Kettering U3A Newsletter Mar 2017

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Kettering U3A

21st March 2017 Kettering U3A Year 13 Newsletter 9 Today

21st March

A Career That Lies in Ruins by

Colin Oakes From the Chairman— This month there is much to celebrate! However, as I do not wish to end on a sour note, I shall begin with one. It has been brought to my attention that among those present at the February meeting, there was a small number whose behaviour was unacceptable. I am told they talked throughout the presentation and played with their mobile phones, thus disrespecting not only an invited speaker but also their fellow members. This is not what is expected of Kettering U3A. Do not let it happen again. And now from admonition to jubilation: I am delighted to announce that we have co-opted on to the Committee Candice Rice, who has volunteered to be nominated for the post of Treasurer. Happily, therefore, KU3A continues, albeit not yet entirely clear of the woods: all we need now is a nominee for Chairman-

Mary Next Month

Registered Charity No. 1108614

18th April

Charles Rennie Mackintosh Museum by Rob Kendall 1


Kettering U3A

Group Leaders Information • • • • • •

Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A. Ensure that you have:A written record showing your member’s name, address, telephone number and email address. The name and telephone of each member’s In Case of Emergency contact. (ICE) The post code of your venue as this will be required by the emergency services should you need to call them out. Send articles, reports and photographs about your group to the Newsletter Editor. Copy deadline for the newsletter is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting. To put additional information and/or photographs on your Group’s web page on the Kettering U3A website, please email to the Web Master, or send hardcopy to him. Advise the Group Coordinator of any changes to your group arrangements, e.g. venue, timing, etc. Refreshments The Eden Centre will provide tea, coffee & biscuits at 50p per cup with the U3A members helping to serve.

Members Information Welcome to new members

Pat Jones Ken Scofield Alex Murison, Marian Garrod Ron Garrod Martin Coles • • • • •

Advise the Membership Secretary, in writing, of any changes to your address, post code, telephone number or email address. If you are unable to attend your Group’s meeting, please advise your Group Leader in advance. If you know one of our members has a special occasion ahead, e.g. important birthday, anniversary or if they are ill and you feel a card from the U3A would be appreciated, please contact the secretary. Bring your membership card with you to the meeting and have it available for checking in. If you cannot get to the monthly meeting for any reasons, you can get a copy of the Newsletter from either Kettering Library or the Tourist Information desk, Manor House Museum, Kettering or from Desborough, Rothwell or Burton Latimer Libraries. Or via our postal service direct to your home (£10 per annum) Contact the Membership Secretary to do so. View & Download the newsletter (in glorious colour) from web site, & click on Links.

2017 May 16 Making of Miranda—Miranda Ponsonby Jun 20 Musical Entertainment & Annual General Meeting Jul 18 Kicks & Frills: The story of the French Cancan—David Price Aug 22 Police Files—Bob Thorogood Sep 19 General Knowledge Quiz Oct 17 Magic Lanterns—Mr Grove Nov 21 Gilbert and Sullivan—Bernard Lockett Dec 12 Carols—U3A Choir (Note meeting one week earlier than normal)

Your Kettering U3A Committee 2016-2017 Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Deputy Treasurer Membership Secretary Speaker Seeker Newsletter/Web site Groups Co-ordinator Committee Member

Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 Shirley Mepham 01536 416 182 Chris Crick 01536 501 131 Elizabeth Toseland 01536 460 029 Candice Rice 01536 233 695 Diane Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Linda Tyrrell 01536 683 947 Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 Sue Perkins 01536 519 438 vacant post


Kettering U3A

News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports Newsletter DEADLINE— is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting.

