Portfolio / Tzu Hsin Lu

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001. THE VIEW Thesis Design / 2017 Shih Chien University solo work Installation design Director: Ting-Tseng Shen

劕兎⡁ 澚詈┞⠥沃긖 劋⹜䞰⦒♒溸 ꇅ⹜ ⾕勑❔ 㹧⦒┞⠥瘏冎 兎兎⯤⯤ 侊首詈㴋 溸⩱䔕⾕꾺虝 沖뀹⼗❔溸兎 ⡁ 乡ⳛꇸ做 溸堅唐 䧶䊩❔┞曪訬㲳 䧰꿈㳴肭嗙朮溸 双黢麃嫙 ⾕䔕㲳溸靨 㷞䫌㸚

⮘ 为 痎 䫐 籇 ⯒ 劆 䕁 ┯ 괜 靿 溸 㝛㝃 ꮺ⯜◗♒䞰靿溸霁 ♒傷┯儱䧰䖦 鎮 䨿 䞰 ▢ ┯ 儱 濤 ╚ 䨿 锶 䧰 儱 ꯼ ⪜ ◗ 鏬✑溸算硾沖 ╚ 錻镅閅溸ꃠ䌝紎唅庀 庀䑜 詈ꃠ偠镅 紎겴┯牐闶 ⛰⺪♧ ⹜ ⯒ 剳 ꇸ 溸 㐍 做 ⯽ 긖 蕞 䕁 긖 겴 播 곒 䕒䔻ꇸ ⛰䧰㐃ꄻ鎮 㸡♒⠰ ☆縩㐃┞ 鱏

looking out _ window view from my room


䕞 濤 ⯽ 溸 瘏 䨭 ⯒ ꇸ 做 溸 冎 骯 䧰 ꌬ䞰詈锣澚溸匯锟朮둑⹸㸚⩱ 播 䕁 ⹸ 㸚 ⯒ 䧰 ⠰ 溸 濤 瀖 䨿 ♧ 䧰 ⠰ 䕒 ♧ 澚 锶 䧰 ⠰ 濤 瀖 溸 㲾 㐃 㸮 蔻 朮 둑 溸 㲾 㐃 㠂 卸 ⩱ 紎 ┯ 㐃 ꊙ 鎮⯵朮둑▢┯㐃ꊙ鎮


䔕㲳靨㷞㆘㠂卸ꫛ饿气嵛╚溸꯮䔕劋溭槁劕兎䧰⠰溸濤瀖儱潮 潨溸ꄾꇅ┞㺾筡䉘䧰⠰澚⯒溸匯锟首䕒溭俇氌蔸氘气鴋걖詈 ꆽⳛ溸峒筅

The exchange of reality and virtuality, the bones of the entity reflect the shadow on the white surface

Transparent bones glow on a black surface

making bones

䕞 䌐 긖 ⯒ ┩ 粫 溸 ꇅ  ꄾ ꇅ 上 浂 ⮘ ⰽ 䌐 긖 ꄾ ꇅ ⮘ ⰽ ⾕ 䫐 河 首 掿 ┩ 粫 Ⱁ ꪛ 㢾 兎 沖 㴋 ♧ ┯ ⻎ 嬡 ❛ 䫐 河 兎 㴋 ⦒ 돠 꾁 ┞ 埞 ⛞ 㺥 痀 宯 ⾕ ⩱ 儱♒溸舸

䧶 䧄 䱧 䧶 侒 翞 ㎌ 掿 ꓨ ⲇ 蔦 播 劋 䧄 痀 首 䓺 ╒ 䫉 ⛿ ┯ ⻎ 溸 뭒 䨿 ♧ 㴋 ⪾ 劕 ┯ ⻎ 溸 㜾 閑 㹧 ⦒ 儱 ┞⠥㵽㊯纉䪪◗欏㘷⾕欏㘷⩱

1-3. Making bones: light as flesh Model design process

step by step 俠⠥曨儱氠ㅠ┞甦ㅠ⩧篂⻉緶 ⪴ ❈ 氠 ◗  ⠥ ㅠ ⩧ 嬓 ⠥ ㅠ ⩧溸㹷㸈掿  ⸤稍 Y  ⸤稍 籮ꇅ⮘ⰽ为鍩痎紎䫐河 ⻉✶瞐交✑䕁䨿劕摿⩱憑賻葭 ꌬ㸡䕞䌐긖┪荻곒╒䧯掿曨둑 溸┞ꌄ⮖

N ^

Site 霃㕈㐍⛻偠㷞鵖㝕㳴㏨剹녕溸 ┞埀掿ꅾ⪜㏨剹녕⯽䖪籮溸ꇕ 鴤籮䊬┞俠㝙▇╚ꌬ儱☭❔☭ 䔯溸䝡岞锟剨溸䐮碏朮馫嬓⠥ ┬ⶭꌬ⺪♧㐃婠姒魼㝙⩱溸首 ⵋ

陶㝃☭鱂ꇅ兎ꌬ屜劕峜䟩⯒傽 訓 溸 耙 冎 䧰 䞰 氠 䧰 溸 陮 阜 䯱 䯛 ꄻ ┞ ⯤ ❈ 㖪 冎 䧯 掿 5IF 7JFX

1.element combination 2.site plan with circulation

Catching light, light is always there, but we are gradually disappearing.

