Executive Insights
How long have you been in the coatings industry? I have been in coatings for most of my life. I have worked for distributors. I worked for 16 years for BASF before I was headhunted to take on the job I have now got with Arch. And actually, I have been with Arch for three and a half years. Arch coatings recently launched the Sayerlack Tintometric System and HD coatings systems, what is important about these innovations? The Wood Stain Plus system, which is the translucent colour matching system you
intervention and it takes a very long time. With this new system, you can match a stain in 20 minutes, where previously it would take you a minimum of half a day. So it’s a tremendous improvement in terms of efficiency for the customers. The HD system is something different. The HD system enables us to reach the level of hardness that we thought previously was only possible using nanotechnology, using a completely revolutionary new type of technology that we pioneered inside our research and development labs. It is a technology for which the customer will pay only a small price premium to achieve very high
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Stains Ian Guy Hobday, Global Managing Director Coatings, Arch Sayerlack Coatings Srl was in Singapore recently for Arch’s Asian distributor conference. Goh Tz’en Long caught up with him for an insider’s view of the latest Sayerlack products and the Asian coatings market.
are talking about, is the first of its kind in the world. It enables us to match stains which is an industry first and to do so automatically. We actually demonstrated it this afternoon at our Asian distributor conference and I could swear that we had 10 distributors in the room and we took 10 orders, because the system is just incredible. It is the first time as well, I think, that anyone has been able to get a patent on something like this. The technology is very unique and we are expecting it to take the market by storm, never before has it been possible to do stains automatically. Previously, colour matching stains required human
levels of durability or scratch resistance in a paint film. Everybody had been turning to nanotechnology. The problem with nanotechnology is that it is incredibly expensive. You can see the cost of a paint film tripling or quadrupling if you use nanotechnology. We have been able to get the same level of scratch resistance by using this new technology, in-house development, which means that the customers are going to expect to pay a 10 or 15 percent price premium, and it arrives at a level of scratch resistance; we’ve had it certified to 6H, which is the highest in the marketplace, and the