U3A Kettering Newsletter October 2017

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Kettering U3A

17th October 2017 Kettering U3A Year 14 Newsletter 4

Today SERV OBN Service by Emergency Rider Volunteers Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Berkshire Northamptonshire

From the Chairman—

HELP WANTED. NEW INTEREST GROUP OFFER. A LOOK FORWARD. These are this month’s headlines! First, extra hands are needed at the Check-in desk and also to Meet and Greet; we seem to be depleted in the latter area particularly, and would be very grateful for volunteers. Speak to Di if you can help. The Choir is rejoiced to have a new accompanist! However, a stand-in is still sought. Sherry Calvert has offered to lead an interest group in jewellery-making using beads. See inside for further details. Some years ago when we were still at Fuller Church, one of our monthly meeting was given over to a kind of “Show and Tell” event where members –some Group Leaders, some not – brought along items to exhibit their interests/ hobbies eg various crafts, water colours, things they collect etc. Those with saleable items, such as cards, were able to make a bob or two. We would like to hold another such event, perhaps also as a kind of open day, at the March meeting so are giving plenty of advance notice. If you’d like to take part and wish to book a table please let a committee member know by the New Year (the earlier, the better). Meanwhile New Members/ Group Leaders meeting is being planned for Thursday November 2nd at Fuller Church at 2pm. (And finally, contrary to rumour, I did not set the questions for the Quiz !!!.)

Mary November 21st GILBERT & SULIVAN by Bernard Lockett Registered Charity No. 1108614

www.u3aKettering.co.uk 1



Kettering U3A

Group Leaders Information • • • • • •

Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A. Ensure that you have:A written record showing your member’s name, address, telephone number and email address. The name and telephone of each member’s In Case of Emergency contact. (ICE) The post code of your venue as this will be required by the emergency services if you need to call them. Send articles, reports and photographs about your group to the Newsletter Editor. Copy deadline for the newsletter is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting. To put additional information and/or photographs on your Group’s web page on the Kettering U3A website, please email to the Web Master, Richard@Boyles.co.uk or send hardcopy to him. Advise the Group Coordinator of any changes to your group arrangements, e.g. venue, timing, etc.

Members Information Welcome to new members

Tim Chandler, Liz Allen and Richard Allen • • • • •

Advise the Membership Secretary, in writing, of any changes to your address, post code, telephone number or email address. If you are unable to attend your Group’s meeting, please advise your Group Leader in advance. If you know one of our members has a special occasion ahead, e.g. important birthday, anniversary or if they are ill and you feel a card from the U3A would be appreciated, please contact the secretary. Bring your membership card with you to the meeting and have it available for checking in. If you cannot get to the monthly meeting for any reasons, you can get a copy of the Newsletter from either Kettering Library or the Tourist Information desk, Manor House Museum, Kettering or from Desborough, Rothwell or Burton Latimer Libraries. Or via our postal service direct to your home (£10 per annum) Contact the Membership Secretary to do so. View & Download the newsletter (in glorious colour) from web site, www.U3AKettering.co.uk & click on Links. 2017

Dec 19 Carols

U3A Choir 2018 Jan 16 An Introduction to Glass Derek Hunt Feb 20 Treading The Boards Julie Hill Mar 20 Show and Tell U3A Members Apr 17 Dogs for good Speaker name tbc May15 Comedy Magic and Variety Dave Moylan Jun 19 Annual General Meeting Jul 17 The Vanishing Maid Servant Ian Keable Aug 21 Wildlife on your doorstep Tom Way Sep 18 Protecting Family Wealth Vicki Brown Oct 16 Rodgers and Hammerstein Tricia Thompson Nov 29 The Art of the Christmas Card Danny Wells Dec 18 U3A Christmas party

Your Kettering U3A Committee 2017-2018 Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Membership Secretary Treasurer Speaker Seeker Newsletter/Web site Groups Co-ordinator Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member

Mary Wildman Diane Tebbutt Chris Crick Marian Garrod Candice Rice Tony Loft Richard Boyles Sue Perkins Shirley Mepham Linda Tyrrell Peter Baker

