U3A Kettering Newsletter August 2017

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Kettering U3A

15th August 2017 Kettering U3A Year 14 Newsletter 2 Today

Police Files by Bob Thorogood

From the Chairman— Life expectancy 100 years ago? Considerably less than now, especially on the Western Front. Pension age? Soon to be approaching the three-score-years-andten I have already almost attained. Our generation, if lucky enough to escape early onset dementia, is prey to arthritis, heart trouble and Lord knows what else. Loneliness; that’s one more thing. So what comfort can we find? What will keep our brains active and sociable? What will stimulate our hearts, lungs and little grey cells, keeping senility at bay? The U3A: that’s what. The way things are going, many of us may soon be members still of the University of the Second age, never mind the Third. Without exception, all our interest groups offer the chance to learn, to mix in a safe environment, and to benefit mental and/or physical well-being. Do you know someone who needs to get out more, to make contact with the living, to embrace mental stimulus? Bring them along. If there’s some other interest you think we should be promoting ( keep it clean) come and waylay us about it. Spread the word, folks, spread the word and support us to your utmost.

Mary September 19th

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ Registered Charity No. 1108614

www.u3aKettering.co.uk 1



Kettering U3A

Group Leaders Information • • • • • •

Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A. Ensure that you have:A written record showing your member’s name, address, telephone number and email address. The name and telephone of each member’s In Case of Emergency contact. (ICE) The post code of your venue as this will be required by the emergency services if you need to call them. Send articles, reports and photographs about your group to the Newsletter Editor. Copy deadline for the newsletter is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting. To put additional information and/or photographs on your Group’s web page on the Kettering U3A website, please email to the Web Master, Richard@Boyles.co.uk or send hardcopy to him. Advise the Group Coordinator of any changes to your group arrangements, e.g. venue, timing, etc.

Members Information Welcome to new members

Margaret Kibble and Frank Lawrence • • • • •

Advise the Membership Secretary, in writing, of any changes to your address, post code, telephone number or email address. If you are unable to attend your Group’s meeting, please advise your Group Leader in advance. If you know one of our members has a special occasion ahead, e.g. important birthday, anniversary or if they are ill and you feel a card from the U3A would be appreciated, please contact the secretary. Bring your membership card with you to the meeting and have it available for checking in. If you cannot get to the monthly meeting for any reasons, you can get a copy of the Newsletter from either Kettering Library or the Tourist Information desk, Manor House Museum, Kettering or from Desborough, Rothwell or Burton Latimer Libraries. Or via our postal service direct to your home (£10 per annum) Contact the Membership Secretary to do so. View & Download the newsletter (in glorious colour) from web site, www.U3AKettering.co.uk & click on Links. 2017

Oct 17 SERV OBN - Service by Emergency Rider Volunteers Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, and Northamptonshire provide an out of hours rapid response service to the NHS hospitals in our region delivering urgent blood, blood products, medical supplies Nov 21 Gilbert and Sullivan—Bernard Lockett Dec 19 Carols—U3A Choir 2018 Jan 16 An introduction to Glass Derek Hunt Feb 20 Treading the boards Julie Hill Mar 20 Show and tell Tbc Apr 17 Dogs for good. Speaker name tbc May 15 Comedy Magic and Variety Dave Moylan Jun 19 Annual general meeting Jul 17 The vanishing manservant Ian Keable Aug 21 Wildlife on your doorstep Tom Way Sep 18 Protecting family wealth Vicki Brown Oct 16 Tbc Nov 29 The art of the Christmas card Danny Wells Dec 18 U3A Christmas party

Your Kettering U3A Committee 2017-2018 Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Membership Secretary Treasurer Speaker Seeker Newsletter/Web site Groups Co-ordinator Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member

Mary Wildman Diane Tebbutt Chris Crick Marian Garrod Candice Rice Tony Loft Richard Boyles Sue Perkins Shirley Mepham Linda Tyrrell Peter Baker

