SS-DEFCON NTE-‘Crazy Horse Turtle Isle1: Pinengo Syriana Ecology of Peace GASM Recommendation Gov’s of USA, Russia and Syria Ecology of Peace Respondents - versus ‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore’ Enemies of Eco-Innocent Syrians Respondents Record Keepers: » B2B Assassin Friends of EcoInnocent Syrians: (i) USA: Sheriff Joe Arapaio, Maricopa CO, AZ; [TC: Gen O’Dierno, c/o Gen. McChrystal]; (ii) Syria: Sheriff Mack, Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officer’s Assoc [TC: Pres. V. Putin, c/o Kremlin]; (iii) INT: Interpol Environmental Crimes Unit [TC: Erik Prince, c/o Gen McChrystal] » Scarcity Combatant ‘War is Peace’ Whore Respondents: Wikileaks, Managed by Edward Snowden.
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
10-11 September 2013 (10Draft / 11Final) EOPGASM JAG Ecology of Peace Recommendation, to resolve Syria (and planetary) chemical warfare conflict; as a ‘Shock and Awe’ Wake Up Call to World Citizens of the relationship between Sex and War; to provide opportunity for International Public Discourse Debate about implementing the Ecology of Peace commandment into International Law; by adopting the ‘Walk Your Flaming Thunderbolt of Wisdom’ Treaty; in support of preventing Ecological Collapse and possible Near Term Extinction and/or the Tragedy of the Common’s Nuclear War; in terms of the Chemical Weapons Convention2; and ICJ: Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of [Pineapple3] Nuclear Weapons4.
[1] EOPGASM JAG Ecology of Peace Recommendation, to resolve Syria (and planetary) chemical warfare, including breeding and consumption chemical warfare conflict; as a ‘Shock and Awe’ Wake Up Call to World Citizens of the relationship between Sex and War; to provide opportunity for International Public Discourse Debate about implementing the Ecology of Peace commandment into International Law; by adopting the ‘Walk Your Flaming Thunderbolt of Wisdom’ Treaty; in support of preventing Ecological Collapse and 3 4
1 2
possible Near Term Extinction and/or the Tragedy of the Common’s Nuclear War; in terms of the Chemical Weapons Convention and ICJ: Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of [Pineapple5] Nuclear Weapons6. [2] Syrian Government response to 10 September ‘Draft (PDF7)’: (i) NBCNews: Syria accepts Russian deal to place its chemical weapons under international control in order to “remove the grounds for American aggression” 8; (ii) Russia Today: Damascus accepts Russian chemical weapons proposal for intl control - Syria FM9; (iii) Russia Today: Putin: Syria chem arms handover will work only if US calls of strike: “An emergency closed-door meeting at the Security Council is scheduled to take place at 4:00pm EST (20:00 GMT), the UN press office said. "’If this is a serious proposal, then we should act accordingly and I think a UN Security Council resolution is a good idea,’ British Prime Minister David Cameron said. “At the same time, Syria said it was ready to completely give up chemical weapons and sign the Chemical Weapons Convention.” [3] Notice to Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) representatives; Governments of United States of America, Russia and Syria and ‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore Enemies of Eco-Innocent Syrians’ (“Scarcity Combatant”) Respondents: [3.1] In the absence of (I) the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) or any of its Permanent Representatives10 or National Authorities11; and/or (II) the Ecology of Peace and Scarcity Combatant respondent parties filing any official objection/s, to any of the terms of this SSDEFCON Near Term Extinction (NTE) ‘Crazy Horse Turtle Isle12: Pinengo Syriana Ecology of Peace’ submission; within two weeks (i.e. by 17:00 HRS (GMT+2) on 25 September 2013), shall be considered as subjectively and objectively legally valid, for all respondent parties, including any ‘Assassin Friends of Syrian Eco-Innocents’ interested parties. [4] Notice to Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW): 8 9 10 11 12 5 6 7
[4.1] Notice to General Director for the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW): Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü; its Permanent Representatives13 or National Authorities14. [5]
Notice to Military Gov. Officials of United States of America:
[5.1] President Obama c/o: c/o AG Nat Sec: Lisa Monaco; CIA-DNI: James Clapper; Pentagon: DeUnSecNavy: Mark Gorenflo; NTI: Nuclear Threat Initiative: Office; CSIS: H. Andrew Schwartz; CENTCOM Insp. Gen; DoD: Loretta Buckley; NSA-CSS Chief; US Army Environmental Command; US Army: Ft McNair; US: Ft Bragg: Comm Gen: Maj Gen Jeffrey N. Colt; US: House Armed Services Comm: Kevin Gates; US: SelectComIntel; US: State Dep: Policy Officer: Alice Chu; US: State Dep: Policy Officer: Melanie Ciolek; US: State Dep: Program Officer: Mark Betka; USA: Centcom: Brent Hunt; USAF: Maj Michael Kerr; USMC: Camp Lejeune: Gen James Amos. [6]
Notice to Military Gov. Officials of Russia:
[6.1] [7]
President Putin, c/o Kremlin Press Office. Notice to Military Gov. Officials of Syria:
[7.1] President Assad c/o Syrian Parliament15; Baath Arab Socialist Party General Secretariat16. [8] Notice to ‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore Enemies of Eco-Innocent Syrians Respondents: [9]
International Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whores:
ELENA Western Refugee Organisations:
[10] A.
Amnesty International: Human Rights Watch; ECRE
As per European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) coordinated ELENA: European Legal Network on Asylum list17 . International Media:
13 15 16 17 14
[11.1] Reporters without Borders; Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ); Committee to Protect Journalists; Reporters Committee for Freedom of Press [12]
American Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whores:
[12.1] United States Institute of Peace: DirIntGovAff: Marcia Wong; USIP: DirPubAffComm: David Early; SnrProgOff: Peter Weinberger; DirSudan: Jon Temin; SnrVP-CtrInnov: David Smock; IraqIranNAfDepDir: Robin Roberts; Dir.SecGovInnov: Robert Perito; ResFell: Bruce Oswald; PakistanRep: Nadia Naviwala; SnrProgOff: Alison Milofsky; ProgOff: LawInnov: Fiona Mangan; ProgOff: LawInnov: Tim Luccaro; DirGaming: Michael Lekson; SnrSchol: Neil Kritz; SnrProgOff: LawInnov: Hamid Khan; SnrProgOff: Maria Jessop; SnrProgOff: Qamar-ul Huda; MidEastAdv: Steven Heydemann; NatDefUnivProf: Querine Hanlon; SnrProgOff: Namrata Goswami; SnrProgOff: Erica Gaston; SnrProgOff: Michael Dwyer; Dir: Ann-Louise Colgan; PresAdv: Johnnie Carson; ProgOff:Rachel Brandenburg; SnrProgOff: Linda Bishai; SnrResFel: Holger Albrecht; SusEco: Col Tami Zalewski; PakistanEx: Moeed Yusuf; SnrProgOff: Jacqueline Wilson; DeanStudents: Lauren van Metre; JnrProgOff: Hodei Sultan; AfghanDepDir: Scott Smith; PresGrantsAsst: Steven Riskin; SnrProgOff: Barmak Pazhwak; Dir.IraqIranNAfrica: Manal Omar; ProgOff: LawInnov: Christina Murtaugh; AfghanDir: Shahmahmood Miakhel; SnrProgOff: Bruce MacDonald; ExecVP: Kristin Lord; SnrProgOff: Lucy KurtzerEllenbogen; SnrProgOff: Noor Kirdar; ProgOff: Joyce Kasee; VP:GlobTalent: Linda Jamison; SnrProgOff: Georgia Holmer; DeanCurriculum: Jeffrey Helsing; ProgOff: Sarhang Hamasaeed; SnrProgOff: Jason Gluck; SnrProgOff: Allison Frendak-Blume; SnrProgOff: Theo Dolan; SnrProgOff: Elizabeth Cole; AfghanSnrEx: William Byrd; SnrProgOff: Virginia Bouvier; SnrProgOff: Raya Barazanji; SnrAdvConflict: Pamela Aall; Media: Gina Vorderstrasse; SusEco: Steven Heydemann; Scholar: Robin Wright; DirAfghanPakistan: Andrew Wilder; SpecAdv: Frederick Tipson; SnrProgoff: Nina Sughrue; SnrProgOff: Andrew Robertson; Dir.RuleLawInnov: Colette Rausch; SnrAsiaAdv: John S Park; SnrProgOff: LawCtr: Vivienne O'Connor; SnrProgOff: Elizabeth Murray; PresBrdDir: Jim Marshall; PresSpecAdv: Princeton Lyman; SnrProgOff: Debra Liang-Fenton; Dir:GenderInnov: Kathleen Kuehnast; SnrProgOff: Dominic Kiraly; Writer: Marvin Kalb; SnrAdvIntSec: Paul Hughes; DirInnov: Sheldon Himelfarb; SnrProgOff: Susan Hayward; SnrAdvIntAff: Stephen J Hadley; SnrProgOff: Nadia Gerspacher; SnrResFel: Carla Ferstman; StateDepProf: Angela Renee Dickey; ProgOff: Jonas Claes; SnrProgOff: Daniel Brumberg; VP ProgMngmt: Andrew Blum; ProfRes: Lt Comm Aaron Austin; ProgOff: Ted Feifer
Filing Objections to this SS-DEFCON NTE-‘Crazy Horse Turtle Isle: Pinengo Syriana Ecology of Peace GASM Recommendation: [13]
Two Week Notice for any Parties Objection/s:
[13.1] File your individual or organisational official objection/s, to any of the terms of this SS-DEFCON Near Term Extinction (NTE) ‘Crazy Horse Turtle Isle18: Pinengo Syriana Ecology of Peace’ submission; by 17:00 HRS (GMT+2) on 25 September 2013; submitted to (a) ICJ Clerk of the Court; (b) a transparency copy to (b) General Director for the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW); and (c) transparency copies to all parties. A.
