UBC CPD Calendar 2010/22

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UBC CME/CPD Course Calendar The Division of Continuing Professional Development

September 2010 - June 2011


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UBC CME/CPD Course Calendar • September 2010 - June 2011

CME Effectiveness – Integrating Continuous Performance Improvement in UBC CPD Programming CME has been typically designed to update the knowledge and maintain the competence of practicing physicians. CME is moving away from focusing on increasing knowledge to improving physician performance. This concept of “continuous performance improvement ” encourages physicians and educators to use data to identify gaps in care, design improvement plans, and measure outcomes in an ongoing manner. This “improvement culture” includes focused approaches as part of innovative medical education programming. Research findings are often not integrated into clinical practice, highlighting the importance of effective education methods. Applying knowledge is difficult and can be affected by task complexity, physician and patient motivation, and system factors. Education can be improved by: offering live sessions; incorporating active learning; making learning practicerelevant; allowing time for training; reinforcing behaviour change with multiple interventions, audit and feedback, selfreflection, and commitment to change; and providing ongoing support (e.g. coaching). Combining these learning activities/ principles before, during, and after the education has been shown to be the most effective approach. Obtaining access to data for feedback about practice is challenging. In an ongoing effort to measure and improve physician practice and patient outcomes, UBC CPD has an established research program that focuses on evaluating educational effectiveness through a data driven approach. In support of this direction, UBC CPD is leading the “BC CME Dementia” program. Multiple educational offerings and resources were developed based on physician learning needs, including podcasts, videoconferences, regional conferences, community case-based workshops, and online bulletin boards. In order to assess whether physician performance improved after the case-based workshops, a pre and post research design was used. Data from the BC Ministry of Health

showed that before the educational intervention there was no difference between communities r e c e iv i n g e duc at i o n and communities not r e c eiv i ng e duc at ion. H o w e v e r, a f t e r t h e educational intervention, workshop communities had greater physician ADTI enrollment and SA form submissions compared to non-workshop communities. This indicates that this new education was effective as physicians were performing more cognitive assessments and following the GPAC guidelines. Performance was measured through actual practice data rather than through self-report. UBC CPD continues to measure effectiveness in current research initiatives and hopes to expand this program to offer coaching and other effective learning practices. UBC CPD also has a new initiative called “This Changed My Practice” (thischangedmypractice.com) (pg. 8). This initiative is a direct approach to translating new evidence and other relevant information into clinical practice. This online initiative focuses on delivering clear recommendations from leading experts and respected colleagues to practicing physicians. Interactive learning is encouraged through discussion and voting on whether or not the information will change YOUR practice. Future CME may include learning intervals as well as mentorship to promote practice improvement. Effective CME must truly be CONTINUING, not casual, unplanned, or sporadic. It is important that the educator and physician learner are encouraged to use available data to support practice improvement. UBC CPD is working to support this direction and would welcome your input.

Brenna Lynn, PhD

Gisele Bourgeois-Law, MD, MEd, FRCSC

Bob Bluman, MD, CCFP, FCFP


Associate Dean

Assistant Dean

5th Annual 2010 CME/CPD Awards The UBC Faculty of Medicine CPD Awards Adjudication Committee is now accepting nominations for: 1. Innovation in CME/CPD Award 2. Distinguished Service to CME/CPD

Make Your Nomination Today It is with great pride that we announce the recipients of our 2009 awards: Sue Stanton for Innovation in CME and Dr. William Schreiber for Distinguished Service For more information about nominee criteria or to obtain a nomination form please go to www.ubccpd.ca or call 604-875-5101

September 2010 - June 2011 • UBC CME/CPD Course Calendar


BC Physician Integration Program (BC-PIP) International Medical Graduates (IMGs), physicians who completed their medical training outside of Canada, are an important component of British Columbia’s health human resource strategy which aims to meet the health care provider requirements of the population. Approximately 125-150 incoming IMGs per year are deemed practice-ready by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC and are placed on the College’s Provisional Register. These IMGs practice in under-serviced areas throughout the province. In 2008, to facilitate the successful integration and to support these provisionally licensed IMGs in their practice, UBC CPD, through its BC Physician Integration Program (BC-PIP), began providing a selection of recurring programs for these IMGs. These programs include: i. An Orientation Conference for Provisionally Licensed IMGs; ii. Exam Preparation Courses for the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) Licensing Part I & II Qualifying Examinations; iii. A Faculty Development Workshop for Supervising Physicians of IMGs; and iv. An Electronic Community of Practice (eCOP). The Orientation Conference is a 2-day event held every six months that introduces the BC health care system to IMGs new to BC practice. A variety of topics are included, ranging from the ethical and legal landscape of medical practice in BC and Canada to topics such as aboriginal & public health. The content of the MCCQE Part I Exam Preparation Course includes how and what to study for the exams as well as how to access study resources.

