U3A Kettering Newsletter March 2014

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Kettering U3A March 2014

18th March 2014 Kettering U3A Year 10 Newsletter 08 Today — 18th March Something completely different - NO SPEAKER Members and Groups will tell us all about their hobbies/interests.

From the Chairman Spring is here (well almost!) and this is usually a sign of change for all manner of things. Here at U3A we are also experiencing change – today’s meeting is departing from the usual format of having a speaker slot and getting members/groups sharing their interests/hobbies with us. I hope you all find it enjoyable and perhaps one or two new interest groups might be formed. As well as new beginnings this time of year is also the time for looking forward and making plans for later on in the year. For U3A this is when we start thinking about the upcoming AGM (June) and membership renewals. This year there will be some critical vacancies on the Committee (full details will be in the April Newsletter) and it’s never too early to start thinking about standing for a vacancy! Please give it some thought and if you are interested please talk to any Committee member about the situation. We will also be reviewing our Membership fees but no decisions have yet been made, although we may need to increase the charge for posting the Newsletter due to the recent announcement from Royal Mail. No matter what the outcome we will ensure that any increase is kept to a minimum and Kettering U3A continues to offer excellent value for money.

Cyril Next Month — 15th April Antiques Roadshow by James Burton Registered Charity No. 1108614

Please bring along an object to be appraised 1 www.u3asites.org.uk/kettering

Kettering U3A

March 2014

Members & Group Leaders Information Our next meeting

Monthly Meeting Dates & Speakers

at the Fuller Church, Gold St. Kettering Format of the meeting:15th Apr 20th May 17th Jun 15th Jul 19th Aug 16th Sep 21st Oct 18th Nov 16th Dec

1.30pm Hall open Tea/coffee & biscuits available Time to browse the groups and sign up for a visit. 2.15pm - 2.30pm U3A notices. 2.30pm—3.30pm Speaker 3.30pm (approx.) another opportunity to sign up for a visit and time to renew membership.

Antique Roadshow. James Burton Vulcan To The Sky Annual General Meeting TBA TBA TBA Rutland Osprey by Tim Mackrill Every Picture Tells A Story. Mike Leonard Christmas Special

YOUR U3A NEEDS YOU ! Refreshment Rota Terry Young is our refreshment organiser and she will keep the contents of the refreshments up to date. There is no need to bring milk and biscuits. There is no washing up! If your group is assisting please be there by 1.15pm to help set-up


This month it is


Knit & Natter Photography TBA Water Colour Painting Canals & Waterways Writers Group Bridge Discussion Christmas Meeting

New Committee Members Needed Come and join your Committee

You will be reminded by e-mail prior to your allocated meeting date Please note— Should you foresee any problems please contact Terry Young ASAP Tel: 01536 392 065 E-mail c.young590@ntlworld.com Normal charges are:TEA/COFFEE with biscuits


SQUASH (on request)


You can view the newsletter in glorious colour on the internet at

Job Description :- Member of Kettering U3A, eager to work, enthusiastic, willing to help and advise, bring new ideas and to keep your Kettering U3A running. Please fill in a nomination form and return to the Secretary.


If there is no committee there is no Kettering U3A



Kettering U3A March 2014

Welcome To New Members Tim Collins Jenny Cunningham Liz Aitken Philippa Richardson Tony Roberts Audrey Ormshaw Elaine Warren Chris Warren

Don’t forget that if you can’t get to the meeting you can: ♦ ♦ ♦

collect a Newsletter from either the Library or Tourist Information counter at Kettering Museum. use our postal service, cost £4.25 for half year. Ask the membership secretary for details. download the newsletter from the web site, www.u3asites.org.uk/kettering and click on Links

To All Members Unable to attend your group meeting? Please remember to advise your Group Leader as this will assist your leader in all arrangements. Thank you.