If you object to the terms, considering them unfair in terms of Ecology of Peace jurisprudence doctrine, provide such argument; thereby suspending this recommendation for all parties, until your dispute has been resolved.
If you object to being an officially named ‘War is Peace Whore’ respondent, and wish your name to be removed; provide the court and Wikileaks; with a copy of your official political or corporate resignation from all your public leadership positions; or if your organisation, with the dissolution of your corporate entity’s status as a corporate entity; within 4 days of receipt of this notice. Your name, or organisation’s name, will then be removed as a ‘War is Peace Whore’ respondent in this matter.
Chemical Warfare and Chemical Warfare International Treaties: [14]
Chemical Warfare:
[14.1] Chemical Warfare is simply a symptom of breeding and consumption chemical warfare. The most dangerous root cause chemical warfare ingredients are (a) male sperm; (b) female ovaries; and (c) ego-gender insecurity memeplexes that have hijacked our brain-matter/minds; to engage in breeding war and consumption warfare behaviour. [15]
UN Chemical Warfare Treaties:
[15.1] Any UN Chemical Warfare treaty that ignores the breeding war and consumption war root causes of ecological overshoot, which subsequently manifests as cannon fodder standing armies and their creation of military chemical, biological, technological, electronic and other related warfare ingredients, is not a treaty that Crazy Horse would have wiped his ass with.
‘Crazy Horse Turtle Isle19: Pinengo Syriana Logistics: [16]
US Government, Russia and Syria EOP Respondents :
[16.1] Delay the bombing of Syria, for a period of five – seven weeks, to provide Syrian government and rebels with the opportunity to remove the primary ‘Scarcity Combatant’ ‘War is Peace’ obstacles preventing Syrians from engaging in an honest conversation about the Ecological overshoot necessity of transforming their national social contract to a sustainable Ecology of Peace jurisprudence model.
‘Scarcity Combatant’ Respondents: Take Notice: [17] Additional Iranian Combatant Respondents:
[17.1] Any Syrian or Iranian citizens, living in Iran or Syria, or abroad who believe that any individual, or organisation is an enemy of Syrian Eco-Innocents, and should be added to the Scarcity Combatant respondents, can add such individual or organisation, by email, fax, registered mail, or hand delivery, at any time, in these proceedings, as follows:
On the cover page state ‘Notice to [Name/Organisation]: Notification that you are hereby added as a Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore Enemy of Eco-Innocent Syrians Respondent; in this matter.
If you object to being an officially named ‘Scarcity Combatant’ respondent, and wish your name to be removed; provide the court and Wikileaks; with a copy of your official political or corporate resignation from all public leadership positions; or if your organisation, with the dissolution of your corporate entity’s status as a corporate entity; within
four days of receipt of this notice. Your name will then be removed as a ‘Scarcity Combatant’ respondent in this matter.
In the absence of your aforementioned objection, please take Notice of the terms dictated to ‘Scarcity Combatant’ respondents, in attached International Court of Justice: Gov. of USA, Russia and Syria v. ‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore Enemies of Eco-Innocent Syrians’ Respondent: EOPGASM SS-DEFCON NTE-‘Crazy Horse Turtle Isle: Pinengo Syriana Recommendation Notice.
Include a copy of your Iranian or Syrian identification documents.
Provide Wikileaks with a copy of your notice, in English, or Arabic (Wikileaks Arabic volunteers to provide brief English translations), including evidence that it was received by the notified respondent individual or organisation. Record Keeper of Scarcity Combatant Respondents: Wikileaks:
[19] Wikileaks is to setup a public disclosure database, to be accessible from their front/main page (; titled: ICJ: SY-US-RU EOPGASM; where they are to provide (a) a copy of this notice; (b) email and fax contact address for Iranian and Syrian citizens to make additional ‘Scarcity Combatant’ Respondents submissions; (c) and an easy and accessible up to date database of all current respondents; including former respondents and dates of (i) resignation; or (ii) assassination (see below). [20] Sincere Ecology of Peace Friends of Syrian Eco-Innocents, and The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)20 may make donations to Wikileaks ‘Syrian Eco-Innocents’ fund, to be managed by Edward Snowden (if available and willing) and Wikileaks is to provide a public transparent record of all donations, and expenses. In the event of reasonable outstanding expenses, Wikileaks may submit an invoice to the OPCW to cover such expenses. [21] Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore Respondents: Week Three to Seven Notice for War is Peace Whore Objection/s: [21.1] Publicly confirm your – ‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore’ or ‘Ecology of Peace Friend of Syrian Eco-Innocents’ – respondent status:
[21.2] ‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore’ Enemy of Eco-Innocent Syrian Respondents: A.
Refers to any written or verbal support or objection for the Ecology of Peace bombing of Syria, published online, or in any newspaper, or stated in any public venue, where you support or object to the Ecology of Peace bombing of Syria, and do not inform your readers or listeners that:
The military manifestation known as Chemical Warfare is simply a symptom of breeding and consumption chemical warfare.
The most dangerous root cause chemical warfare ingredients are (a) male sperm; (b) female ovaries; and (c) ego-gender insecurity memeplexes that have hijacked our brain-matter/minds; to engage in breeding war and consumption warfare behaviour.
Any UN Chemical Warfare treaty that ignores the breeding war and consumption war root causes of ecological overshoot, which subsequently manifests as standing armies creation of military chemical warfare ingredients, is not a treaty that Crazy Horse would have wiped his ass with.
That the impending bombing of Syria shall be authorized by the ICJ: SS-DEFCON NTE-‘Crazy Horse Turtle Isle: Pinengo Syriana Ecology of Peace GASM Recommendation agreement, a copy of which may be obtained on the Wikileaks website.
‘Ecology of Peace Friend of Syrian Eco-Innocents’:
Refers to any written or verbal support or objection for the Ecology of Peace bombing of Syria, published online, or in any newspaper, or stated in any public venue, where you support or object to the Ecology of Peace bombing of Syria, and do inform your readers or listeners that:
The military manifestation known as Chemical Warfare is simply a symptom of breeding and consumption chemical warfare.
The most dangerous root cause chemical warfare ingredients are (a) male sperm; (b) female ovaries; and (c) ego-gender insecurity memeplexes that have hijacked our brain-matter/minds; to engage in breeding war and consumption warfare behaviour.
Any UN Chemical Warfare treaty that ignores the breeding war and consumption war root causes of ecological overshoot, which subsequently manifests as standing armies creation of military chemical warfare ingredients, is not a treaty that Crazy Horse would have wiped his ass with.
That the impending bombing of Syria shall be authorized by the ICJ: SS-DEFCON NTE-‘Crazy Horse Turtle Isle: Pinengo Syriana Ecology of Peace GASM Recommendation agreement, a copy of which may be obtained on the Wikileaks website.
Assassination Notice to ‘Scarcity Combatant’ Respondent:
[21.5] Your publicly recorded ‘Scarcity Combatant’ support or objection for the Ecology of Peace bombing of Syria, published online, or in any newspaper, or any public venue, as defined above; confirms your Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore Enemy of Syrian Eco-Innocents status, and your fully informed consenting agreement to be considered as a fair assassination target by any civilian or military individual from any nation, acting in support of the EcoInnocent citizens of Syria, and the establishment, by Syria of the worlds first Ecology of Peace Constitution.
[22] Assassination Logistics for Military Assassin Friends of EcoInnocent Syrians: [22.1] You may humanely assassinate (i.e. by means of a bullet/s that result in immediate death) any Notified Scarcity Combatant Respondents, if (a) they are recorded as a current Scarcity Combatant respondent by Wikileaks; (b) subsequent to such officially recorded date, they publicly identify themselves in written or spoken statements as being an official ‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore’ Enemy of Eco-Innocent Syrians; as follows: [22.2] Notice of Assassination Intention: Prior to assassinating any already publicly notified Scarcity Combatant target, you are to make (a) a copy, or transcript copy of the particular targeted ‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore’ respondent ‘statement’, online or in any particular public venue; (b) attach a copy of the final version of this ‘Crazy Horse Turtle Isle21: Pinengo Syriana Recommendation; and (c) a copy of the ZioNazi – ‘Crazy Horse Craps JD Shoulder Plough 737’ – card, with ‘Notice of Assassination Intention: [Name]’ 21
clearly written on the card page; and mail your Notice of Intention documents, by registered mail, by fax, or email, to the relevant ‘Public Transparency Military Assassin Friends of Eco-Innocent Syrians Record Keeper’ Office (including the ‘transparency copy’ Record Keeper party). [22.3] Assassination Rules of Engagement: On the date of assassinating your Scarcity Combatant respondent target, you are to place a copy of the ZioNazi – ‘Crazy Horse Craps JD Shoulder Plough 737’ – card; including the following statement on the card: ‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore Enemy of Syrian Eco-Innocents’, at the assassination venue, publicly accessible within ten meters of the assassinated deceased respondent. [22.4] Confirmation of Assassination: Subsequent to the assassination mail, email or fax (a) a copy of the ZioNazi – ‘Crazy Horse Craps JD Shoulder Plough 737’ – card, with ‘Confirmation of Assassination: [Name of Individual] and [Investigating Prosecutor’s Office where the assassination occurred]’; and/or a copy of any news bulletin documenting their assassination, if so desired; to the relevant ‘Public Transparency Military Assassin Friends of Eco-Innocent Syrians Record Keeper’ Office (including the ‘transparency copy’ Record Keeper party). [23] ‘Public Transparency Military Assassin Friends of Eco-Innocent Syrians Record Keeper’ Offices: [23.1] The Record Keeper Offices are to keep a record of all (a) ‘Notice of Assassination Intention’, and (b) ‘Confirmation of Assassination’ records submitted to it. [23.2] Additionally, upon receipt of a ‘Confirmation of Assassination’ record submission; the Primary Law Enforcement Record Keeper office is to submit a scanned or photocopied copy of both the ‘Notice of Assassination Intention’ as well as the ‘Confirmation of Assassination’ records to (a) the relevant Investigating Prosecutor’s office (who may record the assassination as a ‘Fully Informed Consenting Agreement’ Assassination; and avoid wasting public resources to investigate the matter.; and (b) Wikileaks, for them to update the ‘Respondent’ records. [23.3]
Record Keeper Offices:
[23.4] USA: If the assassination target is to occur in the USA, submit to (A) Sheriff Joe Arapaio; Maricopa County22, Arizona; (B) Transparency Copy Record 22
Keeper party: US Army Chief of Staff: General Ray O’Dierno; c/o General Stanley McChrystal, McChrystal Group23 [23.5] Syria: If the assassination target is to occur in Syria, submit to (A) Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association24; (B) Transparency Copy Record Keeper party: President Vladimir Putin, c/o Kremlin Press Office. [23.6] International: If the assassination target is to occur in any other country, submit to (A) Interpol Environmental Crimes Unit25, (B) Transparency Copy Record Keeper party: Erik Prince, c/o General Stanley McChrystal, McChrystal Group26.
