Kettering U3A
19th July 2016 Kettering U3A Year 13 Newsletter 1 Today
Being Safe & Confident on the Road - Andy Collins From the Chairman— A big thank you to all who attended last month’s AGM (ie came and stayed to the end of the meeting). It was short and painless. I’m happy to report that we have an almost full committee including Vice Chairman, thanks to Shirley Mepham who was elected from the floor. Di Tebbutt is now Membership Secretary – if you haven’t paid your dues, get on with it; Chris Crick is Secretary; Linda Tyrrell Speaker Seeker; Elizabeth Toseland and self are Treasurer and Chairman respectively FOR THIS YEAR ONLY. Richard Boyles remains Newsletter Editor (Group Leaders, please take note of his requests as to your submissions for inclusion in the Newsletter), Technical expert, Sound Engineer and Stage Manager. However: Wanted: a Groups’ Coordinator. For job description see notice board or speak to me. (First task: chivvy Group Leaders into updating their details etc for the notice board.) On an upbeat note, we did not leave out a thank-you to Marian Tucker; we made a low-key presentation to her at Busy Needles. Marian has said that she is very happy to help out where she can; moreover, she has the Laminator!
Mary Next Month
16th August
Classic Cars by Steve Wardley
Registered Charity No. 1108614 1
Kettering U3A
Group Leaders Information
• • • • • •
Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A. Ensure that you have:A written record showing your member’s name, address, telephone number and email address. The name and telephone of each member’s emergency contact. The post code of your venue as this will be required by the emergency services should you need to call them out. Send articles, reports and photographs about your group to the Newsletter Editor. Copy deadline for the newsletter is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting. To put additional information and/or photographs on your Group’s web page on the Kettering U3A website, please email to the Web Master, or send hardcopy to him. Advise the Group Coordinator of any changes to your group arrangements, e.g. venue, timing, group leader etc. Refreshments The Eden Centre will provide tea and coffee at 50p per cup with the U3A members helping to serve.
Members Information
Welcome to new members Sandra Brooks • • • • •
Heather Burton
Linda Dodson
Ken Burnage
Advise the Membership Secretary, in writing, of any changes to your address, post code, telephone number or email address. If you are unable to attend your Group’s meeting, please advise your Group Leader in advance. If you know one of our members has a special occasion ahead, e.g. important birthday, anniversary or if they are ill and you feel a card from the U3A would be appreciated, please contact Joan Rolfe on 01536 521531 Bring your membership card with you to the meeting and have it available for checking in. If you cannot get to the monthly meeting for any reasons, you can get a copy of the Newsletter:-from either the Library or the Tourist Information desk, Manor House Museum, Kettering or from Desborough, Rothwell or Burton Latimer Libraries. Or via our postal service direct to your home (£10 per annum) Contact the Membership Secretary to do so. Download the newsletter (in glorious colour) from web site, & click on Links.
Monthly Meeting Dates & Speakers 2016 Aug 16 Classic Cars—Steve Wardley Sep 20 Kinky Boots by Steve Pateman
Oct 18 The Old Candleworks by Marianne Perry Nov 15 A Tudor Christmas - Martin Sinot Smith Dec 13 U3A Singers (Note meeting one week earlier than normal)
Your Kettering U3A Committee 2015-2016 Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Membership Secretary Speaker Seeker Newsletter/Web site Groups Co-ordinator Committee Member
Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 Shirley Mepham 01536 416 182 Chris Crick 01536 501 131 Elizabeth Toseland 01536 460 029 Diane Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Linda Tyrrell 01536 683 947 Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 vacant post vacant post 2
Kettering U3A
News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports Beginners Ballroom Dancing — I have had the following [edited] email from Pat Johnson: (Assistant Groups Organiser, Ise Valley U3A) Thank you so much for telling your members about our new beginners Ballroom Dancing group. One of your members did join us and I think he enjoyed it.Please could promote it again this month for us. All the details are the same, except that they have now decided to hold the classes twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Fridays. The next 3 dates are 10th June, 08th July and 22nd July. (No class on the 24th June as the teacher is on holiday.) They may decide to take a break in August but the group members will decide nearer the time. If any members are interested
Our next meeting at the Eden Centre, 21, Montagu Street, Kettering Format of the meeting:1.30 – 2.15 Refreshments and Notice Board observations. Browse the groups and chat Sign up to groups and trips 2.15— Chairman’s notices 2.30—3.30 Speaker 3.45 (approx) Meeting ends Wheelchair disabled access is available at the rear by phoning 01536 484 800
Contact: Pat Johnson 01536 483 398
Newsletter DEADLINE— is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting.
