TygerBurger Ravensmead - 3 March 2021

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Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za



Nic Matthee, choreographer from Delft.


Dancer inspires youth BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind


retired dancer and choreographer from Delft is looking to inspire the youth through dancing. Nic Matthee is a six time international hip-hop champion who now focuses on community upliftment. “Being introduced to dance in 1998, I was intrigued by Cape Flats

freestyle dancing and in 2010 I was introduced to hip-hop. Being part of community upliftment especially in youth is a great achievement. “Our youth are killed due to the rise in drug abuse and crime and we cannot allow this to be the future of our children. I want to focus on the youth and shape their talent into something they can use. Through my entertainment business we do mentorship,

education and transferring of skills. In our community there are no opportunities for the children and we want to create those opportunities,” says Matthee. The different projects Matthee is busy with include the Freestyle Dance League, the Floorkiller Community Project and a project with the Belhar Development Forum. “It is important that young talent, like Songezo Wiz Killer, is promoted so that they

can reach their full potential. Some of our students have already performed on television shows like Hecticnine9, the Expresso Morning Show and on MTV. We will soon be giving lessons in open spaces in the community so that we keep up with Covid-19 protocols. We will also be hosting a dance competition so that we can have a look at the talent,” says Matthee. Anyone interested in dancing can call 071 688 0087.

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Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media 24-groep Verspreding: TygerBurger Ravensmead/Belhar word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Belhar, Roosendal, Voorbrug, The Hague, Ravensmead, Florida, Cravenby Estate, Connaught Estate, Eureka Estate en Uitsig. Totale verspreiding: 20 000 TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 279 338 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel ( 021 910 6500 of e-pos: verspreiding@tygerburger.co.za Kontak ons: Redakteur: Cecilia Hume ( 021 910 6500 cecilia@media24.com Joernalis: Brenden Ruiter ( 021 910 6551 Brenden.ruiter@media24.com Advertensiebestuurder:

Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021

Koerante skitter in stryd D

rie TygerBurger-uitgawes het onderskeidelik tweede en derde plekke behaal in die Forum vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste (FCJ) se jaarlikse toekennings vir uitnemendheid. Twee joernaliste van TygerBurger, asook verskeie joernaliste en susterskoerante in die res van die Kaap en Boland, het ook in die kompetisie geskitter. Die wenners van die 2019-toekennings vir uitnemendheid is Vrydag in ’n aanlyn uitsending op YouTube aangekondig nadat die Covid-19-pandemie die toekenningsgeleentheid, wat in Junie verlede jaar sou plaasgevind het, gekniehalter het. In die TygerBurger-stal het die Kraaifontein- en Bellville-uitgawes onderskeidelik tweede en derde plekke behaal in die kategorie Koerant van die Jaar: gratis koerante in

korporatiewe besit met ’n bladoplaag van minder as 24. TygerBurger Brackenfell is tweede in dieselfde kategorie vir koerante met ’n bladoplaag van meer as 24. TygerBurger Durbanville was ’n finalis. TygerBurger se susterskoerant in die Helderberg, die DistriksPos, is aangewys as die beste betaalde koerant in korporatiewe besit met ’n sirkulasie van meer as 5 000. In dieselfde kategorie het Paarl Post derde plek behaal, asook derde plek in die kategorie vir voorblaaie: betaalde koerant in korporatiewe besit met ’n sirkulasie van meer as 5 000. In die kategorieë vir skryfwerk het Desirée Rorke van TygerBurger tweede plek behaal in beide die hardenuus- en menslikenuus-kategorieë. Samantha Lee-Jacobs van People’s Post

School applications open

Barry Langenhoven ( 021 910 6520 Barry.Langenhoven@media24.com

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Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claassen@media24.com of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Pippa Green, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus ( 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na ( 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na nakhanyim@ombudsman.org.za or pippag@ombudsman.org.za

The provincial education department is appealing to all parents and caregivers, particularly those who have learners that will be entering either in Grade R, 1 or 8 next year, to please apply before 26 March. Applications can be made either online or through a paper-based application process should a parent not have access to technology. According to a statement, the department has already recorded 52 884 applications on the system by 16 606 parents since Friday 26 February. Parents are required to apply at three schools, including the ones closest to your home, and order their preference on the system. The following support documents are needed: . the last official school report card; . ID, birth certificate, passport of the learner; or

a study permit (foreign learners); or Proof of application (study permit) or a police affidavit; . immunisation card (Road to Health Chart) [Primary Schools Only]; and . proof of residence (rates account, lease agreement, an affidavit confirming residence). Parents are to please apply via https://admissions.westerncape.gov.za/admissions/ login The statement further reads that once applications are processed by schools, parents are requested to confirm (or decline) their child’s choice of school for 2022 between 24 May and 25 June. “We want to alert parents that if there are large numbers on the system, as we saw Friday, the system may display an error message. Please try again la­ter, hit refresh, or the next day, as it will correct itself.”

