OLLI at UAH - Fall 2020 - Course Guide

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FALL 2020



ition u T $20 0/$25 $2 plus ourse C per

Never Stop Learning! Join OLLI at UAH to discover the joy of learning with fellow adults, age 50+, through various virtual activities from the comfort of your home. The program is designed for your lifestyle and interests, with no grades or tests. Stay intellectually and socially active, while having lots of fun with our vibrant community of lifelong learners.

OLLI membership required.

Osher.uah.edu | 256.824.6183

About OLLI at UAH

OLLI at UAH is a vibrant community of lifelong learners aged 50+. It offers members the opportunity to stay intellectually and socially active through courses, special activities and bonus lectures. Courses are currently offered LIVE online and cover a variety of interesting topics, which will enhance your knowledge and skills. Enjoy life, make friends and Never Stop Learning with OLLI! Join the 1000+ people who are already part of our OLLI community!

Fall term begins the week of September 14th* *courses have various start dates

Class Cancellation If a class is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances or instructor illness, all efforts will be made to reschedule the session for a later date. UAH Campus Closed Although our staff is working remotely, UAH will still observe the following holidays: Sep 7, Nov 26 – 27, Dec 24 – 31, Jan 1

Questions? — Contact Us: Osher.uah.edu


OLLI.info@uah.edu 256.824.6183

From the OLLI Program Manager

Dear OLLI at UAH Community, As we have faced challenging times these past few months, OLLI has maintained its purpose and continues to provide our members learning opportunities and social activities. We thank all of you for your positivity and flexibility during this time. Special thanks to our Board of Directors, instructors, and curriculum committee for all their hard work on getting ready for the fall term. We cannot wait to see you all online this Fall! Ale Pacheco, OLLI at UAH Program Manager

Table of Contents Membership Benefits..................................1 Membership and Course Registration........2 Schedule at a Glance..................................3 Monday – Friday Courses............................5 Virtual Bonus.............................................10 Guide to Zoom & Google Classroom.......11 Special Events...........................................12 Instructors..................................................13 Frequently Asked Questions.....................15 Courses listed in this guide are offered in the spirit of academic freedom. OLLI at UAH does not endorse any creed, concept, service, or product that might be presented by the instructors.

Join OLLI! Grow, explore, and enjoy with OLLI at UAH. Become a part of this wonderful community of lifelong learners which provides intellectual, social, travel and cultural experiences just for you! Connect with other members in a relaxed and stimulating environment.

Membership Options $25 for 12 months or / $50 for 24 months

Term Registration Fees OLLI Online LIVE Fall tuition is $20 plus: $20 for each 4-session course $25 for each 5-session course

3 Easy Ways to Register During this time of social distancing, OLLI at UAH membership offers many resources and benefits online. OLLI “rolling” memberships are valid for 12 months beginning the month your membership is processed.

ONLINE at Osher.uah.edu/OLLIRegistration PHONE: 256.824.6010 Credit

Online Membership Benefits:

card info is required. 9:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (CST), Mon – Fri

• Register for online courses taught by excellent instructors through the user-friendly Zoom video conferencing software.

MAIL registration form

• Discover new online resources such as online tours of museums, gardens, parks, the Metropolitan Opera, and more through the weekly eNews. • Meet new friends while catching up with the OLLI at UAH Program Manager and Coordinator during virtual coffee chats throughout the term.

on page 2 to UAH CPS Registration Office, UAH Campus, Wilson Hall 103, Huntsville, AL 35899

Register Early—Seating is Limited. Courses Fill Up Quickly

• Receive weekly OLLI eNews and monthly issues of The OLLI Insider electronically. • Volunteer to teach, coordinate a course, or serve on a committee. • And much more!

Find your place with OLLI at UAH and explore the joy of learning!


MEMBERSHIP AND COURSE REGISTRATION OLLI FALL 2020 OLLI Online LIVE tuition $20 PLUS: $20 per 4-session course OR $25 per 5-session course

Please fill out one form per person. Indicate course choices by check box. Confirmation will be sent via email. Mail to: CPS Registration Office, UAH Campus, Wilson Hall 103, Huntsville, AL 35899-0650

Questions: OLLI.info@uah.edu or 256.824.6183 Please fill out the appropriate sections below. A. PERSONAL INFORMATION Full Name:_________________________________________________________ Street Address:_____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________ Phone: Home__________________________ Cell________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________________

□I do not have an email address B. OLLI MEMBERSHIP Select one:

□Active OLLI Member (Skip to section C) □New Member □Renewal □Gift Membership From: ______________________________________________ Message: ________________________________________________________ Select one:

□12-month membership = $25 □24-month membership = $50

Badge Name: ______________________________________________________

C. PAYMENT INFORMATION Enclosed Membership Fee: $ _______________________________________ Fall 2020 Term Tuition Fee:


Course Total (Total calculated in the bottom right column): $_______________ TOTAL PAYMENT: $__________________________________________________

□Check Enclosed, Payable to UAH CPS □VISA □MasterCard □Discover □AMEX Card # _____________________________________________________________ CVV_________________________________ Exp. Date ______________________ Cardholder’s Name ___________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Signature ________________________________________________ • After your initial registration, you are able to add courses online by logging into your client portal. • OLLI at UAH is not responsible for any damage or personal injury sustained when a member is participating in any OLLI-sponsored activities. • Membership implies permission to use your photo and video recording via Zoom for OLLI publicity. If you do not want your photo used, please notify the instructor/ photographer in advance. • You will be notified at least four business days in advance if a course is cancelled. Registration fees are non-refundable unless your selected course(s) are not available.

Register Online: Osher.uah.edu/OLLIRegistration 2

C. ALPHABETICAL COURSE LIST □ $25 2020 Presidential Election □ $25 Absolute Beginning Bridge □ $20 Aging in a COVID-19 World □ $25 Alaska- Adventures in the Last Frontier □ $20 American Financial Crises in Recent Times □ $25 Art Journaling Your Life Story □ $25 A Survey of World War I □ $20 Beginning German: Nouns/Verbs- CANCELED □ $20 Beginning German: Pronunciation/Reading - CANCELED □ $20 Beginning Spanish □ $25 Blue Zones □ $20 The Brain Dance □ $20 Breath-Centered Yoga • 9/17-10/8 □ $20 Breath-Centered Yoga • 10/22-11/12 □ $20 Complexities of the Human Mind □ $25 Composing Great Photos: The Basics □ $20 The Dawn of the Dinosaurs □ $20 Dinosaurs Rise to Dominance □ $25 English Language Studies & Vocabulary □ $20 Exploring Social Issues Through Journalism □ $20 Forrest at War □ $20 French Language Essentials □ $20 Intermediate German-CANCELED □ $20 Intricacies of the Mind □ $20 Introduction to Landscape Art □ $20 Joy of Geometrical/Numerical Relationships □ $20 The Joys of Basic French □ $20 Major Financial Crises in American History □ $20 Managing Personal Finances-CANCELED □ $20 Mathematics: The Joy of Numbers □ $20 Not-so-Beginning Spanish □ $25 Open Book, Open Mind □ $20 Probability & Modeling: The Basics □ $20 Probability & Modeling: Stochastic Models □ $20 Socrates Café □ $20 Tone Up and Tune In □ $25 Understanding Religious Diversity □ $25 You Be the Judge OLLI ALABAMA SHARES COURSE LIST □ $25 Armchair Travel □ $25 Consumer Revolution-Early Modern Europe □ $25 Europe in the Middle Ages □ $25 Opera for Everyone □ $25 The Most Significant Wild West Events □ $25 Whatever Happened to Folk Music? COURSE TOTAL: $_______________________________