Ecology of Peace Bombing of Syria: Week Seven Onwards:
[25] If after the suspended period of seven weeks, assassinations of ‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore’ Enemy of Eco-Innocent Syrians have not been conducive to removing a sufficient number of the primary ‘Scarcity Combatant’ ‘War is Peace’ obstacles preventing Syrians from engaging in an honest conversation about the Ecological overshoot necessity of transforming their national social contract to an Ecology of Peace jurisprudence model: [25.1] The Pentagon and any other supporting Military parties may engage in two strategic air-strike’s, every seventh day; avoiding Syrian Eco-Innocent enclaves; and focussed on Syrian Scarcity Combatant enclaves. [25.2] Iranian and Syrian military authorities are granted four ‘counterstrikes’, for every two Pentagon strikes. Counter strategic air-strikes, are to be focussed solely on any mainstream newspaper, television station or radio station, in any nation; who has (a) either totally failed to provide their listeners/viewers/readers with a news report of each Pentagon air-strike, or (b) have provided their readers with a news report of the Pentagon air-strike, but failed to report the specific details of the agreement authorizing the Pentagon’s air-strikes as follows: “NATO/The Pentagon bombed [city/town/village], and [city/town/village], killing [number of citizens killed, injured]; as part of its authorized two strategic air-strikes limit, every seven days, as per the International Court of Justice Agreement between the Gov’s of USA, Russia and 25 26 23 24
Syria and Scarcity Combatant ‘War is Peace’ Whore Enemies of Eco-Innocent Syrians. A copy of the ICJ agreement is available from the Wikileaks website”. [25.3] Subsequent to launching their ‘four counter-strikes’ Iranian and/or Syrian military authorities are to provide Wikileaks with a report as follows: A.
On [date] NATO/The Pentagon bombed [city/town/village], and [city/town/village], killing [estimated number of citizens killed, injured, including estimations of number of Scarcity Combatants, and EcoInnocents]; as part of its authorized two strategic air-strikes limit, every seven days, as per the International Court of Justice Agreement between the GOV. of USA, Russia and Syria and Scarcity Combatant ‘War is Peace’ Whore Enemies of Eco-Innocent Syrians.
On [date] Iranian and/or Syrian [or supporting Russian/Chinese, etc Military authorities, acting on behalf of Iranian and/or Syrian military authorities], bombed [names of four news/radio/tv stations], killing [number of journalists killed, injured]; as part of its authorized responding four strategic air-strikes limit; every seven days, as per the International Court of Justice Agreement between the GOV. of USA, Russia and Syria and Scarcity Combatant ‘War is Peace’ Whores Enemies of Eco-Innocent Syrians.
[25.4] Pentagon strikes and responding Iranian/Syrian military counter strikes (and aforementioned Assassinations of Scarcity Combatant Respondents) are authorized for as long as needed, until a sufficient number of the primary ‘Scarcity Combatant’ ‘War is Peace Whore Enemies of Syrian Eco-Innocent’ obstacles have been eliminated, who have been preventing Syrians from engaging in an honest conversation about the Ecological overshoot necessity of transforming their national social contract to an Ecology of Peace jurisprudence model; to establish the worlds first Ecology of Peace Constitution.
Suggestions for Syrian Ecology of Peace Constitution:
[26] [26.1] A.
Syrian government and rebels: Appoint a committee to ascertain Syria’s sustainable ecological carrying capacity limits; including the number of Syrian citizens who are and have been (a) Eco-Innocents (consumed and procreated below carrying capacity limits); (b) citizens who have over-bred or over-consumed, but
who are willing to reduce their consumption and procreation practices, (c) Scarcity Combatants: individuals who refuse to transform to EcoInnocent lifestyles.
Appoint a committee to provide education to citizens on how to transform their lifestyles and become Eco-Innocents by for example, (i) transferring their wealth to a Middle Eastern Nomadic or similar version of Tompkins Conservation27 New Sustainable Agrarian practices; and/or (ii) working towards giving up their industrial civilization lifestyles and moving back into self-sufficient low tech subsistence (i.e. avoiding totalitarian agriculture practices) agrarian tribal families lifestyles;
Appoint a committee to determine how Syria intends to achieve and maintain its carrying capacity limits; such as for example: (a) supporting the constitutional Ecology of Peace adoption of a One Child Only policy, where any family who procreates more than one child are all executed; and/or (b) designating a specific area of Syria as ‘Scarcity Combatant Death Zone’; where all the Scarcity combatants can voluntarily go, or be involuntarily taken to by Syrian Army officials or Rebel Army officials, where the Scarcity Combatants can dishonourably cannibalize on each other, and shoot, stab, torture, or whatever they want, the fuck out of each other; until they have done us all the favour of removing their Scarcity Combatant gene’s from the Syrian genepool; and/or (c) providing all Syrian women with free contraception, and providing any woman who provides evidence of having been raped or sexually attacked (within reasonable moderate guidelines of Islamic law; i.e. she did not invite the sexual attack, and did not consent to it) with the authority to choose whether her attacker is to be (i) hanged or (ii) castrated and a penis to be tattooed onto his forehead as a warning to all men to only engage in fully informed consenting sexual practices.
Crazy Horse Pineapple – Mango Breakfast Sexercise Handjob:
[27.1] A Crazy Horse Pineapple-Mango Breakfast Sexercise handjob is a multi-tasking event that includes wrestling, hand and/or blow job sex, and breakfast, that involves mashed pineapple and mango as genital taste and sensory stimulants. 27
[27.2] Sufficient Crazy Horse Pineapple-Mango Breakfast Sexercise hand or blow jobs, can significantly reduce or eliminate the consequences of chemical warfare; by reducing the contact between the most dangerous root cause chemical warfare ingredients namely (a) male sperm and (b) female ovaries. [27.3] Additionally Crazy Horse Pineapple-Mango Breakfast Sexercise hand or blow jobs, particularly in loving and committed relationships that include ‘Waking from the Meme Dream’ intellectual truthseeking, may contribute to reducing ego-gender insecurity memeplexes that have hijacked our brainmatter/minds; to engage in breeding war and consumption warfare behaviour.
[27.4] Dozens of alternative flavours exist, including Kiwi and Banana, Berries and Banana, etc, etc.
