Kettering U3A August 2013
20th August 2013 Year 10 Newsletter 02 Today Chusan. The Opium Wars, and Britains first Chinese Island Liam D’Arcy Brown
From the Chairman GOOD NEWS! I am pleased to report that we now have a Secretary. I would like to thank Marian Tucker for taking on the role and welcome her to the Committee. I would also like to thank Mary Wildman for taking the minutes at our Committee meeting until Marian joined us. I was unable to attend the July monthly meeting as I was on holiday improving my French (and sampling the food/wine etc!) and would like to thank Mary for “deputising”. The speaker, I understand, was excellent and kept everyone entertained with his range of musical instruments – so well done David for finding such talent at short notice. Mary also did a brilliant job at ensuring everything went smoothly. Although the “Committee crisis” is resolved we still need to fill the vacancy for another member to bring us up to strength so please think about joining us. Plans for the 10th Anniversary celebration at Wicksteed Park are now confirmed so please look out for more information in the Newsletter. This will be a ticket only event, numbers are limited and will be on a “first come first served” basis – so don’t delay get a ticket today!
Cyril Two committee members attended the U3A Regional Conference on your behalf
Next Month 17th September 2013 The Royal Marriage Act (Registered Charity No. 1108614)
Rebecca Probert
Kettering U3A
July 2013
Members & Group Leaders Information Our next meeting
Forthcoming Speakers
at the Fuller Church, Gold St. Kettering Format of the meeting:-
15th October 2013 The Bugatti Family
1.30pm Hall open Tea/coffee & biscuits available Time to browse the groups and sign up for a visit. 2.15pm - 2.30pm U3A notices. 2.30pm—3.30pm Speaker 3.30pm (approx.) another opportunity to sign up for a visit and time to renew membership. 3.45pm Meeting ends.
Artists, Sculptors, Architects, and Engineers. Three generations of an extraordinarily talented family. David Clayton 19th November 2013 The Work of a Magistrate Wendy Curtis
Refreshment Rota
17th December 2013 Christmas Party
Terry Young is our refreshment organiser and she will keep the contents of the refreshments up to date. There is no need to bring milk and biscuits. There is no washing up! If your group is assisting please be there by 1.15pm to help set-up This month it is
with The Seagrave Singers
Note changes to rota September October November December
Canals & Waterways Country Matters/Looking at Churches
Musical Circles 2 Christmas Meeting
Normal charges are:TEA/COFFEE with biscuits
SQUASH (on request)
Trainee Newsletter Editor I managed to complete my first newsletter with more than a little swearing at Microsoft Publisher. Thank you for the help from Brian and committee members getting it printed and distributed. A big thank you to all group leaders who sent me their reports, photographs and news items in plenty of time. As you are reading this, I have now completed my second edition with a little more ease. Please send your contributions via e-mail to by the deadline 10 days before the monthly meeting. Any suggestions and constructive comments will be most welcome. As I settle into the production process, initially it will be printed in black and white only, but in FULL COLOUR on the Internet.
You can view the newsletter in glorious on the internet at
h p:// ering and a fully interactive version is available there too and at
Kettering U3A August 2013
Welcome To New Members Sally Farrow, Sally Angell, Christine Foley, Margo McDonald, Elaine Medcalf, Christine and Peter Aikenhead We hope that you will enjoy making new friends and participating in the activities of the Kettering U3A
Don’t forget that if you can’t get to the meeting you can: ♦ ♦ ♦
collect a Newsletter from either the Library or Tourist Information counter KBC. use our postal service, cost £4.25 for half year. Ask the membership secretary for details. download the newsletter from the web site, and click on Links.
To All Members If you are aware of anything affecting one of our members, such as an important birthday, anniversary, illness, etc. and feel that a card from U3A would be appreciated, please contact:- Joan Rolfe 01536 521 531
To All Group Leaders From the Committee Please check that any member of your group is actually a member of the U3A. This is important because of insurance implications. Group Leaders know the Post Code
of your venue. The emergency services will ask for it in order
to despatch an ambulance without delay.
