TygerBurger De Grendel - 3 March 2021

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Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za

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Lede van die Bothasig-polisie ondersoek ’n verdagte voertuig in Burgundy Estate. INLAS: ’n Groot aantal rolspelers het

verlede Vrydagaand aan ’n gesamentlike operasie deur die Bothasig-polisie deelgeneem. FOTO’S: RICHARD ROBERTS


Misdadigers getakel RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj


Operasie teen geweld en misdaad is die afgelope naweek deur verskeie rolspelers in die Bothasig- en omliggende gebiede uitgevoer. Die gesamentlike operasie, onder leiding van die Bothasig-polisie, is ondersteun deur verskeie private sekerheidsmaatskappye, die Stad Kaapstad se wetstoepassingseen-

heid, buurtwagte sowel as die gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum. Die operasie is Vrydag 26 Februarie onder meer in Bothasig, Edgemead, Richwood en Burgundy Estate uitgevoer. Lt.kol. Patrick Jacobs, stasiebevelvoerder, het omstreeks 21:00 voor die aand se verrigtinge almal by die polisiekantoor verwelkom en die plan van aksie uiteengesit. Hy het uitgewys dat dit die eerste keer in ’n lang tyd is dat so ’n groot aantal rolspelers – sowat

125 – aan ’n operasie deelneem. “Dit is ’n groot gebied wat ons gaan dek. Ons missie is om misdaad soos rowe, huisbrake en diefstal in die gebied te stabiliseer,” het hy kort voor die vertrek met almal gedeel. Jacobs het ook aangedui dat hy later die aand na 35 Eskader (Ysterplaat-lugmagbasis) sou vertrek waar hy aan boord van ’n helikopter sou gaan waarmee hulle later die aand die N7-snelweg sou patrolleer.

“Onthou, jul eie veiligheid is prioriteit. Indien julle verdagtes in hegtenis neem, moenie die mense aanrand nie,” was van Jacobs se laaste instruksies. Ná afloop daarvan en nadat ’n gebed opgesê is, het die rolspelers na hul onderskeie punte vertrek. Later die aand is onder meer ’n reeks verdagte voertuie van die pad getrek en ondersoek, en daar is ook besoek afgelê by kroeë om seker te maak inperkingsregulasies word toegepas.



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Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media 24-groep Verspreding: TygerBurger De Grendel word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Bothasig, Burgundy Estate, De Duin, Edgemead, Kaapzicht, Kleinbosch, Monte Vista, Northgate, Panorama, Plattekloof, Plattekloof Glen, Richwood, Sonnendal, Welgelegen. Totale verspreiding: 18 522 TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 279 338 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel ( 021 910 6500 of e-pos: verspreiding@tygerburger.co.za Kontak ons: Redakteur: Cecilia Hume ( 021 910 6500 cecilia@media24.com Joernaliste: Richard Roberts ( 021 910 6549 richard.roberts@tygerburger.co.za Advertensiebestuurder: Barry Langenhoven ( 021 910 6520 Barry.Langenhoven@media24.com Hoofkoerant advertensies: Andre Schreuder ( 021 910 6525 of ( 072 735 2504 aschreud@tygerburger.co.za Geklassifiseerd: ( 087 353 1329 www.tygerburger.co.za Eiendomme: Alexandra Fortuin ( 021 910 6628 of ( 081 400 9994 Alexandra.fortuin@media24.com

Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021

Koerante skitter in stryd D

rie TygerBurger-uitgawes het onderskeidelik tweede en derde plekke behaal in die Forum vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste (FCJ) se jaarlikse toekennings vir uitnemendheid. Twee joernaliste van TygerBurger, asook verskeie joernaliste en susterskoerante in die res van die Kaap en Boland, het ook in die kompetisie geskitter. Die wenners van die 2019-toekennings vir uitnemendheid is Vrydag in ’n aanlyn uitsending op YouTube aangekondig nadat die Covid-19-pandemie die toekenningsgeleentheid, wat in Junie verlede jaar sou plaasgevind het, gekniehalter het. In die TygerBurger-stal het die Kraaifontein- en Bellville-uitgawes onderskeidelik tweede en derde plekke behaal in die kategorie Koerant van die Jaar: gratis koerante in

korporatiewe besit met ’n bladoplaag van minder as 24. TygerBurger Brackenfell is tweede in dieselfde kategorie vir koerante met ’n bladoplaag van meer as 24. TygerBurger Durbanville was ’n finalis. TygerBurger se susterskoerant in die Helderberg, die DistriksPos, is aangewys as die beste betaalde koerant in korporatiewe besit met ’n sirkulasie van meer as 5 000. In dieselfde kategorie het Paarl Post derde plek behaal, asook derde plek in die kategorie vir voorblaaie: betaalde koerant in korporatiewe besit met ’n sirkulasie van meer as 5 000. In die kategorieë vir skryfwerk het Desirée Rorke van TygerBurger tweede plek behaal in beide die hardenuus- en menslikenuus-kategorieë. Samantha Lee-Jacobs van People’s Post

(TygerBurger se susterskoerant in die suidelike voorstede) en Lisé Beyers van Paarl Post was gesamentlik derde in die rubriekekategorie. Lee-Jacobs se inskrywing het rubrieke ingesluit wat gepubliseer is in TygerBurger, People’s Post en City Vision. Racine Edwardes van People’s Post het die kategorie vir sport-skryfwerk gewen. Carina Roux van TygerBurger was ’n finalis in die kategorie Fotograaf van die Jaar, en tesame met Rorke ook ’n finalis in die kategorie Joernalis van die Jaar. ’n Rekordgetal-inskrywings is vir die 2019-toekennings ontvang, sê Hugo Redelinghuys, direkteur van die FCJ, in ’n mediaverklaring. “Dankie aan elkeen wat ingeskryf het en baie geluk aan al die finaliste en wenners. Julle is die room van die oes in ons bedryf.”

Fietsryer gered ná hy in ongeluk beseer is ESMÉ ERASMUS

Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claassen@media24.com of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Pippa Green, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus ( 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na ( 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na nakhanyim@ombudsman.org.za or pippag@ombudsman.org.za

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TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewa a rs ku d a t h u l l e d i e a d ve r tee rd e r s e geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie.

’n Fietsryer van Bloubergstrand het moontlik sy lewe te danke aan die sameloop van omstandighede toe hy tydens ’n oefenrit op die Bloemendal-wynlandgoed geval het. Maurizio de Pol (59) van West Beach het verlede Maandagoggend op ’n bruggie op die fietsroete beheer oor sy fiets verloor en bo-oor die handvatsels geval en op ’n klip te lande gekom. Hy het drie ribbes gebreek en ander sny- en skraapwonde opgedoen. Hy het asemhalingsprobleme ondervind nadat sy regterlong deurboor is en vog rondom sy ribbes opgebou het, wat daartoe gelei het dat die long gedeeltelik platgeval het. Hy is heel toevallig gevind deur twee vroue wat ook daar op ’n makliker fietsroete gery het – van wie een ’n opgeleide ER24-paramedikus. Volgens Marile van Niekerk (34) het sy en haar vriendin, Kate Shannon van Wyk (35), van Durbanville net ná 08:00 daar fietsgery. “Ons het die gewone groen roete gery en toe ons teen die tweede bult opry, het ek vir Kate gewys in die rigting van die swart roete en vir haar gesê eendag as ons goeie fietsryers is, moet ons dié roete probeer. “Sy het toe in die rigting gekyk waarna ek gewys het en gesien daar lê iemand in die veld. Ons het die onderkant van die swart roete gevolg tot by die beseerde man. “Ons het hom gekry waar hy langs sy fiets gelê het – met bloed, snymerke en afgeskaafde vel aan albei sy arms,” sê sy. Sy regterskouer was geswel en erg gekneus en daar was ’n groot knop aan sy regtersy. Volgens Van Niekerk, wat drie jaar as ER24-paramedikus by die Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt gewerk het, het die beseerde man sy bewussyn verloor. Hulle het sy foon en beursie gesoek en kon só sy identiteit bevestig.

