Kettering U3A
19th April 2016 Kettering U3A Year 12 Newsletter 10 Today 19th April
Harpist and Bird Songs From the Chairman— In Accordance with Proper Procedures, it falls unto my lot, as my Bounden Duty, to advise you of 2016’s It Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday June 21st. probably goes without saying but – appropriately enough for this month – harping on the same string as ever, I shall say it any way: members are needed to fill posts that are about to become vacant, in order that KU3A’s very existence be maintained. Those staying in post are Chairman – Yours Truly has one more year only; Treasurer – Elizabeth Toseland; Secretary – Di Tebbutt, also taking on the rôle of Membership Secretary; Newsletter/ website Editor – Richard Boyles. Newly co-opted member, Chris Crick is willing to stand formally for election. Standing down are Cyril Young, Maggie McGuire, Marian Tucker. With the earlier resignation of Helen MacAdams, we are looking for at least three other volunteers/ nominees for the vacant posts; most importantly to meet the terms of the Constitution, we have to have a Vice Chairman. You will find Nomination Papers in your Newsletters. Recently joined members in particular, how about it?? Reminder: One Month To Go! The Sun will have his hat on Hip, hip, hip, hooray! The Sun will have his hat on And so shall you in May Or else@
Mary Next Month 17th May
A History of Wicksteed Park
Registered Charity No. 1108614 1
Kettering U3A
Group Leaders Information
• • • • • •
Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A. Ensure that you have:A written record showing your member’s name, address, telephone number and email address. The name and telephone of each member’s emergency contact. The post code of your venue as this will be required by the emergency services should you need to call them out. Send articles, reports and photographs about your group to the Newsletter Editor. Copy deadline for the newsletter is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting. To put additional information and/or photographs on your Group’s web page on the Kettering U3A website, please email to the Web Master, or send hardcopy to him. Advise the Group Coordinator of any changes to your group arrangements, e.g. venue, timing, group leader etc. Refreshments 2015 The Eden Centre will provide tea and coffee at 50p per cup with the U3A members helping to serve.
Members Information
Welcome to new members Mary Webster, Jean Wardle, Margaret Sellers, Chris Hewitt Geoff and Glenys Simpson, Brigid Langhorn, Margaret McWilliams, • • • • •
Advise the Membership Secretary, in writing, of any changes to your address, post code, telephone number or email address. If you are unable to attend your Group’s meeting, please advise your Group Leader in advance. If you know one of our members has a special occasion ahead, e.g. important birthday, anniversary or if they are ill and you feel a card from the U3A would be appreciated, please contact Joan Rolfe on 01536 521531 Bring your membership card with you to the meeting and have it available for checking in. If you cannot get to the monthly meeting for any reasons, you can get a copy of the Newsletter:-from either the Library or the Tourist Information desk, Manor House Museum, Kettering or from Desborough, Rothwell or Burton Latimer Libraries. Or via our postal service direct to your home (£10 per annum) Contact the Membership Secretary to do so. Download the newsletter (in glorious colour) from web site, & click on Links.
Monthly Meeting Dates & Speakers 2016 May 17 A History of Wicksteed Park +
The Grand Hat Competition Jun 21 Annual General Meeting Jul 19 Being Safe & Confident on the Road—Andy Collins Aug 16 Classic Cars—Steve Wardley
Sep 20 Oct 18 Nov 15 Dec 13
Kinky Boots by Steve Pateman The Old Candleworks by Marianne Perry A Tudor Christmas - Martin Sinot Smith U3A Singers (Note meeting one week earlier than normal)
Your Kettering U3A Committee 2015-2016 Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Membership Secretary Speaker Seeker Newsletter/Web site Groups Co-ordinator Committee Member (Co-Opt)
Mary Wildman Cyril Young Diane Tebbutt Elizabeth Toseland Maggi McGuire Marian Tucker Richard Boyles Cyril Young Chris Crick
01536 741 222 01536 392 065 01536 392 556 01536 460 029 01536 392 716 01536 510 354 01536 744 753 01536 392 065 01536 501 131 2
Kettering U3A
News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports Bridge - We have a very friendly Bridge group who meet every Friday afternoon. If you can play Bridge but perhaps have not done so for a little while then please come and join us. I must say, however, that we do not teach it and therefore you must have some knowledge of the game to be able to join. You would be made very welcome. We start each Friday at 1.30pm at the Bridge Club in Field Street and we pay £2 each week and for that you get good company, a very interesting game and refreshments.