JAG-NSA-FSB EOPGASM Guerrylla Lawfare campaign: 10151632802961914&set=a.376307141913.156681.52448796913&type=1 28
[29] Finally, please find online: Declaration of JAG Lt. Cdr. Lara Braveheart, to US Navy Judge Advocate General: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi, CC: Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, Asst. Sec. for Energy, Installations and Environment and Senator Jim Inhofe; with regard to Æquilibriæx Sustainable Security Theses Ecology of Peace v. Near Term Extinction, NSA research, activism and SSSGASM Guerrylla Lawfare campaign; to ascertain the level of political and legal support for implementing Ecology of Peace Guerrylla Law policies to avoid possible Near Term Extinction; and in the absence thereof; to justify in accordance to the Rendulic Rule, the President to authorize a temporary Sustainable Security coup d’état’, to implement such Sustainable Security social contract amendment to the constitution. [30] The signed Certified PDF copy (5MB) sent to JAG, V. Adm. McGinn and Senator Inhofe, can also be downloaded at EOPGASM: Ecology of Peace Golden Apple Seed Mission29. Notifications to JAG, VADM McGinn and Senator Inhofe and their acknowledgements of receipt are available at: Certified MILINT Earth Day declaration to US Navy JAG: VADM Derenzi30. For the Record JAG EOPGASM Notifications have been submitted to: [31] The following Courts are currently aware of the JAG EOPGASM notification and its contents, as part of court and investigative body filings: [31.1] Investigative Bodies: (i) Federal Bureau of Investigation: Johnstone v. Templeton Foundation31. [31.2] Courts: (a) Moscow City: Russia v. Pussy Riot32; (b) ECHR: Johnstone v. Norway33; (c) Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee: Johnstone v. Norway34; (d) US-NY Southern District: ACLU v. Clapper, et al35; (e) UK: Central Criminal Court / Old Bailey: Her Majesty’s Government v. Michael Adebolajo36; (f) DE: Munich: Germany v. Beate Zschape37; US-CA: Northern District: First Unitarian Church of LA v NSA, et al38; (g) US-VA: Eastern 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 30
District: US v Edward Snowden39; (h) US-Army: Ft. Meade: US v Pfc Bradley Manning40. [31.3]
Law Societies, Bar Associations and Jurist Associations in the courts of:
Germany: Munich District Court: Judge Manfred Götzl41 (Deutschland v. Beate Zschape): to the (i) German Bar Association - Deutscher Anwaltverein42 (ii) International Bar Association (IBA)43; (iii) International Council of Jurists44; and (iv) International Commission of Jurists45; 41 42 German Bar Association - Deutscher Anwaltverein: President: Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Ewer, Kiel; Vicepresidents: RAin Dr. Astrid Auer-Reinsdorff, Berlin, RAinNin Edith Kindermann, Bremen, RA Dr. Friedwald Lübbert, Bonn, RAin Verena Mittendorf, Hildesheim, RA Oskar Riedmeyer, München, RAuN Herbert Schons, Duisburg, RA Prof. Dr. Friedrich Graf von Westphalen, Köln; Executive Director: Rechtsanwalt Dr. Cord Brügmann. 43 International Bar Association (IBA): Directors: Executive: Mark Ellis, Deputy Executive: Tim Hughes; Human Resource: Donna Canty; Legal Projects: Gonzalo Guzman; Human Rights Resource: Phillip Tahmindjis; Legal Practice: Ronnie Hart; Public Interest Division: Jenny Clugston; President: Michael Reynolds - Belgium; Vice President: David W Rivkin - USA; Secretary General: Martin Solc - Czech Republic; Legal Practice Division: Chair: Michael Greene; Vice Chair: Almudena Arpon de Mendevil; Treasurer: Jaime Carey; Asst Treas: Jon Grouf; Public and Professional Interest Division: Chair: Bar Issues Commission: Horacio Bernardes Neto; LPD Representative: Daniel Del Rio; Co-Chair: IBAHRI: Helena Kennedy; Sec Treas: Stephen Macliver; Co-Chair: IBAHRI: Sternford Moyo; Vice Chair: Bar Issues Commission: Margery Nicoll; Chair: Section on Public Professional Interest: Gabrielle Williamson 44 International Council of Jurists (ICJ): Presidents: Hon'ble Dr. Adish C Aggarwala, Sr. Advocate.; Hon’ble Mr.Justice Awn S. Al–Khasawneh; Vice-Presidents: Hon'ble Mr. Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry: Chief Justice of Pakistan; Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.B.M. Muzzamel Hossain: Chief Justice of Bangladesh; The Rt. Hon’ble Mr. David Lammy: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom; Hon'ble Sir James R. Mancham KBE-Ph.D: Founding President of Republic of Seychelles; Hon'ble Prof. (Dr). Holger Matt: Chairman: European Criminal Bar Association; General Secretaries: Hon'ble Mr. Justice Augustino Ramadhani: Judge, African Court of Human People's Rights; Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ahmad Faiz Hussain: Chief Justice of Maldives; Honourable Secretaries: Hon'ble Ms. Justice Anastazia Msosa: Acting Chief Justice of Malawi; Hon'ble Mr. Justice Alnashir Visram: Judge of the Court of Appeal of Kenya; Hon'ble Mr. Justice James M. Farley: Ex. Judge, Supreme Court of Ontario (Canada); Hon'ble Mr. Pham Quoc Anh, MP: President, Vietnam Lawyers Association 45 International Commission of Jurists: President: Prof. Sir Nigel Rodley - United Kingdom; Vice Presidents: Justice Michèle Rivet – Canada; The Hon John Dowd AO QC – Australia; Executive Committee: Prof. Carlos Ayala – Venezuela; Justice Azhar Cachalia – South Africa; Prof. Robert Goldman – United States; Prof. Jenny E. Goldschmidt – Netherlands; Ms Imrana Jalal – Fiji; Ms Karinna Moskalenko – Russia; Prof. Mónica Pinto – Argentina; Commissioners for Africa: Prof. Abdullahi An-Na’im – Sudan; Justice Moses Hungwe ChinhengoZimbabwe; Justice Unity Dow - Botswana; Prof. Michelo Hansungule – Zambia; Mr. Kathurima M'Inoti - Kenya; Justice Qinisile Mabuza - Swaziland; Justice Charles Mkandawire - Malawi; Justice Sanji Monageng - Botswana; Commissioners from the America's: Justice Ian Binnie - Canada; Mr. Roberto Garreton - Chile; Mr Belisario dos Santos Junior - Brazil; Justice E. Raul Zaffaroni - Argentina; Prof Victor Rodriguez Rescia - Costa Rica; Prof Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes - Columbia; Commissioners from Asia-Pacific: Justice Elizabeth Evatt - Australia; Ms. Sara Hossain - Bangladesh; Prof Vitit Muntarbhorn - Thailand; Commissioners for Europe and CIS: Dr. Catarina de Albuequerque - Portugal; Prof. Louise Doswald-Beck - Switzerland; Mr. Stellan Garde - Sweden; Ms. Gulnora Ishankhanova - Uzbekistan; Prof. Kazimierz Maria Lankosz - Poland; Justice Ketil Lund - Norway; Justice Jose Antonio Martin Pallin - Spain; Prof. Iulia Motoc - Romania; Justice Philipe Texier - France; Prof. Andrew Clapham - United Kingdom; Justice Radmila Dicic - Serbia; Justice Tamara Morshchakova - Russia; Justice Egbert Myjer - Netherlands; Prof Marco Sassoli - Italy & Switzerland; Justice Stefan Trechsel - Switzerland; Commissioners for Middle East and North Africa: Mr. Muhannad Al-hasani - Syria; Mr. Ghanim Alnajjar Kuwait; Mr. Abdelazia Benzakour - Morrocco; Justice Kalthoum Kennou - Tunisia; Prof. David Kretzmer - Israel; Mr. Raji Sourani - Palestine; Mr. Shawan Jabarin – Palestine. 39 40
[31.4] A.
Central Criminal Court / Old Bailey: Judge Brian Barker46 (UK v. Michael Adebolajo, et al) and (i) Law Society of England and Wales47; (ii) UK Bar Council48; (iii) City of London Law Society49; (iv) Law Society of Northern Ireland50; (v) General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland51; (vi) Glasgow Bar Association52; (vii) Scotland Faculty of Advocates53; (viii) Law Society of Scotland54; (ix) Legal Ombudsman: Office of Legal Complaints55; (x) International Bar Association (IBA)56; (xi) International Council of Jurists57; and (xii) International Commission of Jurists58. Alleged ‘Peace’ and ‘Civil Rights’ organisations in the courts of: United States Army: First Judicial Court, Ft. Meade, Maryland: Judge Denise Lind (US v Pfc Manning): (i) Norwegian Nobel Committee Law Society of England and Wales: President: Nick Fluck; Vice President: Andrew Caplan; Deputy Vice President: Jonathan Smithers; Chief Executive: Des Hudson. 48 UK Bar Council: Officers: Chair: Maura McGowan QC; Vice Chair: Nicholas Lavender QC; Vice Chair Elect: Alistair MacDonald QC; Treasurer: Stephen Collier; Snr Management Team: Chief Exec: Stephen Crowne; Representation and Policy: Mark Hatcher; Central Services: Oliver Delany; Bar Standards Board: Dr. Vanessa Davies; Committee Chairs: Equality & Diversity Committee: Chair: Kim Hollis QC; Law Reform Committee: Chair: Stephen Worthington QC; Professional Practice Committee: Andrew Walker QC; International Committee: Chantal-Aimee Doerries QC. 49 City of London Law Society: Chairman: Alasdair Douglas; Chief Executive: David Hobart; Committee Members: President: David McIntosh QC (Rodney Warren & Co); Paul Barnes (Gordon Dadds LLP); Robert Bourns (TLT Solicitors LLP); Simon Davis (Clifford Chance LLP); Christopher Digby-Bell (Palmer Capital Partners); Nicholas Emmerson; Marc Hanson (Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP); Nicholas Hughes (Holman Fenwick & Willan LLP); Vanessa Knapp (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP); Chalres Martin (Macfarlanes LLP); Dr. Clare McConnell (Stephenson Harwood); Cornelius Medvei (Eversheds LLP); Allan Murray-Jones (Skadden Arps UK LLP); Colin Passmore (Simmons & Simmons LLP); Robert Pitcher (Eversheds LLP); Dick Tyler (CMS Cameron McKenna LLP); Joint Sec: Neil Cameron; Policy & Committee Coordinator: Robert Leeder; Administrator: Elizabeth Thomas. 50 Law Society of Northern Ireland: President: Michael Robinson (Cunningham & Dickey, Belfast); Senior Vice President: Imelda McMillan (O'Reilly Stewart); Junior Vice President: Richard Palmer (Niall Browne); Chief Executive: Alan Hunter; Deputy Chief Executive: Suzanne Bryson; Communications Officer: Paul O'Connor. 51 General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland: Bar Council: Mr Mark Mulholland QC- Chair; Ms Denise McBride QC - Vice Chair; Mr Michael Humphreys QC – Bursar; Mr Dermot Fee QC; Mr David Hunter QC; Mr Peter King; Mr Frank O'Donoghue QC; Mr Stephen Quinn QC; Mr Bernard Brady; Ms Gerarda Campbell; Mr Peter Coll; Mr Michael Duffy; Ms Fiona Fee; Mr Donal Lunny; Mr Michael McCrea; Mr Mark McEvoy; Ms Orlagh McGahan; Ms Grainne Murphy; Mr Stephen Ritchie. 52 Glasgow Bar Association: President: Ann Ritchie; Vice President: Martin Hughes; Secretary: Lee Doyle; Treasurer: Ross Yuill; Country Members: Colin Bissett; Past President: Bernadette Baxter; Chief Executive: Moira Deeney; Stephen Fox; Paul Sutherland; David Flint; Carolyn Moore; Ron McKenna; Liam Ewing; Isobel Black; Gillian Barsanti; Kirean Dean. 53 Scotland Faculty of Advocates: Office Bearers: Dean of Faculty: R.S.Keen Q.C.; Vice-Dean of Faculty: James Wolffe Q.C.; Treasurer: Alan Summers Q.C.; Clerk of Faculty: Calum S. Wilson; Chairman of Faculty Services: Gerry Moynihan Q.C. 54 Law Society of Scotland: Office Bearers: President: Bruce Beveridge; Past President: Austin Lafferty; Vice President: Alistair Morris; Chief Executive: Lorna Jack; Board: Treasurer: David Newton; Member: Christine McLintock; Member: Alison Atack; Member: Janet Hood; Member: Christopher Fraser; Member: Jane MacEachran. Committee: Professional Conduct: Frank McAuley; Equality and Diversity: Janet Hood; Professional Practices: Graham Mathews; Law Reform: David Newton. 55 Legal Ombudsman: Office of Legal Complaints: Board.Chair: Elizabeth France CBE; Board: Rosemary Carter; Board: Margaret Doyle; Board: Tony Foster; Board: Prof. Mary Seneviratme; Board: Karen Silcock; Board: David Thomas. 56 As above to Judge Manfred Götzl in Deutschland v. Beate Zschape 57 As above to Judge Manfred Götzl in Deutschland v. Beate Zschape 58 As above to Judge Manfred Götzl in Deutschland v. Beate Zschape 46 47
Laureates: Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mairead Maguire and Adolfo Perez Esquivel; (ii) International Peace Bureau 59; (iii) Amnesty International60; (iv) Human Rights Watch61. B.
