Kettering U3A December 2013
17th December 2013 Kettering U3A Year 10 Newsletter 05
The Committee wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year From the Chairman I am pleased to say that our 10th Anniversary Celebration at Wicksteed Park was highly successful with everyone (including the Mayor) having a very enjoyable afternoon. Please see the article and photos in this Newsletter for more information. Today is our Christmas meeting and I hope that you all enjoy the Seagrave Singers and the seasonal refreshments afterwards. I would like to welcome Elizabeth Toseland, a recently new U3A member, who has decided to join us as a co-opted Committee member. This means that the Committee is in a much stronger position this year than it was at the same time last year as we now have a full complement of eight members – a situation that we have not seen for at least a couple of years. I hope this will ensure Kettering U3A continues to be successful and I am sure we can all look forward to a good 2014. I would also like to thank all our Group Leaders for their hard work and commitment throughout 2013 and hope to see them at the Group Leader meeting in January. Finally, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. (Thanks to Card Making Group 2 for Christmas card)
Next Month — 21st January The Battle of Northampton Mike Ingram of Registered Charity No. 1108614
The Battlefields Trust 1
Kettering U3A
December 2013
Members & Group Leaders Information Our next meeting
Monthly Meeting Dates & Speakers
at the Fuller Church, Gold St. Kettering Format of the meeting:-
21st Jan. The Battle of Northampton. Mike Ingram 18th Feb Flying For Life. Ron Silvers 18th Mar Tell Us About It! Members 15th Apr Antique Roadshow. James Burton (TBC) 20th May Vulcan To The Sky 17th Jun Annual General Meeting 15th Jul TBA 19th Aug TBA 16th Sep TBA 21st Oct TBA 18th Nov Every Picture Tells A Story. Mike Leonard 16th Dec Christmas Special
1.30pm Hall open Tea/coffee & biscuits available Time to browse the groups and sign up for a visit. 2.15pm - 2.30pm U3A notices. 2.30pm—3.30pm Speaker 3.30pm (approx.) another opportunity to sign up for a visit and time to renew membership. 3.45pm Meeting ends.
Refreshment Rota Terry Young is our refreshment organiser and she will keep the contents of the refreshments up to date. There is no need to bring milk and biscuits. There is no washing up! If your group is assisting please be there by 1.15pm to help set-up This month it is
OBITUARY - Elaine Hollister Sadly Elaine passed away on the 13th November a few weeks short of her birthday and a few months short of her Golden Wedding Anniversary. She, with her husband John, were in the first batch of members to register with KU3A since which time they have always been enthusiastic and supportive. At a time when we suddenly found ourselves without a Speaker Finder, Elaine stepped into the breech and filled the role until her illness prevented her from continuing. They were regular members of the Lunch Club and the History Group and enjoyed many other U3A activities. Through six long years of often debilitating chemotherapy Elaine managed to maintain a very positive attitude and during this period I feel privileged to have had many happy sessions with her, helping her to produce some exceptionally good 3D Decoupage pictures. I feel, as I am sure many others will, that I have lost a true and loyal friend. We shall all miss her. Our thoughts are with John, son James, grandson Ben and all other members of the family. As a result of joining the Bridge group, the first group organised by a non-committee member, Elaine and John became keen players and continued to play with friends on a weekly basis until recently. Carole Bradbury
Walking Group Sugarcraft Spanish Knit & Natter Photography Musical Circles 1 Water Colour Painting Canals & Waterways Writers Group Bridge Discussion Christmas Meeting
You will be reminded by e-mail prior to your allocated meeting date Please note – this is a draft timetable. Should you foresee any problems please contact Terry Young ASAP Tel: 01536 392 065 E-mail Normal charges are:TEA/COFFEE with biscuits
SQUASH (on request)
Newsletter You can view the newsletter in glorious colour on the internet at and a fully interactive versions are there too at 2
Kettering U3A December 2013
Welcome To New Members
Don’t forget that if you can’t get to the meeting you can: ♦ ♦ ♦
collect a Newsletter from either the Library or Tourist Information counter at Kettering Museum. use our postal service, cost £4.25 for half year. Ask the membership secretary for details. download the newsletter from the web site, and click on Links.