Our next meeting at the Eden Centre, 21, Montague Street, Kettering Format of the meeting:1.30 – 2.15 Refreshments and Notice Board observations. Browse the groups and chat Sign up to groups and trips 2.15— Chairman’s notices 2.30—3.30 Speaker 3.45 (approx) Meeting ends Wheelchair disabled access is available at the rear by phoning 01536 484 800
Contact: Sue Macfarlane 01536 523754 Busy Needles and Banter —
Newsletter DEADLINE— is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting.
Benefits from bonus bonanza! My sister has been to stay And although she’s not U3A, She’s hardly stopped knitting; Whenever she’s sitting Her needles are clicking away.
PLEASE send in reports and photos or we will have to reduce the pages again and I’ll end up editing to fit less space. You can read and download the newsletter in FULL COLOUR from our internet page at
She’s made cardies and jumpers galore And bonnets for babes by the score. Whether 4 ply or double The yarn is no trouble. As for buttons we’ve got them in store
Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 Speaker Seeker - A huge thank you has come from Zena Skinner to say how welcoming a group we were. She really enjoyed herself last month. Each month I ask some members to answer a questionnaire about the speaker of the month. If you , would like to be one of the members who answers the questionnaire I would be very happy to give it to you. There is a Speaker Secretary /Seeker workshop on Friday 8th July. Would any member like to attend the workshop to gain valuable ideas about being the Speaker Seeker. I really do need help for this job.
From those who’ve donated their stash. Gifts with more meaning than cash. It affords us much pleasure To hunt though them at leisure And thus add extra panache. So thank you for playing your part In causes so close to our heart Whether newborns or bereft Where they have nothing left Once Ebola tore their lives apart. Where blessings are few, If they’ve four legs or two, Let us try to give them a new start.
Contact: Marian Tucker 01536 510 354
All donations gratefully received. Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
Bookworms — A Spool of Blue Thread written by Anne Tyler, is a story of 3 generations of a dysfunctional family, the Whitshanks, and is centred in small town America. As Abby and Red age, their children return home to make decisions as to how to look after them. There were mixed reactions to the story, and a lively discussion followed. Next meeting - 27th April. Contact:
Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197
Kettering U3A
Canals & Waterways — Bluebells at Hambleton Woods, Rutland Water 21 April 2016. LE15 8BL The woods are between Whitwell and Sykes Lane. Meet at Whitwell at 11.00 am. We will pass the woods on our way to Whitwell so will see if the bluebells are in flower. We can then walk back through the woods and then come back and walk by the reservoir. If there are no flowers we can walk around the lakes. There are coffee shops with sandwiches etc at the car parks or pubs on the main road or we could take a picnic. Take the A6003 to the A606 towards Stamford. After approximately 3 miles take the second turning right towards Barnsdale Hotel pass the hotel then left into car park and then right again.