8:30 – 10:00 am

8:30 – 10:00 am

8:30 – 10:00 am

8:30 – 10:00 am

8:30 – 10:00 am

Probability & Modeling: The Basics

The Brain Dance

Intricacies of the Mind

Aging in a COVID–19 World

Probability & Modeling: Stochastic Models & Applications

A Survey of World War I

Complexities of the Human Mind

Intermediate GermanCANCELED 9/17–10/8

Sep 14 – Nov 9

9/14–10/5 (4 sessions)

Sep 15 – Nov 10

Sep 16 – Nov 11

9/15–10/6 (4 sessions) 8:45 – 9:45 am

9/16–10/7 (4 sessions)

10/13–11/10 (5 sessions)

10/21–11/11 (4 sessions)

Sep 17 – Nov 12

(4 sessions)

English Language Studies and Vocabulary Building 10/15–11/12 (5 sessions)

10/19–11/9 (4 sessions)

Sep 18 – Nov 13

9/18–10/9 (4 sessions)

Understanding Religious Diversity in America 10/16–11/13 (5 sessions)

See Page 12 for Times

10:30 am – noon

10:30 am – noon

10:30 am – noon

10:30 am – noon

Mathematics: The Joy of Numbers

Alaska — Adventures in the Last Frontier

Managing Personal Finances-CANCELED

Exploring Social Issues Through Journalism

8/21 Dismantling Systemic Racism

9/16–10/7 (4 sessions)

9/17–10/8 (4 sessions)

8/28 The Places Where Huntsville Women Made History

9/14–10/5 (4 sessions)

The Joy of Geometrical & Numerical Relationships

9/15–10/13 (5 sessions)

Socrates Café

Open Book, Open Mind

10/20–11/10 (4 sessions)

10/14–11/11 (5 sessions)

Blue Zones: Improving Quality and Longevity 10/15–11/12 (5 sessions)

10/19–11/9 (4 sessions)

Bonus • 11:00 am

9/18 Huntsville in 1898 10/2 Three Weeks in Eastern Europe

1:00 – 2:30 pm

1:00 – 2:30 pm

1:00 – 2:30 pm

1:00 – 2:30 pm

Beginning Spanish

French Language Essentials

Beginning German: Pronunciation and Reading-CANCELED

Introduction to Landscape Art

9/14–10/5 (4 sessions)

Not–so–Beginning Spanish

10/19–11/9 (4 sessions)

9/15–10/6 (4 sessions)

The Joys of Basic French 10/20–11/10 (4 sessions)

9/16–10/7 (4 sessions)

Beginning German: Nouns and VerbsCANCELLED

9/17–10/8 (4 sessions)

You Be the Judge

10/16 A Journey of WWII Battle Sites in France 10/30 Science Matters: Teaching 72,000 Students

10/15–11/12 (5 sessions)

10/21–11/11 (4 sessions)

3:00 – 4:30 pm

3:00 – 4:30 pm

3:00 – 4:30 pm

3:00 – 4:30 pm

Major Financial Crises in American History

Tone Up and Tune In

Art Journaling Your Life Story

Composing Great Photos: The Basics

9/14–10/5 (4 sessions)

American Financial Crises in Recent Times

9/15–10/6 (4 sessions)

Absolute Beginning Bridge

10/13–11/10 (5 sessions)

9/16–10/14 (5 sessions)

Forrest at War

10/21–11/11 (4 sessions)

10/19–11/9 (4 sessions)

9/17–10/15 (5 sessions)

Breath Centered Yoga 10/22–11/12 (4 sessions) 3:00 – 4:00 pm

5:00 – 6:30 pm THURSDAY

TUESDAY The Dawn of the Dinosaurs 9/15–10/6 (4 sessions)

Dinosaurs Rise to Dominance 10/20–11/10 (4 sessions)

Breath Centered Yoga 9/17–10/8 (4 sessions) 5:00 – 6:00 pm



Europe in the Middle Ages

9/15–11/3 • 2:30–4:00 pm (8 sessions)

Consumer Revolution in Early Modern Europe

Whatever Happened to Folk Music?

9/16–11/4 • 2:30–4:30 pm (8 sessions)

9/15–11/3 • 2:30–4:00 pm (8 sessions)

The Most Significant Wild West Events

2020 Presidential Election 10/15–11/12 (5 sessions)

THURSDAY Armchair Travel

9/17–11/5 • 9:00–10:15 am (8 sessions)

Opera for Everyone

9/16–11/4 • 9:00–10:15 am (8 sessions)

9/15–10/6 • 1:30–2:45 pm (4 sessions)

REGISTER ONLINE — Osher.uah.edu/OLLIRegistration 3


AUGUST 13 10 am – noon

RSVP online at Osher.uah.edu/OLLIOpenHouse

Learn about virtual courses and more! Get ready for the fall term while meeting fellow OLLI members, learning more about the courses offered, and registering* for term.

Explore American military history from two crucial eras of active military engagement. A Survey of World War I 10/13–11/10 • T • 8:30 – 10:00 am (5 sessions)

Become introduced to the five lesser-known sidelights of World War I. NEW!

• 10:00 am – Welcome and explore Zoom/Google Classroom features • 10:30 am – Learn more about our courses with our discipline chairs and instructors

C67F2045 • J Mason • $25

Forrest at War

• 11:30 am – Message from the VP of Curriculum * Virtual registration with CPS staff available

10/21–11/11 • W • 3:00 – 4:30 pm (4 sessions)

Learn about this cavalry leader, military strategist, and controversial figure. NEW!

Attend for a chance to win an OLLI membership or term tuition + one course gift certificates.

C67F2026 • Dr. J Scales • $20

Apply today for 1 of 5 start dates per year!



The UAH Bachelor in Professional Studies is an interdisciplinary program that makes earning a degree from an accredited university within your reach. Transfer previous credits for up to 75% of your degree including up to 34 hours of technical credits.

+ Online

Compute a degree 100% online.* 4


Attend class on the UAH campus.


*Courses are subject to enrollment limits. Register early.


Engineering Technology

Organizational Studies

Available blended

Available online

Technology, Science, & Society Available blended

Leadership Strategies & Dynamics Available online


Combine online and classroom.

CONTACT US TODAY! 256.824.6673 | UAHComplete.uah.edu

MONDAY Probability & Modeling: The Basics 9/14–10/5 • M • 8:30 – 10:00 am (4 sessions)

Randomness and uncertainty are a part of life. While we can’t control the random events that occur in nature, we can use statistics and probability to recognize patterns and provide a basis for predicting trends. From games to quantum mechanics, the instructor will use Python to demonstrate the basics on how probability shapes our world and how you can better understand seemingly random events and everyday statistics. Member knowledge of programming language is not required. NEW!