Group Coordinator Message First & foremost, as those of you who have read the reports in July's newsletter will have noticed I was in fact visiting musical circle 1 and not musical circle 2 as I incorrectly reported. This month I visited the Toller Church for Friday Pop-In. It is my second visit to this group and it is a very nice experience. You can literally Pop-In, have a cup of coffee, a gossip ,put the world to rights, have a laugh and leave or stay for an hour and get to know the people behind the names. New and existing U3A members would find it quite uplifting. Sue Hince who leads the group would ensure a warm welcome awaits everybody. Maureen Curd. Web Master If you wish me to put additional information and/or photographs relating to your Groups on the Kettering U3A Website, please let me have this either via email to or by letting me have hardcopy. It would also be useful if I could have your permission to quote your email address. There is not only a list of Groups on the Website, but each Group also has its own page for the purpose of displaying both information and photographs. At present I have been able to include photographs for some Groups, which is due to the efforts of their Group Leaders. Freda Smith Kettering U3A Web Master News Letter Editor Next copy deadline: Saturday 7th September 2013 Members photos, drawings, cartoons etc. are all welcome. I will publish if space permits Please e-mail reports, information, photos etc. to Richard Boyles or call 01536 744 753
Your Kettering U3A Committee 2013-2014 Chairman Vice Chairman Treasurer/Membership Sec. Secretary Outings/Groups Co-ordinator Speaker Secretary Newsletter Committee Member
Cyril Young Mary Wildman Maggi McGuire Marian Tucker Maureen Curd David Clayton Richard Boyles Vacancy
01536 392 065 01536 741 222 01536 392 716 01536 510 354 01832 732 361 01536 520 965 01536 744 753 3
Kettering U3A
July 2013
Visits and Events As many of you are aware a NON REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT is required for you to reserve a place on any of the arranged trips. Theatre tickets are payable in advance as theatres will only hold a group booking for a limited period. Should you wish to cancel after you have confirmed a booking it is your responsibility to find a person willing to take your place and reimburse you accordingly. In some instances, if we have a waiting list for example, we will put you in touch with someone who has shown an interest. ALL COACH FARES ARE SUBJECT TO NUMBERS In many instances we are unaware of final numbers so we cannot confirm the cost of the coach until this is ascertained. We now include a gratuity amount in the costing to include coach drivers and where applicable site guides. If we need to cancel through lack of support then those who have paid will get a full refund. Cheques should be made payable to U3A Kettering No. 2 A/C Thank you for your forbearance in this matter. Maureen.
Trips & Visits
Trips & Visits
Visit to the Poppy Factory Wed 11 September 2013 So far we have only taken names for this visit but it appears quite popular so we are now accepting money. The cost for this trip is £25.00 per person, which includes the coach and a donation to the poppy factory. Initially I was going to include a trip to Hampton Court but I changed it to Richmond Park. My reasoning for this was the cost. Richmond Park is free; Hampton Court charges are as follows Palace, Maze & Garden inclusive £14.85, garden only tickets £4.84. These are concessionary prices. Also an afternoon trip on top of the factory visit could prove very tiring. It would seem that many of you decided to cancel because we were not visiting Hampton Court but as it is so close there is nothing to stop those wishing to from going to the Palace under your own steam. However, as it appears to be a popular place for a visit I would suggest that we leave it for a future date when we can spend the whole day & make the most of our money.
The Royal & Derngate Monday 20 January 2014 Don Quixote the Moscow City Ballet evening seats held @ £28.00 payment due to reserve seat.
