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university at albany State University of New York
Department of Music and Theatre University at Albany presents:
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 6pm Recital
Bridge Over Troubled Water Paul Simon (b. 1941)
Luke Korff, tenor
Trevor Kahlbaugh, piano
Jessica Schuh, flute
Kira Doerrer, violin
Aiyana Freeman, viola
Abigail Tsuji,
Jessica Mollé, soprano
Trevor Kahlbaugh, piano Sous
Jessica Mollé, soprano
Camille McCalla, soprano
Trevor Kahlbaugh, piano
Che Fiero Momento
Christoph Willibald Gluck
from Orfeo ed Euridice (1714-1787)
Camille McCalla, soprano
Trevor Kahlbaugh, piano
Schindler’s List John Williams (b. 1932)
Kira Doerrer, violin
Jessica Schuh, flute
Abigail Tsuji, cello
Sonata in F minor, Op. 2, No. 1 Ludwig van Beethoven
Allegro (1770-1827)
Anna Dushanin, piano
Prayer H. Leslie Adams (b. 1932)
For You There Is No Song H. Leslie Adams
Samantha Streeter, mezzo soprano
Trevor Kahlbaugh, piano
Sonata in G Johann Sebastian Bach
Largo, Vivace (1685-1750)
Hôsök emlékére Gáty Zoltán (1856-1928)
Serenata Julius Eichberg (1824-1893)
Hope Savercool, violin
Thomas Verbicky, violin
Chika Ndukwe, violin
Estelle Song, piano
Howl’s Moving Castle
Jessica Schuh, flute
Kira Doerrer, violin
Aiyana Freeman, viola
Andrew Craner, cello
Joe Hisaishi (b. 1950)
Connais Tu Le Pays Ambroise Thomas
Briana Start, mezzo soprano
Trevor Kahlbaugh, piano
Flight of the Bumblebee Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)
Jessica Schuh, flute
Estelle Song, piano
Soirées musicales, Op. 6, No. 2, Clara Sc humann
Notturno (1819-1896)
Soirées musicales, Op. 6, No. 4, Ballade
Estelle Song, piano
Horn Trio, Op 40
Johannes Brahms
I. Andante (1833-1897)
II. Scherzo: Allegro; molto meno mosso
Elif Erdogan, piano
Connor Daley, saxophone
Jonah Hauf, French horn
Orange Colored Sky
Milton DeLugg
Willie Stein
That Face Mel Brooks
(b. 1926)
Andrew Calvacca, baritone
Tevor Kahlbaugh, piano
Set Fire to the Rain Adele
(b. 1988)
Moon River Henry Mancini
Amanda Rogers, soprano
Trevor Kahlbaugh, piano
Chi Il Bel Sogno by Giacomo Puccini
Chi il bel sogno di Doretta poté indovinar?
Il suo mister come mai, come mai finì?
Ahimè! un giorno uno studente in bocca la baciò
E fu quel bacio
Fu la passione! …
Folle amore!
Folle ebbrezza!
Chi la sottil carezza
D’un bacio così ardente
Mai ridir potrà?
Ah! mio sogno!…
Ah! mia vita!
Che importa la ricchezza
Se alfin è rifiorita la felicità! …
O sogno d’or
Poter amar così!
Who could ever guess Doretta's beautiful dream?
How is it that her mystery never ends?
Ah, me! One day, a student kissed her on the lips
And in this kiss
It was passion!
Crazy love!
Crazy drunkenness!
Who could ever describe
The subtle caress
In such a flaming kiss
Ah, my dream!
Ah, my life!
What do riches matter
If happiness flourishes at the end!
O golden dream
To be able to love like this!
Sous le dôme épais from Lakmé by Léo Delibes
L: Dôme épais le jasmin/Thick dome of jasmine
M: Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin/Under the dense canopy where the white jasmine,
L: À la rose s’assemble,/Blends with the rose,
M: À la rose s’assemble,/That blends with the rose,
L: Rive en fleurs, frais matin,/Bank in bloom, fresh morning,
M: Sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin,/On the flowering bank, laughing in the morning,
L: Nous appellent ensemble./Call us together.