To All Members If you are aware of anything affecting one of our members, such as an important birthday, anniversary, illness, etc. and feel that a card from U3A would be appreciated, please contact:- Joan Rolfe 01536 521 531
To All Group Leaders From the Committee Please check that any member of your group is actually a member of the U3A. This is important because of insurance implications. Group Leaders know the Post Code
of your venue. The emergency services will ask for it in order
to despatch an ambulance without delay.
Group Coordinator Message I would like to invite all group leaders to a lunchtime meeting in January. Date to be advised. Contact: Maureen Curd 01832 732 361
Web Master
If you wish me to put additional information and/or photographs relating to your Groups on the Kettering U3A Website, please let me have this either via email to or by letting me have hardcopy. It would also be useful if I could have your permission to quote your email address. There is not only a list of Groups on the Website, but each Group also has its own page for the purpose of displaying both information and photographs. At present I have been able to include photographs for some Groups, which is due to the efforts of their Group Leaders. Richard Boyles - Kettering U3A Web Master
News Letter Editor Copy deadline 10 days before monthly meeting: Saturday 11th January 2014 Members photos, drawings, cartoons, poems etc. are all welcome. I will publish if space permits. Please e-mail reports, information, photos etc. to Richard Boyles or call 01536 744 753
Your Kettering U3A Committee 2013-2014 Chairman Vice Chairman Treasurer/Membership Sec. Secretary Outings/Groups Co-ordinator Speaker Secretary Newsletter Committee Member (Co-opted)
Cyril Young 01536 392 065 Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716 Marian Tucker 01536 510 354 Maureen Curd 01832 732 361 David Clayton 01536 520 965 Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 Elizabeth Toseland 3
Kettering U3A
December 2013
Visits and Events As many of you are aware a NON REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT is required for you put your name down on any of the arranged trips. Theatre tickets are payable in advance as theatres will only hold a group booking for a limited period. Should you wish to cancel after you have confirmed a booking it is your responsibility to find a person willing to take your place and reimburse you accordingly. In some instances, if we have a waiting list for example, we will put you in touch with someone who has shown an interest. ALL COACH FARES ARE SUBJECT TO NUMBERS In many instances we are unaware of final numbers so we cannot confirm the cost of the coach until this is ascertained. We now include a gratuity amount in the costing to include coach drivers and where applicable site guides. If we need to cancel through lack of support then those who have paid will get a full refund. Cheques should be made payable to U3A Kettering No. 2 A/C Thank you for your forbearance in this matter. Maureen.
Trips & Visits
NEW Groups
The Royal & Derngate Monday 20 January 2014 Don Quixote the Moscow City Ballet evening.
GOLFERS GROUP. The day would be Tuesday & Friday weekly. The Venue Pytchley. Alan will be at today's meeting so please see him for more details. Contact: Alan Stephens 07931 637 660 or THEATRE GROUP This seems to have caught a lot of interest. Please see me at this meeting so that we may arrange a meeting at my home in January. Contact: Maureen Curd 01832 732 361
March 18th Meeting The cost is £28.00 as long as we sell 10 seats. So far we only have 3 takers and the seats have to be paid for by 10th December. After that the seats will be charged at £30.00 each. If the reservation is not taken up by 10th December it will automatically be cancelled.
Do you have a hobby/interest? Why not come along and share it with the members? Whatever your interest; Collecting, Craft Making, Painting, Sport etc. come along and let others share in your passion. Perhaps you will find others who share the same interest and maybe even enough people to start an interest group. Just bring something along to make a simple table top display so you can chat with fellow members.
Suggested trips for 2014 a) A wander round Stamford b) Hampton Court Palace & Gardens c) Dance 'til Dawn Vincent & Flavia d) Saffron Waldron in June I am displaying a sheet for any suggestions you may have for trips in 2014. I have yet to book anything so please put forward your suggestion asap.
Group leaders please feel free to come along and put on a display too. You will not be asked to stand up, and speak. Just to be on hand to chat to other members
Brenda Berry from Thrapston U3A has 10 seats available for Singing in the Rain at Milton Keynes Theatre on 9th July 2014. Numbers must be confirmed and payment submitted to the theatre by 20th January. The cost is £37 per person and this includes a coach from Thrapston Co-oP car park (FREE). If you are interested please advise me and I will liaise with Brenda.