Marile van Niekerk, voorheen ’n ER24-paramedikus, het die beseerde fietsryer gestabiliseer en regop gehou terwyl hulle op die ambulans gewag het. “Nog ’n fietsryer het toe daar verbygekom en ons kom help. Ek het intussen die ontvangs by Bloemendal gebel en ook ER24 vir ’n ambulans. “Ons kon ook sy vrou bel, wat ook op Bloemendal fietsgery het, maar net op ’n ander roete,” sê sy. Nadat sy hom gestabiliseer het, het hulle daarin geslaag om hom na ’n paadjie te neem waar die ambulans hom sou oplaai. “Hy het verskriklike pyn verduur en gesukkel om asem te haal en kon nie plat lê nie. Sy vrou het intussen ook daar opgedaag en ons het vir die ambulans gewag.” Hy is na die Mediclinic Durbanville geneem waar hy dae lank in die hoësorgeenheid versorg is. Hy is verlede Donderdag ontslaan. “Ek is net so dankbaar dat ek vir Kate by my gehad het, wat hom raakgesien het en dat sy en die ander fietsryer my kon help,” sê sy. De Pol het die vroue bedank vir alles wat hulle vir hom gedoen het en gesê hy was werklik

Marile van Wyk en ’n ander fietsryer wat daar verbygekom het, ene Gys, het die beseerde fietsryer na ’n paadjie geneem om vir die ambulans te wag. geseënd met hul sorg. “As dit ook nie was vir Kate wat my raakgesien het nie, kon ek wie weet hoe lank daar gelê het, en met ’n platgevalde long kon dit sleg uitgedraai het,” het hy gesê.


Vier aangekeer oor gesteelde voertuig, ammunisie Vier verdagtes is in Parow in hegtenis geneem weens die besit van ’n gesteelde voertuig en die onwettige besit van ammunisie. Die verdagtes is verlede week Dinsdag deur lede verbonde aan die metropolisie se honde-eenheid in hegtenis geneem. Ruth Solomons, woordvoerder, sê die voertuig is glo gebruik in ’n gewapende

rooftog in die gebied vroeër die dag. Die voertuig is deursoek en daar is beslag gelê op ammunisie. Die voertuig is glo in Langa as gesteel aangemeld. Die manlike bestuurder (27) was vergesel deur drie vroue tussen 15 en 21 jaar. Die minderjarige is aan ’n proefbeampte oorhandig om in haar ouers se sorg vrygelaat te word. Die saak word ondersoek.

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Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021


Water pipes to be replaced RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj


he City of Cape Town this week confirmed that it’s busy replacing water pipes in the Klein Panorama area. Work to replace pipes will be undertaken in Bergsig Drive, Heldersig Way, Uitsig Avenue, Heuwelsig, Tafelsig, Olyf, Ser-

ing, Park, Constantia, Piketberg and Jan Kemp Streets. Xanthea Limberg, Mayco member for water and waste, told TygerBurger that the old pipes are being replaced as part of a city-wide infrastructure maintenance programme. “Age of infrastructure and history of bursts and leaks are taken into account in planning the pipe

replacement programme for the City,” Limberg says. Work on the project in Klein Panorama commenced in September 2020 and is expected to be completed by June this year. Limberg says WBHO has been contracted to conduct work on a portion of the site, while workers also include City employed construction teams. The cost of the project is approximately R9 million. “It is necessary at times for the City to implement short-term temporary detours around the area to facilitate some of the work, however, there will be no significant inconveniences to commuters,” Limberg says.


Melkbos Farmers Market opens its doors The Melkbos Farmers Market will open its doors for the first time this year. The market will be open on Saturday 6 March from 09:30 to 18:00 and on Sunday 7 March from 09:30 to 17:00 at Melkbos­skerm in Robben Road opposite the Melkbos Country Club. Fresh and organic products, including a variety of traditional foods like grandma used to make, potjiekos, afval

(tripe), pasta and lots more will be sold. Curry Bosch has a variety of free range curries which wil be sold to support Phillip Engelbrecht who was diagnosed with motor neuron disease. Bring your own wine and enjoy one of their home-made meals. Live music with Delon will also be available on Saturday. For more info contact Annaleen at 084 337 0117.

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Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021

Living with muscle dystrophy TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS @tarryns07


rawling, walking, running and jumping about . . . These are considered “normal” milestones for many children, but not those suffering from muscular dystrophy. In the light of Rare Disease Day, which was first celebrated on 29 February 2008 – a “rare” date – the objective is to raise awareness about this rare disease. Through interaction with Dianne de Graaf of the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation in Goodwood, TygerBurger learned the stories of two little boys, aged one and five respectively. “Muscular dystrophy is a group of disea­ses that cause progressive weakness and loss of muscle mass. In muscular dystrophy, ‘abnormal’ genes (mutations) interfere with the production of proteins needed to form healthy muscle. There are many kinds of muscular dystrophy. Symptoms of the most common variety begin in childhood. Other types don’t surface until adulthood. These disorders affect children and adults. The disease is usually inherited with the defective gene being passed on from one generation to the next. To date there is no cure available for muscular dystrophy,” explained Dianne, who is the manager for the foundation’s Cape region. Lukas van der Walt from Melkbosstrand and Lian van Eyk from Springs in Gauteng have both been diagnosed with a rare form of muscular dystrophy called LMNA-related congenital muscular dystrophy. According to Dianne, Laming A/C congenital muscular dystrophy (LMNA-CMD) is predominantly congenital and on the severe end of the spectrum. “Affected individuals have a weak neck and axial muscles, can develop ‘dropped head’ syndrome and may not achieve sitting. Contracture of the achilles

tendons, hips, knees and spine are involved. Scoliosis and spine rigidity can develop. Some affected individuals can achieve walking but will lose that ability later. Respiratory insufficiencies develop requiring intervention. Cardiac conduction abnormalities can occur,” she explained. Lukas van der Walt’s father, Tjaart, chatted to TygerBurger on Monday afternoon when he shared that his wife, Lize, had a smooth pregnancy with no complications. “Lukas was born on 10 June 2019. He was a week overdue. We had planned for normal birth, but Lize was taken in for an emergency c-section. At birth, he had breathing issues and doctors saw that he had hypoplastic lungs which means his lungs weren’t developed properly. Lukas was then taken to the neonatal intensive care unit (Nicu). At twomonths-old, more testing was done as he made very little movement. When Lukas was three-months-old he was diagnosed with LMNA-CMD.” At four months Lukas was given a tracheostomy that involves creating an opening in the neck to place a tube into his windpipe. He is fed through this pipe and is also on a ventilator. Tjaart said he can breathe on his own, but he is kept on the ventilator because his diaphragm is a muscle. Despite the challenges, Tjaart described Lukas as a very strong-willed toddler. “He says a few words like ‘mamma’. While we don’t know his life expectancy, we have peace that his life is one of quality. My wife and I have grown a lot as individuals during this time and we’ve made the choice to give him a quality life.” Lian van Eyk’s mother, Hanti, spoke to the newspaper to share in their family’s journey. “Lian is our ‘laat lammetjie’ as his sister is 18 and brother 12-years-old. He was our surprise baby. My pregnancy was quite normal and I delivered via c-section. He was

Lukas van der Walt (1) from Melkbosstrand is a little muscle dystrophy fighter. very tiny, weighing in at 2.2kg. “Everything seemed to be going well until my husband and I noticed that he can’t lift his head. At the age of crawling, no crawling

took place. We took him to the paediatrician who then referred us to a neurologist,” said Hanti. She said necessary blood tests were done and Lian was also taken for a muscle biopsy where he tested positive for limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) type 2B. Fifteen days before his second birthday the family got the final diagnosis which indicated that he suffers from LMNA-CMD. “Raising Lian opened our eyes to a world we never would have experienced otherwise. It teaches you more about patience, unconditional love, hope and grace. You get a different perspective on what matters in life. You suddenly realise that time is a precious gift and you never know when things might change. You recognise the significance of small things in life. You live in the moment. You find joy in that ‘wheelchair chase’ around the house or in the excitement of reaching another milestone – not to mention the witty comments only special needs parents would understand,” said Hanti. Lian is unable to eat on his own so he’s fed through a mic-key feeding tube, Hanti said. “Small things that come with no effort for us are a huge challenge to him, like simply lifting his arms. However, none of these challenges can dampen the brave and joyful spirit of this young boy. No matter what challenges Lian faces he always has a smile on his face. He is a little “chatterbox” who amuses everyone with his humour and cute personality. “He absolutely loves driving around in his power wheelchair, chasing his brother and sister around the house. He gets excited about everything and is always ready for whatever life throws at him.” For more information about muscular dystrophy visit the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation of South Africa website at www.mdsa.org.za.