If you are aware of anything affecting one of our members, such as an important birthday, anniversary, illness, etc. and feel that a card from U3A would be appreciated, please contact:- Joan Rolfe 01536 521 531

To All Group Leaders From the Committee Please check that any member of your group is actually a member of the U3A. This is important because of insurance implications. Group Leaders know the Post Code

of your venue. The emergency services will ask for it in order

to despatch an ambulance without delay.

Group Coordinator Message I was sad to receive Rosemary Cooke's resignation as Lunch club group leader and would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for her long-serving leadership of this group. Fortunately we already have a new leader for the group and I take this opportunity to welcome and thank Glynis Hall for filling the role. I am looking forward to enjoying Ray Bradley's practical gardening presentation in April I am sure it will be well attended.

Web Master If you wish me to put additional information and/or photographs relating to your Groups on the Kettering U3A Website, please let me have this either via email to Richard@Boyles.co.uk or by letting me have hardcopy. It would also be useful if I could have your permission to quote your email address. There is not only a list of Groups on the Website, but each Group also has its own page for the purpose of displaying both information and photographs. At present I have been able to include photographs for some Groups, which is due to the efforts of their Group Leaders. Richard Boyles - Kettering U3A Web Master News Letter Editor Copy deadline 10 days before monthly meeting: Saturday 5th April 2014 Members photos, drawings, cartoons, poems etc. are all welcome. I will publish if space permits.

Your Kettering U3A Committee 2013-2014 Chairman Vice Chairman Treasurer/Membership Sec. Secretary Outings/Groups Co-ordinator Speaker Secretary Newsletter Committee Member (Co-opted)

Cyril Young 01536 392 065 Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716 Marian Tucker 01536 510 354 Maureen Curd 01832 732 361 Vacant Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 Elizabeth Toseland ———3

c.young590@ntlworld.com marywildman@uwclub.net patricia.mcguire7@ntlworld.com mariantucker1954@gmail.com mcurd@btinternet.com richard@boyles.co.uk —————-

Kettering U3A

March 2014

Visits and Events Due to the cancellations and disappointments experienced in 2013 I have decided to use RB Travel for some visits. This does mean that we will share with the general public for some trips. I have tried to take note of the suggested trips and will endeavour to revert to our normal practise for bookings in the future. Meanwhile we will have a deadline for payment and as the following trip information shows we have a cut-off date. Cheques should be made payable to U3A Kettering No. 2 A/C

Trips & Visits

“Health” Warning

Wednesday 16 April 15 seats held Windsor Castle.


Thursday 14th August 15 seats held London.


Sunday 31 August 15 seats held Buckingham Palace (Includes afternoon tea cruise )


Tuesday 09 Sept. 9 seats only held Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey)


These days most people* use a computer. Your data and photographs are at risk unless you take a few simple precautions as below. ALWAYS run an UP TO DATE Virus scanning program ALWAYS make backup copies of your data and photos ALWAYS run the Windows/Apple security updates WARNING from Microsoft that Windows XP will no longer be supported after 8th April 2014.

These trips are inclusive of return coach fare and entry fees where needed. Also they have various pick up points. THE DOWNSIDE IS THAT WE HAVE CUTOFF ON 19 MARCH. This means you only have today to make a decision!!!!! I am currently negotiating for the popular idea of a trip to Hampton Court Palace & Gardens on Thursday 05 June. Details to follow.

One of the reasons that Microsoft is keen to stop people using XP is because it is feared that once the security updates stop, anyone still using XP will be a tempting target for hi-tech thieves. This was especially true given the work that Microsoft had done to harden more recent versions of Windows against attack. "It's got harder for the bad guys to come up with working exploits for more modern Windows platforms".

In future theatre bookings will be arranged by the newly formed theatre group. You will find the details of this group later in the newsletter.

