Kettering U3A
16th June 2015 Kettering U3A Year 11 Newsletter 12 Today 16th June
Annual General Meeting From the Chairman— Let the trumpets sound! The Move is on. From July we shall be meeting – in thunder, lightning, or in rain, but hopefully in sunshine or my hat will get wet - at our new venue. Full details and pics inside. Please pass this information to any members you think may not have heard the news and/ or do not know where the Eden Centre is to be found. It has been suggested that Elizabeth Toseland be chained to the railings outside Fuller with a big, cardboard arrow on her head pointing out the way towards Montagu Street, but with luck and a flourishing grapevine, this precaution will prove unnecessary. Note to Group Leaders: in the transfer of boards and the like to the new premises, notices are bound to suffer or go AWOL, so please remember these are your boards for you to display your, up-to-date, notices. Here is your opportunity to let your lights shine anew.
Mary Next Month 21st July
Safety Awareness Registered Charity No. 1108614
Your Local Police Officers advise on Cold Calls, Telephone, Internet etc. 1
Kettering U3A
Group Leaders Information
• • • • • •
Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A. Ensure that you have:A written record showing your member’s name, address, telephone number and email address. The name and telephone of each member’s emergency contact. The post code of your venue as this will be required by the emergency services should you need to call them out. Send articles, reports and photographs about your group to the Newsletter Editor. Copy deadline for the newsletter is 10 days before the monthly meeting. To put additional information and/or photographs on your Group’s web page on the Kettering U3A website, please email to the Web Master, or send hardcopy to him. Advise the Group Coordinator of any changes to your group arrangements, e.g. venue, timing, group leader etc. Refreshment Rota 2015 Ensure your group members are aware of their turn to do the meeting refreshments at the appointed meeting SEPTEMBER Heartbeat JUNE AGM – TBA OCTOBER Wining and Dining JULY German Conversation NOVEMBER Musical Circles 2 AUGUST Looking at Churches DECEMBER Christmas - TBA Please contact Terry Young ASAP if you wish to make any changes. Tel: 01536 392065 e-mail
Members Information Welcome to new members • • • • •
Advise the Membership Secretary, in writing, of any changes to your address, post code, telephone number or email address. If you are unable to attend your Group’s meeting, please advise your Group Leader in advance. If you know one of our members has a special occasion ahead, e.g. important birthday, anniversary or if they are ill and you feel a card from the U3A would be appreciated, please contact Joan Rolfe on 01536 521531 Bring your membership card with you to the meeting and have it available for checking in. If you cannot get to the monthly meeting for any reasons, you can get a copy of the Newsletter:-from either the Library or the Tourist Information desk, Manor House Museum, Kettering or from Desborough, Rothwell or Burton Latimer Libraries. Or via our postal service direct to your home (£8.50 per annum) Contact the Membership Secretary to do so. Download the newsletter (in glorious colour) from the web site, and click on Links.
16 Jun 21 Jul 18 Aug 15 Sep
AGM Safety Awareness—Local Police Officers Photo Quiz—Trevor Rudkin WWII—Eric Nixon
20 Oct Bee Keeping—David White 17 Nov Hearing Dogs for Deaf—Vicky Ryan 15 Dec Being Father Christmas—Colin Oakes
Your Kettering U3A Committee 2014-2015 Chairman Vice Chairman Treasurer/Membership Sec. Secretary/Speaker Seeker Newsletter/Web site Groups Co-ordinator New Members Coordinator Committee Member Committee Member
Mary Wildman Cyril Young Maggi McGuire Marian Tucker Richard Boyles Maureen Curd Elizabeth Toseland Helen McAdams Diane Tebbutt
01536 741 222 01536 392 065 01536 392 716 01536 510 354 01536 744 753 01832 732 361 01536 460 029 01536 628 304 01536 392 556 2
Kettering U3A
News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports Newsletter DEADLINE— deadline is two Saturdays before the monthly meeting. Thank you all group leaders who are sending in reports and photos for the newsletter and web site. Remember you can read and download the newsletter in FULL COLOUR from our internet page at Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753
Our next meeting at the Eden Centre, 21, Montague Street, Kettering Format of the meeting:1.30 – 2.15 Lounge Bar Area Tea/Coffee & biscuits available Browse the groups and chat Sign up to groups and trips 2.15—2.30 In main hall for U3A notices 2.30—3.30 Speaker 3.45 (approx) Meeting ends
The Eden Centre - 21 Montagu Street, Kettering. Our new home starting with the July meeting
Kettering U3A
Busy Needles — Little dresses, mini-cardies, Tiny buttons to do them up. Lots of blankets, multi-coloured, A warm coat for a rescued pup.
