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Cassondra Stukofski Untitled

Cassandra Stukofski

Untitled (Preliminary drawing for Gluttony in Sin series) Graphite on frosted mylar


Artist Statement

This piece represents my contemporary interpretation of 'gluttony'. Although somewhat similar to previous artist's subject matter (i.e. overindulgence associated with food), I chose to represent the incapacitated glutton as connected to a network of intravenous tubes, pumping into the figure all of society's ideals and corporate philosophies. Thus, it is not food that creates the

overindulgence, but the gluttony lies within American culture.

Untitled (Hairpiece) Drypoints printed on waxed handmade paper with human hair

Artist Statement

This piece belongs to a series of prints that explores concepts of self image related to anxiety and depression. The waxed paper represents human skin, and the hair acts as a distraction or even a 'blanket' to prevent the viewer from solely focusing on the distressed female figures.

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