Military Necessity / National Security Justifications for Texas legislation to reward citizens, families, businesses, towns and counties who commit to Eco-Literate Friendship: Learning to MILINT Earth Day Walk their Talk of Supporting the Troops, by reducing their impact (I-PAT) on their nation’s Natural Capital. TX Legislative Council: Legal Division: Director: Carolyn Hall & Dep. Directors: David Hanna; Eric Hougland; Mike Marshal co Public Information Officer P.O. Box 12128, Capital Station Austin, Texas 78711-2128 TX Military Base Commanders: Ft Bliss: Maj Gen Sean MacFarland; Goodfellow AFB: Col. Kimberlee Joos; Kingsville AFB: Cpt. Mark McLaughlin; Ft. Hood: Colonel Matthew Elledge; Ft Sam Houston: Col Steven A Toft.
CC: National Legislative Services and Security Association (NLSSA) President: Jimmetta People's Vice President: Rick DeLeon CC: Gregg Abbot: TX Attorney General Ron Curry: Reg Adm: US EPA R6 TX Rep’s & Senators CC: Nordheim Mayor Kathy Payne 105 W 1st St, Nordheim, TX 78141 via: Concerned About Pollution-CAP: Chris Baumann & Evangelical Lutheran Church: SW Texas: St Paul
Submission requesting the Texas Legislative Council Legal Division Director Carolyn Hall to investigate and verify the Military Necessity / National Security justifications herein submitted; and if confirmed; to draw up Texas Ecology of Peace legislation to reward TX citizens, families, businesses, towns and counties who commit to Eco-Literate Tough Love Friendship: Learning to MILINT Earth Day Walk their Talk of Supporting the Troops, by committing to reduce their impact (IPAT) on their nation’s Natural Capital. Overview of Military Necessity Eco-Literate Friendship Legislation: Specifically the suggested legislation should authorize:
Eco-Sanctuary cities/counties that fulfil the required 52% mandate to declare their cities or counties as official MILINT Earth Day Eco-Sanctuary zones. Eco-Transformation cities/counties that fulfil the required 7% mandate to declare their cities or counties as official MILINT Earth Day EcoTransformation zones.
MILINT Earth Day City/County Eco-Sanctuary Mandates suggested: [2]
A minimum of fifty-two percent of the citizens of the city or county:
[2.1] must publicly (a) vote to declare their unequivocal public support1 for the MILINT Earth Day POW submission to the Swiss Federal Council; confirming their support for the implementation of international law requiring all the worlds 1 PO Box 5042 * George East, 6539 * Cel: (071) 170 1954 *
political, religious, racial, class and cultural tribes to commit to breeding and consuming below commons ecological carrying capacity limits; and (b) notify MILINT Earth Day clerk of such vote; or [2.2] any alternative Ecology of Peace peacemaking social contract legislation supporting the implementation of international law requiring all the worlds political, religious, racial, class and cultural tribes to commit to breeding and consuming below commons ecological carrying capacity limits; that incorporates the following Ecological Literate Ecology-of-Peace social contract peace negotiations principles: A.
An analysis of the disputing tribes or nations natural renewable and nonrenewable resources to determine the nation’s ecological – procreation, consumption and production – carrying capacity limits.
A clear and unequivocal Ecology of Peace social contract statute requiring all the citizens of the disputing tribes or nations to procreate and consume below the declared ecological carrying capacity limits of their tribe or nation.
A clear and unequivocal social contract statute clarifying the legal due process ‘extermination from the tribal or national gene-pool’ consequences for any citizen or official violating the ecological carrying capacity limits, by procreating or consuming above carrying capacity limits.