ꄾ ꇅ 包 値 溸 ⹸ 㸚 ⾕ 痎 ꄠ ㎌ 婠 ⺪ ♧ 澚 ⯒ 欏 㘷 ⩱ 摿 韣 儱 冕 㝙 ꉝ 儱 ┬ 곞 㝙 ꯮ 䔕 ꌬ 劋 㐃 㐍 긖 曨 㚧 ⾕㝙蛟卆┪㴙긇㐍⹸㸚

1.people pass by 2.myself behind my work 3.interaction diagram

measurements: 486cm x 405cm material: matte film construstion duration: 14 days

1. under construction, facing the sun 2. shadow crawling to the ceiling 3. shadow of The View

潳 ⯒ ⩱   俇 ꪛ 劕 兎 攍 㐃 朮 둑 ┪ 劕 兎 麔 㐃 ꯮ 䔕 ╚ ꄾ ꇅ 朮 둑 ꓨ 偈 餠 ⯂ 溸 ⩱ 䩜 儱 ꯮ 䔕 潳 紎⾕潳紎ꅛ䱺㐃┞鱏䓺䧯◗靨㷞䌐麣溸꯮䔕

002. SYLLABUS Design Studio 4th / 2016 Spring Non-site solo work Director: Thomas Han

From rational rules to perceptual: Logical method / When the building is not yet a building and all related things are treated as objects, return to the mass / volume / form of the object itself to discuss how we can create an object step by step. Observation of everyday objects (small to large scale) mass / volume / form plus material (Photo / light / camera). Object-toobject observation (scale small to large). Add emotional user experience to rational analysis.

catalogue Process / rule correspondence creation

䕞 ‫ ﱝ‬긖 둑 ⯒ ⪣ 긖 둑 ⫙ ⯒ ⶥ 긖 둑 锺 ⯵ 儱 鬫 䖓 ꉺ 齬 䲀 悎 ⱁ 䐮 ┯ ⻎ 䓺 柁 ꄾ ꇅ 做 岻 首 䓺 ⾕ ⮘ ⰽ 㕈 勔䓺柁䧶䕞꾁ꪛ㢾ⱁ䐮偈㒘둑溸锺⯵

combination. 㐃 輄 仦 ┿ 汔 ╚ 圸 䐮 㸫 骯 蕞 㸫 骯 ▇ ꪨ 溸 ꬨ ➵ ╒ 潳 閑 㐍 ⯀ 偖 㝕 㸰 鼹 ꓨ ⯽ 䕁 ⾕ 牐 乎 溸 嬡 ❛ ❛ 㠂 䐮 ꅑ ┞ 䍵 堦 垻 ┞ ⠥ 薩 皭 埀 ┞ 䍵 䨽 㺒 ♧  䐮 ꅑ ┞ ⠥ " 䨽ꪨ嗈㲳筥ꟴ

Transparent Acrylics

6mm MDF

6mm Screw

Transparent Acrylics

Concrete ABS (3D Print) ABS (3D Print)

6mm MDF

Materializing the Form ꈹ 亜 篂 ⻉ 潨 ꛉ ╚ ⺪ 锶 ⪼ 䐮 碏 ⺪ 茥 䙎 ▇ ꓪ 둑 篂 ⻉ 㸡 ▇ 埜 㒘 䬐 闋 尵 㴼 ꈏ ⻉ 包 値 䞰 ⦒ 蝅 濤 ⯽ 䨿 锶 掿 ┞ 圸 ꅑ 朮 劋 儱 䘤 묉 埞 錻 䐮 圸 鱏 ❔ 包値蕞包値▇ꪨ劋䘤묉潸䱺潸牐

From Rational To Emotional 沖 槏 䙎 溸 锺 ⯵ ⲍ 䧯 麃 ꃺGPSN ┯ ⫙ 儱 괐 菴 鎮 溸 圸 䞰 ㎌ 掿 锣 訓 㷞 䧯 㷞 둑 溸 NBTT 䖪 籮 ▇ 鴤 掿 包 値 溸 ꈹ 亜GSPN SBUJPOBM UP FNPUJPOBM 溸鴤掿沖䓺둑錻鮈◙◗包鮐╒ 㷞 갿 鏬 ꅑ ⮃ ❔ ♒ 㹧 劕 ◗ 鏬 ✑ 溸 浂 鴏 劕 ◗ 包 値溸銩䝡♒㹧䧯掿 FNPUJPOBM PCKFDU

