Hong Kong Weekend Adventurer - Process book

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Overall Process (i) Logbook with meeting record (ii) Schedule

Part B : Idea development (i) Concept - title - target audience - proposed strategy - promotion (ii) Location select - Ruins - Seasons - Popularity

Part C : Outcome (i) Video (ii) Booklet (iii) Postcard

Part D : Technique development

(i) Photography - DSLR camera - Post-production --- Lightroom - Time-lapse (iii) Video filming

Part E : Professional ethics reflection form

Part A

Overall ProcesS

Overall ProcesS (i) Logbook with meeting record

I have recorded some progress I have done each week. After that, I have done some self-reflections.

Phase 18/1/2016 — 19/2/2016 week 1 - 4

week 1

Review project brief, brainstorm ideas, and set my own topics.

Have been think different topics and choose one to do. Brainstormed topics : Personal inner world Travel in Hong Kong Final decision : Travel in Hong Kong

week 2

Brainstorm different aspects of project

Have been identify what I want to do in the project : Problems / Design challenge / Target Audience / Objectives

Think about the techniques that I will used in project

Final decision: Photography, video production.

Try to take some photos and videos for testing

30-31/1 Fotanian Open Studios 5/2 Sam Mun Tsai

Do some research about the project

- - -

Hong Kong Tourism Board Travel magazine Places that valued to go

Lunar New Year Break

Write proposal and research report

week 4

Present proposal

Self-reflection after presentation

Phase 20/2/2016 — 24/3/2016 week 5 - 9

Site visit Try to take some photos and videos for testing

20/2 Nam Shan Estate, Queen's Hill Camp 21/2 Oi Man Estate 28/2 Sheung Shui Wa Shan 4/3 Nam Shan Estate 6/3 Mui Shue Hang Playground 13/3 Kuk Po 19/3 Cattle Depot Artists Village 20/3 Fanling Magistrates' Courts

week 6

Do some research and inspiration about the project

- -

‘Friday Report’ 2016-2-5 Travel magazine

week 6-8

Change directions of project

- - - -

project title target audience proposed strategy and concepts location selection

week 8

Write Interim Critique

- consider about changing project direction - revised suggested places - schedule - current progress

week 4-8

week 9

Interim Critique presentation

Interim Critique presentation reflection

current progress : haven’t start working on booklet and website design

Self-ref lection In the previous eight weeks, I only focused on photo and video shooting. All booklet and website design have not started. I will more focus on finish outcomes in the following weeks; such as edit videos, design booklet and websites.

Phase 25/3/2016 — 16/5/2016 week 9 - 16 Shing Mun Reservoir 城門水塘 Shek Pik 石壁 Yim Tin Tsai Village 鹽田仔 Choi Hung Estate 彩虹村 Kwun Tong Promenade 觀塘海濱公園 Por Lo Shan 波蘿山 Aircraft Maintenance Area 機場維修區 PMQ 元創方 8/5 Pok Wai 壆圍

week 9-15

Site visit Try to take some photos and videos for testing

2/4 3/4 9/4 16/4 21/4 1/5 7/5

week 9-10

Change directions of project

- - -

week 9-15

Photo retouching

Edit photos in post by ‘Lightroom’

Booklet design

- - - -

Location selection Cancelled website design Media promotion

write contents and captions select some photos design layout design E-book and print out version

week 11-15

Video editing

- -

week 15-16

Write process book

Record all aspects and process of the project

week 16

Final Presentation

Present final edited video

Self-reflection after presentation

- -

revised videos, cut them shorter explain more details in booklet to let readers and audience understand the concepts

Revised outcomes

- -

revised videos and booklet add outcomes : postcards and stickers, for exhibition

Edit videos in post by ‘imovie’ and ‘After Effects’ Time-lapse video were edited in ‘After Effects’

Overall ProcesS (ii) Schedule

In this project, I have gone more than 20 places for site-visit. Some of them have been added into project. Some of them were not suitable for suggesting people travel there, they can only be the references. But they were the valuable experiences for me. They made me travel around Hong Kong for five mouths, from January to May 2016.

Part B

Idea development

Idea development



title target audience proposed strategy


Concept title TRAVEL

cultural Desert experience in hk

Original Travel Cultural Desert experience in HK


weekend adventurer

Revised Hong Kong Weekend Adventurer

The original title is ‘Travel Cultural Desert’, as many people said Hong Kong is a ‘cultural desert’, so I would like to ‘travel in cultural desert’, it seems like satirize. But after received some opinions from others, most of them though that ‘cultural desert’ is a negative term, it didn’t match the theme. Finally, I changed it into ‘Weekend Adventurer’, as I found that I went to site-visit at weekend most of the time. It seems like can match the main message : change your lifestyle and explore Hong Kong more. That’s why the final title is ‘Hong Kong Weekend Adventurer’.