Our next meeting at the Eden Centre, 21, Montagu Street, Kettering Format of the meeting:-

You can read and download the newsletter in FULL COLOUR from our internet page at

1.30 – Refreshments Browse the group notices Chat Sign up to groups and trips 2.15— Chairman’s notices 2.30—3.30 Speaker 3.45 (approx) Meeting ends Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753

Wheelchair disabled access is available at the rear by phoning 01536 484 800

THANK YOU to the family of the late Joan Rolfe Joan Rolfe's family very generously donated some of her craft items to the U3A. Four very large boxes appeared at my house from the family. In box 1 there were scrabble boards, scrabble dictionaries and numerous sheets of scrabble words with many vowels, 3 letter words, 4 letter words etc. These have made their way to Sue Perkins ( group coordinator) ready for scrabble group. Box 2 contained card making equipment of rubber stamps, cutters, and boxes of blank cards. These have been shared with the card making ladies. Box 3 contained numerous knitting patterns, knitting needles, knitting books, buttons , beads, ribbons and trimmings. You can guess who got the last three items for the twiddle muffs I am making for the hospital. Box 4 contained tapestries, tapestry wool and tapestry frames, as well as an assortment of craft boxes. The lady who received these items was overjoyed and all the craft books have all gone to new homes.

There is now a hearing loop installed at the Eden Centre. You should sit near the sign on the left of the hall when looking towards the stage. Bridge - We have a very friendly Bridge group who meet every Friday afternoon. If you can play Bridge but perhaps have not done so for a little while then please come and join us. I must say, however, that we do not teach it and therefore you must have some knowledge of the game to be able to join. You would be made very welcome. We start each Friday at 1.30pm at the Bridge Club in Field Street and we now pay £1.50 each week and for that you get good company, a very interesting game and refreshments. Contact: Sue Macfarlane 01536 523754

THANK YOU doesn't seem enough to say Joan's family for letting us have these wonderful items from Joan's home. She was certainly well organised.

Bookworms — We discussed To Kill a Mockingbird, which we all thoroughly enjoyed, and are looking forward to watching the DVD at our next meeting. The book centres on the 2 children of Atticus Finch, Jem and Scout, and the tension in the Deep South in the l930s. Later in the year, we will read the sequel, Go Set a Watchman. Contact:

Lastly, in lieu of flowers for Joan's funeral, the family gave the U3A the money. Many suggestions were made on how to use the money to remember Joan. After much thought it was agreed to use it for " The Joan Rolfe Raffle". In this way, as you come into the meeting you will see Joan's smiling face, and remember her as you purchase your raffle from Kettering U3A Honorary President. Marian

Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197


Kettering U3A

Busy Needles and Banter — Busy Needles Group continues as industrious as ever. Some of us have branched out into knitted-toy production, by request. While Marian’s twiddle muffs are in great demand on Naseby Ward, the neonatal unit at KGH is benefiting from donations from Knit and Natter Group and elsewhere: a huge thank you to all our donors, but especially to Marion Elmore and to Joan’s family for the amazing items shown (mostly modelled by my mannequins) in the accompanying photos. Other news is that we are now up to capacity once more as we welcome Martin to the group. (In a week celebrating International Women’s Day, it seems entirely appropriate to foster equal opportunities!) Contact:

Country Matters — We met at the King’s Head, Wadenhoe on a beautiful, sunny morning. After ordering our lunches we headed off towards Achurch, walking past the mill pool – the stream was flowing fast making a lot of froth as it cascaded passed the old

Mary Wildman 01536 741 222

water mill. Crossing the fast flowing mill stream we followed it downstream to where the navigation joined the river – near to this on the bank were the largest, lesser celandines Derek had ever seen – they were twice their normal size. We then crossed the navigation and headed for Achurch church, noticing 3 red kites circling above the field before the church. We stopped to admire the view and the amazing spread of snowdrops which were still flowering so we were not disappointed. We then walked along the main street stopping to read the information board beside the well, noting that the village was only connected to the main supply in the 1950’s and we commented on how lucky we are now to have all our main services freely available. Heading back across the fields to Wadenhoe we saw several small birds, a tortoiseshell butterfly and a few Brimstone butterflies newly hatched from their chrysalis. We rounded off the morning with an excellent lunch in The King’s Head. Next meeting is Thursday 20 April 10.15 for 10.30 start meeting in Red Lion’s pub car park, Broughton for a stroll around the village and pocket park. Please note the change of date it’s for April only as we are away on the 13th hope it doesn’t inconvenience any of you too much. See you all there! Contact:


Derek Warren 01536 518 560

Kettering U3A

Canals & Waterways—

Creative Cards — Members of the group had an enjoyable Wednesday morning. We had a selection of pastel cards of different shapes and sizes plus matching flowers that enable everyone to be very creative. There was not sufficient time to make four cards each but everyone completed three – all of which were totally different to each other and were able to take the fourth one home to complete. Although the group is full at the moment, if you would like to put your name on the waiting list should any vacancies arise at a later date, please do so. Contact: Eileen Mason

01536 725 925 or Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716

Computer Group — This month we learnt how to write proper stuff on a komputer and use the speeling cheker so it woz looking kinda nice.

Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730

11 Apr Microsoft Excel (basic) & Apple Numbers 09 May Microsoft Powerpoint & Apple Keynote

Card Making — A request for male cards was made. So I found some masculine pictures and we experimented by backing on gold and muted papers to see the different effects. Some beautiful cards were produced. Then using circles of paper, old cd, and peel offs an interesting card was made. It is called "Dahlia folding". You will either love it or hate it. The ladies all produced a lovely

More information and videos can be accessed from Computer Group link at Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail: As always, you can email me for any computer related advice or problems.

card for any use. If this sound like your idea of fun, then come and join us on the THIRD MONDAY of the month.

Discussion Group — Next meeting April 11th. at the usual place The Parish Church Hall at 2pm when the subject will be 'Rough Sleepers'. You will be glad to know it has nothing to do with the Permanent Way but with those unfortunates who sleep in shop doorways. At the Feb. meeting there was an excellent discussion on charities thanks to those with first hand experience of the subject. There was sufficient material to occupy us throughout the session. However, it is always useful if we have additional material if the main subject runs out of steam especially as it may be a topic of the day.

Contact: Marian Tucker 01536 510 354

Contact: Richard Ling


01536 515 816

Kettering U3A

English Studies — As Sir Thomas Malory scribbled away in his prison cell little did he know that he would become one of Caxton’s best-selling authors nor that generations would be revelling in his Arthurian tales as much we are doing. Don’t ask what he was banged up for, by the way: suffice it to say it had nothing to do with women’s rights. As D H Lawrence once observed: Trust the tale, not the teller. If you’d like to learn more of your cultural and literary heritage, we meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday afternoons of the month.

English Country Dancing — We are progressing well & doing more complicated dances and enjoying the

Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 Friday Pop-In - Most of us arrived at the Kino for the monthly Coffee Pop-in rather wet. What a dreadful morning as far as the weather was concerned. I brought along a Friend from Nottingham who enjoyed

achievement. New members always welcome. We meet on 2nd. & 4th Weds. 10.30-noon at St. Andrews Church Hall. Contact:

Jean Beaver 01933 224 474

Family History - This month’s talk was "No wonder I couldn't find it". Mistranscriptions, errors, lies etc! By Moira & Peter Dodkins from the LDS Northampton Family History Centre where we found out how to get around these annoying problems.

the morning immensely. Beryl had not heard of U3A before. Maybe a recruit for the West Bridgford U3A; who knows? As usual, the morning flew by with the usual chatter and exuberance. If you wish to know more about the Kettering U3A Coffee Pop-in please get in touch or just turn up on the day. There is plenty of space at The Kino! Next dates: Friday 7th April 2017 and Friday 5th May Time: 10 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.

6th April “Who Do You Think You Are Live” in Birmingham NEC (Car share trip) 10th April. A talk by U3A member Ray Bradbury More details on the web site accesses from... Contact: Richard Boyles

01536 744 753

Contact: Janet Chivers 01536 214 250

French - After very many years of getting to know and enjoying the French language, our little group ceased meeting on 28 February. Over the years, I have received several enquiries about a complete beginners group and I'm thinking of starting this. More information in a later newsletter. Meanwhile ring me if you are interested

French Conversation - We met after a break of 2 months. We were a small group because 2 ladies were on holidays. We had a good session on vocabulary and a little conversation on what each of us did over Xmas time. Then we study the map of France. Our next meeting will be on the 24th of March at our usual venue at Kettering station at 2.00 pm.

Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723 380 French - Thank you Diana for the excellent tuition you have given us over the past years. We have had varied and well prepared lessons which we have all enjoyed. Good luck with your new group.

Contact: Michele Junin 01536 671 971

Geraldine 6

Kettering U3A

German Basic Conversation —

History - The talk at the March meeting covered the “Street Names of Kettering”. Those present who were native to Kettering remembered many of the original names of the streets and also knew about the characters whose names were used for new streets or to change old street names. Those of us who are newer to Kettering got a little lost at times trying to work out which roads were being referred to it. All in all it was a very interesting talk about the Kettering characters and where the names came from. At last I found out that the Deeble Road was named for a local Pastor. Still trying to find out the origins of “The Pyghtle in Wellingborough. Our speaker on the 3rd April will be Roy West making a welcome return. The subject is “Another Icarus” telling the story of the rise and fall of Percy Pilcher and the Art of Flight. It is the story of an aviation pioneer whose historic and noble quest for flight ended tragically in the quiet corner of a Northamptonshire field. The doors of the Counties Community Centre in Hertford Road, Kettering will be open at 2pm when tea or coffee will be available, to be followed by the talk. New members are always welcome to join the regulars.

Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722 399 Golf — Our regular group meets at 1.30 pm Fridays at Pytchley Golf Club still seems to be the most popular time !! Contact: Alan Stephens 01536 726 911 or 07931 637 660 or Gardening Group — The group is now closing down for the Winter and will restart in the Spring. Ideas for places to visit or gardens to see are welcome.

Contact: Eileen Mason

01536 725 925 or Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716

Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516 587 Knit and Natter - Meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday. Heartbeat— The next group meeting will be on 3rd April 2017 in Cranford. We will meet outside the Old Forge Coffee Shop in Cranford. Please arrive in time for departure at 10a.m. Once again a circular walk of about 30 minutes, and I hope that Spring will be in the air. Contact: Bridget Ling 01536 515 816

Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867


Kettering U3A

Looking at Churches — Nineteen of us visited St. Andrew’s Church in Cranford on the 15th February. This church has been redundant since 1996 and is maintained by The Churches Conservation Trust. The church dates from the time of King Henry II (1154–89). For many centuries the Robinson family have been the principal landowners in Cranford. They are the descendants of Sir John Robinson, Bart, whose title was bestowed upon him by King Charles II after he had promoted the king’s restoration in 1660. St Andrew’s church stands on a gentle south-facing slope and to the east of its village, approached across parkland either by footpath or by the drive to Cranford Hall. The church was surrounded by a carpet of snowdrops when we visited. It is built principally of local limestone, and consists of a tower, nave with south porch, north aisle and transept, and chancel with north and south chapels. The oak pews are mid-19th century, in front of the chancel arch is an oak screen, intricately carved and dating from 1893. The 19th-century pulpit incorporates three important carved panels of 16th-century Renaissance date, depicting Christ washing his disciples’ feet, the Last Supper and the Betrayal. In the three-light south-east window is some lovely Victorian stained glass, portraying the Raising of Lazarus. Possibly made by Lavers & Barraud, it commemorates Rosa Orger, the wife of a former rector, who died in 1864. The windows on the south side contain beautifully designed glass depicting flowers of religious significance – lilies, poppies, passion flowers and sunflowers. St Andrew is portrayed in mid-19th century glass in the west lancet window in the tower.

Knit and Natter - Due to different reasons we were unable to get together for a Christmas lunch and so we had it in February and it was nice to have something to look forward to when all the excitement of Christmas had died down.

We had a lively and interest meeting this week, one of the ladies use to live in South Africa and was talking about all the things she had seen when she lived there. We were able to give Mary some tiny jackets for the prem babies and we are making more twiddle muffs. Meetings reverted to 1st and 3rd Mondays. Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867 Lunch Club The members of the Lunch Club met at the Old Friar in Twywell for the March lunch. We were split between three tables and everyone appeared to be getting on very well with plenty of chatting and laughter. Everyone enjoyed their lunch with the Salmon being the most popular on the day. The lunch that will be held on the 28th April will be held at the Bell in Little Addington. The menu will be slightly different on this occasion. The Bell provides a buffet consisting of a salad starter, and then three hot, main courses including a vegetarian choice. There will also be a separate menu with two starters and two main courses. Desserts will also be available. Details of the menu will be available at the April meeting when you can choose your menu and book your place. Please be at the Bell at 12 noon for 12.30 pm start. Contact: Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716