01536 741 222 01536 392 556 01536 501 131 01536 519 528 01536 233 695 01536 585 166 01536 744 753 01536 519 438 01536 416 182 01536 683 947 07711 509 122 2

marywildman365@gmail.com di_tebbutt@hotmail.com chris.crick@hotmail.co.uk rmgarrod88@gmail.com vegaspond17@sky.com tonyloft@me.com richard@boyles.co.uk lazygirl_tresham@yahoo.co.uk lindaj.tyrrell@gmail.com pdbaker@btinternet.com

Kettering U3A

News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports Bookworms — This month, we celebrated 5 years of the Bookworms group, during which time we have read 37 books, watched 9 DVDs and been to the cinema twice. We treated ourselves to a sumptuous cream tea at Glebe Farm, joined by some of the Stitchin' Time group. We look forward to another year of plentiful reading. If you would like to join us, give me a ring.

Our next meeting at the Eden Centre, 21, Montagu Street, Kettering Format of the meeting:1.30 – Refreshments 50p Buy Lottery tickets Browse the group notices Chat Sign up to groups and trips 2.15— Chairman’s notices 2.30—3.30 Speaker 3.45 (approx) Meeting ends


Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197

Wheelchair disabled access is available at the rear by phoning 01536 484 800 There is a hearing loop installed at the Eden Centre. You should sit near the sign on the left of the hall when looking towards the stage. Newsletter DEADLINE— is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting. You can read and download the newsletter in FULL COLOUR from our internet page at

www.U3AKettering.co.uk Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 richard@boyles.co.uk NEW GROUP—Beginners Bridge There has been a proposal to start a Beginners Bridge group. If you are interested, please contact the Groups Co-ordinator Sue Perkins. 01536 519 438 lazygirl_tresham@yahoo.co.uk Card Making — Well I've sorted out dies and some papers. I've even been on a course and watched Youtube for new ideas. At the moment it would seem many of you do not want to make cards, as there was no response for new members to this enthusiastic group. If there is no response I may have to close this group. This would be very disappointing. Come and give it a try for at least a couple of meetings. Come on U3A members come and try card making. This group needs you. Contact: Marian Tucker 01536 510 354 mariantucker1954@gmail.com


Kettering U3A

Busy Needles and Banter — Despite Holiday Time being upon us and various members of our team called to other duties, we are still managing to be productive as well as rewarding ourselves with lunch out at Seasons Garden Centre recently, where two long-suffering husbands were brave enough to join us! Thanks go to Sue for arranging the outing. Thanks, too, are due as ever to donors of materials and little garments destined for Africa and KGH. Contact:

Creative Cards — There was a full complement of the Group at the July meeting and we made some cards whilst catching up with our news. The first card

Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 marywildman365@gmail.com

we made turned out to be more complicated than anticipated. It was a split step card which, with luck can look very effective. We all seemed to have trouble with this one, but did end up with a fairly good card each. The second card was an iris folding card. Some of the group groaned as this can be quite complicated and you do need to concentrate on what you are doing. The design was an elephant and it was very quiet whilst we got on with this. Basically, you have the outline of the design and underneath this you place a template showing the numbering system you follow to fill in the open space. We had to choose four colours, and you fold part of one side, place and then stick down the strip of paper to the outside of the design. You do this until you have worked your way all round in the different colours leaving a gap in the middle which is the “ Iris” and you fill this in with a flat piece of coloured paper. We ended up with elephants of all colours of the rainbow, and very effective they looked. Next month we are going to make a New Baby Iris folded card which will be either a pram or a teddy bear. Once everyone gets going they enjoy making the card, but these are the last from my stock so those who are not so keen can stop worrying. Contact: Eileen Mason

01536 725 925 edmason5@yahoo.co.uk or Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716 maggi.mcguire@outlook.com

Unwanted Gifts? — Donate them as raffle prizes to help support your U3A and keep membership costs down. 4

Kettering U3A

Canals & Waterways— Unfortunately I had to postpone our Cambridge trip until next year as I was unable to book a boat trip. Some of us enjoyed a walk and a meal at Foxton locks instead.