M: Viens, descendons ensemble./Come, let us drift down together.
L: Ah! glissons en suivant/Ah! Let’s glide along
M: Doucement glissons; De son flot charmant/Let us gently glide along; For its enchanting flow
L: Le courant fuyant;/The fleeing current;
M: Suivons le courant fuyant;/Let us follow the fleeing current;
L: Dans l’onde frémissante,/On the rippling surface,
M: Dans l’onde frémissante,/On the rippling surface,
L: D’une main nonchalante,/With a nonchalant hand,
M: D’une main nonchalante,/With a nonchalant hand,
L: Gagnons le bord,/Let’s go to the shore,
M: Viens, gagnons le bord/Come, let’s go to the shore
L: Où l’oiseau chante,/Where the bird sings,
M: Où la source dort./Where the spring sleeps.
L: l’oiseau, l’oiseau chante./Tjhe bird, the bird sings.
M: Et l’oiseau, l’oiseau chante./And the bird, the bird sings.
L: Dôme épais, blanc jasmin,/Thick dome, white jasmin,
M: Sous le dôme épais, Sous le blanc jasmin,/Under the dense canopy, under the white jasmine.
L: Nous appellent ensemble!/Call us together!
M: Ah! descendons ensemble!/Ah! Let’s drift down together!
L: Mais, je ne sais quelle crainte subite
s’empare de moi./But, an eerie feeling of distress
overcomes me
Quand mon père va seul à leur ville maudite,/When my father goes into their accursed city
Je tremble, je tremble d’effroi!/I tremble, I tremble with fright!
M: Pour que le Dieu Ganeça le protège,/In order for him to be protected by Ganesh
Jusqu’à l’étang où s’ébattent joyeux/To the pond where joyfully play
Les cygnes aux ailes de neige,/The snow-winged swans, Allons cueillir les lotus bleus./Let us puck blue lotuses.
L: Oui, près des cygnes aux ailes de neige,/Yes, near the swans with wings of snow, Allons cueillir les lotus bleus./And pick blue lotuses.
L: Dôme épais le jasmin/Thick dome of jasmin
M: Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin/Under the dense canopy where the white jasmin,
L: À la rose s’assemble,/Blends with the rose,
M: À la rose s’assemble,/That blends with the rose,
L: Rive en fleurs, frais matin,/Bank in bloom, fresh morning,
M: Sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin,/On the flowering bank, laughing in the morning,
L: Nous appellent ensemble./Call us together.
M: Viens, descendons ensemble./Come, let us drift down together.
L: Ah! glissons en suivant/Ah! Let’s glide along
M: Doucement glissons; De son flot charmant/Let us gently glide along;For its enchanting flow
L: Le courant fuyant;/The fleeing current;
M: Suivons le courant fuyant;/Let us follow the fleeing current;
L: Dans l’onde frémissante,/ On the rippling surface
M: Dans l’onde frémissante,/On the rippling surface
L: D’une main nonchalante,/With a nonchalant hand,
M: D’une main nonchalante,/With a nonchalant hand,
L: Gagnons le bord,/Let’s go to the shore,
M: Viens, gagnons le bord/Come, let’s go to the shore
L: Où l’oiseau chante,/Where the bird sings,
M: Où la source dort./Where the spring sleeps.
L: l’oiseau, l’oiseau chante./The bird, the bird sings.
M: Et l’oiseau, l’oiseau chante./And the bird, the bird sings.
L: Dôme épais, blanc jasmin,/Thick dome, white jasmine,
M: Sous le dôme épais, Sous le blanc jasmin,/Under the dense canopy, Under the white jasmine,
L: Nous appellent ensemble!/Together call us!
M: Ah! descendons ensemble!/Ah! Let’s drift down together!
Che Fiero Momento by Christoph Willibald Gluck
Che fiero memento, che barbara sorte!
Passar della morte a tanto dolor!
Che fiero memento, che barbara sorte!
Passar della morte a tanto dolor!
A tanto dolor!
