Blacks. No Doubt About It! The Documentation for It's Origins are Extensive' Contract
Agent/Assassin/Bomb (Afrikaner
[Name Withheld Face-to-Face
for his own protection] conversations in 2002
It's more like my gut instinct talking, my intuition. I will be honest with
HARTS/NSA_NEWS: Your thoughts on AIDS origins, motives, etc? AGENT AWe #1: Aids is a biological warfare virus to depopulate
you and tell you that on that level I do feel energy between us. I am attracted to you in a certain way, to the person that you are, I enjoy spending time with you, talking to you. You make me think, you
blacks. Absolutely no doubt about it, none whatsoever, and anyone who does have doubts about it is most surely either uneducated or in denial. The documentation for its origins and creation at places like Ft.
challenge me, and I like you as a friend. AGENT FREE MASON #1: Do you think it will ever be more than a friend?
who makes just a little bit of effort to investigate or research the issue could find that out in less than a week. Anyone who has access to
what I feel I get from you on a deeper level than from just your words.
I can't say, I don't know. Considering
Detrick, Maryland
is more than extensive. Anyone with half a brain,
energy between us, I'd say it is a possibility. I can feel that you are
information from any respectable intelligence agency can get access to the information. The motive for creating AIDS as a biological
intrigued about certain conversations we have had on issues of sexuality and so on. I think that one of the reasons you are intrigued
warfare depopulation virus for blacks is obvious to anyone who bothers to educate themselves on issues such as (1) overpopulation
by me, besides our common interests is that you realize that if you let your emotions get involved, remaining in control over the relationship
history from the 70's onwards
in relation to resources
(2) African 'independence'
and their efforts (or lack thereof) to deal
may be difficult. I think it both challenges and intrigues you and that you are also to a measure afraid of it. AGENT FREE MASON #1: Hmmm, I'd say we are getting a little too
with issues relating to accountability, ethics, population reduction; (3) intemational relations surrounding issues of political sensitivity such as
dose to the bone on this issue for one night. [Laughs] Shall we leave it
only biological warfare depopulation virus that is currently 'out there', and then there are those that have yet to be unleashed.
there for now, cause I'm getting a little vulnerable ON THE 110AIJ AGAIN T I'l!ckera
'race relations' since the Cold War, etc. Additionally
AIDS is hardly the
~ 0 Box 1013. Beal!fOl't Woof â&#x20AC;˘ .!Y70
You mention the words 'respectable
intelligence agency', what are your views on the respectability
current National Intelligence Agency (NIA)? AGENT AWB #1: A bunch of cowardly ignorant idiots. The people who remained to work under the current govemment
AWB #1: If things carry on as they are now, we are heading
for a nightmare of Zimbabwean proportions. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out, not many people will admit it, face
of the
the reality of the situation, and many criticise those who do point out the facts. We need a miracle, or things will be pretty ugly. We are
of kaffirs as
intelligence officers were those who were the one's who would do anything to keep their jobs. Just take a look at their research, take a
quickly heading down the road that he rest of Africa went on after their 'independence' movements. Many will no doubt call me a racist for
look at the level of intelligence gathering they fuck up when it comes to information that is publicly available, such as the documentation
saying so, be that as it may. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: A bit about your past?
about the origins of AIDS. If they can't even gather intelligence on
information that is publicly available that any idiot can get hold of, what
movement, building bombs, setting them off and so on. I have never been charged for any of my activities. I am hired because I know what
does that tell you about their ability to gather intelligence about matters much more delicate than that? They are a joke, but then just
I am doing, because I extensively research any operation I am hired to conduct, and I refuse to participate in covert operations, which are
take a look at who hired them, who pays their salaries, who is
not extensively
interested in their 'intelligence' - a bunch of ignorant kaffirs. They should be called the National Ignoramus Agency. HARTS/NSA_NEWS:
AWB #1: Well, I've done my fair share of work for the AWB
planned and researched.
Very, very few people know
about my past activities I don't often talk about them. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: Why have you chosen to share your information with me?
Why do you think so many of South Africa's
political leaders refuse to acknowledge the origins of AIDS? AGENT AWB #1: They are extreme cowards, hypocrites, corrupt
AWB #1: I trust you, which says allot about me, I don't trust
many people, if any. You have been open with me, you do not seem
lying bureaucrats, or just plain ignorant and lack the will or effort to educate or inform themselves about these issues. Some of them also
ideologically motivated, you care about people, about humanity, your actions demonstrate that, you have not judged me. I spend allot of
seem to think that they know more about such issues than the individ.uals from intelligence agencies whom they pay to gather
time watching people, and I have watched you. You listen. Many people do not realize the value of listening. A good intelligence
intelligence for them. As such, if and when, pure coincidence does pass on intelligence information of the likes of the origins of AIDS on to them, they don't read it, ignore it, attempt to do whatever they can
operative is someone who attentively listens. Those are just a few of the reasons.
to deny it, or it gets passed on to individuals who are not afraid to face
the reality of the information. Usually such individuals are outside the govemment bureaucracy. Then as you recently also found out there are those like Hon. Patricia de Lille, who quite simply are just dumb
what would be the requirements? AGENT AWB #1: It would have to benefit humanity
Would you ever do a job for free, and if so,
ignorant kaffirs, and no matter what information you supply to them, which they either don't read or don't understand, and then they wonder why some people consider them to be 'kaffirs'. I don't know if
motivated group, not even for the AWB. [A FEW WEEKS LATER:]
as a whole, and
lessen suffering. I would not do a job for free for any ideologically
they are just so bloody dumb and stupid because they are black, or
AGENT AWB #1: I finished reading your last HARTS/NSA_NEWS. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: What are your thoughts about it?
not, because I have met a few intelligent blacks (mostly overseas), but from their actions, yoLJ have to conclude they are pretty dumb and
AGENT AWB #1: You have one hell of a good memory, I was surprised to notice how well you remembered what I had said. It was
stupid, which if you know anything about eugenics is why they are being culled. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: The recent bombings in Sowetho and
also interesting reading the rest of the conversations, very interesting. [SNIP: long conversation about many issues] HARTS/NSA_NEWS: How do you deal with carrying the secrets of
Bronkhorstspruit? AGENT AWB #1: Its quite obvious they would be blamed on 'Afrikaners', whether it was Afrikaners who carried them out is another
your 'secret covert life'? AGENT AWB #1: It's not easy. None of my family know, not my parents or siblings, nobody in my family. I can't tell them and don't teil
matter. Bombing a Muslim Mosque and a Buddhist Temple does not
them for their own safety. So to them I am just the normal South
benefit any Afrikaner movement. Many die-hard Afrikaners, such as in the Boeremag were educated under Apartheid. They don't even know much about Buddhism, so why they would bomb a Buddhist Temple
African son living the normal life. Some times the stress of carrying all this information builds up and gets too much, I do have means in
makes no sense whatsoever, message.
which I release the stress through what I consider my creative process. When that stress builds up so much, I release it sometimes
unless it was to send a Cryptological
the Afrikaner movement
for a few weeks at a time, and then I feel better. But obviously
does not have a
I can't
significant problem with the concems of Muslims in South Africa. In fact in many ways Afrikaners and Muslims in South Africa have similar
release it by telling the truth and letting it all out, so I carry it inside of me. Talking to you is like a tonic to me, I can't describe how much it
has helped me to release so many feelings. It's not just talking to you and knowing that you listen, it's how you listen, and how you respond,
crime, govemment
corruption, drugs, gangsters,
lack of
ethics and accountability, etc. Muslims are for the most part as disenchanted with the level of corruption and lack of accountability
and this very strange feeling of trusting you, and not knowing why or
our govemment as Afrikaners. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: The state of the New SA Democracy?
how. When I say you are a tonic to me, I mean it, I really do. After we have a conversation I feel like a different person, I feel like my load is
lighter, like a pressure valve has been released, like I have gotten a breath of fresh air.