Harvest full of promise in Durbanville wine valley ESMÉ ERASMUS

it was time for the oldest vineyard in Durbanville, a 66-year-old pinotage vineyard, Harvest time in the Durbanville wine val- to show what it’s got. ley is in full swing, despite a very late start Meerendal boasts the oldest vineyard in this year – partly due to the cooler weather the Durbanville ward which forms part of in January and February. the Wine of Origin Cape Town, says Bennie Thys Louw, owner-winemaker of Diem- Howard, marketing manager of Meerendal ersdal Wine Estate, says their harvest time Wine Estate. started on 3 February – more than 10 days “The pinotage heritage block vineyard at later than previous years. Meerendal was planted in 1955 and is still “This is applicable to vineyards from producing amazing wines,” Howard says. Vredendal to PletThis is one of only tenberg Bay,” he three remaining old says. pinotage vineyards However, says in South Africa that Louw, although conare still producing sidered to be “late”, high quality wine. this was the first These old pinotharvest in almost 15 age vines are from years that is regardthe original planted as a “normal” ings of Prof Abrayear in the Durbanham Izak Perold, ville wine valley. the father of pinot“There were a lot age, that were made of contributing facavailable to wine tors. This first sign farmers at that that we would have time. a normal, later harMeerendal made vest was the late the first wine from winter until Septhis vineyard under tember. the Heritage Block “This contributed label in 2005 and is to a cold blooming proud to preserve period,” he says. the heritage of this According to truly unique varieLouw, vice-chair of ty and this vinethe Sauvignon yard at Meerendal, Blanc SA committee Freshly harvested grapes at Meerendal Wine Howard says. and a board member Estate ready to be taken to the cellar. “It is classified as PHOTOS: MEERENDAL WINE ESTATE a single vineyard of Wine of South Africa, the heat wave and forms part of this past weekend will not have significant the Certified Heritage Vineyards project of effect, as all the grapes for their white South Africa,” he says. wines, including sauvignon blanc, have al“It is quite amazing that the grapes took ready been harvested, while most of the red almost three weeks longer to achieve full cultivars are still on the vines. ripeness this year, as the normal harvest “It is not only a decent size crop, but we date the past 18 years has been between 2 also have impressive flavours – especially and 6 February. the sauvignon blanc cultivar boasts with “This is due to much cooler weather that fantastic flavours,” he says. has been experienced in the Durbanville Last Wednesday morning at Meerendal area the past six weeks. This has contribut-

Thys Smit (left), Meerendal Wine Estate’s winemaker, with his team in the heritage block pinotage. They are (front from left) Damien Cadle, Tinos Chiswa, Daniel Karelse and Brian Marumbwa. At the back are Jettro Mahove, Vuyusile Futho, Moses Mundingi and Roberto Lackay. ed to healthy grapes that are full of beautiful rich flavours,” he says. According to Howard they usually start to harvest the sauvignon blanc cultivar at the end of January, but also only started last week with two blocks. They have also already harvested their pinot noir and chardonnay for their methode cap classique, as well as pinot noir en pinotage for their rosé wine. Merlot, shiraz and the other pinotage

blocks are not yet ready to be harvested, he says. They also expect to harvest the new blocks of cabernet sauvignon, which was planted three years ago, even later. However, the harvest looks promising when it comes to flavour. “Durbanville is known for its colder weather and flavoursome wines. This year, due to the cooler weather in January and February, the fruit flavours of the wine developed beautifully,” he says.

Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021



Guides honour founders on Thinking Day RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj


ach year on Thinking Day, Guides across the world pay tribute to the founders of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides organisations, Lord Robert BadenPowell and his wife Lady Olave. Thinking Day is also the joint birthday of the founders. In honour of the day this year, De Grendel Girl Guides held a special event, says Tanya Prinsloo, district commissioner for the De Grendel District and also communications and marketing chair for the Cape (West). The De Grendel district includes the Bothasig, Table View, Monte Vista and Edgemead areas. Prinsloo says on Sunday 21 February the girl guides celebrated the day with a “Peacekeeper Puzzle in the Park”. Teddies, Brownies, guides, rangers, adult leaders, Trefoil

Grace Walsh (6), a Monte Vista Teddy, shows off her badges.



guilders and parents all came together for a scavenger hunt in the park solving five different puzzles, says Prinsloo. The puzzles and theme of the hunt was based around how the girl guides helped win the war, World War II, that is, says Prinsloo. “Because of Covid-19, and not being able to do a big regional event as in past years, districts did the same scavenger hunt, but in their own districts. Our girls came out to Camoens Park in Monte Vista in their branch groups to minimise the numbers and to maintain social distancing.” Prinsloo says the day was a huge success. “Girls were quickly briefed on where to find the clues and off they went to solve the puzzles with their parents. Once they had deciphered all five clues they had their answers checked and received their camp blanket badge. They then had to find a ranger to record them renewing their promise, as is done every year on Thinking Day.” Prinsloo says usually girls meet once a week and follow a vibrant and challenging programme covering a wide variety of subjects referred to as adventures. These are first-aid and safety, outdoors and water, ecogreen and leadership among others. “We have a very diverse and thought-provoking programme specifically designed for girls to help them become independent and considering young women. “Girls do crafts, build gadgets, learn about their environment, do community service projects and go camping and canoeing and become leaders,” she says. Girl Guides is a movement that is found worldwide – in over 150 countries. The organisation was founded in 1910, because girls demanded to take part in the then grassroots Boy Scout movement, says Prinsloo who also runs the Bothasig crew. There are over 10 million members today worldwide. In South Africa alone there are over 18 000 members in about 500 units across the country.

Siena Jearney (7), a former Edgemead Teddy, has promoted to a Brownie.

Courtney Schelhase (15), a Bothasig Ranger, holds the flag high.

Tyler Petersen, Trinity Lopes and Rebecca Larkan also took part solving puzzles on Thinking Day. All three are members of the Bothasig Guide Company.



Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021

New traffic cops in training DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


total of 90 new traffic officer recruits this month started a 12-month traffic officer’s training course at Gene Louw Traffic College in Brackenfell. Once completed, participants may be offered a position as a provincial traffic officer at one of the thirteen Western Cape traffic centres. The course consists of 31 unit standards covering subjects that include the implementation of the National Road Traffic Act and the Criminal Procedure Act, as well as guidelines for road traffic law enforcement. “Participants will also undergo firearm competency training, first aid training, training in basic firefighting, and additional driving training where necessary,” says spokesperson for the provincial department of transport and public works Jandré Bakker. Participants will be receiving training accredited by the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority and

Helene celebrates milestone: Edgemead resident Helene Edwards celebrated her 90th birthday recently with close family, including her daughter, grandchildren, great-grandchild and only living sister. Helene worked as an attorney’s bookkeeper in Johannesburg before the family moved to Durban and then Cape Town. She is blind due to macular degeneration and has not been well the past year. Helene also suffers from cancer of the salivary gland since last year, which is now spreading to the lymphatic glands, her daughter, Sonja Hannan, says. Despite this she is still eager to continue playing bowls and still aims to go on a boat trip to Namibia, says Sonja.

Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC). “Those found competent during practical and theoretical assessments and successfully complete the course will graduate with a qualification in Road Traffic Law Enforcement,” says Bakker. Bakker says trainees will work alongside experienced officials to sharpen their knowledge and know-how. “They will also get the opportunity to apply their new skills in a high-pressure environment, for example, controlling traffic and systematically roadside inspection of vehicles, as well as applying the National Road Traffic Act. During the Covid-19 pandemic, traffic officers have also been helping enforce relevant provisions of the Disaster Management Act and its regulations. “The department’s traffic service has had a number of major successes in recent years. In addition to regular traffic law enforcement, during roadside operations, traffic officers regularly confiscate illegal goods such as abalone, drugs, and illicit cigarettes,” says Bakker.

Changes to MyCiTi buses operating hours The City of Cape Town urges commuters to take note that some of the MyCiTi routes will no longer operate into the late evening. The changes were implemented on Monday 1 March. The busiest and most popular routes such as those serving Atlantis, Table View, Melkbos and Dunoon are not affected, and will keep operating late into the evening. The City’s Mayco member for transport, Felicity Purchase, says the Covid19 pandemic is having a severe impact on commuters and the demand for the MyCiTi service. “We find that most people now prefer travelling home earlier than was the case before the pandemic hit us in March last year. The City has to reprioritise spending in response to the pandemic, and as a responsible government, we are cutting costs wherever we can. Transport officials conducted an analysis of commuters’ travel patterns over the past few months and this confirmed that few people are now travelling after 20:00 on most of our MyCiTi routes. We have, therefore, decided to temporarily curtail late-night trips on some of the MyCiTi routes as from 1 March 2021,” Purchase says. This is in an effort to cut operational costs and operating times will be adjusted once the City has recovered from the pandemic and passenger demand is up again. The following routes will continue to operate late into the evening as the de-

mand for the service is still high at night: . T01 – Dunoon, Table View, Civic Centre, V&A Waterfront; . T03 – Atlantis, Melkbosstrand, Table View, Century City; . all routes in Atlantis and . Route 261 – Century City Rail, Omuramba, Adderley. The majority of the other MyCiTi routes will stop operating between 19:00 and 21:00 on weekdays, and some – like those serving Hout Bay – will terminate at around 21:35. Commuters are advised to visit the MyCiTi website on www.myciti.org.za; or to use the MyCiTi app for the latest time schedules. Passengers can also phone the Transport Information Centre on 0800 656 463 for updates. The City says some of the timetables at the bus stops are outdated, given that the Alert Levels related to Covid-19 are continuously amended by the national government with either stricter curfew times, or the easing thereof. “I know thousands of commuters rely on the MyCiTi service to travel to work and school. We regret these changes and the inconvenience. Passengers must please verify the time of their last bus home as we do not want anybody to be left stranded. Covid-19 is challenging us on all levels. We have to be resilient and adapt to the situation, and keep on doing what we need to do to curb the spread of the virus by wearing our masks when in public, washing or sanitising our hands often, and to practise social distancing,” Purchase says.

Program om te help met Covid-emosies Voel jy of jy op ’n Covid-“roller coaster” is – vol onsekerheid, vrese en verliese? Die Vredelust – Kerk vir die Toekoms se selfsorgprogram is daargestel om jou te help deur vaardighede aan te leer vir moeilike tye, soos veerkragtigheid, gesonde denke, emosionele regulering en die nodige

leefstylaanpassings. Die program is 10 weke lank en ook aanlyn beskikbaar. Dit begin op Dinsdag 9 Maart om 19:00 by Vredelust – Kerk vir die Toekoms by Dertiende Laan 87 in Boston. Kontak Diedre Mans by 073 545 5821 of diedre@church­adventure.co.za.

Skryf nou in vir kerk se Bybelskool Belê nou in jou geestelike ontwikkeling met die Vredelust Bybelskool se splinternuwe kursus, “’n Lewe saam met God”. Dit bestaan uit 10 lesings oor belangrike beginsels wat ons uit die Ou Testa-

ment kan leer. Jy kan dit bywoon by die kerk of aanlyn inskakel, want dit word ook lewendig uitgesaai op YouTube. Dit begin op 1 Maart om 19:00 by die kerk in Dertiende Laan. Kontak Martin Coetzee by martin@churchadventure.co.za.

Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021





Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021

Hospital launches vaccination site K

arl Bremer Hospital launched its vaccination tent on Tuesday 23 February, boosting the provincial health department’s efforts to immunise staff against Covid-19. The hospital joins Tygerberg Hospital, Groote Schuur Hospital and Khayelitsha District Hospital in the roll-out of the Johnson & Johnson vaccinations to healthcare workers who form part of phase one of the roll-out. Sister Iris Adams has worked as a nurse for over 43 years and received the first vaccination at the launch on Tuesday. “I feel good and I was excited. I decided to take the vaccine today because we have been waiting for it for so long and now it is here,” Adams says. Nomvuyo Sihoyiya, a general worker, was next in line to get her shot and says it was not as painful as she had expected. “I feel fine and I am happy that I was able to get the vaccine. I am doing this to protect myself and others.”

Dr Sue le Roux, one of the medical doctors, became emotional after receiving her jab and has encouraged all healthcare workers to consider vaccination. “I am be­yond excited. I have dreamt of this day and it is finally here. I encourage all our healthcare workers to step up and to take the vaccine. It is the best thing we can do for ourselves and others,” she says. Jonathan Lucas, hospital chief executive, also joined his team to get vaccinated and described the launch as an exciting day for healthcare workers at the hospital. “This is an exciting opportunity for us to get vaccinated to protect ourselves and our co-workers. My message to our healthcare workers is, let us all unite. The vaccine is safe and you can make the choice to make a difference,” says Lucas. V The health department encourages healthcare workers to register on the electronic vaccine data system to get their jab at https://vaccine.enroll.health.gov.za/

Staff are seated inside the vaccination tent at Karl Bremer before getting their shots.

Dr Sue le Roux smiles after getting her vaccine shot. General worker Nomvuyo Sihoyaya urges healthcare workers to get vaccinated.

Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021


Construction work on N1 in full swing I

f everything goes according to plan, work on the 11km stretch of road on the N1 be­tween the Black River-bridge interchange and Plattekloof Road interchange is expected to be completed by the end of July, the transport and public works department says. Work on the R71 million periodic maintenance project to repair and resurface this stretch of the N1 commenced on 20 January. The project involves removing existing asphalt surfacing, undertaking repairs, patching and sealing cracks where it is necessary, and resurfacing the pavement with an ultra-thin friction course top layer, the department says. The contract with Triamic Construction (a division of Haw & Inglis) and consulting engineers SMEC South Africa, also includes work on some of the ramps and service road intersections along the route. The N1 is one of Cape Town’s busiest roads. The stretch under construction cur-

rently carries between 140 000 and 150 000 vehicles per day, and the last refurbishment was done in 2006. The department says to minimise traffic disruption, construction will take place in one lane of each carriageway at a time, and road closures on the N1 will only be undertaken at night and on weekends. At least one lane will be open at all times in both the inbound and outbound directions. They also say where work is being undertaken on ramps and intersections, motorists can expect half the roadway to be open, and traffic flow will be managed with stopand-go controls. The contractor will ensure that flag operators are deployed and that all temporary road signage is well maintained. The City of Cape Town, who is also the maintenance agent of this project, will manage the flow of information to landowners and others affected by this project – that is, people living close to the N1 in wards 1, 2, 4, 5, 27, 55 and 56.