The MCCQE Part II Exam Preparation Course covers the expectations for physician-patient communication, clinical examination, and data gathering and interpretation. Course participants also interact with standardized patients in simulated clinical case scenarios. The Faculty Development Workshop for supervising physicians of IMGs covers topics such as tools for assessing, evaluating and providing feedback to IMGs, as well as ethical and potential legal issues associated with supervision. UBC CPD has been conducting a research study investigating the faculty development needs of supervising physicians in BC, including issues related to the professional relationship between supervising physicians and IMGs. The electronic (online) Community of Practice provides a venue for IMGs to enhance learning, share experiences & resources, and foster relationships/dialogue with other IMG colleagues. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development, and the Ministry of Health Services through Health Canada’s Internationally Educated Health Professionals Initiative. For more information, please visit the Program website: www.bc-pip.ca.

Primary Care Physician Education and Engagement in the Promotion of Cancer Screening in BC Between 2009 and 2010, UBC CPD, with the support and partnership of the BC Cancer Agency (BCCA) conducted a province-wide cancer screening needs assessment of primary care physicians in BC. The focus of this study was breast, cervical, colorectal, and prostate cancers, as well as hereditary predisposition to cancer. Over 800 primary care physicians provided key insights on their attitudes and practice patterns related to cancer screening. The findings provided a better understanding of the barriers to engaging physicians and patients in screening discussions. Key recommendations providing solutions for improving doctor/ patient communication, best practices for screening, and for addressing possible gaps in care for recommended cancer screening practices for the BC population were developed from these findings. Implementation of these recommendations has begun with the delivery of two online webinar educational sessions on cervical and colorectal cancer screening and hereditary predisposition to cancer. A full report and an executive summary of the findings will be available on both the UBC CPD and BCCA websites.

UBC CPD would like to thank the following organizat ions for their suppor t i n t he promot ion of t h is important initiative: • BC Medical Association • Society of General Practitioners of BC • BC College of Family Physicians • UBC Department of Family Practice A special thank you to all the physicians who participated in this study. For more information about this needs assessment study please contact: Mr. Tunde Olatunbosun Project Manager (tunde.o@ubc.ca)


UBC CME/CPD Course Calendar • September 2010 - June 2011

Upcoming 2010-2011 Courses, www.ubccpd.ca/events Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 30th Annual Conference The conference will update participants regarding recent research, clinical findings, and new evidence-based treatments associated with various child psychiatric conditions. The focus will also be on challenges faced by child psychiatrists as they officially become a subspecialty of psychiatry in Canada. We have added an “Ask the Expert” event to allow you to pick the brain of an expert clinician. Come to learn, exchange ideas, and connect with colleagues from around the country.

Date: Sept 26-28, 2010 Location: Toronto, ON Study Credits: Section 1 Target Audience: Psychiatrists, FPs and professionals involved in the psychiatric care of children and adolescents

Pan American Society for Pigment Cell Research 2010 Annual Conference

Date: Sept 30-Oct 2, 2010 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: Section 1 Target Audience: Dermatologists, Pathologists, Researchers, Residents, Students

The 8th Annual St. Paul’s Emergency Medicine Update

Date: Sept 30-Oct 3, 2010 Location: Whistler, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Emergency care providers: rural/urban, part-time/full-time, Residents to seasoned veterans, Nurses & Paramedics

SEMP: Simulation-Assisted Emergency Medicine Procedures Course

Date: Oct 15, 2010 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1 Target Audience: Emergency Physicians, Emergency Residents, Rural Physicians

“New Developments in the Pathogenesis & Treatment of Pigment Conditions and Melanoma” This congress is jointly held by the Pan American Society of Pigment Cell Research and the University of British Columbia, Department of Dermatology & Skin Science. This year’s congress will attract specialists, basic science researchers from both academic and industrial backgrounds, and others interested in current problems of pigment cell research. Four exciting days of learning, networking and recreation! Preconference workshops include: CAEP AIME Roadshow: Airway Interventions and Management in Emergencies; Rural Emergency Workshop: “The Day in the ED You Hope You Never Have”; SEMP: Simulation-Assisted Emergency Medicine Procedures Course; The Hemodynamic Instability Course; APLS: The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Course; Experienced ACLS for Nurses Workshop. Keynote presenters: Dr. Ray Wiss, Dr. Grant Innes, and Dr. John Tallon.

