Module TFD1064. Design for Communication Design Graphic design group Project – “Artist typeface” Student - George McGuinness Student number - U1256074 Contact details - 07415029986
Picasso Artist Pablo Picasso was one of the most famous and influencial artists of the 20th centry, who spent most of his life time in France. He used different mediums to create his work these varied from Paint, Sculpture, printmaking and more. With his work he went through many differnet periods where he changed his style, for example he is most famous for revolutionising the art movement Cubism, however his own style of painting went through some changes in 1901 - 1904 when he went though a period using different shades of blue. I feel some of his work can influence my typeface as he uses many different shapes and patterents also his work is quite abstract, which can create some inventive, unique design ideas. The images i have selected i feel are most appropriate to use within my work.
Picasso Experiments On this page i have selected different parts of picasso’s work and create a montage using acrylic paint, card and newspaper etc. I feel this will give me a suitable platform in which to start designing a typeface. I have done this as i am required to design a pictorial typeface to be included in the Font Bureau Art range. I feel these experiments have worked well as i have combined the different elements of his work well using different mediums and textures. To develop this further i am going to encorporate this art work into some design ideas that i can hopefully pursue into a final proposal.
Cubism Picasso Cubism is a 20th century art movement pioneered by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso. This style of work was concidered the most influencial art movement of all time, extending from 1910 - 1920’s. Cubism art work is where objects are analysed and broken up and reassembled in a abstracted form, this created some interesting designs, that i can use to influence my own work. I have been asked to create a typeface based on artists work that will inspire me to be creative, also i can use different art movements like cubism, as i feel this will enable me to be creative and develop some initiative designs. Some of these images are from the artist i have talked about above, this is becasue i like the style of his work an feel it would be perfect for me to encorporate some of this in some of my designs.
Cubism Experiments Here I have started to create some cubism design that i can use to influence my typeface. Artists was very interested in creating some new methods of representation, depicting multiple view points and ambiguous spatial relationships in the artwork. The idea to create a 3D effect on paintings was quite ‘radical’ at the time period. I have created these examples by selecting a piece of Picasso’s cubism work of a ‘Guitar’ (Top left) and found shapes that can be transcribed into a typeface. From this research I found that with this style of work I can minipulate different shapes and play with them to create a typeface, which is what you can see opposite. I feel these transcripts are very successful and could be further developed to aid my design process.
Below I am in the process of transcribing picasso’s cubism work (Left). From Picasso’s cubism interpretation of a guitar I have selected various dependable shapes to form a stronger typeface that is uniform. From the thumbnails below I will need to do some refinements. The dependable shapes have been repeated on letters such as; B, D, E, F, H, N, M, W, Z, etc.
Edwardo Paolotzzi Pop Art. Edwardo was a scottish artist and sculpture, born in the early 1920’s and came from an italian background, also he became a major figure in the international art sphere. He then became the precursor of the Art movement Pop Art in the 1950’s. This art movement gets its name from ‘Popular culture’ such as the news, comic books and advertisments etc. Pop Art often uses imagery that are in service in the advertising industry and enhance features such as labeling and logos. For example, in the Campbells soup cans by Andy Worhol. I feel linking Pop Art within my work can result in some bold bright typeface influenced by diferent artists using this Art movement, for example, Andy Worhol, Roy Lichtenstein, David Hockney, Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat etc.
Edwardo Paolotzzi Experiments. Here i have tried to replicate a piece of Edwardo’s work. Firstly i chose Edwardo Paolozzi as i feel his work is very bright and colourful, using different lines and shapes to create unique patterns and designs. I though this would be a good platform for me to start designing my own typeface while also including different types of media within my work like; acrylics and card etc. Here is a piece of work that i created after combining different elements from a number of pieces of work from Edwardo. I have done this to find the most suitable shapes and patterens.