AWB #1: What democracy?
Africa is operating under a democracy
Anyone who thinks that South is at best naive, at worst
ignorant. This country is being raped systematically. Financially there are people who are doing whatever they can to get their money out of the country and I don't blame them. Ideologically and intellectually educated
people are emigrating
'Biological &. Chemical Warfare Military Scientists created AIDS as a Black
en masse. The greedy,
corrupt and thieving hordes of Africa arrive daily and our govemment does nothing to stop them. Our current govemments corruption is
Depopulation Virus'
unprecedented, blackmail is the order of the day, and while there is lots of bullshit talk about democracy, the constitution and such crap, for the most part it is lies and propaganda,
from local govemment
& Covert
SA Mercenary
[Name Withheld Face-to-Face
up to the Presidency. For the right sum of money I can get anyone of the politicians I know to do whatever you want them to do. They are
Intelligence EXECUTIVE
for his own protection] Conversation in 2002
for sale to the highest bidder. I can get you flown out of any of the South African military air bases with a brand new identity to wherever
HARTS/NSA_NEWS: Your thoughts on AIDS origins, motives, etc? Exec Outcomes Agent: Biological and chemical warfare military
you want to go - no problem. It's just a matter of money, that's all. HARTS/NSA_NEWS: The future of South Africa?
scientists created Aids as a depopulation
- lIaa:?!I
of predominantly
virus to attack the immune
African blacks.
11() lJox 1U13.lJeaufor>' Wrm. '{y7(J
'Birth Rates Must Come Down More Quickly Or
'Root Cause Of Terrorism Is Overpopulation' - Vice
Current Death Rates Must Go Up. There Is No Other Way.' - Robert
"If we cannot control population
''The causes and implications
growth, life as we know it, or - more
of population growth in America were
cogently presented in the definitive report ofThe Commission on Population Growth and the American Future (fhe Rockefeller Commission)
in 1972. Accordinq
to John D. Rockefeller
3rd, the U.S.
important -life as we want it to be, shall surely, slowly waste away."John Rockefeller, February 1965, in 'Thy Will Be Done: The
Catholic Bishops threatened President bowinq to their pressure he disavowed
for Research on Population and Security, who study: Population
of the Amazon:
Nelson Rockefeller
Age of Oil.' He was also President
and Evangelism
in the
Nixon's Population Czar.
" ..its out of Cold Springs Harbour, that's the other great bio warfare
qrowth. overpopulation
and immiqration
Nixon politicallv, and this report. - The Center as determinants
in domestic
and international conflict; military solutions to problems caused bv overpopulation. etc; [http://www.population-security.org/intro.htm]
place. Its the Eugenics Institute ... anyway Cold Springs Harbour put out a big thing on MMMV, that is the Maximally Monstrous Malignant Virus, and then they gave all the characteristics ... all the characteristics are exactly those of the AIDS virus except for one thing, and that is, aerosolised transmission, which we believe is potentially possible ... they produced viruses malignant and monstrous.
papers about what makes And one of the things is that they
work slowly, not fast. And that they are constantly mutating. Exactly the characteristics of AIDS." - Dr. Robert Strecker, in an interview with Or. Leonard Horowitz in 'Emerging Nature, Accident or Intentional' "It is sometimes
Viruses: Aids & Ebola:
said that there is no food problem, only a population
problem. This is an oversimplification - there would be food problems in many developing countries even if their populations were suddenly
"Arguably the most authoritative
work on terrorism was the February
1986 Report of the Vice President's Task Force on Combating Terrorism, chaired by Vice President George Bush, Sr. Yet no mention of the study has appeared in the press since September 11 , 2001. This report concludes that the root cause of terrorism is - The Public Report of the Vice President's Task Force on Combating Terrorism, from The Centre for
overoopulation." Research
on Population
and Security
"National Security Study Memorandum
(NSSM) 200 was the
definitive interaqencv studv of world population qrowth and its implications for U.S. and qlobal security, requested by President Nixon in 1974. It conduded that sustained rapid world population
too many mouths to feed. And the number grows daily." World
qrowth had become a danqer of the hiqhest maqnitude. callinq for urqent measures to avoid severe damaqe to world economic. political and ecoloqical svstems. and to our humanitarian values." - The Life and Death of NSSM 200: How the Destruction of Political Will
Population: The Silent Explosion' - US Department of State.
Doomed a U.S. Population Policy, by Stephen D. Mumford, PhD.
much reduced. But, unquestionably, the severe under nourishment of two-fifths of mankind is attributable, in major part, to the handicap of
"Third World leaders have held American
population control policies
accountable for diverting attention from the central problem - too much poverty, not over-population. This view predominated during the first United Nations conference on population control held in Bucharest
in 1974. The meeting ended in a shambles
from Africa, Latin America & Russia denounced
NEXT EDITION: RSA Gov, Media etc:
after delegates
the entire concept of
Third World population control as imperialist and racist." - 'Emerging Viruses: Aids & Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional', by Or. Leonard Horowitz
'We Should NOT Be Discussing The Origins Of AIDS' - Archbishop Desmond Tutu (SA Print Publication) - Mar/Apr 2002 -
"within a period of 5-1 0 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent for which no natural immunity could highly controversial issue and there research should not be undertaken
that does not naturally exist and have been acquired .... It is a are many who believe such lest it lead to another method of
'AIDS does NOT EXIST' - President Thabo Mbeki, at Durban AIDS Conference -
In Response to the following request for comment: HARTS/NSA_NEWS:
I'd like a comment
from your organisation
Dr. MacArthur, Director of the U.S. Anny Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) appearing
the following statement,
before Congress (the Appropriations Committee of the House), July 1969. The Secretary of Defense at that time, and responsible for approvalofthe 1969-1970 budget, was Robert McNamara. $10
high level Officials in the CIA, NSA, Pentagon, etc., and "Are you aware that there are over 20.000 Scientific US Government
massive killing of large populations."-
million was approved for the research of such viruses .. In 1969 [Robert] McNamara's
Virus". The
has been unofficially confirmed for HARTS/NSA_NEWS
documents documenting Depopulation Agent?"