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(TygerBurger se susterskoerant in die suidelike voorstede) en Lisé Beyers van Paarl Post was gesamentlik derde in die rubriekekategorie. Lee-Jacobs se inskrywing het rubrieke ingesluit wat gepubliseer is in TygerBurger, People’s Post en City Vision. Racine Edwardes van People’s Post het die kategorie vir sport-skryfwerk gewen. Carina Roux van TygerBurger was ’n finalis in die kategorie Fotograaf van die Jaar, en tesame met Rorke ook ’n finalis in die kategorie Joernalis van die Jaar. ’n Rekordgetal-inskrywings is vir die 2019-toekennings ontvang, sê Hugo Redelinghuys, direkteur van die FCJ, in ’n mediaverklaring. “Dankie aan elkeen wat ingeskryf het en baie geluk aan al die finaliste en wenners. Julle is die room van die oes in ons bedryf.”

New traffic cops in training DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke A total of 90 new traffic officer recruits this month started a 12-month traffic officer’s training course at Gene Louw Traffic College in Brackenfell. Once completed, participants may be offered a position as a provincial traffic officer at one of the thirteen Western Cape traffic centres. The course consists of 31 unit standards covering subjects that include the implementation of the National Road Traffic Act and the Criminal Procedure Act, as well as guidelines for road traffic law enforcement. “Participants will also undergo firearm competency training, first aid training, training in basic firefighting, and additional driving training where necessary,” says spokesperson for the provincial department of transport and public works Jandré Bakker. Participants will be receiving training accredited by the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority and Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC). “Those found competent during practical and theoretical assessments and successfully complete the course will graduate with a qualification in Road Traffic Law Enforcement,” says Bakker. Bakker says trainees will work alongside experienced officials to sharpen their knowledge and know-how. “They will also get the opportunity to apply their new skills in a high-pressure environment, for example, controlling traffic and systematically roadside inspection of vehicles, as well as applying the National Road Traffic Act,” says Bakker.

Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021


TYGERBURGER Ravensmead & Belhar 3

Belhar learner fighting for environment BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind


15-year-old learner from Excelsior High School in Belhar has established an environmental development plan in order to protect the environment of Belhar and surrounding areas. Miguel Beneke says his first order of business will be protecting the environment by petitioning against plastic, because plastic is a harmful product. “Industries should use paper or cloth bags which are reusable and it is not that harmful to the environment. We will focus on the planting of more trees in the community. We will also grow a community garden and host more clean-ups in the community. It is also important to constant-

ly remind people to conserve water and recycle products,” says Beneke. He believes that if everyone works together the environment can be saved. “Every society is formed by people from different social, religious and cultural backgrounds, classes, age groups and values that they uphold. Every individual plays a role in society, which bears certain repercussions in the immediate present, as well as in the coming future. And it is the responsibility of each citizen of our country to work towards strengthening the base of our society. Every society is like a bundle of flowers where the beauty of each flower is important to be able to make the entire bouquet of flowers look brilliant. The youth are like flowers and form an intricate part of any society and

they have an important role to play. Any society is incomplete without the participation of young blood. In order to make a society progressive and dynamic, young people should be made an essential part of it,” says Beneke. Beneke, who is in Grade 10, is a go-getter. He is the junior police commissioner of Belhar and he volunteered at the youth development league.

Miguel Beneke, a learner at Excelsior High School in Belhar, created an environmental development plan.

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Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021

Social housing project on a roll NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk


he Glenhaven social housing project is 50% tenanted and the City of Cape Town believes occupation will be completed by the middle of the year. This came to light as the City’s Mayco member for human settlements, Malusi Booi paid a visit to the site – almost a year after his last inspection. “When compared to what I saw when I visited a year ago, the progress is truly remarkable,” he says. “It is exciting to see the Glenhaven social housing project progressing well and that occupation of the units by qualifying beneficiaries has already started. This means that we are one step closer to seeing the plans for this project become a reality.” The location of the project is on the last known available piece of land for housing in the Bellville South and Glenhaven areas. Multiple violent protests have taken place, with residents fuming over the lack of housing in the surrounds. The project, on the corner of Peter Barlow Road and Bester Roads, has been in the