Coombe Abbey Visit report. It was a very hot day and unfortunately we did not enjoy the usual comfort of Collingtree coaches with air conditioning (just when we most needed it). However, with the roof and windows open it wasn’t too bad when we were moving. The country park was extensive with a very nice tearoom etc. The hotel was a gem of history. The building was once an abbey and it has been wonderfully preserved although it is now a hotel with conferences, weddings and guest rooms. The tea was delightful and food just kept coming. It was served in a private room which was attractively set. One of our group had arranged for herself to have a gluten-free tea and whilst she was waiting she commented that it would be either a tiny plate or an enormous tray. It turned out to be the latter. Doggy bags were available for those wishing to avail themselves, and we all left feeling very Indulged. We could perhaps arrange a group visit to include a tour of the hotel building relating to the history of the abbey.
Coach only day trip to London Saturday 19th October 2013. This is joining a different group (courtesy of Eileen Mason) who also have difficulty in filling coaches so we have taken 15 seats from them at a cost of £13.00 per person. It gives a full day in London with time to do as you please, even fitting in a matinee theatre performance. This coach departs from Burton Latimer at 08.00 hrs where there is free parking. Contact: Maureen Curd 01832 732 361 The Royal & Derngate Sunday 03 Nov 2013 The Glen Miller Orchestra. Evening 5pm Seats held @ £22.50. Payment due immediately. Christmas Shopping visit to Trentham Village Thursday 07 Nov 2013. Coach only £21.00 pp. The Royal & Derngate Wednesday 13 Nov 2013 The Buddy Holly Story Matinee 2.30pm. Seats held @ £24.00 Payment due to reserve seat.
Kettering U3A August 2013
Come ome and celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the
Kettering at a Celebration Tea in the North Pavilion, at Wicksteed Park on TUESDAY 12TH NOVEMBER 2013 2.00 pm for 2.30 pm Tickets: U3A Members ÂŁ5.00 Guests/Visitors ÂŁ10.00 Tickets will be available at the August, September and October monthly meetings or they can be obtained, by post, from the Treasurer, Maggi McGuire, 6 St Annes Road, Kettering, NN15 5EH
(please enclose a stamped addressed envelope)
Kettering U3A
July 2013
News - Interest Groups: Visits and Reports etc. Notice from Third Age Trust (U3A)
Bridge - Every Friday at the Bridge club 1.30pm4pm.
and your Committee
Contact: Sue Macfarlane 01536 523754
It is a requirement to be a member of the U3A that you should be fully paid up before you can participate in any group activities. The most important reason is that only paid up members are covered by the U3A insurance. In addition, it is unfair that others are subsidising your pleasure and you could also be preventing a paid up member from joining a group which may be full and have a waiting list. Renewal subscriptions are due by 31st July 2013 and all Group Leaders will ask to see your valid membership card at your first meeting group meeting in August.
Basic Spanish Conversation—The basic Spanish conversation group continues to meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. We meet at various members’ houses so there is no charge. We use the book Pasos 2 which is for second level students.
Proposed Interest Groups Proposed Motoring and Local History Groups will not now go ahead. The numbers who have registered interest with me are insufficient to proceed. contact: David Clayton 07504 280838 or
We are almost at full capacity but could manage perhaps one or two more members. However, because of the level our members are at, new students would need to have a reasonable knowledge of basic Spanish.
Canals & Waterways—A good time was had by all of those who went on the trip to Gloucester Docks. Unfortunately I was not able to go, and hope to do so in the near future. There is no meeting in August but I am arranging a trip to Shardlow Heritage on Thursday 19th September at We meet for coffee at the centre followed by a guided walk/ stroll. The cost is £3.50 per person. I shall need to know names by the end of August as the centre is being opened especially for our group. There is a pub next door for lunch but they will also need numbers for a booking. Directions for Shardlow are:Take junction 24 off the M1 , M50 1st junction, park in the car park of the pub next door. Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730 or
Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650551 or Bookworms— If you enjoy reading, why not come along to our group. Members choose a previously read (and enjoyed) book and we meet on a monthly basis to discuss our thoughts and opinions. Contact: Pauline Parkin 01536 799197
Card Making 1—As always a most enjoyable two mornings. Thanks to my granddaughter finding a very pretty card on the web we were able to have a go at reproducing it, admirably I must say. The instructions quoted a sewing machine but I discovered a way round that without too much trouble. The cards that were made were first class and many ideas poured forth. It is lovely to have such a good exchange of ideas and views. Thank you Marian for such prompt production of butterflies. They are already in use! I'm sure that this is what U3A is all about. Keep on joining groups Members to get the most out of your membership.The next meetings are on Tues Sept 3rd and Weds Sept 4th. Looking forward to it already. Contact: Mary Earl 01536 522456
A Good Read—New members welcome. Contact: Diana Ellis on 01536 723380
Kettering U3A August 2013
Card Making 2— Yesterday’s meeting was making House Mouse cards.