Card Making 1 — Contact: Mary Earl 01536 522 456 Card Making 2 — This month some of us were posting our beautiful cards to friends and relatives. Some of the group were improving half finished cards to sell for fundraising. A very generous group of people make up our little group. Next month we are off to Anne to widen our creative mood Contact: Marian Tucker 01536 510 354
We shall be going to Lincoln on 19th May, although some of the group are going on the Wednesday and staying overnight. Further details will be available at the May U3 A meeting or you can contact me. Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730 Computer Group — In the previous two meetings we have reviewed Windows 10 and seen how to to manage photographs. The next meetings are: 10 May- Backups 14 Jun- Files & Folders Aug - No Meeting 13 Sep- Android Tablets & Phones Information and videos from previous sessions can be accessed from the link at the NEW web site at Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail: As always, you can email me for any computer related advice or problems. Country Matters — In March, 7 of us intended to walk from The Queen’s Head in Higham Ferrers down to the River Nene. Owing to a lot of rain since the recce we only got as far as the bridge over the A45 from which we had a good vantage point over the flooded valley. Taking a detour we followed a path towards another road bridge, walking beside new houses but quite rural none the less. Crossing over this bridge we were confronted with fast flowing water preventing us from reaching the river bridge.. We decided to walk back along another bush lined path to the pub where we enjoyed a good meal. By the time the magazine is in print we will have had our April walk - 14th April meeting at The Vane Arms in Sudborough. May’s walk we will be meeting at The Queen’s Head, Higham Ferrers. See you there on Thursday, 12 May 10.15 for 10.30 start, when we hope this time to have some fine weather and enjoy the riverside walk abandoned in March! Contact:
Derek Warren 01536 518 560
Kettering U3A
Hats in May?
French - 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 2pm Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723 380 Friday Pop-In - There was not one ‘April Fool’ amongst the sixteen members that decided to pop in to the Kino Lounge on the 1st April. It is always a lively, friendly place to have that much needed cuppa and A WARM WELCOME awaits you! Next date: Friday 6th May Time: 10.00 – 11.30 a.m
Discussion Group — The next meeting at the Parish Church Rooms will be on Tuesday 10th May at the usual time of 2pm. As I will not be able to attend we will need a volunteer to open up and perhaps another to chair the meeting. The subject for the June meeting will be "Is your holiday really necessary?” Contact: Richard Ling
Contact: Janet Chivers 01536 214 250 Janet Chivers, the new Friday Pop-In organiser and Sue Hince, the retiring organiser.
01536 515 816
Family History We had 23 people at our second meeting and there is still space for more if you wish to join. We plan to cater for all levels of experience and I am sure everyone will learn something new, novice to experienced, I certainly have. On 8th April, several members went to Who Do You Think You Are—Live at the NEC in Birmingham, the largest Family History show in the world. In our third meeting last week we worked together in groups to help each other’s research, where we have become stuck, otherwise called breaking down their “brick walls”. Next Meetings: 9th May, Katrina from the LDS church will give us a tutorial in using Family Search and using the program Roots Magic. 13 Jun Parish Records and how to find them online and in Record Offices. Keep checking the web site below for new hints, tips, tutorials and resources.
English Studies— (Shakespeare) In March we welcomed Pat Jones to our group as we “wrapped up” Julius Caesar. A very enjoyable session. This month, (Happy Birthday, Will) we are turning our attention to Macbeth. Great Stuff. We still have some room for anyone who may be interested in joining us. If you would like further information Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
NEW GROUP—Aspects of English Did you miss out on language and grammar teaching at school, but wonder whether BBC English is really correct? Come for a few monthly meetings to help fill the gaps and discover how enjoyable our language is. First Wednesday of the month (PM) at home in Barton Seagrave. Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723380 French Conversation - We have being busy with numbers until our mind could not think any more. Today we did some revisions and translations as well as story telling. Weekends away, hospital visits and holidays which are always a great topics for using a varieties of new words. Our next two meeting will be the 20th of May and 17th of June at the usual place. Both meeting times have been changed to 3.00 to 5.00 pm at Lamb & Holme, West Street, Kettering. Contact: Richard Boyles
Contact: Michele Junin 01536 671 971
01536 744 753
Kettering U3A
History - We have pleasure in showing below the programme of speakers for the remainder of 2016 and hope that all members of the History Group will come along and enjoy the subject matters. There will not be a meeting in May as we were unable to find a Speaker and it is a Bank Holiday. 6th Jun Women at War 4th July Sir Christopher Hatton & Queen Elizabeth 1 1st Aug The Tresham family 5th Sept The Story of the early Post. 3rd Oct The Growth & Development of Burton Latimer 7th Nov The Gunpowder Plot 5th Dec Kettering Parks Revisited Many thanks to the History Group members for setting out and putting away the chairs at the meeting and also to Muriel who volunteered to look after the refreshments at the meetings. To all U3A members - please let Eileen (01536 725925) or Maggi ~(01536 392716) know if you are able to recommend any History Speakers and let us have their email address or telephone number.
