UAH College of Professional Studies - BSET Student Handbook and Curriculum Guide

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Wilson Hall 143 256.824.6673

TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to the College of Professionals Studies.............................................. 1 What is an interdisciplinary degree?.................................................................. 1 Planning your first year....................................................................................... 2 Academic placement guidelines........................................................................ 3 Math placement.......................................................................................... 4 Chemistry placement.................................................................................. 5 Foreign Language placement..................................................................... 5 English Composition placement................................................................. 6 AP, dual enrollment, transfer credits................................................................... 7 Charger foundations........................................................................................... 8 Registering for classes...................................................................................... 11 Course registration process...................................................................... 11 Using schedule planner............................................................................. 12 Using “add or drop classes”..................................................................... 13 Wait lists.................................................................................................... 14 Semester dates and deadlines.................................................................. 15 Purchasing textbooks................................................................................ 16 Academic advising........................................................................................... 17 Working with your Academic Advisor....................................................... 17 Your plan of study..................................................................................... 18 Military and Veterans programs........................................................................ 19 Honors college................................................................................................. 20 Technology Requirements................................................................................ 21 Helpful Links..................................................................................................... 23

WELCOME! On behalf of the Dean, faculty and staff of the College of Professional Studies, we welcome you to the Bachelor in Professional Studies! We encourage you to take full advantage of all that UAH has to offer, from attending exciting student events, participating in social and academic student-led organizations, to utilizing the rich academic resources that will help you reach your goals. Embarking on an interdisciplinary degree is exciting and rewarding! Your faculty and advisors are here to offer guidance and support and to be a resource for you as a College of Professional Studies student. We wish you a successful and fulfilling academic journey and look forward to being a part of your success story!



An interdisciplinary degree allows students the opportunity to create a customized, tailored program by selecting courses across an array of disciplines to create a plan of study that meets their academic and/or professional goals. Students will select a concentration and build focused coursework within the concentration to effectively develop a major that’s right for them. In the Bachelor in Professional Studies, students choose from courses from areas such as business, information technology, natural sciences, engineering technology, humanities, and social sciences to create an Individualized degree pathway.




ACADEMIC PLACEMENT GUIDELINES Academic placement for new students is based on standardized test results, AP/IB/CLEP credit, and/or previous college credit. Students who wish for their placement to be re-evaluated may do so with updated test results or through placement testing at UAH. We strongly advise placement re-evaluation prior to attending New Student Orientation. For complete placement information, please visit Academic Placement Guidelines on the UAH website. Schedule Testing Re-evaluation English Composition Foreign Language UAH Testing Services Dept. of World 256.824.6725 Languages & Cultures 256.824.1022

Mathematics* *No more than two attempts will be considered.

To Send Updated ACT/SAT Scores If you have re-taken your ACT or SAT and have updated scores, please have those official test scores sent to UAH’s Office of Admission in order to have your records updated. Scores can be obtained through the appropriate testing agency: ACT: school code: 0056 | SAT: school code: 1854 Scores can be mailed to: UAH Office of Admissions; SSB 106; 301 Sparkman Dr. Huntsville, AL 35899 Guidelines Math placement is determined by your ACT or SAT scores. Chemistry placement is based on your ACT or SAT math placement. English Composition placement is based on your ACT English or SAT Evidence-based Reading & Writing scores, your high school GPA, and/or diagnostic evaluation. When you receive your College of Professional Studies orientation information, prior to your registration session at orientation, you will be provided with your placement in Math, Chemistry, and English Composition. Although UAH provides Chemistry placement, students are not required to take Chemistry unless they are planning a major that will require it.


MATH PLACEMENT GUIDELINES Students are required to have their math placement level determined before enrolling in their first math course at UAH. This process is intended to place students in the appropriate course to ensure the best opportunity for student success. Students are placed at the appropriate level according to ACT/SAT scores in math, AP calculus test scores, previous college credit or the math placement exam. Students who wish to be placed according to the placement exam must complete the exam prior to registration that takes place during student orientation. Math Placement Table (below) describes placement based on ACT or SAT scores and the math placement test. Math ACT

Math SAT

Placement Test

AP Calculus Test Score



480 or less

< 25%


Level 0

MA 107L, 110L, 112L



≥ 25% & < 50%


Level 1

MA 107, 110, 112



≥ 50% & < 75%


Level 2

MA 113, 115, 120



≥ 75%


Level 3

MA 171




3 (AB or BC test)


MA 172 (credit for MA 171)




4 or 5 (only BC test)


MA 201 (credit for MA 172)

Equivalent Options (Dependent on Major)

Please not that the equivalent mathematics course is the course that the student must enroll in based upon placement.