01536 741 222 01536 392 556 01536 501 131 01536 519 528 01536 233 695 01536 685 166 01536 744 753 01536 519 438 01536 416 182 01536 683 947 07711 509 122 2

marywildman365@gmail.com di_tebbutt@hotmail.com chris.crick@hotmail.co.uk rmgarrod88@gmail.com vegaspond17@sky.com tonyloft@me.com richard@boyles.co.uk lazygirl_tresham@yahoo.co.uk lindaj.tyrrell@gmail.com pdbaker@btinternet.com

Kettering U3A

News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports NEW GROUP—Jewellery Making Using Beads — Sherry Calvert is offering to teach this craft to a maximum of 6 people; day and time to be arranged. If you are interested. Contact: Sherry Calvert 07722 407636 sherry_calvert@msn.com

Our next meeting at the Eden Centre, 21, Montagu Street, Kettering Format of the meeting:1.30 – Refreshments 50p Buy Lottery tickets Browse the group notices Chat Sign up to groups and trips 2.15— Chairman’s notices 2.30—3.30 Speaker 3.45 (approx) Meeting ends Wheelchair disabled access is available at the rear by phoning 01536 484 800 There is a hearing loop installed at the Eden Centre. You should sit near the sign on the left of the hall when looking towards the stage.

Bookworms — Because September is a busy month for holidays (when we all pack our reading in our suitcase to take away), we have not met this month. If there are any readers out there who would like to join us, we have space for one or two more.

Newsletter DEADLINE— is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting.


You can read and download the newsletter in FULL COLOUR from our internet page at

Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197

Basic Bridge & Scrabble - This group meets once a fortnight on a Thursday from 2pm until 4pm at Kettering Bridge Club in Field Street. The next two meetings will be on Thursday 26th October and 9th November. Everyone who wants to learn to play Bridge for fun is welcome, no prior knowledge of the game is needed.

www.U3AKettering.co.uk Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 richard@boyles.co.uk

ARE YOU A GROUP LEADER? Group leaders are required to do. 1.



The Scrabble Group meets at the same time and would welcome any new members. Please come along, join in the fun, try something new in a friendly atmosphere and meet new people.

Have a copy of your members “In Case Of Emergency” (ICE) details with you so you can contact family or friend Have the postcode location of your meeting so you can direct the 999 emergency services Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A so they are covered by the U3A insurance

Contact: Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 di_tebbutt@hotmail.com


Kettering U3A

Busy Needles and Banter — To see what we’ve lately been busy doing see the accompanying photos (on-line to get the full gorgeous effect). Mary has been industriously sorting and sewing squares, brought up from LfAM in Cardiff by Janet and her daughter, into 11 blankets edged by Marian and a further four finished off by Mary. Marian is still producing wonderful twiddle muffs for KGH and other gorgeous garments for tots have also been knitted by Di, Denise and a friend of Sue. Donations of wool, beads, buttons and bows etc are always welcome and much appreciated. Contact:

Creative Cards — The group had a nice sticky time putting together two Art Deco cards showing glamorous ladies, one of which was a bit fiddly and also a Get Well Soon card using Candi circles, artificial pearl drops and gems. It is amazing how quiet things become when the ladies are making their cards and the total concentration that takes place. At the October group meeting we will start making our Christmas Cards. The starting ones will be variations on Christmas Trees using coloured ribbons and paint sample sheets. We will continue to make different Christmas Cards at the November and December meetings, all of them totally different.

Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 marywildman365@gmail.com

Contact: Eileen Mason

01536 725 925 edmason5@yahoo.co.uk or Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716 maggi.mcguire@outlook.com

Country Matters — On Sept 14th fifteen members had a amble around Rushden Lakes Nature Reserve. Although it was quite nippy and breezy initially, the sun soon came out causing many to break out into a sweat !! Even after the recent rain the pathways were dry, and walking along the banks of the Nene was very pleasant. After the walk we all did our own thing, some going to the pub for lunch, others snacking in M & S. And of course some went shopping ! Thank you to all those who turned up for a most enjoyable morning out.