Concept target audience The original target audience is the foreign visitors. But the revised target audience is ‘Hongkongers’ At the beginning, I though that Hong Kong Government always promote Hong Kong as ‘world city’, the tourists maybe have misunderstanding about Hong Kong local culture, so my target audience is the foreign visitors. But after researched Hong Kong different aspects, it was found that most Hongkongers didn’t know those places too. It made me surprise and changed my whole project direction to focus more about Hongkongers, hope they can understand more about Hong Kong local culture.

Original : Foreign Visitors Revised : Hongkonger


proposed strategy

- Feel & experience the real Hong Kong - Classify different hobbies’ traveller and suggest places for them

# a new travel lifestyle Because changed the target audience, the proposed strategy should be changed too. I have changed the strategy into more match Hongkongers’ lifestyle, for example find some living space lebensraum from the limited space, more choices and ways for spending weekend. It can promote as ‘Weekend Adventurer is a lifestyle.’. They can go out, explore Hong Kong for mentally relax during weekend. It can keep their life balance. It also suitable for poor traveller. Besides, it also important to tell people that many valuable places becoming destroyed and disappeared as the city is developing rapidly.

Revised + suitable for poor traveller + more choices and ways for spending weekend + find some living space lebensraum from the limited space + keep your life balance + government can expand more different directions for residents and visitors about traveling Hong Kong


Concept promotion

Expected Outcomes Original 1) travel guide (printed book) 2) website 3) promotional video

Revised 1) travel guide (e-book) (printed booklet for exhibition) 2) promotional video 3) Postcard 4) Stickers

Original excepted outcomes are travel guide, website and promotional video. But after changing the whole project direction, I think there should be some effective promotion strategy for Hongkongers. To fit the Hongkongers’ lifestyle, Internet and social networking is the important to them, as I would like my outcomes can connect to social networking, a nd not just a website waiting people to visit the website. That’s why I would like build up my own personal branding image through social networking.


Concept promotion




HK URBEX is a facebook page that about ruins photography. Their team always go to different country to search the ruins, not only Hong Kong, they go ruins even Singapore, Chiang Mai, Jakarta and Iceland. They will take a series of photos and videos for record, after that upload to Facebook page. Over 13,000 people have liked their page. They have also interviewed by some tranditional media, magazines and newspapers.


Concept promotion


Kelvin’s Landscapes

Inspiration Kelvin Yuen is an unviertsity student, also is a amateur photographer. He loves hiking and capture Hong Kong landscapes. Most of his photos is a wide nature view, you can feel the most beautiful views in Hong Kong.

More than 34,000 people liked his Facebook page, and almost 9,000 people have followed his Instagram account. Last year, he have won first prize and an honorable mention in the youth division of the Taiwan section of ‘National Geographic’s International Photo Contest 2015’. After that, ‘Hong Kong Tourism Board’, ‘National Geographic Channel Hong Kong’, and other brand have cooperated with him.


Concept promotion


3) LAMYOCK He is a ‘rooftopping’ photographer, always explore daredevil aspect from the tallest building structure. His photos always made audience exclaim with admiration. 18.5k people followed his Instagram account.

The North Face Hong Kong to collaborate with him for a series of advertisement recently, which is about ‘Urban Exploration’. You can see how personal brand and lifestyle can promote concepts and self-values.

‘Be an explorer, Never Stop Exploring.’


Concept promotion

My lifestyle concept -- Hong Kong Weekend Adventurer To review myself, I have been a ‘weekend adventurer’ since 2014. When I went to explore a new place, I will take photos and post them to my instagram account. This is an effective method to promote my aims, ‘weekend adventurer’ lifestyle.

Why I don’t use Facebook page is, Instagram can spread effectively than Facebook if you set its public, everybody can see my photos and videos. Super add the hashtag

those related terms can help other Instagram user see my posts.

*A hashtag is a type of label or metadata tag used on social network and microblogging services which makes it easier for users to find messages with a specific theme or content.*


Concept promotion

My lifestyle concept -- Hong Kong Weekend Adventurer Besides, I have created my own hashtag

means that there are all my exploration record with this hashtag. So I use Instagram as my promotional social networking media finally.