Windows 7 and 8 now employ several different techniques that hide the internal workings of the operating system from attackers. Cybercriminals keen to steal data or compromise machines often get a foothold by exploiting a problem in an application such as a web browser. Then they piggyback on the access that application has to a PC's memory to burrow their way in deeper. If you have any questions please contact Richard Boyles for advice. If you are planning to upgrade or buy a new computer I recommend Kettering Laptops, 37 Victoria Street who are very helpful and will even set up your computer in your home for you. * SOURCE: Office For National Statistics say in 2013 83% of UK households have internet access and 73% of the adult population use the Internet every day.

Weston by Welland Church by Alan Robinson 4

Kettering U3A March 2014

News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports Bookworms — At our next meeting, we will prepare a wish list for the books members wish to read in 2014. We would like one or two new members to join us. We are a friendly group, and books are chosen by members. Over the past 18 months, new authors have been introduced and our range is fairly eclectic.

Canals & Waterways — I would like to thank the group for the beautiful picture they gave me of Market Harborough canal basin. It was a lovely surprise. At our last meeting we enjoyed another talk by Mary Matts on flowers of the canals. Mary is a wonderful speaker with a great knowledge of the canals. Her talk also included anecdotes of her first experiences of canals. Our next meeting is on Thursday 20th March 11.0am at the Museum Stoke Bruerne. For early birds we shall have coffee followed by a walk with lunch at the pub afterwards. For those of you who are joining us in Wales in May, Cathy has booked the boat trip for Wednesday 21st. I shall also try and book somewhere for dinner on that day. If you are interested in joining us on any of our trips please let me know. Contact:

Contact: Pauline Parkin 01536 799197 Card Making 1 — How nice it was to be back card making with my friends on Tuesday and Wednesday. We managed to get caught up with all the news as well as making a selection of different cards. We had Mothering Sunday, lots of Easter eggs as well as Anniversary and Birthday cards. What a group of talented people. I would like to stress that although several of our cards will be on show at the next meeting, this is in no way a recruitment drive. The group is full with a waiting list. A big thank you goes to Marian Tucker for holding the fort in my absence. The next meetings are on April 1st and 2nd, usual time and place.

Christine Strachan 01536 515730 ce.strachan1@ntlworld.com

Contact: Mary Earl 01536 522456

A Good Read — New members welcome. Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723380

Bridge - We have a very friendly Bridge group who meet every Friday afternoon. If you can play Bridge but perhaps have not done so for a little while then please come and join us. I must say, however, that we do not teach it and therefore you must have some knowledge of the game to be able to join. You would be made very welcome. We start each Friday at 1.30pm at the Bridge Club in Field Street and we pay £2 each week and for that you get good company, a very interesting game and refreshments.

Card Making 2 — At our February meeting we prepared cards for our table at the March monthly meeting. Our March Group meeting is on the 24th, which is a change from the scheduled programme. As mentioned last month, I am stepping down as Group Leader after our March meeting and Marian Tucker has very kindly agreed to take over, with Maggi McGuire’s help, for which I thank them. My “students” are a lovely group of people and I have enjoyed their lively company and sharing my knowledge with them. A huge thank you to them all! Contact: Freda Smith 01536 482 368 Marian Tucker 01536 510 354 mariantucker1954@gmail.com See many more pictures on the U3A web site

Contact: Sue Macfarlane 01536 523754 5

Kettering U3A

Computer Group — The beginners classes are progressing slowly and we have just completed Word Processing. The next session in managing your Photographs where we will learn how to download from the camera to the computer. Organise the photographs into logical groups and rename them in batches so you will never lose another picture.

March 2014

Country Matters — Our walk in February was at East Carlton Country Park when we were exceptionally lucky with the weather – practically ‘wall-to-wall’ sunshine! The snowdrops were at their best and we also spotted a good clump of winter aconites – a cheerful yellow flower at this time of the year. Afterwards, quite a few of us enjoyed a meal in the Royal George pub in Cottingham.