Mathematics Placement Test MyMathTest is an interactive testing program provided to you through the Department of Mathematical Sciences at UAH. For complete details on taking the Mathematics Placement Test, please visit: math/undergraduate-students/placement


CHEMISTRY PLACEMENT GUIDELINES Chemistry placement is based on your ACT or SAT Math placement. UAH CH Placement Level

UAH Math Placement Level

ACT Math Score

Redesigned SAT Math Score

UAH Chemistry Placement



19 or lower

480 or lower



1000 or 2000



CH 101 Introduction to Chemistry and CH 105 Lab





CH 121 General Chemistry and CH 125 Lab

Chemistry may be required for courses in the General Studies or Technology Science and Society concentrations.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE PLACEMENT GUIDELINES Foreign Language placement is based on the number of language courses completed in high school and is not required for all majors. FL 101, FL 102, FL 201, and FL 202 are offered for Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Latin, Russian & Spanish. UAH Placement Level

HS Units Completed in the Same Language

UAH Language Placement



FL 101, FL 102



FL 201, FL 202

* Minimum grade of C required for a unit to be counted.

Foreign Language is not required for the Bachelor in Professional Studies, but may be taken in any of the concentrations. 5

ENGLISH COMPOSITION PLACEMENT GUIDELINES (COLLEGE WRITING I) English Composition Placement is based on your ACT English or SAT Evidence-based Reading & Writing scores, high school GPA, and/or diagnostic essay evaluation.

UAH Placement Level

ACT English Score

Redesigned SAT Evidence-based Reading & Writing Score

UAH English Placement


19 or lower

290 or lower

EH 101S College Writing I w/Studio


20 or higher

300 or higher

EH 101 College Writing I

UAH English Placement Level

ACT Composite Score

Redesigned SAT Composite Score


UAH English Placement


26 or higher

1240 or higher

3.5 or higher

EH 103 – Accelerated College Writing

Students in Honors College are required to take EH 105 to fulfill their composition requirements. For students who have satisfied their composition requirement, EH 105 fulfills a humanities/fine arts requirement in the Charger Foundations.


AP/IB CREDIT, DUAL ENROLLMENT CREDIT, AND TRANSFER CREDITS AP/IB Credit Students should submit their official AP /IB scores to UAH’s Office of the Registrar for credit consideration. Please be aware that awarded credits do not carry a grade or quality points, so they do not factor into your UAH GPA. To obtain your official AP scores, go to (UAH AP code: 1854) To see a list of all of the UAH equivalent courses for each AP/IB program course and the semester credit hours that you may receive for it based upon your exam score, please visit the Advanced Placement Program website: Dual Enrollment Credit Many students participate in Dual Enrollment programs while they are in high school. If you have taken dual enrollment coursework at a regionally accredited institution before being admitted or since you were originally admitted to UAH, please have your final transcripts sent to the Office of Admissions to ensure that appropriate credit is awarded. Transfer Credit Students can apply credits earned from regionally accredited 2-year/community colleges for a maximum of 50% of their degree requirements. Credits earned from regionally accredited 4-year universities can be applied for up to 75% of their degree requirements. UAH requires that 25% of the total degree requirements and 12 of the final 18 degree hours are completed with UAH courses. •

Technical Credits A maximum of 34 credit hours of technical credits earned from a regionally accredited institution may be applied to the Bachelor in Professional Studies degree. These credits can be applied only as general elective credit and may not count toward Charger Foundations or concentration requirements.

Credits will be articulated as 3 credit hours or less per course.

Military Credits Transfer credit may also include American Council on Education (ACE) approved military training. If courses are articulated as technical credit, a maximum of 34 credit hours earned may be applied as general elective credit and may not count toward Charger Foundations of concentration requirements.