C68F2001 • J Delmas • $20

Probability & Modeling: Stochastic Models and Applications 10/19–11/9 • M • 8:30 – 10:00 am (4 sessions)

Life is the school of probability. Learn about the design of stochastic models, a mathematical object usually defined as a family of random variables, as the instructor uses Python programming language to explore aspects of probability and simulation. The basics probability course is not required for students to benefit from this course. Member knowledge of programming language is not required. NEW!

C68F2005 • J Delmas • $20

Mathematics: The Joy of Numbers 9/14–10/5 • M • 10:30 am – noon (4 sessions)

Expand your knowledge on different light mathematics topics every week with the Great Courses DVDs and instructor led discussion. Learn how to mentally compute the day of the week for any date in history using a trick related to “casting out nines”. Find out the many beautiful and unexpected properties possessed by the Fibonacci numbers, which show up in nature, art and poetry. See how the quadratic formula reveals the connection between Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio. NEW!

C68F2002 • J Schweinsberg • $20

The Joy of Geometrical and Numerical Relationships 10/19–11/9 • M • 10:30 am – noon (4 sessions)

Discover the joy of some of the most basic constants in mathematics, such as pi, the “imaginary” number I and Euler’s e, the base of natural logarithms, and the amazing relationship of these numbers to each other. Also, learn some of the strange ideas associated with mathematical infinity. A math course just for fun! NEW!

Beginning Spanish 9/14–10/5 • M • 1:00 – 2:30 pm (4 sessions)

Let’s start at the very beginning! This course is for the very beginner, or for those who have had a little Spanish but who feel they would benefit from repeating the basics. Learn pronunciation and some simple, useful phrases, basic sentence structure, verb conjugation and grammar. Get to build your vocabulary little by little as the class progresses. Although pronunciation conventions of Latin America will be used, differences from those of Spain will be discussed. C64F2003 • Dr. T Miller • $20 Text: Latin American Spanish & Easy Spanish Phrase Book

Not–so–Beginning Spanish 10/19–11/9 • M • 1:00 – 2:30 pm (4 sessions)

Expand your skills and build your vocabulary in the 2nd most spoken language in the world! Emphasis will be placed on the language expressions and phrases, improving pronunciation, asking for directions, and more! Improve your ability to hear and understand the language through audio and videos of music and occasional YouTube instruction. Some prior knowledge of Spanish is recommended. C64F2007 • Dr. T Miller • $20 Text: Latin American Spanish & Easy Spanish Phrase Book

Major Financial Crises in American History 9/14–10/5 • M • 3:00 – 4:30 pm (4 sessions)

The history of our nation often is related without much discussion of the financial crises that rocked our citizens. The roller coaster of the markets today remind us we are not the first to experience them. Explore the major financial crises in American history from its founding through the Great Depression along with the political and financial changes they introduced. NEW!

C63F2004 • Dr. D Evans • $20

American Financial Crises in Recent Times 10/19–11/9 • M • 3:00 – 4:30 pm (4 sessions)

With the gut–wrenching fall and thrilling rises of the stock markets in 2020 fresh in our minds, we ask why the markets fell and how changes compare to historical stock market crises. Explore the major financial crises in American history after the Great Depression and study the changes they produced. NEW!

C63F2008 • Dr. D Evans • $20

C68F2006 • J Schweinsberg • $20 5

TUESDAY The Brain Dance 9/15–10/6 • T • 8:45 – 9:45 am (4 sessions)

Developed by kinesthetic expert, Anne Green Gilbert, The Brain Dance is a movement series composed of eight developmental patterns healthy human beings naturally move through in the first year of life. Cycling through these patterns at any age, has been found to be beneficial for the central nervous system. Increase your focus, balance, core strength, body awareness and general coordination with relaxing music, releasing stress and improving your breathing and body/mind connection. Please wear comfortable clothing and plan a place to practice where you can see and hear the Zoom meeting. NEW!

C66F2009 • C Curry • $20

A Survey of World War I 10/13–11/10 • T • 8:30 – 10:00 am (5 sessions)

World War I has often been called “The Great War” with very good reason. At one point or another, it involved nearly every nation on earth, and by its end, perhaps 37 million people had died as a result. This course will introduce the five less-often thought about and perhaps lesser-known sidelights of the war. Come find out why simple diplomacy failed to prevent the conflict; how new technologies brought modern warfare to the air and to the seas; and, how the war ended with disastrous attacks launched after both sides already knew an armistice had been signed. NEW!

C67F2045 • J Mason • $25

World War II in North Africa has been canceled.

Socrates Café 10/20–11/10 • T • 10:30 am – noon (4 sessions)

Challenge yourself to think about past and current issues in the world following a forum setting and guidelines. In a welcoming environment, find a group of individuals from all walks of life, nationalities, religions, political views, and genders. Discuss what is on your mind, from something on the news that day to general topics of interest, using class generated questions . In Socrates Café, we want to discuss hot topics and listen to all points of view. C66F2016 • D Styers • $20

French Language Essentials 9/15–10/6 • T • 1:00 – 2:30 pm (4 sessions)

Did you know French is the easiest language for English speakers to learn? Discover this romantic language as you learn basic pronunciation, greetings, introductions, polite expressions, numbers, articles, pronouns, and a few verbs. Have fun practicing these basic elements with your instructor and classmates in a friendly and encouraging atmosphere. If you are a true beginner to French language learning, if you plan to travel to France in the future, or if you have studied French but feel you need to brush up, this course is for you. NEW!

C64F2011 • Dr. V Earnest • $20

The Joys of Basic French 10/20–11/10 • T • 1:00 – 2:30 pm (4 sessions)

Dive into time telling, frequently used verbs, adjectives, days of the week, dates, and weather-related expressions in the most romantic language in the world. Improve your understanding and your pronunciation through speaking and listening to your instructor and classmates in a relaxed atmosphere where smiles and laughter naturally occur as you experience the joys of conversing in French. NEW!

C64F2017 • Dr. V Earnest • $20

Alaska — Adventures in the Last Frontier 9/15–10/13 • T • 10:30 am – noon (5 sessions)

Discover the beauty and learn more about the United State's largest state! Follow the instructor's numerous trips to Alaska through his photos and story telling. Explore the five regions while learning more about the history, local weather, culture, wildlife and more for each one of them. We hope this course inspires you to visit this breathtaking state! NEW!

C72F2010 • C Stuhlinger • $25 6

Tone Up and Tune In 9/15–10/6 • T • 3:00 – 4:30 pm (4 sessions)

Tone Up and Tune In safely provides methods with physiological consideration on how you can improve strength, balance and flexibility. Develop a healthier lifestyle by learning about acupressure, stretching/flexibility, resistance training, balance training and the Chinese practice, Qi Gong. Have fun as we exercise from home with no judgement! Please wear comfortable clothing and plan a place to practice where you can see and hear the Zoom meeting. NEW!