003. REPRESENTING THE SPIRTE OF SPACE Design Studio 4th / 2015 Fall Hulin Market solo work Director: Yu-Ji Hsiao

⺬ ⵍ 䉗 ⛿ キ 庍 ⻉ 溸 銏 冎 鎮 꾁 劆 㸩 䊬 ⺪ 锶 溸 裞 ꇅ偠⥝簣䉗㖪▇偠䧰⠰溸嬓傽气嵛⦒儱鱪䉗 ➬ ⯈ キ 䍕 槁 㐃 걖 軹 卲 皒 ⥝ 簣 䉗 㖪 걦 趵 ◗ ⺬ 挗 ☭ 겑 둑 溸 气 嵛 茹 簁 ┞ ⮘ ❔ 蔦 偠 ⛿ キ 庍 ⻉ 䓺 䧯 溸 佥 鬦 臕 訓 겴 播 傽 岖 兎 劻 蔸 ♂ ꪛ 㢾 ♧ ⯜ 䍳 ⶤ ⱜ 閑 䗽 硆 槏 ⥝ 簣 䉗 㖪 氌 蔸 劕ր ⪬ 劕 䉗 㖪 ց 婿 ⪜ ꌬ 䉗 阜 沃 溸 ⯜ 䍳 锺 碄 ╚ ⺬ 挗 ⻄ 軹 걖 詈 ┞ 唅銏䉇脯气溸⥝簣䉗㖪ⷺꉝ儱┞潳㲾㐃詈 ր⺢锣劕☭㹧劕气宯㹧劕㟳⻃溸匯锟ց 嬓 ┞ 唅 ⥝ 簣 銏 䉗 걖 脢 ♣ ♣ 潸 ⥝ 溸 气 䟩 㐃 䧰 溸 㵶ꍂ䭧纭嵛軧气볨嵛軧溸气㲾詈

Hulin Street 100 TWD Project To involve in the site more than only observation, this project starts with proposing a plan for Hulin street, which is a common evening market of venders gathering. The plan aims at using 100 taiwan dollars to improve anything un-designed in the market.

䱺 闶 溸 儱 ┞ ꪨ 易 噻 ◗ ⶥ 䌤 䌑 溸 脛 계 鬥 䍕  ┿ 汔 ꌬ 劕 ⦒ ꄻ 埞 㵶 䎂 䑑 籮 易 溸 キ 㵶 㐃 ⺬ 挗 ꄾ 䊬儱鬦み摿鎥溸◉鬥羯꾁䧶⪼♒Ⲏ䈰낝⿣ 䍕 긖 ꄾ 䊬 陮 偠 䍕 㵶 蔦 㴐 ꪎ 긖 痀 ꪨ ꄾ 䊬 ┯ 㝕 筷劕ր묆겂겴㸰◩蔐⟺ց▇靿 계 鬥 䍕  䑜 ☭ ▇ 軹 ⪼ ┞ 掿 ⺪ ♧ 蔦 ⤭ 㵽 ㊯ ⹜ 鬼 ⷂ ⵍ 鬥 吀 稍 岓 멬 ꒟ ꑒ 蟭 儱 㵶 㵶 䨭 䨭 溸 䖪 괜 ⿣ ♧ 倷 ⪣ 阜 砰 ♧  銝 ꓪ み ⧜ 㐃 軧 卲 銏 ┪ 溸 ꄻ ꪨ 계 鬥 䍕 ▢ ┯ ❛ 㜾 ꄾ 䊬 계 鬥 䍕 鬦 み 䓺 䑑 掿 ┯ 馫 㵊 ☭ 蔦 鉿 ⳛ 䩘 䭢 ⺅ 䮅 ꈹ 亊 鬥 ♧ 蔸 偠惓惓┯ꓨ镅䍕⪠キ⿣꯴⮬溸䓺䑑

㐃 睙 ┞ 姎 溯 ⩧ 阜 沃 ㈡ 雨 兎 ♧ Ᵽ 㖪 溸 閣 䍳 ⮘ ⪜ 閑 㷍 嬓 ┞ ⠥ 佥 キ ꌬ 儱 ┞ ⠥ 㸰 Ᵽ 㖪 ⪼ ╚ 軧 卲 계 鬥 䍕 溸 薍 ⺬ 痀 ꪨ ㎌ 掿 鬥 朮 ꯴ ⮬ ⩆ 趵 庍 계 䥧 ⦒ 儱 ┞ ⠥ ⠥ 鴩 ⮃ 芼 冎 溸 ╭ 閣 薯 蕞 㵊 ☭ ◧ ⳛꈹ鮫溸キ⿣⠰⹸⠲錻⬽◐溸芼冎ꏖ閣⻃䱆 䨿 ♧ 䧰 雨 ㏨ 㸡 ⪼ ╚ 溸 ┞ ꇕ 曨 긖 ꓨ 偈 恲 溮 ╒ 鞬 俠 ◗ ⯽ 긖 溸 㺥 獐 鬥 ⿣ 馫 芼 冎 汧 溮 馫 閣 虝 ┞┞鴩⮃

After the first trial 㷞갿㐃계鬥䍕痀ꪨ⯝㴟岓恲䕁㎌掿蛟◗剳㝃兎 ꪨ㐃䉗㖪⪠䕞┬ⶭ䔷⯒兰┪偠儱㸡閑㷍侒㝕蔸 俠⠥䉗㖪▇╚溭槁┯⺢儱䧰䱺闶溸계鬥䍕沖 氠Ᵽ㖪溸濤⩱閑澚嬓┞ꪨ㐃婠溸佥鬦ꌬ儱┞ ⠥ ┞ ⠥ 㸰 薍 ⺬ 串 鱏 ┞ 䪻 ⤪ ┞ ⺬ 䲀 黆 氌 蔸 ┞ 齄 塎 黆 薍 ⺬ 䧶 㝕 䧶 㸰 筫 筫 䍵 訓 偠 䉗 㖪 ▇ ╚ 偠儱䧰㎈꾁澚䉂籮㴟䧯溸ꄻꇕ曨⾕俠槏㴟汷溸 계 鬥 䍕 䧰 䞰 蝅 ♧ 俠 ⠥ 䉗 㖪 㹷 䍳 ❔ 澚 ꄻ ⠥ ⳛ ✑ 僻 꿶 ┯ 鳉 㝊 偠 儱 ꅾ ┞ 婢 煝 疶 䉗 㖪 篂 䧯 ⯽ ❔ꅁ銏䱰鬼溸㵊☭➬劕◗睙◝姎溯⩧阜沃溸氘 气