AIDS is manmade
as a Biological Warfare
[Secretary of Defense] speech to the
Governors of the University of Notre Dame cited the population explosion as more significant than the danger of nudear war. "Casting its shadow over all this scene is the mushrooming cloud of the population
"AIDS is a Black Depopulation
explosion" (page 480).' October 2, 1970: 'Robert
McNamara, [now] World Bank President, made a speech to international bankers in which he identified population growth as "the gravest issue that the world faces over the years ahead." In his speech McNamara argued that population qrowth was leadinq to instability, that a 10 billion world population would not be "controllable." Said McNamara, "It is not a world that any of us would want to live in. Is such a world inevitable? It is not sure but there are two possible wavs bv which a world of 10 billion people can be averted. Either the current birth rates must come down more quicklv or the current death rates must qO up. There is no otherwav." - The Phoenix Letter
'We are Aware of the US Government Documents. They Mean Nothing To Us, our World is Not Ruled by The United States. We Have Our Scientific Ways of Doing Things In South Africa' - Nelson Mandela Foundation Spokesperson Ms. Zelda Le Grange, Tel: (011) 728 1000
11 Od 2002 (early afternoon) 'I Have To Admit I didn't Read The Documents' Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) Member of Parliament: Hon. Patricia de Lille Tel: (021) 4033524 I Cell: (083) 3038352 11 October 2002 11 :39 hrs
~ () Box 1IJ13.BelJufOf1/
â&#x20AC;˘ 'Why Are You So Rude 7'
"I Don't Think It Arises With Foreign Policy. It Makes Sense to
Congress of SA Trade Unions (COSATU)
Arise With The Dept. of Health'
Mr Mulatto: Tel: (011) 3394911
RSADepartment of Foreign Affairs
11 October 2002, approx 12:35 hrs
Chief Director: Communication: Mr Ronny Mamoepa Tel: (012) 351 1000 I Cell: (082) 9904853 11 October 2002 09:32 hrs
'Absolute Balderdash' - F W de Klerk Foundation Executive Director: Mr. Dave Steward: Tel: (021) 418 3848. 14 October 2002 14:44 hrs
'I Have Not Seen Those [20,000
US Gov] Documents'
Sowetan Newspaper: Mr. Latima Mazibuko, Aids Journalist Tel: (011) 4714000 I Cell: (083) 7690299 10 October 2002 15:47 hrs
'Origins of AIDS Is Irrelevant!' Democratic Alliance
'I Don't Want To Comment On Your Shit'
Democratic Party (DA)
Sandy Kalyan, Health Portfolio
702 Radio/Eyewitness News:
Tel: (021) 465 1431 I Cell: (082) 578 5207 11 October 2002 13:03 hrs
Mr. Layton Beard, Tel: (011) 506 3200 10 Oct 2002: 15:25 hrs
'Utter Nonsense'
"Nobody's Going To Prove Anything."
New National Party (NNP)
The George Herald Newspaper
Health Spokesperson: Mr. Kobus Gouss
Editor: Mr. John Richards, Tel: (044) 874 2424
Tel: (011) 726 6631 I Cell: (083) 266 3101 11 October 2002 13:14 hrs
[Date Withheld]
'Good Heavens, Who Are You' 'Oh God, I Saw Something In An Email'
Anglo American Corporation
AIDS Law Project
Ms. Dixon, Corporate Communications
Ms. Ekambaram, Advocacy Officer, Tel: (011) 403 0265 10 Oct 2002: 16:09 hrs
Tel:(011)6389111 10 Oct 2002: 16:47 hrs:
'I Know Whites Who Have Died From Aids Too!' AIDS Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) Mr. Lewis: Tel: (021) 788 5058 10 October 2002 13:59 hrs
'Dear Lara Johnstone: I sent a message to you two weeks ago requesting that you removed the Archbishop's office address from your e-mail circulation. I do so again and also request that you remove Archbishop Tutu's e-mail address as well. He has received
'I'd Like Proof Before
I Comment'
AIDS Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) Mr. Nathan Gessen Tel: (021) 788 3507
Cell: (084) 5426322
10 October 2002, approx 16:00 hrs
'I think that's funny, it's very funny!' AIDS Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) Mr. Jimmy D: Tel: (021) 788 5058 14 October 2002 (time not recorded)
your many circulars and letters and real~ cannot handle so much material. An annual update of activities is the level of feed back he can manage. He is not wanting to involve himseWin other campaigns. He feels that it is time for other leaders to emerge and have the opportunity to show their mettle and make a difference. The Archbishop HimseWRequests That You Remove His Address From Your Ust .. ' Ms. Lavinia Brown, Personal Assistant to Archbishop Tutu, in an email to HARTS dated: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 10:04:44 +0200
'Stop Sending
Us Email'
TRC Offices: Tel: (021) 5527524
PUQ;!( Sf"''': -:- AiDS Indaba: Ms. Tembala Kulu,
Tel: (012) 314 7231 I Cell: (082) 497 3220 11 October 2002: 09:03 hrs:
The email that Archbishop Tutu wanted NOT TO RECEIVE,written on 21 March 2002, Human Rights/Sharpeville Day contained DOCUMENTATION on the following:
'We Subscribe To The Orthodox View' AIDS Foundation of South Africa Ms. Debbie Mathew, Executive Director Tel: (031) 209 9520 10 October 2002 14:05 hrs
I'm Not Aware of Those [20,000 Comm. For Conciliation, Mediation
US Gov] Documents' &.
Arbitration (CCMA)
Communications Director: Mr. Edwin Molahlehi Tel:(011)
3776891 I Cell:(083)5515374 14 October 2002 11 :31 hrs
(1) The 'debunked' Main Stream Media Theory on AIDS; (2) Apartheid South Africa's Immunization Procedures, Propaganda
AIDS; (3) CIA Covert Operations in Africa; (4) Major Covert Connections: CIA, PUSH (People to Save Humanity), AFRICARE, CARE, the Peace Corps, Rockefeller & Ford Foundations, WHO, World Bank, IMF, CDC, USAID; (5) Nazi Roots ofthe CIA: The Biological Warfare Industry; (6) Kissinger, Project Paperdip, Merck & Merck Networks, Gehlen Org, Sovereign Military Order of Malta; Cl) Rockefeller,
Nazis and Eugenics:
Creating More AIDS-like viruses; (8)
OTRAG (German Intelligence) and Gallo; (9) The Shadow Govemment: MJ-12/P1-40 and Aviary; (12) The causes for the WTC/Pentagon
Attacks: 911; (13) Patsy for Hire: Osama Bin Laden &
'Yes I Got The Email This Morning. I'm Not The Person to
The Taliban; (14) The Real Reasons for the Bombing of Afghanistan;
Speak to At Dept. of Health' and 'I Have to Consult The Minister Of Health. It Affects Relations Between Countries'
(15) The PROOF: Cryptology from the US Govemment, Council on Foreign Relations, Defence Department, IMFNVorld Bank, etc. (16) Surveillance Technologies Available to the Shadow Gov/lntelligence
RSA Department of Health Corporate Communications: Ms. S. Bloem and Chief Director of Comm: Ms. S. Calli, Tel: (012) 312 0713 11 Oct 2002:
Agencies; (18) The Drug War; (19) U.S Foreign Policy; (20) McVeighs faked execution; (21) The Oklahoma City Bombing Cover-up; (22) The United States Govemmenfs Policy on Truth, Amnesty & Reconciliation, etc.