Card Making — Well we are keeping this group open. Drum roll please. I had a new member. Thank you Candice for joining us. We went back to basics of layering, glueing, mounting and most of all making a card. There was also lots of sharing of ideas, helping and following the "KISS rule" (keep it simple sweetheart) There is still room at the table if any members still wish to join this happy group. Just contact me. Oh yes can anyone please help me with my sewing machine. I am unable to sort out tension. There must be at least one member who can use a sewing machine and could help me. I await a wonderful response to my plea.


Contact: Marian Tucker 01536 510 354 mariantucker1954@gmail.com


Derek Warren 01536 518 560 derek@thewarrens.me.uk

Kettering U3A

Computer Group —

Canals & Waterways— We had a lovely time in Chatham. The 'boys' especially enjoyed the rope making. There was an outlet Center nearby with good restaurants and shopping which most of us took advantage of. Our planning meeting is on November 16th, please let Rachel or me know if you are attending plus your food choices. I shall also be at the October U3A meeting to take names and money. I am thinking of booking the Waterfront at Market Harborough for our Christmas lunch. It will be on Thursday 21st December, again I will be taking names at the next U3A meeting.

In September we moved to our new venue at the Counties Community Centre, 28 Hertford Road, Kettering NN15 6LG. The charge is £2 per person to cover room hire. Free on site parking. In the October meeting we learnt how to use Powerpoint to create presentations, certificates, posters, slide shows and much more. There are 97 people on the Computer Group e-mailing list and only 5 to 10 people regularly attend so I am editing the list. If you have not already done so, please e-mail me to say if you wish to remain on the list. I will delete any names from the list if you do not respond.

Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730 cestrachan1@gmail.com

More information and videos can be accessed from Computer Group link at

www.U3AKettering.co.uk Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail: richard@boyles.co.uk As always, you can email me for any computer related advice or problems. Discussion Group — Next meeting Tuesday Nov. 14th. at 2pm in the Parish Church Hall when the subject to be discussed will be "Kindness" There were only six members at the meeting in September. If you are thinking of leaving the group wiil you please let me know as there are others who have expressed an interest but I have had to tell them at the moment we have enough to fill the space in the small hall.

Contact: Richard Ling


01536 515 816 b_r_ling@hotmail.com

Kettering U3A

English Studies — Missed a session owing to a bout

Family History—In the October meeting I explained how DNA testing works with your Family History researching.

of “Trelawney’s Revenge” (from a suspect pastie??) suffered by Chris on return from Cornwall. However, by the time you read this we shall have started on King Lear.

Next meeting is 13 November. A workshop, so bring your Laptop & we'll help each other

Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 marywildman365@gmail.com English Country Dancing — We have started our Autumn sessions . All are welcome to join us at St. Andrew Hall for gentle exercise of body & mind. We meet on 2nd & 4th Weds. of each month 10.30-noon Contact:

We have plenty of space for new members to join so feel free to come along to

Jean Beaver 01933 224 474 beaver.jean@yahoo.co.uk

see if you like it. Meetings are held 2-4pm at the LDS Church, Rothwell Road, Kettering located between the crematorium and Brewers Fayre/Premier Inn. More details on the web site accesses from...

www.U3AKettering.co.uk Contact: Richard Boyles

01536 744 753 richard@boyles.co.uk

Friday Pop-In - I am writing this before the October Pop-In at the KINO, MARKET SQUARE, KETTERING. If you are new to Kettering U3A and not too sure what groups you wish to join, this monthly event is a good place to start. You will be made welcome and be able to ask other members about all the different groups listed in the News Letter. Dates: Fridays 3rd November & 1st December 2017 Time: 10 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.

French Conversation - Our next meeting: 27 October

Contact: Michele Junin 01536 671 971 m.p.junin@outlook.com

Contact: Janet Chivers 01536 214 250 janet.chivers@talk21.com 6

Kettering U3A

Gardening Group — The group is now taking its Winter Break, resuming in the Spring. Suggestions for activities next season always welcome.