Beginners session 11 will focus on using E-mail. Replying correctly and attaching documents and pictures to your e-mails. We will also look at Windows Live E-mail and other FREE goodies from Microsoft. Please check Computer Group’s internet site for updates. www.U3AComputerGroup.co.uk We cover all versions of Windows and Apple Mac. All subjects will be covered as we progress in a slow, step by step way. Each lesson is fully supported by a detailed hand-out sheet to take home and some online video tutorials. Our March meeting will already have taken place by the time the magazine is in print so our April meeting will be on 10 April at 10.30 am in the car park of the Shuckburgh Arms in Southwick for a stroll in the woods. Look forward to seeing you all there.

More information is on the Computer Group’s internet site below including the revised timetable.

BEGINNERS COURSE New members are welcome. E-mail Richard or just turn up


11 Mar Beginners 09 - Word Processing part 2 25 Mar Beginners 10 - Manage Photographs 08 Apr Beginners 11 - E-Mail and Windows Live 22 Apr Beginners 12 - (TBC)

Derek Warren 01536 518 560 derek@thewarrens.me.uk

Discussion Group — A very big thank you goes to Glynis Hall and Annette Chidwick for running the group during my holiday. I was very grateful. We had a great holiday but were pleased to come back to see everyone. I am looking forward to the Discussion Group on Tuesday when the topic will be "Should History be taught to GCSE level in schools". The next meeting will be on April 8th in The Parish Church Rooms from 2pm to 4pm. Topic to be arranged. Parking is available next to the hall.

Full details and up to date schedule at www.U3AComputerGroup.co.uk Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 e-mail: Richard@Boyles.co.uk

Contact: Mary Earl on 01536 522456 French —

Please ring me if you are interested in brushing up your knowledge of the language. Contact: Diana Ellis 01536 723380

Friday Pop-in -

We meet at the Toller Church rooms 10 – 11.30 on the first Friday of every month. New members please come and join us for coffee, exchange of books, magazines and local news. We need your support. Contact: Sue Hince 01536 521023


Kettering U3A March 2014

Gardening Group —Monday 14 April at the Fuller Baptist Church, from 2 until 4pm. An afternoon devoted to the Fuchsia, with an explanation of its origins, types and culture. A practical demonstration of taking cuttings, their aftercare, planting out in the garden or in pots and what to do to make the best of this magnificent flower. A small charge will be made to cover the cost of the room hire. Refreshments available. Advance notice. Sunday 1st June, Finedon Gardens Group Opening 6 miles SE of Kettering From 2 to 6pm. Four gardens open under the NGS with a combined admission charge of £3.50. All four gardens are different from vegetables to flowers. Plants for sale at some locations, generally wheelchair friendly, with an offer of refreshments at a KU3A member’s house in Finedon. Further details in next months newsletter.

Heartbeat— Walking at a pace to suit you! Step into spring and join us for just 30 mins. Walk, then enjoy a coffee. The spring group walk will be 7th April 2014 10.00 am. Meeting outside the Coffee Shop, Cranford. Looking forward to seeing new and existing members. Contact: Bridget Ling 01536 414810 Italian Classes — One Italian class is running. If there is anyone else interested please contact: John Sellick 01536 517 878 montemassi@talktalk.net Lunch Club — Rosemary says “a big thank you to all members of the Lunch Club for their support to me over the years.”

Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516587 As most people will know by now I have taken over the reins of the Lunch Club. A huge Thank You to Rosemary from all lunch members for heading the group for so long and so well. The lunch at the Red Lion in February was thoroughly enjoyed by all 34 of us, if the noise level was anything to go by. It was very