Bookworms — Our most recent read, The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy, can only be described as a "companion" to The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. By reading this, it filled in some of the gaps and answered questions posed in the first book, but some of our readers felt it did not come up to the standard of Harold Fry. However, it described Queenie's sea garden in Embleton Bay beautifully, and I wonder if there really is such a garden. Contact:
Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197
You can read and download the newsletter in FULL COLOUR from our internet page at Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753
Happy 90th Birthday Bridge - We have a very friendly Bridge group who meet every Friday afternoon. If you can play Bridge but perhaps have not done so for a little while then please come and join us. I must say, however, that we do not teach it and therefore you must have some knowledge of the game to be able to join. You would be made very welcome. We start each Friday at 1.30pm at the Bridge Club in Field Street and we now pay £1.50 each week and for that you get good company, a very interesting game and refreshments.
Brenda Cooper was at the U3A Friday Pop-in this morning as usual and told us how she had celebrated her 90th birthday on D-Day, 6 June.
Contact: Sue Macfarlane 01536 523754 3
Kettering U3A
Canals & Waterways—We had a great time in Portsmouth. Whilst most of the country was experiencing severe rain and floods we managed to have glorious sunshine for two days. The ticket for the Historic boatyard was very good value. It included a boat trip round the harbour, one to the submarine and visits to Nelson's ship, HMS Warrior, and museums. Some of us also took a trip up the Spinnaker with its impressive views. We ate very good fish and chips on paper at a pub overlooking the harbour. We are going to Shardlow Heritage Center, London Road, Shardlow DE72 2GA for the day on Thursday 21st July with a guided walk around the village. We meet 10.0 to 10.30 am at the Center. If you wish to join us please sign up at the next U3A meeting or contact me.
Busy Needles and Banter — Wimbledon fortnight and then the Proms. That blissful time for sitting, needles going like pistons, full steam ahead to light up Africa, assemble squares for pet blankets, or produce in an evening a cute coat for a newborn. Stop for a coffee break and sort out one’s stash; rootling through the button box(es) – more relaxing than meditation – is rather like telling one’s beads and thinking of donors and recipients alike.
Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730
Speaking of buttons and beads and, by extension, of ribbons and bells and the like, Marian incorporates such items into her twiddle-muffs for dementia patients: if you’ve any you don’t know what to do with, we’ll be delighted to take them off your hands. Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
Card Making — I have had a few phone calls asking to join this group. Sadly I have no vacancies as there are 8 in this group and I only have room for 8 people . Maybe there is a member who would like to start a craft group? Contact: Marian Tucker 01536 510 354
Kettering U3A
Country Matters — In June, nineteen of us had a most enjoyable walk around Summer Leys Nature Reserve near Great Doddington. It was the site of gravel pits and has since been made into a beautiful nature reserve. We were able to see many birds from the hides including nesting Terns, Lapwings, Egrets, Geese, Bullfinches, Chaffinches, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Cormorants, and plenty of Swans and Mallard ducks. There were also lots of showy wild flowers along the route. Afterwards we enjoyed a meal at the Stags Head, Great Doddington.
Computer Group — REMINDER that the Windows 10 upgrade is FREE until 29 July 2016. After that it will cost £90+ Should you upgrade? My opinion is if you are running Windows 7 stick with it. If you are running Windows 8, subject to your computer being suitable, upgrade as 8 is awful and 10 is good! For specific advice on your computer take it to Kettering Laptops at 37 Victoria Street who are very helpful. Mention U3A for excellent service.