Gardening Group — Wednesday 18 May, 11am to 5pm. Kelmarsh Hall, Main Road, Kelmarsh, . NN6 9LY A C18 country house set in gardens surrounded by woodland. Hidden gems include an orangery, double border, sunken garden, long border, rose garden and walled kitchen garden. Disabled parking. Admission £6, child £3.50. Light lunches, cream teas and cakes available. The Hall is 5 miles south of Mkt.Harborough. From the A14 exit junction 2 and head North towards Mkt. Harborough on the A508 to Kelmarsh. The Hall is well signposted. Car share if possible although parking is adequate. Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516 587 German Basic Conversation — Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722 399 Golf — Our regular group meets at 1.30 pm Fridays at Pytchley Golf Club still seems to be the most popular time !!
Contact: Eileen Mason
01536 725 925 or Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716
Contact: Alan Stephens 01536 726 911 or 07931 637 660 or Heartbeat— We met in early April in Cranford and enjoyed our brisk walk round the village, we had coffee in the Old Forge. Spring was certainly in full swing with the churchyard; it was full of spring flowers. Our next walk will be on Monday 4th July 2016 meeting out side the church in Geddington NN14 1AH at 10 o'clock.
Looking at Churches — In March, our group went to St. Wilfred’s in Kibworth, inspired by the book written by Michael Wood, who used Kibworth as a typical English village, following from medieval times to present day, and which became a TV series in 2006. The church was very big and clean, and appeared to have a thriving congregation, with approximately 100 people attending Sunday services. We were shown around by the churchwarden, who told us of all the various activities going on. He also told us a lot about the history of Kibworth, which stems from the time of William of Normandy, being of French origin. Kibworth is divided into two parts, Kibworth Harcourt and Kibworth Beauchamp. On entering the church we see a huge white angel, soaring above us, which is suspended over the chancel. This is quite modern, as was a colourful cross made of Lego. There were beautiful embroidered panels, as big as stained glass windows, a well as many real stain glass windows. The font was medieval and there was a story that it was once taken from the church to be used as a horse trough for many years. Luckily it found its way back to its original spot. Our next church is St. Peter’s in Isham on Wednesday, April 20th at 2.0pm. It is on the A509, and nearby is a coffee shop, once a pub, called the Bear & Beignet, which some of us may like to go to later. There is no church visit in May due to holiday, but on Wednesday, June 15th at 2.0pm it will be to Hallaton, Leics.
Contact: Bridget Ling 01536 515 816
Knit and Natter - We had a pleasant morning knitting and catching up on all the news. Because of the heartbeat walk our next meeting will be on Monday 11th and 18th April. Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867
Contact: Janet Clements 01536 507 721
Kettering U3A
Looking at Churches — continued A visit to Hallaton museum, which has an exhibition entitled “Hallaton in the Great War – Tales of the Unexpected”. A tour of St Michael and All Angels Church. A guided tour of the historic village. There will be at a charge of £5 per person. There are two pubs and a cafe in the village. Contact: Janet Clements 01536 507 721
Notice of AGM Kettering U3A 2016 Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st June. Minutes of the 2015 AGM are available now on web site entitled “AGM 2015 Minutes” and will also be displayed on the notice boards the day.