Bridge - We have a very friendly Bridge group who meet every Friday afternoon. If you can play Bridge but perhaps have not done so for a little while then please come and join us. I must say, however, that we do not teach it and therefore you must have some knowledge of the game to be able to join. You would be made very welcome. We start each Friday at 1.30pm at the Bridge Club in Field Street and we pay £2 each week and for that you get good company, a very interesting game and refreshments.
Chris C now can read a pattern, Christine J is sick of pink, Di's the one who's most prolific She must knit in her sleep, I think. Denise does cosy doggie jumpers; Dogged is I-can't-knit Sue. I make coffee, pass round patterns. Don't forget there's Janet, too. Last but not least is our Marian, Knitting everything in twos. Since her grand-twins' safe arrival Pinks are OK - and so are blues! Thanks to all who help support us, With knitted squares, and buttons rare And balls of wool received with pleasure Every item says we care. Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
Contact: Sue Macfarlane 01536 523754 Bookworms — The Book Group discussed the latest read which was Geraldine Brooks' excellent novel "The People of the Book", a fictional story based on the true story of the Hebrew Sarajevo Haggadah an illuminated Jewish prayer book. We all loved the story, which spanned 5 centuries, and the interwoven stories therein. We are about to read "A Song for Issy Bradley" for our next meeting to be held on June 24th, and our critique will be in next month's newsletter. Contact:
Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197
Kettering U3A
Card Making 1 — How I love these two mornings each month. As always we put the world to rights, checked all our aches and pains and then got down to the serious business of Cardmaking!
Canals & Waterways — Sixteen of us enjoyed a beautiful sunny day at Willen Lakes. We went in the Temple, walked around the gardens and saw the Pagoda and stone circle. Following lunch some of the more adventurous members of the group walked around the lake.
Contact: Mary Earl 01536 522 456 Card Making 2 — Lots of cutting and layering needed when making these cards. Our decoupage skills are becoming highly developed . This wonderful group produce some very individual cards. Thank you ladies for a wonderful morning. See you all next month Contact: Marian Tucker 01536 510 354
We shall be away in Liverpool at the next U3A meeting. On July 16th we are going on a boat trip from Abington to Oxford. It is £12.80 one way or £19.80 return and leaves Abington at 11.15, the return trip leaves at 2.30pm and arrives back in Abington at 4.30pm. Most of us are going one way, having lunch and a walkabout before catching a bus back to the cars. Have your bus passes ready! I shall send an e-mail nearer the time with more details or you can phone me at home as the July U3A meeting is after our boat trip. Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730
Kettering U3A
Computer Group — In the last session we looked at how to Save Money and get FREE stuff online. Now all who attended are out there search for bargains. Hand out sheets and video tutorials are available at
Country Matters — continued We enjoyed a welcome cuppa and home-made cakes on our return kindly provided by the farmer’s wife and daughters and many of us took part in the quiz on old farm implements. The combine harvester was also ‘parked’ in the barn and we were allowed to view it at our leisure. All in all an excellent time was had by all including those of us who went to Welham for lunch afterwards in the Old Red Lion. June’s meeting will have already taken place at Twywell Hills & Dales; next date for your diaries is 9 July meeting in the car park of The Piper for a walk around the lake in Wicksteed Park. Contact:
Derek Warren 01536 518 560 Due to increased interest in this group and limited space at ASDA, you need to book a place at each meeting by replying to the e-mail I send out a few days before. New members are welcome but please contact me beforehand via e-mail, details below. Can everyone please check their e-mail, or a couple of hours before each meetingO. just in case of cancellation or change. Also check which always has the most up to date information. Future topics as follows: 23 June - Backups + Files and Folders 14 July - FaceBook and Skype 28 July—Android Tablet/Phone (basic) Please let me know which subjects you would like me to cover next. All sessions start at a beginners level so do not be afraid to come along (subject to space) and give it a try. Details on the web site below. Information and videos from previous sessions at Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail: As always, you can contact me for any computer related advice or problems. Also personal help at Discussion Group — The June meeting will be the last until September as the room isn't available in July and August.
