Kettering U3A
21st April 2015 Kettering U3A Year 11 Newsletter 10 Today 21st April
Family History & the Media: Behind the Scenes of BBC WDYTYA with
Nick Barrett From the Chairman— Easter now behind us, clocks gone forward, Spring has arrived and Summer comes on apace. That’s the poetic, optimistic bit. Now the more practical, administrative bit: the AGM is but a few short weeks away with the inevitable “Cabinet reshuffle” (details elsewhere in this publication); nominations for Committee vacancies are sought. Also hauling itself over the horizon, comes not quite the day of reckoning but the time of renewal of membership subs. Though these have risen slightly, we are still the best value for money you’d find on a day’s march! On a more sombre note, I am aware that last month’s talk was something of a curate’s egg and that some members regrettably were offended, for which I can but apologise. We are grateful to all who gave us their feedback, with one exception: reasoned complaint is justifiable; immoderate and anonymous ranting is not. On the plus side, many members enjoyed the talk. For which relief, much thanks.
Mary Next Month 19th May
Crazy Hats Breast Cancer Appeal by
Registered Charity No. 1108614
Glennis Hooper 1
Kettering U3A
Group Leaders Information
• • • • • •
Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A. Ensure that you have:A written record showing your member’s name, address, telephone number and email address. The name and telephone of each member’s emergency contact. The post code of your venue as this will be required by the emergency services should you need to call them out. Send articles, reports and photographs about your group to the Newsletter Editor. Copy deadline for the newsletter is 10 days before the monthly meeting. To put additional information and/or photographs on your Group’s web page on the Kettering U3A website, please email to the Web Master, or send hardcopy to him. Advise the Group Coordinator of any changes to your group arrangements, e.g. venue, timing, group leader etc. Ensure your group members are aware of their turn to do the meeting refreshments at the appointed meeting Refreshment Rota 2015 APRIL MAY JUNE JULY
Theatre Group Card Making 2 AGM – TBA German Conversation
Looking at Churches Heartbeat Wining and Dining Musical Circles 2 Christmas - TBA
Please contact Terry Young ASAP if you wish to make any changes. Tel: 01536 392065 e-mail
Members Information Welcome to new members
Judith Humphreys and Margaret Horne • • • • •
Advise the Membership Secretary, in writing, of any changes to your address, post code, telephone number or email address. If you are unable to attend your Group’s meeting, please advise your Group Leader in advance. If you know one of our members has a special occasion ahead, e.g. important birthday, anniversary or if they are ill and you feel a card from the U3A would be appreciated, please contact Joan Rolfe on 01536 521531 Bring your membership card with you to the meeting and have it available for checking in. If you cannot get to the monthly meeting for any reasons, you can get a copy of the Newsletter:-from either the Library or the Tourist Information desk, Manor House Museum, Kettering or from Desborough, Rothwell or Burton Latimer Libraries. Via our postal service direct to your home (£8.50 per annum) Contact the Membership Secretary to do so. 21 Apr Family History & the Media: Behind the Scenes of BBC WDYTYA—Nick Barrett 19 May Crazy Hats—Glennis Hooper 16 Jun AGM 21 Jul Museum & Gallery— Eleanor Baumber
18 Aug 15 Sep 20 Oct 17 Nov 15 Dec
Photo Quiz—Trevor Rudkin WWII—Eric Nixon Bee Keeping—David White Hearing Dogs for Deaf—Vicky Ryan Being Father Christmas—Colin Oakes
Your Kettering U3A Committee 2014-2015 Chairman Vice Chairman Treasurer/Membership Sec. Secretary/Speaker Seeker Newsletter/Web site Groups Co-ordinator New Members Coordinator Committee Member Committee Member
Mary Wildman Cyril Young Maggi McGuire Marian Tucker Richard Boyles Maureen Curd Elizabeth Toseland Helen McAdams Diane Tebbutt
01536 741 222 01536 392 065 01536 392 716 01536 510 354 01536 744 753 01832 732 361 01536 460 029 01536 628 304 01536 392 556 2
Kettering U3A
