1 minute read

Self Portrait Tiffany Farber

Self Portrait by Tiffany Farber

Two gray, feline eyes survey me Up through the glass come her long, slender fingers She brushes them through the auburn ringlets that frame my face Two full, crimson lips begin to quiver Saline runs from her calico eyes And little almond drops come crashing to the sink basin


I see her reflection no longer As I retreat to the blackness beneath my own palms To me she is a monster Beneath her seductive grin is a devilish smirk If I follow her curves to the place where facade meets reality.... I will discover the truth

There is throbbing pain There is a gate Only those who claim her past are able to pass through

Through the gate lies a magnificent ballroom Where remembered lovers eternally glide

She controls the music She conducts the band

I lift my throbbing head from my dripping palms She glares at me through the glass "You will never rid of me," she whispers As she crashed with me to the floor. Subversively Yours by Carla James

Can I lie in the face of the Devil With my lips as well, my eyes? And live a life of deceptive ease My thoughts submerged, baptized And I may think I know me well In fact a myth I must deny For I live in the real, and fantasies and lie So peering in the devil's face My thoughts serene, sublime A sense of familiarity A keen and brittle lie.

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