~ D (Jox 1D13. (JeaufwI WWI . .!Y7D
SUNDAY TIMES: 31 May 1998: US convict wins love and support in SA town, by Michael Schmidt. An
'noon H£AU£N~, WHO M£ YOU?'
article about how the town of V olksrust had supported my efforts on behalf of my Afiican-American
husband, Demian Johnson who has been in prison for
over 18 years.
19 December
SA 'farmgirl' arrested in USA over Gulf War protest. Article called me 'South Afiica's Number One Activist in America.' It was a fi"ont page article
18 Janumy 1999 Bishop Tutu and Dr. Alex Boraine Truth and Reconciliation Commission
and had a large photo of my arrest at the Oakland Federal Building, my face
9th Floor, Old Mutual Building 106 Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8001
painted with the colours of the new South African flag.
PO Box 3162, Cape Town 8000
Police Action harms image as protectors, by Leonard Pitts. Article about my efforts on behalf of a homeless black Afiican-American man being falsely
RE: Submission President's human
to 'Register
of Reconciliation'
Fund for reparations
and donation
thousands offi"eedom fighters and the millions offorgiving, compassionate people of South Afiica, who could rise above the inhumane, torturous
RSA OVERSEAS: South African on hunger strike in California, by llda Jacobs. Article about my
depmvity that apartheid inflicted upon them, and forgive a people so
hungerstrike against the California Dept. of Corrections and Governor Gmy Davis Office, in support of justice for my husband in a CA prison. The issue
unforgiving and unrepentant of our evil. However, admiration and appreciation is not enough. As a white South
was resolved by the CA Office of the Inspector General, in our favour.
Afiican 1 have benefited fi"om the mvages of apartheid, since before 1 was even born. In order for me to truly become a member of the New South
working for justice and equity, 1have to make certain admissions of guilt, 1 have to take responsibility for the awful crimes that were committed in my name - for my benefit, irrespective of whether 1 knew or asked for them to be committed - and 1 have to make reparations, and appeal to other white South Afiicans to do the same.
militmy and intelligence agency witnesses, who wish to tell the world the truth about the evidence relating to UFO's. (ii) Lam Johnstone ends UFO hunger strike, by Grant Cameron. Explains the reasons for ending my hunger strike. (iii) President Bush finally answers Lam Johnstone, by Grant Cameron. An
In order to make repamtions 1 have to put aside the denial of reality, so characteristic of a pamsitic class of people who have never experienced
forcibly transferring our country's resources and stealing the labour to benefit me; - the millions of human beings severed fi"om language and culture, fi"om home and family, husband fum wife, mother fi"om child to produce the wealth for us, so that OUR families could rest on a foundation of seemingly unassailable security. Reparations acknowledges the townships, the prisons, the police, the educational institutions, the joblessness, the poverty and the enforced oppression and humiliation designed to break the spirit and crush the dreams of Afiican and colonized youth so that our youth could know unlimited possibilities for the future. It lets white South Afiicans acknowledge that, yes, life on the tortured backs of humanity is intolerable,
(i) Are you ready for the RevoJution? by Grant Cameron. Article by Canadian author and researcher into UFO's and the White House, about my hunger strike in support of President Bush and the over 400 Disclosure Project
to our new country as an equal member,
oppression. 1 have to acknowledge: - the millions of South Afiicans and Afiicans who were openly tortured; - the sheer brutality in the act of
Zero Tolerance, by Lara Johnson, Oakland. Article 1 wrote about the injustice of the rraudulent arrest of the homeless black man in Oakland.
1 can never express the incredible admiration, awe and appreciation 1 have for President Nelson Mandela, Bishop Tutu, the ANC, TRC,
life under the oppressive policies of apartheid but who lived off that
4 July 1998:
arrested by the Oakland Police.
to assist victims of gross violations of
Afiica, to make my contribution
article documenting President Bush and the White House's response to my hunger strike, through a letter fi"om Mr. Nicholas Calio, Assistant to the President and Director of Legislative Affairs, on 6 Sep 200 I. WAKE
Hunger Strike to Support UFO Disclosure - Day 16, by Grant Cameron ECOLOGY
Lam Johnstone to take ET hunger strike to White House 8/15/01, EcoNews Service, Vancouver, BC. SA MAIL
'Take me to your Leader' by Krisjan Lemmer. Article about my UFO hunger strike, insinuating that 1 had been drinking too much mampoer. UNIV OF MlNNESOT
and that existence as pamsites sucking the blood of the peoples of South Afiica is unendurable.
Reparations acknowledges that white South Afiican culture was and is a culture so violent and so barren that denial of the reality of our
founder of Campaign for Equity Restorative Justice. Article about my activism in support of the victims of the War on Drugs.
Allies Needed Against the Drug War! by John V. Wilmerding,
LIST: Press Release:
oppressive nature is the only currency for existence. That in the culture of our continuous oppression, the pursuit of mindless and obligatory happiness must be purchased with drugs, alcohol, consumerism,
Press Release about a class action lawsuit against the CIA, wherein 1 was the
conformity and meaningless pleasure to mask the teDible pain of reality which inevitably rises to the surface of our beings.
Class Action Lawsuit Against CIA & DoJ. main activist organizer. 1 brought together the investigator, attorneys and (my family in Jaw and mends).
1, Lam Johnson (previously Lara Johnstone), born in V olksrust, South Afiica on 4 December 1966, hereby acknowledge my guilt and my Extraterrestrial
wish to contribute to reparations and reconciliation. 1 hereby wish to make arrangements
for the ceding of all my inheritance rights to the President's
Fund for Reparations to assist victims of gross violations of human rights. 1 appeal to any and all white South Afiicans who love South Africa, to come to terms with our guilt and complicity in our benefit fum the
X-PPAC: Phenomena Political Action Committee:
Hunger Strike - An Activist Gained. Article by the Founder and Director of X-PP AC, relating to his opinion that the UFO community had gained a valuable Activist to support them in their efforts to hear the truth about the UFO cover-up.
oppression of apartheid, and that acknowledgement of our guilt is not enough, we have to reach into our bank balances to make reparations,
Print Publication
San Francisco Chronicle, From the Wilderness Publications,
because until we make reparations for our crimes, we cannot expect to be
Surfing the Apocalypse,
considered part of the New South Afiica, but are still hanging onto the oppressive policies of apartheid and the past
Huisgenoot, Interviews
Street Spirit,
YOU and WOZA. with:
London Live on the BBC, the Peter Holder Show, KPF A, Strange Days ...