Peter Phillips Pop Art Peter Phillips was one of the originators of Pop Art, and got his start from Royal College of Arts with his fellow students David Hockney, Allen Jones etc. from the Art movemnet, Pop Art. I feel Peters work could easily be incorporated into this brief as he uses various different shapes and lines within his work, which i feel could easily be transformed into a type face, on this page i have displayed an example of what the typeface could look like. Peters work is often very colourful combined with abstract images and shapes, I feel this style of work is good for me to use as a starting point for this project as the shapes can be taken from the artwork to create a unique typeface. This is only a selection of his work that i have reviewed, after analysing some of his work I feel that it is to complex for me to extract a typeface. Below i have placed his website.
David Carson Typographer David Carson is an American Graphic design born in the 1950’s. He is most well known for his typography work which is often combined with prints and his own photography. I have chosen David Carson as an Artist for my research as i like the different style compositions he creates using typography and other mediums. Here are some examples of his work that inspire me most, and that I feel will have most impact on my artist typeface designs.
David Carson Experiments. Here I have chosen a piece of David Carsons work that I particularly like and i have created a few letters of my own, i have done this using a Digital camera on a timer in the dark with a torch. I slowed the shutter speed down on the camera which allowed it to catch the movement of the light from the torch. When doing this i found that my designs was successful however i couldnt seperate the dark background from them. When overlooking this idea i feel that this wouldnt work as typeface but feel i can do more research into the artist to further my development.
Below i have created my own version using the inspiration to the right. I feel some of the letters have worked better than others. I carried this out as research and found that this particular ideas wouldnt work as a typeface. This is because I couldnt extract the background without effecting the letters. Also I feel that this particullar experiment doesnt meet the brief effectively, although I feel david carsons work could still be used.
Jonathan Barnbrook Typographer Jonathan Barnbrook is a british Graphic Designer, filmmaker and typographer, some of his work relates to david carsons in a way that they have similar layouts, but i feel Jonathan’s work has a simplistic look when it comes to the typography which i feel works well. After analysing some work from other artists i have come to the conclution that I am not going to take this artist further as i feel he doesnt match the brief. By this I mean that I have been asked to create a typeface influenced by artists work, therefore I feel his work wont influence my work as much as other artists i have assessed. However I feel this artist has some very intrecate designs which is why i looked at his work.
The Dada Movement 1918 - 1923 The dada movement was from 1918-1923 and was seen as Anti-art. The dada movement is most famous for photomontage. Art techniques of the dada movement include; Collage Photomontage Assemblage Ready mades. Raoul Haussmann was an artist who created various pieces of work that was assembled using different photos, sections of newspaper and abstract images. opposite Is a piece of art work created in 1923 by Raoul called, ‘ABCD’. This is one of my favorite pieces of his work as i think he has combined lots of different elements into this composition that work well. Combined these elements create a pieces of art work that was substantial in that time period.
Armin Hofmann Graphic Designer Armin Hofmann is a Swiss graphic designer. He is well known for developing the typeface known as the Swiss Style, which emphasizes cleanliness, readability. This is like most of his work as he simplifies objects and uses bold front, generally using just black and white. I like his style of work as it is bold which emphasises the impact on the audiance. I feel i could encorporate some of his work to influence my designs. This is because he influenses the power of simplicity and clarity within his work, this thought process will help create some innovative designs in my work.
William Turnbull Sculptor William Turnbull, Born Dundee, Scotland, 11 January 1922 - 2012. was based in London where he did his work. He was accepted into the painting department at the Slade School of Fine Art, London, but immediately transfers to the sculpture department. In 1950 William Turnbull had a joint exhibition with Edwardo Paolozzi at the Hanover Gallery in London which was curated by David Sylvester, Edwardo was a friend of williams and they often collaborated with each other. William Turnbull did many scuptures which is what i am focusing on about his work, some of them will be displayed opposite. I like his sculpture work as it is quite abstract and has lots of different lines and shapes within it, this is why i feel he could have a possitive impact on my designs.