July’s meeting scheduled for the 14th will have been at Lubbenham with a friend of Derek’s as our guide. There will be no meeting in August as we are on holiday. September’s meeting will be starting from The Coach and Horses in Brixworth on 8th September, 10.15 for 10.30 start. Details to follow later. Contact:
We are a small friendly group and all lessons cover the basics and progress to more advanced. As always we attempt to answer all questions and hopefully everyone learns something each time. The next meetings are: Aug No Meeting 13 Sep Android Tablets & Phones 11 Oct Apple Mac, iPad, iPhone Information and videos can be accessed from Computer Group link at
U3A MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Renewal forms have been sent to all current members for 2016/17. Please check these are correct, make any amendments and bring them to the monthly meeting with a cheque, (made payable to Kettering U3A) or cash for the amount of £15.00 (or £11.50 if you belong to another U3A to whom you pay the full membership fee). Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail:
Discussion Group — At the June meeting 'Rain stopped play' or discussion. When we broke for tea we found the kitchen under several inches of water and as electricity and water don't mix it was decided to break early. David Clayton found some alternative premises for the summer break when the Parish Church rooms are not available and the best one seemed to be Kino's but the management were reluctant as our meeting times clashed with the end of the lunch period. Thanks to David for his time and efforts. So the next meeting will be same time, 2 o'clock at the Parish Church Rooms on Tuesday September 13th. I will be on holiday at the time but the subject of comedy has been raised. Is it what it used to be? Was there a golden age of comedy on television or radio or has modern comedy prompted you to reach for the 'off switch'?
As always, you can email me for any computer related advice or problems. Country Dancing — We have our last meeting, before the summer break, on Weds. 13th July.We begin again on 14th Sept. We meet on 2nd & 4th Weds. of each month 10.30- noon at St. Andrews Church Hall. You are welcome to join us to see if you'd like it. Contact:
Derek Warren 01536 518 560
Jean Beaver 01933 224 474
Contact: Richard Ling
01536 515 816
Kettering U3A
English Studies/Shakespeare— English Literature Studies meets on the first and third Monday afternoon of the month. We are currently coming to the end of Macbeth and are about to return to Chaucer for a while. The whole world of Eng Lit, however, is our oyster, from Beowulf to Browning, Journey of the Magi to Journey’s End: you choose.
Friday Pop-In - At the Kino Lounge, Market Place, Kettering. It was a jovial time at the monthly Pop-In this morning, the first of July. Two of our Ladies were birthday girls; well they had been July babies and, were celebrating in style. All members, that means Ladies and Gentlemen, are welcome and we look forward to meeting up with you soon. Next date: Friday 5th August
Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
Contact: Janet Chivers 01536 214 250
NEW GROUP—Aspects of English Did you miss out on language and grammar teaching at school, but wonder whether BBC English is really correct? Come for a few monthly meetings to help fill the gaps and discover how enjoyable our language is. First Wednesday of the month (PM) at home in Barton Seagrave. Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723380 French - 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 2pm Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723 380 Family History - 21 people attended our July meeting which was for absolute beginners where we looked at how to start researching your family history and how to record it. I demonstrated how easy it was to discover your ancestors starting with yourself and going back to the early 1800’s using a few simple techniques. Starting in September there will be a £5 annual fee which will cover printed handout sheets, refreshments and speakers. As the LDS church request we do not handle money on their premises, I will collect £5 cash at the meetings in the Eden centre or you can give me a cheque made payable to “Kettering U3A No. 2 Account” anytime. Next Meetings: August — No meeting (your ancestors are on holiday) Sep 12 — Review and demonstration of family history computer programs. Which is best for you? Oct 10 — Workshop. We will work together in small groups help each other find those elusive ancestors
French Conversation - Our last meeting was on the 17th of June. We did some grammar and conjugations. But all was not serious and had our usual chat in between. There is one vacancy if any one is interested in joining us. Our next meeting will be on the 15th of July at our usual meeting place. Contact: Michele Junin 01536 671 971 German Basic Conversation — Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722 399
If you would like to join us, even if just see what it’s all about, feel free to come along, we have plenty of room for new members and visitors.
