OLLI at UAH -- Winter 2022 -- Course Guide

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Learn, Engage, and Connect with fellow lifelong learners age 50 and up. WINTER 2022 COURSE GUIDE

Save 20% When you sign up for 4 or more courses at once.

Osher.uah.edu OLLI.info@uah.edu | 256.824.6183

Elliott Miller OLLI Instructor & Member since 2018.

About OLLI OLLI at UAH is a vibrant community of lifelong learners, age 50+, that offers members the opportunity to stay intellectually and socially active through courses, social activities, and bonus lectures. Courses are currently offered in-person and online, and cover a variety of interesting topics, which will enhance your knowledge and skills. Enjoy life, make friends, and Never Stop Learning with OLLI!

Table of Contents Schedule at a Glance......................... 1 Membership Benefits......................... 2 Membership & Course Registration...... 3 Icon Key.............................................. 4 Monday – Friday Courses................... 5 Member Interest Groups (MIGs)........ 9 Bonuses............................................ 12 Special Events.................................. 12 Guide to Google Classroom............ 13 Board of Directors............................ 14 Instructors......................................... 16 Frequently Asked Questions............ 17 Parking............................................. 19

Winter term begins the week of January 24th* *Courses have various start dates throughout term.

UAH Campus Closed Nov 25 - 26, Dec 24 - 31, Jan 3, Jan 17, Mar 14 - 18 Courses listed in this guide are offered in the spirit of academic freedom. OLLI at UAH does not endorse any creed, concept, service, or product that might be presented by the instructors.

From the CPS Director of Outreach and Support Services Dear OLLI Family and Friends, Congratulations on a successful fall term as we transitioned from learning in the comfort of our own homes to Wilson Hall on the UAH campus – OLLI’s home! It was pleasant to hear the lounge filled with laughter and conversation and to see OLLI members simply “hanging out." We could feel the excitement and energy vibrating as members returned to attend courses, bonuses, events, or merely to get a parking permit and say hello! I was so pleased to see many members still take advantage of our online learning opportunities – whether in a live virtual format or completely online. It is our goal to continue to grow our online programming for years to come. Virtual options provide our OLLI family with flexible ways of learning. As you will see in this course guide, we are continuing our commitment to deliver the most enriching experience we can offer! I owe an enormous debt of thanks to our curriculum committee, the OLLI Board of Directors, and my CPS team for their hard work and dedication in putting together a winter term full of adventure, learning, and socialization. I invite each of you to join us in reconnecting with friends after an extended break during the holidays by participating in the 40+ courses, bonus lectures, and special events ready for your enjoyment. CPS and your OLLI leaders are thrilled to see you soon!

On the cover: Elliott Miller, OLLI instructor and member since 2018, preparing to work on a painting in Wilson Hall. photo courtesy of michael mercier

Fathia Hardy, CPS Director of Outreach and Support Services

SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE MONDAY 8:30 – 10:00 am How to Take Better Pictures of People 1/24 – 2/28 (6 sessions)

TUESDAY 8:30 – 10:00 am German Stories — Intermediate & Advanced 1/25 – 3/1 (6 sessions)

Human Flourishing

WEDNESDAY 8:30 – 10:00 am

8:30 – 10:00 am

FRIDAY 8:30 – 10:00 am

Art for the Fun of It

TED Talks

Pros and Cons of Aging

Writing Your Life Story

Understanding Evolution

Intermediate Tai Chi

2/2 – 3/9 (6 sessions)

1/26 – 3/2 (6 sessions)

2/8 – 3/1 (4 sessions)

THURSDAY 1/27 – 3/3 (6 sessions)

1/28 – 2/25 (5 sessions) 2/4 – 3/11 (6 sessions)

1/27 – 3/3 (6 sessions)

Stories of Survivors 1/19 – 3/9 (8 sessions) 9:00 – 10:00 am

Rivers of Alabama

1/19 – 3/2 (7 sessions) 9:00 – 10:30 am

10:30 am – noon Conversational French

1/24 – 2/28 (6 sessions)

The First Ten Days of the Battle of the Bulge

10:30 am – noon Topics in Law


Mysteries of the Supermarket

Discovering Dark Matter & Dark Energy

1/26 – 3/2 (6 sessions)

2/3 – 3/10 (6 sessions)

1/14 Critical Explanation & Discussion of CRT

1/25 – 3/1 (6 sessions)

Seven Principles of Painting

Spanish for Beginners

2/2 – 3/9 (6 sessions)

2/3 – 2/24 (4 sessions)

1/28 Wonders Under the Sea Across the World


Let's Get Cooking with Plants!

2/11 Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering

Behind the Scenes

Grandma's Ladle: Cooking from Home!

1/26 – 2/9 (3 sessions) noon – 1:15 pm

2/14 – 3/7 (4 sessions)

1:15 – 2:45 pm

1:15 – 2:45 pm

German for Travelers

You Be the Judge

1/24 – 2/28 (6 sessions)

2/1 – 2/22 (4 sessions)

Enhancing Your E D LL LifeC Story ANCE

Chinese Art History

Writing Memoir: Structure, Voice, & Flow

1/24 – 2/28 (6 sessions)

1/25 – 3/1 (6 sessions)

Private Lives & Public Places

The First 50 Years of American History

1/24 – 3/7 (7 Sessions) 2:30 – 4:00 pm

Bonus • 11:00 am

E 1/25 C – 3/1 (6 C sessions) AN

2/7 – 3/7 (5 sessions)

1:15 – 2:45 pm

10:30 am – noon

10:30 am – noon

1/26 – 3/2 (6 sessions)

Ways to Avoid the ER

2/17 – 3/10 (4 sessions) 10:30 – 11:30 am

1:15 – 2:45 pm Beginning ED French A N C E L L


2/25 Everyday Americans 1860-1960 3/4

Exploring Beautiful Borneo

1/27 – 2/17 (4 sessions)

A History of Mystery 2/10 – 3/3 (4 sessions)

2/2 – 3/2 (5 sessions)

1/18 – 3/8 (8 sessions) 1:30 – 2:45 pm

England in the Late Middle Ages

1/18 – 3/1 (7 Sessions) 2:30 – 4:00 pm

3:15 – 4:45 pm Socrates Cafe

1/31 – 2/28 (5 sessions)

Intro to Bollywood Movies

3:15 – 4:45 pm Take Me to Your Lieder — Four Centuries of Art Song 1/25 – 3/1 (6 sessions)

Intro to Tai Chi

2/2 – 3/9 (6 sessions)

Poetry Writing Workshop 1/26 – 3/2 (6 sessions)

Beginning German LLED

1/24 – 2/28 (6 sessions)

5:15 – 6:45 pm

3:15 – 4:45 pm


1/26 –C3/2 (6 C sessions) AN

5:15 – 6:45 pm Breath-Centered Yoga 1/25 – 2/15 (4 sessions) 5:15 – 6:15 pm

3:15– 4:45 pm Wisdom in the Old Testament

1/27 – 2/24 (5 sessions)

Gentle, Mindful Yoga

2/10 – 3/10 (5 sessions) 3:00 – 4:00 pm

5:15 – 6:45 pm

5:15 – 6:45 pm

Computer Technology — Back to the Basics 1/27 – 3/10 (6 sessions) 5:15 – 6:45 pm

Let's Dance Cha Cha!

2/17 – 3/10 (4 sessions) 5:15 – 6:15 pm

WORKSHOP: These Are A Few Of My Favorite Hymns

ICON KEY Fall courses are on campus unless indicated by the icons below: Courses offered online and on campus. Courses offered online only.

REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: Osher.uah.edu/ OLLIRegistration

3/7 – 3/10 (4 sessions) | Monday – Thursday | 1:15 – 2:45 pm 1

Interested in Joining OLLI?

Become a Member

Register for Classes

Membership Options:

Seating is limited and on a first-come basis. Select courses from the list on the next page, then choose from 4 easy ways to register:

12 Month: $25 | 24 Month: $50

Term Registration Fees OLLI Winter 2022 tuition is $20 plus the per course fee. Course fees vary. See page 3.