The Committee of Kettering U3A is governed by our constitution. This states that the Committee shall have 4 Honorary Officers. These are Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer - all can serve a term of up to 3 years each. Committee Members, who each serve a yearly term, may stand for re-election if they so wish. In June 2015 the situation is:Mary Wildman (Chairman) has served 1 year of her 3 year term and will remain in post. Cyril Young (Vice -Chairman) has served 1 year of a 3 year term and will remain in post. Maggi McGuire (Treasurer) has completed a 3 year term and is standing down from this post. Nominations are sought for this post. Maggi will continue as Membership Secretary Marian Tucker (Secretary) is standing down and nominations are sought for this post. Marian will continue as a Committee member and Speaker Seeker. Maureen Curd (Group Co-ordinator) is standing down. Richard Boyles (Newsletter Editor) will continue in post. Helen McAdam and Elizabeth Toseland are willing to continue as Committee members Diane Tebbutt (Co-opted Member) is standing for election as a Committee Member There is, as a result, a vacancy for a Committee member. Any member of our U3A can apply. If you have an interest or would like to know more please contact Mary Wildman, Chairman. If you would like to nominate someone to stand, please complete a nomination form below, which must be returned to the Secretary, Mrs Marian Tucker, NO LATER THAN Friday 28th May 2015. Spare forms are available from the secretary at the monthly meeting. Please note: You MUST check that the member you are nominating is prepared to let their name go forward.
Kettering U3A
News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports Bookworms — We discussed The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime, and autism in general. Those of us at the meeting enjoyed the book. For our next meeting, we are going to the theatre to see the show with the Theatre Group.
Our next meeting at the Fuller Church, Gold St. Kettering. Format of the meeting:1.30 – 2.15 Assembly Room Tea/Coffee & biscuits available Browse the groups and chat Sign up to groups and trips 2.15—2.30 In Church for U3A notices 2.30—3.30 Speaker 3.45 (approx) Meeting ends
Our book this month is Kate Morton's "The Secret Keeper". It should be an enjoyable read going upon previous books by her. Then in May we will meet to draw up a list of reading matter for the next 6 months.
Speaker Seeker— A huge thank you to everyone who passed on comments to myself, or any of the committee, face to face about speakers. If commenting about speakers by phone please leave your name and number on my answer phone and I will reply to you. Always on the lookout for highly recommended speakers.
Contact: Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197
Contact: Marian Tucker 01536 510 354
Newsletter DEADLINE— deadline is two Saturdays before the monthly meeting. Thank you all group leaders who are sending in reports and photos for the newsletter and web site. Remember you can read and download the newsletter in FULL COLOUR from our internet page at Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753
Busy Needles — Are as busy as ever. Di continues to be a one-woman knitting factory for the benefit of destitute, Ebola–affected, African mums and for neonatals at our own Kettering General; Wood Green also continues to benefit – from dinky dog-coats (Denise) to winter-wear for wolfhounds (courtesy of a donation of squares); Chris C is well on the way to completing her first major piece – a gorgeous cot-blanket- while Sue is catching up with her blanket as well as liaising with KGH. Chris J, Janet and I add to the clicking “choir”; Marian crochets. Charlie acts as butler, security inspector of bags, foot warmer and “snapper-up of unconsidered [cake rather than] trifles.”
Bridge - We have a very friendly Bridge group who meet every Friday afternoon. If you can play Bridge but perhaps have not done so for a little while then please come and join us. I must say, however, that we do not teach it and therefore you must have some knowledge of the game to be able to join. You would be made very welcome. We start each Friday at 1.30pm at the Bridge Club in Field Street and we pay £2 each week and for that you get good company, a very interesting game and refreshments.
Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 Card Making 1 — What a delightful two mornings we had this week although we were missing some Easter holiday makers and one member actually managing to get an appt with her GP. We found plenty to talk about as always but also as usual some very professional cards were produced. Several members took the advantage to use wrapping paper to very good effect. It is so interesting to use different mediums in such different ways. One member who had a bereavement managed to make five very different condolence cards varying with a "man" card full of beer cans. We are certainly diverse and talented. The next meetings are on May 5th and 6th. Looking forward already.