Please let David Clayton know you are participating. Contact:
01536 520 965
Kettering U3A December 2013
News - Interest Groups: Visits and Reports etc. Canals & Waterways— We met for our annual planning meeting in November and have devised a programme for 2014. The programme will be available on our U3A website in the near future. As an extra event for Christmas we met at Foxton Locks Inn and enjoyed a lovely meal with good service.
Bookworms — We continue to read and enjoy books chosen by our members. At present, we are reading "The Shoemaker's Wife" based on the true story of the author's grandmother, set in both Italy and America in the early 20th century. We will be meeting before Christmas to see what suggestions come up for our next read. Contact: Pauline Parkin 01536 799197
Card Making 1 — Two very relaxed mornings this week. Most people had almost finished Christmas cards so a mixture of very beautiful cards for all occasions were produced. I have been very pleased to hand over the reins in January and February to Marian Tucker who has generously said she would help out. The meetings will be held at her home, 167, The Headlands, Kettering NN15 6AF on January 7th and 8th and on February 4th and 5th. Together we have decided the themes and as always the materials will be available at Marians. She has requested that if you are cutting your Christmas cards up before you meet, could you please take some of the backs of cards with you to the meeting. I would like to thank all the members for making the 1st Tues and Weds mornings in the month such special times. I truly do love these mornings. A Happy Christmas and a Creative New Year to you all.
Our next event is a walk around Stanwick Lakes with a talk as we walk by Hilary from RSPB. We meet at 11.0am on Thursday 16th January at the cafe. Can you please let me know if you wish to attend and if you wish to stay for lunch or a snack.
Contact: Mary Earl 01536 522456
Card Making 2 — We had an enjoyable November meeting, when we again focussed on Christmas cards, using die cuts, as you will see from the photo. We are not meeting in December but will meet again on Monday 20th January 2014. Wishing you all a most enjoyable Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730 or A Good Read—New members welcome. Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723380
Bridge -
Every Friday at the Bridge club 1.30pm-4pm. Contact: Sue Macfarlane 01536 523754
See many more pictures on the U3A web site. Contact: Freda Smith
01536 482368
Kettering U3A
December 2013
Discussion Group — In November a few of us met at my house and although none of the discussions were planned we found we certainly weren't short of subject matter to talk about. It was a very pleasant afternoon. The December meeting is going ahead as usual at the Parish Church Rooms, when we are having a light hearted Quiz and a review of what we would really like for Christmas if we had the choice. The January and February meetings will be chaired by members as I am going to be unavailable. The January topic will be the one abandoned in November which is “Has Women's Lib done Society any favours" and will be lead by Glynis Hall. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members for their support and for making the afternoons such a pleasure. A Happy Christmas to you all and I'm sure we will put the world to rights again in 2014.
Computer Group — The beginners classes are progressing slowly. In the last session we learnt about safe computing and backups which are now CRITICAL in light of new threats. We cover all versions of Windows and Apple Mac. All subjects will be covered as we progress in a slow, step by step way. Each lesson is fully supported by a detailed hand-out sheet to take home. More information is on the Computer Group’s internet site below including the revised timetable.
BEGINNERS COURSE New members are welcome. SIGN UP NOW at this meeting or e-mail Richard or just turn up
Contact: Mary Earl on 01536 522456
The next sessions are 14 Jan Beginners 6 - Internet, Skype, Facebook etc. 28 Jan Beginners 7 - TBA
French —
Full details and up to date schedule at
Please ring me if you are interested in brushing up your knowledge of the language. Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723380
Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail: Friday Pop-in - A new member joined us and during discussions it was thought a good idea to invite members to write a resume of their careers to be featured in future newsletters. way of getting to know each other!
Country Matters — In November we met at Corby Boating Lake car park and enjoyed a walk around Thoroughsale Woods and enjoyed a lovely sunny morning. We stayed mainly on the all-weather footpaths– taking in the beautiful, autumnal colours of a wide variety of trees, fruits and berries.
We meet at the Toller church rooms 10 – 11.30 on the first Friday of every month. New members please come and join us for coffee, exchange of books, magazines and local news. We need your support. Contact: Sue Hince 01536 521023 We enjoyed lunch afterwards in the Knights Lodge, Corby’s oldest pub dating back to the 17th Century.
