2018 Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement Program -- Aug 1-3, 2018 -- UAH

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Southern Regional Conference for

Learning in Retirement

Welcome Message from your Conference Co-Chairs Greetings SRCLR attendees! On behalf of The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UAH, we warmly welcome you to the 2018 Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement in The Rocket City. We are happy to host the conference in Huntsville for the first time!

Rebecca Duke Director, OLLI at UAH Conference Co-Chair

As you look through this program guide, we are certain you will be excited about the lineup of impressive presenters we have assembled. The sessions and events of this year’s conference run the gamut of topics relating to learning in retirement – travel, volunteerism, curriculum, marketing, and more! We are proud to present our slate of guest speakers including our keynote, Mr. G. Richard (Dick) Ambrosius. Dick has been a leader in the field of aging for the past 30+ years and we are eager to hear his remarks on marketing and community building. Huntsville’s own HudsonAlpha Institute is in the forefront of genomics-based research aimed to improve human health and well-being. They will present recent findings relating to Alzheimers and conclude with a discussion on the clinical and personal value of sequencing an individual’s genome. Ms. Candi Williams, Director of Alabama AARP, will explain how to disrupt traditional concepts of aging, and we will revel in the life of our final plenary speaker and Best-Selling author, Mr. Homer Hickam.

Fathia Hardy Assistant Director, UAH CPCS, Conference Co-Chair

We want to express our utmost appreciation to the UAH College of Professional and Continuing Studies, OLLI at UAH, planning committee, volunteers, and sponsors who make this conference possible. Be sure to take this opportunity to network and be inspired by the speakers and attendees this conference attracts. Thank you for your participation in the 2018 Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement! We look forward to networking with you, learning from you and with you over the next few days. Best Regards,









1:00 pm


2:30 – 3:30 pm

SSB ROOM 114 SSB ROOM 201 Road Trip! Enhance In Search of the Your Travel Program Secret Sauce for with Short Excursions Great LLI Teaching

3:30 pm


3:45 – 4:45 pm

5:30 pm

SSB ROOM 114 SSB ROOM 201 Developing a Group Building an Instructor Travel Program Support System, Which Enhances Piece by Piece Your LLI Course Offerings and Boosts Your Budget

SSB ROOM 313 Volunteer Development – Beyond the Basics

SST ROOM 150 Are We Having Fun Yet? Scheduling Activities and Events Beyond the Classroom

SST ROOM 301 Rock Steady for Parkinson’s Disease and Nordic Walk Your Way to Health and Fitness!

SSB ROOM 313 Development: Fundraising, Strategic Planning, and Marketing

SST ROOM 150 SST ROOM 301 The Power of Ageless We Can Disagree Communications... and Still Get Along Taking AGE out of Marketing




8:00 am


9:00 am


10:15 am


10:30 – 11:30 am

11:40 am

SSB ROOM 114 Get Your Members to Register Online and Not in Your Office

SSB ROOM 201 Learn About Travel for Lifelong Learners

SSB ROOM 313 Where Do You Stand? Lifelong Learning Institute and Member Benchmarking Data

SST ROOM 150 Stronger Together: Establishing Partnerships and Branch Campuses within an OLLI Institute

SST ROOM 301 Managing Volunteers: Recruiting, Orienting, Recognizing


1:05 – 2:05 pm

SSB ROOM 114 The Key to a Successful Travel Program

SSB ROOM 201 Overhauling an OLLI: Using the Right Tools to Get the Organization Properly Aligned

SSB ROOM 313 Enriching Our Programs Through Diversity: Begin with the Individual Mind

2:20 – 3:20 pm

SSB ROOM 114 Moving Across the Parking Lot

SSB ROOM 201 Enjoy the Limitless Possibilities of Online Learning

SSB ROOM 313 SST ROOM 150 Expanding Volunteer Creating Courses Opportunities With a Multimedia to Enhance the Approach Membership