The Glenhaven social housing project. works for years. It consists of mixed types of housing on one premises – some available for traditional rental, some as affordable

housing and some as Gap housing. The affordable housing project is called the Anchorage and is run by the social hous-

ing institution Urban Status Rentals (USR). The project is funded in part by the City who has spent around R67 million on the project. It’s expected the housing project will be valued at around R190 million in total once completed. It helps low-income households to get access to a convenient location and top class amenities, like WiFi and CCTV, without paying top dollar. The rent of every unit is determined by a sliding scale of monthly income. A total of 512 social housing opportunities are available as well as 253 gap rental housing units. “Social housing is rental or co-operative housing for low and lower income households earning between R1 501 and R15 000 per month, with the proviso that the applicant is willing to and undertakes to pay monthly rental,” the City explains in a statement. “Gap housing is for households which earn between R3 501 and R22 000 per month, and do not qualify for a full State-housing subsidy. However, these households are eligible for a range of partial housing subsidies and programmes.”

Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021


Mom (49) walked the walk to matric pass TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS @taryns07


ust shy off 50, Sadieka Abrahams from Bonteheuwel obtained her National Senior Certificate results last week. The 49-year-old mother, who achieved a Bachelors pass, said she made the decision to complete her matric in 2019 as she sought to encourage her daughter to do the same. “I wanted her to complete her matric so she can get a better paying job and make a better life for herself and her family. I sacrificed my time and walked to the Bridgetown Community Learning Centre at Bridgetown Secondary School and then home again at 20:30 from Mondays to Thursdays for the better part of 2019. I had a goal to complete and as hard as it was, I walked the walk.” Abrahams said when the Covid-19 outbreak started, their exams were postponed from May last year to November. “When I eventually wrote the exams at the Combined Centre in Manenberg, I stressed most exam days as I never had money to travel, but I was determined and made my way there. I’m happy to report that I obtained a Bachelors pass. Everyone told me that completing all six subjects at once was a mistake, but I said I would prove them wrong.” Abrahams said her vision is to uplift women and single mothers in the area. “I’d like to empower them by teaching them skills like computer lessons, gardening and workplace experience so they may empower themselves to become self-supportive.” She dropped out of school in 1988 and got married. Over the years she realised the importance of education. “I know of better now and if I could go back in time, I would do so many things differently . . . like completing my education.”

Sadieka Abrahams (49) obtained a Bachelors pass in the National Senior Cerificate exams. Abrahams has encouraged those who dropped out of school for various reasons to consider returning back to school. “I know that life happens to us all, but make use of the opportunities available. Bonteheuwel may be filled with drugs and gangsterism, but you don’t need to be in the area to make it better.”

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Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021