Country Matters—In July we visited Twywell Hills & Dales walking from The Old Friar pub in the village. We took the southern path and walked through the woods spotting lots of orchids and wild strawberries along the way. We noted quite a few butterflies including many, reportedly rare, marbled whites in the hills and dales area. This year, the woolly thistles were not quite open probably due to the earlier cold spring. Walking back via the gullet, we spotted ferns and the ironstone beds were noted as well old railway track which were used to carry trucks loaded with ironstone from the quarry. We enjoyed a good meal in the Old Friar. By the time the magazine is in print we will have had August’s meeting, our next meeting will be 12 September at 10.30 meeting in Ashton, near Oundle, at The Chequered Skipper. October’s meeting is 10 October in Broughton at The Red Lion. Look forward to seeing you. Contact Derek Warren on 01536 518560 or e-mail
Our next meeting is on Monday 21st October. Contact: Freda Smith 01536 482368
Computer Group — We’ve had no meetings since the last newsletter and next subjects are as follows. 27 August 10 September
Discussion Group— The next meeting is on Tuesday September 10th at 2pm a the Parish Church Rooms on the Market Place. The topic will be "Are BabyBoomers Trials or Treasures"? In October Chris will be asking us If we were shipwrecked on a Desert Island, who would we choose to have with us. I can already guess who you all think I would take! but you may be very surprised. I am looking forward to seeing everyone after the break .I want to say a sad farewell to Freda who has participated so much She will be missed. Contact: Mary Earl on 01536 522456
Security and Backups Family History
French—Please ring me if you are interested in brushing up your knowledge of the language. Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723380 Friday Pop-in—We meet at the Toller church rooms 10 – 11.30 on the first Friday of every month. New members please come and join us for coffee, exchange of books, magazines and local news. We need your support. Contact: Sue Hince 01536 521023
In the Autumn, I am planning to start a new programme on COMPUTER BASICS and new members are welcome. Full details and up to date schedule at Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail 7
Kettering U3A
Gardening Group—Sunday 1 September. 1 – 5 pm Holdenby House Garden. Northampton NN6 8DJ A 20 acre Grade 1 listed garden with stately lawns, hedges, formal gardens, Elizabethan terrace rose garden, Victorian greenhouse and tea room with cream teas. The location of the BBC’s Great Expectations. Admission £5, children £3.50. From the A5199 and A428 between East Haddon and Spratton follow the brown tourist signs. Car share if possible. Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516587
Italian Classes—One Italian class is running. If there is anyone else interested please contact: John Sellick 01536 517878 or
Kettering U3A Safe Driving Group—As we get older, being able to drive our car has a big effect on our lives. After retirement we may drive less than we did previously. Our skills are likely to erode and we may concentrate less than we should when driving. A car accident can have a devastating effect on an otherwise excellent retirement plan. The aim of the Safe Driving Group is to help those drivers who would like to improve their driving skills and be more confident on the roads. We do this by developing a systematic method of driving – the same method that is used to train drivers for the advanced driving test.
German for Beginners—The established 'German for Beginners' group is currently over subscribed. A second group for beginners could be formed if 3 or 4 applicants were interested, and if a meeting place could be made available. Contact : Joe Fletcher 01536 722399
Heartbeat— The next meeting will be on Monday 7 October 2013, meeting at Poplars Farm Road, Kettering, start time will be the usual - 10 o’clock, followed by coffee at Weekley Contact: Bridget Ling 01536 414810
July 2013
We don’t expect our group members to reach the advanced standard of driving (although they can do that if they wish), but to take their driving to a level at which they feel confident. We’d be pleased to help you to be a safer and more confident driver and there’s NO TEST involved!