United States Eastern District Court of Virginia: Judge John F. Anderson62 (US v Snowden): (i) Norwegian Nobel Committee Nominator Professor Stefan Svallfors; (ii) Amnesty International63; (iii) Human Rights Watch64.
Dated at George, South Africa, Pale Blue Dot: 11 September 2013
NDR-113 | LARA BRAVEHEART MCVEIGH AKA ANDREA MUHRRTEYN, Pro Se PO Box 4052, George, 6539, South Africa Tel/Fax: (044) 870 7239
59 International Peace Bureau: Co-Presidents: Ingeborg Breines; Tomas Magnusson; Board: Victor de la Barrera; Alicia Cabezudo; Mayra Gomez; Tony Kempster; Terumi Tanaka; Chiara Maria Venturi; Reiner Braun; Tarja Cronberg; Paul Lansu; Laura Lodenius; Joe Murray; Agneta Norberg; Metta Spencer; Tayoi Tsuchida; Salvatore Vella. 60 Amnesty International: Executive Committee: Bernard Sintobin, Guadalupe Rivas, Julio Torales, Mwikali Nzioka Muthiani, Nicole Bieske, Pietro Antonioli, Rune Arctander, Sandra Lutchman; Secretary General: Salil Shetty; and International Secretariat: Colm O Cuanachain; George Macfarlane; Nicola Duckworth; Richard Eastmond; Thomas Schultz-Jagow; Widney Brown 61 [6] Human Rights Watch: Senior Management: Executive Director: Kenneth Roth; Deputy Executive Director, Development and Global Initiatives: Michele Alexander; Deputy Executive Director, External Relations: Carroll Bogert; Europe Director and Deputy Executive Director: Jan Egeland; Deputy Executive Director, Program: Iain Levine; Deputy Executive Director, Operations: Chuck Lustig; Board of Directors: Chair: James F. Hoge Jr; Vice: Susan Manilow; Vice: Joel Motley; Vice: Sid Sheinberg; Vice: John J Studzinski CBE; Treas: Hassan Elmasry; Secretary: Bruce Rabb; Karen Herskovitz Ackman; Jorge Castenada, Tony Elliott; Michael G. Fisch; Michael E Gellert; Hina Jilani; Betsy Karel; Wendy Keys; Robert Kissane; Kimberly Marteau Emerson; Oki Matsumoto; Barry M Meyer; Aoife O'Brien; Joan R Platt; Neil Rimer; Amy Rao; Victoria Riskin; Graham Robeson; Shelley F Rubin; Kevin P Ryan; Ambassador Robin Sanders; Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber; Javier Solana; Siri Stolt-Nielsen; Darian W. Swig; John R Taylor; Amy Towers; Marie Warburg; Catherine Zennstrom 62 63 As above to US Army: First Judicial Court, Ft. Meade, Maryland: Judge Denise Lind (US v Pfc Manning) 64 As above to US Army: First Judicial Court, Ft. Meade, Maryland: Judge Denise Lind (US v Pfc Manning) 65 Draft MILINT Earth Day declaration to US Navy JAG: Vice Adm Nanette Derenzi and CERTIFIED MILINT Earth Day declaration to US NAVY JAG: Vice Adm Nanette Derenzi
CERTIFICATE OF FILING AND SERVICE I certify that the original was electronically filed to:
ICJ: International Court of Justice:
[1.1] Information Department / Archive; International Court of Justice (; (; Info Department ( subsequent to having been served upon the following parties (doublestrike refers to returned email as undeliverable): [2]
Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW):
[2.1] Org for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (; Afghanistan: Col Mohammad Aziz Mansoor (; algeria: Min de la Defense Nationale (; Andorra: Dept of Ind & Transport (; (; (; Antigua: AG Justin Simon (; Argentina: Gustavo Rodolfo Zlauvinen (; (; (; (; (; Australia: AU Non Proliferation Office: Dr. Josy Meyer (; (; (; (; Austria: Fed Min Eco Fam Youth: Andreas Moser (; (; (; Azerbaijan: Min Foreign Affairs (; Bahamas: Marilyn Zonicle (; Bahrain: Min Foreign Affairs: Fatima Aldhaen (; Bangladesh: Nat Auth for CWC: LT Gen ABMS Huq (; Barbados: Snr Env Technical Officer: Ingrid Lavine (; (; (; Belarus: Min Foreign Affairs: Amb Vladimir Gerasimovich (; Belgium: Royal Military Academy: Flip de Clercq (; Belize: Min Foreign Affairs: Rafael Baptist (;(; Benin: Min Foreign Affairs: Hindewe DAzan (; (; Bosnia Herzegovina: State Coord Body Implementation of CWC: Zoran Sajinovic (; Botswana: Chemical Weapons Min Committee: Bergsman Sentle (; (; (; (; Brazil: Coordination-General of Sensitive Items: Carlos Roberto da Silva (; (; (; Bulgaria: Interdepartmental Comm for Non-Proliferation of Weapons: Ivelina
Bahchevanova (; (; (; Burkina Faso: ANCAC: Jean Boukari Legma (; (; Burundi: Ministére des Relations Extérieures et de la Coopération Internationale: Gerard Nirungika (; Cambodia: Ministry of National Defense: National Auth of Chemical Weapons: Gen Chey Son (; (; Cameroon: Direction des Nations Unies et de la Coopération Décentralisée: Ministère des Relations Extérieures: Patrick Fleury Endezoumou (; (; (; (; (; Canada: Dept Foreign Affairs & International Trade: Christopher Halliday (; (; (; (; Cape Verde: National Authority: Gracinda Fortes (; Central African Republic: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères: de l'Integration Règionale et de la Francophonie: Ali Dang-Assabe (; Chad: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Amb Ngare Kessely (; Chile: Autoridad Nacional Convencion de Armas Quimicas de la Republica de Chile: Brig Gen RZ Kerber (; China: National CWC Implementation Office: Mr. Feng Xu (; (; (; Colombia: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Bogota: Dr Lissette Vanegas (; (; (; Comoros: Commission Technique Nationale en Charge de Mise en Oeuvre du Traite de la Nonprolifération et des Instruments Connexes: Ministère des Relations Extérieures: Mr. Aboudou Idaroussi (; (; Congo: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Francophonie: Gen Philippe Longoda (; (; Cook Islands: Min Foreign Affairs: Dr. James Gosselin (; (; Costa Rica: Commission pour l'Interdiction des Armes Chimiques en Côte d'Ivoire: Ministère de la Défense et de la Protection Civile: Comm Clement Kouaido (; Croatia: National Authority for the Implementation of the CWC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration: Major Ante Vucemilivic (; (; (; (; Czech Republic: Unit of Chemical Weapons Prohibition: Department of Non-Proliferation, State Office for Nuclear Safety: Michal Merxbauer (; Congo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Me Simabatu (; Denmark: National Agency for Enterprise and Construction: Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs: Asger Kroll (; (; Djibouti: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Marie Natalis (; Dominica: Dominica Bureau of Standards Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Marketing: Greta Green 2
(; Dominican Republic: Secretaria de Estado de las Fuerzas Armadas: Col German Liz (; Ecuador: Autoridad Nacional de Armas Quimicas: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores: Autoridad Nacional de Armas Quimicas: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores: Emilio Izquierdo (; (; (; El Salvador: Comisión Interinstitucional para la Aplicación de la Convención de las Armas Químicas: Dirección de Organismos y Foros Multilaterales: Dirección General de Política Exterior: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores: Col Edwin Padilla (; (; (; Equatorial Guinea: Ministerio de defensa Nacional: Mr Agapito Mba (; Eritrea: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ghirma Asmerom (; Estonia: Chemicals Notification Center: Enda Veskimae (; (; Ethiopia: National Authority Advisory Board: Shimelis Wolde (; (; Fiji: Ministry of Defense: Jale Fofofili (; (; (; (; (; (; Finland: Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention: Markku Virri (; (; (; Gambia: Ministry of Defense: Harry Sambou (; (; Georgia: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Nestan Bejanishivili (; (; Germany: Bureau for CW and BW Affairs: Peter Beertwerth (; (; (; Ghana: Ministry of Environment: Kwamena Quaison (; (; (; Greece: National Authority on Chemical Weapons: Dr Ioannis Seimenis (; Grenada: National Authority for the Chemical Weapons Convention: Guido Marcelle (; (; Guatemala: Autoridad Nacional de Guatemala para la Prohibicion de las ; Armas Quimicas (ANGPAQ): Ricardo Putzeys (; (;); Guinea: Commission Nationale de Lutte: contre les Armes Chimiques: Direction Nationale des Affaires: Juridiques et Consulaires, Ministere d'Etat Chargé des Affaires Etrangères: Abdoulaye Balde (; Guinea-Bissau: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de la Coopération Internationale et des Communautés: Alfredo Gomes-Lopes (; (; Haiti: Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres: Azad Belfort (; Holy See: Secretariat of State: Paolo Conversi (; Honduras: Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores de Honduras: Abogada Zapata (; Hungary: Hungarian Trade Licensing Office: Jozsef Pete (; Iceland: Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Reykjavik: Sigurbjörg Gisladóttir (; India: 3