The hands-on portion of the course will take place at the Centre of Excellence for Simulation Education & Innovation at Vancouver Costal Health where instructors will demonstrate the procedures and supervise the students as they practice on animal and realistic plastic models. This course involves web-based learning modules required to be done before the course begins. Registration is limited.

36th Annual D.A. Boyes Society Meeting: An Obstetrics and Gynaecology Update

Date: Oct 28-29, 2010 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: OB/GYN, Oncologists, FP/ GPs, Midwives, Nurses, Residents, Students

7th Annual Live Well with Diabetes Conference for Healthcare Professionals

Date: Nov 13-14, 2010 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Family Physicians, General Practitioners, Nurses, Residents, Students

The Combined ACLS/APLS Course

Date: Nov 25-27, 2010 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Physicians; one-day update course is for clinicians who have completed at least one ACLS course

Hot Topics in Mental Health for the Primary Care Provider

Date: Jan 21, 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Primary Care Physicians, Mental Health Professionals

This interactive and innovative CME-CPD program will provide a timely and clinically relevant update on selected topics in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology, including maternal fetal medicine, reproductive endocrinology, urogynaecology, gynaecologic oncology and general gynaecology. Topics include: Thyroid in Reproduction, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, Ovarian Cancer, HRT in Cancer Patients, Induction of Labour, and Interesting Cases. Our planning committee has collaborated with several experts to create this year’s comprehensive 1.5 day agenda. Each speaker will provide the learner with current and practical information to assist in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of diabetes. We are also hosting a free diabetes information fair cosponsored by the Canadian Diabetes Association with a seasonal dinner for diabetes patients living in the lower mainland. This annual public event is always a great success. The APLS course is designed to train physicians to assess and manage critically ill children during the first hours in the emergency department. The ACLS Course provides the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate and manage the first 10 minutes of an adult ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia arrest. Resuscitation simulations, which are relevant and realistic for the learner’s background and current work environment, are used as much as possible.

The UBC Departments of Psychiatry and Family Practice and UBC CPD are pleased to be providing a 1-day update for primary care physicians and other mental health care professionals on important psychiatric topics. All presentations will be very practical and relevant to daily medical practice. Participants will become up-to-date on strategies to manage a wide range of psychiatric issues that are seen in daily clinical practice.

46th Annual Post Graduate Review in Family Medicine After the 2010 conference experienced its highest attendance to date, we have moved the 2011 conference to a bigger venue at the Marriott Pinnacle Hotel in Downtown Vancouver. This 46th annual conference has excellent repeat attendance as its 3-day format with daily workshops offers the ability to tailor your learning needs and have time to meet up with colleagues from around the province. Join us for one of the most popular and well received Family Practice reviews!

The Trauma Association of Canada (TAC) Annual Scientific Meeting TAC hosts Canada’s premier multi-disciplinary conference on trauma. The 2011 program will feature a wide range of educational activities, including discussion panels on controversial topics, special interest group meetings, clinical updates, and special symposia. The nonscientific portion of the meeting includes an opening reception, time to enjoy the Banff Resort, and a conference dinner.

Date: Feb 23-25, 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1 Target Audience: Family Physicians, General Practitioners Date: Apr 7-9, 2011 Location: Banff, AB Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Surgeons, Intensivists, Emergency Physicians, Anaesthetists, GPs, Nurses, Trauma Coordinators & others

September 2010 - June 2011 • UBC CME/CPD Course Calendar


CME on the R


Dates: Oct 1, 2010, Nov 5, 2010, Dec 3, 2010, Feb 4, 2011, Apr 1, 2011 and May 6, 2011

This CPD series continues to grow in popularity and reputation. Practical Friday afternoon (1:00pm to 5:00pm) presentations are an excellent way to collect CME credits at an affordable price in a convenient location. Up to 3.5 MainPro M1 per session. The series is well known for its quality presenters and practical tips. Sign up for all 6 sessions to receive a bundled discount. Location: VGH, Vancouver, BC. There is also an opportunity to link in via videoconference. Themes: Geriatrics, Diagnostics/Radiology, Pharmacology/Therapeutics, Women and Men’s Health, Ophthalmology/ENT and General Internal Medicine/Best Topics.