Contact: Sue Macfarlane 01536 523754
Contact: Mary Earl 01536 522 456
Kettering U3A
Canals & Waterways — Twenty seven of us met for coffee at Starbucks by the canal at Brayford Pool in Lincoln. It was quite a cold day. Unfortunately several of the attractions were closed until Easter and the Magna Carta was out on loan. Most of us had a short walk along the canal to see The Glory Hole, see photo. A few of us walked to the Pyewipe Inn along the canal for lunch whilst others went to the Cathedral. We shall probably visit again but later in the year. We shall have been on our London trip by the time of this newsletter, hopefully there will be photos next month.
Card Making 2 — A huge thank you to Anne who supplied us with cut outs to colour and arrange. Some of us applied the KISS rule ( Keep It Simple Sweetheart) and chose just to stick it on a card. Easter cards were also made using crosses, flowers and butterflies. I chose to make a tree using circles. Feel free to borrow our ideas. Contact: Marian Tucker 01536 510 354
On May 21st we shall be going to Willen Lake North, Milton Keynes. the pay and display car park is situated by V10 Brickhill street between H5 Portway and H4 Danstead way. This is for the Pagoda and Temple. We meet at 10.30 at the car park . I have some names for our trip to Liverpool Docks 1618th June. If you are interested in joining us on any of our trips please let me know. Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730
Kettering U3A
Computer Group — In the last session we looked at the Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac laptop. Hand out sheets are always available for viewing and downloading from
Discussion Group — Although we were very depleted in numbers in March we managed to have a lively and interesting discussion regarding the chaotic state of A and E departments. A brief history was described before the reasons for so many problems occuring at the present time were considered. It was thought that the often missed target of 4 hours was totally unrealistic considering the complex situations that many people present with in the departments. Less GP time available was seen as a major issue. We also had a lively debate on the growing population and of course we returned to the ever recurring topic of immigration. I think we would all make very good politicians. By the next newsletter we shall know who our leader is to be. Interesting month ahead! Next meeting will be on May 12th, usual place, usual time.
Due to increased interest in this group and limited space at ASDA, you need to book a place at each meeting by replying to the email I send out a few days before. New members are welcome but please contact me beforehand via e-mail, details below. Can everyone please check their e-mail, or a couple of hours before each meetingS. just in case of cancellation or change. Also check which always has the most up to date information. Future topics as follows:
Contact: Mary Earl on 01536 522 456
French - Our little group continues to enjoy simple French stories, modern teaching from CDs and occasional French bingo (no prizes!) Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723 380
28 Apr TBC - CLOUD STORAGE. Learn how to store and share files and photos using DropBox, OneDrive, GoogleDrive
Friday Pop-in - From Friday 3rd April we are moving to The Kino Lounge, Market Place, Kettering
12 May Save Money and get FREE stuff online
Cransley Coffee Shop made us very welcome, but with the support of new members coming along to enjoy coffee and toasted teacakes, at times it has been rather snug so this is the reason for the change of venue. This will be quite a different experience for some of us but hopefully enjoyable. Do come along and give it a try.
26 May Android tablets and phones Please let me know which subjects you would like me to cover next. All sessions start at a beginners level so do not be afraid to come along (subject to space) and give it a try. Details on the web site below.
Contact: Sue Hince 01536 521 023
Information and videos from previous sessions at Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail: As always, you can contact me for any computer related advice or problems. Also personal help at Country Matters — There was no meeting in April due to Derek’s hospital appointments. May’s meeting is set for 14th May at 10.30 at Rectory Farm, Great Easton, Market Harborough LE16 8SN – parking available in the farm yard. We have organised a conducted farm walk provided by farm’s staff. Tea and coffee (possibly cake too!) will be available afterwards along with sale of bird food and possibly a quiz on old farm tools/machinery. Please remember to wear appropriate footwear depending on the weather as farms can be a muddy place! Look forward to seeing you there. Contact:
Derek Warren 01536 518 560
Kettering U3A
Looking at Churches — There was no visit in March to report on, and Haselbech will be in the next newsletter, as it is the week before our monthly U3A meeting. May 20th will be to All Saints Church, Oakham. The time will be a bit different, 2.30pm instead of 2.0pm, as they have something on until 2.0pm. Also a change of date for Fotheringhay, as it is the Oundle Festival in the week of July that we had booked, so it is now June 17th, if they can get the Historian to take us around.