Country Matters — n May, 13 of us enjoyed a guided tour around Rectory Farm in Great Easton with spectacular views over Eyebrook Reservoir. The farm is an arable farm growing mainly wheat, barley and oil seed rape and the farmer showed us the different crops and explained why they were chosen as crops Although mainly arable farming they also have a small flock of sheep. One particular feature of this farm is a well which is believed to be of Roman origin and although the well head is now filled in there is still fresh water which trickles down from it. We also learned about hedgerows and nature conservation. He pointed out a large area of badger setts along the way back to a barn where we saw the vast storage facility storing the grain – a lot of which goes to produce Weetabix.
Contact: Mary Earl on 01536 522 456 French - The French group, who meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday is not meeting in the summer, June/ July/August. I'll be in touch with members eventually. Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723 380
Advanced French Conversation - If interested please speak to Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
Kettering U3A
Looking at Churches — In May we went to All Saints Church in Oakham. It is a huge church and is known locally as the Cathedral of Rutland. There are some beautiful stained glass windows, particularly the East window above the High Altar. On the altar itself is a very intricate gold embroidered altar frontal. This was found in a drawer in a very bad state and a group of church ladies took on the task of repairing it with great skill. It is spectacular to look at. Before the time of electricity the church needed more light, so the walls were made higher and plain glass windows put in. It can clearly be seen where the original walls came to. An ornate wooden ceiling was added in Victorian times Our next church is at Fotheringhay on Wednesday, June 17th at a different time to our usual. This will be at 10.30 am. There is a set charge for this tour of £3 per person. Afterwards Robin Beeby, one of our group, has offered to take those who would like to go, to the mound which was Fotheringhay castle, where Richard 3rd was born, and where Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded. Robin will tell us more of the history of the castle. On Wed. July 15th at 2.0pm we will visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Northampton, £2 donation. This church is copied from the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and has much history. We will have two guides, a historian and a militarian. Afterwards we are invited to go to the church hall next door for tea and cake at a charge of £2 per head. I will need to know numbers for this please.
Friday Pop-in - The change of venue to the Kino Lounge in Market Place was well supported. Quite an experience for some of us. The surroundings are very different. We were made very welcome in a room with views overlooking the modern Market Place We enjoyed coffee, pots of tea and toasted tea cakes. Elizabeth and a new member joined us, making a total of nine members. Same place. Same time. Fridays between 10 and 11:30 am Contact: Sue Hince 01536 521 023
Gardening Group — Raspberries. When they have given up their fruit prune the summer fruiting raspberries and tie in new canes but support autumn fruiting varieties with a single string around the whole row. Give them a handful of general fertiliser scattered down the row but don’t dig it in. Remember they have very shallow roots and you don’t want to damage them. Fruit trees. If this year is a good one for fruit and so far every indication is that it will be one then support heavily laden branches to prevent them breaking. Peas and beans. Make successive sowings so you maintain a good supply throughout the year. Soak the seeds in liquid fertiliser overnight to make them unpalatable to mice. Remove the debris from peas and beans to the compost heap but leave the roots in the ground to release nitrogen to enrich the soil. Potatoes. Continue to earth up potatoes. This helps protect them from late frosts and keeps them away from the surface, preventing them from turning green. Once they begin to flower then they are ready to harvest. Lilies. Now is the time for the scarlet lily beetle to play havoc with your lilies. The best way to eradicate the pest is to go the hunt squashing all you find, not forgetting to look underneath the leaves as well. As the larvae hide in piles of their own excrement you have to brush these off the leaves as well.