Hot Topics in Cardiology

Date: Apr 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: General Internists, Specialists in fields other than internal medicine, Family Physicians

Annual Clinical Neurosciences: Schizophrenia

Date: Apr 8, 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Psychiatrists, Psychologists, General Practitioners, Mental Health Professionals

Annual Spring Dermatology Review For Family Physicians

Date: Apr 8-9, 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Family Physicians, General Practitioners

31st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geriatrics Society

Date: Apr 14-16, 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Geriatricians, Family Physicians, General Practitioners

The 8th Annual Pediatric Emergency Medicine Update

Date: Apr 29-30, 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Pediatricians, Emergency Physicians, Residents

35th Annual Internal Medicine Review for Primary Care Physicians

Date: May 9-12, 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1 Target Audience: Family Physicians, General Practitioners, 20 participants max

Adolescent Oncology Update

Date: May 13, 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Pediatricians, Oncologists, Family Physicians

Women’s Health Update For Primary Care

Date: May 13-14, 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1 Target Audience: Family Physicians, General Practitioners

This 1-day annual conference hosted by the UBC Division of Cardiology will provide an update on key aspects of management of cardiovascular disease, with an emphasis on what’s new in the field relevant to the care of patients with cardiovascular disease. This annual update has had consistent high reviews from attendees for its high quality, unbiased, and comprehensive program. Last year was oversubscribed and some people regrettably could not attend. Register early! Topics will focus on Schizophrenia and cover both clinical and research aspects. Among the clinical topics will be an introduction to the newest antipsychotics Aripiprazole and depot Paliperidone as well as the potential future antipsychotic medications which may be introduced to BC. The pros and cons of use of these newer medications will be discussed. Also covered will be topics in refractory schizophrenia, including the latest findings with Clozapine and the plans for the care of refractory patients in BC after the closing of Riverview Hospital in 2012. This 1.5-day conference focuses on practical diagnosis and management in dermatology. The conference format is a mixture of 25 minute plenary lectures and small group interactive sessions. The interactive case discussions are very popular and provide an opportunity to share experiences and to question the experts. The conference is the result of collaboration between the UBC Department of Dermatology and Skin Science and UBC CPD. The speakers are from the faculty of the UBC Dermatology and Community Dermatologists. Please join us at the Four Seasons Hotel, Downtown Vancouver for this 3-day conference as we have confirmed several international keynote speakers including: Dr. Sharon Inouye, Harvard Medical School; Dr. John Morley, Saint Louis University; Dr. Kaveh Shojania, UofT; and Dr. Roger Wong, UBC. Highlights include active international participation from Pacific Rim countries, unique educational and networking opportunities through keynote presentations, plenary lectures, symposia, interactive workshops, panel discussions, and much more! The Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at BC Children’s Hospital and the Division of Continuing Professional Development, UBC Faculty of Medicine present the 8th Annual Pediatric Emergency Medicine Update. This 2-day conference offers the most recent trends in the practice of Pediatric Emergency Medicine in rural and urban settings. The APLS course is also offered in conjunction with this conference, April 27-28.

This small group course consists of a wide variety of activities that range from conferences to seminars to library time. Each day contains a clinical option in which participants spend two hours with a clinical instructor seeing patients and discussing clinical problems. No more than two registrants are assigned to each clinical instructor. Previous participants have described this course as “excellent and flexible” and have raved about the quality of the presenters and of the learning opportunities. Sessions run 8am-3pm. The Provincial Pediatric Oncology/Hematology Network, in conjunction with the Division of Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology/BMT, BC Children’s Hospital, is committed to providing ongoing educational and discussion opportunities to support physicians and healthcare providers in the care of the adolescents and children with cancer and hematological disorders. The program has been developed to reflect the needs of community pediatricians, family physicians, and multidisciplinary healthcare professionals. A practical 1-day update on women’s health offering a mix of short plenary sessions and small group workshops. Topics include: HPV update, Bone Density Interpretation, Obesity, Ectopics, Osteoporosis, Contraceptive Update, PCOS/Metabolic Syndrome, Cardiovascular Disease in Women, Mood Disorders, IUDs, and Menopause (conventional Rx).

Practice Survival Skills: What I Wish I Knew in My First Few Years of Practice Are you a new graduate, new to BC, locum physician or just want to practice more efficiently? Emphasis will be on the practical knowledge you need for effective practice; billing, contract negotiations, finding jobs, financial & practice management skills, and how to navigate the BC health care system. We will offer workshops on medicolegal writing and handling paperwork painlessly to save time and increase income dramatically. Also learn how to keep safe in episodic and locum settings with difficult and potentially dangerous patients.