Gardening Group — Jottings from my Patch Kitchen Garden. Plant out runner beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and courgettes, and peg down runners of strawberries to make new plants for forcing. Potatoes. Continue to earth up potatoes to protect them from late frosts and to encourage a good crop Weeds. Keep on top of weeds by hoeing or hand pulling. Everything other than perennial weeds should go on the compost heap which you can keep active by turning occasionally, watering if dry and covering with a bit of old carpet to keep the heat in.
Contact: Janet Clements 01536 507721
German–1 Basic Conversation — This established group for Basic German Conversation is now FULL. Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722 399 German-2 Conversation for Absolute Beginners— The established group for basic German Conversation remains oversubscribed so this new group for absolute beginners has been formed and is now also FULL. This group meets on Wednesdays 1.30 to 3.00pm fortnightly. Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722 399
Tomatoes. As tomatoes grow, take out the side shoots from the upright growers, stake with canes, water well and consistently and begin to feed with quarter strength tomato fertiliser. Hanging baskets. Put out planted tubs and hanging baskets and start watering and feeding. Don’t hang pots in their final positions yet but put them on upturned plant pots so they can be readily protected by moving them under cover overnight in the event of a late frost.
Group Activity — As so many of our current groups are full it seems a good time to find out if some new groups could be formed. In last month's newsletter a leaflet was enclosed, asking for suggestions for different groups. The idea being that members should complete and return so far I have had very few returns.
Greenhouse plants. Those plants that will go in the garden should now be being hardened off in preparation for putting in their final positions. Keep them close to the greenhouse in case of late frosts, water well and feed if required
When / if new groups are set up we will need leaders who have an interest in that particular subject . We are not looking for teachers as this is not what U3A is about. It is about people with a shared interest grouping together to enjoy each others knowledge and experiences or just to learn more about your own interest.
Raspberries. Before the canes get too tall, sort them out. You should keep the plants as individual stools, growing each up its own cane, rather than as a hedge. Only keep the strongest, tied in to the cane or wire between the canes. If you are going to grow this fantastic fruit then consider investing in a raspberry cage. Shop bought if necessary but it is easy to construct a home made one
Please pass your suggestions to any committee member or send an e-mail if that’s easier.
Deadheading. As daffodils and other spring flowers finish they should be deadheaded unless they spread by seed. With daffodils leave the leaves intact so that the goodness goes back into the bulb to help build it up for next years flowers. Do not cut them off. If they look untidy then tie them up neatly Prune for winter. Yes, you read it right. Winter flowering shrubs such as daphnes, winter flowering viburnums and winter jasmine are now at the end of their season. Spring pruning gives them time to produce new growth on which next winters flowers will appear. Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516587
Kettering U3A
Golf — Well we`ve had some fantastic weather which has resulted with to 2 x 4 balls turning up, we`ll soon have to book another T time so it would be really nice to have say up to 12 of us playing. If that's the case that we could arrange regular competitions based on a handicap system. With that in mind and the weather improving our regular meets at 1.30 pm Fridays at Pytchley Golf Club still seems to be the most popular time !!
Knit and Natter - Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867 Musical Circles 1 — A very pleasant afternoon took place toward the end of March. We started off with a boost of Spring from Vivaldi followed by "the flight of the Bumble Bee" in tribute to the lovely insects inhabiting our garden at the moment. More spring like music followed interrupted by the inimitable Louis Armstrong singing "Moon River" in honour of the partial eclipse. Following a welcome cuppa the other members of the group all contributed their contributions which were all well received and in fact we all enjoyed the music so much that two members missed their buses!
