Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket
CONTROL OF REPRODUCTION HUMAN FACTORY FARMING WAR ECONOMY RACKET .. AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence’s Endorsement of the ‘Control of Reproduction’ Human Farming Poverty Pimping War Economy Racket.
Five Car Stud, 1969-72, by German-American Edward Kienholz. This is a life size depiction of a black man caught ‘race mixing’. It represents a group of white men castrating a black man as his white girlfriend watches. The figures are life-size mannequins wearing masks, illuminated by the headlights of four cars and a pickup truck, focussed on the center detailing the men who arrived to castrate and sterilize the ‘Nigger’, whom they have discovered drinking with a white woman.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket
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Masculine Insecurity: Foundation of AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence’s Human Farming ‘Control of Reproduction’ War Economy Racket
Legislation of Occupational Licences for hundreds of occupations, sometimes even from children for lemonade stands, allegedly required to protect those occupations consumers from incompetent service and products.
Total Legislative Failure to legislate Breeding / Parenting licences, to (a) protect the rights of unborn and unwanted children, from unloving and incompetent parenting; and (b) prevent overpopulation.
Failure to Legislate Breeding/Parenting Licence, an endorsement of Masculine Insecurity’s use of the Control of Reproduction as a Weapon of War.
Profiting from the absence of Breeding/Parenting Licence, and the Control of Reproduction of a Surplus Cannon Fodder Population for the Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket.
Profiting from the absence of Breeding/Parenting Licence, and their Control of Reproduction of a Surplus Vote and Poverty Pimp Fodder Population.
Procreation Factor: Every Child Increases a Parents Carbon Footprint by a Factor of 20
Case Study: Western Civilized Patriarchy’s Endorsement of ANC-Mandela’s Control of African Reproduction Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket
Masculine Insecurity: Foundation of AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence’s Human Farming ‘Control of Reproduction’ War Economy Racket “Masculine Insecurity: The moment in every man's life when he questions the size of his schlong.” - Urban Dictionary “The male does not have an erection .. The penis is in a state of erection, as long as the man is in a state of excitement. If something interferes with this excitement, the man has nothing. And in contrast to practically all other kinds of behaviour, the erection cannot be faked .. a man, after all, is a man for only a few minutes; most of the time he is a little boy .. in that aspect which for many a man is the proof that he is a man.” Erich Fromm1
Lama Drukpa Kunley lived in the 15-16th century (aka “Mad Saint” or "Divine Madman" or Madman from Kyishodruk) for his unorthodox ways of painting Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom Erect Phallus’ on walls, to shock the uppity and prudish Buddhist clergy. Traditionally erect penis symbols in Bhutan were to drive away evil spirits & malicious gossip. "Representation of female nudity is conventionally a blatant sign of reduction of the female to sexuality [...] Phallic imagery that reminds men of their self-centeredness is a counterculture, not a celebration of the male. It is a condemnation of the unchecked male ego, rather than a rigid fiesta of all things phallocentric." - Dasho Karma Ura, president of the Centre for Bhutan Studies in the capital of Thimpu
Erich Fromm (2000): To Have or To Be (pg 115-116)
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket “Threaten a man's masculinity and he will assume more macho attitudes: Masculine overcompensation is the idea that men who are insecure about their masculinity will behave in an extremely masculine way as compensation. I wanted to test this idea and also explore whether overcompensation could help explain some attitudes like support for war and animosity to homosexuals. I found that if you made men more insecure about their masculinity, they displayed more homophobic attitudes, tended to support the Iraq War more and would be more willing to purchase an SUV over another type of vehicle.” – Daniel Aloi2
Understanding the Religion of Civilized Patriarchy’s Human Factory Farming War Economy Definition of Religion: Group-Shared System of Thought and Action that Offers the Individual a Frame of Orientation and an Object of Devotion: “To clarify, “religion” as I use it here does not refer to a system that has necessarily to do with a concept of God or with idols or even to a system perceived as religion, but to any group-shared system of thought and action that offers the individual a frame of orientation and an object of devotion. Indeed, in this broad sense of the world no culture of the past or present, and it seems no culture in the future, can be considered as not have religion. This definition does not tell us anything about its specific content. People may worship animals, trees, idols of gold or stone, an invisible god, a saintly person, or a diabolical leader; they may worship their ancestors, their nation, their class or party, money or success. Their religion may be conducive to the development of destructiveness or of love, of domination or of solidarity; it may further their power of reason or paralyze it. .. A specific religion, provided it is effective in motivating conduct, is not a sum total of doctrines and beliefs; it is rooted in a specific character structure of the individual and, inasmuch as it is the religion of a group, in the social character. Thus, our religious attitude may be considered an aspect of our character structure, for we are what we are devoted to, and what we are devoted to is what motivates our conduct. Often however, individuals are not even aware of the real objects of their personal devotion and mistake their “official” beliefs for their real, though secret religion. If, for instance, a man worships power while professing a religion of love, the religion of power is his secret religion, while his so-called official religion, for example Christianity, is only an ideology.” – Erich Fromm, To Have or to Be, pp.135-136
Daniel Aloi (02 August 2005): Men overcompensate when their masculinity is threatened, Cornell study shows, Cornell University
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Civilized Patriarchy’s Breeding / Consumption War Frame of Orientation and Objects of Devotion: ‘Civilized’ Patriarchy (pa·tri·arch·y): A system of society or government, is Patriarchal to the extent that it regulates (a) the relations between humans, nature and other animals species and (b) the relations between humans amongst themselves, in terms of their gender, culture, ethnic, religious and ideological conflicts; for the (c) almost exclusive benefit of violent Anthropocentric humans and corporations. Consequently a legal, political or social system is Patriarchal to the extent of its (a) failure to provide automatic equal legal personhood and rights to women, nature and animal and plant species; (b) disregard for the objective and scientific breed and consume below carrying capacity truth of the laws of nature/ecology; and (c) disregard for the laws of human nature; when they contradict the AnthroCorpocentric – breeding and consumption war – objectives of the holders of subjective AnthroCorpocentric Truth. A society has violent Patriarchal breeding and consumption war objectives, to the extent that: [1] its socio-political status symbols involve breeding war, consumption war and violent warrior mythology: (a) breeding war procreation above carrying capacity: i.e. cultures that reward their male members with concepts of manhood virility status, which are based on the man breeding a family above carrying capacity levels; (b) consumption war consuming above carrying capacity; i.e. cultures that reward their male members with concepts of manhood intelligence/virility status, which are based upon the man consuming above carrying capacity levels, to demonstrate his ‘large consumption penis’; (c) warrior mythology, where violent men are rewarded with ‘freedom fighter’ or ‘soldier’ socio-political status symbol medals and awards; particularly if the warrior mythology censors and ignores information to educate the culture’s members, that scarcity induced resource war violence can be avoided by the culture’s members choosing to breed and consume below carrying capacity levels. A culture which teaches a purely defensive warrior mythology; i.e. based purely on defense of its landbase and resources, i.e. which educate the members of the culture to avoid overpopulation and overconsumption scarcity inducing lifestyle’s within its culture, and hence does not engage in patriarchal breeding and consumption war objectives would not be considered a patriarchal culture. [2] Its religious, political and corporate leaders (a) endorse patriarchal objectification and sexualized concepts of ‘beauty’, which demean and vilify all women who do not meet those ‘beauty’ requirements; where a woman’s value is not based on her honesty, character and integrity, but upon how well she is able to market and trade her sexuality for physical and economic safety and security, and (b) avoid addressing the CR :: 5
Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket overpopulation and overconsumption scarcity induced root causes of most direct and indirect causes of conflict: from murder, rape, suicide, homeless, unemployment, courts, police, prisons, mental illness, mental institutions, because cumulatively they serve as socio-political conflict pressure cookers to socio-psychologically pressure women to (i) purchase safety and security by trading sexual favours from men, for physical and economic safety and security; (ii) conform to civilized patriarchy’s expectation that she behave as her partners brood sow and/or sexual socio-economic status symbol bimbo accessory, to breed/consume above carrying capacity, to thereby (iii) aggravate scarcity induced violence, particularly against lower class men and women. [3] Eve’s Seed: History and ‘Control of Reproduction’ Religion of Masculine Insecurity: “What is Voltaire
[4] In Eve’s Seed: Masculine Insecurity, Metaphor, and the Shaping of History, and Eve’s Seed: Biology, the Sexes and the Course of History, Robert McElvaine described it thus: “Karl Marx had it wrong. Class has, to be sure, been a major factor in history; but class itself is a derivative concept that is based on the ultimate causative power in history: sex. Marx‘s famous formulation must be revised: The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of struggles based on the division of our species into two sexes, jealousies emanating from this division, exaggerations of the differences between the sexes, misunderstandings about sexual reproductive power, and metaphors derived from sex. Together, these closely related matters constitute the most important, but largely neglected, set of motive forces in human history. Control -- or the claim of control -- over the means of reproduction has been even more fundamental to history than has control of the means of production... [4.1] Robert McElvaine “throws down the gauntlet to academics and nonspecialists alike, daring a radical rethinking of the basic 'truths' on which cultures have been constructed.” He argues that “there is nothing unique to Islam about male insistence on the subordination of and male control over women and their bodies.” McElvaine says misogynistic rulers may be religious fanatics, but their religion is not Islam, but Woody Allen‘s religion in his 2001 movie, The Curse of the Jade Scorpion: “insecure masculinity”. [4.2] Eve's Seed reviews “some 94 centuries of human history, stretching from 8,000 B.C.E. and the invention of agriculture through the Middle Ages”, to 20th century America, explaining how and why sexually insecure – “not-a-woman” – men seek validation of their manhood by pursuing power, and have used their power to disproportionately influence the shaping of cultures.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [4.3] According to John Pettegrew, Deepening the History of Masculinity and the Sexes: “Vitally important to early economic and political history (bringing such changes as the creation of substantial material surplus and the rise of large states and war), agriculture—what McElvaine describes as the first of two "megarevolutions"—also sparked a massive male "backlash," as the female invention of planting crops and animal husbandry undermined the male role as hunter. Among the masculinist responses, men took over agriculture and invented war, as women became relegated to increasing the population needed for the new social order.” [4.4] Subsequent cultural consequences being the “conception misconception”, that men held all procreative power, and women were simply the dirt, wherein the seed was planted, which led to the assumption that the God-Creative-Force is male. The second mega-revolution occurred in the 16th century with the rise of geographic mobility and the marketplace. Manhood became associated with possessive individualism, however this conflicts with mans natural state towards association and cooperation formed during humanity‘s long history of hunting in groups. [4.5] Women can do all the important things that men can (although, because of physical differences, in some areas not as well, on average), but there are some essential things that women can do that men cannot: bear and give birth to children and nourish them from their bodies. [4.6] Because of this relative incapacity, many men suffer, largely subconsciously, from what might be termed "womb envy" and "breast envy," or even the "nonmenstrual syndrome." [4.7] To compensate for the things that they cannot do, men tell women that they may not do other things. Which activities women are excluded from varies from one culture to another, but some form of the procedure can be found in all societies. (A striking example of this practice in our own culture can be seen in a statement a Catholic bishop made in 1992: "A woman priest is as impossible as for me to have a baby.") [4.8] Because they cannot compete with women's capabilities in the crucial realms of reproduction and nourishing offspring, men generally seek to avoid a single standard of human behavior and achievement. They create separate definitions of "manliness" which are based on a false opposition to "womanliness." A "real man" has been seen in most cultures as "notawoman." [4.9] The "notawoman" definition of manhood leads men greatly to exaggerate the genuine, but small, differences between the sexes. Far from being gender-benders, men tend to be genderextenders. This produces the fallacious, but virtually universal, idea that women and men are "opposite sexes." This way of thinking can accurately be termed a bi-polar disorder.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [4.10] Although this viewpoint actually begins with woman as the "standard" human and proceeds to define man by its supposed vast differences from that standard, people do not like to see themselves in negative terms, so men have generally sought ways to transform woman into a negative, thus making man positive. [4.11] These basic tendencies have existed throughout history, including what is inaccurately called "prehistory," but during the vast majority of human existence both sexes had obviously essential roles. Women seemingly produced the children, nourished and cared for them, and also provided a large portion of the food for the group through gathering. Men provided meat through hunting and had the bulk of the responsibility for protecting the group from predators. This added up in many huntergatherer societies to some approximation of equality between the sexes. [4.12] Human life -- and the situation of both sexes -- was radically changed by the invention of agriculture, which in all likelihood was accomplished by women. These changes were so dramatic that they comprise one of two mega-revolutions in human existence. [4.13] Many ancient myths (including, most notably, chapters 3 of the Book of Genesis) constitute allegories for the invention of agriculture by women (Eve's eating from the Tree of Knowledge) and its long-term consequences (the loss of what seemed in distant retrospect to have been a pre-agricultural paradise in which people lived easily, without work, simply picking fruit from trees, and man having to go forth and till the soil to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow). The "Fall of Man" is a metaphor for an actual fall of men. [4.14] Agriculture moved Homo sapiens from what ecologists refer to as a Kselected reproductive strategy (limited resources make it appropriate to have a small number of offspring and invest heavily in each) to an r-selected reproductive strategy (abundant resources relative to population make it possible and desirable to have a large number of offspring). [4.15] This meant that the development of agriculture greatly enhanced the importance of one of the traditional female roles. Women would now be called upon to spend more of their lives in reproduction and less in production of food and other resources. [4.16] The development of methods for the intentional production of food (animal herding as well as agriculture) substantially devalued what men had traditionally done. Hunting was no longer needed and defense against other species declined in importance as groups of humans settled in growing numbers in farming areas into which predators ventured less frequently than their paths had crossed those of human hunter-gatherers.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [4.17] The loss of value in their traditional roles left men adrift, seeking new meaningful roles, and increasingly resentful of women. The result was what can accurately be seen as a Neolithic and early Bronze Age backlash or "masculinist movement." [4.18] As men sought new roles, they took over what had previously been considered female roles. Agriculture itself was one of these. By the time plow agriculture began (ca. 4000 BCE), men were displacing women in the fields. [4.19] At this point there arose an almost irresistible metaphor, the very widespread acceptance of which has shaped (or, more accurately, misshaped) human life through all of recorded history. The apparent analogy of a seed being planted in furrowed soil to a male's "planting" of semen in the vulva of a female led to the conclusion that men provide the seed of new life and women constitute the soil in which that seed grows. This metaphor has remained with us throughout history and it continues to mislead us in profound ways down to the present. [4.20] The seed metaphor reversed the apparent positions of the sexes in regard to procreative power. What had always appeared to be a principally female power was transformed into an entirely male power. No longer apparent bystanders in reproduction, men now claimed to be the reproducers, while women were reduced from the seeming creators to the soil in which men's creations grow. Women were left with all the work of procreation, but men now took all the credit. [4.21] During the Neolithic Age, then, women both ceased to be major producers (as men took over the production of plant food along with continuing their traditional responsibility for providing animal food) and ceased to be seen as having reproductive power. [4.22] The woman-made world of agriculture had, paradoxically, become a man's world to a degree unprecedented in human existence. Hell hath no fury like a man devalued. [4.23] The belief that men have procreative power led inevitably to the conclusion that the supreme Creative Power must also be male. The toxic fruit that grew from the seed metaphor was male monotheism. [4.24] The combination of the belief that God (or the god who is the ultimate creator) is male with the notion that humans are created in God's image yielded the inescapable conclusion that men are closer than women to godly perfection. Thus the line from the misconceptions about conception emanating from the seed metaphor to the belief, given its classic expressions by Aristotle, Aquinas, and Freud, that women are deformed or "incomplete" men is clear and direct. [4.25] As is suggested by the fact that the root of the word authority is author, it is the erroneous idea that men are the "authors" -- the creators -- that has formed the CR :: 9
Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket largely unspoken but pervasive basis for male authority throughout history. A clear example is the patria potestas that gave an ancient Roman man the power to "dispose of" his children. A father was thought to be the creator of "his" children and so he was granted the right to take away the life he was supposed to have given. [4.26] The seed metaphor and the mistaken conclusions that followed from it enabled men to stand womb envy on its head. The reversal was given its most influential religious authority in the Bible. The human female is named woman (meaning "out of man") in Genesis 2 because we are told that the first woman was born from a man. And in Genesis 3 woman's creative power is reclassified as a curse and burden: "in pain you shall bring forth children." [4.27] The reversal of womb envy found its strongest "scientific" authority in Aristotle's Generation of Animals, where he argued that the great defect in women is that they lack generative power. In earlier times, when the male role in procreation was not comprehended, men had seemed like "infertile women" or "deformed women." Aristotle asserted that it was the other way around. By contending that menstrual fluid is a weak form of semen, lacking in the male fluid's life-giving powers, he also reversed the non-menstrual syndrome. He was saying, in effect, that men have the good genital discharge and menstrual bleeding is just a weak, infertile form of the powerful male secretion. [4.28] Once the seed metaphor had sprouted into the idea that God is male and so women are inferior, the original "notawoman" definition of manhood took on new and more menacing implications. Now what had been an essentially horizontal division became a clearly vertical one: traits and values associated with women were not simply classified as improper for men, but as inferior. [4.29] The total subordination of women throughout recorded history is but the first part of the devastating legacy of the Neolithic backlash and the seed metaphor. Equally important has been the concomitant suppression in men of all values, ideas, and characteristics associated with women and so defined as inferior. [4.30] Since many of the values classified as "feminine" (such as compassion, cooperation, nurturing, and self-sacrifice) are essential for the well-being of human societies, ways had to be found to bring them back, at least to a degree. This was accomplished principally through a series of male religious and philosophical figures, between the sixth century BCE and the first century CE, ranging from Confucius and the Buddha through the later Hebrew prophets and Jesus. These men preached the values that had been defined as feminine to men as well as women. [4.31] Religion has played a paradoxical role in the shaping of history based on sex. On the one hand, most religions since the rise of male monotheism have provided major weapons in advancing the argument of male superiority and female subordination. The paradox lies in the fact that religions have also been the principal CR :: 10
Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket means through which the more "feminine" characteristics and values have been urged upon society (especially men). [4.32] The need to appeal to men was at cross purposes with the objective of religions to restrain some of the maladaptive traits that are classified as "masculine" (e.g. quick resort to violence, hierarchical domination, and competitiveness). Men were unlikely to listen to women telling them to act in ways that had been defined as "feminine," so a male priesthood seemed essential. But the men who took over Christianity had by the fourth century gone a long way towards "efeminating" (removing its feminine characteristics) the religion. [4.33] The basic problem insecure males have with sexual equality is that it threatens to re-establish a single human standard, one that includes areas in which men are unable to compete. Hence such men react fiercely and attempt to reinforce the wall they have erected between the sexes. [4.34] The desperate attempts of some men to re-institute a sexual apartheid with clear ideas of hierarchical difference between the sexes can be seen all around us. Examples include the escalation of violent misogyny in popular music, the rise of anorexic chic for women and super body-building as the ideal for men, the Catholic Church's reiteration of its insistence that women can never be priests, the redoubled efforts of the Nation of Islam, Promise Keepers, and the Southern Baptist Convention to subordinate women, widespread homophobia, the order of the Taliban government in Afghanistan that all women be veiled and all men grow beards, the immense sales of a book whose title asserts that men and women are from different planets, and the proliferation of vulgar sexual language that is rooted in the claim that men are superior to women. [4.35] The first step in attempting to deal with the misshaping of the human experience that has been a direct consequence of the misunderstanding of reproductive power that took hold some six thousand years ago is to reject the idea that God is male. The second is to try, at last, to realize just how catastrophic the consequences of accepting the implications of the seed metaphor have been and to accept instead the conclusions about sexual equality towards which our modern understanding of the true nature of procreative power point. [4.36] To confront how masculine insecurity’s demand for the Control -- or the claim of control -- over the means of reproduction has been even more fundamental to our cultural history and cultural institutions, than has control of the means of production...