Golf — Our regular group meets at 1.30 pm Fridays at Pytchley Golf Club still seems to be the most popular time !!
Keep checking the web site below for new hints, tips, tutorials and resources. Contact: Richard Boyles
Contact: Alan Stephens 01536 726 911 or 07931 637 660 or
01536 744 753
Kettering U3A
History - Malcolm Deacon (born in Kettering but now a Minister in the west of the county) told us a great deal about Christopher Hatton of Holdenby Hall and his relationship with Queen Elizabeth 1. He originally trained as a Lawyer but changed his career path and joined the Queen’s court. Elizabeth was very taken with this young man who she said had “a fine leg” and he could also dance. Over the years he became the Queen’s Lord Chancellor and was a very able politician. Although we hear a lot about William Cecil, Lord Burghley ad Sir Francis Walshingham, Hatton has been ignored as a major player. He had the ear of the Queen and was the one person who could speak to her when she had gone too far or wanted to do something she shouldn’t. She gave him land all over the country, including Kirby Hall, Ely Palace in London and he was responsible for Corfe Castle and a lot of land in Dorset, but he had difficulty in keeping control of all he had as it was so wide spread. As he grew older Elizabeth did not treat him well, telling him he owed her thousands of pounds that she wanted him to repay (the equivalent today was millions of pounds) but although he had land he did not have a lot of money. After suffering from poor health during his life, he became seriously ill and Elizabeth rushed to his side to help look after him. He died in his early fifties and was greatly missed by the Queen for his wise advice and friendship. At the August Group Meeting on Monday 1st August, we will find out a lot more about the Tresham Family and the turbulent life they led. Details of future meetings are shown below. 5th Sep The Story of the early Post. 3rd Oct The Growth and Development of Burton Latimer 7th Nov The Gunpowder Plot 5th Dec Kettering Parks Revisited 2nd Jan 2017 The Last Naval Hero – Lord Beatty 6th Feb Rockingham Forest through the Ages 7th Mar The Street Names of Kettering 3rd Apr Another Icarus. The rise and fall of Percy Pilcher and the art of Flight. A tragic end in a quiet corner of a Northampton field.
Gardening Group — Sunday 31 July, 11.30am to 5.00pm Two gardens for the price of one a) Froggery Cottage, 85 Breakleys Rd., Desborough, NN14 2PT. A one acre plantsmans garden full of rare and unusual plants and the NCCPG collection of penstemons. Mediterranean and water garden with large herbaceous borders. Display of ploughs and garden implements. b) Hostellarie, 78 Breakleys Rd., Desborough, NN14 2PT. Over 100 foot town garden, divided into rooms of different character. Colour themed flower beds, ponds and water features. Over 50 different hostas take pride of place. Cottage garden and gravel borders. Both gardens combined for £3, children free, in aid of NGS charities. In Desborough six miles north of Kettering, signposted off the A6 and the A14. From church and war memorial turn right into Dunkirk Avenue then third right. Car share if possible as parking is on the road. Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516 587 Heartbeat— Heartbeat. We met in Geddington on the 4th July 2016 and enjoyed our walk from the Eleanor Cross to Clay Dick at the end of Wood Street. The sunny morning enabled us to enjoy coffee al fresco at The Dovecote Buttery in Newton. The next meeting will be on Monday 3rd October 2016. Time:10 a.m. Venue - Poplars Farm Road, Kettering. Contact: Bridget Ling 01536 515 816
Many thanks to all members who help at the meeting by setting out and putting away the chairs and tables and looking after the refreshments. To all U3A members - please let Eileen or Maggi know if you are able to recommend any History Speakers and let us have their email address or telephone number. Thank you.
Knit and Natter - We were depleted this week with Janet breaking her wrist (she must take more water with it), Jackie was still sunning herself in Spain and Mary Wildman wasn't there, but we still had a busy time with Michelle trying to give me crochet lessons which wasn't easy as I am left handed but we managed it. Our next meeting will be on the 18th because the Heartbeat walk is on the 4th.