National Authority for Chemical Weapons Convention: Arun Kumar (; (; (; (; (; (; Indonesia: Directorate for International Security and Disarmament Affairs: Desra Percaya (; Iran: The Secretariat of National Authority of Chemical Weapons Convention: Gholamhossein Deghani (; (; (; Iraq: Iraq National Monitoring Directorate: Basil Mohammed (; (; (; (; (; Ireland: National Authority for Occupational Safety & Health: Dermot O'Callaghan (; (; (; Italy: Directorate for Multilateral Political Affairs and Human Rights: Alessandra Tognonato (; (; (; (; Jamaica: Ministry of Health: Princess Osborne (; (; Japan: The National Authority of Japan in accordance with Article VII of the CWC: Akihito Yamashita (; (; (; Jordan: Ministry of Interior: Farouq Al Qadi (; (; Kazakhstan: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources: Raushan Sarmurzina (; (; Kenya: Government Chemists Dept: Lonard Kariuku (; (; (; Kiribati: Min Foreign Affairs and Immigration (; Kyrgyzstan: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism: Taalaibek Bektashev (; Laos: Dept of International Organisations (; Latvia: State Environmental Service: Andris Roska (; (; (; (; Lesotho: Ministry of Defense and National Security: Mahali Lebesa (; Liberia: Ministry of Justice: Confort Swengbe (; Libya: National Committee for the CWC: Yosef Safidyn (; Liechtenstein: Office of Foreign Affairs: Esther Schindler (; (; Lithuania: Ministry of Economy: Brone Sirvinskiene (; (; (; Luxembourg: Autorite Nationale - Convention des Armes Chimiques: Andre Paulus (; (; (; Madagascar: National Authority: Col Sylvain Rateeiniaina (; (; (; Malawi: CWC National Authority: Brig Gen Merces Chinjala (; (; (; (; Malaysia: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Hamidon Ali (; (; (; (; (; 4
(; Malta: National Authority for the Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Alfed Vella (; (; (; (; Marshall Islands: Environmental Protection Authority: John Bungitak (; Mauritius: National Chemical Weapons Authority: Suresh Seeballuck (; Mexico: Secretaria de Gobernacion: Francisco Hernandez (; (; (; Micronesia: National Authority: Marstella Jack (; Monaco: Service des Relationes Extérieures: Chrisotphe Crovetto (; (; (; Mongolia: National Working Group for Implementation of CWC: Urnasan Javzandulam (; (; Montenegro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Damir Grbovic (; Morocco: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération: Nasser Bourita (; (; Mozambique: Directorate for Legal and Consular Affairs: Geraldo Chirinza (; Namibia: Ministry of Trade and Industry: Col. FM Maiba (; (; (; (; Nauru: Dep of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Masau Detudamo (; (; Nepal: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Rudra Sitaula (; Netherlands: Ministry of Economic Affairs: AP van Hezewijk (; (; New Zealand: Disarmament Division: Peter Noble (; (; Nicaragua: Comisión Interinstitucional para la Aplicación de la Convención sobre la Prohibición del Desarrollo, la Producción: Ruth Roa (; (; (; Niger: Commission Nationale Pour la Collecte et le Contrôle des Armes Illicites: Kassouma Moctar (; (; (; Nigeria: National Authority on Chemical and Biological Weapons Convention: Jegede Sunday (; (; Niue: National Authority for Chemical Weapons Convention: Richard Hipa (; Norway: Min Foreign Affairs: Eli Jonsvik (; (; (; (; Pakistan: CWC National Authority: Dr Irfan Shami (; (; (; (; (; Palau: Ministry of State: Victor Yano (; (; Papau New Guinea: National Authority: Fred Sarufa (; (; (; Paraguay: National Institute for Technology: Veronica Villagra (; (; (; Peru: Consejo Nacional para la Prohibicíon de las Armas Químicas: Carlos Gil de Montes (; (; Philippines: Dept of Foreign 5
Affairs: Atty Gerald Cabrera (; (; Poland: Security Policy Dept: Andrzej Suda (; (; (; (; (; Portugal: Autoridade Nacional para a Convenção para a Proibição de Armas Quimicas: Luis Barros (; Qatar: Qatar National Committee for Prohibition of Weapons: Hassan Al-Nisf (; (; Korea: Lee Kyoo Ho (; Moldova: Dyual Use Goods Control Division: Eugeniu Gorea (; Romania: Export Controls Dept: Dan Marian (; (; (; Russian Federation: National Authority for the Chemical Weapons Convention: Yuri Ivanovich Borisov (; (; (; Rwanda: Ministry of Defense: Moses Nkubito (; Saint Kitts and Nevis: Min of National Affairs and Security: Lt. Col. Patrick Wallace (; (; (; (; Saint Lucia: Ministry of External Affairs (; Saint Vincent and Grenadines: Min of Foreign Affairs: Dr St clair Thomas (;; (; (; (; Samoa: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Faalavaau Sila (; (; San Marino: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (; Sao Tome and Principe: Ministério des Affaires Estrangeiros et des Comunidades: Esterline Genero (; (; (; Saudi Arabia: National Authority for Implementation of CWC: Fayez Saadi Alrsheedy (; (; (; Serbia: National Authority for CWC Implementation: Zdarvko Tuvie (; (; (; Seychelles: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Selby Pillay (; (; (; (; Sierra Leone: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Duwai Lungay (; (; (; (; Singapore: Perm Rep to OPCW: Soo Chiau Chua (; Slovakia: Branch for Control of the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Trading Management: Jana Talabova (; (; Slovenia: Chemicals Office for Republic of Slovenia: Alojz Grabner (; (; Solomon Islands: Royal Solomon Islands Police: Shane Castles (; South Africa: Council for Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Daan van Beek (; (; (; (; Spain: Autoridad Nacional para la Prohibición de las Armas Químicas: Gonzalo de Salazar Serantes (; (; 6
(; Sri Lanka: Committee for Implementation of the CWC: Anura Siriwardena (; (; (; (; Sudan: Ministry of Defense: Brig Isam Sarour (; Suriname: Defense Strategic Planning: Major John Achong (; (; Swaziland: Ministry of National Defense and Security: Sotja Dlamini (; Sweden: Agency for NonProliferation and Export Controls: Mattias Timren (; (; (; Switzerland: Arms Control and Disarmament Section: Andreas Friedrich (; (; (; Tajikistan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Manuchehr Mahmudov (; (; Thailand: Office for National Implementation of Chemical Weapons Convention: Chusak Wongwatcharakarn (; Macedonia: National Comm for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons: Lidija Savic (; (; Togo: Dir. Defense and Security: Col Ali Nadjombe (; (; (; Tonga: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Mahe Tupouniua (; (; Trinidad and Tobago: Treaties: Yolandi Wilkinson (; (; (; Turkey: Dir Gen for Int Security Affairs: Serhan Yigit (; (; TuvalU: Attorney General (; (; (; Uganda: Occupational Safety and Health Dept: David Mugisa Atwooki (; Ukraine: Ministry for Foreign Affairs: Arms Control: Volodymyr Kvasiuk (; United Kingdom: UK Chemical Weapons Convention Authority: Karl Rodriguez (; (; Tanzania: Interim National Authority for CWC: LT Col Muzanila (; (; Uruguay: Comision Interministerial para la Prohibicion de las Armas Quimicas: Alberto Marquez (; (; (; Uzbekistan: Commission for Use of Chemical Weapons: Azimjon Mamadrahimov (; (; Vanuatu: Dept of Foreign Affairs: Kalfau Kaloris (; (; Vietnam: Conventions and International Cooperation Division: Nguyen Nam Hai (; (; (; Yemen: The National Committee for the Prohibition of Chemical, Biological and Toxin Weapons: Abdulkarim Alkohali (; (; Zambia: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Silumelume Mubukkwanu (; Zimbabwe: Nat. Authority for Chemical Weapons Convention: Col TJ Dube ( 7
United States Gov. Military Officials:
[3.1] President Obama c/o: c/o AG Nat Sec: Lisa Monaco (; CIA-DNI: James Clapper (; Pentagon: DeUnSecNavy: Mark Gorenflo (; NTI: Nuclear Threat Initiative: Office (; CSIS: H. Andrew Schwartz (; CENTCOM Insp. Gen.(; DoD: Loretta Buckley (; NSA-CSS Chief (; US Army Environmental Command (; US Army: Ft McNair (; US: Ft Bragg: Comm Gen: Maj Gen Jeffrey N. Colt (; US: House Armed Services Comm: Kevin Gates ( ; US: SelectComIntel (; US: State Dep: Policy Officer: Alice Chu ( ; US: State Dep: Policy Officer: Melanie Ciolek (; US: State Dep: Program Officer: Mark Betka (; USA: Centcom: Brent Hunt (; USAF: Maj Michael Kerr (; USMC: Camp Lejeune: Gen James Amos (; US Embassy in Syria: Damascus (
[4] [4.1]
[5] [5.1]
Russian Gov. Military Authorities: RU: Kremlin Press Office (
Military Gov. Officials of Syria: President Assad c/o Syrian Parliament1 (; Baath Arab
Socialist Party General Secretariat2.