C70F2012 • D Mayes • $20

Absolute Beginning Bridge 10/13–11/10 • T • 3:00 – 4:30 pm (5 sessions)

An opportunity for absolute beginners to learn to play the world’s most popular card game. Have fun while you stimulate your mind in a relaxed congenial social environment. Designed especially for the true beginner, you’ll learn the basics of the game and become ready to play with friends and relatives. The text, Bidding in the 21st Century, will be provided complimentary. This course is ideal for individuals with no or very limited knowledge of the game. C66F2015 • B Darnall • $25

WEDNESDAY Intricacies of the Mind 9/16–10/7 • W • 8:30 – 10:00 am (4 sessions)

Gain a better understanding of the cognitive science of how we think and what we believe. How have we evolved to turn energy detection into conscious awareness and awareness into information processing? Delve into some fun thinking of how often you get things right and occasionally get things wrong. Also, discover why it is so hard to think innovatively and be quick to solve a problem while resourcing to an idea "outside the box". C65F2019 • Dr. W Confer • $20

Complexities of the Human Mind 10/21–11/11 • W • 8:30 – 10:00 am (4 sessions)

How can we tell the difference between being informed and being influenced? Discover how to distinguish persuasion and education from propaganda and how can you be less susceptible to unwanted influence and believing conspiracy theories or fake news. Also, explore the topics of politics of moral reason—Why are we so divided by religion and politics? NEW!

C65F2023 • Dr. W Confer • $20

Managing Your Personal Finances The Dawn of the Dinosaurs 9/15–10/6 • T • 5:00 – 6:30 pm (4 sessions)

Dinosaurs reigned supreme for 150 million years, thanks in large part to their cleverness and adaptability. Mankind, by contrast, has only been around for an estimated 300,000 years. Discuss Earth's geologic history, and the factors that led to these magnificent creatures into existence. To better understand this diverse group of reptiles, members will watch a lecture on Dinosaur Anatomy and Physiology. NEW!

C68F2013 • J Mason • $20

Dinosaurs Rise to Dominance 10/20–11/10 • T • 5:00 – 6:30 pm (4 sessions)

As a known paleontologist mentioned “dinosaurs are one of the most fascinating topics in science—some of the greatest creature evolution has ever produced.” And they are. Discover details on the evolution of the dinosaurs including the largest carnivore that ever walked the earth and discuss how they took flight. The Death of the Kings lecture will be presented to learn about the day a meteorite put this entire class of highly successful creatures into the Hall of Extinction. NEW!

9/16–10/7 • W • 10:30 am – noon (4 sessions)


You do not need to be an expert to plan your finances! Learn all the facets of financial planning and investing through different projects. Gain a better understanding on how to review and correct your credit report, determine your life insurance needs, estate planning, and determine appropriate investment portfolio asset allocation. As a result, you will have a solid financial foundation for you and your family. NEW!





C63F2020 • A Markell • $20

Open Book, Open Mind 10/14–11/11 • W • 10:30 am – noon (5 sessions)

Dig into contemporary and notable works, examining and discussing the social, historical, cultural, and authors' contexts. Get to debate Malcolm Gladwell's premises in Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know and vicariously experiencing Annie Dillard's enthusiasm for life in An American Childhood. Members are encouraged to read Gladwell's book by first class. C61F2024 • Klauss, Pratt & Strickland • $25 Text: Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know & An American Childhood

C68F2018 • J Mason • $20 7

Beginning German: Pronunciation and Reading


9/16–10/7 • W • 1:00 – 2:30 pm (4 sessions)

Interested in learning German? Improve your basic pronunciation, conversational and reading skills, while learning new vocabulary, basic phrases and grammar. The instructor will offer supplementary material to ensure beginners are effectively incorporated into the class. The course will begin with chapters 1–3 and proceed according to student progress.




C64F2021 • J Schweinsberg • $20 Text: German Made Simple

Beginning German: Nouns and Verbs


10/21–11/11 • W • 1:00 – 2:30 pm (4 sessions)


Expand your knowledge in the German language, mostly known as the language of writers and thinkers. Basic vocabulary, grammar and conversational skills will be covered with a focus on learning new nouns and verbs to form sentences. Discover new vocabulary and grammar to improve your understanding of the language. The course will start on chapter 3 of the textbook.



C64F2025 • J Schweinsberg • $20 Text: German Made Simple

Art Journaling Your Life Story 9/16–10/14 • W • 3:00 – 4:30 pm (5 sessions)

Share your life story in a beautiful and creative way! Discover how to use art journaling to document your life in a way you will enjoy doing as much as your family will enjoy reading! Learn different techniques to make pages have character, not just facts. A short supply list will be provided at the first session, and optional additional art materials may be purchased. C73F2022 • M Yother • $25

Forrest at War 10/21–11/11 • W • 3:00 – 4:30 pm (4 sessions)

Lauded by his opponent, General Sherman, as “the most remarkable man our Civil War produced on either side”, Forrest has been a magnet for both praise and criticism. What did he actually accomplish? How did he do it? What difference did it make on the overall conduct of the war? Learn more about this cavalry leader, military strategist, and controversial figure. NEW!

C67F2026 • Dr. J Scales • $20


THURSDAY Intermediate German


9/17–10/8 • Th • 8:30 – 10:00 am (4 sessions)

Improve your reading comprehension and everyday conversation in German. Members will improve their language skills and expand their vocabulary by reading Walzer in Wien, a collection of funny and entertaining short stories exploring the Austrian capital, and by starting a new intriguing detective story, Donauwalzer.



C64F2027 • L Medenbach • $20 Text: Walzer in Wien

English Language Studies and Vocabulary Building 10/15–11/12 • Th • 8:30 – 10:30 am (5 sessions)

The study of English is not only learning new words and applying them effectively, but also understanding the history and spread of English as a language, including the derivations and changes in word meanings along the way. Come join us for a deeper appreciation of the language you use daily through the Great Courses DVD and instructor led discussions! C61F2032 • Dr. W Confer • $25

Exploring Social Issues Through Journalism 9/17–10/8 • Th • 10:30 am – noon (4 sessions)

Using some of the best recent magazine articles, focus on discussing a variety of social issues and social problems that currently affect and have affected our world. The discussion topics will be selected from the The Best American Magazine Writing annual anthologies. Do not miss out on the opportunity to delve into important issues that have made an impact in our society with fellow OLLI members through thoughtful conversations. NEW!