Legislation of Occupational Licences for hundreds of occupations, sometimes even from children for lemonade stands, CR :: 11
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allegedly required to protect those occupations consumers from incompetent service and products.
Legislators Allege that Licensing of Occupations is to Ensure Occupational Competence: [4.37] AnthroCorpocentric Legal doctrine holds that individuals are issued licences - to own a gun, drive a car, practice Law, watch television, obtain credit, earn a living as a professional, fish, hunt, sell liquor, operate a business, get married – once they have fulfilled certain skills or informed consent commitment requirements required for the particular licence. [4.38] According to Kleiner, Morris: Licensing Occupations: Ensuring Quality or Restricting Competition?3: “Occupational licensing is defined as a process where entry into an occupation requires the permission of the government, and the state requires some demonstration of a minimum degree of competency. The state usually creates a nongovernmental licensing board with political appointees, public members and members of the occupation to oversee the regulated occupations. Generally, members of the occupation dominate the licensing boards. The agency must usually be self-supporting by collecting fees and registration charges from persons in the licensed occupations. [..] The main benefits that are suggested for occupational licensing 3
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket involve improving quality for those persons receiving the service. Occupational licensure creates a greater incentive for individuals to invest in more occupationspecific human capital because they will be more able to recoup the full returns to their investment if they need not face low-quality substitutes for their services (Akerlof, 1970; Shapiro, 1986).” [4.39] The Institute of Justice Report: License to Work4, documents the ludicrous AnthroCorpocentric legislative idiosyncrasies surrounding 102 low income occupations that require licences in various US states, from shampooers to barbers: Ordinarily, landing a job means filling out an application, submitting a resume and interviewing with a prospective employer who will determine your fitness for the position. Or, if you want to be your own boss, it means setting up shop and convincing potential customers that your services are worth paying for. But for a growing segment of Americans, gainful employment requires convincing someone other than a prospective employer or potential customer of their value. It requires convincing the government. An “occupational license” is just that—government permission to work in a particular field. To earn the license, the aspiring worker must clear various hurdles: earn a certain amount or type of education, complete specialized training, pass an exam, attain a certain grade level, pay fees and more. An “occupational license” is, put simply, government permission to work in a particular field. To earn the license, an aspiring worker must clear various hurdles, such as earning a certain amount of education or training or passing an exam. In the 1950s, only one in 20 U.S. workers needed the government’s permission to pursue their chosen occupation. Today, that figure stands at almost one in three. Table 15 provides the complete list of the 102 lower-income occupations included in this report. The list covers a diverse collection of occupations. Some serve the needs of children, such as child care workers, preschool teachers and teacher assistants. Others come from the health care sector, like dental assistants, opticians, psychiatric workers and dietetic technicians. The service sector is well represented with occupations including barbers, bartenders, cosmetologists, massage therapists, manicurists and skin care specialists, as are the building trades and the transportation sector. Some of these occupations are commonly recognized as licensed, such as barbers and contractors, while others may come as a surprise— home entertainment installers, florists, interpreters for the deaf, interior designers and upholsterers, to name a few. Some occupations, such as milk sampler, conveyor operator, still machine setter and various forms of testers, may be unfamiliar altogether.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Demographically, the people who work in the 102 low- and moderateincome occupations studied are somewhat different than the general population, as shown in Table 2.126. By definition, they make less money; they are also more likely to be male and racial/ethnic minorities and to have less education. Particularly noteworthy is the percentage of low- and middle-income workers with less than a high school diploma—15.7 percent. As documented, a number of the 102 occupations studied require the completion of at least 12th grade, a requirement that effectively bans a substantial number of people from those occupations.
Bacon’s Rebellion: Occupational Licensing and the Earnings Gap7 says:
Think of occupational licensing as the white collar’s answer to labor unions. Licensed occupations don’t engage in collective bargaining or go on strikes, but they do lobby statehouses around the country to erect barriers to entry in their profession, thus restricting competition and enabling members of the profession to maintain higher earnings than they could in a more open labor market. Occupational licensing has risen in direct proportion to which trade unionism has declined. In 1950, only 5% of the United States workforce belonged to occupations requiring a license. In 2006, 29% of the workforce did. Additionally, licensing requirements have tended to become more restrictive over time. Occupations include almost every profession associated with health care and extend to work as obscure as African hair braiding and Asian eyebrow threading, writes Courtney O’Sullivan in an issue brief8 for the National Center for Policy Analysis. She concludes: “Many jobs could be performed by unlicensed individuals at a lower cost, without sacrificing safety or quality. Licensing decreases the rate of job growth by an average of 20 percent and costs the economy an estimated $34.8 billion to $41.7 billion per year, in 2000 dollars, reports the Reason Foundation.” Cosmetologists defending their occupational turf doesn’t contribute measurably to the wealth gap but physicians, lawyers, physical therapists, optometrists and other higher-end professions defending their turf does. Just one more example of how the rich and privileged wield the coercive power of government to stay rich and privileged.
[5] An article in Mental Floss: 6 Illicit Lemonade Stands Towns Had to Shut Down9, states, among others: “Three tween girls in Midway, Ga. had to close their lemonade stand since they lacked a “business license, a peddler’s permit, or a food permit, all of which would have cost them $50 a day to obtain for temporary use or $180 for the year.” 8 9 6 7
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [5.1] It documents cases of children whose lemonade and cookie stands were shut down, as a result of alleged ‘failure to get a licence’: Lemonade: 1983: Belleair, Florida; 1988: Watchung, New Jersey; 1993: Charleston, South Carolina; 2010: Portland, Oregon; 2011: Midway, Georgia; 2011: Appleton, Wisconsin. Cookies: 2011: Savannah, Georgia; 2011: Hazelwood, Missouri.. [5.2] The North Colorado Gazette reports in: Little ‘criminals’ operating lemonade stands10, that: New York has expanded beyond cracking down on lemonade stands. A councilman in a New York suburb called police when he saw two 13year-old boys selling cupcakes, brownies and Rice Krispy treats for $1 apiece without a permit. A website called features a map showing all of the states and locations where governments have either actually shut down lemonade stands or declared them to be illegal unless a permit was issued. The number of stands shut down was large enough that the organization declared Aug. 20 to be Lemonade Freedom day and called for parents to set up stands in protest of the government crackdowns on children. Robert Fernandes, creator of the site, said while it may appear to be a trivial thing, the governments that are shutting down the stands are actually doing harm to the children.
[5.3] In Townhall: I Tried to Open a Lemonade Stand11, John Stossel, from FoxNews tells the story of his attempts to open a Lemonade Stand in New York City. The legal hoops an individual has to jump through to open a simple lemonade stand in New York City are: 1. Register as sole proprietor with the County Clerk's Office (in person) 2. Apply to the IRS for an Employer Identification Number. 3. Complete 15-hr Food Protection Course! 4. After the course, register for an exam that takes 1 hour. You must score 70 percent to pass. (Sample question: "What toxins are associated with the puffer fish?") If you pass, allow three to five weeks for delivery of Food Protection Certificate. 5. Register for sales tax Certificate of Authority 6. Apply for a Temporary Food Service Establishment Permit. Must bring copies of the previous documents and completed forms to the Consumer Affairs Licensing Center. Then, at least 21 days before opening your establishment, you must arrange for an inspection with the Health Department's Bureau of 10 11
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Food Safety and Community Sanitation. It takes about three weeks to get your appointment. If you pass, you can set up a business once you buy a portable fire extinguisher from a company certified by the New York Fire Department and set up a contract for waste disposal.
[5.4] He reports that “We couldn't finish the process. Had we been able to schedule our health inspection and open my stand legally, it would have taken us 65 days.”
Total Legislative Failure to legislate Breeding / Parenting licences, to (a) protect the rights of unborn and unwanted children, from unloving and incompetent parenting; and (b) prevent overpopulation. “We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927) 1927
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket “It seems there is pretty much a consensus that when it comes to things that have the possibility to .. negatively impact the lives of people or society in general, regulation is desirable. Considering this, there is one sort of licence that is conspicuous by its absence: a licence to breed. .. Even the SPCA checks out prospective dog owners and their property before allowing them to adopt an animal. A system that requires prospective parents to demonstrate the necessary material means and parenting knowledge to look after children before being allowed to procreate would be the ideal solution to the problem. Unfortunately, uncontrolled breeding has left humanity far too stupid to implement something of the sort.” - Michael Coetzee, Licence to Breed, 12 August 2009, The Citizen “What becomes of the surplus of human life? It is either, 1st. destroyed by infanticide, as among the Chinese and Lacedemonians; or 2d. it is stifled or starved, as among other nations whose population is commensurate to its food; or 3d. it is consumed by wars and endemic diseases; or 4th. it overflows, by emigration, to places where a surplus of food is attainable.” - James Madison, 1791, U.S. President
In Should Parents be Licensed12, Peg Little writes: “You need a licence to drive a car, own a gun or fish for trout. You don't need a licence to raise a child. But maybe you should.” Because parenthood is regarded as one of the most natural things in the world, most people will react very negatively to any suggestion that a license should be required before being allowed to procreate. That would be like forcing people to have a license in order to breathe or walk – being a parent is a right rather than a privilege such as driving. But should it be? We must keep in mind that there is a lot at stake for the children themselves. When a two people become parents, there is suddenly at least one more individual whose interests must be taken into consideration: the child. Shouldn’t children only be born into homes where they are wanted? Shouldn’t children only be born into homes where the parents know what they are doing, know how to raise kids, and can provide the children with a psychologically and emotionally healthy atmosphere? Of course – no one can deny that this would be ideal. The question is, should the state do anything to legally enforce it? We have to face the fact that there are people out there who are parents and who probably shouldn’t be. They may lack the intellectual, the emotional, or the psychological resources to raise children properly. Being a parent isn’t easy – it’s not for everyone, even though there are social pressures in society for everyone to have kids. Thus, the question isn’t so much whether some people should refrain from having kids or even should be
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket encouraged to refrain from having kids. Instead, the question is whether the state should step in enforce such an ideal. People already accept the role of the state in deciding who does and does not deserve to be a parent when it comes to custody cases, foster care, and adoption. Roger McIntyre writes: “Can you imagine the public outcry that would occur if adoption agencies offered their children on a first-come-first-served basis, with no screening process for applicants? Imagine some drunk stumbling up and saying, “I’ll take that cute little blond-haired girl over there.”” We could also describe a similar scenario in the context of cloning human beings. Someday this will be possible, but do you really think that it will happen without state regulation? On the contrary, there will be all kinds of regulations. Those doing the cloning will have to ensure that they don’t create human beings who are sick or will be suffering from chronic pain. Cloners will have to provide good reasons for what they are doing — they won’t be allowed to create their own armies, for example, or clone for the sake of personal gratification. In other words, we don’t permit irresponsible adoption and we wouldn’t permit the irresponsible creation of human life via cloning. Nevertheless, we do permit irresponsible parenthood and creation of life through natural means. Isn’t there a bit of a contradiction there? If people don’t have a right to adopt and don’t have a right to create life via cloning, why do we think that they have a right to create life via sexual reproduction? What is it about the creation of life that would qualify as a “right” in the first place? Surely it can’t be a “right” merely because it is a natural activity. Even if it is a right, though, no right is absolute. Is there a right to have children who would suffer from serious, painful, and debilitating diseases? Is there a right to have children that is completely decoupled from your responsibility to properly and adequately raise it?
[7] In Licensing Parents13, Hugh LaFollett,, Cole Chair in Ethics Professor at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, writes: In this essay I shall argue that the state should require all parents to be licensed. My main goal is to demonstrate that the licensing of parents is theoretically desirable, though I shall also argue that a workable and just licensing program actually could be established. My strategy is simple. After developing the basic rationale for the licensing of parents, I shall consider several objections to the proposal and argue that these objections fail to undermine it. I shall then isolate some striking similarities between this
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket licensing program and our present policies on the adoption of children. If we retain these adoption policies--as we surely should--then, I argue, a general licensing program should also be established. Finally, I shall briefly suggest that the reason many people object to licensing is that they think parents, particularly biological parents, own or have natural sovereignty over their children.
Failure to Legislate Breeding/Parenting Licence, an endorsement of Masculine Insecurity’s use of the Control of Reproduction as a Weapon of War “The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor.” ― Voltaire
The Birthday (1964): American-German artist Edward Kienholz: Woman in a Masonic doctors room (tiled floor), covered in dirt (dirt represents the furrow/earth of a woman's vagina, where the seed is planted). She is tied down (not consenting) while, screaming into a bubble (her voice is censored), and giving birth to missiles, implying Masonic use of women as brood sows for Human Factory Farming War Economy cannon fodder.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket “We must all understand that the most potent weapons of war are the penis and the womb. Therefore, if you cannot convince a group to control its population by discussion, debate, intelligent analysis etc., you must consider their action in using the penis and the womb to increase population an act of war.” - Former Municipal Court Judge Jason G. Brent, Humans: An Endangered Species14 “Every right must be evaluated in the network of all rights claimed and the environment in which these rights are exercised. If we hold that every right, ―natural" or not, must be evaluated in the total system of rights operating in a world that is limited, we must inevitably conclude that no right can be presumed to be absolute, that the effect of each right on the suppliers as well as on the demanders must be determined before we can ascertain the quantity of right that is admissible. From here on out, ours is a limited world. Rights must also be limited. The greater the population, the more limited the per capita supply of all goods; hence the greater must be the limitation on individual rights, including the right to breed. At its heart, this is the political meaning of the population problem.” – Garrett Hardin, Limited World, Limited Rights15, Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
[8] Insecure Male World Leader’s advocacy/endorsement of the Control of the Means of Reproduction as a Weapon of War include President of Algeria: Houari Boumediene‘s “wombs of our women will give us victory”, PLO Leader: Yasser Arafat‘s ‘Palestinian womb is our greatest asset and weapon’; ANC Leader: Nelson Mandela‘s “Operation Production” forced sex and forbidden contraceptives policy; New Black Panther Party Member: Dr. Khalid Muhammad “kill the women as they are the military manufacturing center”; Nazi Party: Adolf Hitler‘s “importance of fertility to breed an above average number of children”. [8.1]
Houari Boumediene, President of Algeria:
“The wombs of our women will give us victory.”
“One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.” – Houri Boumediene, President of Algeria, at the United Nations, 1974 (Boumediene was an ardent supporter of the ANC and SWAPO)]
[8.2] A.
Yasser Arafat: Palestine Liberation Organisation: Palestinian Womb is his people‘s greatest asset. Arnon Soffer, a geography Limited World, Limited Rights, by Garrett Hardin, Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 14 15
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket professor at Israel's Haifa University and a lecturer at the Israeli Army's Staff and Command college, first warned of the impending Jewish demographic minority in the 1980s, but was widely dismissed. He predicted Arabs would outnumber Jews in both Israel proper and the occupied territories by 2010. In February 2001, the night of his election, Sharon sent an aide to ask Soffer for a copy of his 1987 treatise about the demographic threat to Israel; it was the same study that had led Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to declare in the late 1980s that the "Palestinian womb" was his people's greatest weapon. B.
“Arafat had said that the womb of the Palestinian woman was a "biological weapon," which he could use to create Palestine state by crowding people into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.” ― Yasser Arafat [Goodreads]
"The womb of the Arab woman is my strongest weapon" - Yasser Arafat
Nelson Mandela‘s African National Congress (ANC):
ANC “Operation Production” Policy: During the ANC‘s “liberation struggle” African women were forced (1) to have sex with ANC cadres, & (2) not allowed to use contraception. Any woman who refused sex from an ANC cadre or was caught using contraception was detained, accused of being an 'Apartheid agent', given a People‘s Court trial, the sentence was usually Necklacing, incl. broken bottles shoved up their vagina16.
Johannes Harnischfeger, Witchcraft and the State in South Africa17: “Especially evening assemblies girls had to attend as well: “They would come into the house and tell us we should go. They didn't ask your mother they just said “come let's go.” You would just have to go with them. They would threaten you with their belts and ultimately you would think that if you refused, they would beat you. Our parents were afraid of them” (quoted by Delius 1996:189). All those opposing the wishes of the young men were reminded, that it was every woman‘s obligation to give birth to new “soldiers”, in order to replace those warriors killed in the liberation struggle. The idiom of the adolescents referred to these patriotic efforts as “operation production”. Because of exactly this reason it was forbidden for the girls to use contraceptives. (Delius 1996:18918; Niehaus 1999:25019)”
Maki Skosana was an ANC comrade who was accused – for no observable reasons – of being an apartheid spy, given a people‘s court trial and publicly executed by necklacing in July 1985. The TRC made no effort whatsoever to investigate the motives for shoving broken glass bottles up women‘s vagina‘s who were necklaced. TRC Report: “Moloko said her sister was burned to death with a tyre around her neck while attending the funeral of one of the youths. Her body had been scorched by fire and some broken pieces of glass had been inserted into her vagina, Moloko told the committee. Moloko added that a big rock had been thrown on her face after she had been killed.” 17 Dr. Johannes Harnischfeger, Goethe University Frankfurt M., Frankfurt; German version of published in Anthropopos, 95/2000, S. 99-112 18 Delius, P. 1996. A Lion amongst the Cattle: Reconstruction and Resistance in the Northern Transvaal.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [8.4] A.
[8.5] A.
New Black Panther Party: Dr. Khalid Muhammad: Kill the White Woman as the White Man‘s Military Manufacturing Center rolling out reinforcement from between her legs: In Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad‘s 1993 'Kill the White Man' speech, at Kean College in Union Township, New Jersey, he stated among others: “Kill the women cause the women are the military manufacturing center; cause every nine months they lay down on their backs and reinforcement rolls out from between their legs. So shut down the military manufacturing center, by killing the white woman.”20 Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party: “The selection of a racially highly worthy wife in itself still does not necessarily mean an improvement of the race. That only comes when the right mate selection is followed by the breeding of an above-average number of children. For what would the elimination of bad hereditary factors from the folk help, if simultaneously a reproduction of the good hereditary factors was not preserved and expanded? ... The birth rate will determine the future of our folk. The number of cribs must be much larger than the number of coffins. Only then can we offer successful resistance against all arising dangers and turn into deed our right, which is due us on the basis of our leading position in Europe. … Two weapons are at the disposal of each folk in the struggle for survival: Its ability to fight and its fertility. Never forget that the ability to fight of a folk alone can never make it possible for a folk to survive into the far future, rather that the inexhaustible fountain of its fertility is also necessary."21
[8.6] Prof Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas, Founder and former party national chair of Raza Unida Party: A.
“We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population... I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it. We have to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.” Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas, founder and former party national chair of Raza Unida Party
Niehaus, Isak. 1999. Witchcraft, Power and Politics: Exploring the Occult in the South African Lowfeld 21 SS Race Theory and Mate Selection Guidelines, translated from Original SS Publications by Libertarian National Socialist Green Party; original SS publication Glauben und Kampfen ("Faith and Struggle") 19
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket
Profiting from the absence of Breeding/Parenting Licence, and the Control of Reproduction of a Surplus Cannon Fodder Population for the Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket “War as a general social release. This is a psychosocial function, serving the same purpose for a society as do the holiday, the celebration, and the orgy for the individual---the release and redistribution of undifferentiated tensions. War provides for the periodic necessary readjustment of standards of social behaviour (the "moral climate") and for the dissipation of general boredom, one of the most consistently undervalued and unrecognized of social phenomena. War fills certain functions essential to the stability of our society; until other ways of filling them are developed, the war system must be maintained -and improved in effectiveness.� - Report from Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability for Peace (paragraphs found respectively on p45 & p4)
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket "I spent 33 years and 4 months in active service as a member of our country's most agile military force--the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. And during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. I suspected I was part of a racket all the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service." -- Smedley D. Butler (1881-1940)
The Human Factory Farm War Economy Matrix:
In True News 13: Statism is Dead - Part 3 - The Matrix22, Stefan
Molyneux says: Human Factory Farms: “When you look at a map of the world, you are not looking at countries, but farms. Farm Management & Licensing: “State capitalism, socialism, communism, fascism, democracy – these are all livestock management approaches. The most productive livestock are the professionals, so the rulers fit them with an electronic dog collar called a “license,” which only allows them to practice their trade on their own farm.” Animal Farm Elections: “To further create the illusion of freedom, the livestock are allowed to choose between a few farmers, who provide a few minor choices in how they are managed. They are never 22
Stefan Molyneux: True News 13: Statism is Dead - Part 3 - The Matrix
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket given the choice to shut down the farm, and be truly free.” Problem of modern human livestock ownership: challenge of “enthusiasm”: “Liberties are granted to the human livestock not with the goal of setting them free, but to increase their productivity. Government schools are indoctrination pens to teach livestock to love the AnthroCorpocentric farm. Of course, intellectuals, teachers, artists and priests were – and are – well paid to conceal this reality. You do not have to be livestock. Take the red pill. Wake up.”
Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket: Corporate Profiteers:
In War is a Racket, Former USMC General Smedley Butler writes: War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses. … The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent CR :: 25
Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag. I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket. And war is the most profitable racket in the world! There isn't a is blind to. "muscle men" preparations,
trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism.
It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.
In Chapter 2: Who Makes the Profits? USMC General Butler writes: The World War, rather our brief participation in it, has cost the United States some $52,000,000,000. Figure it out. That means $400 to every American man, woman, and child. And we haven't paid the debt yet. We are paying it, our children will pay it, and our children's children probably still will be paying the cost of that war.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket The normal profits of a business concern in the United States are six, eight, ten, and sometimes twelve percent. But war-time profits -- ah! that is another matter -- twenty, sixty, one hundred, three hundred, and even eighteen hundred per cent -- the sky is the limit. All that traffic will bear. Uncle Sam has the money. Let's get it. Of course, it isn't put that crudely in war time. It is dressed into speeches about patriotism, love of country, and "we must all put our shoulders to the wheel," but the profits jump and leap and skyrocket -- and are safely pocketed. Let's just take a few examples: Take our friends the du Fonts, the powder people -didn't one of them testify before a Senate committee recently that their powder won the war? Or saved the world for democracy? Or something? How did they do in the war? They were a patriotic corporation. Well, the average earnings of the du Fonts for the period 1910 to 1914 were $6,000,000 a year. It wasn't much, but the du Fonts managed to get along on it. Now let's look at their average yearly profit during the war years, 1914 to 1918. Fiftyeight million dollars a year profit we find! Nearly ten times that of normal times, and the profits of normal times were pretty good. An increase in profits of more than 950 per cent. Take one of our little steel companies that patriotically shunted aside the making of rails and girders and bridges to manufacture war materials. Well, their 1910-1914 yearly earnings averaged $6,000,000. Then came the war. And, like loyal citizens, Bethlehem Steel promptly turned to munitions making. Did their profits jump - or did they let Uncle Sam in for a bargain? Well, their 1914-1918 average was $49,000,000 a year! Or, let's take United States Steel. The normal earnings during the five-year period prior to the war were $105,000,000 a year. Not bad. Then along came the war and up went the profits. The average yearly profit for the period 1914-1918 was $240,000,000. Not bad. There you have some of the steel and powder earnings. Let's look at something else. A little copper, perhaps. That always does well in war times. Anaconda, for instance. Average yearly earnings during the pre-war years 1910-1914 of $10,000,000. During the war years 1914-1918 profits leaped to $34,000,000 per year. Or Utah Copper. Average of $5,000,000 per year during the 1910-1914 period. Jumped to an average of $21,000,000 yearly profits for the war period. Let's group these five, with three smaller companies. The total yearly average profits of the pre-war period 1910-1914 were $137,480,000. Then along came the war. The average yearly profits for this group skyrocketed to $408,300,000. A little increase in profits of approximately 200 per cent. Does war pay? It paid them. But they aren't the only ones. There are still others. Let's take leather. For the three-year period before the war the total profits of
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Central Leather Company were $3,500,000. That was approximately $1,167,000 a year. Well, in 1916 Central Leather returned a profit of $15,000,000, a small increase of 1,100 per cent. That's all. The General Chemical Company averaged a profit for the three years before the war of a little over $800,000 a year. Came the war, and the profits jumped to $12,000,000. a leap of 1,400 per cent. International Nickel Company - and you can't have a war without nickel - showed an increase in profits from a mere average of $4,000,000 a year to $73,000,000 yearly. Not bad? An increase of more than 1,700 per cent. American Sugar Refining Company averaged $2,000,000 a year for the three years before the war. In 1916 a profit of $6,000,000 was recorded. Listen to Senate Document No. 259. The Sixty-Fifth Congress, reporting on corporate earnings and government revenues. Considering the profits of 122 meat packers, 153 cotton manufacturers, 299 garment makers, 49 steel plants, and 340 coal producers during the war. Profits under 25 per cent were exceptional. For instance the coal companies made between 100 per cent and 7,856 per cent on their capital stock during the war. The Chicago packers doubled and tripled their earnings. And let us not forget the bankers who financed the great war. If anyone had the cream of the profits it was the bankers. Being partnerships rather than incorporated organizations, they do not have to report to stockholders. And their profits were as secret as they were immense. How the bankers made their millions and their billions I do not know, because those little secrets never become public - even before a Senate investigatory body. But here's how some of the other patriotic industrialists and speculators chiseled their way into war profits. Take the shoe people. They like war. It brings business with abnormal profits. They made huge profits on sales abroad to our allies. Perhaps, like the munitions manufacturers and armament makers, they also sold to the enemy. For a dollar is a dollar whether it comes from Germany or from France. But they did well by Uncle Sam too. For instance, they sold Uncle Sam 35,000,000 pairs of hobnailed service shoes. There were 4,000,000 soldiers. Eight pairs, and more, to a soldier. My regiment during the war had only one pair to a soldier. Some of these shoes probably are still in existence. They were good shoes. But when the war was over Uncle Sam has a matter of 25,000,000 pairs left over. Bought -- and paid for. Profits recorded and pocketed. There was still lots of leather left. So the leather people sold your Uncle Sam hundreds of thousands of McClellan saddles for the cavalry. But there wasn't any American cavalry overseas! Somebody had to get rid of this leather, however. Somebody had to make a profit in it -- so we had a lot of McClellan saddles. And we probably have those yet.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Also somebody had a lot of mosquito netting. They sold your Uncle Sam 20,000,000 mosquito nets for the use of the soldiers overseas. I suppose the boys were expected to put it over them as they tried to sleep in muddy trenches -- one hand scratching cooties on their backs and the other making passes at scurrying rats. Well, not one of these mosquito nets ever got to France! Anyhow, these thoughtful manufacturers wanted to make sure that no soldier would be without his mosquito net, so 40,000,000 additional yards of mosquito netting were sold to Uncle Sam. There were pretty good profits in mosquito netting in those days, even if there were no mosquitoes in France. I suppose, if the war had lasted just a httle longer, the enterprising mosquito netting manufacturers would have sold your Uncle Sam a couple of consignments of mosquitoes to plant in France so that more mosquito netting would be in order. Airplane and engine manufacturers felt they, too, should get their just profits out of this war. Why not? Everybody else was getting theirs. So $1,000,000,000 -- count them if you live long enough -was spent by Uncle Sam in building airplane engines that never left the ground! Not one plane, or motor, out of the billion dollars worth ordered, ever got into a battle in France. Just the same the manufacturers made their little profit of 30, 100, or perhaps 300 per cent. Undershirts for soldiers cost 140 [cents] to make and uncle Sam paid 300 to 400 each for them -- a nice little profit for the undershirt manufacturer. And the stocking manufacturer and the uniform manufacturers and the cap manufacturers and the steel helmet manufacturers -- all got theirs. Why, when the war was over some 4,000,000 sets of equipment -knapsacks and the things that go to fill them -- crammed warehouses on this side. Now they are being scrapped because the regulations have changed the contents. But the manufacturers collected their wartime profits on them -- and they will do it all over again the next time. There were lots of brilliant ideas for profit making during the war. One very versatile patriot sold Uncle Sam twelve dozen 48-inch wrenches. Oh, they were very nice wrenches. The only trouble was that there was only one nut ever made that was large enough for these wrenches. That is the one that holds the turbines at Niagara Falls. Well, after Uncle Sam had bought them and the manufacturer had pocketed the profit, the wrenches were put on freight cars and shunted all around the United States in an effort to find a use for them. When the Armistice was signed it was indeed a sad blow to the wrench manufacturer. He was just about to make some nuts to fit the wrenches. Then he planned to sell these, too, to your Uncle Sam. Still another had the brilliant idea that colonels shouldn't ride in automobiles, nor should they even ride on horseback. One has probably seen a picture of Andy Jackson riding in a buckboard. Well, some 6,000 buckboards were sold to Uncle Sam for the use of colonels! Not one of them was used. But the buckboard manufacturer
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket got his war profit. The shipbuilders felt they should come in on some of it, too. They built a lot of ships that made a lot of profit. More than $3,000,000,000 worth. Some of the ships were all right. But $635,000,000 worth of them were made of wood and wouldn't float! The seams opened up -- and they sank. We paid for them, though. And somebody pocketed the profits. It has been estimated by statisticians and economists and researchers that the war cost your Uncle Sam $52,000,000,000. Of this sum, $39,000,000,000 was expended in the actual war itself. This expenditure yielded $16,000,000,000 in profits. That is how the 21,000 billionaires and millionaires got that way. This $16,000,000,000 profits is not to be sneezed at. It is quite a tidy sum. And it went to a very few. The Senate (Nye) committee probe of the munitions industry and its wartime profits, despite its sensational disclosures, hardly has scratched the surface. Even so, it has had some effect. The State Department has been studying "for some time" methods of keeping out of war. The War Department suddenly decides it has a wonderful plan to spring. The Administration names a committee -- with the War and Navy Departments ably represented under the chairmanship of a Wall Street speculator -- to submit profits in war time. To what extent isn't suggested. Hmmm. Possibly the profits of 300 and 600 and 1,600 per cent of those who turned blood into gold in the World War would be limited to some smaller figure. Apparently, however, the plan does not call for any limitation of losses -- that is, the losses of those who fight the war. As far as I have been able to ascertain there is nothing in the scheme to limit a soldier to the loss of but one eye, or one arm, or to limit his wounds to one or two or three. Or to limit the loss of life. There is nothing in this scheme, apparently, that says not more than 12 per cent of a regiment shall be wounded in battle, or that not more than 7 per cent in a division shall be killed. Of course, the committee cannot be bothered with such trifling matters.
Human Factory Farm War Economy Racket: Media Profiteers: Despite such living nightmares it is often observed that, if not exactly enjoying war, both soldiers and reporters mourn its passionate intensity when it is gone, and maybe even yearn to go back. The protagonist in the Oscar-winning film The Hurt Locker finds family life and shopping grey in comparison to handling roadside bombs in Iraq. .. "That is the crux of being at war. You operate outside of society.� .. "The horrific, unspeakable truth of war is that it's fun. My grandfather said to me that war was the only environment in which men are allowed to love each other unconditionally, and I think the soldier's hankering after the battlefield is in large measure to do with that. It's
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket a sense of belonging, of friendship, of kinship if you like that you don't find anywhere else in society. People often find that they belong in war because they suddenly find a connection with the common humanity of people around them."23
In Why Are Wars not being Reported Honestly (Guardian: 10/10/2010)
John Pilger describes journalists and editors confirming their role as censorship agents, along similar lines of reasoning as detailed in Dr. T. Michael Maher‘s report: How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population – Environment Connection, where PR News churnalists admit they are hoodwinked, but omit to say why they self-hoodwink/censor themselves. [13.2]
Pilger‘s documentary The War You Don’t See24 traces the motivations for
the hoodwinking self censorship back to the father of public relations: Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud. In Bernays‘s 1928 book Propaganda, he described the conspiracy of manipulating the public with “public relations news” to behave as psychologically insecure, dumbed-down, automatonic politically correct zombie consumers (with a culturally induced preference for sycophantic intellectual fairness) instead of educating them to be rational self-sufficient ecologically responsible problem solving citizens (With the courage to practice transparent public airing of dirty linen dispute resolution). The PR image management / Political Correct induced suppression of their anger, creates a sterile, fake sycophantic environment, which ripens in time, when the Human Slaughterhouse Managers are ready to market their next war, marketed for great profit 25 by the Churnalist Pied Pipers, as the PR/politically correct obsessed cultural adherent citizens are finally given approval ―for the release and redistribution of their undifferentiated tensions”. [13.3]
According to former Lt Colonel Pentagon employee and current libertarian
politician Karen Kwiatkowsi: "When mainstream media complains about the war -they do so carefully, because too many people in this country benefit in one way or another from the American warfare-welfare state. To do the right thing at the national level will cost the government -- Republicans and Democrats -- credibility (Why did we go? Why didn't we come home sooner?) and budget justification (no war on terror through occupation and aggression, no need for DHS, or a half trillion a year Pentagon budget). To do the right thing will cost -- in the short term -- actual jobs in districts who get tax dollars for products relating to maintenance and expansion of our global military empire."
Smith, D (2010/08/06): 'The horrible, unspeakable truth of war is that it's fun', The Guardian. The Military-Industrial-Media Complex, Norman Solomon, FAIR, July/August 2005
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Corpotocracy’s Future as an Afterthought: Peddling the Human Factory
Farming War Economy Racket: [14.1]
In CIA Agent says War is Eugenics26, Robert Steele, Former CIA Agent
admits that War is Eugenics, profiting from the human farming and culling of overpopulation. Steele used to believe that wars were caused by accidents, emotions and ethnic hatred, but as his reading progressed, he realized that War is in fact a Racket, as USMC General Butler states. Steele agrees that the US military are used to colonize nations for the benefits of US corporations. But behind the Corporations are the banks, and behind the banks are a few wealthy banking families, such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. It turns out he alleges that Wars and Genocides, are a form of Eugenics. They are harvesting profit from people they wish to cull, and if they can profit from human farming and the culling of the surplus population. The CIA are used by US Corporations, via the US Government to uphold Dictators around the world, obedient to Corporations. The CIA is a major source of instability around the world, and this instability, whether intentional or not, is very very very profitable for a few corporations and banks. [14.2]
Similarly, in Confessions of an Economic Hitman27, and The Secret
History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption28, John Perkins describes his role as one of many “Economic hit men,” who “are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder.” [14.3]
His job was to convince countries that are strategically important to the
U.S.—from Indonesia to Panama—to accept enormous loans for infrastructure development, and to make sure that the lucrative projects were contracted to U. S. corporations. Saddled with huge debts, these countries came under the control of the United States government, World Bank and other U.S.-dominated aid agencies that acted like loan sharks—dictating repayment terms and bullying foreign governments into submission.
Profiting from the absence of Breeding/Parenting Licence, and their Control of Reproduction of a Surplus Vote and Poverty Pimp Fodder Population. 28 26 27
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket THE POVERTY PIMPS' POEM29 Let us celebrate the poor, Let us hawk them door to door. There's a market for their pain, Votes and glory and money to gain. Let us celebrate the poor. Their ills, their sins, their faulty diction Flavor our songs and spice our fiction. Their hopes and struggles and agonies Get us grants and consulting fees. Celebrate thugs and clowns, Give their ignorance all renown. Celebrate what holds them down, In our academic gowns. Let us celebrate the poor. “This is how the game works: public money levied in taxes from the poor of the rich countries is transferred in the form of ‘foreign aid’ to the rich in the poor countries; the rich in the poor countries then hand it back for safe-keeping to the rich in the rich countries. The real trick, throughout this cycle of expropriation, is to maintain the pretence that it is the poor in poor countries who are being helped all along. The winner is the player who manages to keep a straight face while building up a billion-dollar bank account” – Lords of Poverty, Graeme Hancock "When we address the issue of poverty, we really have to look at the issue of who benefits from poverty, and the fact of the matter is the wealthy folks benefit from poverty. So in a way you might say the problem is not so much poverty, as the problem is, wealth, prosperity, taken to an extreme; that wealth is used as the measure of value in a culture. In order for a relatively small percentage of the population to have allot of wealth, you have to have a very large percentage of the population essentially acting as slaves. They've got to be impoverished. It is absolutely to the advantage of the Corporatocracy’s, to the people who control our biggest Corporations, to have a mass of poor people around the world, that they can draw on for labour, and as long as they remain impoverished, they cannot object to their resources being taken from them, and we get to exploit them." - John Perkins on Globalization30
Vote or poverty pimp fodder armies are as beneficial to their political and poverty
pimping academic and non-profit profiteering racket elite; as cannon fodder are to the Military Industrial Complex elite.
29 The Poverty Pimps Poem, by Thomas Sowell See: 30
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [16]
In Living on a lifeboat31, Garrett Hardin describes how Multinational
Corporate Profits are the real motive for the alleged ‘humanitarian’ ‘Food Aid’ to Africa: Following World War II, U.S. agricultural surpluses reached alarming levels, and storage of excess grain cost the government millions of dollars per year--even as the food deteriorated and became inedible. A solution had to be found, and in 1954 President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Agricultural Trade Development Assistance Act into law. The program, known as Public Law 480, benefited the U.S. by decreasing food surpluses and by creating new markets for its agricultural products.... ..... Our experience with Public Law 480 clearly reveals the answer. This was the law that moved billions of dollars worth of U.S. grain to food-short, population-long countries during the past two decades. When P. L. 480 first came into being, a headline in the business magazine Forbes (Paddock and Paddock 1970) revealed the power behind it: "Feeding the World's Hungry Millions: How It Will Mean Billions for U.S. Business." And indeed it did. In the years 1960 to 1970 a total of $7.9 billion was spent on the "Food for Peace" program, as P. L. 480 was called. During the years 1948 to 1970 an additional $49.9 billion were extracted from American taxpayers to pay for other economic aid programs, some of which went for food and food-producing machinery. (This figure does not include military aid.) That P. L. 480 was a give-away program was concealed. Recipient countries went through the motions of paying for P. L. 480 food -with IOUs. In December 1973 the charade was brought to an end as far as India was concerned when the United States "forgave" India's $3.2 billion debt (Anonymous 1974). Public announcement of the cancellation of the debt was delayed for two months; one wonders why. "Famine-1975!" (Paddock and Paddock 1970) is one of the few publications that points out the commercial roots of this humanitarian attempt. Though all U.S. taxpayers lost by P. L. 480, special interest groups gained handsomely. Farmers benefited because they were not asked to contribute the grain -it was bought from them by the taxpayers. Besides the direct benefit there was the indirect effect of increasing demand and thus raising prices of farm products generally. The manufacturers of farm machinery, fertilizers, and pesticides benefited by the farmers extra efforts to grow more food. Grain elevators profited from storing the grain for varying lengths of time. Railroads made money hauling it to port, and shipping lines by carrying it overseas. Moreover, once the machinery for P. L. 480 was established, an immense bureaucracy had a vested interest in its continuance regardless of its merits.
Garrett Hardin (1974): Living on a Lifeboat, BioScience, vol 24(10), pp. 561-568 and in The Social Contract, Fall 2001 issue. Currently available in Stalking the Wild Taboo.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Very little was ever heard of these selfish interests when P. L. 480 was defended in public. The emphasis was always on its humanitarian effects. The combination of multiple and relatively silent selfish interests with highly vocal humanitarian apologists constitutes a powerful lobby for extracting money from taxpayers. Foreign aid has become a habit that can apparently survive in the absence of any known justification.