Computer Group —

We are away in Chatham in September. I have started to look at our trip to Stratford upon Avon in October. We shall be going a week earlier than usual on Thursday 12th. There is a 45 minute boat trip available at £5 a head. If anyone is interested , behind the scenes tours are also available at the The Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Details to follow.

In the August meeting we learnt how to benefit from Cloud Storage. Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive, Google Drive, Google Photos etc. You can use these FREE services to share and back up your data and photos. SAFE COMPUTING

Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730 cestrachan1@gmail.com

Country Matters — It was a nice sunny day in July when we met at The Kings Arms in Polebrook. We headed off towards Armston, a small hamlet to the south of Polebrook. On the way we spotted a fledgling Barn Owl and heard several Yellow Hammers singing in nearby bushes. Armston’s history can be traced as far back as Mediaeval times and is noticeable by uneven ground evidenced as lumps and bumps where old buildings may have been. We returned to Polebrook across an old ridge and furrow field with plenty of grazing cattle who took quite an interest in us but otherwise left us alone! Along the way back asparagus fields were noticeable although not quite so many as there have been in a previous trip here. Back at the pub many of us enjoyed good food in a convivial atmosphere. I am unavailable for August’s meeting so David Clayton has kindly offered to organise a walk for that day – 10 August. September’s meeting – 14 September is being planned for Rushden Lakes Nature Reserve with perhaps some retail therapy afterwards in the new shopping centre, which hopefully, will be fully open by then, for those who are so inclined! Contact:

• • • • • • • •

Always have up to date virus software installed Never click on a link in an e-mail from an unknown source Use hard to guess passwords with capitals and symbols and of at least 12 characters Never disclose your password or PIN to anyone Make regular backup copies of your data and photographs Keep a backup copy off site in the cloud or another physical location eg a friends house Never install software from an unknown source MORE security details available on the web site accessed from the link below

12 September meeting topic and venue to be arranged. Check your e-mail and web site. More information and videos can be accessed from Computer Group link at

www.U3AKettering.co.uk Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail: richard@boyles.co.uk As always, you can email me for any computer related advice or problems.

Derek Warren 01536 518 560 derek@thewarrens.me.uk


Kettering U3A

Family History -

Discussion Group — Next meeting Tues. 12th September 2pm at the Parish Church Hall. The subject will be as shown in the July edition of the News Letter of the decision by the Samuel Smith brewery to ban swearing in their pubs.

August—NO MEETING—Your ancestors on holiday.

It will also be the time to plan subjects for the future year. If you are considering to leave the group will you please let me know as there is a waiting list of others who would like to join us. For any further information or suggestions for discussion contact Contact: Richard Ling


01536 515 816 b_r_ling@hotmail.com

English Studies — Though not deliberately planned that way, we are now moving through late-Victorian poetry to Georgian by way, appropriately, of the War Poets. Later in the “Autumn Term” will shall be returning to Shakespearean Tragedy – by request to King Lear and Hamlet. We meet fortnightly on a Monday afternoon from 2 to 4pm at my home. Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 marywildman365@gmail.com

English Country Dancing — We start our Autumn sessions on Weds. 13th Sept. All are welcome to join us at St. Andrew Hall for gentle exercise of body & mind. We meet on 2nd & 4th Weds. of each month 10.30-noon Contact:

11th September—Back to Basics—How to start researching your family history. I will explain the simple steps to discover your ancestors back to 1837 and beyond. There will be a handout to take away and experts on site to help and advise. This is an FREE OPEN MEETING for anyone to come along to see if they would like to start their family history research. Come along to see if you like it. Bring a friend, no need to be a member of the U3A for this meeting.