Contact: Janet Clements 01536 507721
German–1 Basic Conversation — This established group for Basic German Conversation is now FULL.
Tomatoes. Those in the greenhouse should be romping away now but don’t forget to take off the side shoots until the desired height is achieved, then pinch out the growing tip. If you haven’t got a green house then try one of the outdoor varieties. Put the plants you have bought into window boxes or out doors in a suitably protected area. Have a go. Nothing beats the taste of a newly picked fruit.
Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722 399 German-2 Conversation for Absolute Beginners— The established group for basic German Conversation remains oversubscribed so this new group for absolute beginners has been formed and is now also FULL. This group meets on Wednesdays 1.30 to 3.00pm fortnightly. Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722 399
Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516587 (EDITOR’s note. Article edited due to space limitation) 7
Kettering U3A
Golf — Well we`ve had some fantastic weather which has resulted in 2 x 4 balls turning up, we`ll soon have to book another T time so it would be really nice to have say up to 12 of us playing. If that's the case that we could arrange regular competitions based on a handicap system. With that in mind and the weather improving our regular meets at 1.30 pm Fridays at Pytchley Golf Club still seems to be the most popular time !!
Musical Circles 2 — We started with some Tchaikovsky followed by Orpheus arrives at Mount at Olympus by Offenbach, some Strauss and Mozart's Papageno also Quartet in E Flat, also Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves and Solders’ March from Aida, by Verdi, Liebstraum as by Victor Borge and Diana Krall's East of the Sun, finishing with Mozart's Posthorn Serenade. Our next Meeting in on the 24th of June.
Contact: Alan Stephens 01536 726 911 or 07931 637 660 or
Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725 925 Lunch Club — Thank you very much Molly and Marjorie for organising our lunch for May at the Samuel Pepys Slipton. The lunch was in the pleasant conservatory and the huge table was very grand with small bunches of fresh cut flowers. It would have given us a really nice photo shot but unfortunately I had forgotten my little camera yet again and my phone does not work well as a camera. Note to self to remember to take camera to Lunch Club. The June lunch will be organised by Sue Hince and we will be returning to The Trading Post so food will be ordered on the day which will be Tuesday 23rd June. Please put your name on the list at the U3A meeting as usual the week prior. Hope you can join us. Welcome to new members. New Members - We visit a different venue each month on the fourth Tuesday of the month. A menu is provided at the U3A meeting the week prior for you to make a choice, and payment is not required until the day. New members are very welcome to join us. We are a very friendly bunch. See our Lunch Club table at the meeting.
Heartbeat— The next organised walk will take place Monday 6th July 2015. We will meet at Poplars Farm Road, off Warkton Lane, Kettering at 10 o'clock. As group members will know, you do not need to wait for that date to contact another member of the group. If you find that you have half an hour to spend doing some exercise then call someone and get walking. It will do your heart good. Contact: Bridget Ling 01536 515 730 Knit and Natter - Ah, the old question: do we do any knitting? Indeed we do. Things for babes; things for a craft stall, perhaps. Michele, tricoteuse extrordinaire, has been making gorgeously fashionable headbands, with which we've all fallen in love. Order yours for a donation? As for Nattering, it is more of an opportunity for a general, all-topics, informal discussion over coffee and clicking. On June 1st for example we talked of visits to the Richard III exhibition, Jean's day at Willen Lake, MK, and the Pagoda, Janet's forthcoming trip to Lambeth Palace. Then we all sang The Lambeth Walk with high kicks (from a sitting position) at "Oi". Does anyone remember a TV series called House Party? Well that's us without the cameras!