KETTERING U3A Committee June 2016 – May 2017 I wish to propose @@@@@@@@@@@ to stand for election to the Committee. I confirm that the person I have nominated has agreed to stand and is prepared to serve on the Committee. Proposer’s Name@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.. Signature@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Please print name
Seconder’s Name@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. Signature@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Please print name
Post applied for@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Please return all nominations forms to Diane Tebbutt (Secretary) by Friday May 27th at the latest for the June AGM meeting. 48 Salisbury Street, Kettering NN16 9LN 7
Kettering U3A
Musical Circles 1 —
Lunch Club — A very enjoyable lunch was had by all Lunch Club members who attended The Lamb in Little Harrowden in March and our thanks go to Molly Lucy and Marjorie Bosworth who hosted the luncheon. There was plenty of variety but Liver and Bacon was extremely popular. As no-one has volunteered to host the April lunch it has been agreed that we will meet at the “Trading Post” on the Northampton Road, Kettering where an area will be booked for our members. Please arrive for 12 noon. To ensure that we book sufficient seats, please contact Sue Hart at the April monthly meeting and let her have your name. We welcome any new members to the Lunch Club. Helen McAdams and Jean Hazard will be hosting the May lunch club. Venue to be advised in due course.
Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536 516 587 Musical Circles 2 — Our afternoon of music was devoted to well know Ballet and Opera. Tchaikovsky opened the programme with music from The Nutcracker followed by Swan Lake and the arrival of the Queen of Sheba by Handel then Wagner's Flying Dutchman completed the first half. Refreshed by coffee and tea we listened to music from Cosi Fan Tutti, Don Giovanni and The Marriage of Figaro all by Mozart, we concluded with Rossine's William Tell Overture. Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725 925
Contact: Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716
Playford English Country Dancing Due to illness etc. I have had to suspend meetings until after Easter. Our numbers are very low so new members would be very welcome.
MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS FOR 2016/17 Yes, it is almost that time of the year again. First of all we are pleased to tell you that the membership fee will remain at £15.00 for the period 1 July to 30 June 2017. Membership Renewal forms will be ready for collection when you come into the lobby area of the Eden Centre at the April Meeting, Renewal can be made either by post (address on the bottom of the renewal form) Cheques should be made payable to “Kettering U3A” and a stamped addressed envelope must be enclosed (big enough to hold your membership card). Alternatively you can renew your membership, personally, at the May, June or July meetings. IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE MONTHLY MEETINGS NOR CONTINUE TO BE A MEMBER OF OR ATTEND ANY GROUPS.
Contact: Jean Beaver 01933 224 474
Grand Hat Competition
You are ALL invited to wear a hat at the May monthly meeting and there will be a competition for the best one. Don’t be shy you know how fetching they can be as demonstrated here!
Kettering U3A
Photography Group — On Monday 7th March (too late for inclusion in the March newsletter) the Photography Group visited Stanwick Lakes. The lighting was really good as we gathered in the car park, with a lovely sky. However, once we started to walk round the park the lighting took a turn for the worse (how often has that happened to us?) and it became rather dull with grey clouds. We had one magical spell when the sun managed to burst through the clouds and light up the trees around one of the lakes, but if you blinked you missed it. Nevertheless we managed to find several bird hides, and some pictures were taken of tufted ducks, cormorants and so on. An interesting reflection of the Visitors Centre caught our attention on the way back to the café, so it was not completely wasted. Over coffee we planned our next venture which, if all goes well, will be on Monday 11th April 2.00pm at Sywell Aerodrome. We have visited it before, but the weather was not good, and some of the newer members have not seen it. We also hope to visit Canons Ashby at a future meeting, as most of our members belong to the National Trust.