According to Graeme Hancock’s Lords of Poverty: The Power, Prestige and
Corruption of the International Aid Business: “At $60 billion a year [in 1989]… aid is already quite large enough to do harm. Indeed, as this book has argued at some length, it is often profoundly dangerous to the poor and inimical to their interests: it has financed the creation of monstrous projects that, at vast expense, have devastated the environment and ruined lives; it has supported and legitimised brutal tyrannies; it has facilitated the emergence of fantastical and Byzantine bureaucracies staffed by legions of self-serving hypocrites; it has sapped the initiative, creativity and enterprise of ordinary people and substituted the superficial and irrelevant glitz of imported advice; it has sucked potential entrepreneurs and intellectuals in the developing countries into non-productive administrative activities; it has created a ‘moral tone’ in international affairs that denies the hard task of wealth creation and that substitutes easy handouts for the rigours of self-help; in addition, throughout the Third World, it has allowed the dead grip of imposed officialdom to suppress popular choice and individual freedom. “Aid has its defenders, not least the highly paid public-relations men and women who spend millions of dollars a year justifying the continued existence of the agencies that employ them. Such professional communicators must reject out of hand the obvious conclusions of this book: that aid is a waste of time and money, that its results are fundamentally bad, and that — far from being increased — it should be stopped forthwith before more damage is done. “Whenever such suggestions are made the lobbyists throw up their hands in horror. Despite some regrettable failures, they protect, aid is justified by its successes; despite some glitches and problems, it is essentially something that works; most important of all — the emotional touch, the appeal to the heartstrings — they argue with passion that aid must not be stopped because the poor could not survive without it. The Brandt Commission provided a classic example of this line of thought: ‘For the poorest countries,’ it told us flatly in its final report, ‘aid is essential to survival.’ “Such statements, however, patronise and undervalue the people of the poor countries concerned. They are, in addition, logically indefensible when uttered by those who also want us to believe that ‘aid works’. Through history and pre-history all countries CR :: 35
Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket everywhere got by perfectly well without any aid at all. Furthermore, in the 1950s they got by with much less aid than they did, for example, in the 1970s — and were apparently none the worse for the experience. Now, suddenly, at the tail end of almost fifty years of development assistance, we are told that large numbers of these same countries have lost the ability to survive a moment longer unless they continue to receive ever-larger amounts of aid. If this is indeed the case — and if the only measurable impact of all these decades of development has been to turn tenacious survivors into helpless dependents — then it seems to me to be beyond dispute that aid does not work. “On the other hand, if the statement that ‘aid presumably the poor should be in a much better before they first began to receive it half a then aid’s job should by now be nearly over possible to begin a gradual withdrawal without
works’ is true, then shape than they were century ago. If so, and it ought to be hurting anyone.
“Of course, the ugly reality is that most poor people in most poor countries most of the time never receive or even make contact with aid in any tangible shape or form: whether is it present or absent, increased or decreased, are thus issues that are simply irrelevant to the ways in which they conduct their daily lives. After the multi-billion-dollar ‘financial flows’ involved have been shaken through the sieve of over-priced and irrelevant goods that must be bought in the donor countries, filtered again in the deep pockets of hundreds of thousands of foreign experts and aid agency staff, skimmed off by dishonest commission agents, and stolen by corrupt Ministers and Presidents, there is really very little left to go around. This little, furthermore, is then used thoughtlessly, or maliciously, or irresponsibly by those in power — who have no mandate from the poor, who do not consult with them and who are utterly indifferent to their fate. Small wonder, then, that the effects of aid are so often vicious and destructive for the most vulnerable members of human society.”
Other resources of critics exposing the Lords of Poverty Foreign Aid Programs
include: (i) Michael Maren: The Road to Hell: The Ravaging Effects of Foreign Aid and International Charity32; (ii) Der Spiegel: “For God's Sake, Please STOP the AID to Africa!” - Kenyan Economics Expert James Shikwati33; (iii) The American: Africans to Bono: “For God’s Sake, Please STOP!”34, Jennifer Brea, June 22, 2007; (iv) Der Spiegel: Too Much of a Good Thing35, Erich Wiedemann and Thilo Thielke, 07 April 2005. [19]
According to Ntokozo Khumalo, a business writer, producer & report who has,1518,363663,00.html 34 35,1518,363604,00.html 32 33
CR :: 36
Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket been with CNBC Africa, Africa Business Review and eNCA Africa Edition, in: The dirty -- breeding war -- games the South African government plays to win votes36, the African National Congress use welfare: child support grants to breed the ANC thousands of co-dependent poverty stricken ANC voters, or vote fodder. According to Meshack Mabogoane, founder of Federal Africa37, the ANC pimps its
own people into poverty by its conscious and deliberate “abnormal governmentsponsored
degeneration and social disintegration”.38
Procreation Factor: Every Child Increases a Parents Carbon Footprint by a Factor of 20 [21] Necessity of reducing procreation to below Carrying Capacity: Every Child Increases a Parent’s Carbon Footprint by a factor of 20: A parent can reduce his/her carbon footprint 19 times more by having one fewer child than by all other energy efficiency actions the E.P.A. suggests combined: [21.1]
Paul A. Murtaugh, Michael G. Schlax (2009): Reproduction and the
carbon legacies of individuals [PDF39]; Global Environmental Change, 19 (2009) pp. 14-20 Summary: There are many ways that each of us can reduce our emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses. One important choice is how many children we choose to have. While it is obvious that each child, grandchild, and their descendants will be a producer of carbon dioxide in their lifetimes, it is not obvious what those emissions might be, and how those amounts compare with the reduced emissions that might come from driving a more fuel efficient car, using energy-efficient light bulbs and the like. The assumption is that a person is responsible for the carbon emissions of his or her descendants, weighted by their relatedness. That is, a parent is responsible for 1/2 the emissions of their children, 1/4 the emissions of their grandchildren and so on. Of course you can't know for certain how many children your grandchildren will have, and you can't know how much carbon dioxide
36 37 38 39 Mbeki‟s Legacy Not His Alone, Meshack Mabogoane, 08 October 2008, Mail & Guardian
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket they will emit, but the authors make some estimations based on expected trends in different countries. For 11 countries, they estimate the number of descendants using the high, median and low U.N. estimates of how birthrates will change in each country. They then use three levels of how carbon emissions may change in the future: a low (optimistic) estimate that they will drop to 1/2 of Africa's current level, a medium estimate that they will remain constant at today's levels, and a a high estimate that they will continue to increase as they are now until 2100. The comparison of carbon dioxide savings are striking. If you live in the U.S. you can reduce your carbon dioxide emissions 19 times more by having one fewer child than by all other actions the E.P.A. suggests combined.
[21.2] A.
Articles: Oregon State University: Murtaugh Paul (07/31/2009): Family Planning: A major Environmental Emphasis40; Oregon State
Institute for Population Studies (17 July 2009): Reproduction and the Carbon Legacies of Individuals41
Oregonian (31 July 2009): Oregon State study says having fewer children is best way to reduce your carbon footprint42, by Eric Mortenson.
Google Mainstream Media News Result: “Your search - murtaugh, carbon, oregon - did not match any news results.”
Case Study: Western Civilized Patriarchy’s Endorsement of ANC-Mandela’s Control of African Reproduction Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [22] Western Civilized Patriarchy Anti-Apartheid movement provided Mandela and the ANC with vast support for Mandela to practice a Control of Reproduction Breeding War against Apartheid, while avoiding any Non-Violent Ecology of Peace Settlement with the Boer Apartheid regime; to restrict consumption and procreation to below carrying capacity limits; in favour of Fanon’s ‘liberation of the colonized minds on the rotting corpses of the settlers’; and ANC’s ‘Operation Production’ of Cannon Fodder. 42
40 41
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [23] There is no evidence of any documentation indicating any Just War Ecology of Peace intentions by any member of the ANC, or any member of any South African or Anti-Apartheid organisation, to negotiate a sustainable Ecology of Peace settlement with the Apartheid regime, prior to launching their ‘liberation struggle’ [24] There is no discussion or debate, but plenty of censorship, within the post AntiApartheid movement about Mandela's Fanon 'violent liberation' definition of reconciliation. There is no discussion or debate, let alone protests or boycott's of the ANC, by the Anti-Apartheid movement about Mandela's Fanon Reconciliation's 70,000 rotting European settler corpses and counting. Quite simply, not only do Civilized Patriarchy care less about Mandela's Fanon reconciliation rotting European corpses, but even less about Mandela's impoverished cannon and vote fodder slavery welfare plantations. [25] Civilized Patriarchy’s Vast Anti-Apartheid Support for Mandela’s Control of Reproduction as a weapon of war Liberation Struggle: [26] Civilized Patriarchy’s Anti-Apartheid activities were vast, including but not limited to: Arms embargo; Oil embargo; Economic boycott Loans; Boycott of Investments; Boycott of the Krugerrand; Boycott of fruit and other products; Coal boycott; Boycott of air links; Cultural boycott; Academic boycott; Sports boycott; and massive funding of ANC Anti- Apartheid non-violent and violent activities. Organisations involved in Anti-Apartheid “Regime Change” including: [26.1] FRANCE: (1) Anti-Outspan Campaign; (2) Committee of Artists of the World against Apartheid, (3) French Committee against Apartheid, (4) Liaison Committee for the struggle against Apartheid, (5) Movement against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples (MWRAP), (6) National Gathering against Apartheid (RNCA), (7) National Movement against Racism, (8) Research and Information Collective on Southern Africa, (9) Anti-Apartheid Movement (MAA), (10) French Association of Friendship and Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa (AFASPA); [26.2] GERMANY: (1) Anti-imperialist Solidarity Committee Frankfurt am Main (ASK), (2) Bursary Fund for South Africa, (3) Church Development Service (KED), (4) Evangelical Women’s group Germany (EFD) Frauengegen Apartheid, (5) German Commission Justitia et Pax, (6) German Municipalities against Apartheid, (7) Mainz Working Group on Southern Africa (MAKSA), (8) South Africa Initiative Aachen (ASI), (9) Women against Apartheid Frankfurt, (10) Work Centre Southern Africa (AKAFRIK), (11) Southern Africa Information Centre (ISSA), (12) Municipalities against Apartheid, Co-ordination for Southern Africa, Koordination Südliches Afrika43 / "Afrika-Süd Aktionsbündnis" (AAB, Alliance for action on Southern Africa] / KOSA, 43
CR :: 39
Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Co-ordination for Southern Africa44.; [26.3] NETHERLANDS45: (1) Amnesty International – International Secretariat, International; (2) Anti-Apartheid Campaign: Olympic Games for the Disabled; (3) Amnesty International, (4) Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands (AABN) ; (5) Broadcasters for Radio Freedom (OfRF), (6) Christians against Apartheid, (7) Dutch Communist Party (CPN), (8) Defence and Aid Fund Netherlands (DAF), (9) Culture for Another South Africa (CASA), (10) Dutch Lawyers against Apartheid, (11) Dutch Police against Apartheid, (12) Foundation Malibongwe, (13) Foundation XY Movement, (14) Working group Woman, Church, Twothird World (VKW), (15) General Students Association Amsterdam (ASVA), (16) Holland Committee on Southern Africa (KZA), (17) Boycott Outspan Campaign (BOA), (18) Malibongwe Foundation/Stichting Malibongwe, (19) Municipalities against Apartheid (LOTA), (20) Pyromaniacs against Apartheid , (21) Rara, (22) Shipping Research Bureau (SRB), (23) South Africa Committee (CZA), (24) Support Group Klaas de Jonge & Hélène Passtoors, (25) The Hague Support Committee of the South African Trade Union Movement, (26) Women’s Union Dutch Labour Party, (27) Working Group Kairos, (28) General Dutch Youth Alliance (ANJV); [26.4] NORWAY: (1) Common Council for Southern Africa, (2) Council on Ecumenical and International Relations, (3) Crisis Fund for South Africa, (4) Norwegian Action against Apartheid (NAMA), (5) Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), (6) Norwegian Council for Southern Africa (NOCOZA), (7) Norwegian Operation Day’s Work (OD), (8) Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), (9) Norwegian Students and Academics International Assistance Fund (SAIH), (10) International Solidarity Committee of the Norwegian Labour Movement (AIS), (11) South Africa Committee; [26.5] UNITED KINGDOM: (1) British Defence and Aid Fund Southern Africa (BDAF), (2) Christian Action, (3) Africa Bureau, (4) Africa Centre, (5) Africa Educational Trust (AET), (6) Anti-Apartheid Movement –Scottish Committee, (7) Anti-Apartheid Movement Wales, (8) Architects against Apartheid, (9) Birmingham AntiApartheid Movement, (10) Bishop Ambrose Reeves Trust (BART), (11) Boycott Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives: The first anti-apartheid activity in the Netherlands dates back to 1956 with a protest meeting against the Treason Trial in South Africa. There has always been a special interest in the Netherlands for South Africa due to the colonial era links between the two countries. There was a wide range of anti-apartheid organisations active in the Netherlands, often organised according to (formal or informal) political affiliation. Besides the anti-apartheid groups at national and local level, there were also many other organisations with anti-apartheid activities. The AABN operated from 1961 till 1994 and was one of the major organisations in the Netherlands. It continued the work of the Comité Zuid-Afrika (CZA) and its solidarity with the liberation movements was unconditional. Besides campaigns, focussed on boycott activities and political prisoners, it also organised grass roots based activities with practical solidarity through its committees dealing with education, women, culture, etc. It was instrumental in the formation of several specialist organisations (see below). It was part of the Liaison Group. The AABN stopped operating in 1994 and continued as the Institute on Southern Africa (IZA) and merged with the KZA and the EMS in 1997 to form the Netherlands Institute on Southern Africa (NIZA). Since September 2007 NIZA has been associated with ActionAid International. The IISH (IISG) holds the complete archive of the organisation, including audio-visual materials, photographs, videos, etc.
44 45
CR :: 40
Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Movement Committee, (12) Christian Concern for Southern Africa (CCSA), (13) Church Welcome Committee, (14) City of London AntiApartheid Group (CLAAG), (15) Committee on South African War Resistance (COSAWR), (16) Democrats against Apartheid, (17) Exeter and District Anti-Apartheid Group, (18) Health and Refugee Trust of South Africa (HEART), (19) Jazz against Apartheid, (20) Joint Campaign against the Repression of Trade Unionists in South Africa and Namibia, (21) Justice, (22) Local Authorities against Apartheid (LAAP), (23) Merseyside Campaign for a Socialist South Africa (MERCASSA), (24) Movement for Colonial Freedom (MCF), (25) Northwest Trade Union Anti-Apartheid Liaison Committee, (26) Southern Africa Coalition (SAK), (27) Trade Union Congress (TUC), (28) South Africa Circle.
Brief Æquilibriæx History of South Africa [27]
Southern Africa’s indigenous people’s are the Bushmen:
[27.1] White and Black South Africans are the descendants of Patriarchal Breeding/Consumption Combatant Taker Settlers, who migrated to South Africa, due to population pressures: breeding beyond the carrying capacity of their European and Central African territory’s and migrating to Southern Africa to conquer or cull other Leaver tribe’s resources. [28]
South Africa is currently populated by White and Black Settlers: “All South Africans are settlers, regardless of their skin colour, and their DNA carries the proof. So says Dr Wilmot James, head of the African Genome Project, a distinguished academic, sociologist and, more recently, honorary professor of human genetics at the University of Cape Town. And he says South Africans will soon have a public genetic database which will show how the country became populated over thousands of years. The African Genome project is supported by local genealogy website James aims to trace the origins of South Africans "no matter what their language, ethnic origins, or skin colour". "No one group can lay claim to South Africa. Everyone is a settler, and we will show how people came here in waves of migration.” – We are all settlers in South Africa46
[29] Current European Settler’s Progenitor’s travelled to South Africa in response to European Geopolitical Realpolitik “Colonial Empire” decision-making, to find only the Bushman as indigenous natives. They arrived as “settler” farmers, soldiers, medical 'We are all settlers in SA', Lynnette Johns, IOL; August 18 2007 at 03:37pm:
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket personnel, religious and political administrators, frequently on behalf of, and for the benefit of, European Civilized Patriarchy elite Imperial Interests. In approximately 1770, the Eastward migrating Boers came into contact with the southern migrating Xhosa’s, originally from Central Africa, at the Fish River in the Eastern Cape. Population pressure disputes over the ownership of farming land and cattle resulted in what is known as the Cape Frontier Xhosa wars. Many Boers then migrated north to found the Free State and Boer Republics. [30] European and African settlers continued their breeding and consumption wars against indigenous Bushmen. One hundred years later, the first census in 1868 revealed a country of 1,134M million of whom 50% were settlers originally of European origins, and 50% were black and coloured settlers who arrived respectively from North Africa, or as slaves from the Far East.
Patriarchy’s Euro Consumption War vs. Africans Breeding War:
[32] Objectively speaking, Apartheid Boers’ consumption lifestyle’s above carrying capacity limits, as well as Africans procreation lifestyle’s were both effective primitive and civilized patriarchy lifestyle declarations to grow their cannon fodder or resource fodder base, for domination purposes. [33]
Apartheid’s War Against African’s Breeding War:
[34] Subjectively speaking, the Apartheid Boer patriarch’s perceived the African patriarch’s as engaging in a breeding war to conquer European-Boers. [35] Subjectively speaking, in terms of the biological Competitive Exclusion Principle (Apartheid) was an Act of Political Just War Self Defense to Tragedy of the Breeding War – Act of War – African Commons Exponential Population Growth: CR :: 42
Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [35.1] The roots of the political principle of apartheid are found in biology and ecology. In ecological biological settings, the principle of apartheid is referred to as the competitive exclusion principle. Simply it states that if you introduce two species competing for the same resources into the same ecological environment, predicting the ultimate outcome of their competition will be a result of the rate of their reproduction. The slower breeding species will always go extinct, unless it is able to adapt an evolutionary or behavioural shift that benefits it, to the exclusion of the faster breeding species.47 For animals such a behavioural shift would mean finding a food source that can sustain the slower breeding species, which the faster breeding species does not consume. In South Africa, Apartheid was legislated as a non-violent political and territorial defense, to exclude the faster breeding Africans, from the slower breeding Europeans resources.
[36] In the subsequent 80 years the European population decreased from 50% to less than 25%. By 1948 the census revealed South Africa’s population to be 11.957 Million, of which Africans were 8.5 M (79%) and Europeans 2.5M (21%). [37] Judge Jason G. Brent’s response to an individual doubting that Apartheid Boer South Africans implementation of Apartheid was a Just War Act of Defense in response to a breeding war, Act of War stated: “We must all understand that the most potent weapons of war are Stalking the Wild Taboo, by Garrett Hardin: Part 4: Competition: (20) Competition, a Tabooed Idea in Sociology; (21) The Cybernetics of Competition; (22) Population, Biology and the Law; (23) Population Skeletons in the Environmental Closet; (24) The Survival of Nations and Civilisations ( General Biology 100: Community Internationas: Exploring Life: Introduction to Biology: Species Interact in Biological Communities:; 2004 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago: Biology 101: Competitive Exclusion Principle:
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket the penis and the womb. Therefore, if you cannot convince a group to control its population by discussion, debate, intelligent analysis etc., you must consider their action in using the penis and the womb to increase population an act of war.”
[38] This is precisely how the “Swart Gevaar” Population Explosion was subjectively interpreted – as a Breeding War Act of War – by Patriarchal Apartheid legislators and voters; who feared it would result in their racial and cultural suicide. Apartheid, or the Competitive Exclusion Principle, was their Just War for Boer Demographic and Cultural Survival Response, of separating different human species/tribes into separate resource territories to sustain all of South Africa’s tribes, from all ethnicities their own resource territory.