Care packages for medics Under the watchful eye of provincial health minister Dr Nomafrench Mbombo, Checkers Hyper Brackenfell on Thursday donated 580 care packages to health workers at the Brackengate Co­vid-19 field hospital. The occasion also marked the official re-opening of the new revamped shop at Fairbridge Mall. The packages were given as a token of appreciation for medical and support personnel who have been working tirelessly in the fight against Covid-19. The packages contained snacks, water and essential toiletries, newspapers donated by the Cape Argus and TygerBurger, as well as greeting cards specially drawn by children from early childhood

development centres supported by Checkers. “I salute our healthcare workers and most importantly Checkers for recogni­sing their hard work and doing something about it. For that I would like to thank you,” commented Mbombo. “The Brackengate intermediate care facility is on the doorstep of our home office in Brackenfell, and we are committed to supporting the communities in which we trade,” explained Lunga Schoeman, CSI manager for the Shoprite Group. “Checkers also donated care packages to Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Gate Mediclinic and Louis Leipoldt Hospital earlier this year.”

From left are Latiefa Smith (Checkers Hyper Brackenfell branch manager), Ryno Palm (regional manager), Ntombentsha Mkhela, Lungakazi Batyi, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo (provincial minister of health), Nompumelelo Gumede and Lunga Schoeman (CSI manager for the Shoprite Group).

School applications open The provincial education department is appealing to all parents and caregivers, particularly those who have learners that will be entering either in Grade R, 1 or 8 next year, to please apply before 26 March. Applications can be made either online or through a paper-based application process should a parent not have access to technology. According to a statement, the department has already recorded 52 884 applications on the system by 16 606 parents since Friday 26 February. Parents are required to apply at three schools, including the ones closest to your home, and order their preference on the system. The following support documents are needed: . the last official school report card; . ID, birth certificate, passport of the learner; or a study permit (foreign learners); or Proof of application (study permit) or a police affidavit;

. immunisation card (Road to Health Chart) [Primary Schools Only]; and . proof of residence (rates account, lease agreement, an affidavit confirming residence). Parents are to please apply via https://admissions.westerncape.gov.za/admissions/ login The statement further reads that once applications are processed by schools, parents are requested to confirm (or decline) their child’s choice of school for 2022 between 24 May and 25 June. “We want to alert parents that if there are large numbers on the system, as we saw Friday, the system may display an error message. Please try again la­ter, hit refresh, or the next day, as it will correct itself. “Parents must note that schools must process all applications received during the admission period. It does not work on a ‘first come first served’ basis. The important thing is that parents or caregivers apply before 26 March.”





Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021


Snert vs feite: Dink logies daaroor Soms gebeur dinge wat ’n mens maar kan sê by bisar verby is. En as jy dit nie met jou eie oë gesien het nie, sou jy dit dalk nie geglo het nie. So is die volgende storie my eenkeer vir die waarheid vertel. ’n Omie lê luilekker in die son op ’n Kaapse strand, half aan die slaap. Seevoëls krys om hom heen en die branders raas. Toe kom ’n seuntjie met sy draairoomys verby, maar hy struikel en die roomys val van die horinkie af, net mooi op die oom se bors. Hy skrik wakker van die ysigkoue ding op sy bors en al wat hy half verdwaas kan uitkry, is “magtag, kom hierdie seevoëls van die Suidpool af?” Net verlede week sien ek in die media die berig oor die man van wie se tong ’n vrou ’n stuk afgebyt en uitgespoeg het. Die volgende oomblik kom ’n reusemeeu, pik dit op en weg is hy. Die twee mense het glo gestry en toe handgemeen geraak. Dit kom toe so dat die vrou eers die man stamp en hom toe probeer soen om terug te veg. En net daar gee sy sy tong ’n yslike hap van so 3 cm. Die man is hospitaal toe, maar dokters kon nie veel vir hom doen nie, want daar was niks om aan te heg nie. En die vrou is hegtenis geneem en het in die hof skuld beken. Die vonnis is nog nie bekend nie. Nóg vreemder as fiksie was toe ’n jong man nou die dag beweer het Helen Zille, voorsitter van die DA se Federale Raad, het ’n mikroskyfie in sy kop geplant. Sy is op sosiale media omtrent hieroor gekasty en moes bontstaan om te verduidelik dis nie waar nie. Die man het selfs ’n gevolg op Facebook opgebou van mense wat glo sy bewering is waar. Zille het ruiterlik erken sy weet nie so mooi hoe om die situasie te hanteer nie. En sy ken die man nie eens nie. Maar, sy sou hom wel vir mediese hulp verwys as sy kon. As ek Zille was, sou ek waarskynlik nie in die openbaar op so ’n waansinnige bewering reageer nie, bloot omdat dit my sou kon blootstel aan nog mense wat nie al hul varkies op hok het nie. Dis jammer, maar dis die werklikheid – daar is mense wat nie tussen fantasie en werklikheid kan onderskei nie. Dis ’n vreesaanjaende siekte van die brein en sulke mense beweeg tussen ons rond. Kom ons wees nou net vir ’n oomblik realisties en neem die wette van die wetenskap in ag. Sou dit fisiologies en fisiek moontlik wees vir iemand om enigiets in my of jou kop te plant sonder ’n operasie onder narkose? En sonder dat ons weet die operasie word uitgevoer? Reg geraai. Dis snert. En daarom sou ek ook nie daarop reageer as iemand so ’n bewering sou maak nie. Maar as iemand hom wil verbeel hy is Alice in Wonderland, laat hulle maar begaan. Los net MY kop en MY tong uit, dankie. Ek het hulle nog nodig. – Werner van Tonder

“Sou dit fisiologies en fisiek moontlik wees vir iemand om enigiets in my of jou kop te plant sonder ’n operasie onder narkose?”

Over the horizon: This unusual sunset over Lion’s head was captured by Billy Herbert. It was taken from Edward Heights in Goodwood on Thursday 25 February.


BRIEWE briewe@tygerburger.co.za|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

Probleem word nie ordentlik opgelos nie In antwoord op die brief “Komiteelid gee antwoord” (TygerBurger, 24 Februarie). Dit is nie dat ’n mens nie begrip het vir die Stad Kaapstad se uitdagings betreffende hawelose mense en die pandemie wat dit vererger het nie, maar haweloosheid was reeds daar lank voor die pandemie. Die N1 begin nou al ook soos ’n plakkerskamp lyk met al die strukture aan weerskante van die pad asook op van die middelmannetjies. Op sekere plekke begin dit soos ’n dump site lyk soos wat die rommel by oornagplekke agtergelaat word en die wind dit die hele wêreld vol waai. Een van die redes waarom daar geen vordering is nie, is omdat die Stad ’n beleid volg om “probleme op ’n klagtebasis aan te pak”. As jy drie konyne in ’n park los, het jy binnekort 100 en het jy ’n probleem om hulle dan te verwyder. Oor die jare is daar al honderde en dalk duisende operasies uitgevoer waarin haweloses “verwyder” is, strukture afgebreek en rommel weggery is. Die vraag is, wat was die doel van die operasie? Was dit om die “klaer” tydelik tevrede te stel of was dit om die probleem op te los? Met geen opvolgoperasie nie was dit eintlik ’n “vrugtelose oefening”, want sodra die wetstoepassers onttrek keer die haweloses terug. Wanneer die volgende klagte miskien oor ses maande ontvang word, dan word die hele oefening net weer herhaal. In dieselfde TygerBurger is berig oor ’n hawelose, sy vrou en sy ma wat al nege

jaar langs die heining van die munisipale kantore in Kraaifontein woon. Sou u reken dit is normaal, aanvaarbaar en in belang van alle mense? Ná nege jaar sal dit definitief ’n uitdaging wees om hulle te verwyder! LEON BRYNARD Brackenfell