Jean Beaver 01933 224 474 beaver.jean@yahoo.co.uk

Meetings are held 2-4pm at the LDS Church, Rothwell Road, Kettering located between the crematorium and Brewers Fayre/Premier Inn. More details on the web site accesses from...

www.U3AKettering.co.uk Contact: Richard Boyles


01536 744 753 richard@boyles.co.uk

Kettering U3A

Gardening Group — Thursday 24 August Sulby Gardens. NN6 6EZ.Admission £4, children free. Open 2 till 5. An interesting and unusual property covering 12 acres, comprising kitchen garden, orchard, ice house, species rich nature reserve, woodland, feeder stream, ponds and wild flower meadow, labelled display of apples. Regular plant sales and home made teas. Children must be supervised at all times because of deep water. 2 miles NE of Welford off the A5. Past the Wharf House Hotel take the first right signposted Sulby. After bends turn right at sign for Sulby Hall Farm. Turn Right at junction, garden is on the left. As parking is limited please car share if possible.

Friday Pop-In - For any new members who do not know, we meet ‘At the Kino Lounge, Market Place, Kettering’.

At the July Pop-In, we welcomed Janet Buckseall. Thank you Janet for joining us and we hope to see you again and we welcome you to the Kettering U3A. All Members of Kettering U3A are welcome. That means Gentlemen as well as Ladies. Do come along and give us a try! Dates: Friday 1st September 2017 and Friday 6th October 2017 Time: 10 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.

Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516 587 prbrad@live.co.uk

Contact: Janet Chivers 01536 214 250 janet.chivers@talk21.com

Heartbeat— Bridget Ling deserves a big Thank You for organising the Heartbeat Walk for sometime, and she now feels that it is time to hand over the responsibility. In the absence of a leader coming forward, the group decided to keep it going between them. It only takes place every 3 months, on 2nd Monday of the month, at 10.0am. Heartbeat is by no means in competition with the walking groups, as the idea is to walk for half an hour, talking at the same time, and this gets our hearts beating. This is no problem, as we are mostly women, although men are very welcome to join us. We make sure that there is a teashop nearby, as we then go for coffee, and of course, more chat. It is a very social time, and that is the reason that the group do not wish to disband. Obviously there is no limit to numbers so if anyone wishes to come on a nice little walk, this is for you. Our next walk will be on Monday, 9th October at 10.0am. We will meet at Cranford, outside the Old Forge, for a pleasant walk around the village and back to The Forge for coffee. All welcome. Contact Annette Chidwick 01536 523867 atannette.chidwick@tiscali.co.uk or Janet Clements 01536 507721 janet.clements@ntlworld.com

French Conversation We stared to read a little French book to improve our hearing of the french language and comprehension. After tea Sammy who has just return from Canada told her all about her holiday and experiences. We have some homework......conjugation of the verbs Etre/Avoir/Faire et Aller present and future. Our next meeting will be on Friday the 25th of August. Contact: Michele Junin 01536 671 971 m.p.junin@outlook.com Golf — Our regular group meets at 1.30 pm Fridays at Pytchley Golf Club still seems to be the most popular time !! Contact: Alan Stephens 01536 726 911 or

07931 637 660 alanstephens26@outlook.com


Kettering U3A

History - Our apologies to the members of the History Group for the late cancellation of the August 7th meeting. There was little we could do about this as we were advised at short notice that the Community Centre would be closed for maintenance and redecoration. We tried to let everyone know by email or at the July meeting and in the Newsletter but our apologies to anyone who came along to the centre expecting a meeting. The Speaker has agreed to come back next year for which we are very grateful. The September meeting will still be going ahead (fingers crossed without any mishaps) and the subject is Roman Kettering. We look forward to seeing you then.

