Performance Racing Trim
Chapter 1: Boat Speed, Boat Handling and the Racing Pyramid 1.1 Why Do We Race Sailboats? 1.2 The Racing Pyramid 1.3 Boat Speed and Boat Handling 1.4 Performance Analysis
1.1 Why Do We Race Sailboats? Sailboat racing requires a broad mix of skills: We need sailing and boat handling skills; an understanding of wind and weather; and knowledge of tactics, strategy, and rules. We also need specialized sail trimming technique; organizational skills to manage crew; and analytical skills to grapple with information. We need to be able to set goals and establish priorities, concentrate amidst chaos, ignore discomfort, and learn from our mistakes. None of us can master all the skills. Part of the enduring appeal of racing is the breadth of the challenge it presents. Not only can we never master all the skills; we are challenged in new ways every race, for no two races present the same mix of challenges. Sailing's appeal goes beyond these challenges. We enjoy racing for the chance to be out on the water, for the thrill of working with the wind, for the challenge of competition, and for the camaraderie it brings. 1.2 The Pyramid The building blocks of successful racing can be diagrammed in a hierarchical pyramid. Tactics lie at the top of the racing pyramid. Beneath tactics lie Boat Speed and Boat Handling. In order to race successfully you must work your way up the pyramid. To win races your boat handling must be second nature, and you boat speed second to none.
Fig. 1 - The Racing Pyramid
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