Kos uitsit maak die probleem erger Na aanleiding van die skrywe “Vullisdae lok misdadigers”. Die punt is, die mense hoort nie hier in ons buurte nie. Baie mense sit kos uit, waarom? Só lok jy nog meer in die buurte in. Daar is al geskryf deur mense dat die wat soos ek dink nie ’n hart het nie. Ja, ek kry die mense jammer, maar daar het julle nou weer ’n les geleer – misdadigers gebruik dit as ’n dekmantel. As dit moontlik is, en ek is by die huis, wys ek hulle weg. Ek is nie bereid om ’n kans te waag nie – een van die dae bly hulle in parkies of op ’n erf langs jou huis. Hou op kos uitsit, julle wat dit doen, veroorsaak probleme vir ander! JOHAN GREEFF E-pos

Sies man! Die muur is nie ’n toilet nie! Dit was onooglik en het my met afsku vervul! Verlede Vrydag moes ek ’n posstuk by die Parow-poskantoor gaan afhaal. My motor was in die dwarsstraat daaragter parkeer. Ek was gou geholpe en met die uitstap, sien ek drie mans wat net om die hoek van Voortrekkerweg teen die muur staan en urineer – so helder oordag en sonder om skaam te wees! Dis darem

baie swak en onaanvaarbaar vir enige dorp. Dis ’n plek waar baie vroue en kinders beweeg. Dit is uiters swak advertensie vir enige dorp en ook onhigiënies. Ek weet daar is wel openbare toiletgeriewe in die omgewing van Shoprite in Parow, maar dit is beslis nie voldoende vir almal nie. Ook is dit te ver van die middedorp. Ek dink werklik dis ’n saak wat ernstig aangepak moet word. Ek sal dit baie opreg waardeer indien daar iets aan gedoen kan word. Dit is in die belang van die publiek en kan nie net onder die mat gevee word nie. MEV. JOSSIE JOOSTE Parow-Noord

Red die natuur, los plastiek Plastieksakke is so gerieflik, dat ons as Suid-Afrikaners jaarliks ongeveer 8 miljard daarvan gebruik. Soos van julle weet, is plastiek ’n sintetiese stof wat beteken dit is nie natuurlik nie. Dit neem dus 15 tot 100 jaar om af te breek! Sommige plastiek is lig-afbreekbaar en besoedel die grond en waterweë. Die gevolg is definitief nie net ’n vasteafvalprobleem nie; seediere verstik aan die plastiek of word daarin vasgevang. Dink bietjie daaroor; net 1,2% van alle plastiek wat jy (ja, jy) weggooi, word herwin! En die res? Die meeste beland op ’n stortingsterrein. Die afgelope 20 jaar gee ons nie meer om wat ons aan die aarde doen nie. Ons kan mos net ons rommel by die venster uitgooi. Nee! Ons kan nie. Dink bietjie daaroor, as jy wil hê jou kind moet weet hoe lyk ’n seeskilpad, dan moet jy ’n verskil begin maak. Volg die volgende wenke:

. Neem jou eie sakke winkel toe. . Begin minder plastiek gebruik. . Dink weer voor jy ja sê vir ’n plastieksak. ERIK GROBLER E-pos

Kom ons hernoem ook die Kaap Miskien moet ons nie naamsveranderings sonder meer verwerp nie. Dat die bruinmense ook die erkenning kry wat hulle toekom, moet verwelkom word. Dawid Stuurman vir die lughawe in Port Elizabeth en Franklin Sonn in Athlone is in die kol. Sekere ander name laat egter die tong knoop. Of die land die naamsveranderinge kan bekostig, is egter ’n ander saak. Wie betaal daarvoor? Deesdae tel geldmors deur die owerheid mos nie meer nie. Dalk moet gemeenskappe begin om die gebruik om naamsveranderings in onuitspreeklike name te verander, voorspring en weer die inheemse name begin teruggee. So kan Durbanville dalk sy aanvanklike naam van Pampoenkraal terugkry. Dit is onafhanklik en het geen rasse of koloniale konnotasie nie. Selfs die oorspronklike bewoners van die gebied, die Khoi, het nie ’n naam vir Durbanville gehad nie. Niemand word dus te na gekom nie. Begin sommer kyk na ander name hier in die Wes-Kaap. Wat sal ’n mens byvoorbeeld Bellville, Parow, Malmesbury, Milnerton, Moorreesburg, Hopefield, Darling en Ashton noem? Inwoners kan interessante voorstelle maak. ADAMUS P. STEMMET Durbanville

Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021


Participants needed for OCD study DESIRÉE RORKE

demic would be particularly affecting these people with contamination obsessions and washing compulsions. bsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) “Paradoxically, OCD patients with conis the focus of an upcoming research tamination/washing symptoms are ‘exstudy to be conducted by the Univer- perts by experience’ in their efforts to avoid sities of Stellenbosch and Cape Town in a dangers through excessive cleaning. The incollaborative effort. creased anxiety about the virus may be fuelThe unit conducting the research invites ling obsessive fears of contamination and adults with OCD, brothers and sisters of harmful compulsive washing in some peopeople with OCD as well as healthy people ple with OCD. For these people, Covid-19 to take part in the study that is set to start can become all they think about,” she says. soon. Due to fear of infection and the emphasis OCD is a mental illness associated with on hand hygiene by health advisories, the significant occurrence of other mental symptoms of OCD might worsen. illnesses such as de“Constant bombardpression and anxiety. ment by the media “Characteristic about the possibility of symptoms include the infection also doesn’t presence of recurrent, make it any easier for intrusive, or distur­people with OCD.” bing thoughts or obsesOCD affects approxisions and/or repetitive mately 2-3% of adults, behaviours or compulsuggesting, in theory, sions, which may also that in South Africa be mental rituals,” exthere would be about plains researcher Prof 1.2 million people with Christine Lochner of the condition at any the University of Stelpoint in time. lenbosch. “Now that vaccinaExamples are fears tion against the virus of contamination often has become a reality associated with comfor most countries inpulsive rituals such as cluding SA, pandemicrepetitive hand washrelated concerns and ing, cleaning and takanxiety may reduce. ing disproportionate However, for some peomeasures to reduce ex- Prof Christine Lochner ple with OCD, and speposure to perceived cifically those with sources of contamination. fears of being harmed for example by injecOther intrusive fears, she says, may be tion, by faulty vaccines, or those with fears centred around symmetry and order, lea­- of needles vaccination may also be a chalding to ritualistic arranging, ordering ac- lenging experience,” says Lochner. cording to set rules, and repetitive coun­There has been little focus on the effect ting. of the pandemic on people with OCD, but In addition, worries such as fears of inad- limited studies suggest that the majority of vertently hurting or harming someone else adults with OCD were adversely affected by or causing harm or damage and checking the pandemic. whether those close to you are okay, whe­“These patients were also more frequentther the stove and other appliances are off ly found to experience suicidal ideation, inand windows and doors are closed. creased Internet checking, sleep disturbanLochner says people may present with ces, avoidance behaviours and work diffisome or all of these symptoms, or they may culties.” have symptoms solely from However, the school is one of these symptom clusnot yet out about the impact ters. of Covid-19 on OCD, accordDuring the pandemic soing to Lochner. cial isolation resulted in “Comparison among lone­liness, the loss of freestudies is difficult due to dom, separation from loved methodological differences. ones and reduced social inAlso, these studies mostly teractions, all factors that report on the short-term efcompelled the research. fects of the pandemic on “Social isolation associatOCD. Long-term, we may ed with quarantine can also have to face an entirely diflead to many mental health ferent scenario.” sequelae even in healthy Lochner says there appeople. The consequences pears to be a connection beof the pandemic and consetween OCD symptoms and quent quarantine were anfunctioning in certain areas ticipated to be of particular relevance espe- of the brain, but that connection is not clear. cially in patients with psychiatric disorders “Researchers have gained much insight insuch as OCD. to the cause of the disorder by comparing “Perhaps no group of individuals with brains of people with OCD with those withmental illness is as directly affected by the out the condition. worsening outbreak of Covid-19 as people A global study which includes this South living with OCD,” she says. African study is collaborating to gain This, due to cleaning compulsions such as knowledge about the multiple brain nethand-washing. works playing a role in OCD, using stanCleaning compulsions, according to dardized methods. Lochner, is the most frequently reported These methods include interviews, sosymptoms in OCD, affecting at least 50% of phisticated neurocognitive testing and patients. brain imaging. The long-term aim of this “Although frequent hand-washing and project is to streamline the treatment of the sanitizing of the environment is surely condition so that the brain networks inbene­ficial for preventing the spread of Co­- volved in development and maintenance of vid-19, at the same time, the question may OCD can be targeted more effectively. be raised how all of this are affecting people V For more information on the work, please go to with OCD, specifically those with obses- https://global-ocd.org/or facebook: @OCDRSA or sions of contamination and compulsions of email the principal investigator Dr Christine Lochner washing. “Experts assumed that the pan- (CL2@SUN.AC.ZA).