C61F2028 • S Keiser • $20

Blue Zones: Improving Quality and Longevity 10/15–11/12 • Th • 10:30 am – noon (5 sessions)

Back by popular demand! Scientists have discovered pockets of the world with fewer diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer where people live longer than anyone else. Yet, they don't take pills for it, and they don't live like we do here in the U.S. Learn from a nurse how to change your life and health by understanding the lifestyle of those in "The Blue Zones". Live happier and healthier! C70F2034 • J Ellinger • $25

Introduction to Landscape Art 9/17–10/8 • Th • 1:00 – 2:30 pm (4 sessions)

Dive into the world of your favorite landscapes! Begin with free–style sketching, moving later into wet mediums. Learn how to use pencils, charcoal, pastels, watercolor, and acrylic paints to transform your favorite landscapes into works of art! A supplies list will be provided prior to the first class. Gain confidence in your art, regardless of medium! C73F2029 • E Miller • $20

You Be the Judge 10/15–11/12 • Th • 1:00 – 2:30 pm (5 sessions)

Step into the Jury Box! This course will allow you to express your inner Judge Judy. In each session, members will be given the facts of three real court cases to discuss. After exploring the intricacies of each case the members will reach a collective "verdict". Only then will the actual verdict/decision in the case be revealed. Join us as we discuss and enjoy the opportunity to play a judicial role. NEW!

C67F2033 • T Borcher • $25

Composing Great Photos: The Basics 9/17–10/15 • Th • 3:00 – 4:30 pm (5 sessions)

Texture, symmetry, foreground, etc...what does this all mean? Learn the tricks, tools and elements of photograph composition to improve your photos through various examples and feedback from the instructor. Since learning by doing is the best way to understand concepts, participation will be encouraged each week by submitting your photos for feedback after each lesson. Basic knowledge of cropping photos and exporting them is recommended. NEW!

C73F2030 • B Staggs • $25

Breath Centered Yoga 10/22–11/12 • Th • 3:00 – 4:00 pm (4 sessions)

Breath Centered Yoga 9/17–10/8 • Th • 5:00 – 6:00 pm (4 sessions)

Explore the benefits and practical applications of yoga for health and healing. Using a gentle approach, combine breath and movement to soothe the body and focus the mind. This course will be accessible to beginners and experienced practitioners alike, as well as those with unique physical needs. Members are encouraged to have their own yoga mats, beach towel, props, wear comfortable clothing and plan a place to practice where you can see and hear the Zoom meeting. C70F2031 • R Frank • $20

2020 Presidential Election 10/15–11/12 • Th • 5:00 – 6:30 pm (5 sessions)

Dive into one of the most captivating presidential races in recent history. Join an open forum discussion of the 59th U.S. presidential election and congressional elections especially for the State of Alabama and reflect on our role as citizens. Follow the presidential campaigns for each candidate with the latest lectures, and debates. The instructor will provide data and details regarding the entire election process and answer any questions from the participants. NEW!

C66F2035 • R Frederick • $25

Focus on using yoga practices to reduce stress and promote immunity in the body. Postures and gentle movements focused on opening the chest and activating the lymphatic system will be used to release congestion, reduce stress hormones, and support positive nervous system responses. Please wear comfortable clothing and plan a place to practice where you can see and hear the Zoom meeting. Recommended equipment is a yoga mat (or comfortable floor space), strap (you could use a belt from robe or coat), 1–2 firm throw blankets or bath towels, and a sturdy chair that is open (no arms) such as a folding chair. C70F2036 • P Tejes • $20 9

FRIDAY Aging in a COVID–19 World 9/18–10/9 • F • 8:30 – 10:00 am (4 sessions)

Since the pandemic is likely to stay longer than expected, being armed with information is your best defense. Focus on staying mentally and physically healthy during this very challenging period in your life. The instructor will guide you through the plethora of information available to make sense of how to grow old gracefully; and you will have the opportunity to devise your "new normal" lifestyle. NEW!

C65F2037 • K Sieja • $20

Understanding Religious Diversity in America 10/16–11/13 • F • 8:30 – 10:00 am (5 sessions)

Religion in human history has been the foundation for politics, economics, and personal morals. Explore the meaning and importance of divinity and religious devotion for each of the religions to be studied. Discuss how to respect differences and celebrate similarities in Judaism and Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and more! NEW!

C65F2038 • R Brooks • $25

FRIDAY VIRTUAL BONUS − Friday − 11:00 am Join our virtual Bonus Lectures to delve into new topics provided by excellent guest speakers as they share their experiences and Aging in a COVID-19 knowledge. Bonuses are complimentary in your membership.*


Sign up at: Osher.uah.edu/OLLIEvents

Since the pandemic is likely to stay longer than Dismantling Systemic Racism: The Path to People Power expected, being armed 8/21 • Stephanie Strong with information is your Gain a better understanding of the economic status of "power" and how it has become best defense. Focus onracialized. Unpack privilege through the lens ofmentally white supremacy staying and and define who benefits and loses from it. Discover what you can do to dismantle systematic racism and physically during reimaginehealthy a democracy that works for all US citizens. this very challenging period Where Huntsville Women Made History in The yourPlaces life. The instructor 8/28 • Donna Castellano will guide you through the Through a virtual walking tour, explore the women’s suffrage plethora of information movement in Huntsville, meeting those who led the effort available to make and advocated forsense equal of voting rights. Also, discuss the story about six African American how to grow old gracefully;women who met the property and literacy requirement imposed by Alabama’s 1902 constitution and you will have the and consequently claimed their right to the ballot box. opportunity to devise your Huntsville in 1898 "new normal" lifestyle. NEW!

9/18 • Guy Collins

9/18-10/9 • Fhistory • 8:30 of - 10:00 am during its industrial growth, Learn the Huntsville (4 yellow sessions) fever and the Spanish American war. Huntsville was C65F2037 • Sieja $20 mills and urban growth under visionary developing new•cotton Tracey Pratt. Meanwhile, a war breaks out to liberate Cuba featuring the most unlikely of military heroes - an old Alabama Understanding Congressman, Joseph Wheeler and brilliant New York politician, Religious in Theodore Diversity Roosevelt. Discover how Huntsville becomes a America military encampment due to the constant fear of disease.

Religion in Eastern human Europe Three Weeks in history been the 10/2 •has Rick Schwarz NEW!

Teach virtual courses with OLLI at UAH! OLLI is always looking for energetic instructors with a passion for teaching various topics. For more information contact OLLI.info@uah.edu or 256.824.6183. 10

foundation for politics,and storytelling, discover the beauty Through photographs and history of Eastern Europe. Through a fifteen day cruise economics, and personal the following places were visited: Budapest, Vienna, Prague, morals. Explore the Krakow, Warsaw, and Berlin. Join us to hear more about this meaning importance of amazingand experience. divinity and religious A Journey of WWII Battle Sites in France devotion for each of the 10/16 • Tom Ress religions to major be studied. Delve into sites of the historic WWII region of France Discuss to respect such ashow American D-Day beaches of Utah and Omaha, the American British and German cemeteries, Sainte-Mere-Eglise, differences and celebrate Caen, Pointe du Hoc and Avranches. Through photographs similarities in Judaism and and experiences rediscover the history of these important sites. Eastern religions such as Science Matters: Teaching Buddhism, Hinduism, and 72,000 Students 10/30 • Billy Hix more! How does a retired NASA man and a science teacher extend 10/16-11/13 • F and • 8:30 - 10:00in retirement? Discover the story of his influence passion man who grew up in poverty, but that did not stop him from ama (5 sessions) learning•the night• sky C65F2038 Brooks $25and universe. Learn about the STEM outreach conducted with a portable planetarium in rural schools across TN while sharing his passion with students. Membership Required for Participation * Members who sign up will receive the Zoom invitation one business day prior to the event.