SST ROOM 150 Partnerships for Program Growth

SST ROOM 301 Curriculum – The Core of Lifelong Learning

SST ROOM 301 Innovative Community Partnerships that Benefit All of Us

3:20 pm



3:35 – 5:00 pm


SSB Student Services Building

6:00 pm


SST Shelby Center for Science and Technology Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement



The Mindful Creation of Empowered Cultures Using stories and real world examples, Mr. Ambrosius will detail how to use later life values as a powerful resource and pathway to increasing customer satisfaction, revenue, member involvement and support while creating a more positive, member-driven culture for any nonprofit program for older adults. Learn the three key elements to make this success possible: autonomy, choice and empowerment (A.C.E.). Attendees will be challenged to consider a new paradigm for aging services and program. G. Richard Ambrosius is a positive aging expert and the Founder and Principal of Positive Aging® and Phoenix Associates.


15 Years of the Genome — From the Lab Bench to the Clinic Genomic sequencing — the process of determining the complete DNA sequence of an organism’s genome — was first published in 2003. Over the last 15 years, genomic discoveries and applications have spread across multiple areas of research and patient care. Join us as we explore this fast-growing field and its potential impact on health and human wellness. This plenary session features three members of the Huntsville-based HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, one of the nation’s premiere genomics hubs. Learn basic genomic concepts, hear the latest on HudsonAlpha’s research into Alzheimer and other dementias, and conclude with a discussion on the clinical and personal value of sequencing an individual’s genome.

David Bick, MD, is the chief medical officer and a faculty investigator at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology

Dr. Neil Lamb leads the Educational Outreach team at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology.

Nick Cochran, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Richard Myers, PhD, at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology.


Disrupt Aging Don’t you hate it when people make assumptions based solely on someone’s age? Ever do it to yourself? Are you ready to change the idea that you have to accept that the way things are is the way they have to be? Disrupt Aging stresses the need to challenge old stereotypes of growing older. We should celebrate those who own their age and hold a mirror up to the ageist beliefs around us. Candi Williams was appointed as State Director of AARP Alabama in January 2016.


Forever Aiming High: Homer Hickam at 75 Homer Hickam will share stories of his life adventures from West Virginia coal-country to Rocket City — Huntsville, AL, and beyond. Learn how he keeps looking forward by sometimes looking back. Be prepared to laugh often and well! Homer Hickam is the Best-Selling Author of Rocket Boys, October Sky, and Carrying Albert Home.


Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement

CONCURRENT SESSION DESCRIPTIONS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 • 2:30 – 3:30 PM Volunteer Development–Beyond the Basics How does an established program with a decent record of engaging volunteers improve that record? This presentation will tell the story of what can result when you don’t settle for “good enough.” Learn how staff at NC State University enlisted member volunteers to examine how volunteer recruitment, development, and management was done and how it could be done better. The focus of this presentation will be on the process undertaken, so attendees can possibly adapt these ideas to their individual programs. Tricia Inlow-Hatcher, Director, OLLI at North Carolina State University Joan Hardman-Cobb, Assistant Director, OLLI at North Carolina State University

In Search of the Secret Sauce for Great LLI Teaching

Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson’s Disease and Nordic Walk Your Way to Health and Fitness!

Instructors for LLIs will tell you teaching intellectually curious older adults reminds them why they love to be in a classroom. Most LLIs have “rock star” instructors; people say they would take their classes if they were reading the phone book. Through interviews with great instructors and their “fans,” we will develop an understanding of the qualities of great LLI teaching and determine how we can spot, encourage, and support it. We will also examine ways to adapt teaching for new audiences and new technology. What are the ingredients for good teaching and how can we make sure we continue to adapt to new tastes?

Come learn about some exciting health and wellness programs you can offer at your LLI: Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson’s Disease and Nordic Walking. Rock Steady Boxing is for people of all ages with Parkinson’s disease. Medical research has shown the force from boxing can be neuro-protective, providing Parkinson Disease patients fewer symptoms. Be prepared to see a demonstration from some of Huntsville’s local “boxers”. The second half of this program will feature Nordic walking, which was invented by Finnish cross-country skiers. Nordic walking is a full-body activity using poles to involve the upper body in walking. This session will introduce you to the sport with hands-on training. Poles will be provided.