“These patients were also more frequently found to experience suicidal ideation, sleep disturbances and work difficulties.”




Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021

Demand for social housing increases NETTALIE VILJOEN


s Capetonians sift truth from lies in what has become a media mud-slinging fest between the City of Cape Town and a former Mayco member, one thing is sure, the economic fallout linked to the pandemic has seen an increased demand for social housing in the Western Cape. Earlier this month, Good Party secretarygeneral Brett Herron accused the provincial government of lying about inner-city housing developments in Cape Town (“Western Cape government accused of lying about inner-city housing developments”, News24, 5 February). The City hit back, saying that social housing projects are well on track and not cancelled as “falsely” claimed. Neither parties, however, can deny the urgent need for social housing in the province. Social housing rental units cater for households earning between R1 501 and R15 000 per month, in higher density block developments. Social housing institutions (SHI) accredited by the Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA) in terms of the Social Housing Act undertake the property management of these developments. To access this service, South Africans who are 18 or older need to apply to these SHI’s directly. These institutions include Communicare, SOHCO, Povicom, Own Haven, Madulammoho, Instratin and Urban Status Rentals (Devmark). Formed in 1929, Communicare carries the badge of being the oldest SHI in the country. Today, however, social housing makes up but a small part of its property portfolio. Anthea Houston, chief executive officer of Communicare, says of the 3 500 apartments and houses that Communicare rents out, 10% (as regulated by the SHRA) are social

housing units and 80% are gap housing or other low social rentals that do not fall under the regulation of the SHRA. Gap housing is targeted at people who earn too much to qualify for a governmentsubsidised house but earn too little to qualify for a bond from a bank to buy a house. The remaining 10% is rented at rates slightly higher than the gap market. The social housing properties in Communicare’s portfolio include the Drommedaris pilot project (219 units), Bothasig Gardens phase two (120 units) and Bothasig Gardens phase three (314 units are currently under construction). Houston says the company has seen a steady increase in applications for social housing since March 2019. “This is largely as a result of households downscaling to cope with the economic recession or those looking for affordable ‘work from home’ apartments,” she says. According to Houston, there is a drastic shortage of social and gap housing in the province. Of the applications received, Communicare can accommodate 85%. The company does not usually keep a waiting list but has started screening applicants who want to move into the new Bothasig Gardens social housing apartments scheduled to be completed later this year. Nathan Adriaanse, director of communications from the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements, confirms the sector has seen an increased demand for social housing. “It is also evident that a number of existing tenants were affected by the Covid19 pandemic in terms of job loss or salary cuts, which resulted in a decreased rental collection rate. However, the sector as a whole identified options in which to assist such tenants,

projects,” says Adriaanse. Malusi Booi, the City’s Mayco member for human settlements, says several well-located projects in central Cape Town are set for major milestones this year, with a projected total of around 620 social housing units. “Pine Road is due to break ground, Dillon Lane is at development application stage, and Salt River Market is now just months away from handover to a social housing developer. The Newmarket Street site (444 units projected yield) is also in the pipeline for social housing,” says Booi.

Mayco member for human settlements, Malusi Booi inspects a unit at the Glenhaven social housing project which included non-evictions and debt-relief measurements,” he says.

Supply and demand According to the department, there are currently seven social housing projects active in the province, comprising 2 688 units in total. These projects are Steenvilla (700 units), Drommedaris (219 units), Bothasig (120 units), Scottsdene Rental Estate (500 units), Belhar Gardens Rental Estate (629 units), The Anchorage (416 units) and Regent Villas (104 units). “At present, the social housing project pipeline consists of 35 projects which seek to cater to 5 233 households. These projects are planned for delivery in the City of Cape Town, Cape Winelands and Garden Route districts. Feasibility assessments are under way to determine the viability of pipeline

First in line As the forecast for economic recovery post-Covid-19 remains cloudy, it is safe to assume there will be quite a long queue of applicants. Adriaanse says the application process generally commences within the last year of the construction of a project. “Since this is a rental housing project, vacancies can become available over time and to fill these units, the SHI’s will revert to the application list. However, applications can still be submitted on an ongoing basis.” In line with the fundamental goal of social housing – to ensure integration from a spatial, social and economic point of view – it seems that applicants who already live in the respective areas where social housing projects are under way will be first in line. “Social housing projects firstly seek to assist qualifying applicants within the area, but has an allocation for applicants outside the area for persons to be close to the abovementioned opportunities,” Adriaanse says. However, as social housing projects are “rental projects and rely on rental income for sustainability”, he adds that the key selection criteria is affordability.

Province focused on filling housing gap NETTALIE VILJOEN The dream of one day buying your own property is shared by many. Household credit ratings and affordability, however, do not always allow for ownership. This is where gap housing comes in. As per the Western Cape provincial human settlements demand profile and analysis of 2015, only 415 households (0.2%) in the provincial housing demand database expressed a preference for rental over ownership (this excludes the City of Cape Town). Nathan Adriaanse, director of communications for the department, says gap housing in terms of the government’s definition refers to households with a monthly income of R3 501 to R22 000, interested in homeownership by means of purchasing a property. “This gap market is catered for under the government’s Finance Linked Individual

Subsidy Programme (Flisp) for qualifying households wishing to acquire an existing house or vacant serviced stand linked to a building contract,” Adriaanse says. Deserving first-time buyers can qualify for a Flisp government subsidy which can be used as a deposit or put down to shorten the payback period. According to Adriaanse, the department’s focus is to enhance the demand for affordable housing, essentially Flisp, and to include Flisp housing opportunities in its catalytic projects (spatially targeted interventions that aim to change the way we provide infrastructure by restructuring settlements patterns). “In essence, the department plans to increase the supply of Flisp housing opportunities,” he says. One such example in progress is the Conradie Better Living Model (BLM) development (3 600 units total) in Pinelands, an in-

ner-city feeder suburb. As the property market continues to adapt and change, the property sector has also begun to realise the potential the so-called gap market holds. The sector has a slightly different definition of gap housing. According to its definition, gap housing includes those who earn too much to qualify for a government-subsidised house but also earn too little to qualify for a bond from a bank to buy a house. Anthea Houston, chief executive officer of Communicare, says an additional problem for people who qualify for a bond is that there isn’t sufficient housing stock available in their price range. Traditionally considered to solely be a social housing institution, Communicare had to adopt a cross-subsidisation model to remain sustainable as once sizeable operating subsidies from the government and grant funding from the domestic or international

development community fell away. Today the non-profit company’s tenant mix includes a portion of people paying market-related rentals (managed by Goodfind Properties) in middle-income households. Some of the surplus earned by these properties are used to subsidise new social housing developments and to offer qualifying tenants rental discounts. It is also being invested in gap housing development projects. In this instance, joint monthly incomes must range from R7 500 to R23 400 to qualify. “Communicare helps to address the growing need for quality housing, in areas close to their places of work with access to good schools and transport. For example, between 1989 and 2020 Communicare built and sold 1 500 houses in Montclair, Mandalay as well as in Musgrave in the Dieprivier area at prices suitable for the gap market,” Houston says.