Contact: Glynis Hall 01536 516249 or New Groups — Thank you everyone who expressed an interest in new groups. Please pass more suggestions to any committee member or send an email to Listen out for more details after the AGM today.
Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867 Musical Circles 1 — Our theme in May was music about the sea. We started with Mendelssohn’s Overture The Hebrides (Fingal’s Cave), written when he was 21, inspired by his first sight of Fingal’s cave on the Isle of Staffa. We then listened to Janet Baker singing Edward Elgar’s song cycle Sea Pictures. We then moved to some light-hearted songs from HMS Pinafore by Sir Arthur Sullivan with words by W S Gilbert We sail the Oceon Blue, I’m called Little Buttercup, I am the Captain of the Pinafore and When I was a lad recorded in 1930 in traditional D’Oyle Carte fashion. We ended the first half with some jazz, Rain Sultanov on the saxophone playing one of his own compositions Tale about the Caspian Sea. We ended our afternoon with Claude Debussy’s La Mer, played by the Berlin Philharmonic conducted by Simon Rattle.
Family History — FREE evening learning how to start researching your ancestors. The evening will consist of a 30 minute presentation explaining how to get started, following which there will be displays to look at, a table for people to fill out pedigree charts with what they already know of their family tree and then they can take these to one of our experienced family historians stationed at laptops who will give further individual advice and assistance. There will be displays, handouts and free light refreshments available. There are no charges for anything and the building is wheelchair friendly with disabled parking and toilets. The event takes place on Thursday 18th June starting 7pm at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints chapel on Rothwell Road, Kettering NN16 8XF
Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536 516 587 8
Kettering U3A
Safe Driving — Safe Driving Group
Playford English Country Dancing We meet on 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF TIME At St. Andrews Church Hall.
IAM call for action plan for older drivers as numbers increase by more than 10,000 a month With the number of drivers age 70 or older now rising by more than 10,000 a month, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) is calling for the government, medical professionals and assessment providers to come together to address the needs of this generation of motorists.
Contact: Jean Beaver 01933 224474
The call comes in light of figures showing for the first time there are now more than 4.34 million licence holders over 70 on our roads; 320,000 more than three years ago - an increase of 11% from 3.9 million in 2012 (reference 1/2).
Photography Group — The Photography Group visited Lyveden New Bield in June. This National Trust property was new to several of the group despite being National Trust members, so they enjoyed exploring the building and the grounds. The stormy skies made photography interesting too (much more interesting than boring blue skies!). The use of a graduated grey filter to make the skies really stand out was demonstrated, and the importance of a sturdy tripod and an umbrella was emphasised. As the wind speed increased and the rain approached shelter was sought in the café. The next meeting in July will see a change of format. Instead of an afternoon meeting those present decided to have a day of photography, this time at Stowe Gardens near Towcester, another National Trust property, on Thursday 16th July, leaving by members' cars at about 10am and leaving Stowe by 3pm to avoid the traffic.
The 323,631 increase in the past 31 months amounts to an average additional increase of 10,440 drivers age 70 and over on UK roads per month. Over 80’s broke the one million number last year and increased by over 100,000 since then; a rise of 10% to 1.17 million (reference 1/2). There are more than 11,000 more licence holders in their 90s compared to three years ago, an increase of 16%, while there are now 232 licence holders over 100, a rise of 70 on three years ago. Britain’s oldest licence holder in 2015 is 107, while in 2012 it was 106. What’s more projections have shown those numbers could almost double in around 20 years.
Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711976 or
Current government data shows that there were five million people in the UK aged 75 and over in 2012; this is projected to rise to 5.5 million in 2017; 6.6 million in 2022; 7.7 million in 2027; 8.5 million in 2032 and 9.5 million in 2037 (reference 3). Sarah Sillars, IAM chief executive officer, said: “People are living longer and therefore there are many more drivers on the roads that are past retirement age. We want these drivers to enjoy their motoring for as long as possible, so we want some thought and resources to go into how we can allow this to happen.” The IAM is calling for the following: A government action plan for older drivers More car manufacturers considering older drivers in vehicle design Better information for older drivers and their families Online self-assessment tools for older drivers Wider availability of voluntary on-road driving assessments Better partnership working at a local level Steve Clorley 01832 732342 or 07973 624815 Roy Franklin 01536 482808 or 07751 106617 (EDITOR’s note. Article edited due to space limitation)
Kettering U3A
Theatre Goers — National MOUSETRAP: Derngate theatre Wednesday 9th September, stall seats: 2.30 matinee £24.Closing date 24th July. Agatha Christie`s Mousetrap is famous around the world for being the longest running show of any kind in the history of the theatre; and now the 60th anniversary production is back in Northampton. In her own inimitable style, Agatha Christie has created an atmosphere of shuddering suspense and brilliantly intricate plot, where murder lurks around every corner. GLENN MILLER STORY: Milton Keynes theatre Wednesday 28th October, seats in the circle £17.50. Closing date 7th September. Bought to the stage for the first time in a new musical spectacular is the life, fame and vanishing of America`s most famous big band leader. Music legend,Tommy Steele, commands the stage and featuring the 16 piece Glenn Miller orchestra. ROMEO & JULIET, the English National Ballet production, was originally booked at the Milton Keynes theatre at a potential cost of £26 ( it would have cost more if less than 10 tickets were sold) but as a group it was decided to opt for the actual recording of the live performance being shown at the Odeon cinema on 22nd September, which is being organised by Glynis our local productions member at a cost of £15.10. As you can see it is a savings of over £10 should we have decided to go to the M & K theatre but a substantial savings if we were to go to London for the live performance. But take it from me when you sit in the cinema and watch the recordings, you do feel you are in the London audience appreciating the talent, grace and superb performance of the Royal Ballet. When standard group discounts are used, the price of the tickets are governed by the number of tickets reserved. The price of the theatre seats above is concessionary. Concessionary priced tickets are determined by groups of 8+10 10+ group numbers.
Singing For Pleasure — "Let's all sing like the birdies sing..." may give a clue to a couple of new (to us) numbers for summer 2015 in our ever-expanding repertoire. Clairmont House recently gave us their usual warm welcome and joined in with vigour, while an appearance at Beaumont - a new venue - is coming up shortly. We are still pursuing the idea of a second group - so far we have sufficient inquiries for an all-female barber-shop quartet plus (just kidding about the B S Q) but will be pleased to welcome to the fold any who "just like to sing". If interested please contact either Jill Dee or Mary Wildman. Tra-la. Contact: Jill Dee 01536 514 054 or Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
Scrabble—Pauline Reed, group leader for scrabble, has unfortunately had a fall and is unable to host the scrabble group so the group is currently suspended. On behalf of everyone we wish Pauline a speedy recovery. Contact: Pauline Reed 01536 513 850
Spanish Conversation — The Spanish conversation group has been going for well over two years and it continues to thrive. We meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Our sessions are normally free as we usually have the use of ASDA’s Training Room free of charge. When that is not available we use a member’s house. We use the book Pasos 2 which is for second level students. Occasionally we have a guest speaker for conversation sessions who is a Spanish lady and former teacher. Having accepted two new students who all have previous experience of the language, we are almost at full capacity. However, we would possibly be able to take one more student but because of the level our members are at, a new student would need to have a reasonable knowledge of the Spanish language.