Kettering U3A

Looking at Churches — continued In the belfry are four bells, sadly no longer ringable and with a damaged tenor. They hang in an early 17th century frame. Two bells date from 1624 and were cast by William Haulsey of St Ives; the others were recast by Norris of Stamford in 1683 and Eayre of Kettering in 1718. The clock, with a fine Victorian movement by Lund & Blockley, is still in working order. As the church is no longer heated it was actually warmer outside and we enjoyed refreshments afterwards in the Old Forge Tea room in Cranford St. Andrews to warm up. Our March visit will have taken place by the time you read this. On Wednesday 15th March we are having a tour of Parson Latham’s Hospital Alms houses in Oundle followed by afternoon tea in Cotterstock village hall. A report will follow in the next magazine.

Musical Circles 2 — At our February meeting Ray carried on with his previous theme of going through the alphabet of composers. Having missed out the L at the previous meeting he made amends by playing a short piece by Ligetti, a composer who died in 2006. It was a piano etude called the Sorcerers Apprentice with Yuma Wang at the piano. Then to the programme proper: First up was Gaiete Parisienne by Offenbach, a firm favourite of the group. Then it was the more religious offering of a Stabet Mater by Pergolesi showing the talents of soprano Rachel Harnish and contralto Sara Mingardo and the Mozart Orchestra and Claudio Abbado.This was followed by the Overture to Il Barbiere de Siviglia by Rossini, played by the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, who play without a conductor. Then followed the rousing Organ Symphony by Saint-Sean's and the equally popular Tschaikovsky's Concerto No 1 played by the Berlin Philharmoniker under the baton of Von Karajan with Yevgeny Kissin at the piano. After a refreshment break at which we had a good gossip and put the world to rights we carried on through the alphabet with Vilvadi. Not the Four Seasons but his L'estro Armonico Concerto No 3 played by the Berlin Philharmoniker. Then it was Carl Maria Von Weber and an Invitation to the Dance, again with the Berlin Philharmoniker and Von Karajan conducting. The letter X proved impossible, as did Y but we live in hope. However we finished with a bang with Zemlinsky and his Lyrische Symphonies, a rather charming piece with singers Alessandra Marc and Haken Hagegard. Not a bad end to an enjoyable exercise, hopefully enjoyed by all.

The next two visits are as follows:Wednesday 26th April - St. Mary The Virgin Maidwell Northamptonshire NN6 9JF - £2.00 per person. Please note this visit is taking place on the last Wednesday of the month not the usual third. Wednesday 17th May – The Church of St.Peter & St.Paul Harrington NN6 9NX followed by refreshments in the village hall - £4.00 per person. I will email all members of the group on my contact list the week before a visit to ascertain numbers together with any additional or a change of information. New members are welcome so for more details please

Contact: Janet Flower 01536 764 541

Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725925 Scrabble— At the moment only four people have given their names forward and a venue has yet to be found for a Friday (my preferred day) that is available and cheap enough. If indeed any one else wants to join, please contact me as at the moment it does seem that there is not enough desire to warrant a new group. Contact: Tony Loft 01536 585166 or 07725 190518


Kettering U3A

Photography Group — Following the heavy rains on the Sunday it was a welcome change to find Monday at the start of March to be bright and sunny. The Photography Group met at Kinewell Lake near Ringstead to take advantage of the good weather, although the path round the lake was extremely muddy in places. (Reminder: next time put wellies in the car). Lots of swans, coots, mallards plus grebes and others. Spring was declaring itself with buds, catkins and snowdrops. The low sun gave opportunities for interesting back-lighting. The Tea Rooms disappointed, not because of the quality of the food and drink, but the fact that, despite checking on the closing time with the staff before the walk, we found the place closed at 3.10pm after being told they closed at 4.00pm. The April meeting should take place on Monday 3rd but there are some reservations with it being school holidays. Tentatively we shall try to meet at Summer Leys Nature Reserve at 2.00pm, but as always, watch your e-mails, group members. Things might change..