A total maximum of 50% of the degree requirements may be fulfilled by credits earned through ACE recommended credit for military training. 7

CHARGER FOUNDATIONS Charger Foundations are UAH’s general education requirements that are required of all majors across campus. These courses encompass almost one-third of your undergraduate curriculum and provide you with the foundation you will need to be successful in all of your upcoming coursework. It is not necessary to complete all of your Charger Foundations courses before beginning courses related to your concentration, but some Foundations courses may be prerequisites required for your concentration. Please check with your advisor to learn about any prerequisite requirements.


CHARGER FOUNDATIONS REQUIREMENTS The University of Alabama in Huntsville is committed to four core competencies that serve as the foundation for undergraduate general education. These four core competencies follow. 1. Effective communication (Area I) 2. Engagement with questions of values, ethics, and aesthetics as represented in literature, the humanities, and the arts (Area II) 3. Understanding of the scientific method and application of quantitative or inductive reasoning (Area III) 4. Understanding of human behavior and economic, social, and political structures as represented in the disciplines of history and the social and behavioral sciences (Area IV) These core competencies are consistent with those of the Alabama mandated articulation agreement under ACT 94-303, which ensures the transferability of credits from the State’s two-year institutions to its four-year institutions. AGSC Area


Required Hours


Freshman Composition

3 – 6 hours


Fine Arts

3 hours

Humanities (literature)

3 hours

Humanities (non-literature)

3 hours

Humanities/Fine Arts III



3 – 4 hours

Natural Sciences (lab)

8 hours


3 hours

Social & Behavioral Sciences (non-history)

6 hours


3 hours

*Take either 1 EH (Literature) + 2 HY (History) or 2 EH (Literature) + 1 HY (History). Take no more than six hours in a single discipline in Area II or Area IV. 9

UAH determines placement for students in three areas: • Freshman Composition • Mathematics • Chemistry Although UAH provides placement for Chemistry, General Physics I and II (PH 101 and PH 102) are required for Engineering Technology and can be used to fulfill Charger Foundations requirements. Please refer to the UAH catalog to view a list of the approved Charger Foundations courses.


REGISTERING Planning early for your classes each semester is important, especially if you plan to take online courses, because they tend to fill more quickly than others. Register as soon as your priority registration date opens. To determine your registration status: • Go to • Scroll to Student Services/Registration • Click on Registration Status If you receive a “time ticket” error when you attempt to register for courses, it is likely because you are registering ahead of your designated registration start period. Students will have access to the semester schedule of classes ahead of the start of registration each fall and spring. You can view all courses offered in any semester by looking at the Class Schedules: • • • •

Go to At the top of the page, hover over “I am a…” Select Current Student Class Schedules are located in the gray Information Boxes

When it is time for you to register, you may do so by using either Schedule Planner or Add or Drop Classes (both in to register your courses. How to Wait list for a course: If you register for a course that is at capacity, but has a waitlist, you will receive a “Registration Add Errors” message along with the course(s) that currently have a wait list. Click the drop-down box under Action and select Wait Listed, then Submit Changes, to add yourself to the wait list. Keep check on your course status by viewing your class schedule (— Student Services—My Courses—Class Schedule) to see if/when you have been added. If you select to wait list a course, we recommend that you add another should you not be added to the course. If you are added, you can drop the extra course. 11

USING SCHEDULE PLANNER Go to • Student Services—Registration—Schedule Planner • Select term—Save—Continue Start by adding breaks. Not a morning person? Add a break in the mornings to schedule later classes. Athletic practice schedule? Enter that first and be sure to allow for a little bit of time before and after practice in case a class or practice runs long! Add courses. Refer to your plan of study or the recommendations made by your Academic Advisor. Once you enter all of our courses, click to Generate Schedule. View the schedules and choose the one that works best for you • Too many/too few schedules available? Try adding more courses or selecting the Options icon near each course to limit/expand options Then Send to Shopping Cart—Click “OK” - Click Register and check for any registration errors. To print your detailed schedule: Student Services—Registration—Class Schedule • Right click and select Print And you’re all finished!!! Remember: 12 hours is the minimum number of hours to be considered full time. Taking a minimum of 15 hours each semester is strongly recommended. You can adjust your schedule at any time after you register. Please be sure to view the information on semester dates and deadlines in this handbook to learn the final days to add courses without special permission or to drop courses and receive a tuition refund.