Gardening Group —
This was our final outing for this year, we are now taking a break until 14th February 2014 at 10.30am meet outside/inside the café in East Carlton Country park to enjoy a stroll to see the snowdrops. Hope to see you there.
Will recommence in the Spring. Ideas for future activity will be welcome. Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516587
Contact Derek Warren on 01536 518560 or e-mail 6
Kettering U3A December 2013
German–1 Basic Conversation — This established group for Basic German Conversation is now FULL
Lunch Club — We already have a list of people who have volunteered to host the following dates for 2014, a big thank you to them. January Elizabeth York February Glynis Hall March Christine Foley April Molly Lucy & Marjorie Bosworth Please look out for more information regarding venues, times etc. If anyone feels they would like to host a month later in the year, please contact me, or see me at any of the meetings.
Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722399
German-2 Conversation for Absolute Beginners— The established group for basic German Conversation remains oversubscribed so this new group for absolute beginners has been formed and is now also FULL. This group meets on Wednesdays 1.30 to 3.00pm fortnightly
Contact: Rosemary Cooke 01536 356899 Lunch Club — Report on Special Christmas Lunch Fifty five members travelled to the Masonic Hall in Corby for what has now become the traditional way of starting off the festive season. They sat down to a hot meal of soup, turkey, Christmas pudding and mince pies. They pulled Christmas crackers and the very brave even put on paper hats and told excruciating jokes. The service was quick and very friendly, and even the drinks were a reasonable price. I heard nothing but compliments for the venue, with plenty of free parking, the dining room where we ate, and the friendly, courteous staff. I will certainly book it again for next year. Ray Bradbury
Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722399
Heartbeat— Next meeting Monday 6th January 2014 . Meet at Bryant Road/Pytchley Road Corner, Kettering at 10am for a 30 minute brisk walk round Wicksteed Park, and a chat to raise your spirits, with coffee afterwards. Priscilla Davies will be the leader for this walk. Contact: Bridget Ling 01536 414810
Marian Italian Classes — One Italian class is running. If there is anyone else interested please contact: John Sellick 01536 517878 or Card Making 2 members — More on U3A web site 7
Kettering U3A
December 2013
Kettering U3A Safe Driving Group
Tenth Anniversary Celebration Tuesday November 12th 2013. Early afternoon. It is a gloriously golden, sunny and cloudless, autumn afternoon. We drive into Wicksteed Park. Despite living in this area since 1983, I haven’t been here since I was a small child on a day trip from Lincoln with family mostly now long gone, so I’m quite excited and bowled over by how splendid it all looks. We’ve come to celebrate an anniversary – not a golden wedding, nor my thirty-year sojourn – but the first decade of Kettering U3A. We’ve been planning this for months but today is the culmination of a lot of hard work on the part of a lot of people, too numerous to thank individually, but they know who they are. The room looks wonderful: round tables set to seat eight each with blue and yellow everywhere, not least in the floral centrepieces made by Marian. On the right as we come in are the brand new notice boards looking most impressive and the photo albums, themselves a celebration of events of the past ten years; objects of interest to many of those present, including the Mayor, who has happily been able to join us this afternoon. There is a delightful, warm atmosphere in the room. Everyone, all 150 or so - members long-standing and new, members from other Groups and from Region, guests – feel welcome and are chatting away while Andy Smith plays and sings in the background. (Andy is later worth his weight in gold helping with the distribution of Tombola prizes!) Called to order, the assembled company settles down to a few well-received speeches, messages of congratulation and a super spread provided by Wicksteeds – the sandwiches were wonderful enough to gloss over the slight misunderstanding over the cakes. As we left after this lovely afternoon – the sky still cloudless and the half moon already risen, bright as the sun had been earlier – many stopped to say how much they had enjoyed themselves and to express their thanks. One lady in particular summed it all up when she told me that she hadn’t realised just how enjoyable being in the U3A would turn out to be: “I’m so glad I joined,” she said. Hear! Hear! Mary Wildman