MILINT Earth Day City/County Eco-Transformation Mandates suggested: [3] A minimum of seven percent of the citizens of the city or county must meet the aforementioned MILINT Earth Day City or County Eco-Sanctuary Mandates suggested. MILINT Earth Day City or County Eco-Sanctuary Zone: A MILINT Earth Day city or county Eco-Sanctuary zone is a city or county which meets the fifty-two percent Eco-Sanctuary mandate, and consequently has official state authorization to the relevant city council to: (a) declare itself as such, on official correspondence letterheads, marketing brochures, city or county boundary traffic notice boards, etc; and (b) consequently to refuse any (i) residential immigration into the city/county from legal or illegal immigrant citizens who are not officially recognized as committed MILINT Earth Day supporting citizens; (ii) immigration or registration of new businesses or organisations who are not, or do not commit to meeting the required MILINT Earth Day business mandate requirements. MILINT Earth Day City/County Eco-Transformation Zone: A MILINT Earth Day city or county Eco-Transformation zone is a city or county which meets the seven percent Eco-Transformation mandate; and consequently has official state authorization to the relevant city council to: (a) declare itself as such, on official correspondence letterheads, marketing brochures, city or county boundary traffic notice boards, etc; and (b) consequently to authorize local family residences, businesses or organisations who meet the Eco-Sanctuary Zone fifty-two
MILINT Earth Day
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percent mandate in terms of members or employees to (i) declare their residences or business or organisation premises as such, on official correspondence letterheads, marketing brochures, etc; and (ii) to refuse any employee or membership immigration from any new member or employee to such residence, business or organisation; who is not, or does not commit to meeting the required MILINT Earth Day individual mandate requirements.
Military Necessity Eco-Literate Friendship Legislation Evidentiary Correspondence in support of rewarding committed Eco-literate citizens, families, businesses, cities and counties: [1]
TX Jurisdiction: Nordheim: A Texas Town facing a Toxic Future:
[1.1] MILINT Earth Day submission for (i) public discussion at Nordheim public meeting on 3 February 2014; and (ii) consideration by TX Railroad Commissioners, TX Attorney General, EPA Region 6 administrator and TX Military officials; re: Pyote Reclamation Service proposed toxic waste disposal site at Nordheim (Annex A). [2]
Military Necessity Sustainable Security Doctrine:
[2.1] MILINT Earth Day MILINT Necessity of Earth Day Sustainable Security Coup d’Etat; If Worlds Eco-Illiterate 'One Man, One Vote' Voters fail to act for a Sustainable Security future, by 22 April 2014: A.
Political and Military Necessity jurisprudence and legal doctrine2; including the Likely Impacts of implementing Eco-literate Sustainable Security ecologically literate social contract Constitutions.
MILINT Earth Day Coup arguments3 includes information on solution orientated actions citizens and officials should be implementing in their lives and communities such as (A) Sustainable Security Relocalization, Decentralization, De-Industrialization and Primitivization and (B) Political Decentralization: Nullification, Secession, etc; to prepare for dealing with (C) De-Industrialization: The End of National Power Grids; and (D) Eco-literate self-sufficient Primitivist citizens (E) Primitivism: Ultimate Goal: Voluntary Sustainability for Our Children and Humanity’s Future Generations.
MILINT Earth Day Coup correspondence4 to among others: (i) General Martin Dempsey: Chairman: Joint Chiefs of Staff: JCS Dempsey & WH Obama MILINT Necessity of Coup d'etat to implement Sustainable Security Policies; (ii) President Putin and Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoygu, General of the Russian Army: Commanders of: Land Forces; Air Force; Navy; Strategic Missile Forces; Air and Space Defense; Airborne Troops; W. Military Dist. S. Military Dist.; E. Military Dist.; N. Fleet; Pacific
2 4 3
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Fleet; Baltic Fleet; Black Sea Fleet: Pres Putin & Gen Shoygu: MILINT Necessity of Coup d'etat to implement Sustainable Security Policies. [3] President Obama and Putin's Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence Ecology of Peace Golden Apple Seed Mission: [3.1] Declaration of JAG Lt. Cdr. Lara Braveheart, to US Navy Judge Advocate General: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi, CC: Asst. Sec. for Energy, Installations and Environment: Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn; Sen. Jim Inhofe: NSA Æquilibriæx Sustainable Security Theses Ecology of Peace campaign.5 [3.2] Declaration of FSB Lt. Cdr. Felix Starinov Bochkareva, to Lt. General Vladimir G Kulishov, Head of Border Guard Service, Vice Director of FSB of Russia; CC: President Putin, Kremlin: FSB: Cheka Border Guards Æquilibriæx Sustainable Security Theses Ecology of Peace campaign.6 [4] Need Tough Love Friendship Legislators; CA liberals couldn’t pour piss from a boot7. [4.1] North Carolina General Assembly: House Bill 774: Building Code Exclusion/Primitive Structures8: A.