Contact: Eileen Mason
01536 725 925 or Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716
Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867
Kettering U3A
Lunch Club Members of the Lunch Club had a sociable and enjoyable lunch at the Red Lion in Broughton (one of our favourites) in June. We are trying something a little different in July. Our host, Kathleen Banks has arranged for us to dine at the “Exotic Dining” restaurant in Newland Street, Kettering. If you would like to come and try Indian cuisine, this is the chance for you to do so. The date is Tuesday 26th July at 2pm. You will be able to book your place and your choice from the menu at the monthly meeting on the 19th July 2016. Everybody is welcome. We are a very friendly group and if you are new to U3A come and join us.
Musical Circles 2 — Not having been present at the group meeting for several months, it was pleasant to join them for 2 hours of lovely music. I'm in no doubt that the huge success of this small group is due, not only to the appreciation of the many fine composers, but also to the light hearted banter and amusing conversation during our coffee break We arrive with a smile, and leave with a laugh. We began with the Violin Concert in D minor. 2nd movement by Brahms. Onto Albinoni's Concerto no 3 f major oboes . Next Symphony no1 in E flat major op 55 Allegro by Elgar. Entrancing for some of us came the aria from La Boheme ' Che gelida manina' sung by Roberto Alagna. And in reply, Mirella Freni soprano singing Si.Mi chiamano Mimi. A foot tapping change next was Telemann and his concerto in f minor for trumpet (orig. Oboe) strings &Basso Continuo. Following this was Beethoven and the Quartet for piano, violin, viola,violoncello in E minor op.16. Heard next was The Violin Concerto in E minor, the 2nd movement by Mendelssohn with The Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. The choir of King's College, Cambridge with the delightful Rejoice in the Lord always by Purcell . A pleasing sound. Onto more Beethoven and his Piano Concert No 2, the 3rd movement Rondo: molto allegro. On the same disk was a short piece The Birth of Nicolas (Saint Nicolas) by Benjamin Britten. So we played it . Very odd. To finish, just a little of Thomas Arne. ' Alfred' his ' English opera. The Overture, The shepherd's plain life etc. I was somehow a little surprised when I first heard that the rousing 'Rule Britannia' came from this opera composed by Arne (1740/53) After a happy and relaxing afternoon and the date fixed for our next meeting it was 'Time to go Home '
Contact: Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716
Looking at Churches — In June the visit was to Hallaton, where an afternoon of sightseeing was planned. Unfortunately there were storms that day so some did not manage the walk around the historic village. However there was a very interesting exhibition in the museum, with tales of the Great War, also a very good guide took us around the church. The next church tour will be to Great Harrowden, NN9 5AB on Wednesday, July 20th at 2.0pm On August 17th it will be to Medbourne and there is tea shop nearby. I have decided to give up ‘Looking at Churches’ at the end of the year, but if anyone else would like to take it on I will be very grateful. Contact: Janet Clements 01536 507 721
Musical Circles 1 — We enjoyed our last KU3A Musical Circles with the following pieces - a celebration of the Royal birthday. Elizabethan Serenade People will say we're in love from Oklahoma Handel's Water Music No.2 Hornpipe Music for Royal Fireworks Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Dances of the Princess from The Firebird Suite (Stravinsky) Rule Britannia Land of Hope and Glory Light Cavalry Overture by Suppe Spitfire Prelude and Fugue by Walton Our group has had so many convivial afternoons listening to music together over the past 15 years. Sadly, some of our members passed away and we all missed their valuable contributions. We shall still continue to meet as friends and indulge our passion for good music.
Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725 925 Sugar Craft— If anyone who would like to learn, but feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results. Contact: Joan Allingham 01536 722 610 U3A MEMBERSHIP
You can only continue attending the monthly meetings or special interest groups if you are a paid up member of the Kettering U3A. You are then covered by the U3A insurance. Reminder to all Group Leaders to ask members of your group for their In Case of Emergency (ICE) details
Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536 516 587
Kettering U3A
Photography Group —
Safe Driving — Driving through roadworks on the motorway can be nerve wracking. Narrower lanes, slow traffic and fraying tempers all add to the challenge, but as long as you drive carefully and at a steady speed your journey needn’t be stressful. Here’s some advice from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman, to ensure your motorway journey through roadworks is as safe and stress-free as possible. Ideally, you should check the status of any roads you plan to use beforehand. If there are significant amounts of repair works and you think you might get caught up in traffic consider taking a different route, even if it means covering a few more miles. If there’s no alternative route, give yourself more time to travel and ensure you have plenty of fuel. Running out of fuel is one of the most common reasons for a breakdown on the motorway, so don’t risk running on a low tank.
Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711 976
Maintain a safe following distance of at least 2 seconds and if other traffic moves into your gap adjust it by slowing very slightly. You won’t add more than a couple of seconds to your journey.
Spanish, Intermediate — The Spanish conversation group continues to meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. We have the use of a training room free of charge so our sessions continue to be free. Just occasionally we cannot have the ASDA room and when this happens we have an alternative at a total cost of £10 per session. We use the book Pasos 2 which is for second level students and we are now well on the way to completing that. Because of the size of the ASDA room, we are now really at full capacity. If anyone is interested, we could begin a waiting list but any new student would need to be fairly fluent and have some understanding of Spanish Grammar.
Try and look as far ahead as possible. There may be a lane that’s restricted and marked off by cones. If it is safe to do so, merge in turn if vehicles are travelling at low speed. Keep an eye out for any roadwork signs that give you particular instructions. There may also be a temporary maximum speed limit that you will need to adhere to. Average speed cameras are also common where long term roadworks are in force – be prepared to slow down throughout. They are there for your safety and the safety of the workforce.
Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650 551
Richard said: “If you can see traffic building up then avoid switching lanes too often. Changing lanes on extremely busy roads will increase your chances of being involved in a collision and also slows down traffic flow.
Theatre Goers — At the moment, the group is trying to get a new group leader.
“So long as you stay alert and plan ahead, your journey should be a safe and stress free one.”
Singing For Pleasure — Singing A and B groups are approaching their summer break this month and will be resuming in September. B Group will be delighted to welcome new members of whatever gender and/ or degree of proficiency. The more the merrier. And if, by some marvellous turn of Fortune’s wheel, anyone out there can play an instrument, our wonderful Marian Quinney, will be forever grateful.
The talk at the July meeting is about being safe and confident on the road and will be given by Andy Collins. Andy was previously the head of the Northamptonshire Police driving school and is now the owner of the Safe Wheels Consultancy, based in Kettering.
Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
Steve Clorley 01832 732342 or 07973 624815 Roy Franklin 01536 482808 or 07751 106617
Stitchin' Time— We continue to learn new needlework skills, crochet and knitting. Some beautiful things are being created by our talented members. Contact:
Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197
Kettering U3A
Trips & Visits - A party of 26 took a trip on 30th June to Eltham Palace. We arrived in good time to explore the 19 acre gardens which feature both 20th century and medieval elements. The sunken rose garden and rock garden were particularly eyecatching. We discovered these beautiful gardens are maintained by only 2 full-time gardeners and rely on volunteers.
Trips & Visits - The trip to the Bank of England on the 20th October 2016 will be going ahead as sufficient people have booked a seat. If any of members are interested in joining, there are five seats still available. Due to the numbers who have booked places, the cost has been reduced and will now be £14.00 per person (including driver’s tip). If you have booked a seat, would you please confirm that you are still coming and send a cheque deposit of £5.00 (made payable to “Kettering U3A No 2 account”), to Mrs M Curd, 83 Huntingdon Road, Thrapston, NN14 4NF by the 19th July 2016. The rest of the payment will be required by the 15th August 2016. Contact: Maureen Curd 01832 732 361 Walking Group - We had a very good turn out for our July walk at Bugbrooke this month, 19 of us meeting at the Wharf Inn, with two “resting” walkers joining us later for lunch. The weather was perfect, sunshine but not too hot and parts of the walk in shade from trees. The first part of the walk through the village was very pleasant, avoiding the cow field as they were gathered near the gateway so we took the alternative loop on the track outside the field. We then set off across country, passing by the flour mill and into Upper Heyford where we stopped for our “banana break” on the village green, and watched children from the nearby primary school playing rounders in the sunshine. After our brief rest we then walked on up to the Grand Union Canal for the rest of the walk back to the pub, listening to the birdsong and seeing moorhens, ducks and dragonflies and the occasional narrowboat. Very peaceful and rural. On arrival at the Wharf we enjoyed our lunch - generous portions (even the salad, which was too much to finish!) and a bargain at 2 for £14.95 (and the cloudy apple cider was quite acceptable too!). We shall definitely come again.