Membership Benefits: • Register for courses taught either in-person or online through Zoom video conferencing software. • Participate in cultural and social events, travel excursions, day trips, and local tours. • Attend bonus presentations in-person or online.

ONLINE at Osher.uah.edu/OLLIRegistration PHONE 256.824.6010 Credit card info is required. IN PERSON See address and times below. MAIL Registration Form on pg 3 with payment to address below.

• Join Member Interest Groups (MIGs). See page 9. • Receive a weekly eNews and 10 digital issues of The OLLI Insider. • Discover online tours, documentaries, shows, podcasts, and more through the weekly eNews.



Members who sign up for four or more courses at once will get a 20% discount per course.*

• Receive UAH Salmon Library Access. • Enjoy discounts to the University Fitness Center, UAH performances, and UAH sporting events. • Utilize our free extensive DVD lending library.

*The discount will be applied in your cart once four or more courses have been entered. Discount is only available if you sign up for four or more courses at once. Discount will not be applied to special courses, supply fees, or term tuition.

• Attend Popcorn and a Movie. • Volunteer to teach, coordinate a course, or serve on a committee. • And much more!

Questions? Osher.uah.edu | OLLI.info@uah.edu | 256.824.6183

Class Cancellation If a class is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances or instructor illness, all efforts will be made to reschedule the session for a later date.

Membership & Course Registration OLLI WINTER 2022

OLLI Winter Term tuition $20 PLUS: Per course fees vary. See fees under Section D.

Please fill out one form per person. Indicate course choices by check box. Confirmation will be sent via email. Mail to: CPS Registration Office, UAH Campus, Wilson Hall 103, Huntsville, AL 35899-0650

Questions: OLLI.info@uah.edu or 256.824.6183 A. PERSONAL INFORMATION Full Name:_________________________________________________________ Street Address:_____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________ Phone: Home__________________________ Cell________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________________

□ I do not have an email address B. OLLI MEMBERSHIP Select one:

□Active OLLI Member (Skip to section C) □New Member □Renewal □Gift Membership From: _____________________________________________ Message: _______________________________________________________ Select one:

□12-month membership = $25 □24-month membership = $50

Badge Name: ______________________________________________________

C. PAYMENT INFORMATION Enclosed Membership Fee: $ _________________________________________ Winter 2022 Term Tuition Fee:


Course Total (Total calculated in the bottom right column): $_________________ TOTAL PAYMENT: $_________________________________________________

□Check Enclosed, Payable to UAH CPS □VISA □MasterCard □Discover □AMEX

Card # ____________________________________________________________ CVV_________________________________ Exp. Date ______________________ Cardholder’s Name __________________________________________________

• After your initial registration, you are able to add courses online by logging into your client portal. Please note the 20% per course discount does not apply when you add three or fewer additional courses after your first registration. • OLLI at UAH is not responsible for any damage or personal injury sustained when a member is participating in any OLLI-sponsored activities. • Membership implies permission to use your photo and video recording via Zoom for OLLI publicity. If you do not want your photo used, please notify the instructor/ photographer in advance. • You will be notified at least four business days in advance if a course is cancelled. Registration fees are non-refundable unless your selected course(s) are not available.

Register Online: Osher.uah.edu/OLLIRegistration


□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

Save 20%

$25 A History of Mystery $35 Alaska – Online Only When you $35 Art for the Fun of It register for 4 $25 CANCELLED Beginning French – Campus CANCELLED or more term CANCELLED CANCELLED $25 Beginning French – Live Virtual courses at $35 Beginning German CANCELLED CANCELLED once. $35 Behind the Scenes – Campus $35 Behind the Scenes – Live Virtual $25 Breath-Centered Yoga $35 Chinese Art History – Campus $35 Chinese Art History – Live Virtual $35 Computer Technology: Back to the Basics – Online Only $35 Conversational French – Campus $35 Conversational French – Live Virtual $35 Discovering Dark Matter and Dark Energy $35 England in the Late Middle Ages – Online Only CANCELLED $35 Enhancing Your LifeCANCELLED Story – Online Only $35 First 50 Years of American History – Online Only $35 Gentle, Mindful Yoga $35 German for Travelers $35 German Stories for Intermediate & Adv. Learners $25 Grandma's Ladle: Cooking from Home! – Online Only $35 How to Take Better Pictures of People $25 Human Flourishing – Campus $25 Human Flourishing – Live Virtual $35 Intermediate Tai Chi $35 Intro to Bollywood Movies $35 Intro to Tai Chi $25 Let's Dance Cha Cha! $25 Let's Get Cooking with Plants! – Campus $25 Let's Get Cooking with Plants! – Live Virtual $35 Mysteries of the Supermarket – Online Only $35 Poetry Writing Workshop for Fun $35 Private Lives and Public Places – Online Only $30 Pros and Cons of Aging $35 Rivers of Alabama – Online Only $35 Seven Principles of Painting $30 Socrates Cafe – Online Only $25 Spanish for Beginners – Campus $25 Spanish for Beginners – Live Virtual $35 Stories of Survival – CANCELLED Online Only CANCELLED $35 Take Me to Your Lieder — Four Centuries of Art Song $35 TED Talks: A World of Ideas – Campus $35 TED Talks: A World of Ideas – Live Virtual $30 The First Ten Days — Battle of the Bulge – Online Only $25 These are a Few of My Favorite Hymns – Campus $25 These are a Few of My Favorite Hymns – Live Virtual $35CANCELLED Topics in Law $35 Understanding Evolution: Fundamentals – Campus $35 Understanding Evolution: Fundamentals – Live Virtual $30 Ways to Avoid the ER – Campus $30 Ways to Avoid the ER – Live Virtual $30 Wisdom in the Old Testament – Campus $30 Wisdom in the Old Testament – Live Virtual $35 Writing Memoir: Structure, Voice, Flow – Online Only $35 Writing Your Life Story – Campus $35 Writing Your Life Story – Live Virtual $25 You Be the Judge – Campus $25 You Be the Judge – Live Virtual

THREE OR FEWER TERM COURSES TOTAL (No Discount): $_________________________________ FOUR OR MORE TERM COURSES TOTAL (20% discount): $_____________ x .8 = ____________ 3


Open House

Meet us after hours to attend OLLI After Five courses.

Attend courses on the UAH campus. Interact with peers and actively participate with others.

Join instructors and peers online using Zoom. There are no participants on campus.

Friday, December 10, 2021 10:00 am – noon | Wilson Hall Lobby

Do not miss out on this opportunity to get ready for the winter term and come back to campus! Enjoy the company of fellow OLLI members while meeting new members, learning more about the courses offered, and registering for the term. • • •

Meet instructors & the Curriculum Committee Register for winter term courses Enter to win door prizes

Combine the convenience of online with the interaction of peers on campus. Interact with fellow participants from the comfort of your home through Zoom. Attend OLLI Alabama Shares Courses taught by OLLI at UAH.

Attend OLLI Alabama Shares Courses taught by OLLI at The University of Alabama.

Attend OLLI Alabama Shares Courses taught by OLLI at Auburn University.

Give the Gift of OLLI! RSVP at Osher.uah.edu/OLLIOpenHouse 4 REGISTER FOR 4 OR MORE COURSES AT ONCE AND SAVE 20%

Give the gift of lifelong learning to loved ones this holiday season with an OLLI gift certificate.


WORKSHOP These Are a Few of My Favorite Hymns 3/7 – 3/10 • M – Th • 1:15 – 2:45 pm • 4 sessions

Explore the craft involved in various hymns that have allowed them to pass the test of time. This course will involve possible group singing and ample opportunity for discussion punctuated by occasional impassioned pontification from the instructor. NEW!