03 June 2013 submission to North Carolina Senators: Military Necessity / National Security Justifications for legally supporting Turtle Island to continue teaching De-Industrialized Primitivist Living Skills (PDF9) submission included evidence for following arguments: 1. National Security Imperative for Primitivist Living Skills Argument: a.
Natural Capital: Nature and its resources and biodiversity are the source and sustenance of all of life. i.
What are the Trillion Dollar Costs of Destroying Natural Capital?
How Does Advanced Technological Use Contribute to the Destruction of Natural Capital?
2. Reducing Our Destruction of our Nation and Planet’s Natural Capital: IPAT: Reduce (a) Population, and our Thermodynamic Footprint: (b) Affluence and (c) Energy Technology a.
I=PAT: Reducing Human Impact on the Environment requires population and consumption reduction.
Thermodynamic Footprint: A x T’s Damage to Natural Capital.
5 7 “California liberals couldn’t pour piss from a fucking boot” – 34 year USMC veteran Gunny Jon Michael Dye 8 9 6
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3. Urgent Environmental Security Issues currently facing Humanity as a result of our failure to protect our Planet’s Natural Capital, all three of which require citizens to urgently Learn to ‘Walk their Talk’ of ‘Supporting the Troops’, by reducing their impact (I=PAT) on their nation’s Natural Capital: a.
Peak Non-Renewable Natural Resources (NNR): Scarcity
Ecological Biodiversity Crisis and Destruction of Renewable Resources
Climate Change
4. The Scarcity-Conflict Death Spiral: Difference between Sustainable Peaceful Procreation, Consumption and Production and Unsustainable Scarcity-Conflict Procreation, Consumption and Production 5. Military Doctrine: Non-Renewable and Renewable Resource Scarcity and Conflict 6. Scarcity-Conflict Death Spiral on Steroids: Military Doctrine & Academic Theory: Climate Change & National Security: Climate Change acts as a Scarcity and Conflict Threat Multiplier of oil, water and food resource wars and mass migration 7. Military Appeal to American/World Citizens to ‘Walk their Talk’ of ‘Supporting the Troops’, by massively reducing their energy consumption, by – for example - “planting victory gardens, cutting down on fuel use, saving scrap metal and old rubber, sacrifices, or maybe just examples of common sense and prudent lifestyle changes.” B.
12 June 2013 North Carolina House Bill 774: Building Code Exclusion/Primitive Structures, signed by Governor on 12 June 2013.
Dated at George, South Africa, Pale Blue Dot: 31 January 2014.
Lara Johnstone (aka Andrea Muhrrteyn) Clerk and Acting Clerk [MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Oath (PDF10)] MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace POW submission to Swiss Federal Council 10
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MILINT Earth Day submission to Nordheim Mayor, TX Railroad Commissioners, TX Attorney General, EPA Region 6 administrator and TX Military officials for public discussion at Nordheim public meeting on 3 February 2014; re: Pyote Reclamation Service proposed toxic waste disposal site. Chairman: Barry T Smitherman Comm: David Porter & Christi Craddick TX Railroad Commission 1701 N. Congress Austin, Texas 78701 Tel: (512) 463-7158
Mayor Kathy Payne 105 W 1st Street Nordheim, TX 78141 via: Concerned About Pollution-CAP: Chris Baumann via: Evangelical Lutheran Church: SW Texas: St Paul
Wilma Subra: Earth Works
Ron Curry Reg Adm: US EPA R6
CC: Pyote Reclamation Service 400 W Illinois Suite 950 Midland, TX 79701 Office: 432-685-0169 via: Josh Haislip
Maj Gen Sean MacFarland, Ft Bliss
Colonel Matthew Elledge, Ft Hood
Col. Kimberlee Joos, Goodfellow AFB
Col Steven A Toft, Ft Sam Houston
Judge Daryl Fowler Cuero Co Gregg Abbot TX Att General
Cpt. Mark McLaughlin, Kingsville AFB