Sincerely, Lara Johnson
Indeed, the Michael Medved Show, Radio for the Family, the X Zone, Ground Zero, Wake Up America, and others ..
()N THE fI()A() AGAIN T Pl!cIIBP1! dOl!p,ml
- ~al?e 15 -
~ () Box
Archbishop BushlUFO
Tutu's Response to UFO Hunger strike:
11 MM - 3t
WAKt UP SOU11t _
HARTS Petition for Sustain ability Press
Disclosure Request
Bishop Tutu's Assistant Responds From: Truth and Reconciliation
Release (Excerpts):
Subject: Thank you For immediate release:
Dear Lam Johnson
Archbishop Tutu has received your letter. He thanks you for sharing your vision for a renewal of the earth through the possibilities of extraterrestrial technology. He commends your commitment to a better world but doubts that your appeals or even extreme action such as a hunger strike will carry much weight in the White House. The technology to transform lives is already available; in the form of clean running water, immunisations, etc. It is the \\ill to implement transformation that is lacking. The First World has the resources to make the Sahara blossom but not the will.
Ms. Lam Johnstone
Tel: George, RSA: (044)
Contact info after that: in person at Robben Island, Capetown, Republic of South Afiica on 17 March 2002.) Additional Info: - Petition: Truth, Amnesty
& Reconciliation
for Sustainability
http://www.thepetitionsite.comltakeaction/293364182 - Disclosure Project: http://www.disclosureoroiectorg A Unique South African
Yours sincerely Lavinia Browne Assistant to Archbishop
(Contact details above available until midnight Friday 15 March, 2002.
Day in
Support of Truth and Peace Robben Island, Cape Town (I7 March 2002/St Patrick's Day): Eccentric, funny, serious and persistent Lam Johnstone, will continue her
campaign for UFO disclosure, the truth about the manmade origins of
California Congresswoman
Lee's Response to UFO Hunger strike: CONGRESS OF THE UNJTED STATES House of Representatives Washington, D.e. 20515-0509 October 23,2001 Ms. Lam Johnstone Berkeley, CA 94707
members were officially imprisoned as political prisoners during the age of South Afiica's infamous apartheid. The Petition is to be submitted to President George. W. Bush at
of a leader (whom some considered a 'terrorist' and others a 'fTeedom fighter) who was willing to not only forgive his captors -- prison guards and
Dear Ms. Johnstone: Enclosed is a copy of the interim reply that I received fum The White House in response to my inquiry on your behalf regarding your concerns. Please be assured of my continued interest in this matter, Ms. Johnstone, and that I will be in touch with you again when I have received any additional information. As always, if you should have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel fIee to contact me through my Staff Assistant, Tania Hanison, in my Oakland disnict office.
those who imprisoned him -- by inviting them to his inauguration as President; but through honest criticism and support of the South Afiican Truth and Reconciliation Commission helped South Afiicans - and the world - to finally learn the truth about the crimes that were committed during the apartheid regime, by all sides of the conflict who were willing to come forward." _ "These acts of courage and compassion in telling and hearing the truth, no matter how difficult and painful, now enable South Afiicans to be able to teach our children a more accurate version of our collective history - both positive and negative - and in doing so, hopefully we will not make the same mistakes as we did before," continues Ms. Johnstone.
Sincerely, Barbara Lee Member of Congress
Ms. Johnstone has been active and outspoken for the truth in various campaigns including AIDS awareness, prison refonn, exposing government
The White House Response to UFO Hunger strike: THE WlDTE HOUSE W ASmNGTON September 6, 2001
Thank you for forwarding Ms. Lam Johnstone's letter regarding the Bank demonstration.
We appreciate being apprised of your constituent's perspective in this important area. Many difficult challenges lie ahead, and President Bush believes the views of individual Americans can play an invaluable role in guiding his Administration's efforts to meet those challenges. I have shared your constituent's comments with the Office of Presidential for direct response.
Sincerely, Nicholas E. Calio Assistant to the President and Director of Legislative Affairs
UN THE RUM AGAIN T Ptlcket>\1 clotlPosl
corruption, the Drug War, UFO disclosure, and against the War on Terrorism, using humour, letter writing, protesting, getting arrested, hunger strikes and whatever else she can think up! Such is her passion for the truth - some would call it an obsession. She simply laughs, and says "there are worse ways to spend a life." On 28 July 2001, she went on a hunger strike in support of President Bush and the over 400 identified present or former military, intelligence, corporate, aviator, flight control, law enforcement officers and scientists who comprise the Disclosure Project The Disclosure Project witnesses had willingly
Disclosure Project and the anti-IMFlWorld
Correspondence Thanks again.
billion ;-)" petition drive. The petition - Truth, Amnesty and Reconciliation for Sustainabilitywill be 'unofficialli launched on St Patrick's Day, to the fiiends and visitors of Rob ben Island's Prison Museum, where President Mandela and ANC
midnight (pST) on 31 December 2002, for his response. "President Mandela," says Lam Johnstone, "signifies to me the essence
1868 San Juan A ve
Dear Representative
AIDS, an end to the War on Terrorism and Drugs, and for human sustainability and peace in our time, by launching a "1 million, maybe 1
stepped forward to be subpoenaed to testifY at Congressional Hearings about secrets and lies regarding the UFO cover-up. Pres. Bush had stated in a campaign promise one year previously - to the day - that he wanted to tell the American people the truth about UFOs, as reported by ABC News (Nightline), CNN, and the Washington Post After 44 days, many letters, radio interviews and dialogue on the intemet with the UFO community and others she ended her hunger strike .. Two days later, the WTC attack occurred and again she shared letters, news articles and emails by the hundreds in support of finding the truth on the issue. Her attempts and investigation into finding the truth regarding terrorist attacks, resulted in her finding various terrorist related information regarding the OKC and WTC bombings, which she proceeded to share with various U.S. federal authorities, such as the Immigration
and Naturalization
(INS), FBI, Dept of State, Pentagon, media and others. She was arrested by
" U 1J()1( 1D13. lJerJtlfwl
the INS, who also had all her belongings towed away, detained her in Yuba
The HARTS Petition Says (Excerpts):
Co. Jail for a month, and after two hunger strikes, she was finally deported back to South Afiica
To be submitted TO: President George W. Bush, at midnight (pST) on 31 December 2002.