The First Ten Days of the Battle of the Bulge 2/7 – 3/7 • M • 10:30 am – noon • 5 sessions

D Clements • $25

In December 1944, Hitler made one last attempt to change the fortunes of war on the Western front. Some of the American Army behaved badly. But there were many small units, some as small as an 18-man platoon, who held or at least slowed the German advance. Discuss these brave GIs and how they gave their blood to buy time for reinforcements to join the battle in detail. Get to see images of the battlefield at the time of the battle while comparing them to pictures from 2018 taken by the instructor. NEW!

MONDAY How to Take Better Pictures of People 1/24 – 2/28 • M • 8:30 – 10:00 am • 6 sessions

Want to improve your photography skills? Whether you are just a beginner or have some knowledge about taking photos, join us to expand your knowledge in photography. Learn from the basics of light, exposure, and composition to posing, backgrounds, and how to make people smile to get the best people pictures! NEW!

P Flowers • $35

T Lee • $30 OLLI Alabama Shares – UAH

German for Travelers 1/24 – 2/28 • M • 1:15 – 2:45 pm • 6 sessions

Conversational French 1/24 – 2/28 • M • 10:30 am – noon • 6 sessions

Develop fluency in French oral communication and pronunciation with dialogue on various topics. Conversation will be based on daily life issues using the news, magazines, arts, etc. as source material. Members will have the opportunity to present topics for discussion at each session. T Prescott • $35

Have you ever wanted to travel to German-speaking Europe and speak the language? Enhance your basic German communication skills by learning how to ask for directions, order food, find places and introduce yourself in Germanspeaking countries. Have a look inside their customs, culture, and traditions, so you can have a good experience when you visit these countries. C French • $35 Textbook: German Survival Guide

Grandma's Ladle: Cooking from Home! 2/14 – 3/7 • M • 10:30 am – noon • 4 sessions

Learn to prepare easy and nutritious homemade soups with step-by-step instructions. The goal is to make your time in the kitchen both enjoyable and memorable by trying new recipes. Get to interact, build community, and, most importantly, cook a delicious lunch with fellow members at each session. NEW!

R Warfel • $25

Enhancing Your Life Story 1/24 – 2/28 • M • 1:15 – 2:45 pm • 6 sessions

If you've begun writing your life story and would like some encouragement to keep writing, some guidance, and tips, this class is for you. Join the instructor to discuss different aspects of how to enhance your writing with detailed descriptions building on the five senses and exploring how to write dialog. The discussion will include capturing the energy of life memories by writing active rather than passive sentences. Writing prompts and a list of references will be provided. NEW!


Y Simms • $35



OLLI AL Shares Auburn


Live Virtual



Private Lives and Public Places


1/24 – 3/7 • M • 2:30 – 4:00 pm • 7 sessions

Private Lives and Public Places will examine some of the cultural and social institutions, beliefs, and values that shaped the daily lives of early modern Europeans. Among topics to be considered are carnival, the witchcraze, etiquette, and parent-child relations. This class will rely heavily on the visual image, specifically genre paintings, as historical documents. D Bohanan • $35 OLLI Alabama Shares – Auburn University | Register by Jan 12

German Stories for Intermediate and Advanced Learners 1/25 – 3/1 • T • 8:30 – 10:00 am • 6 sessions

Enhance your knowledge in this fascinating language by discussing and exploring contemporary German literature with the amusing short stories in Walzer in Wien. Learn about another German dialect, customs, and culture. Join us for these wonderful and exciting German stories. L Medenbach • $35 Textbook: Walzer in Wien by Andre Klein

Human Flourishing: Positive Psychology, Character Strengths, and Humor 2/8 – 3/1 • T • 8:30 – 10:00 am • 4 sessions

"Positive psychology" has been investigating some of the components of living well and functioning more fully in an uncertain world. Join us to discuss the progress of social science in identifying, understanding, and promoting psychological strengths—including the benefits of virtuous conduct, mirth, and laughter. NEW!

Intro to Bollywood Movies 1/24 – 2/28 • M • 3:15 – 4:45 pm • 6 sessions

Back by popular demand with all NEW titles! Bollywood is the center of Hindi language films throughout the world. In this class we’ll take a look at Indian culture through the lens of several Bollywood movies. Don’t worry, there will be English subtitles! We’ll learn about some of the big stars and major themes of this genre. If you liked the musicals of the 50’s and 60’s, come give Bollywood a try.

Dr. B Confer • $25 OLLI Alabama Shares – UAH

Topics in Law 1/25 – 3/1 • T • 10:30 am – noon • 6 sessions


Participate in the discussion of various and current legal issues happening in our everyday world. Thought-provoking presentations will be shown from the internet and DVDs to set the stage for active classroom discussion. These videos will be chosen each week to address the most current issues. R Robertson • $35

J Uithoven • $35

Socrates Cafe 1/31 – 2/28 • M • 3:15 – 4:45 pm • 5 sessions

Challenge yourself to think about past and current issues in the world following a forum setting and guidelines. In a welcoming environment, find a group of individuals from all walks of life, nationalities, religions, political views, and genders. Discuss what is on your mind, from something on the news that day to general topics of interest, using classgenerated questions. In Socrates Cafe, we want to discuss hot topics and listen to all viewpoints. Dr. P Patrick • $30


Teach for OLLI! OLLI is always looking for energetic instructors with a passion for teaching various topics.

For information, contact OLLI.info@uah.edu or 256.824.6183.

The First 50 Years of American History 1/18 – 3/8 • T • 1:30 – 2:45 pm • 8 sessions

Perhaps one of the least familiar eras of American history is the first 50 years of our country’s existence. Covering the period from the end of the Revolution until the 1820s, focus on the people, personalities, culture, opinions, triumphs, and tragedies of the time. Learn and cherish the lessons of history so that we can hope to avoid the tragedies of past mistakes and yet enjoy the blessings of past successes. Dr. R Rhone • $35 OLLI Alabama Shares – The University of Alabama Register by Jan 12

Behind the Scenes

England in the Late Middle Ages

1/25 – 3/1 • T • 10:30 am – noon • 6 sessions

Presenters from various community arts organizations will share information on what is needed to produce a live performance, show, or play on stage. Selecting and planning for a live performance includes knowledge and management of nuts and bolts such as scripts, music literature, stage and audience size, lighting, costumes, contracts, promotional methods, copyrights, ticket sales and much more. Come and hear exciting behind the scenes tales that may surprise you. L McAllister & Various • $35

1/18 – 3/1 • T • 2:30 – 4:00 pm • 7 sessions

Let’s talk about English history from the 14th to the 16th centuries. As we do so we’re going to be considering the Hundred Years War, the Plague, and the Wars of the Roses. During this period, England undergoes great changes including losses of virtually all French lands, the population decline from disease, and the precarious nature of the crown as many of the monarchs die by violence. Dr. J Kicklighter • $35 OLLI Alabama Shares – Auburn University | Register by Jan 12

Take Me to Your Lieder— Four Centuries of Art Song 1/25 – 3/1 • T • 3:15 – 4:45 pm • 6 sessions

Look into a survey of art songs over the past four centuries which is usually referred to by the German term, "Lieder" – "Songs". These involve solo singers and some sort of accompaniment for performance and often are a setting of a poem. Discuss the Florentine Camerata (early 1600's) to recent times, including composers from Caccini to Ned Rorem and Samuel Barber and such poets as Goethe and Schiller to Walt Whitman. NEW!

You Be the Judge 2/1 – 2/22 • T • 1:15 – 2:45 pm • 4 sessions

Think you'd make a fair and impartial judge? Each session will consist of three different actual cases. Participants will hear the facts and applicable law, discuss the case, reach a class verdict, and then learn the real court's verdict. Don't fret: this is not a law school course. Learn what goes into deciding cases and have a little fun at the same time!