Hulin Market Re-naming Project 㐃ꄻ劻ꪨ䧰⹜◗䔻㝃姎ꄻ⠥묚僽䉗 㖪 掿 ◗ 做 ➬ 徧 ꄾ 䧰 掿 ꄻ 鎮 溭 僻 ◗ 䔻 㝃 ⠥ ⻐ 甭 ┯ 韣 儱 俠 ⠥ 䉗 㖪 ꉝ 儱 䉗 㖪 ⪠ 溸 㸰 キ 鬦 ⮃ み 뗿 떃 溸 【 【 ⮃ み 郁 溸 䑲 䑲 鮄 떃 脛 ⛒ 계 鬥䍕偪ꉭ묆笁佥莞宯㟳㟳ꮣ㤎瞐 溭槁䧰⠰籮䊬❈氠銏꾁㸰鬦䧶脛ꬂ 溸䙎呬䧶儱䨿鮄溸匯锟✑掿♒⠰溸 甭⽿

⫙ ❔ 㐃 俠 ⠥ 䉗 㖪 ┪ 䧰 䨿 澚 ⯒ 溸 睌 輏 䔻 㸵 䕞 镅 閅 ┪ 澚 ꄻ ◳ 㓻 䉗 冎 閑 ╚ 溸 ㅠ 㺾 䉗 㖪 劆 䱺 ꂁ ☭ 꿕 䕞 脯 易 ꅑ ◗ ┞ 甦 气 嵛 ⾕ 虝 䔅 䠌 㶡 劕 䠌 俠 ⠥ 䉗 㖪 㐃 镅 閅 ┪ ꌬ 劕 䔻 㝃 骐 㶡 㝃 䔅 溸 ⟥ 䛉 ⛰ ⛣ ▊ 俠 ⠥ 寏 儤 䉗 㖪ꌬ屜劕⪴☑溸埊阿䧰䞰靿溸儱 㠂 卸 䌤 ⠥ 佥 ⛻ ▇ ꪨ 劕 ⪴ ☑ 溸 匯 锟 ꊙ묉䉗㖪佥⛻槁㐃㸡㲾㐃┞㴼䍳 溸⭚臕ⲇ ㎌掿锣⢳⯒⾀⻐蕞⪴☑溸埊阿䧰䞰 ⯒◗掿䉗㖪⢳┞䒠㐍㏨ ╒㐃㐍㏨ ┪埊⮃䧰ꈹ亜溸䌤⠥佥鬦✑掿㐍 埊 㐍 ㏨ 儱 侒 㐃 粷 鴤 ┪ 嵥 ⥝ 溸 脯 埊阿儱㐃䉗㖪鎮긖⪾둑溭气溸

㐃粷鴤┪䵏㸩軧卲銏┪溸ꄻ⠥䉗㖪 溭槁⯒㝕 㵶㸫㴋劕䔻㝃甦甭⽿做䑑 寏儤䉗㖪 寏儤軧卲䉗겑 軧卲銏寏儤䉗㖪 ꉝ勑⯒ꇘ寏儤䉗㖪溸佥鬦臕겑 寏儤묚僽䉗㖪

How to do it: ✑ 岻 㐃 䉗 㖪 鎮 긖 陨 ゼ ⻄ ⠥ 佥 キ ⾕ ❔ 鬼 匯 锟 溸 꿩㵊䘤묉甭⽿ꄻ⠥䉗㖪 ♧劆㝃俪溸ꈹ亜掿ꄻ ⠥䉗㖪⾀⻐ ꄻ⠥⻐㲼▢㸡劋儱䧰鏬✑㐍㏨溸 埊꾴 䱺詈ꈹ亜䧰锣侒㐃㐍㏨鎮╒掿㴋⾀⻐溸 䌤⠥佥キ鏬✑魂筥䧶儱⺪♧馫䍕㵶伆㐃䍕鎮긖 꿶濤⛻翞溸匯锟✑掿⪾둑溸埊阿 劆䕁鏬✑㐍 ㏨侒㐃粷鴤┪ 뭒⮃佥キ㐍埊 潨埊儱㐃掿佥キ ♧  䉗 㖪 ⾀ ⻐ 侒 㐃 粷 鴤 ┪ 嵥 ⥝ 溸 ⻎ 兎 ▢ 掿 俠 ⠥䉗㖪䳀❵◗剳㝃⭚臕ⲇ溸⺪茥

Entering the Hulin Street Market, the b o o t h s a r e i n h i g h d e n s i t y. S o u n d , light, and smell are concentrated in one street. The houses with higher floors are juxtaposed. Colors, smells, and feelings are deposited in the place where I stand. It seems that where there's people, there's spaces supporting their activities. Walking around surrunded by people, some rubbing your shoulders, while others still brewing more unexpected encounters.