USING ADD OR DROP CLASSES Some students prefer to register for courses using the Add or Drop Classes option as opposed to using Schedule Planner. This is the simplest way to add one or two courses to your schedule and is the method used for dropping a course. To Add Courses • Review the course offerings for the semester through the Class Schedules (available through UAH’s main website). • Make a note of the Course Registration Number (CRN) for the courses you select. The CRN is a unique 5 digit number assigned to each course. • Go to—Student Services—Registration—Add or Drop Classes • Select the term—Submit • At the Add Classes Worksheet, add one CRN per box—Submit Changes • Verify your schedule. •—Student Services—My Courses—Class Schedule Remember: 12 hours is the minimum number of hours to be considered full time. Taking a minimum of 15 hours each semester is strongly recommended. You can adjust your schedule, if needed, after you register. To Drop a Course • Go to—Student Services—Registration—Add or Drop Classes • Select the term—Submit • Under Action, select Web Drop beside the course you wish to remove • Click Submit Changes Please be sure to view the information on semester dates and deadlines in this handbook to learn the final days to add courses without special permission or to drop courses and receive a tuition refund.


WAIT LISTS Occasionally, a course that you register for will have already reached its maximum enrollment for the semester. If the course allows for it, students may choose to be placed on the wait list for the course. How to Wait List for a Course If you register for a course that is at capacity, but has a waitlist, you will receive a “Registration Add Errors” message along with the course(s) that currently have a wait list. Click the drop-down box under Action and select Wait Listed, then Submit Changes, to add yourself to the wait list. Most often, there is no notification sent to the students on the wait list to let them know whether or not they have been added to the course. You’ll need to keep check on your course status by viewing your class schedule: • • • •

Go to Student Services My Courses Class Schedule

Each course will have a Status line that will let you know if you are registered for the course or if you are on the wait list. If you select to wait list a course, it is recommended that you add another in its place should you not be added to the course. If you are added, you can drop the extra course.


SEMESTER DATES AND DEADLINES There are periods in each term when you can drop a course and receive a tuition refund or add a course without needing special permissions. Drop with Refund/Add without Special Permission Standard Term (15 weeks: Fall and Spring) – No later than the 5th business day from the start of the term 10 week term (Fall, Spring, and Summer) – No later than the 4th business day from the start of the term 7 week term (Fall, Spring and Summer) – No later than the 3rd business day from the start of the term 6 week term, 5 week term, Summer Maymester – No later than the 2nd business day from the start of the term Students may still add a course after the last day to add without special permission. To add a course after that date, the Registration Schedule Adjustment Form must be completed and all required signatures must be obtained. The form can be found under General Forms on the Registrar’s website ( and upon completion, must be returned to the Registrar’s office for the schedule to be adjusted. Students may still withdraw from a course after the final day to drop and receive a refund; however, no tuition will be refunded and a grade of “W” will be given for the course. Withdrawal does not negatively impact a student’s GPA. Withdrawal is accomplished by either dropping a course through or by submitting a Registration Schedule Adjustment Form to the Registrar. Students should consult with appropriate university officials to determine any impact that could occur from withdrawing from a course (scholarships/ financial aid, athletics, visa status, etc.) ***Class non-attendance does NOT constitute withdrawal, nor does notification to the instructor. Any student failing to follow the established procedure for withdrawal will continue to be enrolled in the class and may receive a failing grade for that course.***


PURCHASING TEXTBOOKS UAH’s campus bookstore is the best way to learn what textbooks and supplemental materials are needed for each of your courses. • • • • •

Go to Enter Online Bookstore Select “Textbooks” Select “Find Textbooks” Enter the information for each of your courses

Be sure to purchase all required texts, including any online subscriptions that will be required for completion of your course. These will be specified in the textbook materials list. Engineering Technology students will also have required lab kits associated with some courses.