Dr. D Hornstein • $35

T Borcher • $25

Breath Centered Yoga

Chinese Art History

1/25 – 2/15 • T • 5:15 – 6:15 pm • 4 sessions

1/25 – 3/1 • T • 1:15 – 2:45 pm • 6 sessions

Enlighten yourself with a vivid look at one of the world's oldest continuous cultures as expressed through its paintings, ceramics, and dynastic artifacts. Continue to discover the Chinese artistic influence we now see on western culture through new imagery of art expressions. D West • $35

Work on uniting your breath with movement AFTER FIVE in an adaptable environment to everyone's unique body. At each session, explore a different theme that helps connect mind and body. This course will be suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. All props will be provided, but members are encouraged to bring their own yoga mat, blanket or towel, and wear comfortable clothing. R Frank •$25



OLLI AL Shares Auburn


Live Virtual




Rivers of Alabama 1/19 – 3/2 • W • 9:00 – 10:30 am • 7 sessions

Art for the Fun of It 2/2 – 3/9 • W • 8:30 – 10:00 am • 6 sessions

Dive into the world of art! Learn the elements and principles of art using various mediums. This is not just pencil and paper – discuss types of paint, charcoal, pastels, and more. Bring your imagination and let's create through simple exercises. A list of supplies will be provided before the first session. NEW!

N Rogers • $35

Writing Your Life Story 1/26 – 3/2 • W • 8:30 – 10:00 am • 6 sessions

The story of your life is unique and only you can write the true story—the memories, the feelings, the joys and sorrows, and the lessons learned. Your story is a special gift that will live on after you. This is not a how-to-write class but, instead, an encouraging environment in which to get started as that's the hardest part. There will be short lectures on relevant topics, information, and exercises to help you explore your life, questions to prompt your memories, and the part most enjoyed: sharing your stories with your classmates.

Learn about the human and natural history of rivers in Alabama. Topics include the origin of the river map on the Alabama Great Seal; river geography, geology and hydrology; the state’s world-class aquatic biodiversity; the role of rivers in human settlement, economy, and culture; river politics and policies; and personalizing your river ethic. Participants are encouraged to share their river stories and to discuss all topics in relaxed and enjoyable ways. Dr. B Deutsch • $35 Textbook: Alabama Rivers: A Celebration and Challenge, available at www.alabamariversbook.org (optional) OLLI Alabama Shares – Auburn University | Register by Jan 12

Mysteries of the Supermarket 1/26 – 3/2 • W • 10:30 am – noon • 6 sessions

Retailers have discovered something as simple as changing the flooring, removing the dollar sign from the display, and imposing a limit per customer can make you buy things by appealing to your natural instinct to save! Learn tips to help you navigate the pitfalls of the supermarket, including the layout and selection, and storage of products. Lessen your chances of being swayed by impulse and become a more "savvy" shopper. B Johnson • $35

V Seaquist • $35

Stories of Survivors 1/19 – 3/9 • W • 9:00 – 10:00 am • 8 sessions


Focus on the lives of eight Holocaust survivors who settled in Alabama. Learn about their lives before, during, and after WWII. Guest speakers will share more information about these survivors while we learn how to keep their memories alive. Dr. F Hayes • $35 OLLI Alabama Shares – The University of Alabama Register by Jan 12

Seven Principles of Painting 2/2 – 3/9 • W • 10:30 am – noon • 6 sessions

Receive a starting format for any image or scenery you are wanting to paint, regardless of the subject or art medium. Study techniques based on painting procedures used by DaVinci, Van Gogh, Titian, and Miller. A list of materials will be provided before the first session. E Miller • $35

Alaska 1/26 – 2/9 • W • noon – 1:15 pm • 3 sessions

Save 20% When you register for 4 or more term courses at once.


Join us for a fun and interactive course on the wonders of Alaska and the communities that have made Alaska home over the years. Then enjoy a class dedicated to the gold rush that defined some iconic Alaskan villages. Also, a special guest will join us live from Alaska. A Davalos • $35 OLLI Alabama Shares – The University of Alabama Register by Jan 12

Intro to Tai Chi 2/2 – 3/9 • W • 3:15 – 4:45 pm • 6 sessions

Writing Memoir: Structure, Voice, and Flow 1/26 – 3/2 • W • 1:15 – 2:45 pm • 6 sessions NEW! Have you begun writing bits and pieces of your life story and need help understanding how to stitch it together into a coherent whole? Are you having trouble finding your authentic voice? Join us to learn how the appropriate story structure and voice can make your memoir flow more smoothly and be more compelling to your reader. We will begin with an overview of the writing process and touch on other aspects of creative writing, but the focus of the course will be on structure and voice.

Dr. H Dulin Lee • $35

Learn the movements and basic principles of Yang-style Tai Chi Chuan! Tai chi is used to induce relaxation, reduce stress, increase strength, and foster concentration with moving meditation. Coordinate the mind and body by developing balance and cultivating internal energy. Tai Chi is appropriate for all individuals capable of standing independently who want to improve their balance with slow, gentle movements. J Pang • $35

Poetry Writing Workshop for Fun 1/26 – 3/2 • W • 3:15 – 4:45 pm • 6 sessions

Poetry writing is a wonderful adventure, allowing writers to indulge in wild loops of imagination and satisfy some of their deepest yearnings for pattern, mystery, and coherence in their lives. Those already writing poems will learn to do so more skillfully, while those not yet writing can get started. Learn about poetic forms and traditions, write poems, and "studio" your work. Gain a deeper understanding and love of poetry! Dr. Morphew • $35

Beginning German

Ways to Avoid the ER

1/26 – 3/2 • W • 3:15 – 4:45 pm • 6 sessions

2/2 – 3/2 • W • 1:15 – 2:45 pm • 5 sessions

Back by popular request! Did you know many ER visits are avoidable? Learn the top reasons people over 50 visit emergency departments and discover ways to keep your health in check to avoid them. As a Registered Nurse with ER, ICU, and office experience, your instructor will share real-life examples of ways her patients have ended up in the ER—and how they haven't. As she says, "Health is the new wealth!" J Ellinger • $30

Interested in learning German? Study basic vocabulary, grammar structure, and keywords based on chapters 5-8 of the textbook. Each session will incorporate new vocabulary and grammar study as well as understanding and reproducing the spoken language while working on pronunciation. Material from the textbook will be covered and adjusted according to student understanding and progress.


J Schweinsberg • $35 Textbook: German Made Simple

OLLI Member Interest Groups (MIGs)

OLLI Membership is Required.

The Perfect Complement to Classes OLLI MIGs share a mutual interest and meet outside the typical classroom. Members decide when and where to meet.

Dining Out

Mah Jongg

Contact: Dabros1@comcast.net

Contact: wftedrow@aol.com

Let's Play Bridge

Tennis for All

Contact: bnmacham68@gmail.com

Contact: juaeckert@gmail.com

Questions: OLLI.info@uah.edu OLLI AL Shares UAH


OLLI AL Shares Auburn OLLI OLLIAL ALShares SharesAuburn Auburn

On-Campus On-Campus On-Campus

Live Virtual Live LiveVirtual Virtual

Online Online



Spanish for Beginners 2/3 – 2/24 • Th • 10:30 am – noon • 4 sessions

Have fun while learning one of the most used languages in the world! Join us to learn the basics of this beautiful language. Emphasize on everyday greetings and phrases, pronunciation of alphabet, numbers, days of the week, months, and some basic grammar. Y Nuckels • $25

Let's Get Cooking with Plants! 2/17 – 3/10 • Th • 10:30 – 11:30 am • 4 sessions

Plant-based foods are now in approximately 53% of U.S. households. Join us as we make a plant-based living work for your daily lifestyle and overcome the biggest obstacles to a healthy change. Each session will provide plant-based recipes. Participants will enjoy cooking on-site with the instructor's guidance and tasting the dishes prepared. Participants will also be encouraged to sign-up to lead a cooking session. Come for the fun and the food! NEW!