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Woensdag, 3 Maart 2021


Participants needed for OCD study DESIRÉE RORKE

demic would be particularly affecting these people with contamination obsessions and washing compulsions. bsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) “Paradoxically, OCD patients with conis the focus of an upcoming research tamination/washing symptoms are ‘exstudy to be conducted by the Univer- perts by experience’ in their efforts to avoid sities of Stellenbosch and Cape Town in a dangers through excessive cleaning. The incollaborative effort. creased anxiety about the virus may be fuelThe unit conducting the research invites ling obsessive fears of contamination and adults with OCD, brothers and sisters of harmful compulsive washing in some peopeople with OCD as well as healthy people ple with OCD. For these people, Covid-19 to take part in the study that is set to start can become all they think about,” she says. soon. Due to fear of infection and the emphasis OCD is a mental illness associated with on hand hygiene by health advisories, the significant occurrence of other mental symptoms of OCD might worsen. illnesses such as de“Constant bombardpression and anxiety. ment by the media “Characteristic about the possibility of symptoms include the infection also doesn’t presence of recurrent, make it any easier for intrusive, or distur­people with OCD.” bing thoughts or obsesOCD affects approxisions and/or repetitive mately 2-3% of adults, behaviours or compulsuggesting, in theory, sions, which may also that in South Africa be mental rituals,” exthere would be about plains researcher Prof 1.2 million people with Christine Lochner of the condition at any the University of Stelpoint in time. lenbosch. “Now that vaccinaExamples are fears tion against the virus of contamination often has become a reality associated with comfor most countries inpulsive rituals such as cluding SA, pandemicrepetitive hand washrelated concerns and ing, cleaning and takanxiety may reduce. ing disproportionate However, for some peomeasures to reduce ex- Prof Christine Lochner ple with OCD, and speposure to perceived cifically those with sources of contamination. fears of being harmed for example by injecOther intrusive fears, she says, may be tion, by faulty vaccines, or those with fears centred around symmetry and order, lea­- of needles vaccination may also be a chalding to ritualistic arranging, ordering ac- lenging experience,” says Lochner. cording to set rules, and repetitive coun­There has been little focus on the effect ting. of the pandemic on people with OCD, but In addition, worries such as fears of inad- limited studies suggest that the majority of vertently hurting or harming someone else adults with OCD were adversely affected by or causing harm or damage and checking the pandemic. whether those close to you are okay, whe­“These patients were also more frequentther the stove and other appliances are off ly found to experience suicidal ideation, inand windows and doors are closed. creased Internet checking, sleep disturbanLochner says people may present with ces, avoidance behaviours and work diffisome or all of these symptoms, or they may culties.” have symptoms solely from However, the school is one of these symptom clusnot yet out about the impact ters. of Covid-19 on OCD, accordDuring the pandemic soing to Lochner. cial isolation resulted in “Comparison among lone­liness, the loss of freestudies is difficult due to dom, separation from loved methodological differences. ones and reduced social inAlso, these studies mostly teractions, all factors that report on the short-term efcompelled the research. fects of the pandemic on “Social isolation associatOCD. Long-term, we may ed with quarantine can also have to face an entirely diflead to many mental health ferent scenario.” sequelae even in healthy Lochner says there appeople. The consequences pears to be a connection beof the pandemic and consetween OCD symptoms and quent quarantine were anfunctioning in certain areas ticipated to be of particular relevance espe- of the brain, but that connection is not clear. cially in patients with psychiatric disorders “Researchers have gained much insight insuch as OCD. to the cause of the disorder by comparing “Perhaps no group of individuals with brains of people with OCD with those withmental illness is as directly affected by the out the condition. worsening outbreak of Covid-19 as people A global study which includes this South living with OCD,” she says. African study is collaborating to gain This, due to cleaning compulsions such as knowledge about the multiple brain nethand-washing. works playing a role in OCD, using stanCleaning compulsions, according to dardized methods. Lochner, is the most frequently reported These methods include interviews, sosymptoms in OCD, affecting at least 50% of phisticated neurocognitive testing and patients. brain imaging. The long-term aim of this “Although frequent hand-washing and project is to streamline the treatment of the sanitizing of the environment is surely condition so that the brain networks inbene­ficial for preventing the spread of Co­- volved in development and maintenance of vid-19, at the same time, the question may OCD can be targeted more effectively. be raised how all of this are affecting people V For more information on the work, please go to with OCD, specifically those with obses- https://global-ocd.org/or facebook: @OCDRSA or sions of contamination and compulsions of email the principal investigator Dr Christine Lochner washing. “Experts assumed that the pan- (CL2@SUN.AC.ZA).



“These patients were also more frequently found to experience suicidal ideation, sleep disturbances and work difficulties.”

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Tygerburger and Media 24 have not verified whether any of the services or products advertised will have the desired e ect or outcome. Readers will note that some of the promised results in the advertisements are extraordinary and may be impossible to achieve. Beware some of the procedures and claims advertised may be dangerous if not executed by a qualified medical practitioner. Readers are warned that they should carefully consider and verify the advertiser's credentials. Tygerburger and Media24 do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any of the services or goods advertised. 000000-AL160518


Bertish Bertish to to take take on on the the Pacific

Capetonian Chris Bertish plans to embark on the Transpacific Wing Project, the world’s first solo, wing foil, transpacific crossing in June. The two-month long record-setting Transpacific Wing Project follows Bertish’s world first, solo, unsupported, Trans-Atlantic stand-up paddleboard crossing that garnered global attention and raised money for multiple global charities in 2017. For this next adventure, Bertish will solo wing foil 4 586km across the Pacific Ocean from Half Moon Bay in California to Oahu in Hawaii. The journey will require Bertish to complete the equivalent of more than two full marathons per day, winging a minimum of eight to 12 hours per day, for over fifty days, unsupported and completely unassisted. The Transpacific Wing Project craft was custom-built for Bertish’s 2017 solo, stand up paddle journey across the Atlantic Ocean.. PHOTO: BOB STAWICKI