William Turnbull Experiments Here i have transcribed some of Williams sculptures into a typeface. I have done this by selecting appropriate pieces of his sculptures and finding letters within them. I have selected three sculptures from his work, one of them is the ‘Horse’ (top left) with this sculpture I have chosen 2 of many letters that can be found in this sculpture, I have done this to show the different letter forms that can be found within his work. The other examples are ‘Forms on a base’ (top right) and ‘Head’ (Bottom). I feel these examples are very successful and could be further developed. in my opinion William Turnbull is a very good artist to focus on in this project.
Picasso. Typeface Proposal Here i have started experimenting with one of three artists i have researched above that i would like to take forward. What i have done is started to sketch out thumbnails of different styles of characters and letters. After this I then wrote the artists name, which in this case is Pablo Picasso in the font that I started to transcribe from some of his cubism work. I feel this font works well, however the letters i have circled ned some working on to improve their readability and consistency. on the next page i will display further development and a final proposal for this artist - finished on Illustrator.
Picasso Typeface Proposal On this page i have displayed the changed i made the the sketched then the final proposal finished on Illustrator. I have done this on Illustrator to get all the proportions right and make the typeface more consistent. I feel the design is a success so far and a strong design proposal to put forward to help my project. The design has been created using a cubism piece design by Picasso in 1912 called, ‘Guitar’. this particular piece of work was created using charcoal and has alot of different shapes and lines which makes it easier for me to transcibe into a typeface.
William Turnbull Typeface Propopsal Here i have started to design a typeface influenced by William Turnbull. I have changed the design as i feel it wasnt suitable and was too bland. With this typeface i have designed it around a sculpture called ‘Large Horse’ this is because it alloys me to use shapes and lines to create a consistent typeface. I feel the designs shown are successful, this is because they incorporate the artists work very well, this gives a unique style to the designs.
William Turnbull Typeface Propopsal Here i have transcribed the above designs on Illustrator, i have done this to make sure the design is correctly spaced and accurate. i have also demonstrated what the font would look like in different styles such as, Bold and outlined. i feel this typeface is successfully designed.
Edwardo Paolozzi Typeface Proposal For this proposal i have used different shapes and line derived from his work and drawn them on a blank page, on top of this i have drawn a simple serif font in which i am going to fill using diferent colours in all the sections left from the patterns. I feel this will give me a bright and colourful design which is what i am after. Below my development work is the computer verison. when transcribing this work onto the computer, the design became weaker as the colours used were dull, i feel this didnt work along with the bold black lines. After analysing all three artists proposals i feel this is my weakest design as i dont feel it is heavily influenced by the aritsts work, meaning it is not suitbale for this project.
Pablo Picasso Typeface Refinements Pablo Picasso is my chosen typeface as i feel cubism add a different and unique dimention to my design. Here is my initial typeface design with some refinements as i feel some of the characters wasnt as strong or dominent than others. This will enable me to create a consistent design whilst always refering back to the main source. (Picasso Cubism Guitar). Below i have place my finished design proposal for this artist. I feel the typeface is well finished and links in with the artists work i used as influence.
As you can see from the roughs below i have used dominent shapes consistently throughout the typeface. The letters below are being refined from my initial design placed on my picasso typeface proposal page. What i am doing here is making sure all characters are consistent with each other as well as the inspiration used. (left) Doing this will ensure that there are no characters that are weaker than others, making the design as a whole successful.
Typeface Specimen Sheet
Here i have designed a specimen sheet for my typeface, this is only an initial design to show you my typeface in in a sentence and also in different styles. To finish my specimen sheet off I will demonstrate different sizes. However my typeface was created in uppercase therefore I will not be able to show you what it would look like on my specimen sheet in lowercase.
Stroke Colour Development
Fill Colour Development
Chosen Font Standardising
Here i am standardising my chosen font, by this i mean making all the letters consistent is size and style. By doing this it gives it that professional finish. Below i have placed my final design proposal.
University of Huddersfield Module TFD1064. Design for Communication Design Graphic design group Project – “Artist typeface” Student - George McGuinness Student number - U1256074 Contact details - 07415029986