Sing (and laugh) Out Loud — Does what it says on the tin. Singing is good for improving your breathing and confidence; helps to chase the blues away, and is stimulating to the brain. Never mind if you don’t know what the little black dots mean or haven’t sung in years, just come and join in. Medieval to modern, musicals to music hall, Brahms to Berkley Square to Bruce Springsteen – we sing any and everything. We were delighted in late February to welcome new member Marian Garrod to our burgeoning choir. There’s still room for a few more – Gordon and Martin would be pleased with some additional male support, too.

Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711 976

Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222

Spanish, Intermediate — The Spanish conversation group continues to meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. We have the use of a training room free of charge so our sessions continue to be free. Just occasionally we cannot have the ASDA room and when this happens we have an alternative at a total cost of £12 per session. We use the book Pasos 2 which is for second level students and we are now well on the way to completing that. Because of the size of the ASDA room, we are now really at full capacity but could start a waiting list for anyone who has a good level of understanding of the language Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650 551 Sugar Craft— If anyone who would like to learn, but feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results. Contact: Joan Allingham 01536 722 610 Stitchin' Time— A lively and busy group of stitchers, knitters and crocheters met for an afternoon of creation. This was followed by tea and cake. Perhaps we should change our name to Come Dine with me! Contact:


Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197

Kettering U3A

Singing For Pleasure — Alas, 2017 has not had the best of starts for the group. Apart from Jill's tumble (at Table Tennis rather than singing or fetching a pail of water, for that matter) both Ise and Kettering singers have been most seriously concerned to hear of accompanist Lynda's brain condition, for which she must undergo surgery. Meanwhile Carol has once more stepped up to the piano keys until, hopefully, Lynda is able to return. Jill, happily, is back on her feet; she and all of us wish Lynda a complete and speedy recovery.

Water Colour Painting Classes The dates left for the remaining Winter Term are:March 23rd and April 13th. The Autumn Term will start again in September and the dates will be included in the August Newsletter. We meet in the Parish Hall, Market Place, Kettering from 1.15 pm to 3.15 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Contact: Jo Beaver on 01933 224 474 or Barbara Goodall on 01536 523 259 Wining and Dining -

Contact: Jill Dee 01536 514 054 Travel Group - At the moment, we are unable to offer trips or tours etc. due to the lack of a Group Leader for this subject. If anyone is willing to restart the Travel section please contact the Group Coordinator, Sue Perkins to discuss this with her. Please note that Eileen Mason does not run the Travel Group or arrange trips. Walking Group - The walking group meets on the 1st Wednesday every month at different locations for a walk lasting 2 to 2½ hours starting at 10:00am. These walks are usually between 4 and 6 miles and taken at a relatively leisurely pace. The group generally end the walk with lunch at a local village pub. New members are very welcome; just call or email me using the contact details below. For our March walk we planned a circular walk around the Hambleton Peninsula with lunch at the Horse and Groom in nearby Manton. This 5.5 mile walk literally follows the waters’ edge of Rutland Water around the village of Hambleton offering views over the reservoir in all directions. The route is mostly on soft made up paths away from traffic and mud. Fifteen of us set out on a dry and bright day and saw some wildlife and heard the birds singing and just a few snowdrops in some of the woodland we passed through on our journey. Our April walk will be on Wednesday 5th April and will be announced by email the week before to all members of the group on my contact list as the start point has not as yet been decided. If you are not on my list and you would like to join us please drop me an email or give me a call a few days before the walk. New members are welcome so for more details

Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515 730 Writers Group— The group meet in Kettering library on the first Tuesday of the month between 1.45 - 4.00pm. At the last meeting five of us attended the group, with wide contributions of work. We reviewed a locally written book for children, discussed how to get started if wanting to write poetry, one member had written a very emotional story about the reversal of roles between mother and daughter due to dementia. Another wrote about an inspiring teacher from her school days. Gruntfuttock - one member of the group wrote a short piece on a word that makes her laugh, and had the rest of us laughing too (the library staff did not complain!). No, it's not a naughty word. She reliably informed us that it is Oxford University Slang. The motivating subjects for next month are a significant birthday, or a glitter/sparkle/magic story. These are only suggestions and everyone is welcome to bring other material along. If you have always wanted to write, then come along and join us. Normal Contact: Tom Piercy 01536 712 581

