Utakmica Delmata i Rimljana / Delmates vs Romans Match

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Utakmica Delmata i Rimljana Delmates vs Romans Match

Nadgrobni spomenik sedmogodišnjeg rimskog dječaka Gaja Laberija koji u ruci drži kuglu ukrašenu mrežasto povezanim šesterokutima, simbol prave kožnate lopte, smatra se čvrstim dokazom da se prvi nogomet u Europi igrao baš u Cetinskoj krajini. Pronađen je na nalazištu Tilurium, točnije na lokalitetu Gardun, a datira iz 2. stoljeća. Danas se nalazi ugrađen u kuću Perković u Vrličkoj ulici br. 10 u Sinju.

A tombstone of a seven-year-old Roman boy Gaius Laberius holding a ball with hexagons joined in the manner of a net-like ornament. The symbol of a real leather ball, it is considered firm evidence that football in Europe was first played in the Cetinska Krajina Region. It was found in the Tilurium site, more precisely the Gardun site, and dates back to the 2nd century. Today the tombstone is built into the front wall of the Perković family-owned stone building in Vrlička ulica at number 10 in Sinj.

Revijalna utakmica između Delmata i Rimljana osmišljena je oslanjanjem na povijesne činjenice povezane s nadgrobnim spomenikom Gaja Laberija. Samostalni umjetnik Dejan Poljak, u svrhu promicanja teorije o nastanku nogometa na ovim prostorima, izradio je repliku nadgrobnog spomenika i osmislio igru prilagođenu vremenu nastanka stele. Utakmica Delmata i Rimljana se održava svake godine krajem srpnja. The idea of a match review between the Delmates and the Romans is based on the historical facts related to the tombstone of Gaius Laberius. In order to promote the theory about the origins of football in this area, the freelance artist Dejan Poljak made a replica of the tombstone and created a game adapted to the time the original stele dates from. The match review between the Delmates and the Romans is played annually at the end of July.

Utakmica je zapravo kazališna predstava komičnog karaktera, s pravilima igre koja su izmišljena i u duhu antičkog vremena. Glavni glumci su car Dioklecijan i carica Priska sa svojim savjetnicima, okruženi stražarima i vojnicima u loži. Na terenu su glazbari, sudac, deset delmatskih igrača i deset rimskih igrača, svi odjeveni u izvorne kostime.

The match is in fact a theatrical performance of comic character, played by the invented rules which are inspired by the spirit of ancient times. The leading roles belong to Emperor Diocletian and Empress Prisca with their advisers, surrounded by guards and soldiers and in this way separated from the field, where there are bandsmen, a referee and players, ten of them in both teams, that of the Delmates and of the Romans, all of them dressed in authentic costumes.

Promotori kulturnog događanja Gaj Laberije Tel: +385 (0)91 576 3466 Tel: +385 (0)91 736 5902 e-mail:info.laberije@gmail.com www.infolaberije.blogspot.com TURISTIČKA ZAJEDNICA GRADA SINJA Put Petrovca 12, 21 230 Sinj Telefon: +385 (0)21 826 352 Fax.: +385 (0)21 660 360 www.tzsinj.hr e-mail: tzg-sinja@st.t-com.hr


Facebook: Sinj Tourist Board

SINJ TOURIST BOARD 12 Put Petrovca, 21 230 Sinj Telephone: +385 (0)21 826 352 Fax.: +385 (0)21 660 360 www.tzsinj.hr e-mail: tzg-sinja@st.t-com.hr

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