Date: June 3, 2011 Location: Vancouver, BC Study Credits: MainPro M1, Section 1 Target Audience: Family Physicians, General Practitioners, Specialists, Locums, new to BC, IMGs


UBC CME/CPD Course Calendar • September 2010 - June 2011

Rural Continuing Professional Development (RCPD) Outreach Program UBC CPD, with support from the Rural Coordination Centre of BC, started the Rural Continuing Professional Development (RCPD) Outreach Program in 2008 to deliver CME/CPD to the 1,900 rural family physicians and specialists in BC. The RCPD program works with and on behalf of rural physicians to build valuable CME/CPD educational programs. Our program purposes are to: 1. Educate rural physicians closer to home; 2. Support educational development by rural physicians for rural physicians; 3. Nurture rural physicians and recognize their special skills and exemplary work; 4. Help overcome geographic isolation by maximizing the use of increasingly accessible technologies and communications systems to facilitate closer to home CME; 5. Strengthen relationships intraprofessionally (between physicians) and within multiprofessional healthcare teams;





Monitor emerging and state-of-the-art evidence-based medicine in order to develop rurally relevant, innovative CME; Support physicians in a variety of professional roles, including practitioner, advocate, teacher, business manager, mentor, and scholar; Create a collaborative approach, using rural physician input, university input and organizational stakeholder input to ensure that program objectives are sensitive to the real identified needs of rural health care professionals; and Work collaboratively with other stakeholders to share wisdom and resources, and to help overcome challenges to build educational initiatives for rural physicians.

The RCPD program, led by a Medical Director and Project Manager, and with input from its Medical Advisory Committee, acts as an administrative resource, advocate, coordinator, instructional design and educational programming centre. We would also like to welcome our new Medical Director, Dr. Tandi Wilkinson. “The Rural CPD program is an exciting initiative designed to provide and promote continuing medical education initiatives that meet the specific needs of rural physicians. We do this in a number of ways. The Shock Course is a hands on, full day course designed for the rural hospital setting. Developed and taught by rural physicians, this course will come to your emergency room! It emphasizes small group discussion and practice with procedural skills. We have regular videoconferences with topics specific to the needs of rural physicians. The general topics we cover include emergency medicine issues, rural psychiatry needs, cardiology and chronic disease management topics. We also provide selected lectures from recent BC CME conferences as webinars throughout the year. These free events are lectures delivered live over the internet to the comfort of your own home! We are currently working on developing rural obstetrical education opportunities, and support for rural specialists as well! This project has a tremendous opportunity to improve CME resources for rural docs, and I’m proud to be a part of this initiative. We’d love to hear from you about your needs and your opinions! Please contact me with your questions at doctortandi@telus.net or c/o UBC CPD 604-875-4111, ext.69139” -Dr. Tandi Wilkinson, Rural Continuing Medical Education Medical Director

Shock Course – Invite us to your Community This accredited course is targeted to rural physicians, providing a comprehensive approach to the work up and diagnosis of various causes of shock, as well as reviewing the most up-to-date concepts in the resuscitation of the shock patient. COURSE FORMAT • Hands on practice of relevant skills, discussions of scenarios and your cases, and short lectures on different types of shock. • 8am-4pm, on a weekend day, with a maximum of 12 physicians/residents. • Accredited for up to 7.0 Section 1 and Mainpro-M1 study credits. LEARNING OBJECTIVES • To recognize and treat all types of shock, even with no immediate specialist backup. • To be familiar with early goal directed therapy for sepsis, and to know how to apply these concepts in your setting. • To become confident placing central venous catheters and intraosseous needles. • To learn the many ways that ultrasound can help you in your practice. Course Creators & Instructors: Rural physicians with emergency room experience. Our instructors include Dr. Anna Reid, Dr. Tandi Wilkinson, Dr. Jeff Plant and Dr. Francois Louw. To invite this fee-based course to your community, please contact Deirdre Maultsaid, Rural CPD Project Manager at deirdre.m@ubc.ca, or 604-875-4111, ext. 69139.