History - We welcomed the return of Roy Smart to speak at the History Group at the beginning of October. Roy is an excellent speaker and really goes to town with his presentation setting the scene for the period with photographs and music. The subject of his talk was Amy Johnson – Wonderful Amy. We certainly found out all about her and her life. Certainly I was not aware of all that she had done. She was a British lass who was dissatisfied with the work that she was doing and decided she was going to learn to fly so she started with her flying lessons. Her teacher did not think she would ever qualify as she wasn’t particularly good but she persevered and eventually qualified to fly although she was not particularly good at landing planes and frequently got lost whilst flying. After hearing that another pilot had achieved the first single pilot flight across the Atlantic, Amy decided that she would take to the skies and be the first female pilot to fly from England to Australia. She was sponsored by Castrol and without a lot of planning she set off on her trip and amazingly she completed the flight landing near Darwin in the Northern Territories of Australia. This was worldwide news and she was feted in Australia. touring round the country and becoming famous throughout the world. On her return to the UK she became a celebrity, became a friend of Amelia Earhart and became a member of the upper social crowd. She married an Australian who was also an Award winning pilot but it was not a happy marriage. He was an alcoholic and eventually they split up after setting up a number of joint flying records. Very patriotic, she joined the Air Transport Services during the war and along with older male pilots and other female pilots, she transported planes from the manufacturers to the airfields and from one airfield to another. One day she was required to fly a plane from an airfield near Blackpool to Kidlington Air Field. The weather was terrible and she was advised by her boss not to fly but she insisted on setting off. This she did but there were concerns when she did not get to Kidlington within the hour that the trip should have taken. Out in the Thames Estuary, just off Southend on Sea, a plane was spotted by the Captain of the HMS Haslemere. The plane was flying low and eventually it was seen to crash into the water. The Captain thought he saw a body and stripping off his uniform he dived into the water to try and save the person. Despite his efforts he was unsuccessful and he was retrieved from the freezing cold water after a lengthy period in the sea. Unfortunately he died the next day owing to the freezing cold water. ...continued on next page

Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516 587 prbrad@live.co.uk Golf — Our regular group meets at 1.30 pm Fridays at Pytchley Golf Club still seems to be the most popular time !! Contact: Alan Stephens 01536 726 911 or 07931 637 660 alanstephens26@outlook.com German Basic Conversation —

Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722 399

Heartbeat— David Clayton has taken up the reins of the Heartbeat Group. On Monday 9th October nine members had a brisk walk around Cranford. We met, and finished up, at the Old Forge tearooms where we had much needed refreshment after our exercise. It also gave us the opportunity to have a chat about the group in general. Being a new recruit this was very helpful ! So much so that I came away as the new group leader. It was decided that the group will now meet monthly on the second Monday morning of each month at 10-00am.

Next meetings Nov 13th AND Dec 11th at The Old Forge Cranford start 10-00am. A programme for next year will be posted in the near future, and we will then vary the location a little more. Contact: David Clayton 01536 520965 clayton472@btinternet.com Knit and Natter - We are still busy completing our nativity figures and we have had a stable made for them, photos to be in the next report. If anyone has any wool to spare it would be gratefully received. If you have any I would be pleased to come and pick it up. Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867 annette.chidwick@tiscali.co.uk 7

Kettering U3A

History - ...continued It was agreed that the it was Amy Johnson’s plane pilot but neither she nor the plane were ever found. The only item that was found was a tan bag containing items belonging to Amy. It was thought that Amy, who never listened to anyone’s advice, had set off and had unfortunately got lost- which was not unusual – flew around trying to get her hearings and using up her fuel and the plane had run out of fuel over the Thames Estuary. The subject of the meeting at the beginning of November will be the Northamptonshire Witch Trials. Spooky.