German–1 Basic Conversation — This established group for Basic German Conversation is now FULL Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722 399 German-2 Conversation for Absolute Beginners—The established group for basic German Conversation remains oversubscribed so this new group for absolute beginners has been formed and is now also FULL. This group meets on Wednesdays 1.30 to 3.00pm fortnightly. Contact: Joe Fletcher 01536 722 399 Golf — As you may imagine from the weather it hasn`t been the best playing conditions. However several of us turned out most weeks with some surprisingly good scores !! Pytchley like many other courses had a ban on trolleys so it meant carrying your clubs. However from a positive prospective it was good exercise and maybe some may continue using this method when the weather eventually improves whenever that may be !! As usual we meet just after 1pm on Fridays and 9 holes takes under 2 hours so it doesn`t take up too much of the day. There`s a well earned tea or coffee or even a beer afterwards during which we itemise our brilliance on certain holes played and our determination to even improve on for next week !! We would really like to see additional members so that in the summer we can arrange several competitions. So why not give me a call or just turn up at Pytchley on Fridays?

nice to see so many faces. What I wanted to say at the lunch but didn't find the opportunity, was many thanks to those who have offered to help in the months ahead. The March lunch will be organised by Christine Foley tel:- 01536 744033 and will be at the Thornhill Arms Rushton on Tuesday 25th March. As we all know these offers to host are very vital to the sustainability of the Lunch Club which we all enjoy. At the March U3A meeting I will leave a note book on the table, please put your name in the book and your telephone number if you would consider doing it at some point, but are not sure just how or when. It would also be helpful to write down any venues you think would be a good idea or indeed any venues you think are worth a re-visit. The note book will be there each month, or you can contact me.

Contact: Alan Stephens 01536 726 911 or 07931 637 660 or alanstephens26@yahoo.com

Contact: Glynis Hall 01536 516249 or glynis.john@o2.co.uk


Kettering U3A

Safe Driving—Driving should be a pleasant and enjoyable experience that enables us to make the most of life, but it can also be stressful and even dangerous. A variety of reasons, including a loss of confidence, health problems or bereavement can result in older drivers having problems with driving. If you’ve got any concerns about you’re driving, we’d be pleased to help. To find out more about the Safe Driving Group, please contact either Roy or Steve. Steve Clorley Email: stephen.clorley@yahoo.com Telephone: 01832 732342 or 07973 624815 Roy Franklin Email: r.franklin672@btinternet.com Telephone: 01536 482808 or 07751 106617 Knit and Natter - Although Christmas is a long way off some us are knitting figures for a Nativity scene requested by the church Janet attends. Although we are full at the moment, if anyone would like to start another group we would be happy for them to come and see what we get up to.

March 2014

Looking at Churches — In February we went to Weston by Welland to a pretty country church built of multi coloured stone. An added bonus of visiting village churches is that, if the weather is fine, we have a lovely drive through the countryside to get to them. Our guide had set up a photographic exhibition of how the church once looked, and described all the restoration work which had been done in the last 200 years. In 1849 it was described as an ancient dilapidated structure, but in 1866 the church was almost rebuilt at the expense of the vicar & local wealthy landowners. There are some very colourful stained glass windows and an unusual baptismal font which opens at the front. The clock mechanism is rare as it is the only one in the country which is a replica of Big Ben, although the face is different. Our next church is BRAMPTON ASH on Wednesday March 19th at 2.0pm. It stands on a busy road, so it is best to park with your back to the church, facing the road. April will be our EVENING visit to the Hindhu Mandir in Mill Road, Wellingborough NN8 1PE. This is on Wednesday April 16th at 6.30pm Contact: Janet Clements 01536 507721 or janet.clements@ntlworld.com Weston by Welland Church by Alan Robinson

Some of the knit and natter ladies enjoying a cup of coffee and a chat. Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523867

Musical Circles 1— Due to illness, holidays and hospital appointments we had to cancel our February session but we are looking forward to our next meeting which will be hosted by Gwyneth. We would be pleased to hear from another member who is interested in a pleasant afternoon listening to music. If you would like a 'taster' do give me a ring.