Catherine Frank, Executive Director, OLLI at University of North Carolina – Asheville

Are We Having Fun Yet? Scheduling Activities and Events Beyond the Classroom Scheduling social, cultural, and travel events for diverse interests and personalities is never easy — ­ but is it worth the effort? What is the reasoning behind having events outside the classrooms? What type of events are the most successful, and how is that defined? How does your program coordinate and schedule events? We may not have the answers, but let’s discuss the failures and successes of events scheduled outside the classroom. Janet Reville, Chair, Events Committee, OLLI at UAH Fathia Hardy, Conference Co-Chair, Assistant Director of Outreach and Events, UAH

Leroy Hurt, Associate Dean, Community Engagement, UA Carol Watts, Volunteer, UA Carolyn Rhodes, Fitness Director, Rock Steady Boxing RC Director, Huntsville–Madison County Senior Center

Road Trip! Enhance Your Travel Program with Short Excursions Short trips lasting less than a day provide members stressfree and inexpensive opportunities to visit new and favorite places with old and new friends. Drawing on our 10 years’ experience providing travel excursions to our members, we will focus on how to plan a successful day trip. We will provide a Day-Trip Planner Toolkit and answer questions such as, “How do I decide where to go? How do I identify a good trip leader? What do I need to know to get started?” Peggy Hamner, Travel Committee Chair, OLLI at UA Lois Strachan, Program Coordinator, OLLI at UA

Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement


CONCURRENT SESSION DESCRIPTIONS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 • 3:45 – 4:45 PM Development: Fundraising, Strategic Planning, and Marketing We know fundraising is critical for the success of any nonprofit organization. Explore strategies for diversifying your funding techniques. Hear how a Huntsville-area, volunteer-run LLI developed their strategic plan to include tactics for short and long term goals and learn the importance of consistently marketing your program. John Ofenloch, Chairman,Development Committee, LearningQUEST, Inc

We Can Disagree and Still Get Along Given the primary limiting factor in joining an LLI is age, it is inevitable the membership will hold a wide range of opinions, values, and beliefs. These elements can lead to conflict and tension between or among members, staff, and/ or other participants, and can prove detrimental to individual and institutional relationships. It doesn’t have to be this way. Through consideration or the conflict transformation process and cornerstones or adult education, participants in this session will discover how to channel conflict and tension in positive ways, use differences of opinion as building blocks for shared understanding, identify methods to address conflict respectfully, and create a learning environment that values differing perspectives as instrumental to learning. Brett Harris, Director, OLLI at USM

Building an Instructor Support System, Piece by Piece In 2009, OLLI at Duke embarked on a journey to improve and broaden the support we give to our most valuable asset — our 300+ instructors. Since then, we have built a robust instructor support system, piece by piece. Our current system encompasses instructor appreciation and recognition, faculty development, communications and new instructor integration. In this presentation, we’ll share what worked for us, what didn’t, and where we are headed over the next few years. Michael Bahnaman, Chair, Instructor Relations Committee, OLLI at Duke University

The Power of Ageless Communications... Taking AGE Out of Marketing For decades, organizations have been both victims of and contributed to aging stereotypes. Sales, marketing and advertising methods honed on the youth markets of yesterday have become outdated and no longer produce an acceptable return on investment. If you are tired of getting a smaller and smaller return on your direct mail, advertising and marketing dollars, you will want to embrace ageless communications techniques for fundraising, member recruitment, lifelong learning programs, special events and more. You will come away with a new understanding of the future potential of the aging marketplace and better tools to help reverse decades of ageism due largely to negative stereotyping. G. Richard (Dick) Ambrosius, Keynote Speaker, Positive Aging