Looking at Churches — On the 19th July eleven of us visited All Saints Church Holdenby which has been cared for by The Churches Conservation Trust since 1973. However, occasional services are still held. In fact they are trying to raise £70,000 to repair the organ which was built in 1875. The church stands below the gardens of Holdenby House and is about half a mile from the present village down a quiet lane. The churchyard is still in the care of the parish and there are beautiful views over the surrounding Northamptonshire countryside. The church is built of local ironstone and dates from the first half of the 14th century. The interior of the church is well maintained with a painting of the royal arms of King George I over the south door. The impressive octagonal font is from the 19th century and there are many memorials and some lovely stained glass windows. In the tower are two bells and about 1700 what had been part of the magnificent hall screen in Holdenby House was brought into the church and installed in the chancel arch. Although we did not have a talk this time there was plenty to see in this lovely church which is well worth a visit. Afterwards we went to the Wyevale Garden Centre at Harlestone Heath for tea and cake.

Contact: Eileen Mason

01536 725 925 edmason5@yahoo.co.uk or Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716 maggi.mcguire@outlook.com

German Basic Conversation —

Contact: Joe Fletcher

01536 722 399

Knit and Natter - We had another busy morning putting the world to rights. In return for some knitting we sent to The Beehive, which is part of the North gate School Arts College, for them to sell in their shop to help raise much needed income for the Student Voice. They gave us some vouchers for tea and cakes, which we are going to take advantage of next week instead of our knitting morning.

Our next visits for your diary are as follows:Wednesday 16th August Church of St. Peter, Main Street Aldwincle NN14 3UU at 2pm. Talk £2.00 per person and refreshments afterwards at The Old Barn Wadenhoe. Wednesday 20th September Church of St. Michael & All Angels, Wadenhoe PE8 5ST at 2pm. Talk £2.00 per person and refreshments afterwards at The Old Barn Wadenhoe. Contact: Janet Flower 01536 764 541 janet@jf7678.co.uk

Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867 annette.chidwick@tiscali.co.uk


Kettering U3A

Lunch Club - Members of the Lunch Club enjoyed an " Italian " themed " meal at Vivo in Burton Latimer on July 25th, a popular change of venue, ample portions and very good value.

Group Leaders 1st July 2017 starts a new membership year so Group Leaders mustU

Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A. Ensure that you have:A written record showing your member’s name and CURRENT membership number. The name and telephone of each member’s “In Case of Emergency” contact. (ICE) The post code of your venue as this will be required by the emergency services if you need to call them.

The Hare at Loddington is the chosen venue for August, Tony Loft will be hosting this on Tuesday 29th August, please note this is the Tuesday after the Bank Holiday. Full details will be available at the August meeting if you would like to come along and join us and a chance to make new friends.

In order to join any U3A group, you must be a paid up member. You and your group leader will be covered by the U3A insurance. This cover indemnifies all U3A members against all sums you could become legally liable to pay as a result of: •

Accidental injury to or death of any person.

Accidental loss or damage to material property not belonging to you, which arises or is caused in connection with the ‘business’ of U3As.

Contact: Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716 maggi.mcguire@outlook.com or Sue Hart 01536 724 635 susan.hart123@btinternet.com Musical Circles 2 — "You don't hear that very often" was the theme for the meeting of Music Circles 2 in July. The theme arose naturally from the necessity by the compiler of the programme to reload his CD collection into iTunes on his computer because the catalogue had become corrupted. In the process of doing this the frequent thought was "I haven't played that for months/years" and so the idea developed. In fact, so many musical pieces fell into this category that there is likely to be a "You don't hear that very often - Part 2" and beyond. The programme consisted of Byrd's "Christus Resurgens", extracts from Boccherini's Guitar Quintet No.2, Grieg's "Det Syng" from Haugtusse, J.S. Bach's Trumpet Concerto in C, songs from Handel's "Ariodante" and "Rinaldo", a movement from Brahms' 4th Symphony, "Tenebrae Factus Sunt" by Gesualdo, "Pas Des Cymbales" by Chaminade, a piano sonata by John Field, a chorus from Berlioz' "Les Troyens", "Befiel Dem Engel" by Buxtehude, and concluding with Malcolm Arnold's "Fantasy For Brass Band". There will be no meeting in August. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 6th September at 2.00pm. Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725925 eileenm1935@gmail.com


Kettering U3A

Photography Group —

Spanish, Intermediate — The Spanish conversation group continues to meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Normally the teaching is a joint enterprise between Bob Thorogood and Bill Simon. We now meet at the Hertford Road Community centre. The room costs £10 per session so less than £1 each. As the rooms are currently being renovated, there will be no meeting until 23rd August. We use the book Pasos 2 which is for second level students and we are now well on the way to completing that. We are now really at full capacity but could start a waiting list for anyone who has a good level of understanding of the language.

Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711 976 trevor.rudkin@gmail.com Sing (and laugh) Out Loud is officially on Summer break, owing to the non-availability of the Timpson Lounge at Fuller Baptist Church. But thanks to the kindness of Marian and Ron Garrod we will be able to sing our hearts out at their home instead. “Autumn Term” recommences at Fuller on September 8that 10am, when we shall be turning our talents towards Christmas. Note that the Christmas Meeting with Carols will take place on December 19th.

Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650 551 bob@rltservices.co.uk Singing For Pleasure —

Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 marywildman365@gmail.com Stitchin' Time— Over the year, we have raised the sum of £40 at our monthly meetings. This has been donated to Cransley Hospice. We are a creative bunch, and have made a variety of garments, pictures, granny squares, during the year. The group is now filled to capacity. Contact:

Contact: Jill Dee

01536 514 054

Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197 Sugar Craft— If anyone who would like to learn, but feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results. Contact: Joan Allingham 01536 722 610


Kettering U3A

Walking Group - The walking group meets on the 1st Wednesday every month at different locations for a walk lasting 2 to 2½ hours starting at 10:00am. These walks are usually between 4 and 6 miles and taken at a relatively leisurely pace. The group generally end the walk with lunch at a local village pub. New members are very welcome; just call or email me using the contact details below. Our July walk started from The Hare Public House in Loddington with 15 of us setting out on a day that threatened rain which thankfully turned out to be just 3 minutes of drizzle. We left Loddington Village and headed out to Great Cransley across both arable and cattle populated fields and then on through the village to Cransley Wood. Here we took a path through the woods and then on to a dismantled mineral railway with some interesting wild flowers growing on the embankments and old track bed before passing the remains of Mawsley Lodge and then on to our start point and an excellent lunch. Despite the recent wet weather the ground conditions for our 5 mile walk were very good. Our next walk will be on Wednesday 6th September and will be announced by email the week before to all members of the group on my contact list as the starting location has not been fixed as yet. The usual email confirming arrangements will be sent to members of the walking group a week before the walk. If you are not on my list and you would like to join us please drop me an email or give me a call a few days before the walk. New members are welcome so for more details please contact the group co-ordinator

Wining and Dining -

Details of our meal in September will be available at the next U3A meeting Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515 730 cestrachan1@gmail.com

Writers Group— It’s wonderful how a small group of people can inspire each other. After critiquing our own writing (a story of an outing updated after previous feedback; a dryly humorous railway variation on this month’s proffered subject ‘Left on the bus’; and an analysis of a Neanderthal connection) we shared some creativity techniques. Techniques for overcoming writer’s block; techniques for developing a story; techniques for extending the imagination. It’s amazing how much can come from just a couple of hours in good company. We’ll meet as usual on the first Tuesday (5 September), at the usual time (from 2-4) and at the usual place (Kettering Library). You are welcome to just come along and join us, or you can bring some of your own writing with you to share. If you would like a subject, you can choose from ‘My First Memories’ or ‘Red Rag to a Bull’ though you are welcome to choose your own.