ACADEMIC ADVISING WORKING WITH YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISOR Your Academic Advisor provides support and guidance to you throughout your time at UAH. You can meet at any time, but here are some of the main reasons you may wish to schedule a meeting: Preparing for registration each semester. • To plan for summer and fall classes, meet in mid-late February. • To plan for spring classes, meet in mid-late September. Feeling Stressed or Overwhelmed? If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, either academically, personally, or both. Talk with your academic advisor as soon as possible. Your advisor is here to support and guide you while you are a UAH student and can provide you with access to a variety of helpful resources. Discuss your plan of study. When you are first enrolled as a Bachelor of Professional Studies student, your advisor will provide you with a customized plan of study. You can use this plan of study as a checklist as you prepare for registration each semester. If you foresee the need to change your academic focus or want to discuss the types of courses you need to take, schedule a time to meet with your academic advisor. •

Explore career options with your advisor. Your advisor can discuss career options with you any time! Depending upon your concentration, you may have the opportunity to participate in an internship and receive academic credit for your work experience. Check with your advisor to see if your concentration has a credit-bearing internship option.

Your advisor can also help you schedule a time to meet with Career Services on campus. Career Services is a comprehensive career center that can assist you in all areas of career preparation from exploring careers to building a resume and preparing for interviews. Career Services also offers Charger Path, UAH’s online career management system where you can apply for on-campus jobs, off-campus, jobs, internship, co-ops, and degreed positions. 17

PLAN OF STUDY Your Academic Advisor will provide you with a plan of study at the time that you enroll in the Bachelor in Professional Studies degree. You can use the plan of study to track and record your progression each semester and if needed, your Advisor can provide you with an up to date plan of study at any time. Not only does your plan of study allow you to track your progress, it is also provides important information about your degree requirements: • • • • • •

Minimum of 120 credit hours required for degree completion. Minimum of 36 credit hours must be taken at the upper division (300 or 400 level courses). Cumulative 2.0 GPA is required for graduation. A maximum of 50% of the degree requirements (60 credit hours) can be fulfilled by credits earned at an accredited two-year or community college. A maximum of 75% of the degree requirements (90 credit hours) can be fulfilled by credits earned at an accredited four-year institution. A maximum of 34 credit hours of technical credits earned at an accredited institution or by American Council on Education (ACE) recommended credits earned through military training. • Technical credits can only be applied to degrees through the College of Professional Studies and can only be applied to the general electives. They may not be used to fulfill general education or concentration requirements.

DegreeWorks UAH utilizes DegreeWorks to official track students’ degree progression. BPS concentrations, with the exception of Engineering Technology, do not track well in DegreeWorks due to the flexibility in course selection. For questions regarding your degree progression, please refer to your plan of study or contact your Academic Advisor.


MILITARY AND VETERANS PROGRAMS Veterans and their dependents who are receiving military tuition benefits will work in combination with their Academic Advisor and the Military and Veteran’s Program (MVP) Office to process their benefits each semester. The MVP office provides a streamlined process for students to process their benefits online in a timely manner and in a way that allows the student control of the process. You can access the VA Certification Program under the Services menu on their website: Veterans who are registered with the MVP office will receive priority registration, which means they will have the ability to register for courses on the first day of the registration periods when they open. After registering for courses, students receiving military tuition benefits should contact their Academic Advisor to process their VA Enrollment Verification form. The form can be found under the Financial Aid tab at or on the MVP website. Students are required to complete this form and have it signed by their Academic Advisor, then returned to the MVP Office in Charger Union 223. The MVP office has established priority submission dates for the VA Enrollment Verification form to ensure that students’ benefits are processed in a timely manner. Students may submit their forms after the priority processing date, but should make alternative financial plans because they will not receive benefits by the first day of class. Please see the MVP website for a list of the priority processing dates each semester. Veterans and their dependents who qualify through the “Choice Act” will be charged tuition and fees at the in-state rate; however, students are responsible for completing and submitting the Application for Determination of Alabama Residency for Tuition Purposes which is available on the Vice President for Student Affairs website ( 19

