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Peter Koeppel, Managing Director, Leitz Tooling Asia Pte Ltd tells Goh Tz’en Long about new cutting tool developments and gives insights on the wood manufacturing industry in the Asia Pacific region.

Innovation In

Tooling Besides offices in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, does Leitz plan to set up more in Southeast Asia? Yes, we intend to set up one in Thailand. The Thai industry is doing well, especially in panels. The new office will have the same setup as Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia and will concentrate on diamond cutting tools.

or the rainforest and depend on countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. Some of our customers have started to get supply from overseas instead of their own countries. If they are doing the wood forestry in their own country, it will be good for the whole industry. There are also alternative businesses such as the import of MDF from China.

Are there any new product developments in the pipeline? Yes, in the area of thin kerf saw blades and diamond head cutter blades. Leitz has been in the market for 130 years and is the market leader in innovations. There will be improvements on diamond cutters; monocrystalline diamond (MCD) gives much better surface quality and running time is almost 10 times longer.

Where do you see the areas of growth in the Asia Pacific region? This is what everyone is talking about. Everybody’s talking about China. I used to work for a metalworking company before. I set up one in China. Leitz also has production in China which caters mainly to the local market and not for export. But sooner or later they will also be exporting to Southeast Asia. Growth in my opinion will come from countries such as India, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, and hopefully Indonesia becomes more stable politically. Technology will be ahead in places such as Singapore and Malaysia.

How do you feel about prospects for Southeast Asian woodworking market? Prospects of woodworking or wood manufacturing will depend on forestry


APRIL 2006

Wood-based panel manufacturing appears to be on the rise and encroaching on some of the areas occupied by solid wood in furniture manufacturing because of environmental reasons. How do you feel this will have an impact on Leitz’ business? They will need better tools because solid wood is something which is quite nice to work with. If it comes to panels, you can have a plastic surface on top and it is very difficult to cut. It will be a challenge for tool manufacturers to develop new tools to get better performance. In Europe, the forests are growing and there is actually overproduction on wood. Some of our Asian customers for panel, parquet and even laminates, are importing wood for the top layer, and the top layer is from Europe. Going by the kind of requirements from customers and end users, nobody wants to have tropical wood surface which is in colour a little bit darker than the European ones. They are importing light coloured wood such as beech, maple or walnut.

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