銏 꾁 㸰 鬦 㺈 宑 ⾕ 㐃 ꄻ ⠥ 䉗 㖪 ┪ 鮫 朮 溸 ☭ ⠰ 嬓 ⠥ ☭ ꌬ 劕 蔦 䉁 溸 潨 埊 脯 銏 꾁 㸰 鬦 䪻 軧 卲 銏 ⮘ 䧯┞曪瑮劕㏸㐍⛣▊劕詈摿䓺溸䒠ⲇ 㐃 寏 儤 䉗 㖪 㝕 埀 溸 寏 儤 ㏨ 剹 녕 ⪼ ⪬ ⪴ ꬨ ➵ ⯵ 䔞䔮䐮皒◗┞⠥⾕䌐脯┯銘痔溸皭뭒

傘 1. 2. 3. 4.

100 TWD project and the Unbre Market section of the building concept drawing the word “umbrella“ in Chinese

5IF 6NCSF .BSLFU 儱 ⠥ 篚 ⻉ 䉗 㖪 ㏨ 剹 녕 ⾕傽攍╚䖦溸鐁⻉痀ꪨ⛻偠軧卲䉗㖪溸勒盛 㐃婠交✑╚䉤劵♧ꄻ⠥痀ꪨ䳀❵簋沖㐍佥キ 㺈宑㹐⪼儱ꩾ脢┞⠥⻎偠軧卲銏䉗薯斬딈 ⩫恥气宯溸㖪䨿 㐃 㴟 䧯 ◗ ⩧ 阜 ⱜ 溸 ⪣ 姎 ㈡ 雨 ▇ 䕁 䧰 閑 㷍 ⯒ 긋 䊬 劕 鲨 溸 槁 ⦒ 儱 氮 偠 銏 꾁 㸰 鬦 溸 臕 겑 䓺 䧯 ◗ 軧 卲 銏 䉗 㖪 䬐 闋 銏 꾁 㸰 鬦 溸 朮 ⿣ 兎 劋 溭 槁 곞 ⤪ 儱 ┞ ⠥ 册 ꇂ 溸 ⩧ 筷 곞 ⤪ 溸 您 㲼 篂 䧯 儱 ☭ ⠰ 臕 겑 㐃 ꈜ 豗 朮 ┬ ⺢ 锣 劕 ☭ 臕 겑 㹧 劋 劕 ⻄ 甦 ⻄ 埞 溸 嵛 ⳛ 惓 惓 㐍 곞 ⤪ ┯ 茥 蕞 ☭ ⮖ ꪛ ☭ ▢ ┯ 茥 蕞 ♒ ⠰ ⮖ ꪛ 偠 儱 㐃 䐮 碏 陮 阜┪䮭氠◗곞⤪溸䟩⦒

004. ZEN/ ARANYA/ HOUSE OF A MONK Design Studio 2nd / 2014 Spring Shihlin, Taipei solo work Director: Tsong-Hsuan Hsu

䕞 ꈹ 亜 ┞ ⠥ 皭 뭒 ꪛ 㢾 溸 陮 阜 ♧ ⥱ 舤 掿 ╭ 锣 閑 㷍做岻㈡雨閑㷍蔦䉁溸⽿⻎兎⽿宯

琹 㴶 儱 㐃 气 嵛 ╚ ꬨ 攍 꽟 䜗 儱 ┯ 侊 首 鉿 掿 㐃 ⸯ 勔 ▇ ꪨ 閑 攍 蔦 䉁 ꬨ 攍 欏 㘷 閑 攍 蔦 䉁 㐃 欏㘷╚㸡䟩餠䕞溭俇溸⽠ꈙ侅䭠㎈❔閑⪠ 閑㜾 㸡 㕈 勔 溸 㕈 㐍 鞬 另 䞰 䧯 ┞ 甦 ⬀ 䞰 絋 肭 㐃 㹀 勑 䱺 闶 㝛 㝃 㷞 ⳡ ゼ 꾴 溸 㝕 ◝ ꄻ ┞ 䌑 ♧ 婠 㸢 咀 ✑ 掿㸫偠㕈㐍勔鮐痀ꪨ勔鮐溸䱳筻蕞阨韣


"SBOZB 劆 ⮵ 溸 䟩 䘽 儱 喗 卲 䐦 ⛞ 溸 䟩 䘽 儱 ր㶍긇溸㐍做ցր蔦氮溸㐍做ցրꇥꇸ溸㐍做ց ր屜劕⚉✇㐍做ց

鱏徏⻽聋 ⟵ꇅ荻䩭鉿溸⦺➝ꄾ䊬㐃匆㜾溸痀㐍┪譔㸰 䨽 㲳 䧶 脢 ┯ 譔 䨽 ⺢ 㐃 㝕 堅 ┬ ⚪ 䛉 ✑ 掿 㴙 긇 溸 ⟵ ꇕ 㛶 溸 㐍 做 ꉎ ꪛ ┿ 汔 ┪ 斬 딈 溸 㐍 做⪬㙙⾕⪼♒册ꄾ溯㣖阨⹄ꇸ곒溸㐍做ꄾ䊬 錻镅掿ꮣ躗ꊙ㎌婠㴋⠰▢錻甭掿 "SBOZB 1JDDIV 䧶 'PSFTU 1JDDIV