Don’t ‘slip and slide’ into danger We’ve still got lots of autumn leaves on the country roads – they can be very slippery, so please make sure that you reduce your speed before driving onto them. See and be seen As the temperature drops, be sure to allow extra time to clear your windscreen and windows of snow, ice and condensation before starting a journey. If your wiper blades squeak as they wipe then they probably need replacing. Don’t forget to make sure that the wipers are turned off before starting the car if it’s icy and they’re stuck to the windscreen. This simple precaution will protect the blades and may also prevent a blown fuse! Now that the days are very short, remember to turn on your headlights before sunset and keep them on for an hour after sunrise so that it’s easier for other drivers to see you in twilight. Batteries Make sure that the top of the battery is clean and that the terminals are tight and free from corrosion. If your battery is more that three years old it’s best to get it checked. A little effort now could save a lot of problems and frustrations when the weather gets really cold! Emergency supplies If you have to travel in bad weather, make sure that you’re well prepared. Carry a blanket, warm clothing, a shovel, an ice scraper and a working mobile phone (charged!!) in the car. A hot drink (non-alcoholic, of course) is another worthwhile addition. I hope that these few suggestions will help to keep you safe and stress free on the roads this winter. Drive carefully and pay attention to other road users – not everyone will be as well prepared for winter driving. If you’d like to improve any aspect of your driving please contact either Roy or Steve. If you’d like to improve any aspect of your driving please contact either Roy or Steve. Steve Clorley Email: Telephone: 01832 732342 Mobile: 07973 624815 Roy Franklin Email: Telephone: 01536 482808 Mobile: 07751 106617
Kettering U3A December 2013
Knit and Natter - I'm proud to be part of the U3A Knit and Natter group. Just to prove its not all natter, this year we have sent a box of knitted garments to Romania, given £35 to Lakeland Hospice, Corby, gave £35 to Janet Clements, who walked around Wicksteed a few times in aid of Crazy Hats. We also raised £111 for Crazy Hats last Saturday at their Christmas Bazzar (photo below).
Musical Circles 1— Unfortunately I had to change the date for November so we were a bit thin on the ground. However, a very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by those who made it. The theme was November with each letter of the month represented either by a piece of music or a composer. We ranged from the Nutcracker suite by Tchaikovsky, through several O's including Offenbach's Gaite Parisienne Waltz. V saw Vaughan Williams and Vivaldi, E was represented by Elgar with Nimrod and Einaudi, a modern composer of film and T.V. themes. M brought forth Mendelssohn and Minkus. Don Quixote was very relevant as I had recently seen the ballet at the cinema. B meant we listened to the rousing Hungarian dances by Brahms and Bruck's violin concerto No 1. By this time we were running out of time so Elgar gave us the second E with the rousing Pomp and Circumstance March and Respighi finished the month with the prelude to The Birds. The next meeting is on December 16th when we shall be enjoying the filmed version of the new ballet "Alice in Wonderland"
We would like to thank Joan Rolfe for her lovely knitted dolls and Mary Earl's card making group for the cards they made for us to sell at the bazzar. Our last meeting this year will be a much deserved Christmas lunch.
Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536 516587 Musical Circles 2 — We had a pleasant afternoon listening to a mixture of music which started with a church sonata by Mozart followed by two pieces from Swan Lake then an Oboe Concerto by Vivaldi, we then switched to Exactly like you and Mistreated but Undefeated Blues by The Ray Brown Trio then La Cucaracha. Back to Verdi The Grand March from Aida, Carnival Overture by Dvorak and ending with a Concerto for piano Orchestra by Mozart. The next meeting is 18th December.
Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523867
Looking at Churches — There was no visit in November as I was in Cappadocia in Turkey, which is an amazing place with 400 cave churches! We didn’t get to every one of them, especially as some required us to climb a mountain. The next visit is to Thorpe Malsor church on Wednesday 18th December at 2.0pm. £2 each. The first tour of the New Year will be to Wellingborough round church on Wednesday January 15th at 2.0pm. Contact: Janet Clements 01536 507721 or
Northamptonshire police are issuing crime prevention advice after a phone scam continues to affect people in Northamptonshire. The phone scam encourages residents to part with bank details including pin numbers and bank card information such as card and security numbers. The caller purports to be a bank official or police officer investigating fraud and may request handing your card over to a courier. The advice from the police is as follows: POLICE and BANKS will NEVER ask for PIN number POLICE will not cold call about a suspected offence BANKS will NEVER suggest you hand your card over to a courier NEVER give your card details, PIN number or bank card to anyone If you receive one of these calls END IT IMMEDIATELY Report any incidents to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or on line at: 9
Kettering U3A
December 2013
Photography Group — On a rainy November day we decided to stay indoors and look at photo editing in Photoshop. Between us we had 3 versions of Elements, namely 6,11 and 12. Fortunately they shared enough common ground for us all to try the same techniques with the same tools.