Idea development


Location select

Seasons Popularity Ruins


Location select

Original 1) Artist

元創方 PMQ 牛棚藝術村 Cattle Depot Artists Village 伙炭藝術家工作室開放計劃 Fotanian Open Studios

2) Architect

愛民邨 Oi Man Estate 勵德邨 Lai Tak Tsuen 南山邨 Nam Shan Estate

3) photographer (beginner)

大東山 Sunset Peak 機場維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area 三門仔 Sam Mun Tsai

4) photographer (adventurer)

皇后山軍營 Queen's Hill Camp 蠔涌錄影廠 Ho Chung Television Production Studio 圍公立學校 Pok Wai Public School


Location select

Revised 1) Artist

元創方 PMQ 伙炭藝術家工作室開放計劃 Fotanian Open Studios

2) Architect

愛民村 Oi Man Estate 南山村 Nam Shan Estate 彩虹村 Choi Hung Estate

3) Photographer

三門仔 Sam Mun Tsai 機場維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area 華山 Wa Shan

4) Adventurer

波蘿山 Por Lo Shan 石壁 Shek Pik 圍公立學校 Pok Wai Public School


Location select


1) 大東山 Sunset Peak Some places have different seasonal view. Sunset Peak is a good example. At the hilltop it offers a very broad view as well as different seasonal scenery such as sea of clould, sunrise and silvergrasses distributed full at hillside during October and November. I have went there in November 2014 and 2015. Because of the weather factor, I could not take the best view of Sunset Peak but I can’t take photos during the project period, Spring and Summer of 2016. So I gave up to suggest Sunset Peak to the readers.


Location select

Popularity This travel guide aims are find Hong Kong another aspects, suggest some special places to the readers, so I would like to consider the locations’ popularities before suggest people to go.

1) 華山 Wa Shan

This is a People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison range complex which near Sheung Shui. But it will be opened to public at weekdays. The vast prairie as far as the eye can see. It seems rare to see this kind of view in Hong Kong.


Location select


2) 城門水塘 Shing Mun Reservoir

Shing Mun Reservoir has so many Cajeuput-trees and creates a beautiful nature view. But I found that many people knew this place as there are many tourists and Hongkongers went hiking there during my site-visit. That’s why I haven’t chose this reservoir finally.


Location select RUINS


「不公開拍攝地」、「不破壞一物」 以免被民眾破壞。

Ruins photogaphy rules 'Don't tell the venue overtly.' 'Don't distory anything.'

In my point of view, ruins are valuable to travel, but respect the ‘ruins photography rules’ is also important. I encourage people explore those place but I afraid if there become popular, they will be destroyed. At last, I only chose one ruins for reference.


Location select RUINS

On the other hand, ruins are dangerous. Long period discarded made the building or structure is in a dangerous condition, they maybe following a fire, storm damage or impact from a vehicle. Besides, most of ruins’ environment are dark as they are without power support, can’t turn on the lights. To protect the safety of the public, I should avoid suggesting the dangerous ruins in my travel guide.

The license of entering each ruins are different. Some ruins are belongs to the government or private property, some ruins have security guard…

According to law provision, Cap 228 Summary Offences Ordinance s 4 (30),

'trespasses or allows any beast to trespass upon or in any messuage, tenement, cemetery or land vested in or under the control or management of any public officer or department whatsoever.' 香港法例第 228 章《簡易治罪條例》第 4(30)條說明,侵入或容許獸類侵入歸屬於公職人員或公共 機關,或由公職人員或公共機關管轄或管理的任何宅院、物業單位、墓地或土地,即屬違法。

So that I revised some places of ruins and make sure that they were obsoleted and nobody regulated now.

1) 皇后山軍營 Queen's Hill Camp My friend just went there half year ago. But when I went to this camp again, it became a construction area to dismantle.


Location select RUINS

2) 蠔涌錄影廠 Ho Chung Television Production Studio It is a private area, no entry except authorized. I just went there and took photos stealthily.


Location select RUINS

3) 粉嶺裁判法院 Former Fanling Magistracy

The Former Fanling Magistracy was included into the Batch II and Batch III (as re-launch) of the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme. A project presented by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups was selected for the adaptive reuse of the building. That means it still owned by the government, it is not suitable for suggesting people go there.

4) 壆圍公立學校 Pok Wai Public School This public school is a already stood down and fallen into a state of neglect rural school. There are no any security guard and easy to enter it. It also seems safety than another ruins, so I chose this old school as ruins suggestion.

Part C


Video Original - Each theme create one video. - It’s about‌ There’s four person which act as

artist or architect or photographer (beginner & adventurer)

use third person to take video see how they travel these suggested places and discover something interesting

Because of the time limitation and actors factor, I revised the video strategies.

Time limitation : I would like to take videos each places, but I haven’t many time to shot the videos. Furthermore, I couldn’t borrow DSLR camera in January, therefore the photos and videos’ quality were poor. So I only chose one place for shooting video of ‘artist’, ‘architect’ and ‘photographer’. As I though that all locations of ‘adventurer’ are special, all places of ‘adventurer’ have been shotted.