‘Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whore Enemies of Eco-Innocent
Syrians Respondents: [7]
International Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whores:
Amnesty International: AI-RU: Sergei Nikitin (; AI-RU: Lydia Aroyo (; (; Amnesty Intnl UN - New York (; AI - Geneva (; UK Refugee Team (; Patrick Corrigan (; Eve Wilmott (; Al: Secretariat (; AI – N. Ireland (; AI - Scotland (; AI: Tasmania (; AI-UK: Helena Wray - EUDO (; AI-UK: C Frandzis (; Denmark
1 2
(; DK Blinkenberg (; AI-Greece (; [7.1]
Human Rights Watch: Russia: Tanya Lokshina (; Berlin
(; Chicago (; Los Angeles (; Press (; Paris (; San Francisco (; Tokyo (; Washington DC (; London (
ECRE: Laurent Aldenhoff - ECRE FundRaising (; Ronald
Simon - ECRE Fin & Rsc (; Elona Bokshi: ECRE Exec & Proj Off (; Helene David - ECRE Events (; Joseph Karenzo ECRE Finance (; Maria Hennessy - ECRE Advocacy (; Ana Lopez Fontal - ECRE Media (; Anne Bathily - ECRE Project Off (; Ann Cassano - ECRE (; Martin Watson - ECRE Advocacy (; Kris Pollet ECRE Advocacy ( [7.3]
Western Refugee Organisations: ELENA: As per attached European
Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) coordinated ELENA: European Legal Network on Asylum list3: A.
AT: Austria: Coord: Ulrike Brandl (; Coord: Caritas Austria: Karin Abram (; Asylkoordination (; Diakonie-Protestant Refugee Service (; Osterreichische Caritaszentrale (; Claddia Schmidt (; Miriam Mlczoch (; Asyl in Not (; Austrian Red Cross (; Caritas Vienna-Asylzentrum (; Elisabeth Stocker (; Helping Hands Vienna (; Volkshilfe Osterreich (; Peregrina (; Bewegung Mitmensch (; Caritas St. Polten (; Caritas Salzburg (; Caritas Innsbruck (; Caritas Linz (; SOS Menschenrechte (; Caritas Feldkirch
(; Auslanderberatung (; Caritas Kaernten (; AuslanderInnenreferat (; Caritas Graz Refugee Camp (; Zebra (; IOM: Int Org for Migration (; Osterreichischer Integrationsfonds (; Beratungszentrum fur Migrantinnen ( B.
BE: Belgium: Co-ord: ADDE: Association pour le Droit des Etrangers: Isabelle Doyen (; Comité Belge d'Aide aux Réfugiés: Tristan Wibault (; BCHV: Belgisch Comité voor hulp aan de vluchtelingen - CBAR: Comité belge d'aide aux réfugiés (; CIRE: Coordination et initiatives pour réfugiés et étrangers (; Vluchtenlingenwerk (; Aide aux personnes déplacées (; ADDE: Association pour le droit des étrangers (; Caritas Secours international (; Centre des immigrés Namur-Luxembourg (; Croix-Rouge de Belgique (; EXIL (Centre médico-psychosocial pour réfugiés) (; Ligue des droits de l'homme (; MRAX: Mouvement contre le racisme l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie (; Sireas ASBL (; Het Belgische Rode Kruis (; CAW Artevelde - Transithuis (; Caritas Intnl Hulpbetoon (; Foyer (; Liga voor Menserechten (; Protestants sociaal centrum (; Sociale Dienst (; Sociaele Dienst voor Vreemdelingen (; Vlaams MInderheden Centrum (; Werkgroep Integratie Vluchtenlingen (;
BA: Bosnia Herzegovina: Assoc: Vasa prava BiH (; (; NGO Bosanskohercegovacka Sarajevo (; NGO Medica (; NGO Lara (; NGO La Strada MOstar (;
BG: Bulgaria: Helsinki Committee: Iliana Savova (; Bulgarian Refugee Council (; Bulgarian Red Cross (; ACET (; Assoc for Integration of Refugee and Migrants (;
HR: Croatia: ELENA Coord: Croatian Law Center: Lana Tuckoric (; Center for Peace Studies (; Croatian Red Cross (
CY: Cyprus: Future World Center (; KISA: Action for Equality Support Antiracism (;
CZ: Czech Rep: OPU: Org for Aid to Refugees: Martin Rozumek (; Eva Hola (; Consortium of Refugee Assisting NGOs: Elena Tulupova (; SOZE: Sdružení občanů zabývajících se emigranty (; SIMI: Association for integration and migration: Magda Faltova (; Jaroslav Gramel (; Counselling Center for Integration (; COM: Centrum pro otazky migrace (; PPI: Poradna pro integraci (; Czech Helsinki Committee (; (;
DK: Denmark: Danish Refugee Council (; Red Cross Asylum Dept (; DACoRD: Doc Advisory Center on Racial Discrimination (;
EE: Estonia: Estonia Human Rights Ctr: Kristi Toodo (; Human Rights Ctr (;
FI: Finland: Refugee Advice Center: Piritta Raivio (; Finish Refugee Advice Center (; Kouvola Refugee Advice Center (; OULO Refugee Advice Center (;
FR: France: ELENA Coord: Gille Piquois (; Forum Refugies (; France Terre d'Asile (; GISTI: Group d'information et de souiten des travailleurs immigres (; COMEDE (; ANAFE: Assoc nationale d'assistence aux frontieres pour les etrangers (;
DE: Germany: ELENA Coord: Univ Bieleveld: Prof Holger Hoffman (; Arbeiterwolhlfahrt (; Deutscher Caritasverband (; Pro Asyl (; Diakonie
Deutschland (; (; Psychologiesches Zentrum fur Migranten (; DPWV: Deutscher Paritatischer (; Raphaels-Werk (; Internationalier Sozialdienst (; M.
GR: Greece: ELENA Coord: Greek Council for Refugees: Maria Papmina (; High Court: Attorney: Erika Kalantzi (; Greek Council for Refugees (; ARSIS: Social Org for Youth (; ERP: Ecumenical Refugee Programme of Orthodox Church of Greece (; Klimaka: Org for Dev of Human-Social Capital (; (; Doctors of the World (; Medical Intervention (; PRAKSIS: Dev Social Support and Medical Cooperation Projects (; Social Solidarity (; AITIMA (;
HU: Hungary: Helsinki Committee: Dr Julia Ivan (; Hungarian Helsinki Comm (; Menedek Assoc for Migrants (; Menedek Assoc for Migrants (; Cordelia Fnd for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (; Hungarian Reformed Church Refugee Mission (; Hungarian Interchurch Aid (;
IE: Refugee Legal Service: Grainne Brophy (; Irish Refugee Council Ind Law Center (; Irish Refugee Council (; ARASI: Assoc of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Ireland (; Cairde (; Int Org for Migration (; NASC: Irish Immigrant Support Ctr (; Jesuit Refugee Service (; Rape Crisis Center (; Refugee Migrant Project of the Bishop's Conference (; RAR: Residents AGainst Racism (; SPIRASI (; Vincentian Refugee Center (;
IT: Italy: ELENA Coord: Lorenzo Trucco (; Avv Maria Romano (; CIR: Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati (; ASGI: Assoc per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione (; (; ICS: Corsorzio Italiano di Solidarieta
(; SAI: Servizio Accoglienza Immigrati (; Caritas Servizio prima accoglizenza e consulenza immigrati (; ATAS: Assoc Trentina Accoglienza Stranieri (; Caritas Roma Area Immigrati (; ANIMI Onlus (; Infopoint Migranti (; Caritas Solidarieta Caritas (; ANIMI Onlus (; ASGI: Assoc per gli Studi Guirudici sull'lmmigrazione (; ICS Facciamo pace (; Naga HAR (; Caritas Consulenza profughi (; CIR Gorizia (; CIR Udine (; ICS: Consorzio Italiano di Solidarieta Ufficio Rifugatti (; (; CIR Trieste (; Sportello Rifugiati Richiedenti Asilo (; ICS-CGIL (; Progretto Diritti Sportello Immigrati (; IOM: Int Org for Migration: Rome (; CIR: Ufficio Info Immigrazione e Asilo (; ICS Gruppo laici Terzo Mondo (; CIRCatania (; CIR-Palermo (; ICS Assoc Diritti Umani (; Q.
LT: Lithuania: ELENA Coord: Red Cross: Laurynas Bieksa (; Lithuanian Red Cross (; Red Cross: Egle Samuchovaite (;
LU: Luxembourg: ELENA Coord: Frank Wies (; Letzebuerger Fluchtelingsrot (; ASTI: Assoc de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigres (; Caritas (; CLAE: Comite de Liasion des Assoc d'Etrangers (; Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise (; SESOPI: Centre Intercommunautaire (;
NL: Netherlands: ELENA Coord: Dutch Council for Refugees: Sadhia Rafi (; VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (; (; VON: Vluchtelingen-Org Nederland (;
NO: Norway: ELENA Coord: Adv Halvor Frihagen (; NO Org for Asylum Seekers (; SEIF (; LLH: NO
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Org (; NO Refugee Council (; U.