Contact: Alan Stephens 01536 726 911 or 07931 637 660 or
Heartbeat— We met in Cranford for the March spring walk and enjoyed our outing, seeing spring flowers and lambs along the route. There was lively chat over the refreshments taken at the coffee shop in Cranford. The next organised walk will take place Monday 6th July 2015. We will meet at Poplars Farm Road, off Warkton Lane. Kettering at 10 o'clock. As group members will know, you do not need to wait for that date to contact another member of the group. If you find that you have half an hour to spend doing some exercise then call someone and get walking, it will do your heart good.
Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536 516 587 Musical Circles 2 — The theme for the March meeting of this group was "Good Night, Sleep Tight". The programme consisted of: Chopin Nocturne No.9 in B Op.32/1 Nocturne from Tomasi's Trumpet Concerto Nocturne from Khachaturian's Masquerade John Field's Nocturne No.8 in A Berlioz "Les Nuits D'Ete" - Le Spectre De La Rose Gounod's "O Nuit D'Amour" from Faust Saint-Saens' "Calme De Nuits" Britten's "Sea Interludes" - Moonlight Two extracts from Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty Thomas Morley's "Sleepe Slumb'ring Eyes" Scherzo from Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream "Midnight" from Prokofiev's Cinderella "Una, due, tre..." from Verdi's Falstaff An extract from Bellini's La Sonnambula "When All Night Long A Chap Remains.." from Gilbert and Sullivan's Iolanthe Fortunately no one fell asleep, and so another pleasant afternoon listening to some excellent music was spent.
Contact: Bridget Ling 01536 515 730
Lunch Club — Thank you very much Christine for organising our March lunch at Vivo in Burton Latimer. Lunch was very good but, because of extra amounts of 95p's for veg or chips or salad, adding to the differing amounts to the cost of meals, totting up the bill at the end of lunch proved to be a bit tricky, as Christine and I found out to our dismay when trying to tot up. We got there eventually calculators at the ready but nerves were frazzled. Was there a lesson to be learned? I just wish they would do away with those 95p's? The April lunch hosted by Jean Hazard and Helen McAdams will be at the The Old Friar Twywell on Tuesday 28 April, the menu will be at the U3A meeting as usual the week prior, hope you can join us. Please phone Jean 01536 514390 or Helen 01536 628304 with any queries. Look forward to seeing you there. Welcome to new members. New Members - We visit a different venue each month on the fourth Tuesday of the month. A menu is provided at the U3A meeting the week prior for you to make a choice and payment is not required until the day. New members are very welcome to join us. We are a very friendly bunch. See our Lunch Club table at the meeting.
Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725 925
Playford English Country Dancing I have changed the time of the dancing in the hope that we may be able to recruit more members to the group. The first meeting after Easter will be Weds. April 22nd from 10.30a.m. -12noon. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF TIME. At St. Andrews Church Hall. Contact: Jean Beaver 01933 224474
Contact: Glynis Hall 01536 516249 or
Kettering U3A
Singing For Pleasure — First we said we’d stop at twenty, Then squeezed in a couple more! But now two dozen’s more than plenty, We must cry “Halt” at twenty-four. To all out there who’ve asked us whether There is room left in our troupe, Perhaps you’d like to get together And boldly form a second Group?
Photography Group — Unfortunately, due to illness, holidays, medical appointments etc. only two people from the Photography Group were available for the March visit to Harrington, so the meeting was cancelled. April's meeting will be at Twywell Hills And Dales which will have taken place (hopefully) by the time you read this. Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711 976
Much as our dear Jill (she's "just a gal who cain't say no") hates to turn away any would-be singer, regrettably we have to say this Group is now FULL. The dreaded Waiting List is a possibility but, judging by the number of recent inquiries, the formation of a second group might well be viable. Contact: Jill Dee 01536 514 054 or Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
Sugar Craft— If anyone who would like to learn, but feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results. Contact: Joan Allingham 01536 722 610 Scrabble—Meetings are held at the Parish church rooms. Time 2.00pm—4.30pm on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month. New members are welcome. We enjoy playing in a relaxed atmosphere. Contact: Pauline Reed 01536 513 850 Trips & Visits The trip to Wrest Park was cancelled due to lack of support. Spanish Conversation — The Spanish conversation group continues to thrive and meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Our sessions are normally free as we usually have the use of ASDA’s Training Room free of charge. When that is not available we use a member’s house. We use the book Pasos 2 which is for second level students. Occasionally we have a guest speaker for conversation sessions who is a Spanish lady and former teacher Having accepted three new students who all have previous experience of the language, we are now definitely at full capacity. However, we would be happy to start a waiting list but because of the level our members are at, having completed more than two years of study, new students would need to have a reasonable knowledge of basic Spanish.