Beamptes nie gelukkig SAREL BURGER


kolekrieket-beamptes in die Tygerbergstreek kan slange vang. Dít nadat die plaaslike skolekrieketspanne, saam met dié in die Boland, slaggereed was om die afgelope naweek wedstryde te speel. In ’n uiters debatteerbare besluit van Krieket Suid-Afrika (KSA) einde verlede week is die skole die harnas in gejaag deur ’n besluit dat geen wedstryde die res van hierdie somer mag plaasvind nie. Nadat die WP se krieketunie reeds vroeër in Februarie aangekondig het dat alle vorme van krieketwedstryde weens die viruspan-

demie vir die huidige seisoen afgelas is, is die Bolandse skole intussen mondeling deur KSA meegedeel dat wedstryde die afgelope naweek moontlik in daardie streek hervat sou kon word. Gevolglik het verskeie Tygerbergse skole hul toevlug tot hul Bolandse eweknieë geneem om van die afgelope naweek wedstryde in die Wynland en omstreke te laat plaasvind. Maar toe kom die gewraakte aankondiging kort voor die afgelope naweek. In die lig van Sondagaand se aankondiging deur die regering dat die hele land se Covid-19-inperking van vlak 3 na vlak 1 sou skuif, het dit werklik sin gemaak dat die erg

gefrustreerde jongelinge die geleentheid gegun moes word om, te midde van voorgeskrewe virus-protokolle, terug te keer na mededingende sport. Maar KSA se regsomkeer en (voortydige) besluit aan die einde van verlede week dat geen wedstryde tot en met 31 Maart mag plaasvind nie, het ’n stokkie voor verwikkelinge van enige aard gesteek. Wat hierdie aankondiging soveel te meer dispuutbaar maak, is dat skole in die omsendskrywe feitlik aangemoedig word om voort te gaan met huishoudelike oefeninge en selfs oefenwedstryde tussen spanne van dieselfde skool – maar wedstryde teen enige ander skool sou taboe wees!

Nou kan die jongelinge – en ook senior somersport-klublede – maar net hoop dat toestande later vanjaar met die aanbreek van die volgende somer sodanig sal wees dat normale sportaktiwiteite dan wel moontlik is. Die WP Noordelike Stadsgebiede-krieketstreekunie het in der waarheid reeds ’n besluit geneem dat verreweg die meeste skolekompetisies, wat hierdie kwartaal afgelas moes word, nou na die vierde kwartaal gaan verskuif. Daarmee sal matrikulante, wat al byna ’n jaar lank alle mededingende sport ontsê word, darem die geleentheid gegun word om “vir oulaas”, voordat hulle die skoolbanke verlaat, wedstryde vir hul skool te kan speel.

Virtual coaching roll-out for schools rugby SA Rugby announced on Monday 1 March that coaches, parents and players from schools across the country will be invited to a series of webinars as preparations step up a gear for a return to action later in the year. An announcement was made recently on the return to non-contact training for all amateur rugby, including schools, clubs and associations and within specific safety conditions required by the current Covid19 pandemic. This comes in light of the recent easing of adjusted lockdown regulations. To further assist and educate players from the various u.18 age groups, SA Rugby’s rugby department will share their expertise online and in real time with players, coaches and parents at school level.

The programme – which will run from Thursday 4 March until Thursday 1 April 2021 – was compiled by Hilton Adonis (manager: training and education, Louis Koen manager: high performance programmes), as well as Herman Masimla and Nico Serfontein, who spearhead the elite player development (EPD) programmes. “Our online coaching webinar series last year was a massive success and we decided to do something similar, specifically to assist players at school with the best way to get back into action again after a very long time away from the game,” said SA Rugby’s director of rugby Rassie Erasmus. “Hilton, Louis, Herman and Nico have put in a lot of effort and done great work in this regard, and the series of webinars will be of great value for any player, coach

or parent from u.15 level upwards,” says Erasmus. “While the focus will be on the better players, who have been identified as part of our EPD programmes, any players who are keen to lace up their boots again will find benefit from the information we’re planning to share.” Four webinars are planned, as well as a final interactive session where parents, players and coaches will have the opportunity to interact with staff from the rugby department. The first of the four session, which will be conducted by Springbok head coach Jacques Nienaber and his junior Springbok counterpart Bafana Nhleko, will discuss the national coaching blueprint on Wednesday 4 March. This will be followed by a session on

strength and conditioning on Thursday 11 March, hosted by SA Rugby’s head strength and conditioning coach, Tim Qumbu. SA Rugby nutritionists Zeenat Simjee and Robyn Moore will talk about diet and the use of supplements on Thursday 18 March, and the last session, on training management during Covid-19, will be hosted by Springbok women’s head coach Stanley Raubenheimer on Thursday 25 March. The series will conclude with a live feedback and information session on Thursday 1 April. Schools will be informed via their provinces on the details of the webinars, and those looking for more information are urged to get in touch with their provincial unions.

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