PL: Poland: ELENA Coord: Helsinki Fnd for Human Rights: Karolina Rusifowicz (; Caritas Diecezji Legnickiej (; Centrum Pomocy MIgrantom i Uchodzcom (; Caritas Diecezji Legnickiej (; Centrum Pomocy MIgrantom Uchodzcom (; Centrum Pomocy MIgrantom i Uchodzcom (; Fundacja Dzieci NIczyje (; Fundacja Ocalenie (; Polish Humanitarian Org (; Polish MIgration Forum (; Polish Red Cross (; Stowarzyszenie Polska Misja Meyczna (; STowarzyeszenie Jeden Swiat (; IOM: Int Org for Migration (; Halina Niec Legal Aid Center (; Helsinki Fnd for Human Rights (; Jagiellonian Univ Human Rights Ctr (; (; Legal Guidance Svc KUL (; Rule of Law Statute (; Studencki Osrodek Pomocy Prawnej przy Wydziale Prawa (;
PT: Portugal: ELENA Coord: Centro de Acolhimento para Criancas Refugiadas (; Portuguese Refugee Council (; Santa Casa da Misericordia (; AMI-IMA Int Medical Assistance (; Cruz Vermelha (;
RO: Romania: ELENA Coord: National Council for Refugees: Andreea Mocanu (; CNRR: RO National Council for Refugees (; Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants (; Save the Children Romania (; OFRR: Refugee Women Org in Romania (; Jesuit Refugee Service - Romania (;
RU: Russia: ELENA Coord: RU Lawyers Comm Defense of Human Rights: Olga Tseytlina (; Human Rights Center Memorial Committee (; (;
SR: Serbia: Asylum Protection Center (; Belgrade Center for Human Rights (; Danish Refugee Council Serbia (; HCIT: Humanitarian Ctr for Integration and Tolerance (; Asylum Protection Ctr (; Belgrade Ctr for Human Rights (; PRAXIS (;
SK: Slovak: ELENA Coord: Slovak Humanitarian Council (; Slovak Humanitarian Council (; Int Org for Migration (; Goodwill Society (; Ecumenical Council of Churches in the Slovak Republic (; Slovak Refugee Council (; Human Rights League (;
SI: Slovenia: PIC (; Slovenia Philanthropy (;
ES: Spain: ELENA Coord: Accem: Cristina Fernandez-Duran (; CEAR: Com Espanola de Ayuda al Refugiado (; Spanish Red Cross (; Accem (; CEAR: Spanish Commission for Refugees (;
SE: Sweden: Swedish Refugee Advice Center: Anders Sundquist (; Caritas Sweden (; Swedish Refugee Aid (; FARR: Swedish Network of Asylum and Refugee Support Groups (; (; Radda Barnen Sweden (; Church of Sweden (; Swedish Red Cross (; (
CH: Switzerland: ELENA Coord: OSAR: Org Suisse d'Aide aux Refugies (; (; SFH: Schwizerische Fluchtlingshilfe (; ICMC: Int CAtholic Migration Comm (; Lutheran World Federation (; Rechtsberatungestelle fur Asyleuchende (; Anlaufestelle Baselland (; Beratungsstelle fur Asyleuchende der Region Basel (; Freiplatzaktion Basel (; Rechtsberatungsstelle fur Asyeuchende (; CCSI: Center de Contact SuissesImmigres (;;
Rechtberatungsstelle fur Asyleuchende (; CSP: BerneJura (; CSP: Centre Social Protestant (; BCJ Caritas Suisse (; (; SSI: Service Social International (; ELISA Geneve (; Beratungsstelle fur Asylsuchende (; Rechtsberatung fur Asyelsuchende (; (; (; CSP Centre Social Protestant (; CSP Berne-Jura (; Caritas NE (; Fluchtlingschilfe Liechtenstein (; Groupe Accueil Refugies (; Coordination-Asile NE (; Beratungsstelle fur Asyl-und Auslanderrecht (; Thurgauer Rechtsberatungsstelle fur Asyleuchende Kreuzlingen (; SOS: Consultio guiridico per i richiedenti d'asilo (; (; Rechtsberatungsstelle fur Asylesuchende Solothurn (; Center Suisse Immigres (; HEKS: Rechsberatungsstelle fur Asylsuchende St Gallen (; Forum Migraton Oberwallis (; SAJE: Service d'aide Juridique aux Exile (; Asylbrucke Zug (; ZBA: Zurcher Beratungsstelle fur Asyleuchende (; Freiplatzaktion Zurich (; SAH: Schweizerisches Arbeiterhilfswerk (; EE.
TR: Turkey: ELENA Coord: Orcun Ulusoy (; Refugee Rights Coordination (; SGDD: Siginmaci ve Gocmenlerle Dayanisma Dernegi (; IZMIR (; TIVH: Human Rights Fnd of Turkey (; Human Resource Development Fnd (; Helsinki Citizens Assembly (; Human Rights Assoc (; MAZLUMDER: iNSAN hAKLARI VE mAZLUMLAR iCIN dAYANISMA dERNEGI (;
UK: UNITED Kingdom: ELENA Coord: David Cirico (; Asylum Rights Council (; ILPA: Immigration Law Practioners Assoc (; IAS: Immigration Advisory Service (; Asylum Rights Campaign (; Midlands Refugee Council (; Refugee Action (; Refugee Council (; Refugee Studies Center (; RETAS: Refugee Education
Training Advisory Service (; NICEM: Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities (; Scottish Refugee Council (; NOrth of England Refugee Service (; Asylum Aid (; IAS: Immigration Advisory Service (; Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (;
[8] [8.1]
International Media Organisations: ReportersWithoutBorders: (; RepWBorders: Asia (;
INT: RepWBorders: Europe (; SPJ: Joe Skeel (; SPJ: Heather Dunn (; SPJ: Scott Leadingham (; CPJ: Comm to Protect Journalists: Magnus Ag (; RCFP: Gregg Leslie (
[9] [9.1]
American Scarcity Combatant War is Peace Whores: United States Institute of Peace: USIP: DirIntGovAff: Marcia Wong
(; USIP: DirPubAffComm: David Early (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Peter Weinberger (; USIP: DirSudan: Jon Temin (; USIP: SnrVP-CtrInnov: David Smock (; USIP: IraqIranNAfDepDir: Robin Roberts (; USIP: Dir.SecGovInnov: Robert Perito (; USIP: ResFell: Bruce Oswald (; USIP: PakistanRep: Nadia Naviwala (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Alison Milofsky (; USIP: ProgOff: LawInnov: Fiona Mangan (; USIP: ProgOff: LawInnov: Tim Luccaro (; USIP: DirGaming: Michael Lekson (; USIP: SnrSchol: Neil Kritz (; USIP: SnrProgOff: LawInnov: Hamid Khan (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Maria Jessop (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Qamar-ul Huda (; USIP: MidEastAdv: Steven Heydemann (; USIP: NatDefUnivProf: Querine Hanlon (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Namrata Goswami (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Erica Gaston (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Michael Dwyer (; USIP: Dir: Ann-Louise Colgan (; USIP: PresAdv: Johnnie Carson (; USIP: ProgOff:Rachel Brandenburg (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Linda Bishai (; USIP: SnrResFel: Holger Albrecht (; USIP: SusEco: Col Tami Zalewski (; USIP: PakistanEx: Moeed Yusuf (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Jacqueline Wilson (; USIP: DeanStudents: Lauren van Metre (; USIP: JnrProgOff: Hodei
Sultan (; USIP: AfghanDepDir: Scott Smith (; USIP: PresGrantsAsst: Steven Riskin (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Barmak Pazhwak (; USIP: Dir.IraqIranNAfrica: Manal Omar (; USIP: ProgOff: LawInnov: Christina Murtaugh (; USIP: AfghanDir: Shahmahmood Miakhel (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Bruce MacDonald (; USIP: ExecVP: Kristin Lord (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Noor Kirdar (; USIP: ProgOff: Joyce Kasee (; USIP: VP:GlobTalent: Linda Jamison (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Georgia Holmer (; USIP: DeanCurriculum: Jeffrey Helsing (; USIP: ProgOff: Sarhang Hamasaeed (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Jason Gluck (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Allison Frendak-Blume (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Theo Dolan (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Elizabeth Cole (; USIP: AfghanSnrEx: William Byrd (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Virginia Bouvier (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Raya Barazanji (; USIP: SnrAdvConflict: Pamela Aall (; USIP: Media: Gina Vorderstrasse (; USIP: SusEco: Steven Heydemann (; USIP: Scholar: Robin Wright (; USIP: DirAfghanPakistan: Andrew Wilder (; USIP: SpecAdv: Frederick Tipson (; USIP: SnrProgoff: Nina Sughrue (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Andrew Robertson (; USIP: Dir.RuleLawInnov: Colette Rausch (; USIP: SnrAsiaAdv: John S Park (; USIP: SnrProgOff: LawCtr: Vivienne O'Connor (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Elizabeth Murray (; USIP: PresBrdDir: Jim Marshall (; USIP: PresSpecAdv: Princeton Lyman (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Debra LiangFenton (; USIP: Dir:GenderInnov: Kathleen Kuehnast (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Dominic Kiraly (; USIP: Writer: Marvin Kalb (; USIP: SnrAdvIntSec: Paul Hughes (; USIP: DirInnov: Sheldon Himelfarb (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Susan Hayward (; USIP: SnrAdvIntAff: Stephen J Hadley (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Nadia Gerspacher (; USIP: SnrResFel: Carla Ferstman (; USIP: StateDepProf: Angela Renee Dickey (; USIP: ProgOff: Jonas Claes (; USIP: SnrProgOff: Daniel Brumberg (; USIP: VP ProgMngmt: Andrew Blum (; USIP: ProfRes: Lt Comm Aaron Austin (; USIP: ProgOff: Ted Feifer (
Record Keepers:
[10.1] USA: Sherrif Joe Arapaio: Maricopa County: Arizona (; (c) Army Chief of Staff: General Ray ODierno: c/o General Stanley McChrystal ( [10.2] SYRIA: Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association: CSPOA (; CSPOA: Sherrif Mack (; President Vladimir Putin: c/o Kremlin Press Office: RU: Kremlin Press Office ( [10.3] INTERNATIONAL: Interpol Environmental Crimes Unit4: INT: Interpol: EnvCrime (; Erik Prince, c/o General Stanley McChrystal, McChrystal Group ( [10.4] SCARCITY COMBATANT: Wikileaks: Wikileaks Central (; ThisDayinWikileaks (; Wikileaks: Israel Shamir (; Wikileaks: Kristinn Hrafnsson (; Wikileaks Press Contact (; Wikileaks Press (; Wikileaks Litigation ( Dated at George, South Africa, Pale Blue Dot: 11 September 2013
LARA BRAVEHEART MCVEIGH, Pro Se PO Box 4052, George, 6539 South Africa, Tel/Fax: (044) 870 7239