September 2010 - June 2011 • UBC CME/CPD Course Calendar


Rural CPD’s Videoconferences We are pleased to continue offering you our Videoconference Series. Designed for rural physicians, CPD’s Rural Outreach Videoconference Program delivers timely clinical discussions and updates on topics from speakers with both clinical and rural experience. Held at your local community hospital’s videoconference room, this is an opportunity for you to stay abreast of the latest information using distance education technologies. This interactive program will allow you to build relationships with other practitioners and give you an opportunity to discuss cases as well as your own clinical experiences. The series for fall 2010 will focus on Emergency Medicine.

Videoconference Dates: September 2, 2010 October 7, 2010 November 4, 2010 December 2, 2010 January 6, 2011 February 3, 2011 March 3, 2011 April 7, 2011 May 5, 2011

TOPICS The Occasional Intubation (Dr. Julie Paget, Sept 2) Status Asthmaticus (Dr. Tara Gill, Oct 7) Cardiac Emergencies (Dr. John Pawlovich, Nov 4) Post Resuscitation Care (Dr. Frank Ackerman, Dec 2) MORNING VIDEOCONFERENCES THURSDAYS 8:00AM - 9:00AM

Time: 8:00AM – 9:00AM PT

Please note all times listed are in the Pacific Time Zone. Each session is accredited for up to 1.0 Mainpro-M1 and 1.0 Section 1 (Royal College) credits and is an interactive case-based discussion and Q&A.

CPD/CME Education Research Grant for Specialty and Family Practice Residents 1. Two awards will be given every year to support resident research projects (one for Specialty and one for Family Practice) 2. Applicant must be enrolled in a UBC Faculty of Medicine residency program and have an identified research project

Applications due Monday, November 1, 2010 For more information about our criteria please go to www.ubccpd.ca/announcements or contact Dr. Brenna Lynn at 604 875-4111 Local 69126, brenna.l@ubc.ca


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UBC CME/CPD Course Calendar • September 2010 - June 2011

www.thischangedmypractice.com Think of it as sitting down with a trusted colleague and asking them: “What new information changed your practice in the last year?” Dr. Jeanie Chan: “This is excellent. It will greatly help me in my management decisions.” Dr. Rob Thomasse: “I really like this new resource. It is quick and to the point and deals with very relevant topics. Keep it coming!” Dr. Jennifer Wilson: “This is a fantastic idea! Kudos to all.” Our new educational initiative “This Changed My Practice” is a made-in-BC resource with a vision to deliver quick summaries of impactful clinical studies, clinical pearls, and even practice tips relevant to BC physicians (including new billing codes, drug approvals, etc). Each year, physicians from all disciplines are inundated with ever-increasing volumes of new information. Despite this, only a handful of clinical trials actually will be significant enough to change practice or impact guidelines. Instead of providing summaries of trials as they come out, we’ve asked our team of contributing physicians which clinical trials or practice tips have truly impacted their practice. Whether it’s a trial which changed their current treatment of a problem, or new data that made them question something they did before, we’ve asked our team of local key opinion leaders to share some of the things that were truly practice-changing. The articles on This Changed My Practice are designed for rapid consumption, typically taking less than 2-3 minutes to read, and provide links to references if you would like to explore more. Each article is in the format of: 1. What I did before 2. What changed my practice 3. What I do now We expect some of the opinions to be controversial, and hope this fosters comments and dialogue. Each article will include the opportunity for you, our readers, to submit comments, ask questions, and vote on the impact the information presented will have on your practice. For more information please check the website or email: tcmp.cpd@ubc.ca.

UBC CPD Supporting the New Revalidation Requirements We are inviting physicians to join an email distribution list to learn more about Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Professional Development (CME/CPD) events. By joining the UBC CPD email list you will be better informed about upcoming education programs in order to meet the new revalidation requirements of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC.

Physicians who join the email list will receive: RR RR RR RR RR

Tailored notices of accredited CME/CPD events to meet specific learning needs Advance notice of conferences and other CME events– with early bird rates The opportunity to attend accredited CME/CPD activities such as online programs (i.e. webinars) and special workshops at no cost Updates from key opinion leaders on the application of new practice-specific information Monthly “Quick Links” emails which summarize upcoming CME events with easy direct links for more details to register and download program material Phone (604) 875-5101

Contact the UBC CPD Office:

Fax (604) 875-5078



UBC CPD will not share, disclose or abuse private email information. This email list is entirely voluntary with the ability for you to unsubscribe at any time.

UBC CME/CPD Course Calendar

The Division of Continuing Professional Development September 2010 - June 2011 • www.ubccpd.ca • (604) 875-5101

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