ConclusionAlthough there is not a radical influx of people immigrating to Poland, it could easily be attractive to do so in the upcoming future with the rise in the Polish economy. With the challenge of assimilating into a mono-ethnic society sports, particularly team sports can help immigrants, people with different political beliefs, different socio-economic statuses, and different backgrounds come together to put aside their differences in order to play or watch their favorite sport. The multi-purpose stadium looks like they are a thing of the past from the destruction of almost every large box stadium from the 1960-70s, and the new shift is to that of the new single sport stadiums with a short life span. Both are not reliable and have deep flaws. Large stadiums have a tendency to destroy the surrounding urban environment while also being ecologically hindering towards a sustainable future and having various single sport stadiums does the same thing just at a smaller scale. Instead of focusing on the size and quantity of stadia society should direct its attention towards the quality of said stadium. The stadium designs of the future should bring people closer together and be an aspiration for all different kinds of athletes from all different play levels while being adaptable to its environment. The Warsaw Dragons deserve to play the game they love in a big stadium just as much as a professional football star. Make the fans feel like superstars when they are at the game. Stadiums such as the Colosseum, Fenway Park, the Melbourne Cricket Ground, and Wrigley Field have stood the test of time (some more than others) because they accomplished this feat of making their fans feel important, marking them as the treasures 60