She proceeded to file a civil rights and civil liberties complaint with the U.S. Office of the Inspector General against the INS, FBI, Dept. of Justice, Dept. of State, Bureau of Diplomatic
Security, Pentagon,
We, the undersigned,
Pres. Bush, Congress, Senate, Governor Davis, CIA, NSA, Mainstream American Media and the United States Armed Forces.
citizens and leaders !Tom around the world (and
America), support the campaign for Truth, Amnesty and Reconciliation (TAR):
Irrespective of the results of the complaint, she is still pursuing her
I) as a fimdamental pillar of any and all movements
passion for truth, amnesty and reconciliation. "For President Bush to tell the truth about UFOs - the biggest cover-
for world
ecological, economic, spiritual, political and human sustainability; 2) as an opportunity to end the Wars (against Drugs and Terrorists, for
up and secret within the United States Govemment and intelligence community - would require him to tell the truth about the War on Drugs
nuclear proliferation, in arms trafficking, etc.), the secrecy, cover-ups and violence; by supporting truth, amnesty and forgiveness; to build a
(which fimds the other black ops projects, such as the UFO cover-up), the War on Terrorism, and many other cover-ups; possibly even going back to
world of peace, non-violence
the Kennedy assassination, as a mend of mine and Timothy Mc Veigh's Commanding Officer in the United States Special Forces confirmed," she states.
and brothemood
of men.
We, the undersigned, hereby request: - (I) our respective elected (or unelected) Govemment's representatives; - (2) individuals within the United Nations; - (3) our spiritual, coIpOrate, and sports leaders; TO SUPPORT President Bush, the United States Senate and Congress, the
"Considering President Bush's family histol)' (his father was Director of the Central Intelligence Agency - CIA), I have no doubt he is well aware of that fact, - although many others do not seem to be - and if he wishes to tell the truth about UFOs and the cover-ups related to it, then I will do
United States Armed Forces and the American people (our fellow Americans) IF they wish to choose such an initiative as a possible alternative to solving these problems.
whatever I can to support him on the issue, even if! disagree with him on numerous other issues."
As various visional)' leaders (& religions) have said:
She concludes with a few questions, a challenge, and a laugh: "It only "Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind ...War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious
remains to be seen how many other individuals around the planet who allegedly want the truth, stand for compassion and forgiveness, and who desire a sustainable future for our children, are willing to support Pres. Bush on this issue - even though they may have disagreements
objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the wanior does today." - John F. Kennedy
with him on numerous others? Can they put their vote and voice in
"Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities, War. He
support of a petition for Truth, Amnesty and Reconciliation?" "The United States Army has an advertising slogan something to the
is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold blood and calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the only animal that
effect of 'Become an army of one.' Well, I'll be an army of one (maybe soon a million or even a billion), marching, collecting petition signatures,
for sordid wages will march out.. and help to slaughter strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and with whom he has no quarrel.. .. " - Mark Twain
protesting, laughing, cl)'ing, loving, and speaking for peace and forgiveness, not war, hate and revenge! I wonder what the U.S. Army (and St Patrick)
"It is easy enough to be mendly to one's mends. But to bemend one
have to say about that?"
Why on St Patrick's Day? The Petition for Truth, Amnesty and Reconciliation
for Sustainability
who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of religion. The other is mere business." - Mahatma Gandhi will
"Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxul)', it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, and it is essential for human survival." - Dalai Lama
be 'officially unofficially' launched on St. Patrick's Day (17 March 2(02): - I) In remembrance ofSt Patrick, who at the age of six was captured and taken to Ireland as a slave, later escaped and then returned as his passion called him; - 2) In appreciation of the Irish, who through many struggles and
We, therefore choose to be a united human family living in peace, irrespective of our 'beliefs':
oppressions have yet to perceive themselves as victims, but have given "Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you; and reject for others what you would reject for yourselves." - Islam
the world many hero's, such as Bobby Sands, Spike Milligan, and others; a people who have through trials and tribulations shown us that: "The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is
"Full oflove for all things in the world, practicing virtue in order to
laughter." (Mark Twain) - 3) In honour of the Greens: individual human beings around the planet,
benefit others, this man alone is happy." - Buddhism "What is hurtful to yourself do not to your fellow man. That is the whole
of all ethnicities, religions, nationalities, and political affiliations, who have chosen to "live simply, that others may simply live", who have chosen to honour mother nature and put ecological sustainability to work in their individual lives and communities; and
of the Torah and the remainder is but commental)'."
- Judaism
"The faults of others we see easily; our own are very difficult to see. Our neighbour's faults we winnow eagerly, as chaff !Tom grain; our own we hide away as a cheat hides a losing roll of the dice." -- Buddhism
- 4) In the hope that humanity may find the courage, compassion, vision and luck of a four leaf clover, bringing us all together !Tom North, South, East and West, to honour, respect, appreciate, forgive, and tell the truth to each other, about ourselves, our wants, our dreams and our fears.
"First take the log our of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." -- Christianity "Putting away lying; speak eveI)' man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another." -- Christianity
May our hearts shine as bright as stars in a desert night!
"Say what is true! do thy duty. Do not swerve !Tom the truth." -Hinduism
For the entire 'Wake Up South Africa!' story,
"Do not clothe the truth with falsehood; do not knowingly truth." - Islam
get yourself a copy of "ON THE ROAD AGAIN: A
conceal the
"Speak ye eveI)' man truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of
Hitchhikers Guide to Truth, Love & The
truth and peace in your gates." - Judaism
Freedom To Forgive, "which contains the FULL New Years Eve White House Fax Details. (J~ THE f1(JAIJ AGAI~ T Pl!cMw
- PaÂŁe 17 -
1[113. ~eal!f(Jf't Woot â&#x20AC;˘ .o'7(J
The White House Response to the HARTS Petition I I.
THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON National Security Council Press Office Date: 31 December 2002: Midnight (PS]) CONTACT: Mr. Shaun McKormack Tel: (202) 4561414, Fax: (202) 4562461. Fax To: Ms. Lara Johnstone, Cell: 27 (072) 589 7086 C/O Rhodes House, Cape Town, South Mrica, Fax #: 27 (021) 424 8849 RE: Request by HARTS Spokesperson, HARTS/NSA _NEWS and ON THE ROAD AGAIN, Editor: Ms. Lara Johnstone, dated 31 December 2002, titled: 'URGENT! RSVP by Midnight (PS]) 31 December 2002.' Former United States Presidents: Clinton, Bush Snr., Carter, Reagan and Ford, President George W. Bush, First Lady Laura Bush, Secretary of State: Mr. Colin Powell, Secretary of Defense: Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, National Security Council Advisor: Ms. Condoleeza-Rice, ALL members of the United States Congress and Senate, Mr. Nicholas Calio: Assistant to the President and Director of Legislative Affairs, the United States Ambassador in Pretoria: Mr. Cameron Hume, The Judge Advocate General's Office (JAG), the US Marine Corps Officers serving in the White House and US Army Special Forces Officers: Mr. Timothy James McVeigh (also NSA) and Mr. Michael Martin; categorically state that WE: OFFICIALLY Approve, Sanction & VERY MUCH APPRECIATE, That Unlike other South Mrican News Publications, The PRINT Publication - 'ON THE ROAD AGAIN' - Is WILLING To PRINT The Following Statement:
'AIDS Is A Black Depopulation Virus' As stated by the following individuals and their particulars below: [Names, particulars,
dates, etc. withheld by the Editor, for numerous ___
President George W. Bush almost made it to Rhodes House, Cape Town! I Am Honoured that the President of the United States, President George W. Bush, the White House and Former U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Jon Michael Dye responded so promptly by accepting their 9 April 2002, HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Week Invitations to be HOSTS at the Rhodes House Evening Benefit.