Looking at Churches — Twelve of us visited St. Michael and All Angels, a 13th century church which stands above the village of Wadenhoe on the 20th September. We were given a short visual presentation showing maps of Wadenhoe, from 1791 and 1793. The watermill still exists. However there are only the remains of the windmill now. The maps were drawn up by the local land owner Thomas Hunt. Sadly Thomas and his new bride Caroline were shot dead on their honeymoon in Italy by bandits in 1824 and there is a memorial tablet in the church. Wadenhoe also had an enclosed deer park where the village now stands. Over the centuries there was a laundry near the dovecote and also a gas works which lit the streets and some houses but it was no longer in use after World War I. An area close to the village was used as a bombing range in the 1950’s!! One of the stained glass windows in the North Aisle is in memory of George Ward Hunt who served as Chancellor in the Disraeli government in 1868, was MP for Kettering and was also a second sea lord. During his spell in government he was keen for women to get the vote all those years before it actually happened, and that new born babies should be provided with milk. The font is 13th century, the pulpit 18th century, the pews in the aisles are probably 16th century and the church has six bells. Below are details of our forthcoming visits:Wednesday 18th October The church of St. Leonard Glapthorn (Main Street PE8 5BE). There will be a short talk by one of the churchwardens. The donation will be £2.00 per person. Wednesday 15th November The church of St. Nicholas Marston Trussell (Main Street LE16 9TY) with refreshments afterwards in the village hall. The donation will be £4.00 per person. There will be no visits in December 2017 or January 2018. I will email all members of the group on my contact list a week to ten days before a visit to ascertain numbers together with any additional or a change of information.

Contact: Eileen Mason

01536 725 925 edmason5@yahoo.co.uk or Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716 maggi.mcguire@outlook.com

Contact: Janet Flower 01536 764 541 janet@jf7678.co.uk


Kettering U3A

Lunch Club - The Lunch Club had a very enjoyable and convivial lunch at the Old Friar in Twywell The lunch was organised by Marian Tucker and our thanks to her for having volunteered to do this and for sorting out all the arrangements and menu. We had three new members, two of whom had rejoined the Kettering U3A following a few years break and we were very pleased to see all three of them and hope they will continue to join us. It is very pleasant to go out to lunch at different venues and to enjoy the meal in good company. If any new or longer term members of the U3A would like to come along and have a go you will be very welcome. The venue for the October lunch will be a return to Samuel Pepys in Slipton. We were all disappointed when Samuel Pepys suddenly closed last Christmas but it was reopened in April under new management and has gradually increased its provision. The lunch is being organised by Trish Goldsack and Jackie Brown, who have sampled the menu and were very pleased with the menu and service. If you would like to join us, please come to the Lunch Club table at the monthly meeting to book your place and choose your food.

Musical Circles 2 —

Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725925 eileenm1935@gmail.com Photography Group — Today we held the final meeting of the Photography Group. The attendance at meetings this year has been low, with only two at the last meeting. This is not a good use of my time and energy so, with some regret, I informed the three members who turned up today that there would be no more meetings of this group. It would seem that there is not sufficient demand within the Kettering U3A for photographic training at the level I wish to offer.

Contact: Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716 maggi.mcguire@outlook.com or Sue Hart 01536 724 635 susan.hart123@btinternet.com

Christmas Lunch

Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711 976 trevor.rudkin@gmail.com

5th December 2017 Places can now be booked for the Christmas Lunch which will be held at The Stirrup Cup in Barton

A theatrical performance called Eleanor Longshanks which is about the life of Queen Eleanor of Castile. As you may well know, she died in Harby near Lincoln in 1290 and it took 12 overnight stops for her body to reach London for burial. In the places her body rested, her widower Edward I, erected memorials to her, known as the Eleanor Crosses and our show tours the route of these crosses.

Seagrave (Woodlands Road) on the 4th December. The cost is £19.95 for a four course lunch including tea and coffee and you will be able to choose your menu from a variety of dishes from Starters to the Main course to the Dessert with mince pies at the end with your tea and coffee. Please come along to the Lunch Club table at the monthly meeting to book your place and choose your menu. The organiser for this event is Elizabeth York ably assisted by Kathleen Alton and they will be delighted to see you.

Local performances: Stamford on Thursday Geddington on Saturday Delapre Abbey on Sunday

30th Nov 2nd Dec 3rd Dec

More detail at www.eleanorlongshanks.co.uk


Kettering U3A

Painting & Drawing Classes - We have re-named the Water Colour Painting Class to read "Painting & Drawing Classes". It will be known as the above heading from now on as this makes the scope of our classes clearer. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from September to April. Our venue is at The Parish Hall, Market Place, Kettering, from 1.15 - 3.15pm. OCTOBER 12TH, 26TH NOVEMBER 9TH, 23RD DECEMBER 14TH (last class) (New classes for the Winter Term start again on 11th January 2018).