Contact: Helen McAdams on 01536 628 304 07513 119 620 Watercolour Painting — All classes are held in the Parish Church Rooms, Sheep Street, Kettering and free parking is next to these rooms. If the car park happens to be full then the church grounds may be used. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 2.00pm 4.00pm. The dates are as follows:- 10th & 24th Sep, 8th & 22nd Oct, 12th & 26th Nov, 10th Dec 2015 (last class) New classes for the Winter Term will start again on 14th January, 2016. If you wish to join the Autumn Term then please sign the register which will be on the Watercolour Painting Table at the U3A Meetings.
Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650 551 Sugar Craft— If anyone who would like to learn, but feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results. Contact: Joan Allingham 01536 722 610 Trips & Visits Contact: Maureen Curd 01832 732 361
Barbara Goodall 01536 523 259 Jo Beaver 01933 224 474
Kettering U3A
Theatre Group — Local Productions THEATRE GOERS Our group members enjoy going to the theatre or cinema to see plays, ballet, opera and musicals on a regular basis. We go to local theatres (Lighthouse, Masque and Castle); to theatres in Milton Keynes, Northampton and to live performances that are transmitted to the Odeon Cinema in Kettering. These live performances take place in theatres around the world e.g. Royal Opera House and National Theatre London, New York Met also the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. This allows us to see top class performances for a fraction of the price. All theatre visits are open to any U3A members who wish to participate. All we ask is for early booking and prompt payment for the seats by the date specified. Transport to be arranged by the individual. The theatre visit organisers are Glynis Hall who looks after local productions and Helen McAdams who looks after the productions further afield. If you would like more information or to book your seat please contact Glynis on 01536 516249 or Helen 01536 628304 THEATRE GOERS - LOCAL ODEON + CULTURE FILMED LIVE We are looking forward to watching English National Opera's CARMEN on 1st July and a review will be in the July newsletter. Forthcoming productions :The classic ROMEO AND JULIET by the Royal Ballet Tues 22nd Sep 7.15pm and for Christmas delight THE NUTCRACKER also Royal Ballet Wed 16th Dec 7.15pm Tickets for both productions are £15.10 premium seats Some productions are very popular and tickets need to be purchased a few weeks in advance to ensure good seats, also cannot be purchased until paid for. If tickets are required, cash or cheque must be produced at the meeting or posted to the secretary Maggi McGuire very soon after to enable Glynis to arrange tickets and ensure availability. Cash or Cheque's - please make payable to U3A Kettering No.2 Account. Please find more information on the U3A board and to order or pick up tickets go to Theatre Goers table at the monthly meetings.
Walking Group -
On a glorious spring day 16 walkers set out from the Black Horse at Elton for a 5 mile walk. The route took us via Warmington Mill to Fotheringhay with a second crossing of the River Nene. A break was taken at the ruins of Fotheringhay Castle where three intrepid members climbed the actual castle mound. The route took us back to Elton via another crossing of the Nene at Elton Mill which is sadly in a state of some dereliction. A most welcome lunch was enjoyed at the Black Horse where the size of the sandwiches matched the appetites of the walkers who had them. The next walk will be on Wednesday 1st July starting at 10:15am, from the Kings Head Pub, Apethorpe, PE8 5DG, where lunch can be pre-ordered. Contact Judy or Tony Constable Tel: 01536 503616, or 07766 900771 or Contact: Ann or John Kemp on 01536 761241