Developing a Group Travel Program which Enhances Your LLI Course Offerings and Boosts Your Budget Studies have shown travel programs encourage personal growth and increase life skills and knowledge. Hear from Grand Circle Travel about the benefits of building a successful group travel program for your lifelong learning chapter. They will also provide tips and share best practices to grow your chapter’s group travel program and make some money in the process! JoAnne Lynch, Group Sales Account Executive, Grand Circle Travel/Overseas Adventure Travel Christopher McCarthy, Group Sales Account Executive, Grand Circle Travel/Overseas Adventure Travel


Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement

CONCURRENT SESSION DESCRIPTIONS THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 • 10:30 – 11:30 AM Stronger Together: Establishing Partnerships and Branch Campuses within an OLLI Institute

Managing Volunteers: Recruiting, Orienting, Recognizing

The goal of the presentation is to provide education to individuals on the benefits associated with partnerships within respective OLLI organizations. More specifically, OLLI at Auburn has partnered with surrounding universities and organizations, such as Auburn University Montgomery, to establish “OLLI Branch Campuses.” Such partnerships allow for the expansion of OLLI at Auburn to surrounding locales in an effort to further engage with the aging population. Within this presentation, we will also explore additional opportunities amongst OLLI Institutes and other Lifelong Learning Institutes and the success in advancement with such partnerships.

Volunteerism benefits our lifelong learning institutes in many ways. Volunteers provide staff with a member’s perspective, provide needed support, and their service can help lower operational costs. Our lifelong learning members often have invaluable experience and expertise we can put to work improving our organizations! But volunteers are not employees; they require special care and handling. We’ll discuss the basics of managing volunteers: recruiting, orienting, and recognizing. And since today’s new volunteer could well be tomorrow’s leader, we’ll also discuss preparing volunteers to take on leadership roles. In this session, we’ll share our volunteer management strategies and solicit yours.

Ileeia A. Cobb, Director, OLLI at Auburn University Ara Rogers, Director of OLLI, University of South Florida

Get Your Members to Register Online and Not in Your Office Are less than 50% or your members using your online registration option? Do you show the same members every term how to register themselves? Do you have more registrations on your desk than in order processing online? Do you wonder if your members could ever move from paper forms to register online? If you can answer yes to any of these questions then we have the session for you! Finding the most creative and practical ideas from across the internet we have pulled together some ingenious ways to drive members to their computers, and not yours for registration! Join Jacky Cohen and Lucy Woodhouse as they share ideas, bribes, workshops, and messaging to surely entice your members to register themselves. We hope you’ll bring your ideas to share so that we will all leave this session with more tools to combat the dreaded paper forms! Lucy Woodhouse, Campus CE Jacky Cohen, Campus CE

Where Do you Stand? Lifelong Learning Institute and Member Benchmarking Data The National Resource Center for Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes (Osher NRC) has conducted a variety of research surveys of both Osher Institutes and their members. This research has established benchmarking data on the demographics of OLLI memberships and operations of lifelong learning institutes. In this session, Osher NRC presenters will share data, offer insights on the findings, and lead a lively interactive quiz show for a small group of contestants. There will be prizes! Steve Thaxton, Executive Director, Osher NRC Stacey Hart, Manager of Operations, Osher NRC

Learn about Travel for Lifelong Learners Come learn about travel for Lifelong Learners from University of Utah’s Go Learn Staff, OLLI at Furman’s Travel Chair, and OLLI at Clemson’s Excursion Coordinator. Learn the do’s and don’ts while traveling domestically and abroad! Leave with a toolkit and ideas to take back to your home organizations. Christopher Dressler, Director, Go Learn, University of Utah Kathleen Allen, Chair, Travel Committee, OLLI at Furman University Heidi Wright, Program Coordinator for Enrichment, OLLI at Furman University Raine Templeton-Bradley, Excursion Coordinator, OLLI at Clemson University Amanda Turner, Curriculum Coordinator, OLLI at Clemson University

Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement


CONCURRENT SESSION DESCRIPTIONS THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 • 1:05 – 2:05 PM Overhauling an OLLI: Using the Right Tools to Get the Organization Properly Aligned OLLI at Emory University went through a major “overhaul” during the six months following the arrival of its new director. Changes were made to its free structure, committees, course terms, curriculum, memberships, marketing, and external partnerships. Various “tools” and strategies were implemented to get the job done quickly without creating “friction” with the stakeholders. This case study will examine how OLLI at Emory became better aligned to serve the purposes of the organization, its members, and the University. Dr. Jeffery Alejandro, OLLI Program Manager, Emory University

Curriculum — The Core of Lifelong Learning

The old adage, “Together Everyone Achieves More” is a universal truth for Lifelong Learning Institutes. Come learn how to extend your reach by partnering with others in your community. This will be a participative session — plan on sharing stories of your successes (and your failures) with the group. WKU has developed symbiotic relationships with groups including: the local newspaper, Alumni Affairs, AgeFriendly City staff, and many more. The session will provide ideas for identifying and developing new partnerships which will help you grow and enhance your LLI. Barbara Johnston, Founding Advisory Board member, WKU Cindy Ehresman, Program Manager, WKU

Developing and implementing curriculum is the core of successful lifelong learning organizations. So how do volunteers and professional staff collaborate to create exciting courses, engage capable instructors, compile attractive catalogs, market the program to the community, provide classroom space and resources, evaluate the courses and build relationships with instructors? UAH has had a vibrant program for lifelong learners for twenty-five years and offers three terms per year with 75+ diverse courses per term. Presenters will share their experiences and organizational resources such as Curriculum Committee responsibilities, syllabus forms, calendars, evaluation forms and catalogs with attendees.

The Key to a Successful Travel Program

Linda McAllister, Chair, Curriculum Committee, OLLI at UAH Sue Chatham, Volunteer, OLLI at UAH Rebecca Duke, Director, OLLI at UAH

Alisha Foster, Director, OLLI at Hampton University Nicole Giuliani, Partnership Sales and Business Development, EF Go Ahead Tours

Enriching Our Programs Through Diversity: Begin with the Individual in Mind Individual change is an important key to creating inroads within our diversity and inclusion initiatives. During this session, we will explore using a change model to provide direction in engaging members and increasing community awareness. Developing an intentional strategy will be discussed. Included will be our own program’s journey with diversity, promotion, member involvement, and a variety of new learning opportunities. Toni King, Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, OLLI at UK Diana Lockridge, Executive Director, OLLI at UK


Partnerships for Program Growth

Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement

A travel program is a fantastic way to promote member engagement at your LLI in a unique and fun way. In addition, it can be a great way to create additional revenue for the LLI. For the past few years, OLLI at Hampton University has led multiple groups on guided tours. This session will be a crash course on HOW to develop a successful travel program at your LLI. Where do you start? Who do you contact? What are the most important aspects of the recruitment process? How do you recruit? But most importantly, we will explore how to identify the right tour operator for you and the importance of having a great tour operator as your partner through the journey.

CONCURRENT SESSION DESCRIPTIONS THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 • 2:20 – 3:20 PM Expanding Volunteer Opportunities to Enhance the Membership OLLI at UNLV depends on volunteers to teach classes, lead committees, share our mission, and serve our members. The opportunity to volunteer is an important part of our membership experience, ensuring that OLLI is not just a place to take classes, but a place to be involved, to lead, and to be a part of an extended family. As a retirement destination, our program is a connection and opportunity to fill critical roles for those who have left behind careers and communities. Our administrative team and committees have collaborated to develop new roles for more members to be fully involved in all our program can offer. Presenters will share successes and lessons learned as well as the findings of a study on OLLI volunteers conducted by UNLV’s Sociology Department, and invite open discussion from participants on the volunteer experiences at their institutions. Robert Levrant, Director, OLLI at UNLV Toniann DeSousa, Program Director, OLLI at UNLV

Creating Courses With a Multimedia Approach Developing a course from scratch can be intimidating, even by experienced educators. Learn ways to supplement lectures in lifelong learning courses using multimedia resources such as videos, sound bites, and visual images. Make your classroom an active, not passive, learning environment with a sensorial approach!