Sing (and laugh) Out Loud Though sad to see Maddie go, the Choir is very lucky indeed to welcome Norah as our accompanist. We would still be very grateful to have a stand-in for those occasions when Norah may not be able to make it to rehearsal. We have lately been practising carols, new or less familiar to members, with a verve that delights. Nigh on two dozen voices that all told me when they joined that they “hadn’t sung for years”, “were croaky”, “couldn’t sing”!, now reach notes they thought unattainable and sing with roof-raising welly or lullabies so pianissimo I get goose bumps. Proud? You bet I am.. Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 marywildman365@gmail.com Stitchin' Time— It was a very small group that met up this month in my conservatory, looking like a children's nursery with the dolls, pushchairs and bricks. This small group were learning new skills such as knitting unicorns, making crochet buttons and sharing our ideas. We always seem to leave with more than we started with. I gained some wonderful twiddle muffs for the hospital, another lady left with bags of blankets to be taken to Cardiff and another gained some crochet buttons. Tea and cake was provided and an enjoyable afternoon had by all. Contact:

Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197

Spanish, Intermediate — The Spanish conversation group continues to meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Normally the teaching is a joint enterprise between Bob Thorogood and Bill Simon. We now meet at the Hertford Road Community centre. The room costs £10 per session so less than £1 each. We will be starting a new book – ‘Enjoy Spanish’ in October. We could accommodate up to two more students but they would need a fairly good level of understanding of the language. Anyone interested should come along for a trial session to see if it is the correct level for them.

Free car parking is next to The Parish Hall, and the church grounds may also be used. Our pictures this month are members of the Autumn Term class:- If you are interested in joining the above classes please get in touch with either Jo or Barbara. Contact: Jo Beaver on 01933 224 474 beaver.jean@yahoo.co.uk or Barbara Goodall on 01536 523 259 barbiegood@aol.com

Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650 551 bob@rltservices.co.uk 10

Kettering U3A

Wining and Dining - Details of the next dinner will be available at the next U3A meeting

Singing For Pleasure — It was great to be back singing again after the long (it seemed) Summer break. A quick catch-up with everyone and then it was back to choosing the songs for our Winter/ Christmas selection. After a long stint at sorting out venues for our `concerts’, Joy Morson has stood down and we are looking for someone to take over from her. Many thanks to Joy for all the hard work she has put in. We are all looking forward to learning new songs and enjoying our singing. Contact: Jill Dee

01536 514 054

Sugar Craft— If anyone who would like to learn, but feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results.

Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515 730 cestrachan1@gmail.com Writers Group— Hilarity? You should have been at our October meeting! We had stories of missing dentures (don’t ask!) and the tale of Little Red Riding Hood[ie] was brought up-to-date with an after-thewatershed version which had us in tears—of laughter. In complete contrast, we also had suppressed tears— of sadness—in a haiku on the death of a younger sibling. If

Contact: Joan Allingham 01536 722 610 Walking Group - The walking group meets on the 1st Wednesday every month at different locations for a walk lasting 2 to 2½ hours starting at 10:00am. These walks are usually between 4 and 6 miles and taken at a relatively leisurely pace. The group generally end the walk with lunch at a local village pub. New members are very welcome; just call or email me using the contact details below. Our September walk started from The Queen’s Head Public House in Nassington. Just 6 of us setting out on a pleasant autumnal day for a 6½ mile trip leaving the village of Nassington in a westerly direction over fields Ring Haw, a Wildlife Trust woodland and then on through Old Sulehay forest , also maintained by the Wildlife Trust and into the village of Wansford. From here we took the Nene Valley way south to Yarwell and back into Nassington. The weather remained kind for the morning and we had an enjoyable lunch. Ground conditions for our walk were very good with virtually no muddy patches. Our next walk will be on Wednesday 4th October and will be announced by email the week before to all members of the group on my contact list as the starting location has not been fixed as yet. If you are not on my list and you would like to join us please drop me an email or give me a call a few days before the walk.