Contact: John Flower 01536 764 541


Kettering U3A

Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group Day No fixed day Gardening Heartbeat Monday Card Making Knit and Natter History





Ray Bradbury Bridget Ling

01536 516 587 01536 515 816

varies varies

varies varies

varies varies

01536 510 354 01536 523 867 01536 392 716 01536 725 925 01536 744 753 01536 711 976

Home 3rd Monday Home 1st & 3rd Mondays Counties CommunityCentre 1st Monday

10.00 – 12 noon 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.00pm

Family History Photography

Marian Tucker Annette Chidwick Maggi McGuire Eileen Mason Richard Boyles Trevor Rudkin

LDS Church, Rothwell Road 2nd Monday varies 1st Monday

2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm

English Studies

Mary Wildman

01536 741 222


2nd & 4th Mondays

2.00 – 4.00pm

Richard Boyles Richard Ling Diana Ellis Maggi McGuire Sue Hart Joan Allingham Tom Piercy

01536 744 753 01536 515 816 01536 723 380 01536 392 716 01536 724 635 01536 722 610 01536 712 581

ASDA, Kettering Parish Church Rooms Home varies

2nd Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 2nd & 4th Tuesday 4th Tuesday

2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00pm varies

Home Kettering Library

weekly 1st Tuesday

1.30 – 4.00pm 2.00—4.00 pm

Maggi McGuire Eileen Mason Joe Fletcher Bob Thorogood Pauline Parkin Janet Flower Eileen Mason Jean Beaver John Flower Pauline Parkin Christine Strachan

01536 392 716 01536 725 925 01536 722 399 01933 650 551 01536 799 197 01536 764 541 01536 725 925 01933 224 474 01536 764 541 01536 799 197 01536 515 730


2nd Wednesday

10.00-12 noon

Home varies varies varies varies St.Andrews Church varies Home varies

Fortnightly 2nd & 4th Wednesday 4th Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1st Wednesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Wednesday

9.30 – 11.00 am 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 10.30—12 noon 10.00 start 2.00 - 4.00pm varies

Christine Strachan Derek Warren Mary Wildman Barbara Goodall Jo Beaver

01536 515 730 01536 518 560 01536 741 222 01536 523 259 01933 224 474

varies varies Home

3rd Thursday 2nd Thursday Fortnightly

2.00 – 4.00pm varies 10.00-12.00

Parish Church Rooms

2nd & 4th Thursdays

1.15 – 3.15pm

Sue Macfarlane Janet Chivers Michele Junin Alan Stephens

01536 523 754 01536 214 250 01536 671 971 01536 726 911

Bridge Club, Kettering Kino Lounge, Market Place Travellers Room, at Station Pytchley Golf Club

weekly 1st Friday 3rd Friday Every Friday

1.30 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 2.00—4.00pm 1.00 – 4.00pm

Tuesday Computers Discussion Group French Lunch Club Sugarcraft Writers Group Wednesday Creative Cards German Conversation Spanish Conversation Bookworms Looking at Churches Musical Circles 2 Country Dancing Walking Stitchin’ Time Wining & Dining Thursday Canals & Waterways Country Matters Busy Needles Water Colour Painting Friday Bridge Friday Pop In French Conversation Golf

Meetings below with Ise Valley U3A Joint Meeting with Ise Valley U3A Day






Margaret Hall

01536 512 215

Kettering Bridge Club




Isabel Collins

01536 520 971

Kettering Pool



Ballroom Dancing

Pat Johnson

01536 483 398

Singing For Pleasure

Jill Dee

01536 514 054

Fuller Church

Fortnightly Fridays


Sing (& Laugh) Out Loud

Mary Wildman

01536 741 222

Fuller Church

Alternate Fridays



Friday 2nd & 4th Friday

12 RJB/2017

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