7 days observation

兰 ┪ 溸 兎 ⡁ ❔ 儤 㝙 溸 㝙 묶 兎 ꪨ 惓 兰 蛟 뭒 兎 ꪨ 㐃 ꯮ 凊 溸 兎 ⡁ 䔷 㐃 ꄻ ꉭ 㸵 ◗ 㝙 ⩱ 㸵 ◗ 鴤 旡 㸵 ◗ 㸫 ⽠ ꈙ 溸 ꓪ 廠 茥 ⲇ 䧰 雨 䞰 㠂 婠 ┞ ❔ 儱⻲⺪♧剳掿㸢峜


霃 㐍 뭒 ⛻ 偠 ┞ ⠥ 㶕 겑 獘 ⶤ 溸 ╚ ꪨ 霃 獘 ⶤ ⛻ 偠 ⺬ ⵍ 锟 ⶤ ⺬ ⵍ 䉗 潸 㸫 鼜 脛 溸 ┞ ⣨ 嚥 䗽 儱 掿 䧰 ⠰ 蔦 䉁 䪨 ⯒ ┞ ⠥ ꮣ 躗 ꊙ 掿 ⾕ 㹀 譔 䨽 䧰 ꅛ 纭 㝙ꪘ詈濤瀖㑀詈雨㏨㸢峜偠舤閅茥ⲇ

⟥ 䗽 儱 䕒 蔦 둑 덴 脯 긋 䬂 骯 䘽 脞 㐃 㕈 㐍 ╚䨿劕舉꼟欏繃劕㠂摿䓺溸呻厝皭㐃㷞 둑 䓺 柁 ┪ 舉 꼟 鎮 꾁 劕 庤 慠 劕 對 懊 脯㐃㕈㐍鎮둑劋ꄻ┞⮘溸䧰㠂┞䩏ꪎ 㐃劕䓺蕞摿䓺▇ꪨ䩤ꪛ

┞ 埀 儱 鱏 㺈 痀 ꪨ ꄾ ꇅ ╚ ꪨ 溸 埀 唨 ⺪ ♧ ⯒ ꇘ 꼾 㺾 溸 ⪬ ⪴ 痀 ꪨ ⻃ 냅 兎 䧰 ⠰ 䥧 霃 㸢 峜 偠 蔦 䉁 溸 냌 낝 瀡 閅 兎 䧰 ⠰ 䥧 霃 㸢 峜偠瀡澸

ꄾꇅ⥾❈氠둛䍳䈼脯┯❈氠曨㚧걁猊朮 ┯⻎痀ꪨ溸갳ꪨ首䕒┯⫙ꊙ묉ꓨ锣







1. Entrance 2. Isolate Room 3. Free Place 4. Silent Place 5. Away Place 6. Nothing Place

005. EXHIBITION & WORKSHOP Design Studio 1-4th / 2012-2016 Multiple site group work

005-1. THE DOOR Design Studio 2nd / 2013 Fall non-site solo work Director: Tsong-Hsuan Hsu



Axis A

Axis B




A Door / 1:1 ㎃ ⠥ ☭ ┞ 篂 嬓 ⠥ ♣ 銩 ┞ 甦 痀 ꪨ ⩧ 筷 ⷬ ꪎ 瘏 㐍 卆 曨 㚧 ⺪ ♧ 氠 ✑ 氠 䨭 둑 덴 溸 ㎌ 筷 䓺䧯䨽㺒溸ⸯ㒘╭锣呻厝儱㎃☭ⶾ✑溸✑⿣ ✑ 掿 陮 阜 气 布 溸 睙 ┞ 꽃 㷞 둑 ✑ ⿣ 䧰 脞 䢫 ◗ 䩤 ꪛ ꪎ 兎 ꪎ 溸 ꆽ ⳛ 㹧 ⦒ 㐃 ┯ ⺪ 锶 溸 ⛻ 翞 沃 ◗ ㎃ ⮖ ▇ ┞ ㏤ ┞ 埞 䧰 䉤 劵 ⺪ 镅 ⵋ 婠 䒃 紎 ㎌ 婠 䧰 㸡 ꪎ 陮 阜 掿 ㎃ ⮖ ▇ ┞ ㏤ 䓺 蕞 ☭ ◧ ⳛ 兎 ㏤ ⾕ ㎃⮖▇┞㏤劋㎌䩤ꪛ⾕ꬨꪘ溸閣䍳脯㸮蔻痀ꪨ ╚⪾劕┯⻎溸㏤閣

005. EXHIBITION & WORKSHOP Design Studio 1-4th / 2012-2016 Multiple site group work

005-2. THE BIG HEAD Design Studio 1st / 2012 Fall Taipei, Taiwan solo / group work Director: Niu Jun Qiang

㝕 㳴 溸 睙 ┞ ⠥ QSPKFDU ♧ 霾 餠 蔦 䉁 銩 槁 蔦 䉁 掿 ╭ 鼎 睙 ┞ ꌄ ⮖ 掿 繞 鏬 蔦 䉁 溸 ┞ 瞊 ┞ 瞐 麃 沃⦒絋肭閑㷍蔦䉁╒沃┬❔㐃ꄻ嫙劻ꪨ 雨 詈 㵊 閑 溸 閑 㷍 蔦 䉁 ♧ 筥 瞊 掿 鼥 둑 ⥝ ꇘ 㐃 蔦䉁㜾閑┪溭槁溸◜㷞