Understanding Evolution: The Fundamentals 1/27 – 3/3 • Th • 8:30 – 10:00 am • 6 sessions

The first edition of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species was published in 1859, but the biological mechanism driving evolution was not fully understood until the twentieth century and later with advances in genetics and molecular biology. Based on the Great Course DVD, What Darwin Didn’t Know, and instructor-led discussion, examine DNA, genetic variation, and genetic drift. Explore the relationship between geology, geography, and natural selection. NEW!

Dr. Harriett Somerville • $35

F Hardy • $25

Beginning French 1/27 – 2/17 • Th • 1:15 – 2:45 pm • 4 sessions

Already know some of the French basics? Then join us to continue your learning journey as we cover more vocabulary and grammar from the textbook. Improve conversation by learning how to find accommodations, shopping, working, and studying lingo. In a friendly, non-threatening atmosphere, practice conversing in French with fellow members!


Dr. V Earnest • $25 Textbook: 15-Minute French

TED Talks: A World of Ideas 1/27 – 3/3 • Th • 8:30 – 10:00 am • 6 sessions

TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) Talks have provided many amazing stories and ideas worth sharing. In this collaborative learning course, members choose TED Talks to display and discuss based on their curiosity and interests. Join us in this student-led forum as we learn new ideas and topics. David Styers • $35

Discovering Dark Matter and Dark Energy 2/3 – 3/10 • Th • 10:30 am – noon • 6 sessions

Expand your knowledge of astronomy and physics background of dark matter and dark energy. Based on a series of Great Courses lectures, together with instructor-led discussions, learn about the discoveries and properties of dark matter, which dominates gravity in the universe, and dark energy, which is accelerating the expansion of the universe. Dr. J Fix • $35


A History of Mystery 2/10 – 3/3 • Th • 1:15 – 2:45 pm • 4 sessions

Learn a brief history of the mystery novel genre starting with its 19th-century origins and continuing to the present day. Look into a variety of authors, fictional detectives, and subgenres, with course participants encouraged to make brief presentations about some of their favorites. Outside reading will enhance the enjoyment of the course but is not required; if you're looking to find some new favorite mystery novels, join us! NEW!

Dr. J Garlen • $25


Wisdom in the Old Testament 1/27 – 2/24 • Th • 3:15 – 4:45 pm • 5 sessions

Dive into the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament, including the books of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. Look at the form, authorship, canonization, historical significance, and content of these books as well as how they functioned within Israelite society. Then, discuss what they may mean for us today, as well as the challenges and difficulties found within the text. NEW!

B Gudeman • $30

Pros and Cons of Aging 1/28 – 2/25 • F • 8:30 – 10:00 am • 5 sessions

Let’s look into this inevitable aging process with a sense of humor while ensuring we do all the things necessary for a safe trip through the rest of our lives. Discuss healthy aspects of how to age gracefully, both physically and mentally, with tips on how to check all the blocks without stress and anxiety. NEW!

K Sieja • $30

Gentle, Mindful Yoga 2/10 – 3/10 • Th • 3:00 – 4:00 pm • 5 sessions

Learn yoga poses and gentle movements to promote healthy aging in the physical body restoring flexibility, balance, and joint mobility. Yoga breathwork and meditation techniques will be included to support relaxation and improve mental focus. Please wear comfortable clothing that will not restrict movements and bring your own yoga mat or towel. P Tejes • $35

Computer Technology—Back to the Basics 1/27 – 3/3 • Th • 5:15 – 6:45 pm • 6 sessions

Computer Technology is always changing, AFTER FIVE however, there are some basic skills that every computer user needs to know. Learn the fundamental skills to use Windows 10 or Windows 11, computer vocabulary terms, setting up a computer properly, hardware and software applications, strategies for using the Internet, safety and maintenance of computers, and much more! This course is for new users and for those who might need a refresher on the basics. NEW!

R Leftridge • $35

Let's Dance Cha Cha! 2/17 – 3/10 • Th • 5:15 – 6:15 pm • 4 sessions

It is never too late to dance! Learn several steps AFTER FIVE to "cha cha cha" to a variety of music. Discover the character of this rhythmic and lively Latin dance. Have fun with Ballroom dancing no matter what your level of dance experience is. No partner is needed.

Intermediate Tai Chi 2/4 – 3/11 • F • 8:30 – 10:00 am • 6 sessions

Learn the remaining twelve movements of the 24form Yang-style Tai Chi Chuan. Tai chi is used to induce relaxation, reduce stress, increase strength, and foster concentration with moving meditation. Coordinate the mind and body by developing balance and cultivating internal energy. Tai Chi is appropriate for all individuals capable of standing independently who want to improve their balance with slow, gentle movements. J Pang • $35

T Romine • $25



OLLI AL Shares Auburn


Live Virtual



BONUSES AND SPECIAL EVENTS Membership Required for Participation Members signed up to attend online will receive Zoom link one business day prior to event.

BONUSES Friday • 11:00 am

JAN 14

Join our bonus lectures in-person or online to delve into new topics provided by excellent guest speakers as they share their experiences and knowledge. Bonuses are complimentary in your membership.

Winter Open House

**The instructor will be presenting this bonus online and will not attend in-person. However, members can still attend either online or in-person.

Enjoy this opportunity to gather on campus with fellow OLLI members, friends, and family. Learn about offered courses with discipline chairs and instructors. We will also have some door prizes! Membership NOT required for participation.

Delois H. Smith, Licensed Professional Counselor

JAN 28

Wonders Under the Sea Across the World Lila Harris, Published Underwater Photographer

FEB 11

Dive down into the oceans of the world with a published underwater photographer as they share the magical, mysterious, and surprising sea life from their perspective. Discover what it takes to capture images, and learn about some of the most unique creatures beneath the surface through a combination of photography, marine biology, world geography, and a bit of storytelling.

Right Around the Corner: Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering

Aaron Brazelton, Director of Admissions and Advancement at Alabama School of Cyber Technology

FEB 25

Join us to learn about the school that opened in 2018 and now has a new building under construction close to campus! Discover the history of the school, the talents, and curriculum of their students and faculty, and their fascinating integrative approach to learning. Learn how the support from the community and local company sponsors and others is helping to grow the school's mission.

Changes in the Lives of Everyday Americans 1860-1960 Ron Klein, Retired Professor of History and Geopolitics

We often hear about our current amazing technological improvements. Walk through a house constructed and occupied in 1960 and you'll note a few changes from the house you live in today. In contrast, consider the house of 1860. Many were rudimentary log cabins and even sod houses. Water was carried from a nearby creek or a well. Discover even more changes that have occurred from 1860 to 1960 in the American household and how the world and technology had an influence on them. MAR 4

Delight in joining fellow OLLI members in various social and cultural events either online or in-person.

Critical Explanation and Discussion of CRT

Critical Race Theory (CRT) came into use in the early 1970s developed by Harvard law professor, Dr. Derrick Bell. Dr. Bell and other legal scholars used the phrase as a takeoff on “critical legal theory” a branch of legal scholarship taught in law schools across the country. In the current social and political climates, the theory has been misconstrued, misunderstood, miscommunicated, and applied in unintended genres. Join us to learn the historical beginning of the theory, what CRT is and is not, its original intent, current use, and its application across social, political, and educational arenas.

Exploring Beautiful Borneo

Tom Ress, World Traveler, and prolific writer

A land of orangutans, monkeys, crocodiles, and vividly colored birds, Borneo is one of the last remaining tropical jungles in Southeast Asia. But this paradise is disappearing fast as agriculture clears and burns the forests. Join an avid traveler for a trip to Borneo. Discover remote rivers and hike through the lush, wildlife-rich jungle—and also climb Mt. Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Malaysia.



12/10 • F 10:00 am

Coffee Chats: Holiday Trivia

12/15 • W • 11:00 am • Online Join us for a fun game of trivia to test your knowledge on the Holiday season! The game will be played individually.

Instructor and Facilitator Training

1/21 • F • 9:00 am • In-Person Join us to play the game of chance! Game cards will be provided to each member.