If you’d like to find out more about the Safe Driving Group, please contact either Roy or Steve. Contact: Steve Clorley
01832 732342 07973 624815 Roy Franklin 01536 482808 07751 106617
“White space filler”—Canal Group trip to Black Country Museum, Dudley. Ready to enter tunnel
Kettering U3A August 2013
Looking at Churches— In the heat of July we went to Lowick church. We walked around the outside of the church briefly & noted the 12 weathervanes on the tower, but it was a relief to go into the church to cool off. St.Peter’s, Lowick is a beautiful church although nowadays there is only one service every two weeks, as Lowick is such a small village. The villagers do very well in raising money, as the church looks beautifully kept & people come from all over the country to see it. Indeed there had been a party of visitors on the morning of our visit. There are many stained glass windows and also some impressive tombs & marble monuments. The church has connections with Drayton Manor & much of the decoration was provided by the owners of the Manor in days gone by. Our next tour will be to Grafton Underwood on Wednesday, August 21st at 2.0pm.£2 each donation to the church. On Sept.18th it will be St.John the Baptist church in Corby. This will be £3 each as we are promised a cup of tea. Contact: Janet Clements 01536 507721 or
Lunch Club—Last months Lunch Club went very well so I'm told. I was in Cornwall myself so couldn't make it. People were made welcome and the food was good, the conversations flowing, what more could you want. Well done Jean & John Lewis. This months Lunch is at The Royal Oak, Walgrave. Again two new people are taking a turn in hosting the lunch, please support them. The menu will be out in the main room at the meeting please take a look. Contact: Rosemary Cooke 01536 356899
Advance Notice — Lunch Club Christmas Special will take place at The Masonic Hall in Corby on Tuesday 3rd December at 12 noon. The Masonic Hall has good parking and is easy to find but maps will be provided. The menu will be Winter Vegetable Soup with crusty roll and butter. Roast Turkey with Stuffing and Chipolatas, Roast Potatoes and Parsnips, Brussels Sprouts and Carrots. Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce. Coffee/Tea and Mince Pies. Paper Hats and Christmas Crackers. Special dietary requirements can be catered for if notified. All for the sum of £14 per head. Bookings will start in Sept. Contact Ray Bradbury 01536 516587
Knit and Natter - This is a picture of a blanket knitted by one of the ladies from the knit and natter group. As you can see a lot of hard work went into it. We are now knitting items for the Crazy Hats Christmas Bazzar and are going to see if they can raffle or auction the blanket to raise money for them. Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523867
Musical Circles 1—Our programme was mostly classical music; Woods "Fantasia of British Sea Songs"& the rousing "Liberty Bell March" by Sousa. Then followed a group of tunes played by the Academia Wind Quintet of Prague which gave a new interpretation of "alla Turca " by Mozart, "Polonaise in E flat Major " by Dvorak, " the Thunder & Lightning Polka" by Strauss & excerpts from " The Bartered Bride " by Smetana. Vocal pieces were from Mozart's "Magic Flute" & "The Pilgrims Chorus" from "Tanhauser" by Wagner. Finally we had popular songs from modern musicals; Sondheim's "Send in the Clowns" & "Music of the Night" and "Memory" by Lloyd-Webber. Contact Carole Bradbury 01536 516587.