A GUIDE TO LEARNING WITH ZOOM & GOOGLE CLASSROOM Zoom Video Conferencing Zoom is a centrally supported video conferencing platform that provides high definition, interactive collaboration tools for communication.


To access Zoom you will need a laptop or desktop (Windows or Mac), tablet, or smartphone (iPhone or Android). Once you register for a course, OLLI at UAH will send registered members a link for the Zoom meeting. A Zoom account isn't required to attend our course sessions.

If you haven’t used Zoom before, allow about 15 minutes for setup before first use.

Using a laptop or desktop: Download the free and secure Zoom program to computer.

Using a tablet or smartphone: Download the free and secure Zoom application from the app store.

The following equipment will enhance your experience: • Web camera: A camera will increase your connection with your instructor and your peers by allowing you to see each other face-to-face. If you don’t have access to a web camera, you will still be able to see the instructor. • Microphone: This will let you be heard during the class. You don’t need fancy equipment; it can be headphones with a mic incorporated that you use with your smartphone. • Charger: Charging your device during class will ensure that you do not have an unexpected power outage interrupting your learning.

Google Classroom This fall, some courses will be utilizing Google Classrooms. This Learning Management System is a secondary resource that will allow students and instructors to communicate and share handouts, presentations, videos and more through an online platform accessible from the student's Gmail* account. Participate in the Zoom Training to find out more info! If your instructor will be using Google Classrooms, the CPS staff will send you an email letting you know and we will add you to the course one week prior to the start date. Google Classrooms will then send you an invitation to join the course. This is only available to members who have a Gmail* account. * Please note: If you have a Gmail account that is not in our OLLI records, please send your Gmail information to us at OLLI.info@uah.edu or if you need help creating a Gmail account contact us at 256.824.6183.

Are you familiar with Zoom? Whether you are or aren't, OLLI at UAH is providing complimentary Zoom training to get adults age 50+ comfortable using the software!

Learn Zoom with OLLI Wednesday August 19 • 3:00 pm Wednesday August 26 • 10:00 am Tuesday September 1 • 2:00 pm Wednesday September 9 • 10:00 am Monday October 12 • 10:30 am Wednesday October 14 • 1:00 pm Sign up for a training date at Osher.uah.edu/OLLIZoomTraining You will receive the Zoom invitation one business day prior.

Looking for ways to volunteer with OLLI?

Become a Zoom Facilitator Participate in our online learning by being a facilitator for our LIVE courses. Help our instructors and members during their online courses with Zoom features such as mute, chat, share screen, etc.

Interested in volunteering? Contact OLLI.info@uah.edu or 256.824.6183. 11



Let's get together...virtually! Rejoice in joining fellow OLLI members in various social and cultural events.*

Sign up to participate: Osher.uah.edu/OLLIEvents Yemen: A History of Conflict • 9/2 Investigate the origins of the conflict and explore steps to resolution. Participate in the LIVE Zoom Discussion based on a pre-recorded Foreign Policy Association lecture.

Scenic Tennessee Valley • Photos must be taken April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021 • Photographer must be a current OLLI member • Gentle photo editing permitted but keep the original photo • Submit named photo in a standard digital .jpg format Recommend at least 2 MP final pixel size

Coffee Chats − Scattergories • 9/25 Bring on your creative side as you name objects within a set of categories in a short period of time! Coffee Chats − Trivia • 10/9 Test your knowledge on interesting facts in many subjects while enjoying the company of fellow OLLI members. The game will be played individually.

Submit entries to: olliphotocontest@gmail.com Include when/where the photo was taken, your name, phone number and email. Osher.uah.edu/OLLIPhotoContest

Coffee Chats − Guess Who? Halloween Edition • 10/23 Dress up and have fun with fellow OLLI members as we play a game of Guess Who? with a Halloween theme. Americans and the World • 11/6 Consider the multiple roles Americans play in the life of the world. Participate in the LIVE Zoom Discussion based on a pre-recorded Foreign Policy Association lecture.

Congratulations To Our 2020 Photo Contest Winners! Philip Flowers - 1st

Virtual Teacher Appreciation • 11/13 Gather with friends to appreciate OLLI instructors and facilitators.

Harold Dean - 2nd

Membership Required for Participation * Members who sign up will receive the Zoom invitation one business day prior to the event.

Let's Get Social

JOIN THE CONVERSATION! Like Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UAH on Facebook to enjoy conversation and insight into our OLLI courses & OLLI at UAH life. Osher.uah.edu/OLLIFacebook 12

Subscribe to our OLLI at UAH YouTube channel for Zoom training videos, photo contest winners, and more! Osher.uah.edu/OLLIYouTube

Vivian Tsu – 3rd

OLLI INSTRUCTORS Tom Borcher, a retired trial attorney and White House historian, has entertained many groups with humorous stories and historical facts about the White House and its residents. He has been a guest speaker at several presidential libraries as well as civic organizations. Richard Brooks received his economics degree from UNA with postgraduate study in philosophy/ theology. He obtained a master's degree from Columbia Theological Seminary. Donna Castellano, Executive Director of the Historic Huntsville Foundation, devotes much of her time to the research and preservation of Huntsville-Madison County's historic buildings, homes, sites and neighborhoods. Donna received her M. A. in history from UAH, where she specialized in the antebellum south. Guy W. Collins is a veteran OLLI instructor. A University of Alabama graduate, he taught Advanced Placement European History at Grissom High School for 29 years. He has traveled to Europe several times, studying in residence at Balliol College Oxford University. Dr. William Confer retired from clinical psychology after 38 years of practice. He is a Diplomat of the American Board of Professional Psychology and the American Board of Sleep Medicine. His first degree was in English literature and he currently studies etymology as a hobby. Cathy Curry has a BFA in Dance from FSU. She is a certified teacher who founded the Academy Dance Companies at AAA Magnet School for the Arts in Huntsville. As director of the Discover Dance Outreach for Huntsville Ballet Company, she has been nominated twice for the Alabama Alliance for Arts Education's impact award. Bob Darnall, former OLLI President and current Board member, is following his parents' examples playing and teaching bridge. A retired engineer who worked on Army missile programs, he is a regular at the Huntsville Bridge Center. Jeff Delmas holds degrees in mathematics from Millsaps College and in civil engineering from Georgia Tech. He worked as a structural engineer on SpaceLab missions before joining Intergraph and spending the rest of his career in software development. Dr. Vicki Earnest has been teaching English and French throughout her life. Since her retirement from teaching at Calhoun in 2002, she has continued as an adjunct. Jennifer Ellinger, a UAH graduate, worked as an RN, BSN in both hospital ICU and office settings, giving her a unique perspective on health and disease prevention. As National MS Society’s 2018 Volunteer of the Year, she passionately lives a quest to find joy in every situation—even when faced with health challenges. Dr. Dorla Evans is Emerita Professor of Finance from UAH. She taught finance for 28 years after working in the oil industry in Houston. Rebekah Frank is a 500-hour Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher who focuses on making yoga accessible to all bodies through the use of variations of poses and props. Randy Frederick holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in political science, is an ABA-certified paralegal, and taught secondary education for 35 years. He also worked as a corporate recruiter, trainer, and production manager and served as a Fortune 500 hiring consultant.