Coffee Chats: Scattergories

2/4 • F • 11:00 am In-Person & Online Bring on your creative side as you name objects within a set of categories in a short period of time!

Coffee Chats: Bingo

2/18 • F • 11:00 am • In-Person Join us to play the game of chance! Game cards will be provided to each member.

Sign up for Bonuses and Special Events at: Osher.uah.edu/OLLIEvents

A guide to learning with Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Taking LIVE Virtual or Online courses?

During the Winter term, OLLI at UAH will continue to utilize Google Classroom. This Learning Management System will allow students and instructors to communicate and share handouts, presentations, and videos outside regular class time. Members will be able to access it through their Gmail account.

Once you register for a Live Virtual or Only Online course, a Zoom link will be sent to registered members one week prior to the course start date.

If your instructor will be using Google Classroom, the OLLI staff will email you and then add you to the class one week prior to the start date. Google Classroom will send you an invitation to your Gmail account to join the course. This is only available to members who have a Gmail account. To learn more about how to navigate Google Classroom, join one of our training sessions!

*PLEASE NOTE: If you have a Gmail account that is not in our OLLI records, please send your Gmail information to us at OLLI.info@uah.edu. If you need help creating a Gmail account contact us at 256.824.6183.

FREE Google Classroom training sessions To learn more about how to navigate Google Classroom, join us at our training sessions* Wednesday | January 5 | 3:00 pm Tuesday | January 11 | 10:00 am Wednesday | January 19 | 2:00 pm Sign up for a training date at Osher.uah.edu/GoogleClassroom

Make sure you have your microphone, speakers, and camera ready for your courses. If you haven’t used Zoom before, allow about 15 minutes for setup before first use. A Zoom account isn't required. To access Zoom you will need a laptop or desktop (Windows or Mac), tablet, or smartphone (iPhone or Android) to attend course sessions. Download the free and secure Zoom application to your device from the app store or online at Zoom.us/download. PLEASE NOTE: To improve your internet connection while using Zoom, we suggest closing other desktop applications and try plugging directly into the Ethernet port or wireless access point.

Looking for ways to volunteer?

Become an OLLI Course Facilitator! Help our instructors and members during their online or in-person courses with announcements, attendance, Zoom features, etc.

Interested in volunteering? Contact OLLI.info@uah.edu or 256.824.6183.

*Training sessions will be online through Zoom. The Zoom invitation will be sent one business day prior.



y t i C t e k c o R e h t r e v o

2022 Photo Contest


• Photos must be taken April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022 • Photographer must be a current OLLI member • Gentle photo editing permitted but keep the original photo • Submit named photo in a standard digital .jpg format Recommend at least 2 MP final pixel size

Submit entries to: olliphotocontest@gmail.com Include when/where the photo was taken, your name, phone number and email. Osher.uah.edu/OLLIPhotoContest

OLLI at UAH Executive Officers President – Jill Stewart VP Curriculum – John Mason VP A&F – Allan Williamson Secretary – Betty Koval Treasurer – Linda Lowe Past President – David Styers

Board of Directors Leah Black Richard Brooks Kathryn Cataldo Rick Heeth Jennifer Humiston Barbara Johnson Steve Jones Hilda Lee Judy Oljey David Rabb Janet Reville Harriett Somerville Steve Stewart Chris Stuhlinger Marilynn Szecholda Rexanne Warfel

Committee Chairs

Administration & Finance – Allan Williamson Curriculum – John Mason Events – Chris Stuhlinger Fund Development and Scholarship Fund – Janet Reville Member Services – Leah Black Public Relations – Steve Stewart Social – Marilynn Szecholda Travel – Betty Koval Volunteer Support – Irene Garappo

UAH College of Professional Studies Interim Dean – Dr. Jason Greene Director of Outreach and Support Services / Interim OLLI Program Manager – Fathia Hardy OLLI Program Coordinator – Alice Sammon

Curriculum Committee Arts & Letters – Val Seaquist Bonuses – Karin Confer Course Guide Preparation – Vicki Goodness Finance & Economics – John Mason (Chair) Foreign Language – Sue Farbman Health & Fitness – Rexanne Warfel History & Government – Birgit Stensby Information Technology – Fathia Hardy (Co-Chair) Leisure & Nature – Joan May Natural Resources – Steve Jones Psychology, Philosophy, & Religion – Bill Confer Science, Math & Engineering – Harriett Somerville (Vice Chair) Skills & Hobbies – Barbara Hitchings



Enjoy conversation and insight into our OLLI courses and OLLI at UAH life.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for training videos, photo contest winners, and more!



Two New Degree Programs Available!

The UAH College of Professional Studies offers two new degree programs available in flexible formats to both traditional students as well to returning adults seeking to complete a bachelor's degree.

Bachelor's in Professional Studies UAH created the Bachelor's in Professional Studies (BPS), an interdisciplinary degree, for students who are dedicated to reaching their educational goals while maintaining full lives. Choose from five concentrations: • Engineering Technology • Leadership Strategies & Dynamics • Technology, Science & Society • Organizational Studies • General Studies

Choose from 5 Start Dates Per Year! Upcoming Start Dates:

Jan 10 & Mar 1

Bachelor's in Engineering Technology The Bachelor's in Engineering Technology provides a new path into the engineering field. It is built on a base of mathematics and science, but takes an applications-based approach instead of a theoretical approach. How Engineering and Engineering Technology programs differ: • Engineering programs include more math and higher-level math than technology programs. • Engineering programs focus on theory, while technology programs focus on application. • Engineers spend time planning while technologists spend time making plans work.

Transfer previous credits for up to 75% of your degree including up to 34 hours of technical credits.

Take courses online, campus, or a combination of both. Flexible formats accommodate your schedule.

CONTACT US TODAY! 256.824.6673 | CPS.uah.edu/BPS 15

OLLI INSTRUCTORS Donna Bohanan has taught undergraduate and graduate courses on early modern Europe at Auburn University for many years. Tom Borcher, a retired trial attorney, and White House historian, has entertained many groups with humorous stories and historical facts about the White House and its residents. He has been a guest speaker at several presidential libraries as well as civic organizations. Aaron Brezelton holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Alabama, advanced certification from Harvard University in School Leadership and Management, and is finishing his Master’s from The University of Southern California. Aaron’s work in education touches almost every corner of the globe. In 2015, he won the International Exchange Alumnus Award from the U.S. Department of State and was quoted as “One of 50 People Changing the South” by the Southern Living Magazine. Dennis Clements has a Bachelor’s of Vocal Music Education degree from Wichita State University and a Master’s Degree of Music Composition and Audio Engineering from The American University of Washington, DC. He has led church music for over four decades and written hundreds of songs, several of which are published as church anthems. Dr. Bill Confer retired after 38 years of clinical psychology practice. He is a Diplomat of the American Board of Professional Psychology and the American Board of Sleep Medicine. His first degree was in English literature and he currently studies etymology as a hobby. Anthony Davolos was a Vice President of Marketing, Advertising and Media in NYC for a global brand. In this role he traveled around the world which further shaped his passion and love of travel. Now, he runs a group tour company where he created a department that focuses on continuing education through travel. Dr. Bill Deutsch,Research Fellow, Emeritus, in the School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences at Auburn University, has worked as an aquatic ecologist and educator around rivers for forty years. He co-founded the Alabama Water Watch program for promoting citizen volunteer water monitoring, environmental education, and improved water policies. Dr. Vicki Earnest has been teaching English and French throughout her life. Since her retirement from full-time teaching at Calhoun in 2002, she has continued as an adjunct. In addition to attending ballets and musicals in support of her daughters, she enjoys traveling. Jennifer Ellinger is a graduate of UAH with a BS in Nursing. She has worked as an RN in both hospital ICU and office settings, giving her a unique perspective on health and disease prevention. The recipient of the 2018 National MS Society's 2018 Volunteer of the Year, she passionately lives on a quest to find joy in every situation she experiences--even when faced with her health challenges. Dr. John Fix, Professor Emeritus and former Dean, College of Science, UAH, is an astronomer with over 75 peer-reviewed papers, campus-wide teaching awards (at the University of Iowa), and a widely adopted introductory textbook. Philip Flowers is a retired professional photographer (primarily wedding photography), with 15 years of professional experience. He has a minor in Photography from UNA and is a current member of Huntsville Photographic Society. 16

Thank You to OLLI at UAH Instructors for Their Dedication! OLLI at UAH is lucky to have instructors who volunteer their time and share their knowledge with our members. Even though they come from different backgrounds, have different perspectives and different passions in life, they all have the common goal of making OLLI successful for the benefit of our members. They inspire us to enrich our lives through education and to...Never Stop Learning!