[39] Verwoerd described the motives, practices and policies for apartheid, aka separate development, or Harmonious Multi-Community Development48, and Live and Let Live49 in depth, in the submissions to the International Court of Justice on the South West Africa issue, about the “superiority of numbers of the Natives”50. The choice before us is one of these two divergent courses: either Dr. Eiselen, W.W.M., “Harmonious Multi-Community Development”, in Optima, Mar. 1959, p.1. Dr. Eiselen was at that time Secretary for Bantu Administration and Development. 49 Address by the South African Prime Minister, Dr. H.F. Verwoerd, address to the SA Club, London, in Fact Paper 91, Apr. 1961, p.14 50 1964-01-10: ICJ: Ibid ( Counter-Memorial filed by Gov. of the Rep. of S. Africa (Books I-IV), p.463 16 48
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket that of integration, which would in the long run amount to national suicide on the part of the Whites; or that of apartheid, which professes to preserve the identity and safeguard the future of every race, with complete scope for everyone to develop within its own sphere while maintaining its distinctive national character. -- Dr. Malan’s National Party in 194751
[40] FW de Klerk confirmed this subjective perspective in his submission to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: “As far as relations with the other peoples of South Africa were concerned, the National Party believed initially that its interests could be best served by following a policy of "separateness" - or apartheid. It felt that, only in this manner, would the whites in general - and Afrikaners in particular - avoid being overwhelmed by the numerical superiority of the black peoples of our country. Only in this manner would they be able to maintain their own identity and their right to rule themselves.” - FW de Klerk submission to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission; 16 January 199752
[41] According to social geographer, John Western in Outcast Cape Town53, the two primary motivations for implementing Apartheid was fear of demographic suicide due to the “swart gevaar” and secondly that segregation benefited all; as enshrined in the “friction theory” principle (The Friction theory principle was also the foundation of one of the greatest military strategy books ever written: Valour of Ignorance, by Homer Lea; whose use of the theory predicted the rise of Hitler and WWII, thirtythree years before it occurred). In fact John Western states that if certain demographic factors had been different in South Africa, Apartheid may not have occurred: “Even once apartheid was legislated, the “Nationalists with all their Soweto’s could hardly keep up with the Black demographic realities of rural urban migration and absolute population increase. At immense cost, they as it were ran as fast as they could, only to stay in the same place.” (p.xix)”. On the issue of Apartheid’s use of friction theory as a justified response, Western writes: “… A central justification for [Apartheid s racial residential segregation] viewpoint, that segregation is in the interest of all, is enshrined in the “friction theory.” The belief is simply that any contact between the races inevitably produces conflict.
1964-01-10: ICJ: Ibid ( Counter-Memorial filed by Gov. of the Rep. of S. Africa (Books I-IV), p.473 16 52 Second Submission of the National Party to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 16 January 1997 53 Outcast Cape Town, by John Western, University of California Press (June 1, 1997); See also: The Lie of Apartheid, by Arthur Kemp, (December 28, 2008): (Chapter 1, of The Lie of Apartheid and other true stories from Southern Africa)
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Thus, the minister of the interior, introducing the group areas bill to Parliament on 14 June 1950, stated: “Now this, as I say, is designed to eliminate friction between the races in the Union because we believe, and believe strongly, that points of contact – all unnecessary points of contact – between the races must be avoided. If you reduce the number of points of contact to the minimum, you reduce the possibility of friction… The result of putting people of different races together is to cause racial trouble. “… The friction theory has some measure of sense to it, as may be illustrated by once again returning to the work of Robert Sommer (1969, pp 12, 14 and 15), who wrote: “[Animal studies] show that both territoriality and dominance behaviour are ways of maintaining social order, and when one system cannot function, the other takes over… Group territories keep individual groups apart and thereby preserve the integrity of the troop, whereas dominance is the basis for intragroup relationships… Group territoriality is expressed in national and local boundaries, a segregation into defined areas that reduces conflict.
[42] Apartheid correctly considered African population growth as a violation of carrying capacity limits, and a patriarchal breeding war weapon of war wielded for the purpose of conquering and domination of Europeans, but failed however to consider their own consumption behaviours as part of the overshoot-scarcity-conflict equation. [43] The Apartheid Boers also failed to establish encourage an ecology of peace settlement between Africans and Boer Europeans based upon apartheid competitive exclusion legislation that enabled each south African tribe to access to its own exclusive resource base, as well as being required to limit citizens procreation and consumption lifestyle’s to below carrying capacity limits. [44]
Africans War against Europeans Consumption War:
[45] Whereas Apartheid Boer patriarch’s perceived the African patriarch’s as engaging in a breeding war to conquer European-Boers; and in fact European Boers were engaged in a consumption war for resources with Africans; African leaders did not define or analyse the Patriarchal breeding vs. consumption war they were engaged in, as their war against European consumption; but chose instead to define and characterize it as ‘racism’.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [46] If the ANC had been concerned with Just War Ecology of Peace intentions, their liberation struggle would have focussed on negotiations with apartheid to establish a peace settlement between Africans and Boer Europeans based upon apartheid competitive exclusion legislation that enabled each south African European and African ethnic tribe access to its own exclusive resource base, as well as being required to limit all citizens from all tribes procreation and consumption lifestyle’s to below carrying capacity limits; thereby denying all citizens the ability to engage in consumptive or procreation acts of war against each other for finite carrying capacity resources. [47] Instead the ANC heated up their breeding war, and campaigned against Apartheid ‘racism’, with the intentions of (a) eliminating all ethnic tribes access to their own exclusive resource bases, and (b) replacing Europeans dominance in the consumption war for resources. In doing so Africans would then be dominant in both the consumption and breeding war spheres which would be conducive for establishing a powerful elite African civilized patriarchy. [48] There is no evidence of any documentation indicating any Just War Ecology of Peace intentions by any member of the ANC, or any member of any South African or Anti-Apartheid organisation, to negotiate a sustainable Ecology of Peace settlement with the Apartheid regime, prior to launching their ‘liberation struggle’. [49]
Mandela and ANC’s Failure to Explore Ecology of Peace Settlement:
[50] In 2010, Jus Sanguinis submitted a detailed evidentiary request to Germany, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Switzerland, via the EU54, as well as to dozens of South African55 Apartheid Organisations, including European Union and South African Anti-Apartheid Archival organisations asking for evidence that Mandela, the ANC or any Anti-Apartheid considered exploring an Ecology of Peace Settlement with Apartheid: An agreement that the ANC would support legislation restricting South Africans to procreate below carrying capacity levels, if the Boers would support legislation restricting South Africans to consuming below carrying capacity levels. [51] Any efforts or offers from the ANC to the Apartheid Government to conclude such an Ecology of Peace agreement restricting South Africa’s citizens procreation and consumption to below carrying capacity levels, would have indicated the ANC’s 54 14 April 2011: EU High Rep. Catherine Ashton: Audi Alteram Partem Notice: Boer Volkstaat 10/31/16 Theses Petition: Request for Information 55 Fri 08 April 2011: NOTICE TO: SA Political, Media, Legal, Religious, NGO TRC Elite: Transparency Update: Request for Information from ANC &/or Anti-Apartheid Officials:
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket sincere, honourable intentions to resolve their Patriarchal Breeding and Consumption Wars, in favour of a sustainable Ecology of Peace settlement. [52] The request for information was ignored by all South African Anti-Apartheid Organisations. International Responses: Switzerland and the United Kingdom stated they were unaware of any records of any EU Anti-Apartheid Organisation advising the ANC or any SA Anti-Apartheid Organisation to avoid/suspend the violent „liberation struggle ‟campaign against the Apartheid Goverment, and to launch a
non-violent cultural and political campaign to stop the African “swart gevaar” breeding-war population explosion, to demonstrate the ANC‟s honourable Just War Just Cause Intentions. [53] Conclusion: There is no evidence of any documentation indicating any Just War Ecology of Peace intentions by any member of the ANC, or any member of any South African or Anti-Apartheid organisation, to negotiate a sustainable Ecology of Peace settlement with the Apartheid regime, prior to launching their ‘liberation struggle’. [54] Fanon’s ‘Violence as a cleansing liberating force’ inspiration for ANC and Biko’s Black Consciousness Liberation Struggle’s : “Violence is man re-creating himself.” ― Frantz Fanon ‘Nationalists Fighting for the Right to Rule their - Norway's Support for ANC's Right to Violent Liberation
[55] Mandela’s liberation struggle ideology and Biko’s Black Consciousness ideology had strong ties to Frantz Fanon’s Handbook for Black Liberation concepts of ‘violence as a cleansing liberating force’ and Jesuit Black Liberation Theology: liberating African [settlers] colonized minds on the rotting corpses of the European settlers’. [56] According to Frantz Fanon's Wretched of the Earth, also called the Handbook for Black Liberation, violence was not considered a last resort, but the essential ingredient to be achieved for “liberation” of the colonized mind. Liberation was not possible, for the “colonized mind”, except through physical violence “on the rotting corpse of the [white] settler”. [57] In Frantz Fanon: The Doctor Prescribed Violence56, Adam Shatz writes how Fanon argued that “Violence is a cleansing force. It frees the native from his inferiority complex and from his despair and inaction; it makes him fearless and restores his self-respect.” Shatz says: “This was mau-mauing with Left Bank panache. Not to be upstaged, Jean-Paul Sartre wrote in his preface, “'To shoot down a European is to kill two birds with one stone, to destroy an oppressor and the man he 56
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket oppresses at the same time.””' [58] In Fanon and the Concept of Colonial Violence57, Robert C. Smith argues that Marxist critics of Fanon‘s “fanatical” advocacy of violence and terrorism fail to understand that both Fanon and Marx were seeking “by whatever means necessary” to “end the exploitation of man by men”, and that Marx‘s analysis had a Euro-centric bias, by overemphasising the socio-economic at the expense of the psychological. He concludes that Fanon is more of a Marxist than any of his Marxian critics, who “are more bourgeois in “outlook” than the bourgeoisie”. [59] The Essential Steve Biko58, Mandisi Majavu writes that the influence of Fanon’s work is detected in all of Biko’s work, and that the concept of black consciousness in liberating black people from their own psychological oppression is a cornerstone of Fanon's argument. Her arguments are supported by Frantz Fanon and Black Consciousness in Azania (South Africa), by Thomas K. Ranuga. [60] According to Sweden and National Liberation in Southern Africa: Solidarity and Assistance by Tor Sellström, Black Consciousness Before Soweto [Uprising] was largely inspired by the 1960‘s black power movement in the United States and the writings of Frantz Fanon. [61] In May the Black God Stand Please! Biko’s Challenge to Religion59, Professor Tinyiko Sam Maluleke Executive Director: Research, University of South Africa and President: South African Council of Churches, describes Steve Biko‘s views on Christianity and Black Liberation Theology. In SA Students Organisation (SASO) September 1970 edition, in I Write What I Like: “We Blacks”60, Steve Biko writing under his “Frank –Talk” confirmed being inspired by Black Liberation Theology. [62] In Nelson Mandela61, Elleke Boehmer explores Mandela’s growing susceptibility to arguments in favor of violence as a liberating force and armed resistance, as eloquently articulated in 1950s Africa by Martinique-born, Algeria based anti-colonialist Frantz Fanon -- as well as by revolutionary elements within the SACP, in the chapter: The Black Elite’s Curriculum. [62.1] The ANC perceived the Algerian freedom struggle to exhibit strong parallels with South Africa’s. In Mandela’s African travels he came into contact with Front de Liberation Nationale officials who had fought for the independence of Algeria, recently won, for whose left-wing Fanon had served as an angry spokesperson. At Black World •May 1973 • Vol. XXII No. 7 • Chicago, IL 60605 58 59 60 SASO Newsletter, September 1970, pp.15-19 57
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Oujda in Morocco, an Algerian military base close to the border, Mandela heard Ahmed Ben Bella the guerrilla leader, soon to be first President of an independent Algeria, rally his troops and call for the fight against imperialism to be extended across Africa. [62.2] Although Mandela never mentioned Fanon by name, she believes “it is difficult to believe that he did not feel in some capacity the transformative force of his ideas. ... Fanon's approach to the overthrow of imperial power, based on his time working as a psychiatrist in revolutionary Algeria, was bracingly combative: the colonized, he believed, should resist the coloniser to the death, with violence; their entire sensibility should be focused on this rejection.... There is no doubt that, some ten years on from the ANC's move to arms, Steve Biko's BCM, with its outright rejection of white values, demonstrated a clear debt to Fanon's fiercely nationalist and anti-colonial manifesto The Wretched of the Earth (1961)”. [62.3] She argues that Mandela’s first international speech, A Land Ruled by the Gun, given at the January 1962 PAFMECA (later OAU) conference in Addis Ababa, argued principles identical to those being argued by Fanon: “Mandela sought to justify the ANC's controversial turn to violence, its "sharpening" of its "less effective" political weapons. Like Fanon in his polemical address in support of anti-colonial violence given to the 1958 All-Africa People's Conference, Mandela gives a careful exposition of the stages of increasing violence the African majority has suffered. As part of this exposition he suggests, as famously does Fanon, that the colonized system's pervasive "atmosphere of violence" is the creation of the colonizer alone, and that in this situation the colonized has no choice but to reject the system absolutely. Any compromise or attempt to come to terms will simply reinforce oppression: "only violence pays." Mandela's summary of South Africa's anti-imperialist struggle builds gradually toward a short, uncompromising paragraph encapsulating the injunction that "hard and swift blows" need now to be delivered.” [62.4] Boehmer says “Mandela's charged language is at this point distinctly reminiscent of Fanon. Fanon's own 1958 conference speech, given as a riposte to Kwame Nkrumah's influential advocacy of Positive Action stopping short of violence, had been unequivocal in making its central point: the natives violence was not merely necessary but self-transforming. (The speech, which cited Sharpeville as a reminder of colonialism's overkill, was developed into the chapter "Concerning Violence" that forms the core of The Wretched of the Earth).” [62.5] She concludes that although Mandela never mentioned Fanon (in fact in Long Walk to Freedom, Mandela also failed to mention the existence of Steve Biko 62) Raymond Whitaker (12 Sept 2007): An African Hero: Biko - the forgotten martyr 62
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket it is highly “likely that he would on more than one occasion on his African tour, most probably in Addis Ababa as well as Morocco, have been exposed to Fanon's ideas, even if at several removes. He explicitly refers both to the 1958 Conference and to Nkrumah's defensive 1960 Positive Action conference in A Land Ruled by the Gun: he would have known about the debates that had taken place at both venues. In this context it seems fitting that MK with Mandela at its head was established in 1961, the year of The Wretched of the Earth.” [63]
ANC’s Breeding War Operation Production of Cannon Fodder:
[64] Under the ANC’s covert “Operation Production” Policy (covered up by Tutu’s TRC): African women were forced to have sex with ANC cadres, and denied access to using contraception. Using contraception to avoid pregnancy resulted in detention by ANC cadre forces, being labelled as an 'Apartheid agent', and being charged before a People’s Court trial. If found guilty, as most were, the sentence was Necklacing, including having broken bottles shoved up their vagina, to send a brutal public warning to African women caught using contraception or refusing to be raped and impregnated by ANC cadres. Needless to say, promising young men free sex to join a liberation struggle results in many candidates signing up. [65]
Join the ANC liberation struggle for Free Sex:
[66] According to former Mbokodo officer Sam Mngqibisa, an ANC Cadre had the ‘right’ to have sex with any ANC Woman. Sam Mngqibisa’s poem about his education as an Mbokodo officer63, as published by Searchlight, a democratic socialist publication, and the only publication with the courage to expose the ANC’s Mbokodo Quatro Torture Camps64: [66.1] Give a young boy — 16 years old — from the ghetto of Soweto, an | opportunity to drive a car for the first time in his life. | This boy is from a poor working class family. | Give him money to buy any type of liquor and good, expensive clothes. | This boy left South Africa during the Soweto schools uprising in 1976. | He doesn't know what is an employer. | He never tasted employer-exploitation. | Give him the right to sleep with all these women. | Give him the opportunity to study in Party Schools and well-off | military academies in Eastern Europe. | Teach him Marxism-Leninism and tell him to defend the revolution | against counterrevolutionaries. | Send him to the Stasi to train him to extract information by force from | enemy agents. He turns to be a torturer and executioner by firing squad. | All these are the luxuries and the dream-come-true he never thought of for his lifetime... | This Security becomes the law unto itself. Women in the ANC and Swapo: Sexual Abuse of Young Women in the ANC Camps, Olefile Samuel Mngqibisa, Searchlight SA, Number 11 October 1993 (p.11-16) 64
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Operation Production:
Johannes Harnischfeger, Witchcraft and the State in South Africa65:
[68.1] “Especially evening assemblies girls had to attend as well: “They would come into the house and tell us we should go. They didn't ask your mother they just said “come let's go.” You would just have to go with them. They would threaten you with their belts and ultimately you would think that if you refused, they would beat you. Our parents were afraid of them” (quoted by Delius 1996:189). [68.2] All those opposing the wishes of the young men were reminded, that it was every woman‘s obligation to give birth to new “soldiers”, in order to replace those warriors killed in the liberation struggle. The idiom of the adolescents referred to these patriotic efforts as “operation production”. Because of exactly this reason it was forbidden for the girls to use contraceptives. (Delius 1996:18966; Niehaus 1999:25067)” [68.3] Maki Skosana was an ANC comrade who was accused – for no observable reasons – of being an apartheid spy, given a people‘s court trial and publicly executed by necklacing in July 1985. The TRC made no effort whatsoever to investigate the motives for shoving broken glass bottles up women‘s vagina‘s who were necklaced. TRC Report: “Moloko said her sister was burned to death with a tyre around her neck while attending the funeral of one of the youths. Her body had been scorched by fire and some broken pieces of glass had been inserted into her vagina, Moloko told the committee. Moloko added that a big rock had been thrown on her face after she had been killed.” - TRC: Dept of Justice68 [69]
Opposing the Wishes of the ANC Cadres Operation Production:
[69.1] ‘I have been raped by comrades before. They force women to sleep with them, even now, because they have the power to do so. And no one dares to speak out. The culture of violence has never ceased to exist in the South-African ANC, even after the end of apartheid.’ – Ms. Fezeka Kuswayo69 [70] “The street committee members would go on house-to-house raids, forcefully taking young people, including young girls to go on street-patrols. There were then many reports of acts of sexual abuse and rape of young girls being taken to certain hide-outs and camps and being raped. As a result of fear of the comrades and cynicism Dr. Johannes Harnischfeger, Goethe University Frankfurt M., Frankfurt; German version of published in Anthropopos, 95/2000, S. 99-112 66 Delius, P. 1996. A Lion amongst the Cattle: Reconstruction and Resistance in the Northern Transvaal. 67 Niehaus, Isak. 1999. Witchcraft, Power and Politics: Exploring the Occult in the South African Lowfeld 68 69 In Femke van Zeijl, a Dutch blog, Rape victim Zuma obtains asylum in the Netherlands,Fezeka Kuzwayo, who accused then Vice President Jacob Zuma or raping her, was denounced with among others ‘Burn the Bitch’, who subsequently received humanitarian asylum in Holland 65
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket towards the apartheid police these cases were never reported.” -- Mphutlane wa Bofelo70 [71]
Mandela and Fanon’s ‘violent liberation’ definition of reconciliation:
[72] Mandela’s reference to Fanon’s, Wretched of the Earth, Fanon's Famous Handbook for Black Liberation by Cleansing Violent Revolution in his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech, is rather cryptic considering Fanon’s views on reconciliation. [72.1] ‘True liberation is violence, not reconciliation' - Frantz Fanon. Frantz Fanon and Black Liberation Theologists considered ‘reconciliation’ to be a physically violent process of ‘liberating’ the ‘colonized mind’ by violence ‘on the rotting corpse of the settler’. Reconciliation occurs once all the settlers corpses are dead and rotting. [72.2] Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech, 10 December 1993: "Moved by that appeal and inspired by the eminence you have thrust upon us, we undertake that we too will do what we can to contribute to the renewal of our world so that none should, in future, be described as the "wretched of the earth"." [73]
Mandela Reconciliation: 70,000 rotting settler’s corpses and counting.