We are thankful for our OLLI at UAH Instructors! OLLI at UAH is lucky to have instructors who volunteer their time and share their knowledge with members. They come from different backgrounds, have different perspectives and different passions in life, yet all have the common goal of making OLLI at UAH successful. Join us in thanking them for their dedication. They inspire us to enrich our lives through education and to...

Never Stop Learning! Billy Hix retired from astronomy related projects at NASA and college teaching. During his career he was recipient of numerous awards—Science Teacher of the Year in TN, Governor’s STEM Advocate Award in TN, Space Foundation’s STEM Teacher in the Nation. Steven Keiser has a B.A. in sociology from Southern Illinois University‑Edwardsville and taught college-level sociology classes as a graduate student. He spent most of his career as a US Army civilian employee and retired in 2016. Rainer Klauss holds a B.A. in English from Auburn. He and his family moved to Huntsville in 1950. He worked as a librarian at Emory University and the Gwinnett County Public Library System in Georgia. Tennent Lee retired after 43 years of practicing law in Huntsville. He holds B.S. and J.D. degrees from the University of Alabama. Since retirement Tennent has become an avowed "history junkie," especially military and political history. Alan Markell has 40+ years investment experience and has been a practicing personal financial planner and investment manager for 10+ years. Alan is a Certified Financial Planner, IRS Enrolled Agent, and Accredited Financial Counselor. John Mason is a retired US Government contracting officer with a never ending penchant for learning about new things. He is particularly passionate about military history, especially the American Civil War. Debbie Mayes is a retired educator with 25 years of experience and has been a longtime OLLI member. Recently she became a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine with a specialization in Senior Exercises. Leka Medenbach received her MA from Stanford University and was a Hollins University faculty member in Roanoke, VA. She has taught German for many years and is involved in various Huntsville community organizations. Elliott Miller is a well-known photo-realistic artist. His oil portraits, acrylic paintings, and charcoal drawings have been seen nationwide in exhibitions, museums, libraries, schools, and private collections. Dr. Tim Miller was a NASA atmospheric researcher for 30 years before retiring. As a NASA scientist, he taught atmospheric science courses at UAH. Tim has studied French, Italian, and German, but is most proficient in Spanish. He often sings in one or more of those languages, and also in Latin, with the Huntsville Master Chorale. Dona Pratt holds degrees in math, economics and English and an M.A. in instructional technology. She spent most of her career in IT and served on several boards and commissions including the Board of Education for a high-performing district. She enjoys reading, running, and design. Tom Ress, an avid traveler and adventurer, is an accomplished photographer and freelance writer. He has visited all seven continents and dozens of countries; he writes about his travel adventures for numerous magazines and websites. He is also a volunteer at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge and a board member of the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge Association.

Dr. John Scales has a background in physics and engineering and is also a retired Special Forces brigadier general who has spent years in Asia, including a tour in Afghanistan. Rick Schwarz is retired from the U.S. Army and government civil service. He has a master’s degree from the Naval Postgraduate School and taught Program Management Professional certification classes. Rick and his wife lived in Germany for seven years, traveled extensively during and after. John Schweinsberg holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Michigan. He worked as a computer programmer, a German-to-English translator, and a part-time technical writer. Kathy Sieja recently retired as a Licensed Counselor with a private practice in Huntsville. Kathy is enjoying travel, volunteer work, taking classes, and spending time with family. Barbara Staggs is a retired special education teacher. A member of the Huntsville Photographic Society, she achieved the rank of Master Photographer and was awarded the President's Trophy for Photographic Competitions in 2007. She has been an OLLI instructor for many years. David Strickland, is a retired trial lawyer whose practice was focused almost exclusively on civil litigation. Relatively new to the Huntsville area, David now enjoys OLLI courses and activities. Stephanie R. Strong is lead organizer with Faith in Action Alabama (FIAAS), a multi-racial, multi-faith community organization that seeks to dismantle systemic racism to create pathways of opportunity for all Alabamians. Chris Stuhlinger is a retired forester and ISA certified arborist. His work experience of over 40 years included: research assistant/associate at LSU, a county/urban forester in Maryland, and as University Forester in University of Arkansas. He currently assists at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. David Styers is a Registered Professional Engineer who has experienced many travel adventures in more than two million miles of travel. He has visited more than 25 countries and 40 states. Pamela Tejes is a certified yoga teacher with over 500 hours of training compliant with Yoga Alliance guidelines. She is experienced in teaching yoga to all ages. Monica Yother is an artist and graphic designer with a passion for helping others discover their creativity. She paints, journals and hosts workshops and painting parties in her Lowe Mill A&E studio. When not in the studio she enjoys spending time with her family and her animals.


OLLI Scholarship Fund The OLLI at UAH scholarship was established over 15 years ago to award one or more deserving full-time students funds to cover the cost of tuition, fees, or other education expenses. Your generous donations help provide a path to a bright future.

The OLLI at UAH scholarship helped cover the cost of tuition, which extended my experience and professional growth beyond the classroom. I will be able to serve more efficiently to children, young adults and adults in our communities and education centers.”

Odalys Miranda Suastegui BA '20 Professional Studies Technology, Science & Society

Donate Online Today! Osher.uah.edu/DonateOLLI

OLLI at UAH Executive Officers President – David Styers VP Curriculum – John Mason VP A&F – Allan Williamson Secretary – Betty Koval Treasurer – Linda Lowe Exec Emerita – Janet Reville CPS Dean – Dr. Karen M. Clanton

Board of Directors Leah Black Richard Brooks Kathryn Cataldo Linda Harman Jennifer Humiston Barbara Johnson Steve Jones Elizabeth Kocir Judy Oljey David Rabb Jill Stewart Harriett Somerville Marilynn Szecholda Rexanne Warfel Jan Williamson

Committee Chairs

Administration & Finance – Allan Williamson Curriculum – John Mason Events – Linda Lowe Fund Development & Scholarship – Janet Reville Member Services – Leah Black Public Relations – Liz Kocir Social – Marilynn Szecholda Travel – Betty Koval Volunteer Support – Irene Garappo

UAH College of Professional Studies Dean – Dr. Karen M. Clanton Associate Director – Fathia Hardy OLLI Program Manager – Ale Pacheco OLLI Program Coordinator – Alice Sammon

Curriculum Committee Arts & Letters – Val Seaquist Bonuses – Linda McAllister Course Guide Preparation – Vicki Goodness Finance & Economics – John Mason (Chair) Foreign Language – Sue Farbman Health & Fitness – Rexanne Warfel History & Government – Birgit Stensby Information Technology – Ale Pacheco (Co-Chair) Leisure & Nature – Joan May Natural Resources – Steve Jones Psychology, Philosophy, & Religion – Bill Confer Science, Math & Engineering – Harriett Somerville (Vice Chair) Skills & Hobbies – Barbara Hitchings