Safe Driving — continued Almost 60% said drivers should retake the driving test every five years after age 70, 85% said drivers should pass an eyesight test every five years once they have reached 70 and more than half said that drivers aged around 70 should be required to have a medical examination. Nearly all of the respondents, 94%, agreed that GPs should be required to inform patients if their medical condition may affect their fitness to drive and half agreed that a flexible licensing system should be introduced which could restrict types of roads and conditions for some older drivers. The IAM’s survey found respondents wanted some rules to extend further than older drivers – 84% agreed that all drivers should pass an eyesight test every 10 years after first passing, regardless of their age. The report also found just how important driving is to this group. Some 82% said that driving was very or extremely important to them, a figure that increases for women. Independence and convenience were cited as the main reasons for wanting to continue driving. The number of drivers over the age of 70 is set to double over the next 20 years and with more than one million licence holders over the age of 80, there is a pressing need for enlightened policies and practical actions to help them keep safe and competently mobile for as long as possible. Sarah Sillars, IAM chief executive officer, said: “Driving is about so much more than getting from A to B and nowhere is this more apparent than in this age group. It helps maintain self-esteem and freedom and is essential for combatting social isolation." “There are certain issues that affect mature drivers more so than other groups however, such as reductions in mobility and a slowdown in reaction times. The great news from this survey is that mature drivers themselves are aware of the risks and support action to review their safety." Voluntary self-assessment and better education via GPs are important techniques for helping drivers understand how long they can continue to drive safely and for those needing a confidence boost or a little extra reassurance on today’s busy roads, a Mature Driver Assessment could be something to consider.
Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711 976
Safe Driving — Mature drivers favour checks on over 70’s, IAM finds The majority of older drivers are in favour of tighter rules on checking the health and suitability of over-70s to drive – even if those checks could take them off the road themselves – according to a new report by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), Keeping Older Drivers Safe and Mobile. More than half demonstrate that they self-regulate to stay safe by avoiding driving in challenging situations like busy traffic, after dark, in rush hour or bad weather. The IAM worked with Dr Carol Hawley and her team at Warwick Medical School to survey more than 2,600 drivers and former drivers on their opinions, habits and motoring history, for the first major survey of its kind for two decades. While mature drivers travel significantly fewer miles than other age groups, 84% of them rated their driving ability as ‘good to excellent’ and only 6% had ever considered giving up driving. Despite that, a very high proportion of respondents were in favour of measures to increase their safety on the roads.
Steve Clorley 01832 732342 or 07973 624815 Roy Franklin 01536 482808 or 07751 106617 Stitchin' Time— Two new members joined us for our second session, which some of us spent making (and unmaking) Granny Squares whilst others knitted or cross stitched. A pleasant way to spend an afternoon whilst being creative. Next meeting - 4th May Contact:
Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197
Kettering U3A
Sugar Craft— If anyone who would like to learn, but feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results.
Singing For Pleasure — B Group unfortunately lost a session owing to Good Friday but continues to increase in numbers, skill and enthusiasm. For more information contact Mary Wildman.
Contact: Joan Allingham 01536 722 610
A Group has its new programme in place and the first of its “outings” on Friday 8th April to an audience at Christ the King. For further information contact Jill Dee Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
Walking Group - 14 walkers set out from the Kings Head at Apethorpe on Wednesday 6th April for a 51/2 mile walk which took in a brief visit to the memorial on the edge of the old Kings Cliffe airfield which marks the site of the last hangar concert given by the Glenn Miller band in October 1944. Whilst the forecast was for blustery showery weather we only had one brief hail shower on the outward leg. On the return we were fortunate to see a herd of Fallow deer albeit some distance away jump the fence into the next field. Two minutes before returning to the pub the heavens opened but we managed to get into the pub almost dry. Not so lucky were a party of walkers from Wellingborough whom we witnessed from the comfort of the pub returning absolutely soaked. An excellent lunch was enjoyed by all. The next walk will be on Wednesday 4th May from the King’s Head at Smeeton Westerby near Kibworth over the border in Leicestershire (Postcode LE8 0QJ). Meet 10.00hrs for a 10.15hrs start. Walk leader is John Flower tel 01536 766541, email Finally a plea: if you have booked on a walk and cannot make it please let the leader know as soon as possible to avoid the group hanging about waiting for no-shows. Also please do book in if you want to join a walk rather than just turn up on the day.