Playford English Country Dancing— We continue to enjoy our dancing at St. Andrew's Church Hall although our numbers have been low recently. New members would be made very welcome. We meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month 2.30p.m.-- 4p.m. Contact: Jean Beaver 01933 224474
Several image-enhancing techniques were looked at, from cropping, histograms and levels, colour curves, gradient tools, spotting and healing tools, and the final touch, namely sharpening.
Playreading — ”The Whole Truth” by Philip Mackie was our final play for this year. We all got quite excited trying to decide which character was actually telling “The Whole Truth” so were relieved to reach the denouement in the final scene and to discover “who done it”. We have a social gathering next Thursday at my house and the dates for January are the 9th and 16th. We wish all KU3A members a happy and busy 2014.
Our next meeting will hopefully be a little different. We are meeting at 2.00pm on Monday 2nd December in the car park of The Castle in Wellingborough. According to The Castle's programme there should be two photographic displays on in the theatre. In the gallery there should be a display by the Rushden and District Photographic Society, entitled "Life Through A Lens", and on the exhibition wall there will hopefully be Nigel Holland's "How Quick, How Fast" photos taken at Santa Pod.
Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536 516587
Poker Group — After seeing these we could visit the Museum, or wander around Wellingborough looking for photos - or just sit in the cafe discussing photography. It depends a lot on the weather.
Contact: Ted Bray 01536 521803
Photos taken by this group can be seen on the group’s page of the Kettering U3A website.
Spanish Conversation— The Spanish conversation group (I have changed the name from ‘Basic Spanish’ because this group is no longer suitable for absolute beginners) continues to meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. We meet at various members’ houses so there is no charge. We use the book Pasos 2 which is for second level students.
Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711976 or
We are now at full capacity. However, we would be happy to start a waiting list but because of the level our members are at. New students would need to have a reasonable knowledge of basic Spanish. Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650551 or
Photo of Fotheringhay by Marilyn Foulsham 10
Kettering U3A December 2013
Writers Group —
Scrabble—Meetings are held at the Parish church rooms. Time 2.00pm—4.30pm on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month. New members are welcome. We enjoy playing in a relaxed atmosphere.
Are you someone with an urge to write? Someone with an idea for a story, a poem, an article, an essay, even a play that you've been dying to get down on paper, but have never got round to it? Or have you something that you've already written and would like to share! Why not come along to our friendly group? All you need is a love of words and a sense of humour; you'll find lots of positive encouragement and advice as well as a cuppa. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 1.45pm to 3.45pm in the Parish Rooms in Kettering: next meeting January 7th. For those who like a suggestion to work to - or ignore - the topic is "Not single spies but in battalions”.
Contact: Pauline Reed 01536 513850 Sugar Craft— If anyone who would like to learn, but feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results. Contact Joan Allingham 01536 722610 Wining and Dining - We enjoyed a lovely meal in November at the Bakers Arms, Thorpe Langton. Our Christmas meal will have taken place at Ascoughs, Market Harborough by the time of this newsletter. It has been a very good year for the group, and we have enjoyed some tasty meals together with a very enjoyable evening at Pete's house in the summer. There is no meeting in January but we will be going to Prezzos on February 12th at 7.0pm. If you wish to join us please let me know.