MILINT Earth Day submission for (i) public discussion at Nordheim public meeting on 3 February 20141; and (ii) consideration by TX Railroad Commissioners, TX Attorney General, EPA Region 6 administrator and TX Military officials; re: Pyote Reclamation Service proposed toxic waste disposal site at Nordheim. Can Nordheim, TX help themselves to avoid a Toxic future and lead HomoIgnoramus towns and cities around the world to avoid their current toxic evolution into Homo-Extinctio; to collectively embark on the path to Homo-Ecoliterate? MILINT Earth Day2 advocates that the inalienable right to breed and consume with total disregard for carrying capacity limits, and Socialized Corporate Externality Costs: Trillion Dollar Thefts from Global Natural Capital Commons have resulted in ecological overshoot of between 700 to 400,000 percent; manifested in the crossing of Urgent Planetary Boundary Tipping Points:– (i) Loss of Biodiversity and Species Extinctions; (ii) Climate Change; (iii) Nitrogen Cycle; (iv) Ocean Acidification; (v) Changes in Land Use; (vi) Global Freshwater Use; (vii) 1
Desmogblog article: Nordheim: A Texas Town Facing a Toxic Future 2
State Shift in the Earth’s Biosphere; and (viii) Peak Non-Renewable Natural Resources Scarcity are currently destroying our Planet’s Natural Capital, with devastating current and impending scarcity-conflict resource war consequences. We must heal, restore and protect our national and planetary Natural Capital, and massively mitigate the impending scarcity-conflict death spiral; by putting our nations and planet on a speedy and orderly de-industrialization trend towards sustainable security. To do so we must ‘wake up’ all citizens, corporations, politicians from all nations, who must learn to: ‘Walk our Talk’ to support our (i) Nation’s Police Force’s to reduce crime, and (ii) Nation’s Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, etc) to mitigate impending scarcity induced resource wars; by reducing consumption and procreation to below national and international ecological carrying capacity limits. MILINT Earth Day’s submission to amend the Geneva Convention relative to Treatment of Prisoners of War international treaty is a campaign to raise awareness and supporters3; for its plan to implement due process solutions to honourably de-industrialize and humanely reduce planetary population and consumption to ecological carrying capacity limits including the adoption of an international law social contract requiring all the worlds religious, racial and cultural tribes to restrict their members consumption and procreation to ecological carrying capacity limits. It was provisionally submitted4 to President Vladimir Putin (c/o Kremlin Press Office), President Barack Obama (c/o DNI: James Clapper) and the Swiss Federal Council on 14 December 2013. MILINT Earth Day Recommendation: 1. If, or when, a minimum of fifty-two percent of Nordheim residents publicly (a) vote to declare their unequivocal public support5 for the POW submission to the Swiss Federal Council; to supporting the implementation of international law requiring all the worlds political, religious, racial, class and cultural tribes to commit to breeding and consuming below commons ecological carrying capacity limits; and (b) notify MILINT Earth Day clerk of such vote; then:
2. TX Attorney General: Gregg Abbot; EPA Region Six Regional Administrator Mr. Ron Curry and TX Military authorities: Maj Gen Sean MacFarland, Ft Bliss, Col. Kimberlee Joos, Goodfellow AFB, Cpt. Mark McLaughlin, Kingsville 3 Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 8:45 PM. To: DNI: James Clapper (; RU: Kremlin Press Office (; 'Swiss Federal Council'. Cc: David Petraeus (; DoJ:NSD: AG Lisa Monaco ( ; Erik Prince (; LJ v BB: JAG VADM Derenzi (; Pta Russian Embassy (; USA DCSG-1: Ray ODierno - John Mulholland (; LJ v BB: Patton (; Stan (; VADM D McGinn (; Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan (; US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald (; Timothy Truthseeker; David Coombs (; Jay Bybee ( Subject: Presidents Putin & Obama & Swiss Fed Council: Submission re: Geneva POW Convention 5 4
AFB, Colonel Matthew Elledge, Ft Hood and Col Steven A Toft, Ft Sam Houston; should collectively agree to reciprocate such ecological sustainable security citizens committed intention to support international ‘Walk Your EcoFootprint Talk to Support the Troops’ jurisprudence from Nordheim residents by officially notifying TX Railroad Commissioners: Barry T Smitherman, David Porter & Christi Craddick and Judge Daryl Fowler; that the town of Nordheim be recognized as a MILINT Earth Day sanctuary zone from all Corporate Scarcity Combatant Terrorist corporations and their ecologically toxic industrial development activities.