Writers Group & Writers Too Writers' Group and Writers Too still have places for budding writers, in whatever genre. Do not be deterred by terrible tales of terrific talent; we all had to start somewhere. Yes, we are hot on talent, but we are even stronger mustard on encouragement. The Groups' Anthology is at stage 2: First draft compiled. I've even had one pre-order already. Watch this space. Topics this month were "There's no one in here called Heathcliff" and "Observe and write" for W Too. Thank you, all those who so showed their appreciation for "Our Gracie's" piece last month, by the way. Writers' Group members please note August's meeting will be held at Elizabeth Brassington's house. Writers Too will be at mine as usual. Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
Contact: Glynis Hall 01536 516 249
Wining and Dining - We shall have been to the Falcon at Fotheringhay by the next meeting, as we have been before we are expecting a good evening. As I will not be at the July meeting I will put in the venue for August in that newsletter, unless I can get a volunteer to take names. Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515 730
Kettering U3A
Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group Day No fixed day Safe Driving
Steve Clorley Roy Franklin Ray Bradbury Bridget Ling Maureen Curd
01832 732342 01536 482808 01536 516587 01536 515730 01832 732361
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
Marian Tucker Maggi McGuire Carole Bradbury Annette Chidwick Trevor Rudkin Helen McAdam Mary Wildman
01536 510354 01536 392716 01536 516587 01536 523867 01536 711976 01536 628304 01536 741222
3rd Monday
10.00 – 12 noon
varies Home varies Home Home
3rd Monday 1st & 3rd Mondays 1st Monday monthly 4th Monday 2nd Monday
2.00pm 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.30—12.30 2.00—4.00 pm
Richard Boyles Mary Earl Mary Earl Diana Ellis Glynis Hall Joan Allingham Mary Wildman
01536 744753 01536 522456 01536 522456 01536 723380 01536 516249 01536 722610 01536 741222
ASDA, Kettering Parish Church Rooms Home Home varies Home Parish Church Rooms
2nd & 4th Tuesday 2nd Tuesday in month 1st Tuesday 2nd & 4th Tuesday 4th Tuesday weekly 1st Tuesday
2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 2.00pm varies 1.30 – 4.00pm 2.00—4.00 pm
Joe Fletcher Joe Fletcher Bob Thorogood Pauline Parkin Mary Earl Janet Clements Eileen Mason Jean Beaver Pauline Reed Ann Kemp Christine Strachan
01536 722399 01536 722399 01933 650551 01536 799197 01536 522456 01536 507721 01536 725925 01933 224474 01536 513850 See Newsletter 01536 515730
Home Home varies varies Home varies varies St.Andrews Church Parish church rooms varies varies
fortnightly fortnightly 2nd & 4th Wednesday 4th Wednesday 1st Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1st & 3rd Wednesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Wednesday
9.30 – 11.00 am 1.30 – 3.00 pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 - 11.30am 2.00pm 2.00pm 10.30—12 noon 2.00 – 4.30pm varies varies
Christine Strachan Derek Warren Mary Wildman Barbara Goodall Jo Beaver
01536 515730 01536 518560 01536 741222 01536 523259 01933 224474
varies varies Home
3rd Thursday 2nd Thursday fortnightly
2.00 – 4.00pm varies 10.00-12.00
Parish Church Rooms
2nd & 4th Thursdays
2.00 – 4.00pm
Friday Bridge Friday Pop in
Sue Macfarlane Sue Hince
01536 523754 01536 521023
Bridge Club, Kettering Kino Lounge, Market Place
weekly 1st Fri monthly
1.30 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am
Alan Stephens
01536 726911
Pytchley Golf Club
Every Friday
Gardening Group Heartbeat Travel Groups Monday Card Making 2 Musical Circles 1 Knit and Natter Photography Theatre Writers Too Tuesday Computer Group Discussion Group Greeting Card Making French Lunch Club Sugarcraft Writers Group Wednesday German Conversation 1 German Conversation 2
Spanish Conversation Bookworms Card Making 1 Looking at Churches Musical Circles 2 Playford Dancing Scrabble Walking Wining & Dining Thursday Canals & Waterways Country Matters Busy Needles Water Colour Painting
1.00 – 4.00pm
Meetings below with Ise Valley U3A Day
Monday Canasta
Pam Towns
01536 521160
Kettering Bridge Club
Isabel Collins
01536 520971
Kettering Pool
Jill Dee
01536 514054
Fuller Church
2nd & 4th Fridays
Friday Singing
12 RJB/2015