Contact: John Flower 01536 764 541 john@7678.co.uk Water Colour Painting Classes - We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from September to April. Our venue is at The Parish Hall, Market Place, Kettering, from 1.15pm - 3.15pm. SEPTEMBER 14TH, 28TH OCTOBER 12TH, 26TH NOVEMBER 9TH, 23RD DECEMBER 14TH (Last Class) (New classes for the Winter Term start again on 11th January 2018). If you are interested in joining us please get in touch Contact: Jo Beaver on 01933 224 474 beaver.jean@yahoo.co.uk or Barbara Goodall on 01536 523 259 barbiegood@aol.com

Contact: Tom Piercy 01536 712 581 tom@tom-and-ann.demon.co.uk


Kettering U3A

Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group Day No fixed day Gardening Heartbeat Monday Card Making Knit and Natter History






Ray Bradbury Bridget Ling

01536 516 587 01536 515 816

varies varies

varies varies

varies varies

01536 510 354 01536 523 867 01536 392 716 01536 725 925 01536 744 753 01536 711 976

Home 3rd Monday Home 1st & 3rd Mondays Counties CommunityCentre 1st Monday

10.00 – 12 noon 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.00pm

Family History Photography

Marian Tucker Annette Chidwick Maggi McGuire Eileen Mason Richard Boyles Trevor Rudkin

LDS Church, Rothwell Road 2nd Monday varies 1st Monday

2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm

English Studies

Mary Wildman

01536 741 222



2.00 – 4.00pm

Richard Boyles Richard Ling Maggi McGuire Sue Hart Joan Allingham Tom Piercy

01536 744 753 01536 515 816 01536 392 716 01536 724 635 01536 722 610 01536 712 581

Variable—check web site Parish Church Rooms varies

2nd Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 4th Tuesday

2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm varies

Home Kettering Library

weekly 1st Tuesday

1.30 – 4.00pm 2.00—4.00 pm

Maggi McGuire Eileen Mason Joe Fletcher Bob Thorogood Pauline Parkin Janet Flower Eileen Mason Jean Beaver John Flower Pauline Parkin Christine Strachan

01536 392 716 01536 725 925 01536 722 399 01933 650 551 01536 799 197 01536 764 541 01536 725 925 01933 224 474 01536 764 541 01536 799 197 01536 515 730


2nd Wednesday

10.00-12 noon

Home varies varies varies varies St.Andrews Church varies Home varies

Fortnightly 2nd & 4th Wednesday 4th Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1st Wednesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Wednesday

9.30 – 11.00 am 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 10.30—12 noon 10.00 start 2.00 - 4.00pm varies

Christine Strachan Derek Warren Mary Wildman Barbara Goodall Jo Beaver

01536 515 730 01536 518 560 01536 741 222 01536 523 259 01933 224 474

varies varies Home

3rd Thursday 2nd Thursday Fortnightly

2.00 – 4.00pm varies 10.00-12.00

Parish Church Rooms

2nd & 4th Thursdays

1.15 – 3.15pm

Mary Wildman Janet Chivers Michele Junin Alan Stephens

01536 741 222 01536 214 250 01536 671 971 01536 726 911

Fuller Church Kino Lounge, Market Place Travellers Room, at Station Pytchley Golf Club

Alternate Fridays 1st Friday 3rd Friday Every Friday

10.00-11.45 10.00 – 11.30am 2.00—4.00pm 1.00 – 4.00pm

Tuesday Computers Discussion Group Lunch Club Sugarcraft Writers Group Wednesday Creative Cards German Conversation Spanish Conversation Bookworms Looking at Churches Musical Circles 2 Country Dancing Walking Stitchin’ Time Wining & Dining Thursday Canals & Waterways Country Matters Busy Needles Water Colour Painting Friday Sing (& Laugh) Out Loud Friday Pop In French Conversation Golf

Meetings below with Ise Valley U3A The following groups are in conjunction with Ise Valley U3A Please contact group co-ordinator before joining a group Day







Margaret Hall

01536 512 215

Kettering Bridge Club




Isabel Collins

01536 520 971

Kettering Pool



Ballroom Dancing

Pat Johnson

01536 483 398

Singing For Pleasure

Jill Dee

01536 514 054


Friday 2nd & 4th Friday Fuller Church


Fortnightly Fridays



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