UAH B.S. or B.A in Professional Studies - General Studies Concentration

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B.A. or B.S. in Professional Studies CONCENTRATION:


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Unlock your career potential with an Interdisciplinary degree that offers flexibility. UAH’s Bachelor of Arts or Science in Professional Studies is an interdisciplinary degree that provides concentrations to best match your professional and personal goals. The General Studies concentration was designed for students who value following an interdisciplinary methodology that provides them the flexibility to explore and discover their professional and personal interests. Coursework places priority on interdisciplinary studies, critical analysis, oral and written communication, ethics, and teamwork. It allows students to fulfill general education credits, study relevant topics, develop versatile skill sets, and prepare for a wide range of career options.

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES: • Public Relations • Brand Manager • Technical Writer • Social Worker • Software Consultant • Copywriter • General Manager • Administrative or Executive Assistant • Risk Management Specialist • Nonprofit Program Manager

SKILL SET: • Critical thinking and problem resolution • Outstanding oral and written communication • Ability to identify problems and determine appropriate solutions • Knowledge of global issues, cultures, and perspectives



Contact us today to set-up an appointment with an advisor and take the next step in your career!

Questions? 256.824.6673 |

PROGRAM OF STUDY Charger Foundation (General Ed – 41 hours) AG SC Ar ea I II1


Hour s Freshman Composition Fine Arts Humanities (literature) Humanities (literature or non-literature) Humanities/Fine Arts Mathematics Natural Sciences (lab) History Social & Behavioral Sciences (non-history) History/SBS

3-6 3 3 3 3 3-4 8 3 6 3


Take either 1 EH (Literature) + 2 HY (History) or 2 EH (Literature) + 1 HY (History). Take no more than s ix hours in a single discipline in Area II or Area IV.

General Electives2 (27-34 hours) Choose any course at any level. (Not required to be major-related.) 2 Up to 34 hours of technical credit may be accepted as electives.

Interdisciplinary Core* ( 18 hours) - Available Online PRO 301

Theories and Practices of Adult Learning w/permission)

PRO 310 PRO 320 PRO 325 PRO 498 PRO 499

Academic Writing for Professional Studies Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Critical Thinking Interdisciplinary Research & Applications Inquiry & Learning Capstone Experience: Research Thesis/Project


3 3 3 3 3 3


Interdisciplinary core courses (PRO 310, 320, 325, 498, and/or 499) may be substituted with appropriate coursework with special permission.

Field of Study Focus (18 Hours) Approved field of study with a minimum of 18 credit hours of related coursework; or successful completion of a UAH approved minor with a minimum of 18 credit hours of related coursework. 2 Up to 34 hours of technical credit may be accepted as electives.

Supplemental Coursework (12 Hours) 12 credit hours of approved supplemental coursework. 2

Up to 34 hours of technical credit may be accepted as electives.

Total Degree Requirements


A minimum of 36 of the 120 hours must be taken at a 300 level or higher; 6 credit hours must be taken at the 400 level. Requirements may vary on select minors.

Contact us at 256.824.6673 or to set-up an appointment with an advisor to discuss your academic pathway!

A Note about Professional Studies (PRO) Courses: • PRO 301 is held in a 7 week term and is offered either as a hybrid course, meeting one evening each week with the majority of the work being done online, or it can be taken completely online. • PRO 310, PRO 320, and PRO 325 are held in 7 week terms and are offered completely online. • PRO 498 is held in a 10 week term and must be taken in the next to last semester before graduation. • PRO 499 is held in a full semester (fall, spring, or summer) and must be taken in the graduating semester. In lieu of meeting in a traditional classroom setting or online, at the start of the semester, students will set a time, date, and method to check in with the instructor each week. Check-ins can be in person or via email, phone, Skype, or Zoom. • PRO 498 and PRO 499 cannot be taken in the same semester.

Admission Requirements • Minimum 2.0 GPA at a regionally accredited institution • Meeting with BPS faculty/advisor



Questions? 256.824.6673 |

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