Tuesday 12 May Hampton Court Palace & Gardens 21 people have their names down but we need a minimum of 30 for this trip to go ahead. Commitment & payment TODAY. Monday 20 July trip to Norwich 8 names only 30 needed to cover costs so this is in dire need of support. Commitment & payment TODAY. Saturday 24 October Coach only to London 30 people needed for this trip to go ahead. Return coach fare is £18.00. The theatre group are possibly going to arrange a theatre matinee to coincide with this trip. Please take note and advise ASAP. Please call me to reserve places 01832 732 361. To guarantee visits coaches need to be reserved in good time so I need commitment from members otherwise the visits will not take place.
Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650 551
Contact: Maureen Curd 01832 732 361
Kettering U3A
Safe Driving — continued Neil said: “The driving test today does test a driver’s ability to a very high level, but it has fallen behind what is urgently needed today in 2015. This must be addressed as a matter of urgency by the next government.”
Safe Driving — Safe Driving Group As driving test reaches 80 years old, IAM says it’s time for a 'system overhaul' As the driving test today reaches its 80th anniversary in the UK, leading road safety charity the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) says its time the way we teach new drivers received a comprehensive overhaul to keep it relevant to today’s driving landscape and to the problems faced by young people on the road.
He added that the driving test needed to take into account whether the influence of new technology and driver aids; such as satellite navigation and cradle-held mobile phones used as navigation devices, should play a part in a 21st century driving test.
The Road Traffic Act was passed in 1934; the legislation that paved the way for compulsory driving tests in the UK a year later.
If you’d like help with any driving related issues or to find out more about the Safe Driving Group, please contact either Roy or Steve.
The biggest developments in the driving test came into effect in the past two decades: in 1996 a theory test was added to the practical element. From 2002 learners also had to pass a hazard perception exam.
Steve Clorley 01832 732342 or 07973 624815 Roy Franklin 01536 482808 or 07751 106617
However as it stands now, the driving test does not include any testing of a driver’s ability to cope safely with country roads, poor weather or driving at night – three aspects we know are the main risk factors in the first six months of solo driving.
Brixworth U3A invite us to join their Trip to Newmarket, 25th June 2015 Includes a tour of the Newmarket National Stud and then an afternoon spent watching the races with tickets for the Grandstand, Paddocks and refreshments.
Road accidents remain the biggest killer of young people in the UK, higher than both alcohol and drugs. In 2013 there were 191 people under 24 killed and 20,003 injured as drivers and riders of cars and motorbikes (1).
For information on the cost and further details please contact Elaine Nunn on 01604 381 716
In the past five years (2009-13) there were 1,037 people under 24 killed and 120,958 injured on UK roads as drivers and riders – while the overall trend has been falling, these figures are unacceptable.
Theatre Goers — National As a group we have recently met and reviewed and evaluated our progress since we first started 12 months ago. And we agreed things needed to change. As a result we have decided to concentrate on quality rather than quantity. Therefore there will be fewer theatre shows on offer.
Neil Greig, IAM director of policy and research, said: “The driving test needs to become a much more integrated part of a graduated licensing system that picks up on best practice from around the world. For instance, Austria has a ‘second phase’ licensing system, where young drivers come back in the first 12 months after the test for further interventions to examine attitude changes and skills.”