Musical Circles 2— A dance theme was chosen for the first three pieces Berlioz, Chopin and Tchaikovsky. A change of mood now Faure - Requiem, Royal Fireworks by Handel and Choral singing of Wagner's Bridal March. After light refreshments a little jazz mass sung by the winners of BBC choir of the year 2010 Wellensian consort conducted by Christopher Finch. A selection from Les Miserables completing an afternoon of music. Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725925 9
Kettering U3A
July 2013
Playford English Country Dancing After much searching, I have found a venue with a wooden floor which should be kinder to our joints! We meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month. Our first meeting of the Autumn session will be on Wednesday, September 11th at St. Andrews Church Hall, 2.304p.m. (Please note the new venue and TIME) New members will be very welcome. You do not need to bring a partner as we change partners frequently. Contact: Jean Beaver 01933 224474
Musical Circles 3—The group is now taking its summer break, hopefully restarting in the Autumn
Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516587
Photography Group — Four members of the group met outside Brixworth Church in July. The weather was fine, warm, with a mixture of cloud and sunshine. The church was open, so we took the opportunity to look round and try some photographing inside. The benefit of having a tripod for the long exposures required in a dark church became obvious. The outside of the church also made for interesting pictures, with its mixture of Roman, Saxon and later examples of masonry, its lovely ironstone colouring, and the unusual circular tower. The church graveyard also proved a useful source of images, with old stonework, gravestones, lichen, wild flowers and grasses. Our August meeting will probably be a return to Wadenhoe, a popular location last year. Hopefully the good weather will still be around then.
Playreading— We have now completed reading our play for July which was entitled "Ribald" by Keith Tomlinson. As there is no indication as to what the play is about in the County Library catalogue it is not always easy to find something appropriate, particularly as we have been meeting for 10 years now and have read many plays. "Ribald" in this instance was about a rock group, somewhat anathema to our group whose age range is 60-80+!!!. At least we can put it down to experience. Next month we are taking a break from reading and will all be going to Cranford for afternoon tea. Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536 516587 Poker Group—
Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711976 or
Contact: Ted Bray 01536 521803
Red Kite Investment Group At the July meeting it was unanimously agreed to disband the group as the value of the portfolio of shares was getting to big to manage comfortably. The assets of the group have been liquidated and divided amongst the members according to their holding. It is intended that the group will re-form and start again sometime in the Autumn when members come back from their world cruises and members of Kettering U3A will be invited to join them. Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516587
Scrabble—Meetings are held at the Parish church rooms. Time 2.00pm—4.30pm on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month. New members are welcome. We enjoy playing in a relaxed atmosphere. Contact: Pauline Reed 01536 513850
Photos © Trevor Rudkin 10
Kettering U3A August 2013
Sugar Craft—If anyone who would like to learn, but feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results as displayed in the 10th Anniversary cake below. Contact Joan Allingham 01536 722610
Writers Group— Hey there! You with an idea for a story, a poem, an article, an essay, even a play that you've been dying to get down on paper, but need encouragement; or something that you've already written and would like to share, why not come along to our friendly group? All you need is a love of words and a sense of humour; a cuppa is provided. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 1.45pm to 3.45pm in the Parish Rooms in Kettering - next meeting September 3rd. Write on any topic you like in any genre or form. For those who prefer a set topic to write to - or ignore! - find a picture at random - an old master or a family photo, whatever -, think about what it suggests to you, and away you go! For more information or ideas Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741222 or Watercolour Painting Class - The Watercolour Painting Class will start again on the 12th September 2013 and the venue will be the Parish Church Rooms (next to St. Peter and St. Paul Church, Kettering) and the time is 2pm - 4pm, with plenty of free parking. We need more people to join us for this next term. Absolute beginners or experienced painters will be most welcome.
Wining and Dining— We had a very good meal with excellent service at the Falcon at Fotheringhay. I shall be booking Exotic dining in Kettering on Wednesday 11th September at 7.0am, we had a good meal there but not everyone could attend. If you wish to join us please let me know by the end of August Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730 or
Walking Group - The August walk was a circuit of six miles based on the Horse and Jockey at Manton just off the A6003 at Empingham reservoir. 10 members walked in beautiful sunshine through some the truly rural countryside taking in the ancient village of Brooke but sadly no time to investigate the church. Lunch back at the pub was desperately needed! Thanks to John and Ann Kemp for finding this lovely walk . Next walk will be on the 4th September when we will circuit Pitsford reservoir. Meet at Brixworth Country Park car park next to the restaurant at 10 for 10.15 start. Lunch is possible in the restaurant.