The Drawing / 1:1 self-portrait 208cm (L) x 228cm (W), Acrylic paint on black cardboard

The Big Head / 308cm (L) x 508cm (W) x 308cm (H), black cardboard

㐃繞鏬蔦沃⦒溸ꇅ╚ 䧰溭槁⨕硆䧰嬓㝙ꌬ蕞 蔦 䉁 潸 軹 鄌 嵝 ⛰ 䧰 䔻 㸵 澶 婞 霾 澶 㐍 澚 詈 㟨 嬡㠂䩘蓆溸ꩾ䍳⾕艷萫 溸㷮䍳 걖 詈 瞊 闶 溸 ꄣ 惓 斀 䛴 䧰 ꄣ 惓 ◗ 闋 ◗ 蔦 䉁 ╒ 㸡 ꄻ 甦 䠌 閅 首 䧯 ◗  溸蔦沃⦒埜㒘

The Model / 1:1 self-portrait 60cm (L) x 54cm (W) x 167cm (H), black cardboard

005. EXHIBITION & WORKSHOP Design Studio 1-4th / 2012-2016 Multiple site group work

005-3. TAIPEI RULES Design Workshop / 2014 Fall Shih-Chien University, Taipei group work, curator Director: John Lin

Taipei is an illegal city. Even if its residents are generally good at following the rules. Until you consider that nearly every one of the generic 6 story constructions ubiquitous to Taipei have some form of illegal structure built in, on or around it. The illegal has become legitimized over time. From an architectural and urban perspective, this is an interesting phenomenon. Unlike slum dwellings or informal settlements in other parts of the world which occur primarily at the outskirts of the city, these neighborhoods exist within every urban mega-block of Taipei. This typology is inhabited by all social classes. It counts for the vast majority of ground area and building mass in the city. It is the basic building block of Taipei. That’s why we became interested in the Rules. The challenge could be to find a new way to rewrite the building code of Taipei. Can the illegal become legitimized through design? Can the informal be formulated (as a rule) without losing its natural spatial quality? Taking inspiration from the generic city, we invented New-Rules, based on observations of e x i s t i n g N o n - R u l e s . We d o c u m e n t e d u n i q u e moments of inspired problem solving occurring in common neighborhoods and applied these as guidelines for design. The final result was a prototype, often concerning a basic and simple problem: the door, window, structure, balcony, stair, or wall. The study of the common has led to uncommon spaces and fresh revision of the public/ private divide. Our goal is to translate bottom-up processes into top-down strategies. To conceive of the concrete urban experience through abstract code. It is an experiment in urbanism, linking the scale of the detail to urban planning. We propose an approach towards designing the city, balancing the need for order with desire for diversity; a proposition for a city based on the common good.

In the streets and alleys, through the observation of the illegal construction of the citizens, a new type of living model is possible. OBSERVATION | When there’s no plenty space to park motorcycle,people start to make they’re own ways. Like making parking spaces on stairs.

NEW RULE: A locomotive lane is set up in the outer circle of the house, and you can park your motorcycle directly at home every day


Professional Work / Plan b Inc. 2017-2019 Multiple site group work

䧰 㐃 1MBO C 溸 䈰 ✑ ╚ ◗ 闋 ⯒ 溸 儱 摿 韣 劕 ☴ 묉 ꮺ ⯜ 掿 ◗ 蔦 䉁  ⪬ ⺶ ♇ 锣 䪨 ⯒ ❈ 蔦 䉁 䗫 垠 㐍 䈰 ✑ 溸 做 岻 ⻎ 兎 锣 焒 ꇕ 㐃 ꇅ  ╚ ┯ 偖 㳴 肭 溸僻牟鴤䕈 脯 ┻ 䖪 꽆 ┯ 偖 痔 熏 蔦 䧰 ⨕ 硆 潨 ⯽ 䔻 곔 脞 䢫 痔 熏 ⛰ 劕 ⺪ 茥 偠 嬓 ⠥ 咀 㲳 篚 匙 䕁 霾 澶 䘽 脞 ꉝ 劕〘◳㐍做⺪茥⺪♧⢳溸剳㟳 \ [ Plan b, a consultancy firm primarily specialized in Sustainable Development, aims to provide practical solutions to every issues and problems in our modern days. We believe that “everything needs a plan b, and we are your Plan b, with infinite (∞) possibilities.” ] Photograpghy exhibition during constructing TTDC

006-1.TAITUNG DESIGN CENTER Professional Experiences / 2018 April - August Taitung, Taiwan Design Project Manager working firm: Plan b Inc.

2F interior with natural sunlight

⺬匯陮阜╚䖦55%$儱⺬挗睙┞⠥䉗侓 筨陮阜╚䖦ꄾꇅ陮阜做咀꼹䥧⽠㏚溸欏㘷 ⾕气嵛做䑑 ✑掿㓻䉗溸䳀咀╚䖦㴋掿綶侓䍠蕞⪴☑⺬匯 溸☭⠰䳀❵◗☆嵥溸ꄭ䕈

1F interior with natural sunlight

Photograpghy exhibition during constructing TTDC

沖兎䔷侊ꅑ溸傷劕痀ꪨ儱⺬匯蕥皭꣯鴤饀㷍 㹾 䧰 ⠰ 䪪 併 ◗ 55%$ 溸 阜 ⱜ ╒ 陮 阜 侊 ꅑ ◗ 婠 ㅠ⛻溸ꀡ⪬痀ꪨ❈⪼剳ꈏ⻉槁♣㝃ⲍ茥氠ꄭ 䕞脯龞首掿ꀡ⪬傷㺥閊痀ꪨ