HONORS COLLEGE Honors College is compatible with any major or program of study and requires no additional coursework. Students take enriched Honors versions of courses that they would already take. The benefit of being an Honors Student include: • Student mentor programs • Additional advising • Priority registration • Eligibility for Honors housing • Community of high-performing peers • Published independent research project • Eligibility for research and study abroad grants/opportunities Students wishing to participate in Honors College must apply, but acceptance is not automatic. Deadlines to apply can be found on the Honor’s website: Admission is based upon a review of candidates that includes high school transcripts, extracurricular activities, leadership abilities, and am application essay. There is no fee to apply to Honors College. To be considered, you must have at least a 3.5 high school GPA. Transfer students who have earned a minimum 3.25 GPA at an accredited college or university may also apply. If you do not meet these requirements, you may still apply and they will make an individual assessment. Once accepted to Honors College, students work with their office to develop a plan to complete 24 Honors credit hours in order to receive the full Honors Diploma. If you have questions about the program, you may email them at


TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS As a student in a Professional Studies concentration, you will utilize computing throughout your undergraduate studies at UAH. All incoming students (freshmen or transfer) are required to have their own computer and access to a sufficient internet connection for participating in online instruction and completing assignments/projects/tests. Once you are officially enrolled as a student at UAH, you should be able to access Chargerware at and review software available for download to your personal computer. Please do not hesitate to contact the College of Professional Studies if you have any questions regarding your technology needs: or 256.824.6673. Recommended Minimum Requirement for Computers Hardware: • CPU/Processor: Intel Core i5 or better is recommended ET Students: Intel Core i5 with a video card like nVidia is the minimum requirement. Intel Core i7 or better with a video card like nVidia is suggested for efficient operation of CREO (for 3D modeling) and graphics rendering. • RAM: 16 GB minimum is recommended • Hard Drive: 250 GB HDD minimum rated at a minimum of 7200 RPM, (250 GB SSD recommended) • Screen Resolution: 1280x80 or higher • Wireless Network Card OR Wired Networking Card: Needed to access the internet. • Camera, Microphone & Speakers: Needed to Interact with Online and Hybrid classes • Warranty: Recommend 4 years of support


Software: All Concentrations: • Operating System: Windows 10 or OS X and up • Adobe Reader: 11 or newer (free download) • Microsoft Office: Check Chargerware for Office 365 Education (free for students for both PC and MAC). Note: UAH does not offer support for downloading or installation. • Google Apps: UAH provides Google Apps for all students for email and online office tools. • Turnitin: If you are using Turnitin through Canvas you do not need to upload a separate plugin, but you may need to adjust some settings in your browser. Engineering Technology: • MATLAB: Download via Chargerware or utilize free cloud based service available to UAH students with your UAH email address. • PTC CREO 7.0: A drafting software package used in ET 302 and ET310. Student versions are available to access in on-campus computer labs or a free student version download is available. PTC gives recommendations for usage of their software here. Additional Educational Technologies Engineering Technology: • Calculator: You will need a calculator capable of basic trigonometric functions and exponents. Internet Access Students in the College of Professional Studies will need adequate internet access to fully participate in courses., regardless of the instructional format (online, hybrid, or in-class). The minimum requrement for internet access will allow access to canvas, Panopto, Zoom, and any supplemental course platforms, such as Cengage, that may be required. Minimum requirement: 10 Mbps connection Recommended: 100 Mbps down streaming/10 Mbps upstreaming


HELPFUL LINKS UAH Bookstore Charger Union, Rm 117 Bursar’s office Student Services, Rm 123 Campus Police Intermodal Parking Career Services Student Services, Rm 205 Charger Card Office Charger Union, Rm 131 Counseling Center Executive Plaza Ste 208 Dean of Students Charger Union, Rm 223 Disability Support Services Wilson Hall, Rm 128

Diversity Equity & Inclusion Student Services, Rm 218 Financial Aid Student Services, Rm 124 (includes scholarships) Fitness Center

Student Health Center Wilson Hall, Rm 324 Student Success Center Salmon Library, N. Wing Testing Services Wilson Hall, Rm 225

Undergrad Research Student Services, Rm 303B Housing & Residence Life Village, Rm 118 resesarch UAH Registrar International Student Student Services, Rm 120 & Scholar Office Student Services, Rm 218 Academic Calendar Salmon Library Email Military & Veterans Programs Course Catalog Charger Union, Rm 223 College of Parking Management Professional Studies Conference Training Wilson Hall, Rm 143 Center, Rm 147 23 24

Wilson Hall 143 256.824.6673

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