Rebekah Frank, an RYT-500 certified yoga teacher, works with individuals to find the right movements for their unique bodies. She has been teaching for 7 years and loves to work with OLLI! Christa French is a German native who has lived in the US for 29 years. She got her nursing degree in Germany and was a pediatric nurse for 15 years in Germany and worked many years in the US. She retired 4 years ago from Huntsville Hospital as an RN. Dr. Jennifer Garlen holds a Ph.D. in English Literature. A former college English instructor, she is also a longtime volunteer with local lifetime learning programs. She is the author and editor of several books and frequently teaches programs about literature, film, and popular culture. Brett Gudeman, associate pastor at First Presbyterian in Huntsville, AL, has a BA in Religion from Northwestern Colleges and a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. Fathia Hardy is the Director of Outreach and Support Services in the UAH College of Professional Studies. After developing some health issues, Fathia did extensive research on the benefits of plant-based nutrition to decrease effects or eliminate her illness. As part of her 2021 new year's resolution, she took the leap. She is excited to share her transition with OLLI! Lila Harris is a well-published underwater photographer (Aquatic Soul Photography), world traveler/travel planner, and Master Scuba Instructor. With over 7,000 dives, she captured sea life from Palau, Micronesia to the Caribbean. She has served as board member for the Alabama Gulf Coast Reef & Restoration Foundation (Alabama Reef Foundation) which has created underwater reef projects such as the Lulu, New Venture, and Poseidons' Playground. She has taken part in the Share the Beach turtle program and is an associate of the Women Divers Hall of Fame. Dr. Farrah Hayes, is a third-generation educator who began her career as a high school English and Spanish teacher. In 2015, Dr. Hayes joined the Gadsden State Community College faculty as an English instructor. She is now the Division Chair of Languages and Humanities. Farrah teaches humanities courses for OLLI at UA online and at the UA Gadsden Center. Dr. Daniel Hornstein, named one of "America's Top 500 Music Educators" by the MENC, has taught music for over 40 years. He is a performer and symphony conductor, having conducted orchestras throughout the U.S. and Europe. He served as featured euphonium soloist of the USAF Band, Washington, DC, during the Vietnam War. Barbara Johnson, BS, MS, former RD, has over 40 years of experience as a registered dietetic educator. She has taught and conducted research at Alabama A&M University, Oakwood University, and UAH. She has a unique and enjoyable ability to motivate people to improve their eating habits.

Dr. Joseph Kicklighter, Professor Emeritus of Medieval History at Auburn University, taught there from 1975 to 2015 and still teaches part time there. He attended the University of the South for his undergraduate degree and he received his Ph.D. at Emory University. He has taught for OLLI at Auburn since 2015 and enjoys it very much. Ron Klein is an avid reader with an insatiable curiosity. He has a M.S. degree in economics and an F.A.A. commercial pilot's license with ratings in multi-engine airplanes, helicopters, and seaplanes. He's been a soldier, entrepreneur, and Head of a Christian School. He's been an adjunct professor of economics and has taught debate, the history of economic development, and geopolitics. He's traveled to all 50 states and 35 countries. Tennent Lee practiced law in Huntsville for 43 years. He holds B.S. and J.D. degrees from the University of Alabama. Since retirement, Tennent has become an avowed "history junkie," especially military and political history. Dr. Hilda Dulin Lee practiced dentistry in Huntsville for many years. After retiring, she moved to Asheville, NC where she earned a master’s degree in creative writing and binge eating disorder. She has attended multiple writing workshops including Goucher College’s Summer Writing Workshop. She was named a finalist in Sequestrum’s 2015 New Writers Award. She is the author of two non-fiction books, In the Labyrinth of Binge Eating and Injustice: The 1918 Alabama Murder of Little Jim Turner. Ray Leftridge teaches Computer Technology and serves as yearbook advisor at Oakwood Adventist Academy in Huntsville, AL. He has a BA in Communications and is pursuing a G Suite Certification. Ray has over 25 years experience with photography and multimedia presentations using various software programs. Linda McAllister is a retired music educator and choral conductor who enjoys singing and teaching. Most recently she was music teacher and choral director at Academy for Academics and Arts, an arts magnet school in Huntsville. Linda directed honor choirs and adjudicated festivals throughout the Midwest and Southeast, developed a music curriculum and taught private voice students. She continues to sing in Huntsville Master Chorale, an auditioned chamber choir. Leka Medenbach received her MA from Stanford University and was a Hollins University faculty member in Roanoke, VA. Leka actively volunteers at several Huntsville community organizations and has been teaching German for OLLI for 10 years. Elliott Miller is a well-known photo-realistic artist. His oil portraits, acrylic paintings, and charcoal drawings have been seen in exhibitions, museums, libraries, schools, and private collections nationwide.

Dr. Melissa Morphew received her Ph.D. at the University of Georgia where her dissertation was a critical/creative reworking of The Odyssey. For six years, she served as area chair for the Myth and Fairytales Panels of the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture American Culture Conference. She is a faculty member for CPS and has been teaching poetry to OLLI members for many years. Yamilé Nuckels is a retired Science Teacher from Grissom High School where she taught for more than 30 years. She has also taught Introduction to Spanish Workshops for Alabama Education Association. Jerry Pang, a former OLLI Board member, is actively involved in the practice of Tai Chi, focusing on the health, fitness, and balance benefits of the Simplified 24 form. Dr. Patti Patrick is a retired Associate Dean from the College of Business at the University of New Orleans with a PhD in Strategic Management from the University of Mississippi. She has participated in numerous classes as a retiree at Chautauqua Institution in western New York annually and has led a short story analysis group In for many years. Tom Prescott is a bilingual Canadian and a bit of a Francophile. He has lived in several Frenchspeaking areas (Montreal, France, Suisse, Ottawa) and visits France regularly. He always enjoys the opportunity to gather with others to "jaser un peu" (Quebecois for chat). Tom Ress is an avid traveler and a prolific writer. He has visited all seven continents and dozens of countries and writes about his travels and adventures for numerous magazines and websites including The Wall Street Journal, SKI, Backpacker, Blue Ridge Country, and Alabama Magazine. Dr. Richard Rhone has taught American history classes for OLLI at UA for over a decade after retiring from careers in public education administration as well as child abuse and neglect prevention. His topics generally range from the American Colonial/Revolutionary War through the War Between the States and the Wild West with an emphasis on the personalities and social aspects of history. His doctorate is from The University of Alabama. Bob Robertson is retired from the Army. After retirement, he went to Law School, and provided free legal service and representation to indigents in North-Central Alabama. He has enjoyed teaching OLLI courses over the past 15 years. Nona Rogers has a BS in Art Education from Mississippi State and continuing coursework from UAB and UAH. She has 38 years of teaching experience in art, creatively gifted, MR and EH, and the academically gifted. Traci Romine, the owner of Madison Ballroom Dance Studio, has been a professional ballroom dance instructor for 15 years. Traci loves ballroom dance because it enhances physical and mental health and enriches relationships. John Schweinsberg holds BS and MS degrees from the University of Michigan. He worked as a computer programmer for 30 years, a Germanto-English translator for 14 years, and a part-time technical writer for 4 years. Valerie Seaquist has been a participant in the Writing Your Life Story class for ten years and instructor for the past 4. She is a both a graduate and a retiree of UAH, lastly serving as Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs. Recording and preserving life stories has become a passion.