Musical Circles 2 — We started with a rousing number by Paganini, his Violin Concerto no. 1, just to get us in the mood. We then listened to to Haydn’s Symphony No. 94 in its entirety, first performed in 1792. Then there was a change to the voice, with the marvellous Lucia Popp singing arias from Verdi’s Rigoletto. Daniel Barenboim then played the first movement from Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 25, a piece that even made Mozart sweat to play, so fiendishly difficult was it. Louis Spohr, regarded as the greatest violinist of his day, who died in 1859, then provided the next piece, his Overture Opus 12. A stand alone composition, not the introduction to an opera. We then listened to an item by John Field, his Piano Concerto No. 5, entitled by him as ‘By Fire and Lightning’, played by Benjamin Frith, a winner of many piano competitions. We ended as we started with a piece by Paganini, his Caprice No. 5. A fitting finish to an afternoon of good music and good company with a break for refreshments and a good gossip

Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536516587 Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725925


Kettering U3A March 2014

Playreading —We welcomed Jan Perry, a long standing member of KU3A, to our group last month. Our play was "A Pressing Engagement" by David Walker, a short comedy enjoyed by all. For our second session members each made a contribution bringing poems, short stories or passages from books. We also had a general knowledge quiz which kept most of us guessing. It should have been called 'On Tip of my Tongue' because it seems that is where the answer always lies. Next month's dates are March 13th and 27th

Playford English Country Dancing - We are getting very low on numbers & would welcome new members. We meet at St. Andrews Church Hall on 2nd & 4th Weds. 2.30p.m. - 4p.m. No need to bring a partner as we change partners frequently. Gentle exercise for the brain as well as the body! Contact: Jean Beaver 01933 224474 Poker Group —

Contact: Carole Bradbury 01536 516587

Contact: Ted Bray 01536 521803 Photography Group — Bad timing. It happens a lot in photography – or it does to me anyway. The March meeting of this group was arranged for the afternoon at Foxton Locks. The morning began with frost and mist. It would have been perfect for those atmospheric shots by the canal. But by the time we’d met up in the afternoon it was dull and cloudy. We took a walk up and down the locks, taking a few photos on the way. It started to rain, so the rest of the meeting was spent drinking coffee in the pub. On the way home it poured with rain, then the skies cleared and the sun came out. More lovely lighting going to waste! Still, it makes it more special when it does all come right. The next meeting will be on Monday 7th April in Oundle at 2.00pm. More photos taken by this group can be seen on the group’s page of the Kettering U3A website.

Spanish Conversation — The Spanish conversation group (I have changed the name from ‘Basic Spanish’ because this group is no longer suitable for absolute beginners) continues to meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. We meet at various members’ houses so there is no charge. We use the book Pasos 2 which is for second level students. We are now at full capacity. However, we would be happy to start a waiting list but because of the level our members are at, new students would need to have a reasonable knowledge of basic Spanish. Contact: Bob Thorogood 01933 650551 bob@rltservices.co.uk

Contact: Trevor Rudkin 01536 711976 or trevor.rudkin@gmail.com

Foxton Locks photo by Marilyn Foulsham 9

Kettering U3A

Scrabble—Meetings are held at the Parish church rooms. Time 2.00pm—4.30pm on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month. New members are welcome. We enjoy playing in a relaxed atmosphere.

March 2014

Watercolour Painting—The Water Colour Painting Group thoroughly enjoyed the demonstration of "Poppies in a Meadow" by Claire Warner on the 27th. It was so interesting that we hope she will be able to return to us again soon.

Contact: Pauline Reed 01536 513850

Sugar Craft— If anyone who would like to learn, but feels they are hopeless, come to watch as we work and I guarantee that they will soon realise that they can achieve good results. Contact: Joan Allingham 01536 722610 Claire is standing ready to comment on each person's painting, and as you will see everyone turned out a very good picture.

Theatre Group — The new Theatre Group met on the 24 February to discuss how the group would operate. It was agreed to try and arrange a monthly theatre visit and to use a variety of theatres. Local - The Lighthouse, The Core, The Castle. A little further afield— Royal & Derngate, Milton Keynes, The Curve. Also to look at special visits to theatres or shows in London, Birmingham etc. To start the ball rolling, the following visits were agreed:Broadway and Beyond at the Lighthouse Theatre on Saturday 12 April starting at 7.30 p.m. Tickets £14 and concessions £13.