It’s the belief of the Bernard Osher Foundation that people are living longer and this longer life should be coupled with increased learning. The more engaged seasoned adults are, the more constructive citizens they will be.” Mary Bitterman President, Bernard Osher Foundation 14

FAQs What if I cannot access my online account? To reset your password or username, select Forgot Password or Forgot Username on the registration login page. For further assistance, call 256.824.6183 to obtain your username and a temporary password. What is a "rolling" membership? Your OLLI at UAH membership will be valid for 12 (or 24) months beginning the date your membership was first processed. Your OLLI badge shows the date of membership expiration. How many courses may I take per term? You may take as many courses as you wish! The $20 tuition is the registration fee for the entire term. Each 4-session course is then $20, and each 5-session course is $25. The description for each course lists its fee. Can I get a refund if I decide to withdraw from courses? Due to the low cost at which these courses are provided and the additional cost to process refunds, no refund is given for those who wish to withdraw from courses. Please contact the Registration Office if you wish to drop a course to allow wait-listed members to enroll. What is the difference between the membership and course registration fees? The $25 membership fee provides all the membership benefits listed on page 1. The $20 tuition is the registration fee for the entire term. Each course is then $20 or $25 depending on how many sessions it runs. Does OLLI provide member financial assistance? Yes. For assistance information call 256.824.6183. Who attends OLLI courses? OLLI is identified as a lifelong learning organization for adults 50 and over, whether working, retired, or semi-retired. However, there is no set age requirement and you are welcome to join at any age!

Will you help our OLLI continue to grow? OLLI at UAH members and friends have supported our high-quality, low-cost learning opportunities since it’s beginning. To keep growing and sustain our learning community, we need your support in OLLI’s future! • Give to the OLLI Support Fund and help us continue to grow and maintain our program.

• Establish a Legacy Giving plan and pass your love of lifelong learning to future generations.

Ways to Contribute DONATE ONLINE: Osher.uah.edu/DonateOLLI Select OLLI SUPPORT FUND BY MAIL: UAH Foundation — OLLI SUPPORT FUND Shelbie King Hall, 3rd Floor Huntsville, AL 35899 LEGACY GIVING: UAH Foundation 256.824.GIVE

OLLI Day Alabama Thursday, August 20 • 2:00pm Save-the-date and plan to attend this virtual event!

Who teaches OLLI courses? Course leaders are qualified members of OLLI, the University, and others who enjoy sharing their knowledge. OLLI is particularly proud of its volunteer teachers and speakers, many of whom are well-known experts in their fields. Do I need a permit to park on campus? For short term visits, members may park in a visitor's parking spot in the G5 lot in front of Wilson Hall. Members who need to come to campus for an extended length of time due to special circumstances must notify the CPS office at least two business days in advance. Members will receive a visitor permit to park in a visitor parking spot or any open faculty/staff or commuter zone if a visitor spot is unavailable. Members may not park in a residential parking zone. Email us at OLLI.info@uah.edu or phone us at 256.824.6183 for questions or to request a visitor permit.

Still Have Questions?

Kay Ivey,

Bernard Osher,

Mary G.F. Bitterman

Governor of Alabama

Founder and Treasurer of The Bernard Osher Foundation

President of The Bernard Osher Foundation

This will be a celebration of lifelong learning offered by three OLLI programs across Alabama. OLLI at UAH, UA and Auburn, will be recognized and celebrated by the state on OLLI Day. Don’t miss out on the good news and proclamation that will be presented at this celebration!

Register for the virtual event at Osher.uah.edu/OLLIDayAlabama

OLLI.info@uah.edu | 256.824.6183


Expand the Joy of Learning with

OLLI ALABAMA SHARES Celebrate OLLI Day this fall term through our online LIVE course collaboration with OLLI at The University of Alabama (UA) and Auburn University!

As part of your member benefits, you can now take up to six courses from UA or Auburn! Check out the courses offered from each OLLI program.

Register and view instructor biographies online at Osher.uah.edu/OLLIRegistration until September 11th.

Courses Presented by OLLI at Auburn University Europe in the Middle Ages 9/15–11/3 • T • 2:30 – 4:00 pm (8 sessions)

Discover the foundations of Europe and civilization. Chronologically the period covers the late Roman civilization (from the second century) and ends as the first European civilization comes into existence prematurely and falls apart in the ninth century. Learn more about the Roman, Germanic, and Christian traditions and practices of this early medieval world. C74F2039 • J Kicklighter

Whatever Happened to Folk Music? 9/15–11/3 • T • 2:30 – 4:00 pm (8 sessions)

Explore the origins and evolution of American folk and roots music. The instructor will feature numerous audio and audiovisual examples of songs that range from centuriesold British ballads, to wildly popular songs during the socalled “folk music revival,” to songs released in the last 10-20 years, best classified as “Americana.” It will incorporate the folk music of Black Americans and discuss how this music was separated commercially from Anglo-American folk music. C74F2040 • M Reinke • Limited Capacity

Consumer Revolution in Early Modern Europe 9/16–11/4 • W • 2:30 – 4:30 pm (8 sessions)

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Europeans began to spend significantly more money on non-essential goods. This was the period of the rise of modern consumerism, the major theme of this course. Learn how European acquisitiveness was spurred on by new notions of luxury, fashion, and the exotic as part of a larger consideration of the causes and impact of changing patterns of consumption. C74F2041 • D Bohanan

Courses Presented by OLLI at The University of Alabama The Most Significant Wild West Events 9/15–10/6 • T • 1:30 – 2:45 pm (4 sessions)

The history of the American Wild West is one of myths and legends, hardships and triumphs. There is certainly disagreement as to which events were most important in settling the West, but at least four stand out as having great significance in creating the iconic images associated with the Wild West in literature and entertainment. Learn about each event and decide who were bad guys and who were heroes. C74F2042 • R Rhone

Opera for Everyone 9/16–11/4 • W • 9:00 – 10:15 am (8 sessions)

Develop an appreciation, and hopefully, a love for Operaone of the oldest arts in the world. Watch and listen to some magnificent operas first performed in the period from 1800 through 2000. C74F2043 • E Aversa

Armchair Travel 9/17–11/5 • Th • 9:00 – 10:15 am (8 sessions)

Join us to explore eight destinations around the world without having to leave your home. Through photographs and storytelling learn more about the various places OLLI at UA members have visited. C74F2044 • P Malone

$20 Tuition plus $25 per Course *If you have already registered and paid the tuition fee, you will only have to pay the per course fee.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UAH is proud to be part of the national Osher Institute.

An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution

JOIN OLLI TODAY! "OLLI has given me the opportunity to pursue my passion for learning as well as providing new paths to continue utilizing my professional skills through its many volunteer activities. The OLLI Program continues to demonstrate that learning has no age boundaries." – Liz Kocir


s course l a u t r i V l. his Fal t d e r e off

Look inside for details about OLLI memberships, virtual bonuses, special activities, and 30+ courses being offered this Fall.

Osher.uah.edu OLLI.info@uah.edu | 256.824.6183

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