Innovative Community Partnerships that Benefit All of Us KSU’s LLI has a community partnership with two local museums in the area: a western art museum and a science museum. In each location, KSU LLI offers courses closely related to the museum topics. It is an advantage to the museum because participants who may never attend the museum enter the museum and discover all it has to offer. The course possibilities are endless. Each course also includes a full tour of the museum and a section of the museum is used to enhance the instructional time each week. In this session, we will explore the many types of possibilities we have in our community to develop these types of partnerships which benefit both partners as well as the students.

Nancy Barnett Darnall, Volunteer, OLLI at UAH Rebecca Duke, Conference Co-Chair, Director, OLLI at UAH

Patricia (Pat) Walker, Program Manager, OLLI at KSU

Enjoy the Limitless Possibilities of Online Learning

Moving Across the Parking Lot

Learn the principles of universal design in online learning, where the content and engagement processes provide totally inclusive environments for a diverse audience. Online learning provides flexibility of time and location, allowing participants to access content anytime, anywhere! The topics can be shared with participants and can include the breadth and width of knowledge experts from around the world. Invited speakers from anywhere on the globe can meet participants in a virtual classroom to discuss current trends and cutting edge discoveries. Join us to learn how to engage with others in an online classroom.

Bucknell Institute of Lifelong Learning had the opportunity to expand their programs into larger space. The problem — the move would cost $15,000! Hear how Bucknell raised the entire amount in one month to gain some much needed classroom space. Anne P. Smith, Coordinator, Bucknell Institute of Lifelong Learning

Pamela Paustian, PhD, RHIA, LSSGB, Executive Director, UAB, Division of eLearning and Professional Studies Samira Laouzai, Deputy Director, UAB, Division of eLearning and Professional Studies

Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement


Tips for Navigating the Conference Exhibit Area

Conference App

Visit the exhibit area in SSB 112 Lobby to connect with exhibitor representatives, network with colleagues, and enjoy light refreshments during designated Networking Break times in the schedule.

Navigate the conference with your computer, tablet, or phone by downloading the conference app, Guidebook, from the Apple App Store, Android Marketplace, or visit guidebook.com/getit. Enter passphrase SRCLR2018 to access itinerary, presenter biographies, sponsors and exhibitors, and session descriptions from the guide.

Program Materials

Continuing Education Units

Session Powerpoints will be available after the conference at: Osher.uah.edu/SRCLR2018Materials

UAH CPCS is an authorized provider to award Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Participants attending at least 80% of SRCLR educational sessions will be awarded 1.0 individual CEUs (10 hours). Please complete the Confirmation of Attendance form and return it to the Registration/Check-In table located in the lobby of SSB 112. Transcripts for the conference will be maintained in the UAH CPCS Registration Office located on the UAH campus in WIL Room 103. Certificates of Completion will be emailed within 45 business days following the conference.

Social Media We encourage conference attendees to use #SRCLRUAH on social media to engage others and make the most of the conference.

Evaluations Evaluations will be provided by the facilitator at the beginning of each concurrent session. Please complete and return to the facilitator before you leave each session. A full conference survey will be emailed to each registered attendee at the completion of the conference.

Facebook: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UAH Internet Access: Network: UAHEvents Password: ChargerNation (case sensitive)

Lost and Found Lost and found will be located at the Registration/Check-In Table in SSB 112 lobby.

Parking Information


Conference sessions are held in the Student Services Building (SSB) number 1 and Shelby Center for Science & Technology (SST) number 2, which are adjacent to each other. To reach the SSB and SST from the IMF, please exit through the back of the parking garage and utilize the campus greenway walking path facing SW.

Address: 501 John Wright Drive, Huntsville, AL 35899 Conference parking is available, free of charge, for your convenience at the Intermodal Facility (IMF), number 4 on the campus map. You will not need a parking pass for your vehicle.