We had time for lunch before meeting our guide for the tour of the house. his talk gave us a fascinating insight into the unique history of the building. Eltham Palace was originally an important royal palace where Henry Vlll spent much of his boyhood. Larger than Hampton Court Palace, it was only one of six royal palaces large enough to accommodate and feed the entire Tudor court of 800. After falling into disrepair it was purchased in the 1930s by Virginia and Stephen Courtauld. The architects built the house adjoining the great Tudor hall (the only remaining part of the medieval palace). It became the finest art deco mansion, a home for millionaires and a showpiece of cutting edge 1930s design. It is now owned by English Heritage. After the tour there was time to relax in the café or browse in the shop. The weather had been kind to us all day (just some showers on the way home!) Altogether, a most enjoyable and interesting day. Report by Sue Hart and Liz Watts
Next month’s walk is on 3 August, meeting at the Bedford Arms in Souldrop - MK44 1EY - 10am for 10.15am start. If you are not at next month’s meeting to sign up, please contact either Jackie Rowson on 01536 515959 or John Sharp on 01536 518026.
Our thanks go to Maureen Curd for organising the trip. We are able to make a £5 refund to everyone who went on the trip because we were able to get good numbers for the coach. It does help if members support the outings because the largest cost of any trip is the coach costs.
Contact: Helen Neale 01536 723 899 or 07763 980 840 or Neil Burton 01536 516 966
Rosemary Cooke
Kettering U3A
Water Colour Painting Classes The dates for the Autumn Term 2016 are as follows:September 8th, 22nd October 13th, 27th November 10th, 24th December 8th (last class) (The Winter Term will start again 12th January, 2017)
Wining and Dining - Fourteen of us enjoyed a very good evening at the Swan at Lamport, with good food and good service. The next wining and dining is in September as we are having a break in August. Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515 730
We meet in The Parish Hall, Market Place, Kettering, from 1.15 pm to 3.15 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. If you are interested in joining us then please ring Jo Beaver or Barbara Goodall, or just come along to one of our classes. You must be a fully paid up member of the U3A.
Writers Group— We had a story of survival, ‘The Incident of the Cat in the Night-Time’, a dire warning of the dangers of keeping a domestic cat. It managed to combine drama and near-tragedy with hilarity and positivity and reflected the toughness and resilience of U3A members. We had a story of reminiscence, ‘Thanks for the Memories’, an evocative trek down memory lane. It included ancestral stories going back to the midnineteenth century as well as personal recollections of the 1940s and 1950s. We had critical feedback from members’ competition entries which triggered a lively discussion on the subject of writing: why we write, who we write for and how we write. In short, we had an afternoon of shared delight. For a change of location Elizabeth Brassington has kindly offered to host us at her home for the next meeting which will be at the usual pm on the first Tuesday of the month, August 2. Thanks, Elizabeth! Phone or email me for directions if you have not been there before. You are welcome to choose your own subject, but if you need some inspiration Sally’s suggestions of ‘The moment I knew I had won’ and ‘Apparently it’s in fashion again’ are still up for grabs. We look forward to seeing you there!
This picture is called "Pansies" and is painted in water colour by Ginnie Drummond. . Greta Knibbs painted this picture in water colour and the title is "Cyclamen".
Contact: Tom Piercy 01536 712 581
Exhibition of Paintings Water Colour Painting Class
There is now a hearing loop installed at the Eden Centre. You should sit near the sign on the left of the hall when looking towards the stage.