The following shows are at the Milton Keynes Theatre; 2.30 matinees. ANYTHING GOES - musical - Wednesday 23rs September. Seats in upper circle. £25.00. ROMEO and JULIET - ballet - Friday 23rd October. Stall seats. £26.
Young male driver casualties have dropped by a third in in Austria as a result of the initiative. The IAM advocates the following changes to the driver training ‘system’ as part of its manifesto: road safety education to be part of the National Curriculum, support for a minimum learning period prior to taking the practical test, the inclusion of high speed roads in the test itself, support for limits on peer passenger numbers after the test is passed, and a lower drinkdrive limit for new drivers.
When standard group discounts are used, the price of the tickets is governed by the number of tickets purchased not by the number of tickets reserved. The price of the seats above is concessionary but until I know how many seats are required I will not be able to state the actual price. Concessionary priced tickets are determined by groups of 8+ or 10+ group numbers.
The IAM also wants to see learner drivers allowed on motorways so they can learn from an expert rather than on their own after passing the test (2).
Contact: Helen McAdams on 01536 628 304 07513 119 620
Kettering U3A
Walking Group -
Theatre Group — Local Productions The Theatregoers local group is a small group of U3A members who enjoy local theatre in particular Kettering Odeon Culture+, which is Ballet, Opera, National Theatre productions which are filmed live. We occasionally visit The Lighthouse and Masque Theatres also. We meet once a month to discuss and decide which of the productions we wish to visit as a group. We then invite other members of the U3A to join us at the Theatre. Please visit the Theatregoers table at the monthly meeting to arrange payment and I will organise the tickets. Some production are very popular and tickets need to be purchased a couple of months in advance to ensure good seats and also cannot be purchased until paid for. If tickets are required cash or cheque must be produced at the meeting or posted to the secretary Maggi McGuire very soon after to enable Glynis to arrange tickets and ensure availability. Cash or Cheque's - please make payable to U3A Kettering No.2 Account
14 walkers set off from the Green Dragon Brigstock appropriately on All Fools day. The walk took us up through the woods to the Bocase Stone and on through Harry’s Wood the deep mud was safely navigated by all but one of the party. Then on through the fields to emerge onto the Little Benefield Road turning off again just before Fermyn Woods. Then on through Simby Sykes Wood where the first primroses were in bloom and one special root of pure white violets. Brigstock was now close as the first spots of rain fell and 14 walkers fell into the pub with relief. Good walk, good food and good company; the only fools that were those who did not join us
Forthcoming Production ODEON+CULTURE FILMED LIVE Tickets Standard £13 Premium £14.60 WED JULY 1ST 7.30PM - ENGLISH NATIONAL OPERA – CARMEN Tickets will be purchased by 2nd May, please make payment by then. Please find more information on the U3A board and at the Theatre Goers table at the monthly meetings.
The next walk will be on Wednesday 6th May starting at 10.15a.m. from the Hare Pub, Main Street, Loddington, NN14 1LA, where lunch can be pre-ordered. Contact: Ann or John Kemp on 01536 761241
CORN MARKET BLUES SAT 2ND MAY Chantel McGregor and Alex McKown A presentation at The Raven Hall, Corby. Two of the UK’s young multi award winning blues/rock artists. Tickets £13 advance. £15 on the door.
Wining and Dining - We enjoyed a wonderful meal at the Rue De La Garde in Desborough in March. The service and food were excellent. It is well worth a visit. I have booked The Vines at Barton Hall for Wednesday 13th May at 7.0pm. If you are interested in joining us please let me know at the next U3A meeting or
Contact: Glynis Hall 01536 516 249
Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515 730
Watercolour Painting — The last class for this term will be on the 16th April, 2015. (We do not meet in the summer months).
Writers Group & Writers Too
Classes for the Autumn Term will start again on 10th September 2015. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 2.00pm - 4.00pm.