[74] Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Mandela, the ANC and Anti-Apartheid movement and German Government’s silent endorsement of violent liberation reconciliation: 70,000 rotting European settlers corpses and counting. [75] Dutch-South African journalist Adriana Stuijt blogs – censorburgbear71, FarmITracker72, and Afrikaner Genocide Archives73 – monitors and reports on the attacks on European settlers, most of which are censored by the South African and international media. [75.1] The Guerrilla War of Racially Motivated Gratuitous Violence in White South Africa’s Backyards: From Robert Kaplan (1997) to the Lotter Sisters (2009): [75.2] Rob Kaplan: According to Salon Magazine, in their article What Happened to Rob Kaplan74 (PDF75), written in June 1997: The No. 1 Web site in South Africa in 1997 was “about “a brutal act of violence” that has left its white victim “battling to breathe.”” Irnest Kaplan found his elder brother Rob, 34, near death in his Johannesburg home on May 1. Rob, who ran a computer training center for blacks, had been shot twice in the chest, stabbed, beaten, pistol-whipped and tortured for Racist, Sexist, Violent-Peddling, Malema Hate-Talk dangerous for the future, by Mphutlane wa Bofelo 72 73 74 75 70 71
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket hours with a household heating iron by three Zulu-speaking robbers seeking the keys to a nonexistent safe. Irnest setup a website to call for “a meeting with Mr. Mandela, show him the responses and demand radical action ... We hope to leverage the Internet.” Kaplan's Web site racked up 120,000 hits the first week and 1 million hits the second week. Mandela ignored the Kaplans, unlike New York Police Commissioner William Bratton, who said “The situation seems to be getting worse ... The climate of fear has meant so many guns and people tend to shoot first. We did not meet a single person who did not know a victim of serious crime. Crime can be lowered, but it requires something he the Mandela government has so far not shown: “leadership.”” The former Lebanese ambassador, who fled the country after his house was broken into once too often, was quoted as saying that Beirut, even in its worst days, was safer than Johannesburg in 1997, and far worse today. [75.3] Lotter Sisters: Alice Lotter, 77, and her daughter Helen, 57, both frail, were tortured to death at their farm in Allenridge near Welkom in the Free State on April 1, 2009. According to forensic evidence, the Lotter mother and daughter had died excruciatingly painful deaths: first tortured by being stabbed with broken glass bottles into their vaginas. One of the women also had her breasts cut off while she was still alive – and both women’s blood, police forensic experts found, had then been used to paint anti-Afrikaner hate slogans on the walls of their homestead. Helen Lotter was tortured so extensively that her womb 'was completely missing', and 'slabs of human fat the size a man's hand were sliced off her body', according to the postmortum examiner’s testimony. (International Criminal Court Complaint in terms of Article 15 of Rome Statute76 pg 71-83: CBB: Tortured Farm Women's gardener guilty; Volksblad (09/06/2010): Tuinier skuldig aan 2 se dood; Volksblad (03/06/2010): Wreedaardigheid van moorde blyk uit verslae; Volksblad (04/06/2010): Allanridge vroue glo oor geld vermoor; Volksblad (02/06/2010): Slagting van vroue beskryf). [75.4] Russell Kaplan & White Refugee Brandon Huntley: Rob Kaplans younger brother, Russell had emigrated to Canada during apartheid, where he was a vocal supporter of the Anti-Apartheid movement. Since 2008, Kaplan has represented Brandon Huntley’s application for ‘White Refugee’ status in Canada, due to Mandela and the ANC’s political persecution of white South Africans. In 2013 Kaplan was reported as stating “he has never been more confident that South Africans, who fear rational or political persecution, could claim refugee status anywhere in the world if their cases were presented properly.”77 Huntley won't talk about refugee application, Andrea van Wyk, 12 February 2013; EWN
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A Clash of Cultures: Patriarchal ANC’s Control of Reproduction & Consumption vs Gender Balanced Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace: [1]
Fribourg Declaration on Cultural Rights78:
[1.1] The launch of the Fribourg Declaration on Cultural Rights was held May 7, 2007 at the University of Fribourg and May 8, 2007 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The text was presented by the Observatory of Diversity and Cultural Rights (which headquarters are at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Ethnics and Human Rights at the Fribourg University) together with the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and UNESCO. [1.2] The cultural rights as expressed in the Fribourg Declaration of Cultural Rights, brings together, in one document, the cultural rights, currently recognized in a dispersed manner in a large number of human rights instruments; such as: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the two International Covenants on human rights of the United Nations, the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity and other relevant universal and regional instruments; because it is important to assemble these cultural rights together in order to ensure their visibility and coherence and to encourage their full realization. [1.3] The Fribourg Declaration is convinced that violations of cultural rights give rise to identity related tensions and conflicts which are one of the principal cause of violence, wars and terrorism; and Equally convinced that cultural diversity cannot be truly protected without the effective implementation of cultural rights. Among others it states: The term “culture” covers those values, beliefs, convictions, languages, knowledge and the arts, traditions, institutions and ways of life through which a person or a group expresses their humanity and the meanings that they give to their existence and to their development; The expression “cultural identity” is understood as the sum of all cultural references through which a person, alone or in community with others, defines or constitutes oneself, communicates and wishes to be recognised in one’s dignity; “Cultural community” connotes a group of persons who share references that constitute a common cultural identity that they intend to preserve and develop. 78
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Everyone, alone or in community with others, has the right: a. To choose and to have one’s cultural identity respected, in the variety of its different means of expression. This right is exercised in the inter-connection with, in particular, the freedoms of thought, conscience, religion, opinion and expression; Everyone is free to choose to identify or not to identify with one or several cultural communities, regardless of frontiers, and to modify such a choice; No one shall have a cultural identity imposed or be assimilated into a cultural community against one’s will. Everyone, alone or in community with others, has the right to access and participate freely in cultural life through the activities of one’s choice, regardless of frontiers. Everyone, alone or in community with others, has the right to participate, according to democratic procedures: • in the cultural development of the communities of which one is a member; • in the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of decisions that concern oneself and which have an impact on the exercise of one’s cultural rights; • in the development of cultural cooperation at different levels.
Invocation of Cultural Law:
[77] The South African Constitution is founded on the Apartheid premise that South Africa is a multicultural country, hence neither common law, nor cultural customary law are prima facie applicable in any dispute before any court. The Constitution provides for all citizens rights to invoke79 cultural law80 in S. 15(3)81, 3082, 3183, and 1884. When any party invokes cultural law, the court is required to proceed in terms of application of choice of law rules, to determine the applicability of one or other legal
79 Ex parte Minister of Native Affairs: In re Yako v Beyi 1948 (1) SA 388 (A) at 397: Appellate Division held that neither common nor customary law was prima facie applicable. Courts had to consider all the circumstances of a case, and, without any preconceived view about the applicability of one or other legal system, select the appropriate law on the basis of its inquiry. 80 SALC, Sept 1999: Report on Conflicts of law: P.22: ‘1.58. The Constitution now provides an entitlement for invoking customary law in legal suits. Because ss 30 and 31 specifically guarantee an individual and a group's right to pursue a culture of choice, it could be argued that application of customary law has become a constitutional right. Previously, the state had assumed complete discretion in deciding whether and to what extent customary law should be recognized, an attitude typical of colonial thinking, for Africans were subject to whatever policies the conquering state chose to impose on them. Now, however, the state has a duty to allow people to participate in the culture they choose, implicit in this duty is a responsibility to uphold the institutions on which that culture is based.’ 81 Freedom of Religion, Belief and Opinion 82 Language and Culture 83 Culture, Religious & Linguistic Comm: 84 Freedom of Association
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket system, or combination thereof, on the basis of its inquiry into the relevant parties particular cultures, as determined from their lifestyles85. [78] The invocation of Cultural Law automatically invokes a Conflict between Common/Dominant & Cultural/Minority Law; requiring the court to enquire into the appropriate balancing of ‘dominant’ law vs ‘minority law’, through an investigation of the relevant cultural law and cultural lifestyle of the minority culture applicant vs the dominant cultural law and cultural lifestyle of the dominant legal culture. [79] Similarly, the common law reasonableness test has cultural applications, similar to that of a professional skill application. Where the ‘reasonableness’ of an act is questioned that involves the skills or common practices within a particular culture/tribe, then the skills and practices of that particular tribe needs to be applied to determine the cultural/tribal ‘reasonableness’ of the individual’s circumstances 86. [80] Cultural Defence and Culturally Motivated Crimes (Cultural Offences), by Jeroen van Broeck87: [80.1] He defines a cultural offence as: “an act by a member of a minority group or culture, which is considered an offence by the legal system of the dominant culture. That same act is nevertheless, within the cultural group of the offender, condoned, accepted as normal behaviour and approved or even endorsed and promoted in the given situation.” [80.2] He defines a cultural defense as: “‘[A] cultural defense maintains that persons socialized in a minority or foreign culture, who regularly conduct themselves in accordance with their own culture’s norms, should not be held fully accountable for conduct that violates official law, if that conduct conforms to the prescriptions of their own culture’.88 Besides this broad definition, which is always implicitly present when
In Ex Parte Minister of Native Affairs in re: Yako v Beyi 1948 (1) SA 388 (A) Schreiner J.A. said lifestyle of is a choice of law factor. “Aside from an express choice of laws all connecting factors with conflict of personal laws are designed to determine, in an objective manner, the cultural orientation of the parties. Because the laws involved are conceived in terms of culture .... the connecting factors must be conceived in like terms. The most direct access to a person’s cultural leanings would clearly be his or her lifestyle.” 86Smit NO and Others v King Goodwill Zwelithini Kabhekuzulu and Others (10237/2009) [2009] ZAKZPHC 75 (4 December 2009); S v Zuma (JPV325/05, JPV325/05) [2006] ZAGPHC 45; 2006 (2) SACR 191 (W); 2006 (7) BCLR 790 (W) (8 May 2006), at: p.98; Sandra Lovelace v. Canada, Communication No. R.6/24 (29 December 1977), U.N. Doc. Supp. No. 40 (A/36/40) at 166 (1981). 87 Cultural Defence and Culturally Motivated Crimes (Cultural Offences), Jeroen van Broeck, University of Antwerp, Belgium; European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Vol. 9/1, 1-32, 2001 88 P.J. Magnarella, loc. cit., p. 67. Comp. C. Choi, loc. cit., p. 81 (‘A cultural defense, by definition, negates or mitigates criminal responsibility for acts committed under a reasonable, goodfaith belief in their propriety, based on the actor’s cultural heritage or tradition’), J.C. Lyman, loc. cit., p. 88 (‘A cultural defense will negate or mitigate criminal responsibility where acts are committed under a reasonable, good-faith belief in their property, based upon the actor’s cultural heritage or tradition’); M. Thompson, loc. cit., p. 26 (‘When a recent immigrant from a foreign country with a completely different set of values commits an illegal act that would have been perfectly acceptable in the homeland, defense lawyers argue the act was not necessarily a crime.’); L. Volpp, loc. cit., p. 57 (‘The “cultural defense” is a legal strategy that defendants use in attempts to excuse criminal behaviour or to mitigate culpability based on a lack of 85
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket dealing with the problem, a second definition of the cultural defence is used. The cultural defence is then referred to as a specific doctrine that recognises the cultural background of the defendant as an excuse or mitigating circumstance in a penal case. The first can be called a substantial definition of the cultural defence, while the second is a formal definition.”89 The invocation of cultural law, is therefore the invocation of cultural law by a member of a minority culture, which is not considered ‘law’ by the legal system of the dominant culture. Within the minority culture’s lifestyle, the minority law actions are condoned, accepted as normal behaviour and approved or even endorsed and promoted in the given situation. This distinction has nothing to do with a quantitative approach. Nor has it anything to do with the question ‘who was there first?’. This distinction is closely related to what can be called the cultural and ideological background or basis of the ‘legal system’. A dominant culture is considered the culture which provides the ideological basis of the penal law or the penal rule on which the defendant is tried. The minority culture denotes the cultural background of the defendant’s group that does not share the same cultural norms and values as the dominant culture with respect to certain issues. The cultural values that are incorporated in the ‘legal system’, and more specifically in its penal law, determine which culture can be seen as dominant. .. These examples also show that, in order to reflect on the legal and moral norms of a member of a minority group, one does not have to look at the official law of the country of origin of this group. A study of the legal and moral rules of his of her group is needed. .. Thus, in order to decide whether a minority culture, one has to look and whether or not these clash with on the basis of which that person is
or not someone is a member of at his or her cultural values the norms of the legal system tried.
In regards to a cultural offence, he writes: “The offence, in order to be a cultural offence, has to be caused directly by the fact that the minority group, of which the offender is a member, uses a different set of moral norms when dealing with the situation in which the offender was placed when he committed the requisite mens rea. […] The theory underlying the cultural defense is that the defendant […] acted according to the dictates of his or her culture’) and M. Winkelman, loc. cit., p. 154 (‘Cultural factors motivating the defendants behaviour’). 89 A similar distinction is used by S.M. Tomao. She uses the terms formal or informal defense. S.M. Tomao, ‘The Cultural Defense: Traditional or Formal?’, 10 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal (1996) pp. 241–256.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket offence. The conflict of diverging legal cultures has to be the direct cause of the offence.” On a theoretical level, we will now illustrate the essence of a cultural offence. This essential aspect lies in the fact that a cultural offence is caused by the adherence to a differing legal or moral norm. A cultural offence can not be regarded as caused by one culture, but can only occur when there are different legal and moral concepts at hand and there is a clash with another legal culture90. The act of the offender has to be motivated by his cultural background. The word ‘motivation’ does not imply that it was actively caused, nor that this motivation is conscious. It means that there has to be a direct link with a moral norm. or value of the minority group. In other words: the actions and behaviour of the offender have to be in accordance with his or her background.91
[81] In Ex parte Minister of Native Affairs: In re Yako v Beyi 1948 (1) SA 388 (A) at 397; the Appellate Division held that when any individual before any court, invokes cultural law, neither common nor customary law is prima facie applicable. Courts have to consider all the circumstances of a case, and, without any preconceived view about the applicability of one or other legal system, select the appropriate law on the basis of its inquiry. [82] In Ex Parte Minister of Native Affairs in re: Yako v Beyi 1948 (1) SA 388 (A) Schreiner J.A. said lifestyle of is a choice of law factor. “Aside from an express choice of laws all connecting factors with conflict of personal laws are designed to determine, in an objective manner, the cultural orientation of the parties. Because the laws involved are conceived in terms of culture .... the connecting factors must be conceived in like terms. The most direct access to a person’s cultural leanings would clearly be his or her lifestyle.” [83] In SALC, Sept 1999: Report on Conflicts of Law: P.22: ‘1.58. The Constitution now provides an entitlement for invoking customary law in legal suits. Because ss 30 and 31 specifically guarantee an individual and a group's right to pursue a culture of choice, it could be argued that application of customary law has become a constitutional right. [..] Now, however, the state has a duty to allow people to participate in the culture they choose, implicit in this duty is a responsibility to uphold the institutions on which that culture is based.’ Terminology, cf. S. Sherman, ‘Legal Clash of Cultures’, The National Law Journal 1985 (August 5) pp. 1, 26–27. 91 Again, this can mean two things: or the actions were meant in order to conform to this background, or they were performed according to these norms. This distinction is subtle and not very important because in both cases one can claim that there is a cultural offence at hand. In the first case, the actions are instrumental and aimed at a goal, which is dictated by one’s cultural background. The second case implies that the actions themselves are shaped by the cultural background. The two may overlap.
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [84] According to The Cultural Defense in Criminal Law: South African Perspectives, by Prof. Pieter A Carstens92: Pivotal to the invocation of cultural law in South African courts is the constitution as the supreme law of the land. Section 15 of the constitution entrenches the right of everyone to freedom of religion, belief and opinion. Section 9 (the equality clause) outlaws any discrimination inter alia on account of religion, conscience, belief and culture. Section 36 (the limitation clause) states that no right is absolute and may be limited if it is inter alia reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom. Constitutional interpretation by the country’s Constitutional court also dictates that there is a duty on the courts in general to develop the South African common law with reference to the constitutional values93. It would therefore appear as though the constitution could be seen as a motivating force for the formal recognition of the invocation of cultural law albeit in context/and balance of the limitation clause. It is submitted that the South African legal system (through the constitution) in recognition of cultural pluralism, advances a strong argument for the formalisation of the invocation of cultural law for individuals from all South Africa’s cultures. In accepting / recognizing / formalising the invocation of cultural law in South African law, universalism is ousted in favour of cultural specificity, cultural pluralism, equality and individualized justice. It is notably with regard to the element of intention, elements of unlawfulness, capacity, element of fault, etc, that cultural laws will in all probability find application. The invocation of cultural law no doubt offers new challenges to South African courts, to balance justice and cultural pluralism. Ultimately the effective application of the defence will be in the hands of the judiciary objectively and free from their own cultural preconceptions and prejudices.