The END of AIDS, almost occurred at Rhodes House, Cape Town! I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to Dr. Boyd E. Graves, J.D.: Petitioner for a Global AIDS Apology, and Author of 'State Origin: The Evidence ofthe Laboratory Birth of Aids,' for contacting me so promptly on 09 April 2002, to request an invitation for himself. I am honoured he wanted to be a briefer during the HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Week Conference.
The man who Saved Steve Biko's Life almost made it to Rhodes House, Cape Town! I want to thank my friend Jon Michael Dye and the United States Embassy Staff who supported Mr. Dye's efforts to help Mr. Steve Biko leave South Africa at a time when his life was in grave danger. I respect Mr. Biko's decision to come back to South Africa, to do what he felt he needed to do to help his people. I regret the consequences of his decision. I miss you 'Gunny'!
IF ONLY South Mricans Wanted To Tell The Truth And Forgive! I was greatly disappointed that Former Presidents Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk, chose not to respond to your HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Conference Invitations, which resulted in the Conference being cancelled. I repeatedly contacted the South African Government, Media and Corporations in an attempt to inform you of President George W. Bush's acceptance of his invitation. I never received a response.
Thank you to Rhodes House, which was the ONLY South Mrican business to support the HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Conference Mission to Tell The Truth And To Forgive. Special Thanks to Giorgio (Italian), Gunther (German), Alison (Zimbabwean), Jeneane (South African whose brother is dying from AIDS), and Andre Johnstone (South African). Andre Johnstone was the creator of the 'ReJuneVation' Theme. His wish was to use Rhodes House premises on an evening when they would not normally be open, by offering it as a way to contribute to the upliftment of those in need, and to help the truth about AIDS, as well as other issues, to be revealed in a non-violent manner. I am proud to have him as my brother and friend.
" () IJvx 1V13. lJe9uflJPI West . .!Y7(}
THABO MBEKI President Thabo Mbeki's Spokesperson: Mr. Bheki Khumalo: Cell: (083) 2569133,05 'Yes, President Thabo Mbeki Is WellAware of ~o
April 2002, Conversation Recorded by Echelon, Ine.
Lara Johnstone Is. The President has ReceivedYour Hundreds of Emails For the Past Eight
Months That There Are Over 20,000 USGovernment Documents substantiating that AIDSis A Black Depopulation Program, and Your Request For a SA Government Response as to ~ere
the South African Government Stands on ResoMng The Issue through Truth
Reconciliation. I
Cannot GiveYou An Answer To That Question. I WillGet Back To You On Monday, 08 April 2002.' [No Response]
HARTS ReJuneVation 09 April 2002
21 :20 hrs (SA): RSVP: 13 April 2002: 'AYE' or 'NAY' To:
'AIDS Is A Black Depopulation Virus: Tell The Truth
FREE MASONS: 'AYE, Thank You!' C/o: (i) Timothy lames McVeigh &. Michael "Bossman" Martin, USArmy Special Forces Officers, Assassins, Bomb Explosives Experts
Intelligence Operatives for the Free Masons, CIA&. NSA, (ii) Desert Storm General Norman Schwarzkopf, &. (iii) Senator John McCain from Arizona, Former Vietnam Prisoner of War (POW) &. Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta; on Tue Apr 9 2002, at 15:40:59 hrs (USA) [Other Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta include: Lee lacocca, William Buckley (CIA Dir), William Casey (CIA Dir), Admiral J.D. Watkins (Chief of Naval Operations - Nixon), Bernard Dorin (Amb. to RSA '78 - '81), Prescott Bush, Jr: (Brother to G.H.W.Bush), James J. Angleton (former CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, Liaison to Warren Commission following Kennedy Assassination), J. Denton (Former AL Senator & Rear Admiral), Alexander Haigh, Alexandre de Marenches (Chief of French Intelligence under Giscard d'Estaing), Otto von Hapsburg, and various leaders of the P-2 Maxonic Lodge in Italy.]
'Ms. Lara Johnstone: AYE: Biological
Chemical Warfare Military Scientists created A Synthetic Biological Agent, named AIDS to
Attack Blacks Immune Systems, for Depopulation
Purposes. The US Special Virus Program has over 20,000 Scientific US
Government Documents Verifying that the "creation,"
and "proliferation"
of AIDS was INTENTIONAL! We greatly
appreciate the opportunity to resolve this issue through the HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Week Conference of Telling the Truth &.
Forgiveness. Sincerely, The Black Pope, Jesuit General of Crusading Knights Templars/Shriner
Free Masons.'
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: 'AYE, Thank You!' CIA, NSA, Pentagon, US Congress
Senate, US Special Virus Program, Soldiers for the Truth, ete.
C/o: Deputy Director for Science & Technology, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): Mr. Ron Pandolfi: Tuesday, 09 April 2002 at 16:22 hrs (USA)
'Ms. Lara Johnstone: AYE. President George W. Bush hereby officially accepts and very much appreciates Your Invitation to the HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Conference, to resolve the Scientific and Biological Agent Origins of Aids as a Black Depopulation Virus, through the Process of Telling the Truth and Forgiveness.'
MAN DE LA, DE KLERK, SA GOV: 'NAY, Fuck You!' Clo: SA Government, President Mbeki's Office & Ministry of Intelligence, 14 April 2002, noon:
'Ms. Lara Johnstone: NAY. We are NOT acc~pting the invitation to resolve AIDS through Truth & Reconciliation. We Don't Care if the White House, Pentagon, CIA, NSA,
US Special Virus Program have accepted the Invitation.'