March of the Penguin at Two Oceans Aquarium It is “March of the Penguin” at the Two Oceans Aquarium. During March, the aquarium will share intriguing facts and information about penguins from around the world, like “What do penguins eat?”, “How long do they live? How to speak like a penguin”, and a whole lot more. On social media there will be videos, Instagram stories, Facebook updates, and the aquarium website will be humming (or should that be braying?) with penguin blogs, some extra special visuals, and arts and crafts. At the aquarium, visitors will be able to follow a QR code-led tour through the, by using their cell phones to scan QR codes that have been strategically placed at various exhibits. These codes will open up a wonderful world of penguin information, bringing facts, visuals and fun activities into the palms of visitors’ hands. Along with March of the Penguin, everyone who joins the aquarium’s membership programme in March, will automatically

be entered into a competition to win a prize valued at R10 000 (including a penguin experience, vouchers and gift cards). All you have to do is become an annual member of the Two Oceans Aquarium, and you will be automatically entered into the draw. You can also join the competition when you visit the aquarium; just pop in at the visitors’ centre at the entrance of the aquarium. On Saturday 13 March, there will be a special members’ event that will focus specifically on penguins. The aquarium’s penguin keepers will share stories about the very special birds that they look after. Visitors can also take advantage of the aquarium’s “After 3 Special” currently on until Wednesday 31 March. This means that you can purchase discounted tickets from the aquarium’s ticket office after 15:00. These tickets can only be purchased at the aquarium and are only valid for the day that they are purchased on. Here is an interesting penguin fact:

African penguins thrive on oily anchovies and sardines. PHOTO: TWO OCEANS AQUARIUM

Did you know African penguins thrive on oily anchovies and sardines? And remember to, always choose sustainable seafood to help penguins.

V Visit the Two Oceans Aquarium’s website www.aquarium.co.za/content/members/membership to join as a member online and to see all the information and Ts & Cs for the competition.

Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021



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Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021


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Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021





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Please take notice that Julian Serfontein intends making application to the Commissioner of CIPC for the reinstatement of COZAN INV 2002/025072/02. Please take notice that any objection to the application must be lodged with the Commissioner of CIPC within twenty one (21) days of the date of the publication hereof.

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Bertish Bertish to to take take on on the the Pacific

Capetonian Chris Bertish plans to embark on the Transpacific Wing Project, the world’s first solo, wing foil, transpacific crossing in June. The two-month long record-setting Transpacific Wing Project follows Bertish’s world first, solo, unsupported, Trans-Atlantic stand-up paddleboard crossing that garnered global attention and raised money for multiple global charities in 2017. For this next adventure, Bertish will solo wing foil 4 586km across the Pacific Ocean from Half Moon Bay in California to Oahu in Hawaii. The journey will require Bertish to complete the equivalent of more than two full marathons per day, winging a minimum of eight to 12 hours per day, for over fifty days, unsupported and completely unassisted. The Transpacific Wing Project craft was custom-built for Bertish’s 2017 solo, stand up paddle journey across the Atlantic Ocean.. PHOTO: BOB STAWICKI


Beamptes nie gelukkig SAREL BURGER


kolekrieket-beamptes in die Tygerbergstreek kan slange vang. Dít nadat die plaaslike skolekrieketspanne, saam met dié in die Boland, slaggereed was om die afgelope naweek wedstryde te speel. In ’n uiters debatteerbare besluit van Krieket Suid-Afrika (KSA) einde verlede week is die skole die harnas in gejaag deur ’n besluit dat geen wedstryde die res van hierdie somer mag plaasvind nie. Nadat die WP se krieketunie reeds vroeër in Februarie aangekondig het dat alle vorme van krieketwedstryde weens die viruspan-

demie vir die huidige seisoen afgelas is, is die Bolandse skole intussen mondeling deur KSA meegedeel dat wedstryde die afgelope naweek moontlik in daardie streek hervat sou kon word. Gevolglik het verskeie Tygerbergse skole hul toevlug tot hul Bolandse eweknieë geneem om van die afgelope naweek wedstryde in die Wynland en omstreke te laat plaasvind. Maar toe kom die gewraakte aankondiging kort voor die afgelope naweek. In die lig van Sondagaand se aankondiging deur die regering dat die hele land se Covid-19-inperking van vlak 3 na vlak 1 sou skuif, het dit werklik sin gemaak dat die erg

gefrustreerde jongelinge die geleentheid gegun moes word om, te midde van voorgeskrewe virus-protokolle, terug te keer na mededingende sport. Maar KSA se regsomkeer en (voortydige) besluit aan die einde van verlede week dat geen wedstryde tot en met 31 Maart mag plaasvind nie, het ’n stokkie voor verwikkelinge van enige aard gesteek. Wat hierdie aankondiging soveel te meer dispuutbaar maak, is dat skole in die omsendskrywe feitlik aangemoedig word om voort te gaan met huishoudelike oefeninge en selfs oefenwedstryde tussen spanne van dieselfde skool – maar wedstryde teen enige ander skool sou taboe wees!

Nou kan die jongelinge – en ook senior somersport-klublede – maar net hoop dat toestande later vanjaar met die aanbreek van die volgende somer sodanig sal wees dat normale sportaktiwiteite dan wel moontlik is. Die WP Noordelike Stadsgebiede-krieketstreekunie het in der waarheid reeds ’n besluit geneem dat verreweg die meeste skolekompetisies, wat hierdie kwartaal afgelas moes word, nou na die vierde kwartaal gaan verskuif. Daarmee sal matrikulante, wat al byna ’n jaar lank alle mededingende sport ontsê word, darem die geleentheid gegun word om “vir oulaas”, voordat hulle die skoolbanke verlaat, wedstryde vir hul skool te kan speel.

Virtual coaching roll-out for schools rugby SA Rugby announced on Monday 1 March that coaches, parents and players from schools across the country will be invited to a series of webinars as preparations step up a gear for a return to action later in the year. An announcement was made recently on the return to non-contact training for all amateur rugby, including schools, clubs and associations and within specific safety conditions required by the current Covid19 pandemic. This comes in light of the recent easing of adjusted lockdown regulations. To further assist and educate players from the various u.18 age groups, SA Rugby’s rugby department will share their expertise online and in real time with players, coaches and parents at school level.

The programme – which will run from Thursday 4 March until Thursday 1 April 2021 – was compiled by Hilton Adonis (manager: training and education, Louis Koen manager: high performance programmes), as well as Herman Masimla and Nico Serfontein, who spearhead the elite player development (EPD) programmes. “Our online coaching webinar series last year was a massive success and we decided to do something similar, specifically to assist players at school with the best way to get back into action again after a very long time away from the game,” said SA Rugby’s director of rugby Rassie Erasmus. “Hilton, Louis, Herman and Nico have put in a lot of effort and done great work in this regard, and the series of webinars will be of great value for any player, coach

or parent from u.15 level upwards,” says Erasmus. “While the focus will be on the better players, who have been identified as part of our EPD programmes, any players who are keen to lace up their boots again will find benefit from the information we’re planning to share.” Four webinars are planned, as well as a final interactive session where parents, players and coaches will have the opportunity to interact with staff from the rugby department. The first of the four session, which will be conducted by Springbok head coach Jacques Nienaber and his junior Springbok counterpart Bafana Nhleko, will discuss the national coaching blueprint on Wednesday 4 March. This will be followed by a session on

strength and conditioning on Thursday 11 March, hosted by SA Rugby’s head strength and conditioning coach, Tim Qumbu. SA Rugby nutritionists Zeenat Simjee and Robyn Moore will talk about diet and the use of supplements on Thursday 18 March, and the last session, on training management during Covid-19, will be hosted by Springbok women’s head coach Stanley Raubenheimer on Thursday 25 March. The series will conclude with a live feedback and information session on Thursday 1 April. Schools will be informed via their provinces on the details of the webinars, and those looking for more information are urged to get in touch with their provincial unions.

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