[85] For example: In Smit NO and Others v King Goodwill Zwelithini Kabhekuzulu and Others94 Judge Nic van Reyden of the Kwa-Zulu Natal High Court, ruled in favour of the revived Zulu cultural practice of barehanded killing of a bull at the Ukweshwama festival, satisfied with the evidence of cultural expert 92 The Cultural Defense in Criminal Law: South African Perspectives, by Prof. Pieter A Carstens, Professor of Criminal and Medical Law, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Pretoria Pretoria, 0002, South Africa, Associate Member of the Pretoria Bar. 93 See Carmichele v Minister of Safety and Security 2002 (1) SACR 79 (CC). 94 Smit NO and Others v King Goodwill Zwelithini Kabhekuzulu and Others (10237/2009) [2009] ZAKZPHC 75 (4 Dec 2009)
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Professor Jabulani Mapalala95, who said that the animal’s death was quick, unpainful and that no blood was shed. (Others disagreed96: Mapalala’s expert witness testimony contradicts Chief Mlaba (not submitted to the court), as quoted in an ANC newsletter of December 1995, that: “We must use our bare hands, It’s cruelty, we agree, but it’s our culture. We cannot change our culture.”97). [86] SA Courts Ten Year History of Denying Invocation of Radical Honesty cultural law: [87] For the past ten years, Johnstone, as a member of the Radical Honesty culture, has repeatedly informed courts that she invoke’s cultural law in accordance to her Primitivist gender balanced ecology of peace Radical Honesty culture. They have simply ignored her. [88] She has repeatedly informed lawyers appointed to represent her, that she demands that they invoke cultural law on behalf of her membership of the Radical Honesty culture, and its ecology of peace jurisprudence cultural principles. [89] Legal Officials have simply ignored her invocation of cultural law instructions, and refused, insisting that she is a member of ‘European culture’, even though – for example – Johnstone is married to an African American, and has spent her entire life based upon an ecology of peace consumption and procreation lifestyle. She judges every individual based upon their character and honour, not their class, race, religion and most certainly not their physical appearance. She considers European culture’s materialism and treatment of women as sex objects, and nature as objects worthy only of plunder and abuse, as despicable. [90] Johnstone has been denied the right to invoke cultural law in every single South African court she has appeared in, for the past 10 years; even though the Constitutional Court admitted that she is a member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion. [91] Criminal: 18 June 2002 Political Necessity Trial in George (CAS 572/02; GSH 20/2003; HC-WC Appeal A 696-04)
Mkhize: Bull-killing ruling promotes cultural tolerance, M&G, 04 Dec 2009; Court Clears Ritual, Bare Handed Killing of a Bull – Does the Judgement Threaten Wider Environmental Problems?, Dave Harcourt, Eco-Localizer, 6 Dec 2009; S.A. Judge Compares Zulu Bull-Killing to Holy Communion, by C Szabo, 2 Dec 2009, Digital Journal; [] 96 Culture no excuse for cruelty: How soon before we start burning witches again?; Justice Malala, Sunday Times, 6 Dec 2009: “The argument put forward was that this bull must suffer because my ancestors made animals suffer. The argument is, with all due respect, stupid: my ancestors had not read the work of JM Coetzee and were not on Facebook. I know that I know more than they did, and that my practices must of necessity differ with theirs.” [PDF:] 97 ANC Daily News Briefing, Monday 11 December 1995: Zulu King revives ceremonies to build support, Sapa-AP, 10 December 1995; Court Clears Ritual, Bare Handed Killing of a Bull – Does the Judgement Threaten Wider Environmental Problems?, by Dave Harcourt, Eco-Localizer, 6 December 2009 [PDF:] 95
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [91.1] The issues were: (i) Political Necessity to urgently educate citizens on importance of voluntary population reduction by “Shock doctrine” disclosure that AIDS is a biological warfare depopulation virus; (ii) In the absence of voluntary population reduction, exponential Population Growth colliding with Peak Oil, Peak Arable Land, Peak Water, Peak Food indicate Exponential “French Lilly Pond Tipping Point” of humanity overshooting resource limitations, with potentially disastrous biological and nuclear resource warfare consequences. [91.2] Invocation of cultural law totally ignored by all legal parties: lawyers, prosecutor and magistrate. Sentenced to a year in prison, and 3 years correctional supervision. [92] Criminal: Political Necessity Kaffir-Lilly-Pond Trial in Capetown (CTCAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08): [92.1] The issues were: (i) Political Necessity to urgently educate citizens on importance of voluntary population reduction by “Shock doctrine” disclosure that AIDS is a biological warfare depopulation virus; (ii) In the absence of voluntary population reduction, exponential Population Growth colliding with Peak Oil, Peak Arable Land, Peak Water, Peak Food indicate Exponential “French Lilly Pond Tipping Point” of humanity overshooting resource limitations, with potentially disastrous biological and nuclear resource warfare consequences. [92.2] Invocation of cultural law totally ignored by all legal parties: lawyers, prosecutor and magistrate. Sentenced to a year in prison, and 3 years correctional supervision. Spent a month in prison awaiting bail, sentenced to 3 year suspended sentence. [93]
Brief Overview of AIDS: Africa’s Iatrogenic Depopulation Solution: “Birth Rates Must Come Down More Quickly Or Current Death Rates Must Go Up. There Is No Other Way.” -- Robert McNamara, Worldbank President, 1970; previously Secretary of Defence from 1961 to 196898
[94] In July 1969 Dr. MacArthur, Director of the U.S. Army Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) appeared before Congress, stating that “within a period of 510 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.”99
Sutton, AC (1993/12): Report on Abuse of Power: Biological Warfare against American Citizens93, Phoenix letter, Vol. 12, No.12 99 Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [95] According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Dr. John Martin, a Professor of Pathology at the University of Southern California, & the Director of the Center for Complex Infectious Diseases, former director of the Viral Oncology Branch of the FDA's Bureau of Biologics, the government's principal human vaccines agency, this “synthetic biological agent” is AIDS, created with $10 million, as required100. [96] Dr. MacArthur added that “it is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to another method of massive killing of large populations.”101 [97] On October 2, 1970, 15 months after Dr. MacArthur requested an appropriation for AIDS development, Robert McNamara, now World Bank President, made a speech to international bankers in which he identified population growth as “the gravest issue that the world faces over the years ahead,” arguing that population growth was leading to instability, that a 10 billion world population would not be “controllable.”102 [98] McNamara predicted that “it is not a world that any of us would want to live in. Is such a world inevitable? It is not sure but there are two possible ways by which a world of 10 billion people can be averted. Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly or the current death rates must go up. There is no other way.”103 [99] Dr. Horowitz‘s book “Emerging Viruses” explores the geopolitical background prior to the appearance of AIDS, and reviews the vaccines studies conducted in New York City and Central West Africa, by the Special Virus program104, under the auspices of the National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organisation. Experiments such as the Merck contract suggesting an Iatrogenic origin of AIDS, where Feline Leukema/Sarcoma, Herpes virus, and Monkey cancer viruses were being combined, which led to the Pilot Hepatitus B Vaccines105 partially prepared in Chimpanzees, given to gay men in New York City and African Blacks by 1975106. [100] Special Virus Cancer Program documentation includes a flow chart, which links all the 20,000 scientific papers, proving a “candidate” virus was developed and mass produced,107 and the USUSSR agreement under which Biological Weapons including Horowitz, LG (1999): Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron) Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970 102 Sutton (1993/12) 103 Sutton (1993/12) 104 National Institutes of Health: Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention, National Cancer Institute; U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Office: U.S. Special Virus Program: --- Progress Report: # 9, August 1972 (431 pp); -- Progress Report # 9 (Fold In Chart): Coordination of Experiments; --- Progress Report: # 10, August 1973 (406 pp); --- Progress Report: # 11, August 1974 (547 pp); --- Progress Report: # 13, August 1976 (461 pp); --- Progress Report: # 14, June 1977 (439 pp); --- Progress Report: # 15, June 1978 (417 pp) 105 Horowitz (2001) Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare (Tetrahedron) p.270: “Combine these two diseases – feline leukemia and hepatitis – and you have the immune deficiency” syndrome today called AIDS, said CDC hepatitis B chief Dr. Don Francis at the onset of the AIDS epidemic. 106 NIH Contract No: NIH-71-2059: Merck & Company, Inc. Project Director: Dr. Maurice Hilleman 107 National Inst. of Health: Progress Report # 9 (Fold In Chart) 100 101
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket the most advanced cancer viruses were traded during the Cold War108, in terms of “A Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the study of microbiology, immunology, and molecular biology of cancer viruses was first signed on November 18, 1972,” which “established procedures for joint studies through the exchange of information, materials and scientists between the two countries.” A partial list of US and USSR researchers, including Dr. Robert Gallo (the discoverer of AIDS) of the NCI, traded the most advanced methods and materials in field of molecular biology, bacteriology & virology during the Cold War, including “large scale production of human virus”. [101] In Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted presence of SV40, AIDS and cancer viruses in vaccines109, Mike Adams writes that “One of the most prominent vaccine scientists in the history of the vaccine industry -- a Merck scientist -- made a recording where he openly admits that vaccines given to Americans were contaminated with leukemia and cancer viruses. In response, his colleagues (who are also recorded here) break out into laughter and seem to think it's hilarious. They then suggest that because these vaccines are first tested in Russia, they will help the U.S. win the Olympics because the Russian athletes will all be “loaded down with tumors.” (Thus, they knew these vaccines caused cancer in humans.) This isn't some conspiracy theory -- these are the words of a top Merck scientist who probably … thought this would remain a secret forever. When asked why this didn't get out to the press, he replied “Obviously you don't go out, this is a scientific affair within the scientific community.”” [102] In Drug Money110, Counterpunch expose “the huge salaries pulled down by the heads of many non-profit AIDS organizations” while “pharmaceuticals comprise the most profitable legal industry in America, with profits four times above the average of the Fortune 500”, who are “pumping money into AIDS groups,” which has “effectively co-opted many”. [103]
Civil: SA Concourt: Robert McBride vs. The Citizen (CCT 23-10):
[104] Johnstone was admitted as an Amicus (PDF111) to the Constitutional Court proceedings between former ANC Umkhonto we Sizwe Terrorist Robert McBride and The Citizen newspaper112, about the interpretation of “TRC amnesty”. Johnstone’s Ecology of Peace Radical Honesty culture argument that the TRC was a fraud, was based on Sustainable Security Population Policy issues, and supported by expert
Page 36-39; U.S. Special Virus Program, Progress Report # 15, June 1978, (417pp) Adams, M (2011/09/15): Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted presence of SV40, AIDS and cancer viruses in vaccines, Natural News 110 Cockburn, A & St. Clair, J (1999/06/15): Drug Money, Counterpunch 111 112 Citizen 1978 (Pty) Ltd v McBride
108 109
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket witness affidavits from Dr. Brad Blanton (PDF113) and Michael Maher (PDF114). [105] The Radical Honesty Population Policy Common Sense interpretation of TRC Social Contract Amicus brief argued that South Africa‘s Truth and Reconciliation Hearings were a fraud, as a result of their Anthropocentric Left vs. Right / white vs. black wing blame game focus, and absence of an Ecology of Peace root cause problem solving focus, that limited citizens consumption and procreation to carrying capacity limits. [105.1] Arguments included: (1) The TRC Social Contract avoids providing key definitions, is vague and ambiguous on fundamental culturally conflicting concepts, such as “forgiveness”, “closure”, “national unity”, “reconciliation” etc. (2) The definition and meaning of Amnesty was changed, subsequent to Interim Constitution, and prior to TRC Act, without due Process to all parties; (3) SA‘s TRC Fraud analysis in accordance with Just War Principles: * having a just cause, * being a last resort, * declared by proper authority, * possessing right intention, * reasonable chance of success, and * using proportional force. The Amicus Analysis of Evidence concludes: The ANC had no Proper Authority, No Right Intention, No Reasonable Prospects of Just War Success, its Desired End was not proportional to the Means Used; and its declaration of war was not a last resort. Finally, under Post Bellum principles, the ANC‘s Promises of Amnesty were reneged upon, destroying all trust in future multicultural political agreements for minority cultures. [105.2] Consequently: Truth and Reconciliation was not seen to be done. The Commission was biased, skewed and not remotely interested in addressing root cause problems of ecological and overpopulation / resource scarcity for a better holistic understanding of Apartheid violence, nor in rainbow struggle perspectives, ignoring blatantly obvious enquiries into population demographic causes of violence, etc. Consequently in the absence of a free and fair enquiry into Apartheid and AntiApartheid violence, “Crime of Apartheid” was a falsification of history. [105.3] An impartial Ecology of Peace analysis of Anthropocentric Left vs. Right wing Apartheid violence and motives would conclude that “irrespective of the methods used, both sides performed their duties bona fide, in what they perceived to be service to their respective political masters,”115 and that “no single side in the conflict of the past has a monopoly of virtue or should bear responsibility for all the abuses that occurred”116. [106]
Invocation of Ecology of Peace cultural law totally ignored by all legal parties: 115 Submission to the TRC, by General M.A. de Malan - 116 Submission to the TRC by Mr. F.W de Klerk, National Party -
113 114
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket lawyers, prosecutor and magistrate. The Constitutional Court Justices confirmed that Johnstone was a member of the Radical Honesty culture, but her submissions to the proceedings were simply ignored by all legal parties, as well as all media reports. [107]
Civil: SA Concourt: Johnstone v. SANEF, et al (CCT 06-11):
[108] Johnstone filed a Radical Honesty invocation of cultural law application with the Constitutional Court for a writ of Habeus Mentem (right of a woman to their own culture) and Certiorari/Review of the South African Press Council and SA Press Appeals Panel (SAPAP) [1] lack of transparent administrative decision-making, and secrecy of complaints statistics; [2] 24 June 2009 ruling by Ombudsman: Joe Thloloe, [3] 11 October, 3 and 4 November 2010 rulings by Deputy Ombudsman: Johan Retief, and [4] 17 and 24 November 2010 rulings by SA Press Appeals Panel Judge Ralph Zulman; and [5] ‘SA Media’s’ Deliberate Indifference to Radical Honesty legal and political persecution; [6] ‘SA Media’s’ repudiation of scientific journalism117: censorship of root cause “the most potent weapons of war are the penis and the womb118 problem solving, as per their endorsement of censorship of issues raised in Dr. T. Michael Maher’s study: How and Why Journalists Avoid Population – Environment connection119; and Dr. Brad Blanton’s Radical Honesty About Anger and Forgiveness120 expert witness affidavit as to how sincere forgiveness enables impartiality and support for the rule of law, whereas fake forgiveness encourages bias towards parties you disagree with and obstruction of the rule of law on behalf of those parties. [109] Within 24 hours of filing the application, the Concourt Justices had decided that it was ‘not in the interest of justice’ to be heard. Invocation of Ecology of Peace cultural law totally ignored by all legal parties: lawyers, prosecutor and magistrate. News reports implied Johnstone’s alleged insanity (01 Feb 2011: Woman wants editors in Concourt over censorship121, News 24; 02 Feb 2011: Western Cape woman wants editors in court122; Mail and Guardian; 15 February 2011: Concourt dismisses
117 “WikiLeaks coined a new type of journalism: scientific journalism. We work with other media outlets to bring people the news, but also to prove it is true. Scientific journalism allows you to read a news story, then to click online to see the original document it is based on. That way you can judge for yourself: Is the story true? Did the journalist report it accurately?” -- Don't shoot messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths , by Julian Assange, The Australian, December 08, 2010 118 “We must all understand that the most potent weapons of war are the penis and the womb. Therefore, if you cannot convince a group to control its population by discussion, debate, intelligent analysis etc., you must consider their action in using the penis and the womb to increase population an act of war.” –-- Jason G. Brent, Attorney and author of Humans: An Endangered Species, as quoted in Boer Volkstaat for African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16 ( 119 How and Why Journalists Avoid Population-Environment Connection, by T. Michael Maher, Ph.D. 120 Being Specific About Anger and Forgiveness; excerpts from Practicing Radical Honesty, by Dr. Brad Blanton 121 122
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Johnstone application123; News 24; 15 Feb 2011: Concourt dismisses application against editors124, Mail and Guardian). [110]
Current Issue: Concourt: Alien on Pale Blue Dot v. Afriforum, et al:
[111] Afriforum v. Malema et al: Equality Court (07-2010 EQ JHB) to & Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA 815/11): [112] The Afriforum, Malema, ANC and TAU-SA dispute arose out of the action launched by Afriforum and Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU) against Mr. Julius Malema, then leader of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL), in the South Gauteng Equality Court of Judge Colin Lamont, for publicly singing “Kill the Boer”. The African National Congress subsequently applied to intervene on behalf of Malema. [113] Afriforum & TAU-SA argue among others, that the words communicated are constitutionally prohibited for inciting harm and hatred against whites and farmers; that a reasonable person would consider the words to be intended to hurt, harm or incite hatred; and that Mr. Malema is an influential public figure whose utterances are widely reported. [114] Malema and the ANC argue among others that there are many meanings for the words “Kill the Boer”, that the Plaintiffs are inaccurately interpreting the words including misinterpreting Mr. Malema‘s intentions when he sings the words “Kill the Boer”. The words do not encourage farm murders, or hatred towards farmers; that their freedom of speech to sing “Kill the Boer” should not be infringed and that there should be a national dialogue about the song "awudubhule ibhunu" or "shoot the boer", given that some people had been offended by it125. This was a legitimate “struggle song” in their war against Apartheid. [115] Johnstone filed an application126 to proceed as Amicus Curiae on 19 April 2011. The Registrar submitted the application to Judge Colin Lamont on 19 April 2011. Judge Colin Lamont noted the application as part of public court proceedings on 20 April 2011. Briefly, the application argued: [115.1] ‘Kill the Boer’ vs. ‘Kaffir’ Hypocrisy: the parties hypocritical representation that there are many meanings for the words “Kill the Boer”, but only one meaning for ‘Kaffir’127, that Afriforum and TAU-SA were inaccurately to interpreting the words 125 126 127 Radical Honesty definitions for ‘Kaffir’: ‘Kaffir Behaviour’: Cultural Beliefs and Procreation Behaviour Definition: Individuals who either independently or as a result of their cultural value systems, are incapable of, or unwilling to, practice sexual restraint and procreation
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket ‘Kill the Boer’, but that no African has ever inaccurately interpreted the words ‘Kaffir’, that South Africans should have a national dialogue about “Kill the Boer”; but no national dialogue about ‘Kaffir’. If sincere problem solving Truth Telling and reconciliation had occurred, we would not be demanding that other people walk on eggshells to protect our own fragile ego’s from constructive criticism. [115.2] Masculine Insecurity (reason and logic) Socio-Political Parasitic Profiteering off ‘Kill the Boer’ vs. ‘Kaffir’: Both parties deliberately encouraged their fragile ego members to be ‘hurt’ and ‘outraged’ respectively by ‘Kaffir’ and ‘Kill the Boer’, as part of the leaders manipulation of the emotions of their respective political base, for their own socio-political status benefits, in their Left vs. Right Wing Propaganda Wars, used as a cover for their breeding and consumption wars, to profiteer from the Human Factory Farming War Economy. [115.3] The dispute is a consequence of masculine insecurity (reason and logic) lack of psychological integrity to seek the truth by transparently confronting the evidence of South Africa’s TRC Fraud. The TRC’s failure to investigate demographic youth bulge and population production breeding war acts of war as contributory factors to Apartheid violence. [116] On 12 September 2011, Judge Lamont ruled in Afri-Forum and Another v Malema and Others (20968/2010) [2011] ZAEQC 2; 2011 (6) SA 240 (EqC); [2011] 4 All SA 293 (EqC); 2011 (12) BCLR 1289 (EqC) (12 September 2011)128; that: “[48] Lara Johnstone, the sole member of an entity known as the Radical Honesty Culture and Religion delivered a number of documents by electronic transmission. I tabled the documents at the hearing and they form part of the record.” [117] The ANC then proceeded to appeal the matter to the Supreme Court of Appeal. On 30 December 2011, I again submitted my application to the Court, in that the evidence submitted to the court of Judge Lamont had been ignored by the parties. [118]
On 22 May 2012 the Supreme Court of Appeal: Mr. BJ Mashinini responded
responsibility; who consequently breed cockroach-prolifically without personal financial or psychological responsibility to, or emotional concern for, their offspring; and/or who abuse women and children as sexual or economic slaves procreated for such purpose; and/or whose cultural ideal of manhood endorses non-consensual sex (rape) as their sexual slavery entitlement, etc. ‘Kaffir Etymology’: Original Etymological Definition for ‘Kaffir’: The word kāfir is the active participle of the Semitic root K-F-R “to cover”. As a pre-Islamic term it described farmers burying seeds in the ground, covering them with soil while planting; as they till the earth and “cover up” the seeds; which is why earth tillers are referred to as “Kuffar.” Thus, the word kāfir implies the meaning “a person who hides or covers”; To conceal, deny, hide or cover the truth. ‘Kaffir Legislation’ = Inalienable Right to Breed’ Poverty, Misery and War legislation; pretending it advocates for ‘peace’ and ‘human rights’: Kaffir Law/Legislation provides citizens with the Inalienable ‘Right to Breed’ and Vote, but demands that Citizens need a Licence to Own a Gun, a Licence to Drive a Car, a Licence to Practice Law, a television licence, a credit licence, a licence to earn a living, a university exemption licence, a licence to fish, a licence to hunt, a liquor licence, a business licence, a marriage licence, etc, etc. (Kaffir Legislation covers up that an ‘Inalienable Right to Breed/laissezfaire birth control policy + No Social Welfare policies or practices provides for an equilibrium carrying capacity; whereas laissez-faire birth control within a welfare state, results in Runaway Population Growth, and ultimately greater misery, poverty and war .) 128