Spanish, Intermediate — The Spanish conversation group continues to meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. We have the use of a training room free of charge so our sessions continue to be free. Just occasionally we cannot have the ASDA room and when this happens we have an alternative at a total cost of £10 per session. We use the book Pasos 2 which is for second level students and we are now well on the way to completing that. Because of the size of the ASDA room, we are now really at full capacity. However, we would be happy to consider one or at most two more members but because of the level our members are at, having completed more than two years of study, new students would need to have a reasonable knowledge of Spanish and be able to converse at a fairly fluent level. Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650 551 Theatre Goers — Local At the moment, the Theatregoers group is trying to get a new group leader. Trips & Visits - Thursday 30 June 2016 Eltham Palace. Please pay the sum of £37.00 today also advise if you want a guided tour which will be £6.50. We currently have enough interested to assume that there will be a refund due. Thursday 20th October 2016 Bank of England. £27.00 coach only. If numbers reached reduction could be possible. Please pay a deposit today balance at September meeting. NEW. Tuesday 13 September 2016. St Albans Concert for Queens 90th birthday. Music hall celebration (See leaflets). Cost £32.00. Includes concert and lunch. Coach subject to numbers £25.00 total £55.00 per person. I need to confirm this in May so please advise as soon as possible if you are interested. ALL CHEQUES PAYABLE TO U3A KETTERING ACCOUNT NO 2. Contact Eileen Mason at todays meeting . Otherwise phone me. I will not be available 16- 23 April Maureen Curd.
Contact: Helen Neale 01536 723 899 or 07763 980 840 or Neil Burton 01536 526 966 Walking Group - Ise Valley U3A April walk, meet at the Wharf Inn Welford NN6 6JQ 10.00, 26 April. Contact Bill Joyce 01536 724337 We have members of Kettering walk us on a regular basis and I and others walk with your group. Wining and Dining - We were disappointed with the meal at Rue de la Gare, the food and service were not as good as on a previous occasion. We shall have been to the Neville Arms at Medbourne by the time of the next U3 A meeting. We shall decide the venue for May when we are at the Neville Arms. If you are interested in joining us please let me know.
Contact: Maureen Curd 01832 732 361
Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515 730
Kettering U3A
Writers Group— The year’s at the spring, And day’s at the morn; Morning’s at seven; The hill-side’s dew-pearled; The lark’s on the wing; The snail’s on the thorn; God’s in His heaven— All’s right with the world! Robert Browning, ‘Pippa’s Passing’
Water Colour Painting Classes - The Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from September to March. Our classes are held in the Parish Hall, Market Place, Kettering, NN16 0AL, from 1.15pm to 3.15pm. The Autumn Term starts again on 8th September 2016. Fees for each term are around £10.00 (6 classes). If you are interested in painting or drawing then come along to our classes. You may use oils, water colours, acrylics or pastels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced painter we welcome everyone. You must be a fully paid up member with the U3A before you are able to join us, otherwise we shall be very pleased to see you.
Our first meeting of spring! Not only are the daffodils blossoming but our April meeting had plenty of rhetorical sap rising. Elizabeth Toseland, who had suggested this month’s subject ‘The Most Important Job in the World’, rose to the occasion with a delightfully witty piece of verse on the theme. We also had a rather more Cassandra-like view of the same subject which involved the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse — more winter than spring! A couple of socially-sensitive poems followed, written at the end of the last millennium but equally relevant today. Sally’s story of new home, new baby, moved us all - we are looking forward to hearing of its inclusion in an anthology. Finally a hilarious take on 'bedrooms I have known' and their suitability for our present Prime Minister left us all with big grins on our faces. Where does she get her ideas? Next month’s meeting will be at 2pm on Tuesday 3 May at the usual location - the Parish Church Rooms in the Market Place. Plenty of free parking! For those who aren’t bringing along a text of their own choice Sally organised a round robin of subjects to tickle our imagination: * Too many coat hangers. * The moment I knew I had won. * Apparently it’s in fashion again. * Ringing the changes.
"Unbridled" in Acrylics is painted by Ginnie Drummond.
Thanks, Sally! Don’t forget that these are simply ideas to get you writing; you are welcome to bring you own ideas or even just come and listen and take part in the discussion. Whether you write a journal or a diary, memoirs or stories, do come and join us. If you want to talk about it first you can give us a phone call at the number below or chat to us at the U3A monthly meeting, third Tuesday of the month from 1:30 at the Eden Centre, Montagu Street, Kettering.