Interactive Digital Map: UAH.edu/map






Southern Regional Conference for Learning in Retirement


1. SSB: Student Services Building 2. SST: Shelby Center for Science& Technology 3. WIL: Wilson Hall 4. IMF: Parking Handicap Parking: Blue Areas*

Welcome Reception Visit the U.S. Space & Rocket Center® Receive your official Rocket City welcome at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center® during the Welcome Reception on Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 5:30 pm. Home to Space Camp®, Aviation Challenge® Camp, and Robotics Camp, the USSRC is the largest spaceflight museum in the world and serves as the Official Visitor Center for the NASA Marshall Flight Center. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the exhibits, Rocket Park, and purchase a souvenir from the gift shop. Transportation to and from the USSRC will be provided. Join us in USSRC Discovery Theater at 5:45 pm to learn how the USSRC is connected to the Huntsville and UAH community from Huntsville’s Mayor, Tommy Battle; UAH’s Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Christine Curtis; and the USSRC CEO, Dr. Deborah Barnhart. Then mingle with your LLI colleagues as you tour a museum that is out of this world!

Featured Exhibit MathAlive! is designed to inspire, spark the imagination, and reveal not only math at work but also the endless possibilities of math. The exhibition brings to life the real math behind what people love most. Guests will ride snowboards in a step-on experience, program the robotic arm from the cupola of the International Space Station, design (and play) their own video games, capture their 360-degree image in a stop-motion video, edit their own video game, and even try their hand at systems engineering for a city.




CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Gratia Mahony, President OLLI at UAH Linda McAllister Rick Sisko Leah Black Liz Kocir Bob Darnall Nancy Darnall Irene Garoppo Jerry Pang Janet Reville Kenneth Rex Peggy McClure COLLEGE OF PROFESSIONAL AND CONTINUING STUDIES Dr. Karen M. Clanton, Dean Kathy Hosch, Sr. Associate Director Amber Capello, Marketing Manager Alice Sammon, OLLI Program Coordinator

OF LIFELONG LEARNING AT UAH ANNIVERSARY SPEAKER SERIES October 26 – 1:00 – 2:30 pm “Pulitzers and Politics: The Alabama Legacies of Harper Lee and George Wallace” Wayne Flynt, noted Alabama historian, author, and Professor Emeritus at Auburn University

November 9 – 1:00 – 2:30 pm “Behind the Scenes of Louis Comfort Tiffany – Treasures from the Driehaus Museum” Peter Baldaia, Director of Curatorial Affairs, Huntsville Museum of Art

In 1993, The Academy for Lifetime Learning, Inc. was founded with seven courses offered the first term. It attracted the attention of seasoned adults and grew rapidly. In 2005, The Academy became one of 119 Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes in the U.S. after an endowment from the Bernard Osher Foundation to UAH. OLLI at UAH has since grown to over 1000 members and offers 70+ courses each term. To celebrate, we are hosting a 25th anniversary speaker series. These presentations are free and open to the public. Show your friends what OLLI is all about! Visit Osher.uah.edu/25 for more information.

December 7 – 1:00 – 2:30 pm “Reelin’ in the Years: Pop Music from 1950s-1990s” Bob Labbe, pop music historian and WLRH radio host


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Why Choose Group Travel? If you’ve ever considered a travel program for your Lifelong Learning Institute, now is the perfect time to get started. Our Affinity Sales Team is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way to make your travel dreams a reality. At Grand Circle and O.A.T., we offer a wide variety of travel programs around the world—from Europe to Asia to Africa, and beyond. Your group will be able to: • Travel with other LLI members who share their interests • Forge new friendships and share unforgettable moments together • See the world with a group, so no one has to travel alone • Boost revenue stream for your LLI

Join us on an exclusive LLI departure of Christmas Markets Along the Danube. December 1-9, 2019 9 days from $3195 with international airfare from New York

For more information, stop by our booth, or call us at 1-800-353-6262

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