We shall be exhibiting our pictures at the U3A Meetings at the Eden Centre, Kettering, from time to time. Some members may have their work for sale. Contact: Jo Beaver on 01933 224 474 or Barbara Goodall on 01536 523 259
Kettering U3A
Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group Day No fixed day Safe Driving Gardening Group Heartbeat Travel Groups Monday Card Making Musical Circles 1 Knit and Natter History
Steve Clorley Roy Franklin Ray Bradbury Bridget Ling Maureen Curd
01832 732342 01536 482808 01536 516587 01536 515816 01832 732361
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
Marian Tucker Maggi McGuire Carole Bradbury Annette Chidwick Maggi McGuire Eileen Mason Richard Boyles Trevor Rudkin
01536 510354 01536 392716 01536 516587 01536 523867 01536 392716 01536 725925 01536 744753 01536 711976
3rd Monday
10.00 – 12 noon
Mary Wildman
01536 741222
Richard Boyles Richard Ling Mary Earl Diana Ellis Maggi McGuire Sue Hart Joan Allingham Tom Piercy
varies 3rd Monday Home 1st & 3rd Mondays Counties CommunityCentre 1st Monday
2.00pm 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.00pm
LDS Church, Rothwell Road varies Home Home
2nd Monday 1st Monday 2nd Monday 2nd & 4th Mondays
2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.30—12.30 2.00 – 4.00pm
01536 744753 01536 515816 01536 522456 01536 723380 01536 392716 01536 724635 01536 722610 01536 712 581
ASDA, Kettering Parish Church Rooms Home Home varies
2nd Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 1st Tuesday 2nd & 4th Tuesday 4th Tuesday
2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 2.00pm varies
Home Parish Church Rooms
weekly 1st Tuesday
1.30 – 4.00pm 2.00—4.00 pm
Joe Fletcher Bob Thorogood Pauline Parkin Janet Clements Eileen Mason Jean Beaver Ann Kemp Pauline Parkin Christine Strachan
01536 722399 01933 650551 01536 799197 01536 507721 01536 725925 01933 224474 See Newsletter 01536 799 197 01536 515730
Home varies varies varies varies St.Andrews Church varies Home varies
Fortnightly 2nd & 4th Wednesday 4th Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1st Wednesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Wednesday
9.30 – 11.00 am 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 10.30—12 noon varies 2.00 - 4.00pm varies
Christine Strachan Derek Warren Mary Wildman Barbara Goodall Jo Beaver
01536 515730 01536 518560 01536 741222 01536 523259 01933 224474
varies varies Home
3rd Thursday 2nd Thursday Fortnightly
2.00 – 4.00pm varies 10.00-12.00
Parish Church Rooms
2nd & 4th Thursdays
1.15 – 3.15pm
Sue Macfarlane Janet Chivers Michele Junin Alan Stephens
01536 523754 01536 214 250 01536 671 971 01536 726911
Bridge Club, Kettering Kino Lounge, Market Place To Be Advised Pytchley Golf Club
weekly 1st Friday 3rd Friday Every Friday
1.30 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 2.00—4.00pm 1.00 – 4.00pm
Margaret Hall
01536 512215
Kettering Bridge Club
Isabel Collins
01536 520971
Kettering Pool
Ballroom Dancing
Pat Johnson
01536 483398
Singing A
Jill Dee
01536 514054
Fuller Church
Fortnightly Fridays
Singing B
Mary Wildman
01536 741222
Fuller Church
Alternate Fridays
Family History Photography Theatre English Studies Tuesday Computer Group Discussion Group Greeting Card Making French Lunch Club Sugarcraft Writers Group Wednesday German Conversation Spanish Conversation Bookworms Looking at Churches Musical Circles 2 Country Dancing Walking Stitchin’ Time Wining & Dining Thursday Canals & Waterways Country Matters Busy Needles Water Colour Painting Friday Bridge Friday Pop In French Conversation Golf
Joint Meeting with Ise Valley U3A Day
Friday 2nd & 4th Friday
12 RJB/2016