Avvezzo al contento d’un placido oblio, d’un placido fra queste tempeste si perde il mio cor, si perde il mio cor, avvezzo al contento d’un placido oblio, fra queste, tempeste, si perde il mio cor, Si perde il mio cor, il mio cor!
Che fiero memento, che barbara sorte!
Passar della morte a tanto dolor!
Che fiero memento, che barbara sorte!
Passar della morte a tanto dolor! A tanto dolor!
Oh bitter moment, oh cruel fate!
To pass from death to such sorrow!
Oh bitter moment, oh cruel fate!
To pass from death to such sorrow!
To pass from death to such pain, to so much pai n!
Accustomed to contentment of a placid oblivion, of a placid oblivion
Among these storms my heart is lost, my heart is lost, accustomed to contentment of a placid oblivion, of a placid oblivion
among these storms my heart is lost
My heart is lost, my heart!
I falter, I tremble, I falter, I tremble...
Oh bitter moment, oh cruel fate!
To pass from death to such sorrow!
Oh bitter moment, oh cruel fate!
To pass from death to such sorrow!
To pass from death to such pain, to so much pain!
Connais tu le pays ou fleurit l’oranger, Le pays des fruits d’or et des roses vermeil les? Ou la brise est plus douce, et l’oiseau plus leger, Ou dans toutw saison butinent les abeilles, Ou rayonne et sourit, comme un bienfait de Dieu, Un eternal princepts sous un ciel toujours bleu? Helas! Que ne puisje te suivre
Vers ce rivage heureux, d’ou le sort m’exila!
C’est la, c’eset la que jevoudrais vivre, Aimer, aimer et mourir!
C’est la que jevoudrais vivre, c’est la! Oui, c’est la!
Connais tu la maison ou l’on m’attend la bas?
La sal le aux lambris d’or, ou des hommes de marbre
M’appel lent dans la nuit en me tendant les bras?
Et la cour ou l’on danse a l’ombre d’un grand arbre, Et le lac transparent, ou glissent sur les eaux Mille
bateaux legers, pareils a des oiseaux! Helas! que ne puisje te suivre
Vers ce pays lointain d’ou le sort m’exi la! C’est la, c’est la que je voudrais vivre, Aimer, aimer et mourir!
C’est la que jevoudrais vivre, c’est la! oui, c’est la!
Do you know the country where the orange tree blooms, The land of golden fruits and vermilion roses?
Where the breeze is softer, and the bird lighter, Where in every season the bees forage, Or shines and smiles, as a blessing from God, An eternal princepts under an always blue sky?
Alas! Why can't I follow you
Towards this happy shore, from which fate exiled me!
It's there, it's there that I would like to live, Love, love and die!
This is where I would like to live, this is it! Yes, it is!
Do you know the house where they are waiting for me?
The room with gold paneling, or marble men
Call me slow in the night stretching out my arms?
And the courtyard where we dance in the shade of a big tree, And the transparent lake, where the waters glide
A thousand light boats, like birds!
Alas! why can't I follow you
To that distant land from which fate exiles me!
This is where I want to live
Love, love and die!
This is where I would like to live, this is it! yes, it is!
Next on the Music Program Schedule
UAlbany Symphony Orchestra
Sunday, April 30 at 3pm
With conductor Christopher David Neubert, this large ensemble performs works representing outstanding repertoire from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods of the 20th and 21st centuries. The program will feature two works: Dvorak’s Symphony No. 8 in G Major and Faure’s Pavane, Op. 50.
Sound of the Trumpets, Roar of the Drums
Monday, May 1 at 7pm
The UAlbany Concert Band and UAlbany Percussion Ensemble present a shared program. Under the direction of Richard Albagli, the percussionists will perform three works with high school student William Lauricella as special guest. Conductor Kevin Champagne will lead the band in five works including Star Wars Saga by John Williams.
Senior Recital
Saturday, May 6 at 3pm
Mezzo-soprano Samantha Streeter performs works by Handel, Schumann, Faure and others.
The UAlbany Performing Arts Center’s six theatres, three lounges and other spaces are available for rental.
The UAlbany Performing Arts Center’s six theatres, three lounges and other spaces are available for rental.
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