Kathy Sieja is a recently retired Licensed Counselor with a private practice in Huntsville. Kathy is enjoying travel, volunteer work, taking classes, and has been teaching OLLI members about healthy aging for many terms. Yvonne Simms is a retired Boeing engineer. She is an amateur genealogist. This led to a desire to record her life story. She has been a student of both Val Seaquist and Betty Carlton in their Writing Your Life Story courses. Yvonne previously taught the class this summer and fall. Delois H. Smith is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Subject Matter Expert. Ms. Smith retired after 35 years of service at UAH where she held two successive Vice President positions: initially as Vice President for Student Affairs, and then as Vice President for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. Appointed as Chief Diversity Officer, she was charged to develop the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the UAH campus. Dr. Harriett Somerville, Professor Emeritus, The University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa, received her Ph.D. in cell biology from The University of Texas at Austin. She received postdoctoral training at the University of Chicago and the Medical Research Council, London. She retired after 35 years of service. David Styers is a retired professional engineer. He received his BS in Engineering and Master of Administrative Science degrees at UAH. In addition, David is a Fellow of ASTM International where he developed and wrote international product standards for the copper industry. He has facilitated TED talks for OLLI for several terms. Pam Tejes is a certified yoga teacher with over 200 hours of Yoga Alliance guideline compliant training. A graduate of Loyola University with a BS in Biology, she is certified in CPR/AED/First Aid, and is experienced in teaching yoga for all ages. Jill Uithoven has a BS from Central Michigan University. She taught college-level Spanish and is currently a Spanish tutor. In Michigan, she interpreted for both corporate and governmental entities. She has previously taught various Bollywood courses for OLLI. Rexanne Warfel is a retired nurse from Harrisburg, PA. As a hobby, she enjoys cooking, baking, and cake decorating. She serves as the OLLI Bonus Snack Coordinator. Debbie West graduated from UAH with a bachelor's degree in art. Awarded two Fulbright Scholarships for the study of art in China and Turkey, she has traveled extensively in Europe to study original works of the Masters. She taught art in the Huntsville City School System for 25 years.

Teach for OLLI! OLLI is always looking for energetic instructors with a passion for teaching various topics. For information, contact OLLI.info@uah.edu or 256.824.6183.


FAQs What if I cannot access my online account? To reset your password or username, select Forgot Password or Forgot Username on the registration login page. For further assistance, call 256.824.6183. How many courses may I take per term? You may take as many courses as you wish! The $20 tuition covers the term registration fee. From there, you can select as many courses as you would like and each one has a different course fee. Please see per course fee as identified in the course description. Can I get a refund if I decide to withdraw from courses? Due to the low cost at which these courses are provided and the additional cost to process refunds, no refund is given for those who wish to withdraw from courses. Please contact the Registration Office if you wish to drop a course to allow wait-listed members to enroll. What is the difference between the membership and course registration fees? The $25 membership fee provides all the membership benefits listed on page 2. The $20 tuition is paid per term for enrollment in as many courses as you wish. Per course fees vary by course. Each course will have a per course fee depending on how many sessions it has. Does OLLI provide member financial assistance? Yes. For assistance information call 256.824.6183. Who attends OLLI courses? OLLI is identified as a lifelong learning organization for adults 50 and over, whether working, retired, or semi-retired. However, there is no set age requirement and you are welcome to join at any age! Who teaches OLLI courses? Instructors are qualified members of OLLI, the University, and other professionals in the community who enjoy sharing their knowledge. OLLI is proud of its volunteer teachers and speakers, many of whom are well-known experts in their fields. What are the OLLI at UAH Library Benefits? Members may utilize selected services at the Salmon Library for no additional fee. Visit the User Services desk to obtain a user card and services explanation. More information at Osher.uah.edu/Benefits. What are the UAH Fitness Center benefits? Members will be able to join for a short term (3 months), and will receive $10 off the monthly membership rate. What are OLLI at UAH COVID-19 guidelines? Following CDC and UAH guidelines, OLLI members, students, faculty/staff, are required to wear face coverings indoors on campus, regardless of vaccination status.

Still Have Questions?

OLLI.info@uah.edu | 256.824.6183


OLLI AL Shares Auburn


Live Virtual

Online 17



OLLI at UAH members and friends have supported our high-quality, low-cost learning opportunities since its beginning. Our goal is to take OLLI to the next level with your support. Help us continue to grow and sustain our learning community for years to come!

Donate Online: Osher.uah.edu/DonateOLLI, select OLLI SUPPORT FUND

By Mail:

• Give to the OLLI Support Fund and help us continue to grow and maintain our program. • Establish a Legacy Giving plan and pass your love of lifelong learning to future generations.

Make Your Tax-Deductible Gift to OLLI at UAH Today!

UAH Foundation — OLLI SUPPORT FUND Shelbie King Hall, 3rd Floor, Huntsville, AL 35899

Legacy Giving: UAH Foundation – 256.824.GIVE



scholarship fund 18

The OLLI at UAH scholarship was established over 15 years ago to award one or more deserving fulltime students funds to cover the cost of tuition, fees, or other education expenses. Your generous donations help provide a path to a bright future.

Donate at » Osher.uah.edu/DonateOLLI

OLLI Commuter Parking Permits As part of your OLLI membership, you will receive a Commuter Parking Permit. ALL participants must validate their permits for the Winter 2022 term. Permits from previous academic years are not valid.

Handicapped Parking Guidelines

A valid permit must be clearly displayed from the vehicle's rear view mirror while on campus.

If you have a state DMV-issued Disability Access hang tag or license plate, please visit the Parking Management Office to have it validated.

Parking Permit Applications New to OLLI? Submit an OLLI Commuter Parking Permit application. Applications are available online at Osher.uah.edu/OLLIParkingPermit. The application requires vehicle year, make, color and type; driver’s license number, state of issue, and license plate number.

Note: Parking Management Office moved to CTC 147.

Please bring the following items:

Submitting Applications or Validating Permits OLLI members can validate and apply for parking permits in the CPS Registration Office in Wilson Hall, Room 103 during OLLI Open House, or prior to the first day of class. See map below for current designated commuter parking zones.

CPS Registration Office Wilson Hall (WIL), Room 103 9:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (CST) Monday – Friday

• Disability Access Placard • Driver’s License • DMV-issued Disability Access Paperwork Don’t forget to hang both your OLLI Commuter Parking Permit and Disability Access Placard on your vehicle’s rear view mirror. When locating a parking spot, if all handicap spaces are full, members with Disability Access Placards may park in any regular space in Commuter or Faculty/Staff zones. This is NOT applicable for Residential (yellow dot) or Service Vehicle Zones.

OLLI permits are ONLY valid for the Commuter parking Zone. PLEASE NOTE: Visit Osher.uah.edu/OLLIParkingMap for the most current parking information.













Interactive Digital Map: UAH.edu/Map






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1. WIL: Wilson Hall 2. UFC: Fitness Center 3. W-21: UFC Parking 4. G-16: Additional Parking 5. G-9: Additional Parking 6. Executive Plaza 7. LIB: Salmon Library 8. SPR: Spragins Hall 9. CTC: Conference Training Center/Parking Mgt Office 10. IMF: Intermodal Facility 11. CGU: Charger Union 12. G-10: Additional Parking Walking Path: Commuter Parking: Yellow Areas Crosswalks 19

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UAH is proud to be part of the national Osher Institute. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution

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Osher.uah.edu OLLI.info@uah.edu | 256.824.6183

Jerry Pang OLLI Instructor since 2018 and Member since 2015

OLLI has given me the opportunity to discover new ex periences. Flowing with tai chi versus vegetating on the co uch... Enjoying a Puccini o pera versus listening to talk/spo rts radio... Tasting the sensation of a new craft beer versus just havi ng a Bud...

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