Lara Johnstone (aka Andrea Muhrrteyn) Clerk and Acting Clerk [MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Oath6] MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace POW submission to Swiss Federal Council
[ Correspondence: Updated 03/02/02014 ] Re: Submission to TX Leg Council: Legal Div Director: Military Necessity / National Security Justifications for Texas legislation to reward citizens, families, businesses, towns and counties who commit to Eco-Literate Friendship: Learning to MILINT Earth Day Walk their Talk of Supporting the Troops, by reducing their impact (I-PAT) on their nation’s Natural Capital.
From: Gagne, Jon CIV NAS Kingsville, N00P [] Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 1:06 AM To: ''; Misner, Christopher C Capt CO NAS Kingsville, N00 Subject: Re: TX Leg Council: Legal Div Director: Military Necessity submission for Sustainable Security TX
Thank you for the email. Please note that the NAS Kingsville Commanding Officer is now CAPT Christopher Misner, email at . VR Jon From: Lara [] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 01:54 PM To: 'TX Leg Council: Public Info Officer' <>; 'National Legislative Services and Security Association: President: Jimmetta People's' <>; 'Vice President: Rick DeLeon' <> Cc: 'TX Attorney General: Greg Abbott' <>; 'Mayor Kathy Payne: via Concerned About Pollution-CAP: Chris Baumann' <>; 'Mayor Kathy Payne via Evangelical Lutheran Church: SW Texas: St Paul' <>; 'EPA Region 6: Regional Admin: Ron Curry co David Gray' <>; 'Ft Bliss: Major General Sean MacFarland' <>; 'Fort Hood Commander: Colonel Matthew Elledge' <>; 'Ft Hood: First Army Division West Public Affairs: Jay Adams' <>; KNGV-NASK PAO; 'Goodfellow Air Force Base: Col Kimberlee Joos co Public Affairs Office' <>; 'Ft Sam Houston: Commander: Col Steven A Toft' <> Subject: TX Leg Council: Legal Div Director: Military Necessity submission for Sustainable Security TX
TO: TX Legislative Council: Legal Division: Director: Carolyn Hall & Dep. Directors: David Hanna; Eric Hougland; Mike Marshal CC: National Legislative Services and Security Association (NLSSA): President: Jimmetta People's & Vice President: Rick DeLeon CC: Nordheim Mayor Kathy Payne via: Concerned About Pollution-CAP: Chris Baumann & Evangelical Lutheran Church: SW Texas: St Paul CC: Gregg Abbot: TX Attorney General CC: Ron Curry: Reg Adm: US EPA R6 CC: TX Governor Perry: via Education Analyst: Julie Linn
CC: TX Senate via: Lt Gov David Dewhurst: co Education Director: Caasi Lamb CC: TX House of Representatives co Speaker: Joe Straus co Snr Educ Advisor: Andrea Sheridan CC: TX Military Base Commanders: Ft Bliss: Maj Gen Sean MacFarland; Goodfellow AFB: Col. Kimberlee Joos; Kingsville AFB: Cpt. Mark McLaughlin; Ft. Hood: Colonel Matthew Elledge; Ft Sam Houston: Col Steven A Toft. Please find attached: Military Necessity / National Security Justifications for Texas legislation to reward citizens, families, businesses, towns and counties who commit to Eco-Literate Friendship: Learning to MILINT Earth Day Walk their Talk of Supporting the Troops, by reducing their impact (I-PAT) on their nation’s Natural Capital. Military Necessity / National Security submission requesting the Texas Legislative Council Legal Division Director Carolyn Hall to investigate and verify the Military Necessity / National Security justifications herein submitted; and if confirmed; to draw up Texas Ecology of Peace legislation to reward TX citizens, families, businesses, towns and counties who commit to Eco-Literate Tough Love Friendship: Learning to MILINT Earth Day Walk their Talk of Supporting the Troops, by committing to reduce their impact (I-PAT) on their nation’s Natural Capital. Respectfully Lara Johnstone (aka Andrea Muhrrteyn) Clerk and Acting Clerk [MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Oath (PDF)] MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace POW submission to Swiss Federal Council