ꄾ ꇅ 㸫 ꪧ 翞 痀 ꪨ 溸 脌 偈 ⾕ ꓨ 偈 ꪛ 侒 䐮 碏 朮 勔 麃 ꄣ 惓 侊 首 ◗ ꮩ ꂁ 溸 欏 㘷 㴋 儱 㓻 䉗 溸 㵊 䐟 斬䝡㐍婜ꁺ嬓⠥⹪蕞脢溸⯒❔

1F interior with view from the outside

006-2. ParkUp Professional Experiences / 2017 - 2019 Taipei, Taiwan Social Media Manager, System Maintenance Firm: Plan b Inc.

1BSL6Q 蔻 ⲇ 偠 脌 ⟵ 䌐 做 稍 ♧ ┬ 溸 ꪧ 翞 痀 ꪨ ╒ 䱰 氠 ⪴ 囸 陮 阜 ꅾ 鉿 侊 ꅑ ꄾ ꇅ 閑 㷍 㖪 㐍 ⽠ ㏚ 㺈 宑 溸 괜 寛 ╒ ❈ 氠 埜 篂 ⵋ 篚 圸 笢 簣 痀 ꪨ 䕒 ♧ ꓨ 偈 ꪛ 侒 雨 ㏨ ꄾ ꇅ 痀 ꪨ 侊 ꅑ ⾕ 峜 ⪜ 㷞 덴 嵛ⳛ❔闋尵☭⺛┯偖嵥ⳛ⾕ꪛ侒痀ꪨ┯偖庿㸵 溸 㓻 䉗 ゼ 꾴 ❈ 㸰 痀 ꪨ 䧯 掿 㓻 䉗 溭 㺥 溸 闋 尵 做 咀

location of three projects

ParkUp GT / first project

ParkUp DT / second project

ParkUp SYC / third project

ParkUp DT on weekends

1BSL6Q 꽃 潨 劆 䑜 ☭ ⪜ ⳨ 溸 ꌄ ⮖ ┯ ⥾ 儱 劕 㝃 㸵 㳘 㲳 䠂 ┪ ◗ ꄻ ⠥ 陮 阜 脯儱劕㝃㸵曋嬏㸫䊩㳘㲳㐃ꄻ鎮楉脲䠌⯒侒䖦

006-3. Campaign Headquarter of Hung Tzu Yung Daya Pop-Up Children Library Professional Experiences / 2019 August - November Taichung, Taiwan Designer Firm: Plan b Inc.

䞓岖䙎溸尾瞭脢ď?ŽâŠŤć Ľĺ‹‘â?”溸ăł˜ ç›…ď?Ž101 61 ă?¨ 剚 ë…• 㸥 ⪣ 脢 䏕 ă?ƒâ”žéą?ď??

006-4. CIT Professional Experiences / 2017 - 2019 Taipei, Taiwan Interior Designer Firm: Plan b associates

An office space more suitable for the development of contemporary industry. CIT, established and operated by Plan b Inc., provides innovative office space. By activating football fields that have been idle for many years to become a new type of work area, a mechanism to induce the curiosity of each participant is established to allow various industries Units, start-up companies in various fields, and freelance workers find room for sustainable development under conflicting exchanges.

006-5. Other Abilities - Graphic Design Design Studio / 2017 Fall Taipei, Taiwan Visual Designer

㐃 屜 劕 冝 䢙 㒘 䩘 塎 屜 劕 册  溸 粷 갿 粷 鴤 屜 劕 摿 紎 ┪ 粷 ꄻ 埞 㲳 耙 㟳 䌑 ♣ ꩾ 㝕 溸 䧰 ⠰ ꄻ 聁 䌑 㸰 㳘 䧰 ⠰ 䞰 ꄠ ꇅ  笢 溸 汷 噻 鏬✑嶯㖦⥝ꇘ沖屜劕◗俪⛻ⵋ溸 ┞ ⮘ 筚 窖 ♧ 䩘 䈰 䲿 繞 陽 靿 ꬨ 偠낝銡⛿鉿溸⺬挗䙎⺪餠⯂耙㟳 阿䤿

006-6. Other Abilities Big / Small Scale Model Making Design Studio 1-5th / 2012-2017 Taipei, Taiwan Solo Work

“I enjoy hand-crafting, trying different materials, searching for the right expression.’’

007.Film Photography / Living in City

Life Random Snap 2012 - 2020 Taiwan Nikon FE / Nikon zoom 300 af

What I like about taking pictures is that I know I’m seizing the moment, every light, every air, everything. Take photos, takes time.

007.Film Photography / The Light

Life Random Snap 2012 - 2020 Taiwan Nikon FE / Nikon zoom 300 af

What I like about taking pictures is that I know I’m seizing the moment, every light, every air, everything.

Sky has the most unpredictable color. Different shades of light, different color we can see.

007.Film Photography / In Nature

Life Random Snap 2012 - 2020 Taiwan Nikon FE / Nikon zoom 300 af

What I like about taking pictures is that I know I’m seizing the moment, every light, every air, everything.

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