Both groups continue to delight and amaze themselves and each other, to the point where we have enough – more than enough – excellent work to put together a new anthology. Members have been asked to look through their own work, and each other’s, for what they consider their best pieces and to bring them along next time. Editorialising practice will then commence! Good, eh? (There is, by the way, still room for more members in Writers Too, as Jan Perry has moved to the other Group.) Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
All classes are held in the Parish Church Rooms, Sheep Street, Kettering, and free parking is next to these rooms. If the car park happens to be full then the church grounds may be used. If you wish to join the Autumn Term then please sign the register which will be on the Watercolour Painting Table at the U3A Meetings. Contacts:
Barbara Goodall 01536 523 259 Jo Beaver 01933 224 474
Kettering U3A
Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group Day No fixed day Safe Driving
Steve Clorley Roy Franklin Ray Bradbury Bridget Ling Maureen Curd
01832 732342 01536 482808 01536 516587 01536 515730 01832 732361
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
Marian Tucker Maggi McGuire Carole Bradbury Annette Chidwick Trevor Rudkin Helen McAdam Mary Wildman
01536 510354 01536 392716 01536 516587 01536 523867 01536 711976 01536 628304 01536 741222
3rd Monday
10.00 – 12 noon
varies Home varies Home Home
3rd Monday 1st & 3rd Mondays 1st Monday monthly 4th Monday 2nd Monday
2.00pm 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.30—12.30 2.00—4.00 pm
Richard Boyles Mary Earl Mary Earl Diana Ellis Glynis Hall Joan Allingham Mary Wildman
01536 744753 01536 522456 01536 522456 01536 723380 01536 516249 01536 722610 01536 741222
ASDA, Kettering Parish Church Rooms Home Home varies Home Parish Church Rooms
2nd & 4th Tuesday 2nd Tuesday in month 1st Tuesday 2nd & 4th Tuesday 4th Tuesday weekly 1st Tuesday
2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 2.00pm varies 1.30 – 4.00pm 2.00—4.00 pm
Joe Fletcher Joe Fletcher Bob Thorogood Pauline Parkin Mary Earl Janet Clements Eileen Mason Jean Beaver Pauline Reed Ann Kemp Christine Strachan
01536 722399 01536 722399 01933 650551 01536 799197 01536 522456 01536 507721 01536 725925 01933 224474 01536 513850 See Newsletter 01536 515730
Home Home varies varies Home varies varies St.Andrews Church Parish church rooms varies varies
fortnightly fortnightly 2nd & 4th Wednesday 4th Wednesday 1st Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1st & 3rd Wednesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Wednesday
9.30 – 11.00 am 1.30 – 3.00 pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 - 11.30am 2.00pm 2.00pm 10.30—12 noon 2.00 – 4.30pm varies varies
Christine Strachan Derek Warren Mary Wildman Barbara Goodall Jo Beaver
01536 515730 01536 518560 01536 741222 01536 523259 01933 224474
varies varies Home
3rd Thursday 2nd Thursday fortnightly
2.00 – 4.00pm varies 10.00-12.00
Parish Church Rooms
2nd & 4th Thursdays
2.00 – 4.00pm
Friday Bridge Friday Pop in
Sue Macfarlane Sue Hince
01536 523754 01536 521023
Bridge Club, Kettering Kino Lounge, Market Place
weekly 1st Fri monthly
1.30 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am
Alan Stephens
01536 726911
Pytchley Golf Club
Every Friday
Gardening Group Heartbeat Travel Groups Monday Card Making 2 Musical Circles 1 Knit and Natter Photography Theatre Writers Too Tuesday Computer Group Discussion Group Greeting Card Making French Lunch Club Sugarcraft Writers Group Wednesday German Conversation 1 German Conversation 2
Spanish Conversation Bookworms Card Making 1 Looking at Churches Musical Circles 2 Playford Dancing Scrabble Walking Wining & Dining Thursday Canals & Waterways Country Matters Busy Needles Water Colour Painting
1.00 – 4.00pm
Meetings below with Ise Valley U3A Day
Monday Canasta
Pam Towns
01536 521160
Kettering Bridge Club
Isabel Collins
01536 520971
Kettering Pool
Jill Dee
01536 514054
Fuller Church
2nd & 4th Fridays
Friday Singing
12 RJB/2015