The finished pictures of "Poppies in a Meadow" by members.

Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Patience” at the Masque Theatre on Wednesday 14 May starting at 7.30 pm. Tickets £10. Grumpy Old Women at the Lighthouse Theatre on Monday 26 May at 7.30 pm. Tickets £20. Individuals interested in seeing any of the above, please contact Glenys Hall by the 21 March 2014 on 01536 516249. Full payment for tickets will be require and once booked will be non-refundable.. The next meeting of the Theatre Group will be on Monday 24th March at 10.30 am. Contact: Helen McAdam on 07513 11920

Wining and Dining - We enjoyed a lovely evening at Prezzo's taking advantage of a voucher which also made it a very reasonable price. I have booked the Turkish restaurant in Rothwell for Wednesday 9th March at 7.0pm I went there this week with another group member and as we enjoyed a tasty meal decide to book it for our group. If you wish to join us please let me know.

Our last painting class with Janice Hay, Greta Knibbs and Jo Beaver watching Bob Thorogood painting in water colour. Whether you have painted before or are a complete beginner we will welcome you to our friendly class. Contacts: Barbara Goodall 01536 523 259 Jo Beaver 01933 224 474

Contact: Christine Strachan 01536 515730 ce.strachan1@ntlworld.com


Kettering U3A March 2014

Writers Group (continued)

Walking Group - On 5th March 14 members set out from the Kings Head in Wadenhoe on the first walk of the year. Despite very wet conditions we managed to find a fairly dry route, so set off up to Wadenhoe church. As it was open we had quick look round before starting the Lyveden Way towards Aldwincle Lodge diverting to a minor footpath to avoid the swamps. A hard track led us to Lilford Wood, a scene of severe wind damage to the fir trees. An extremely muddy field was crossed to Lyveden New Bield and after a group

This time last year, after what had been a very long, cold winter we took Browning's view of an English spring for our inspiration. Although this winter has been very different - so far - we look back, as a reminder, at a poem from 2013, that itself looks forward to better days: Oh, Not To Be In England! (Home Thoughts April 2013) Sally Angell

Oh not to be in England now that April’s here for whoever wakes in England finds a shadow of her there, sees shoots stunt, stopped by winter chill as the sky holds ice. Nothing’s right; old words stuck through empty days, and nights a minus dearth in England – now!

photo we enjoyed a well deserved cuppa. The wet conditions meant we crossed the paddy field and walked back through the wood before picking up the track to Wadenhoe lodge and eventually joining the drift road into the village and an excellent lunch at the pub. All agreed it was a good walk and hopefully a start to uninterrupted summer walking. Next walk will be on the 2nd April details at the next meeting or contact: Jacky Rowson 01536 515 959 or John Sharp on 01536 518 026

Her eyes dull and close, April is falling, falling deeper and deeper to rest and meditate and sleep letting goV lettingVgoV into earth’s arms down to the roots of life to a gathering warmth soothing, restoring, connecting, healing –

Writers Group — Are you someone with an idea for a story, a poem, an article, an essay, even a play that you've been dying to get down on paper, but have never got round to it? Or have you something that you've already written and would like to share? Come along, then, to our friendly group. All you need is a love of words and a sense of humour; you'll find lots of positive encouragement and advice as well as a cuppa. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 1.45pm to 3.45pm in the Parish Rooms in Kettering: next meeting April 1st. (There is a small charge towards the hire of the room.) For those who like a suggestion to work to - or ignore - the topic is Blame it on the Stones.

April’s back pale fingers stretch, meet the reachings of the sun – a remembered smile, She’s learning again with the lambs, their limbs stutter at ground shape into moving half letters of a new story. Quick hints on the breath of a scent still to come, there’s that taste in the air and a ring to the ear, paint drops sparkle white gold on the soft green grass of England, now April really is here.

Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741222


Kettering U3A

March 2014

Kettering U3A Interest Group Timetable (Updated October 2013) Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group Day No fixed day Safe Driving






Gardening Group Heartbeat Travel Groups

Steve Clorley Roy Franklin Ray Bradbury Bridget Ling Maureen Curd

01832 732342 01536 482808 01536 516587 01536 414810 01832 732361

varies varies varies varies varies

varies varies varies varies varies

varies varies varies varies varies

Monday A Good Read Card Making 2 Musical Circles 1 Knit and Natter Photography Theatre Poker

Diana Ellis Marian Tucker Carole Bradbury Annette Chidwick Trevor Rudkin Helen McAdam Ted Bray

01536 723380 01536 510354 01536 516587 01536 523867 01536 711976 07513 11920 01536 521803

home home varies Home varies Home home

1st Monday 3rd Monday 3rd Monday 1st & 3rd Mondays 1st Monday monthly 4th Monday weekly

2.00pm 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00pm 10.00 – 12 noon 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.30—12.30 2.00pm

Roger Stimson Richard Boyles Mary Earl Diana Ellis Mary Earl John Sellick Glynis Hall Joan Allingham Mary Wildman

01536 481523 01536 744753 01536 522456 01536 723380 01536 522456 01536 517868 01536 722610 01536 741222

home Fuller Church Parish Church Rooms home home Home varies home Parish Church Rooms

weekly 2nd & 4th Tuesday 2nd Tuesday in month 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 1st Tuesday weekly 4th Tuesday weekly 1st Tuesday

2.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 10.00 – 11.00am varies 1.30 – 4.00pm 1.45 – 3.45pm

Joe Fletcher Joe Fletcher Bob Thorogood Pauline Parkin Mary Earl Janet Clements Eileen Mason Jean Beaver Pauline Reed Ann Kemp Christine Strachan

01536 722399 01536 722399 01933 650551 01536 799197 01536 522456 01536 507721 01536 725925 01933 224474 01536 513850 See Newsletter 01536 515730

home home varies varies home varies varies St.Andrews Church Parish church rooms varies varies

fortnightly fortnightly 2nd & 4th Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 1st Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Wednesday 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1st & 3rd Wednesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Wednesday

9.30 – 11.00 am 1.30 – 3.00 pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 2.00 – 4.00pm 10.00 - 11.30am 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.30 – 4.00pm 2.15 – 4.30pm varies varies

Christine Strachan Derek Warren Carole Bradbury Barbara Goodall Jo Beaver

01536 515730 01536 518560 01536 516587 01536 523259 01933 224474

varies varies home

3rd Thursday 2nd Thursday 2nd & 4th Thursday

2.00 – 4.00pm varies 2.00 – 4.00pm

Parish Church Rooms

2nd & 4th Thursdays

2.00 – 4.00pm

Sue Macfarlane Sue Hince Alan Stephens

01536 523754 01536 521023 01536 726911

Bridge Club, Kettering Toller Church (Meeting Ln.) Pytchley Golf Club

weekly 1st Fri monthly Every Friday

1.30 – 4.00pm 10.00 – 11.30am 1.00 – 4.00pm

Tuesday Bridge Experienced Computer Group Discussion Group French Greeting Card Making Italian Lunch Club Sugarcraft Writers Group Wednesday German Conversation 1 German Conversation 2

Spanish Conversation Bookworms Greeting Card Making Looking at Churches Musical Circles 2 Playford Dancing Scrabble Walking Wining & Dining Thursday Canals & Waterways Country Matters Play Reading 1 Water Colour Painting Friday Bridge Friday Pop in Golf

Meetings below with Ise Valley U3A Day






Monday Canasta

Pam Towns

01536 521160

Kettering Bridge Club




Isabel Collins

01536 520971

Kettering Pool



Jill Dee

01536 514054

Fuller Church

2nd & 4th Fridays


Friday Singing

12 CY Feb/14

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