From: Lara [] Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 12:19 PM To: 'Gagne, Jon CIV NAS Kingsville, N00P'; 'Misner, Christopher C Capt CO NAS Kingsville, N00' Cc: 'TX Leg Council: Public Info Officer'; 'National Legislative Services and Security Association (NLSSA): President: Jimmetta People's'; 'Vice President: Rick DeLeon'; 'Mayor Kathy Payne via: Concerned About Pollution-CAP: Chris Baumann'; 'Mayor Kathy Payne via: Evangelical Lutheran Church: SW Texas: St Paul'; 'TX Attorney General: Greg Abbott'; 'EPA Region 6: Regional Admin: Ron Curry co David Gray'; 'EPA Press Dave Bary or Joe Hubbard'; 'TX Governor Perry: Education Analyst: Julie Linn'; 'TX Senate: Lt Gov David Dewhurst: co Education Director: Caasi Lamb'; 'TX Senate: Lt Gov David Dewhurst'; 'TX Speaker of House: Joe Straus co Snr Educ Advisor: Andrea Sheridan'; 'FT BLISS: Ft Bliss Commander: Maj Gen Sean MacFarland'; 'Deputy Team Chief-FA Analyst: Mr. Mark Schiller'; 'FT HOOD: Ft Hood Commander: Colonel Matthew Elledge'; 'Ft Hood: First Army Division West Public Affairs: Jay Adams'; 'FT SAM HOUSTON: Ft Sam Houston Commander: Col Steven A Toft'; 'GOODFELLOW AFB: Goodfellow AFB Commander: Col. Kimberlee Joos'; 'KINGSVILLE NAS: Kingsville NAS Former Commander: Cpt. Mark McLaughlin' Subject: [NAS Kingsville] Re: TX Leg Council: Legal Div Director: Military Necessity submission for Sustainable Security TX Thanks Jon. I shall update and also send you and Capt Misner an invitation (as I did all the others). Lara
From: Lara [] Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 1:05 PM To: 'DEWITT COUNTY: County Judge: Daryl Fowler' Cc: 'Mayor Kathy Payne via: Concerned About Pollution-CAP: Chris Baumann'; 'Mayor Kathy Payne via: Evangelical Lutheran Church: SW Texas: St Paul'; 'Exec Sec: Kathy Weischwill'; 'County Attorney: Raymond Reese'; 'Constable 2: Steven Wehlmann Sr'; 'Sheriff: Jode Zavesky'; 'Justice of Peace 1: Peggy Mayer'; 'Justice of Peace 2: George W Robinson'; 'District Attorney: Michael Sheppard'; 'County Clerk: Natalie Carson' Subject: [Dewitt Co Judge Daryl Fowler] RE: Legal Invitation: MILINT Earth Day submission to Swiss Federal Council
Judge Fowler, Apologies. Your response does not indicate ‘READ’ (Support) or ‘NOT READ’ (Object). Please clarify. In the absence of a clarification of READ (Support); I shall interpret as NOT READ (Object). If the you legally confirm yourself as a supporter, your details will be included as supporters for the submission to the Swiss Federal Council; once Presidents Obama and Putin, the Pentagon, CIA, FSB, NATO et al officials; have concluded there is sufficient support for the submission not to be culturally emasculated, of its fundamental MILINT Earth Day principles. If you legally object; then you may file a legal brief in support of your objection; within two weeks of filing your notice to legally object. Your objection brief (and Applicants response to your objections) shall be included in the submission to the Swiss Federal Council; for the due consideration of the Geneva Convention signatories representatives. If you do not submit your legal objection brief within two weeks of your ‘not read’ response -- (or if you need more time to prepare it, please notify the clerk within the two week period, of the exact date by when you shall submit your objection brief to the clerk); -- then your ‘not read’ response shall be interpreted as follows: you did not read the invitation; or your objection is not legally honourable. Lara
From: 'DEWITT COUNTY: County Judge: Daryl Fowler' [] Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 7:20 PM To: Andrea Subject: Re: Legal Invitation: MILINT Earth Day submission to Swiss Federal Council
Recipient:,,,,,,,, Subject: Legal Invitation: MILINT Earth Day submission to Swiss Federal Council
TO: Texas: DEWITT COUNTY: County Judge: Daryl Fowler; Exec Sec: Kathy Weischwill; County Attorney: Raymond Reese; Constable 2: Steven Wehlmann Sr; Sheriff: Jode Zavesky; Justice of Peace 1: Peggy Maye