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket (PDF129) on behalf of Honourable President Lex Mpati, that: “1. It does not appear, from the reading of the documents forming part of your application, that any value will be added to the arguments to be made by the parties legal representatives and thus will not be useful to the court. 2. The application is accordingly refused.” [119] On 18 July 2012, Johnstone filed an Application (PDF130) for Permission to file an application to the Constitutional Court to Review the Honourable Supreme Court of Appeal’s 22 May 2012 decision to Refuse the Applicants Application to Proceed as an Amicus Curiae, in that: “(A) IF: Supreme Court of Appeals Values endorse EcoFeminist Sustainable Democracy Transparency TruthSeeking Problem Solving: Applicant Should be Approved as an Amicus Curiae; or (B) IF: Supreme Court of Appeal Values Endorse Masculine Insecurity War/Conflict Economy Tyranny Public Relations Deception Management Parasite Leeching Pretend Problem Solving; Applicant Should be Refused to Proceed as an Amicus Curiae. [120] On 27 September, the Appeals Court wrote to Respondents Afriforum, TAU-SA, Malema and the ANC, attempting to avoid confronting Johnstone’s Request for Permission to file an application to the Constitutional Court to Review the Honourable Supreme Court of Appeal’s 22 May 2012 decision to Refuse the Applicants Application to Proceed as an Amicus Curiae; by asking the parties to explore the possibility of off the court record mediation, which was agreed to under the facilitation of Charles Nupen. [121] On 31 October, Afriforum, TAU-SA, Malema and ANC concluded their mediation agreement (PDF131). [122]
Concourt: Alien on Pale Blue Dot v. Afriforum, et al:
[123] On 27 November 2012 Johnstone filed a Pro Se application132 for Review of the Supreme Court of Appeal ‘Kill Boere Hate Speech’ Mediation Agreement between: ANC, Mr. Malema, Afriforum and TAU-SA. [124] The Respondents are: Afriforum, Transvaal Agricultural Union, Julius Malema, African National Congress, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Former Presidents Nelson Mandela and FW de Klerk, CRL Rights Commission, Norwegian Nobel Committee: Chair, Central Intelligence Agency: Director, and David Petraeus. [125]
Among others, the Ecology of Peace application argues that:
[125.1] Agreement is Unconstitutional due to being culturally vague: My 131 132
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Review argument was that the Agreement is unconstitutionally vague and ambiguous, in that South Africa has many different cultures, with many perspectives on the ‘Kill Boere’ issue, and the Mediation Agreement pretends South Africa is one happy monoculture family. The Mediation Agreement does not specify which cultures it is referring to. [125.2] Agreement ignores SA’s TRC Fraud Failure to Clearly Define ‘Reconciliation’ and address Ecocentric Scarcity as Cause of Violent Conflict Issues: Additionally, the Mediation Agreement had totally censored and ignored the evidence submitted to the Equality Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal, exposing South Africa’s fraudulent Truth and Reconciliation Commission process and a country’s legal establishment who refuse to clarify what their legal definition is for ‘Reconciliation’133, and the TRC’s “failure to investigate demographic youth bulge 134 and ‘population production’ breeding war135 acts of war as contributory factors to Apartheid violence, to be a failure of the requirements of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, 34 of 1995.” [125.3] Any ‘Peace’ Agreement that Ignores Scarcity as Cause of Violent Declaring the Truth and Reconciliation Report’s failure to provide clear and concise cultural/religious definition of ‘reconciliation’ -- i.e. whether Lutheran Christian, African, Boer Afrikaner, Kairos Black Liberation Theology, Frantz Fanon Liberation, Radical Honesty, etc -- to be (a) a failure of the requirements of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, 34 of 1995, Section 2 (3)(1) “The objectives of the Commission shall be to promote national unity and reconciliation in a spirit of understanding which transcends the conflicts and divisions of the past.. “; and (b) an example of Archbishop Tutu’s description of how vague definitions (in this case not even a vague definition) enable legal tyranny. For example: [1] War is Peace Whores consider ‘reconciliation’ to be a tool of pretend problem solving manipulation, which can be used as a great PR publicity stunt to colonize ignorant minds into blind subservient belief in the ‘reconciliation’ moral supremacy narrative. Reconciliation is achieved for as long as the subservient followers are in a state of moral supremacy cognitive dissonance, where objective or subjective enquiry is suspended, but if applied would reveal their belief in their state of moral supremacy reconciliation to be false, but lack the integrity and courage to admit they are addicted to being ‘morally superior’, due to censoring all evidence exposing their two faced hypocrisy. [2] Lutheran Christians consider ‘reconciliation’ to be a voluntary inner spiritual process, whereby reconciliation is achieved via sincere dialogue and a change of heart and perspective. [3] Kairos / Black Liberation Theology Christians consider ‘reconciliation’ to be a socialist economic process, whereby reconciliation is only achieved once socialism is forcefully implemented. [4] Frantz Fanon Liberation Theologists consider ‘reconciliation’ to be a physically violent process of ‘liberating’ the ‘colonized mind’ by violence ‘on the rotting corpse of the settler’. Reconciliation occurs once all the settlers corpses are dead and rotting. [5] Radical Honesty is a non-violent Fanon process, where reconciliation is a psychological and sensate physical experience of releasing of anger and resentments. It is the liberation of both the settler and the colonized minds, by release of both of their suppressed violence, not physically, but verbally: face to face, through expressions of their resentments and appreciations, until all suppressed sensate anger is released. Radical Honesty forgiveness occurs when two former enemies sit across from each other, and have verbally liberated their pent up sensate anger and rage, the body is in a state of released sensate tension, similar to the emotions released in a sexual orgasm, irrespective of however long it takes. Reconciliation occurs when the fragile ego mind is no longer colonized by the suppressed anger in the body. 134 Demographics & Violence: Youth Bulges: Numerous reports provide details how population age structures have significant impacts on a countries stability, governance, economic development and social well-being. Put differently, countries with large populations of idle young men, known as youth bulges, account for 70 – 90 percent of all civil conflicts. Additionally a wealth of historical studies indicates that cycles of rebellion and military campaigns in the early modern and modern world tended to coincide with periods when young adults comprised an unusually large proportion of the population. Youth Bulge Reports: (1) The Shape of Things to Come: Why Age Structure Matters to a Safer More Equitable World, by Population Action International; (2) YouthQuake: Population, fertility and environment in the 21st Century, by Optimum Population Trust. 135 “We must all understand that the most potent weapons of war are the penis and the womb. Therefore, if you cannot convince a group to control its population by discussion, debate, intelligent analysis etc., you must consider their action in using the penis and the womb to increase population an act of war.” - Former Municipal Court Judge Jason G. Brent 133
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket Conflict is not a Credible Peace Agreement: Declaring that in our Post Peak NNR world, Sustainable Security requires seriously confronting Scarcity as a Cause of Violent Conflict, and to recommend that if the South African Government and its ‘Peace Leaders’ are sincerely committed to implementing peaceful coexistent relations between races, cultures and religions; the SAG should include consideration of the role of overpopulation and overconsumption as root cause factors of resource scarcity pushing society to conflict and war. [125.4] Alternatively, to order all South African’s to prepare for SA’s Race War in the impending Peak NNR Crisis of Conflict: If South Africa’s TRC Fraud Fragile Egos are more important than confronting the ‘Scarcity as Cause of Violent Conflict’ factor; all South African’s should prepare themselves for the impending Race and Class War Consequences of the Peak NNR Crisis of Conflict. [126] On 29 November 2012, the Concourt Registrar refused to issue Johnstone’s application a case number, or process it, unless she met certain ‘Rules of the Court’ (PDF136), which include filing 25 printed hard copies via land mail, and finding legal representation. [127] On 06 December 2012, Johnstone filed “Appeal of Concourt Registrar’s Refusal to Process My Concourt Application: Alien on Pale Blue Dot v Afriforum et al” (PDF137), to the Concourt Justices, via the Registrar, with a request for orders confirming that: (A) Johnstone is unable to find a lawyer to represent her as member of her Ecology of Peace Radical Honesty culture; (B) being a Pro Se application, she was entitled to a reduction of requirement for 25 hardcopies; (C) and that the (C) Registrar’s Discrimination against Pro Se Ecology of Peace Radical Honesty application be overturned and ordered for processing. [128] Included evidentiary correspondence to the Justices was her correspondence to find an Ecology of Peace legal representative and a press release to search for a legal representative: [128.1] Legal Aid: Chair Vidhu Vedalankar (PDF138) | Jhb Bar Ass: Pro Bono Chair: (PDF139) | Cape Law Society (PDF140) | Cape Bar Council (PDF141) | Free State Law Society (PDF142) | Free State Soc of Advocates (PDF143) | General Counsel of Bar of SA (PDF144) | KwaZulu Natal Law Society (PDF145) | Law Society of South Africa 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 136 137
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket (PDF146) | Pretoria Society of Advocates (PDF147) | Soc of Adv KwaZulu Natal - Dbn (PDF148) | Soc of Adv KwaZulu Natal - Pmb (PDF149) | Northern Province Law Society: M van Niekerk (PDF150). [128.2] Press Release submitted to the SA Press Association (SAPA) Wire, to attempt to find a Radical Honesty lawyer (SAPA and SA Editors refused to publish it, saying it is ‘not news’, that Johnstone is unable to find a lawyer to represent a member of the Ecology of Peace Radical Honesty culture). [129]
On 10 December 2012 – 08 May 2013:
[129.1] The Concourt registrar refuses to submit her appeal to the Concourt Justices. Johnstone files complaints to the CRL Rights Commission (Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities) against the SA Constitutional Court Registrar (PDF151) and a dozen media Editors (PDF152) in that they discriminate against the – Ecology of Peace Tourette Syndrome like – Radical Honesty culture153. [129.2] Johnstone also files complaints with the (i) SA Gender Commission (PDF154); (ii) SA Human Rights Council (PDF155) [WC/1213/0873]; (iii) Public Protector (PDF156) [7/2-003999/13], of the Concourt registrar and media’s discrimination against her Ecology of Peace Radical Honesty culture. [129.3] On 08 May 2013, an Assessment of Complaint by Gender Commission (PDF157), finds that the Concourt registrar “erred in performing his / her “administrative duties” with respect to receiving your application, issuing you with a case number and presenting your matter before a Constitutional Court Judge who is suitably qualified to assess the merits of your case, as provided for under Section 167(1) – (7), Chapter 8: Courts & Administration of Justice”; however they lacked the mandate to address the issue. [130] On 30 May 2013, Johnstone filed a final confirmation with the Concourt registrar and other parties, notifying them of the Gender Commissions assessment, and 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 SA Media, Concourt & Lawyers Discriminate Against – Tourette Syndrome like -- Radical Honesty Culture 154 155 156 157 145 146
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket confirming their status in the matter: [130.1] Concourt Registrar Refuses to process Alien on Pale Blue Dot v Afriforum et al; (ii) Justice’s Refuse to Consider “Appeal of Concourt Registrar’s Refusal to Process Concourt Application: Alien on Pale Blue Dot v Afriforum et al.” [130.2] CRL Rights Committee; Reverend Mabuza: (i) Refuses to respond to 07 and 19 February 2013 Appeals of Rulings by Kgaugelo Makgoba. [130.3] SA Human Rights Comm: RE: WC/1213/0873: Legal Officers Refuse to respond to Johnstone’s 28 February 2013 Complaint and 03 May reminder request for response from a Legal Officer. [130.4] SA Law Societies are not aware of any member of their AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence law society who is willing to represent a member of the Radical Honoursty culture, as a member of her gender balanced Ecology of Peace culture. [130.5] SA Media Editors: SANEF refuse to report the fact that a South African citizen member of the minority gender balanced Radical Honesty culture, has been unable to find a lawyer to represent her, as a member of the Radical Honesty culture, for the past ten years, and in a current case before the Constitutional Court; because it is ‘not news’.
Western Civilized Patriarchy’s endorsement of Patriarchal ANC’s Control of Reproduction & Consumption dominant jurisprudence denial of cultural legal rights to a minority Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty culture [131] International Bar Association, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Commonwealth Lawyers Association endorse dominance of Civilized Patriarchy Control of Reproduction and Consumption jurisprudence and SA Courts Ten Year History of Denying member of Ecology of Peace Radical Honesty cultural her right to invoke cultural law: [131.1] Complaints to the International Bar Association158, Human Rights Watch159, Amnesty International160 and the Commonwealth Lawyers Association161, detailing and 160 and
158 159
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket South African courts ten year history of denying invocation of Ecology of Peace Radical Honesty culture legal arguments, have so far been ignored. [131.2] All continue to endorse South Africa’s civilized patriarchy bar associations to deny legal representation to a South African whose culture, and legal arguments to the court are founded on Ecology of Peace: “Thou shalt not legislate laws that allow citizens to procreate or consume above carrying capacity limits” gender and interspecies equality principles. [132]
Ten Year Discrimination by ANC’s Patriarchal AnthroCorpocentric
Jurisprudence system against Gender-Balanced Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty culture, and the European Union remains silent; [132.1] Ten
AnthroCorpocentric cultures162 – specifically its Cultural Jurisprudence (Courts, Jurists, Prosecutors, Lawyers, Legislators) and Corporate Media – against the minority Gender Balanced Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Culture, in particular against its TRC Fraud argument, supported by Military and Academic ScarcityConflict doctrine, that that “Any ‘Peace’ Agreement that Ignores Overpopulation and Overconsumption induced Scarcity as Cause of Violent Conflict is not a Credible Peace Agreement”. [132.2] Evil apartheid courts never denied any African South African the right to cultural legal representation or the right to invoke cultural law. For ten years Mandela’s ANC has denied Johnstone, a member of the Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty culture, the right to invoke her Ecology of Peace legal arguments and endorsed the denial of legal representation, in support of her Ecology of Peace legal arguments. [132.3] Not one protest or boycott of ANC goods or events has been called for, as a result of the ANC’s patriarchal jurisprudence policies of denying a member of a gender balanced Ecology of Peace culture, access to cultural legal representation and the right to invoke her ecology of peace cultural law. Cultural Defence and Culturally Motivated Crimes (Cultural Offences), by Jeroen van Broeck: “A dominant culture is considered the culture which provides the ideological basis of the penal law or the penal rule on which the defendant is tried. The minority culture denotes the cultural background of the defendant’s group that does not share the same cultural norms and values as the dominant culture with respect to certain issues. The cultural values that are incorporated in the ‘legal system’, and more specifically in its penal law, determine which culture can be seen as dominant. “.. These examples also show that, in order to reflect on the legal and moral norms of a member of a minority group, one does not have to look at the official law of the country of origin of this group. A study of the legal and moral rules of his of her group is needed. “.. Thus, in order to decide whether or not someone is a member of a minority culture, one has to look at his or her cultural values and whether or not these clash with the norms of the legal system on the basis of which that person is tried.” 161 162
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [132.4] Not one letter of objection has been written by one European Union government or non governmental organisation or official individual objecting to South African courts ten year history of denying the Ecology of Peace Radical Honesty culture their right to invocation of culture legal arguments. [132.5] Not one letter of objection has been written by one European Union government or non governmental organisation or official individual objecting to South Africa’s civilized patriarchy bar associations denying legal representation to a South African whose culture, and legal arguments to the court are founded on Ecology of Peace: “Thou shalt not legislate laws that allow citizens to procreate or consume above carrying capacity limits” gender and inter-species equality principles.
Western Civilized Patriarchy’s endorsement of Patriarchal ANC’s Control of Reproduction & Consumption dominant jurisprudence Truth and Reconciliation Fraud European Civilized Patriarchy’s Repudiation of Ecology of Peace
debate and full support for ANC’s Post Apartheid Truth and Reconciliation Fraud: [134]
Human Rights: Deaths in Police Custody, under ANC rule increase by 25 –
38 thousand percent and the European Union remains silent: A.
Apartheid: During apartheid, over the 31 year period from 1963 to 1974, there were 75 deaths in police custody, which amounts to 2.4 deaths per year. [Throughout the entire apartheid-era up to 75 people died in policecustody throughout the period between 1963 and 1994. [The South African Police: Manager of Conflict or Party to the Conflict163, Dr. Johan Olivier, Center for Study of Violence and Reconciliation; A Crime Against Humanity Analysing the Repression of the Apartheid State164, Edited by Max Coleman, a publication of the Human Rights Committee in South Africa: The Detention Weapon.]
ANC in 2010: 566 Deaths in 11 Months, an increase of 25,725 percent: "Political parties yesterday called for a swift investigation into the deaths of 566 people at the hands of police in the current year. The call comes after the Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD) revealed yesterday that out of
163 164
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket this overall national figure, 16 of those killed by police were innocent people. Many of the policemen involved have not even been suspended, let alone charged!" [Parties urge probe into 566 deaths, Canaan Mdletshe, Mhlaba Memela & Sibongile Mashaba, The Sowetan, 23 November 2010] C.
ANC in 2011: 932 Deaths: increase of 38,833%: Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) has revealed a report that about 932 people died in police custody in South Africa in 2011/12. [City Press: Police Stations of Death, 04 March 2013; Al Jazeera: Who Polices the Police?165]
Not one protest or boycott of ANC goods or events has been called for, as a
result of the ANC’s 25 to 38 thousand percent increase in deaths in police custody treatment of citizens, most of them African. [135]
Boer Human Rights: Farm Murders, under ANC rule, increase by over 3
thousand percent and the European Union remains silent: A.
Farm Murders rise 3,095% in ANC’s “TRC Rainbow Democracy”: The Political Climate of Farm Murders: According to (2.5 per year x 52 weeks x 16 years)166 Eugene Ney Terreblanche was murdered farmer number 2080 since the April 1994 TRC social contract brought S. Africans “peace and human rights” (sic). By way of comparison: (A) In the 1950‘s Mau Mau War in Kenya, the official number of “European settlers” killed was 32167, of which a dozen were said to be farmers; (B) During the 15 year Rhodesian war, 260 white farmers were murdered168; (C) In South Africa, between 1970 and 1994, in 24 years, while the ANC was "at war" with the white minority goverment, sixty white farmers were killed.
[135.2] Not one protest or boycott of ANC goods or events has been called for, as a result of the ANC’s 3 thousand percent increase in attacks on South African farmers, most of them of European descent. [136] Western Civilized Patriarchy endorse African patriarchy’s dominance of South Africa’s Control of Reproduction and Consumption: Civilized Patriarchy don’t care about ANC & Mandela’s 70,000 Fanon reconciliation rotting European corpses: Anatomy of a farm murder, by Vuvu Vena, Mail and Guardian, Apr 08 2010: “AgriSA, the South African Agricultural Union, recorded 1 541 murders and 10 151 attacks in the period from 1994 to 2008 -- an average of 0,3 murders a day. The Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU) recorded 1 266 murders and 2070 attacks in the period from 1991 to 2009 -- an average of 0.2 murders a day. The Institute for Security Studies of the University of Pretoria, using statistics provided by TAU in June last year, reported 1 073 murders and 1 813 attacks in the period from 1993 to 2009 -- an average of 0,2 murders a day.” 167 Anderson, D. (2005). Histories of the Hanged: The Dirty War in Kenya & the End of Empire. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. (p.4) 168 The Farmer At War, Trevor Grundy and Bernard Miller, Modern Farming Publ., Salisbury 1979 165 166
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Control of Reproduction: Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket [137] The Jus Sanguinis Boer Volkstaat 10.31.16 Theses Petition and Briefing Papers were submitted in hardcopy to African White Refugee Progenitor Nations of Netherlands169, France170, Germany171, Switzerland172 and United Kingdom173; as well as to the NATO Military Committee174. [138] Email Petitions and Briefing Papers were submitted to all European Union Nations and other Nations with significant European Populations in North and South America, Eurasia and Australasia. [139] The Jus Sanguinis Right of Return for African White Refugees Campaign Advocates on behalf of: [139.1] A Boer Volkstaat for African White Refugees; and [139.2] Ethno-Cultural Political Secession and Economic Relocalization SelfDetermination for all South Africa's Ethno-Cultural Tribes, and/or [139.3] Right of Return to Europe for African White Refugees who wish to return to their Progenitor Motherland Nations. [140]
The Petition Justifications:
[140.1] International Law, Jus Sanguinis, Just War Theory, S 235 of the South African Constitution, 23 April 1994 Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination; [140.2] Just War TRC Fraud: African National Congress (ANC) and Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud; [140.3] Population Policy Friction Theory Common Sense: Peak Oil GeoPoLegal Military Necessity of Ethno-Cultural Secession and Economic Relocalization to Mitigate Ethnic Resource War Conflicts. 171 172 173 174 169 170
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