"Missie" is painted in Acrylics, by Ginnie Drummond. Contact: Jo Beaver on 01933 224 474 or Barbara Goodall on 01536 523 259
Contact: Tom Piercy 01536 712 581
Kettering U3A
Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group Day No fixed day Safe Driving
Steve Clorley Roy Franklin Ray Bradbury Bridget Ling Maureen Curd
01832 732342 01536 482808 01536 516587 01536 515816 01832 732361
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
Marian Tucker Maggi McGuire Carole Bradbury Annette Chidwick Maggi McGuire Richard Boyles Trevor Rudkin
01536 510354 01536 392716 01536 516587 01536 523867 01536 392716 01536 744753 01536 711976
3rd Monday
10.00 – 12 noon
Mary Wildman
01536 741222
varies Home Counties CommunityCentre LDS Church, Rothwell Road varies Home Home
3rd Monday 1st & 3rd Mondays 1st Monday 2nd Monday 1st Monday 2nd Monday 2nd Monday
2.00pm 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.30—12.30 2.00 – 4.00pm
Richard Boyles Richard Ling Mary Earl Diana Ellis Maggi McGuire Joan Allingham Tom Piercy
01536 744753 01536 515816 01536 522456 01536 723380 01536 392716 01536 722610 01536 712 581
ASDA, Kettering Parish Church Rooms Home Home varies Home Parish Church Rooms
2nd Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 1st Tuesday 2nd & 4th Tuesday 4th Tuesday weekly 1st Tuesday
2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 2.00pm varies 1.30 – 4.00pm 2.00—4.00 pm
Joe Fletcher Bob Thorogood Pauline Parkin Mary Earl Janet Clements Eileen Mason Jean Beaver Ann Kemp Pauline Parkin Christine Strachan
01536 722399 01933 650551 01536 799197 01536 522456 01536 507721 01536 725925 01933 224474 See Newsletter 01536 799 197 01536 515730
Home varies varies Home varies varies St.Andrews Church varies Home varies
Fortnightly 2nd & 4th Wednesday 4th Wednesday 1st Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1st Wednesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Wednesday
9.30 – 11.00 am 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 - 11.30am 2.00pm 2.00pm 10.30—12 noon varies 2.00 - 4.00pm varies
Christine Strachan Derek Warren Mary Wildman Barbara Goodall Jo Beaver
01536 515730 01536 518560 01536 741222 01536 523259 01933 224474
varies varies Home
3rd Thursday 2nd Thursday Fortnightly
2.00 – 4.00pm varies 10.00-12.00
Parish Church Rooms
2nd & 4th Thursdays
1.15 – 3.15pm
Sue Macfarlane Janet Chivers Michele Junin Alan Stephens
01536 523754 01536 214 250 01536 671 971 01536 726911
Bridge Club, Kettering Kino Lounge, Market Place To Be Advised Pytchley Golf Club
weekly 1st Friday 3rd Friday Every Friday
1.30 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 2.00—4.00pm 1.00 – 4.00pm
Margaret Hall
01536 512215
Kettering Bridge Club
Isabel Collins
01536 520971
Kettering Pool
Singing A
Jill Dee
01536 514054
Fuller Church
Fortnightly Fridays
Singing B
Mary Wildman
01536 741222
Fuller Church
Alternate Fridays
Gardening Group Heartbeat Travel Groups Monday Card Making 2 Musical Circles 1 Knit and Natter History Family History Photography Theatre English Studies Tuesday Computer Group Discussion Group Greeting Card Making French Lunch Club Sugarcraft Writers Group Wednesday German Conversation Spanish Conversation Bookworms Card Making 1 Looking at Churches Musical Circles 2 Playford Dancing Walking Stitchin’ Time Wining & Dining Thursday Canals & Waterways Country Matters Busy Needles Water Colour Painting Friday Bridge Friday Pop In French Conversation Golf
Joint Meeting with Ise Valley U3A Day
12 RJB/2016