This month's picture is called "Beech Fairy" and is painted in watercolour by Eileen Mason. To see the above picture and to sign up for the September term, then visit our Watercolour Painting table today. Contact: Jo Beaver on 01933 224474 or Barbara Goodall 01536 523259
Contact: Pete Spence 01536 742372 11
Kettering U3A
July 2013
Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable (Updated June 2013) Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group Day No fixed day Safe Driving Gardening Group Heartbeat Travel Groups Monday A Good Read Card Making 2 Musical Circles 1 Musical Circles 3 Knit and Natter Photography Poker Tuesday Bridge Experienced Computer Group Discussion Group French Greeting Card Making Italian Lunch Club Sugarcraft Writers Group Wednesday
Steve Clorley Roy Franklin Ray Bradbury Bridget Ling Maureen Curd
01832 732342 01536 482808 01536 516587 01536 414810 01832 732361
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
Diana Ellis Freda Smith Carole Bradbury Ray Bradbury Annette Chidwick Trevor Rudkin Ted Bray
01536 723380 01536 482368 01536 516587 01536 516587 01536 523867 01536 711976 01536 521803
home home varies varies Home varies home
1st Monday 3rd Monday monthly monthly 1st & 3rd Mondays 1st Monday monthly weekly
2.00pm 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00pm
Roger Stimson Richard Boyles Mary Earl Diana Ellis Mary Earl John Sellick Rosemary Cooke Joan Allingham Mary Wildman
01536 481523 01536 744753 01536 522456 01536 723380 01536 522456 01536 517868 01536 356899 01536 722610 01536 714222
home Fuller Church Parish Church Rooms home home Home varies home Parish Church Rooms
weekly 2nd & 4th Tuesday 2nd Tuesday in month 2nd & 4th Tuesdays monthly weekly monthly weekly monthly
2.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 10.00 – 11.00am varies 1.30 – 4.00pm 1.45 – 4.00pm
Bob Thorogood Pauline Parkin Mary Earl Janet Clements Eileen Mason Jean Beaver Pauline Reed
01536 722399 01933 650551 01536 799197 01536 522456 01536 507721 01536 725925 01933 224474 01536 513850
Christine Strachan
01536 515730
home varies varies home varies varies Ise Pavilion Grantown Cl. Parish church rooms varies varies
fortnightly Every 2 weeks 3rd Wednesday monthly 3rd Wednesday monthly fortnightly 1st & 3rd Wednesday varies Second Wednesday
9.30 – 11.00 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 - 11.30am 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00 – 3.30pm 2.15 – 4.30pm varies varies
Christine Strachan Derek Warren Carole Bradbury Barbara Goodall Jo Beaver
01536 515730 01536 518560 01536 516587 01536 523259 01933 224474
varies varies home
3rd Thursday 2nd Thursday fortnightly
2.00 – 4.00pm varies 2.00 – 4.00pm
Parish Church Rooms
2nd & 4th Thursdays
2.00 – 4.00pm
Sue Macfarlane Sue Hince
01536 523754 01536 521023
Bridge Club, Kettering Toller Church (Meeting Ln.)
weekly 1st Fri monthly
1.30 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am
Basic German Conversation Joe Fletcher
Basic Spanish Bookworms Greeting Card Making Looking at Churches Musical Circles 2 Playford Dancing Scrabble Walking Wining & Dining Thursday Canals & Waterways Country Matters Play Reading 1 Water Colour Painting Friday Bridge Friday Pop in
The following 3 groups are in conjunction with Ise Valley U3A Please contact group co-ordinator before joining a group Day
Monday Canasta
Pam Towns
01536 521160
Kettering Bridge Club
Isabel Collins
01536 520971
Kettering Pool
Jill Dee
01536 514054
Fuller Church
2nd & 4th Fridays
Friday Singing
12 RJB