you keep a journal, write stories for your grandchildren, or simply write for the pleasure of it, you are welcome to come along and join our supportive, friendly group. You are welcome just to watch and observe or you can take part and bring some of your own writing with you to share. Choose your own subject, or bring your thoughts on ‘Fireworks’. We’ll meet as usual on the first Tuesday (7 November), at the usual time (from 2-4) and at the usual place (Kettering Library). See you there! Contact: Tom Piercy 01536 712 581 tom@tom-and-ann.demon.co.uk

Contact: John Flower 01536 764 541 john@7678.co.uk 11

Kettering U3A

Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group Day No fixed day Gardening Monday Card Making Knit and Natter History Family History Photography Heartbeat English Studies Tuesday Computers Discussion Group Lunch Club Sugarcraft Writers Group Wednesday Creative Cards German Conversation Spanish Conversation Bookworms Looking at Churches Musical Circles 2 Country Dancing Walking Stitchin’ Time Wining & Dining Thursday Canals & Waterways Country Matters Basic Bridge & Scrabble Busy Needles Painting and Drawing Friday Sing (& Laugh) Out Loud Friday Pop In French Conversation Golf






Ray Bradbury

01536 516 587




Marian Tucker Annette Chidwick Maggi McGuire Eileen Mason Richard Boyles Trevor Rudkin David Clayton Mary Wildman

01536 510 354 01536 523 867 01536 392 716 01536 725 925 01536 744 753 01536 711 976 01536 520 965 01536 741 222

Home 3rd Monday Home 1st & 3rd Mondays Counties CommunityCentre 1st Monday

10.00 – 12 noon 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.00pm

LDS Church, Rothwell Road varies varies Home

2nd Monday 1st Monday Monthly Fortnightly

2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 2.00 – 4.00pm

Richard Boyles Richard Ling Maggi McGuire Sue Hart Joan Allingham Tom Piercy

01536 744 753 01536 515 816 01536 392 716 01536 724 635 01536 722 610 01536 712 581

Variable—check web site Parish Church Rooms varies

2nd Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 4th Tuesday

2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm varies

Home Kettering Library

weekly 1st Tuesday

1.30 – 4.00pm 2.00—4.00 pm

Maggi McGuire Eileen Mason Joe Fletcher Bob Thorogood Pauline Parkin Janet Flower Eileen Mason Jean Beaver John Flower Pauline Parkin Christine Strachan

01536 392 716 01536 725 925 01536 722 399 01933 650 551 01536 799 197 01536 764 541 01536 725 925 01933 224 474 01536 764 541 01536 799 197 01536 515 730


2nd Wednesday

10.00-12 noon

Home varies varies varies varies St.Andrews Church varies Home varies

Fortnightly 2nd & 4th Wednesday 4th Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1st Wednesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Wednesday

9.30 – 11.00 am 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 10.30—12 noon 10.00 start 2.00 - 4.00pm varies

Christine Strachan Derek Warren Diane Tebbutt Mary Wildman Barbara Goodall Jo Beaver

01536 515 730 01536 518 560 01536 392 556 01536 741 222 01536 523 259 01933 224 474

varies varies Kettering Bridge Cub Home

3rd Thursday 2nd Thursday Fortnightly Fortnightly

2.00 – 4.00pm varies 2.00—4.00pm 10.00-12.00

Parish Church Rooms

2nd & 4th Thursdays

1.15 – 3.15pm

Mary Wildman Janet Chivers Michele Junin Alan Stephens

01536 741 222 01536 214 250 01536 671 971 01536 726 911

Fuller Church Kino Lounge, Market Place Travellers Room, at Station Pytchley Golf Club

Alternate Fridays 1st Friday 3rd Friday Every Friday

10.00-11.45 10.00 – 11.30am 2.00—4.00pm 1.00 – 4.00pm

Meetings below with Ise Valley U3A The following groups are in conjunction with Ise Valley U3A Please contact group co-ordinator before joining a group Day







Margaret Hall

01536 512 215

Kettering Bridge Club




Isabel Collins

01536 520 971

Kettering Pool



Ballroom Dancing

Pat Johnson

01536 483 398

Singing For Pleasure

Jill Dee

01536 514 054


Friday 2nd & 4th Friday Fuller Church


Fortnightly Fridays



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