SMS MESSAGES sent on 13 APRIL 2002, trom Vodacom 072 486 0704, to inform SA Gov ofW.H. 'A YE' Response: THE PRESIDENCY: Director: Media Liaison: Mr. Bheki Khumalo: Cell 083 2569133, at approx 17:28 hrs MINISTRY OF INTELLIGENCE: Media Liaison Officer: Mr. Helmuth Schlenther: Cell: 083 6289852 at 17:47 hrs 'NB. Email. For. You. From. Lara. Johnstone. PIs. Read. ASAP. 072 486 07041m' IDENTICAL ABOVE SMS & EMAIL SENT TO OVER 35 SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT OFFICES: SMS MESSAGES sent on ]4 APRIL 2002, trom Vodacom: 072 486 0704, at 10:58 hrs: THE PRESIDENCY: Director: Media Liaison: Mr. Bheki Khumalo: Cell: 083 256 9133 'Aye.Or.Nay.From.Mandela? If.No.Response.By.Noon. I.WilJ.Inform.W.H.It.Is.Nay! 072 486 0704 Im' MINISTRY OF INTELLIGENCE: Media Liaison Officer: Mr. Helmut Sch]enther: Cell: 083 6289852 'Aye.Or.Nay.From.Mr.De.KJerk? If.No.Response.By.Noon. I. WilJ.Inform. W.H.It.Is.Nay! 072 486 0704 Im' [To Verify the Above Vodacom SMS Messages Under Mandela, De Klerk: 'NAY, Fuck You!' Call Mr. Okker Le Roux, Vodacom Head Office, Tel: 011 6535000. Ms. Lara Johnstone hereby authorizes Mr. Okker Le Roux & Vodacom's Chief Executive Office to release the following
SMS Messages to ANYONE who requests them: From 072 486 0704: All SMS Messages for 13 & 14 April 0725897086: All SMS Messages for 24 to 31 Dec 2002; and 09, 10, 11 January 2003.]
2002. From
" 0 Box1013. BetJ~flJPlWest tf70
--- ..•..
Mt~~tnN tMPn~~mtt: WAKt
NtWS VS.taUn
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, as an independent
your honest
de Jongh,
Afrikanertuiste - Mr. Peter
in the Northern
in the US Embassy's
To PM P.W. Botha,
Cape, on 18 June 2002
United States
USAid Office, on 04 August Pretoria,
- Mr. Wouter
SAP Bodyguard
at approximately
Marine Corps
Head of South Africa's
- US Ambassador
Officer and Officer Embassy
& Chemical
would be out on the streets looking for
another job.
If I allowed
my honest
of the journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; 2002
at 17:00
to pervert; to vilifY; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell the countty for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an
hrs -
'No Fucking Comment .. Fuck you!' Hon. Ms. Patricia de Lille (PAC), 18 Qct 200219:56
I've got no tucking comment. For the last time I've told you "m not going to tolerate any conspiracy theories. I'm going to report you for harassment. For the last time I've told you, I'm not going to tolerate it. And fuck you.
press. We are the tools and vassals of
the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jurnping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." John Swinton, Former New York Times: Chief of Staff, in 1953. "One of our best-kept secrets is the degree to which a handful of huge corporations control the flow of infonnation in the United States. Whether it is
'I Do Not Agree!'
Mr. Kobus Gouss: 18 Qct 2002 20:05 hrs
Well I think this is the third time you've called me and I do not agree.
radio, newspapers,
books or
detennining what we see, hear and read .... The bottom line is that fewer and fewer huge
'No Comment!' SA Government Spokesperson:
appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business
Response To Ambassador Hume,·USAid, etc:
NNP: Health Spokesperson:
with. Others of you are
paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest
hrs. -
Program, 06 Oct 2002 at 21 :09 hrs to RSA: HE Mr. Cameron Hume, 18 October
and if you did, you know
the paper I am connected
from Orania:
in the United States
beforehand that it would never appear in print I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of
. "AIDS Is A Black Depopulation Virus" - Mr. Johan
press. You know it and I
know it. There is not one of you who dares to write
conglomerates are controlling virtually everything that the ordinal)' American sees, hears and reads. This is an issue that Congress can no longer ignore."
Mr. Joel Negipenge: 18 Qct 2002 20:17 hrs No comment.
Rep. Bernie Sanders:
No umger Ignore Corp. Control of the Media" Pub: June 12,2002 in The Hill
Chemical Warfare Military Scientists created A
"People shouldn't expect the mass media to do investigative stories. That job belongs to the 'fiinge'
Synthetic Biological Agent to Attack Blacks Immune Systems,
media" -Ted Koppel
for Depopulation Purposes. It's Name is AIDS.' - Covert military/intelligenceagents for. AWB,Free Masons, Executive Outcomes; Officerin Apartheid Gov's Bureau of State Security (BOSS); Doctors; Scientists; High Level Officialsfrom: White House, Doooing Street, Israel Gov,Pentagon (US Navy,Anmy& ~r Force), USCongress & Senate, CIA(Central Intelligence ~ency), (National Security ~ency),
MI5 (UKMilitaryIntelligence), Mossad (Israeli Intelligence), FBI(Federal Bureau of
MISSIONStAttMtNt OUR mission is to build stronger, more ethical, educated, mutually benefiting radically honest
Investigation), USSpecial Virus Program (creators of AIDS);USDept. Health & Human Services, US Dept. of
relationships within the Trucking Community.
State, US Dept. of Foreign Affairs;KGB,Coundl on Foreign Relations, Int'l Finance Corporation (lFC), United
Our Mission is TIlE TRUTH: ugJy, beautiful, corrupt, brave, courageous or whatever. The cover-ups of the lousy, gutless jellyfish mainstream media STOPS HERE! Cowards!
Nations, UNICEF,World Bank, Mafia, Free Masons, RSAEmbassy in Washington (DC),and over 50 foreign nations govemments! -
However: - YOU! -- the trucking industIy -- don't
'Utter Nonsense' 'Origins of AIDS is irrelevant'
give a shit about political correctness, YOU say what YOU think, whether it is pretty, rude, or not
'That's funny, it is very funny!', 'No Comment', etc. ..
So does ON TIlE ROAD AGAIN! If some people find our means of communication offensive, we understand.
- Foundations: Nelson Mandela & FWde Klerk;Pol. Parties: NNP, PAC,DA,Vryheids Front; COSATU;SA Gov: Spokesperson, Dept's of Foreign Affairs& Heafth; Org's: AIDSTAC,AIDSFoundation, AIDSLaw Project, Public Service AIDSIndaba, CCMA;Media: 702 Radio, Sowetan; Anglo American; etc. -
As reported by HARTS/NSA_NEWS, an intemet news service for intelligence/military agendes, military
Fuck off, Call GQ! Get a sense ofhwnour! This is mild, compared to what is said, but not printed. Unlike others, we aren't afiaid to put it in black and white! In fact we are proud to!
attache's from Embassies worldl'iide,and other interested intelligent individuals. ~ is a joint project between
We are NOT interested in hypocrisy, in pretending,
HARTS(Humanity for Amnesty, Reconciliation,Truth & Sustainability) and the NSA (National Security ~ency),
in 'ttying to be nice' or any of that bullshitlkak. And yes sometimes some ofus are racist, arrogant
America's largest and most covert, secret, Ccyptologicalgovernment militaryflntelligenceagency. Whywon't the media tell you? Ask them! HARTS/NSA_NEWS has been telling them for months!
and imperfect! We have not yet become liberal hypocrites. Subscribe! IF YOU DARE!!!
ON THE 110AO AGAIN T PUcM1>2 tluuP"tJl
P 0 (Jox 1013.
West • .!Y70