For more information or ideas contact Mary Wildman 01536 741222 or
Watercolour Painting Class - The Water Colour Painting Class meets in the Parish Church Rooms (next to St. Peter & St. Paul Church, Kettering) on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 2.00pm 4.00pm. We have plenty of parking next to the Parish Church Rooms providing the bollards are down. If these are up then you are allowed to park in the Church grounds. If you have to use the Church grounds then after you have parked come to see Barbara for an authorised ticket if you are not in possession of one of these already. If you would like to join our class please get in touch with either:-
Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730 or
Walking Group - It was more a case of "lucky 13" for the baker's dozen who set out from The Woolpack, Islip, round Thrapston Lakes and enjoyed the late Autumn sun and clear blue skies. The walk ended back at the pub with a wellearned lunch. Thanks to John S. and Jackie for organising the event. There will be no January walk and the next one will be on Wednesday 5th February from the Finch's Arms, Hambleton, Postcode LE15 8Tl, preordering lunch, for a 10.30 a.m. start. Please contact Ann Kemp on 01536 761241 if you would like to join us. Contacts:
John Sharp Jacky Rowson
Contact: Jo Beaver 01933 224474 or Barbara Goodall 01536 523259
This month's picture is "The Swansea Mumbles Train" and is painted in water colour by Hazel Britton.
01536 518026 01536 515959
Kettering U3A
December 2013
Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable (Updated October 2013) Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group Day No fixed day Safe Driving Gardening Group Heartbeat Travel Groups Monday A Good Read Card Making 2 Musical Circles 1 Knit and Natter Photography Poker Tuesday Bridge Experienced Computer Group Discussion Group French Greeting Card Making Italian Lunch Club Sugarcraft Writers Group Wednesday German Conversation 1 German Conversation 2
Basic Spanish Bookworms Greeting Card Making Looking at Churches Musical Circles 2 Playford Dancing Scrabble Walking Wining & Dining Thursday Canals & Waterways Country Matters Play Reading 1 Water Colour Painting Friday Bridge Friday Pop in
Steve Clorley Roy Franklin Ray Bradbury Bridget Ling Maureen Curd
01832 732342 01536 482808 01536 516587 01536 414810 01832 732361
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
varies varies varies varies varies
Diana Ellis Freda Smith Carole Bradbury Annette Chidwick Trevor Rudkin Ted Bray
01536 723380 01536 482368 01536 516587 01536 523867 01536 711976 01536 521803
home home varies Home varies home
1st Monday 3rd Monday Monthly variable 1st & 3rd Mondays 1st Monday monthly weekly
2.00pm 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00pm 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00pm
Roger Stimson Richard Boyles Mary Earl Diana Ellis Mary Earl John Sellick Rosemary Cooke Joan Allingham Mary Wildman
01536 481523 01536 744753 01536 522456 01536 723380 01536 522456 01536 517868 01536 356899 01536 722610 01536 741222
home Fuller Church Parish Church Rooms home home Home varies home Parish Church Rooms
weekly 2nd & 4th Tuesday 2nd Tuesday in month 2nd & 4th Tuesdays monthly weekly 4th Tuesday weekly 1st Tuesday
2.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 10.00 – 11.00am varies 1.30 – 4.00pm 1.45 – 3.45pm
Joe Fletcher Joe Fletcher Bob Thorogood Pauline Parkin Mary Earl Janet Clements Eileen Mason Jean Beaver Pauline Reed Ann Kemp Christine Strachan
01536 722399 01536 722399 01933 650551 01536 799197 01536 522456 01536 507721 01536 725925 01933 224474 01536 513850 01536 761241 01536 515730
home home varies varies home varies varies St.Andrews Church Parish church rooms varies varies
fortnightly fortnightly Every 2 weeks 3rd Wednesday monthly 3rd Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1st & 3rd Wednesday varies 2nd Wednesday
9.30 – 11.00 am 1.30 – 3.00 pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 - 11.30am 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.30 – 4.00pm 2.15 – 4.30pm varies varies
Christine Strachan Derek Warren Carole Bradbury Barbara Goodall Jo Beaver
01536 515730 01536 518560 01536 516587 01536 523259 01933 224474
varies varies home
3rd Thursday 2nd Thursday fortnightly
2.00 – 4.00pm varies 2.00 – 4.00pm
Parish Church Rooms
2nd & 4th Thursdays
2.00 – 4.00pm
Sue Macfarlane Sue Hince
01536 523754 01536 521023
Bridge Club, Kettering Toller Church (Meeting Ln.)
weekly 1st Fri monthly
1.30 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am
Meetings below with Ise Valley U3A Day
Monday Canasta
Pam Towns
01536 521160
Kettering Bridge Club
Isabel Collins
01536 520971
Kettering Pool
Jill Dee
01536 514054
Fuller Church
2nd & 4th Fridays
Friday Singing
12 RJB