Actor : IBecause I would like find a suitable image of ‘artist’, ‘architect’ and ‘photographer’, I have been selected some actors and actress. But unluckily, it’s hard to find the suitable actors. Besides, I always changed my project directions, the places were not confirmed until week 8. So I decided gave up to use actors in the videos. Only ‘artist’ can let an actress acted like an art lover.

Video Revised - - - - - -

Each theme create one video Only choose one place in ‘artist’, ‘architect’ and ‘photographer’ all locations of ‘adventurer’ were shotted third/first person to take video record the process during travel those locations film as documentary

Artist - 元創方 PMQ

Architect - 彩虹邨 Choi Hung Estate

Adventurer - 菠蘿山 Por Lo Shan - 石壁 Shek Pik - 壆圍 Pok Wai

Photographer - 機場維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area

Video Artist - 元創方 PMQ Length : 2:09 Actor/actress : Wan Background music : A Wonderful Day (by ALUMO, 2015) Testing vidoe : https://youtu.be/zVzfiEfhKYA

Storybaord : Wan is an art lover. She went to visit PMQ for some inspirations. (use third person eagle) Content and explanation of video : 1)

walk pass the shop show some designers’ shops (handicraft, fashion, even 3D printing)


sit down and sketch there are some public space for visitors have a rest


look outside the window, see performance on ground floor PMQ always hold some events, cultural festivals

4) 5)

see exhibition some art exhibitions can be found in PMQ


taste library a special corner that other shopping mall haven’t this kind of library.

play piano public art are welcomed in PMQ


/ No storyboard First-person view

Content and explanation of video : 1)

show many building’s name their names related to ‘rainbow’ color


children and teens play in playground show public area as it is benefit for an estate observed the human behaviors.

Architect - 彩虹邨 Choi Hung Estate

Length : 1:53 Background music : Happy Life (by AUDIATION STUDIO, 2016) Testing vidoe : https://youtu.be/fTH2qKdDCAM

3) take 360 wide shot show how large is this playground is. Most of estates haven’t a large public area for residents have rest, but Choi Hung Estate have this kind of places.

Video Photographer - 機場維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area Testing vidoe : https://youtu.be/cR2tG7VIVgc Length : 1:53 Background music : Castles In The Sky (by CORY FEIGEN, 2016)

Some time-lapse videos have been used in final video.

Adventurer - 菠蘿山 Por Lo Shan - 石壁 Shek Pik - 壆圍 Pok Wai

Testing vidoe : https://youtu.be/Be9p-ErSZKU Length : 3:04 Background music : Beyond Borders of Inspiration by DRAGANOV VEACESLAV (DRAGANOV89) (2016)

booklet Original A5 size Easy to pick out when travelling

After recevied some opinions from others, this is not a travel magazine and provide some travel tips to the readers. I would like encourage people do the researchs, find the transportation information by themselves. Finally I changed into an e-book version and A3 print out version. E-book version is more confident for people read outside through their smartphones. A3 print out version is used for exhibition. Readers can see the photos more detail.

Revised E-book (pdf format)

A3 booklet (exhibtion) with mood photos and captions

Part D Technique development

(i) Photography

DSLR camera

This is the photo I take by common digital camera last year.

This is the photo I take by DSLR camera last week.

To do this project, I have learnt many photography skills. Although I always went different places to take photos, I only use the common digital camera, Sony Cybershot DSC-HX1. I didn’t even know the relationship between IOS , focal length and aperture. So this is my first time to use DSLR camera to take photos and videos. It is a big challenge for me. But now, I can handle some basic control of DSLR camera. The skills and composition have been also improved.



As I need to use high quality image, I tried to take RAW photos and did some post-production. ‘Lightroom’ helped me a lot to deal with a batch of photos, especially time-lapse video. It’s needed to adjust the same style so ‘Lightroom’ can do these works.

Part E Professional ethics ref lection form

background music My original videos have used some background music with copyright. I have decided to use some covered music performance by some YouTubers, but they still have copyrights. If I covered those music by myself can be used, but I considered my abilities so I gave up to use the same music. Finally I found some music with ‘Creative Commons’, the artist allows this track to be downloaded for free. And I promised that they were used for personal use. Now those music are used in my video project under a Creative Commons license)

background music

Length : 2:09 Actor/actress : Wan Background music : A Wonderful Day (by ALUMO, 2015)

Length : 1:53 Background music : Castles In The Sky (by CORY FEIGEN, 2016)

Length : 1:53 Background music : Happy Life (by AUDIATION STUDIO, 2016)

Special thanks

my subject lecturers,

Mr. Kwai-ming LAM, Mr. Nai Hang Billy YIU, Ms. Vera SUN

and friends, who take adventure with me

TAM YUET YAU, VANESSA Hong Kong Weekend Adventurer Final Year Project Visual Communication tyy1023yau@gmail.com

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