The Rural Emergency Continuum of Care Conference

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Wednesday June 15 - Saturday June 18, 2011 The Delta Grand Okanagan, Kelowna, BC

The Rural Emergency Continuum of Care Conference Course Overview The Rural Emergency Continuum of Care Conference will provide an accessible, accredited, and multidisciplinary professional education conference for rural physicians, nurses, first responders and paramedics. Our goal is to meet the unique needs of rural physicians and health care providers and offer something you can use to support your community. We also want you to have time to enjoy Kelowna, get to know your colleagues and to share ideas and experiences.

Theme: The Rural Team - A Collective Responsibility

Five easy ways to register: Online: * $20 Discount by registering online

Phone: (604) 875-5101 Fax: (604) 875-5078 Email:

Conference Highlights: • • • • • • • •

Interactive small groups and Interprofessional learning with Physicians, Nurses and First Responders “Hands-on” workshops, case presentations and lectures Pre-course - The CARE Course Update on Rural Obstetric Anesthesia Courses such as SHOCK, ACLS-EP, AIME, PALS Faculty Development Topics include acute stroke, interventional cardiology, CHF, OB Emergencies and much more Social opportunities

Mail UBC CPD 855 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L7 Please share with all your colleagues

Rural Coordination Centre of BC Enhancing Rural Health Through Education

Society of Rural Physicians of Canada Société de la médecine rurale du Canada


Welcome and Introduction


Teaching Emergency Skills - Panel Discussion (Moderator: Dr. Granger Avery)


Coffee Break

THEME: Rural Teaching and Faculty Development

Breakout Sessions 1000

Pearls for Effective Presentations: A Crash Lesson for Healthcare Professionals Dr. Brenna Lynn


Do Bugs Need Drugs? Dr. Edith Blondel-Hill

Didactic Small Group FD (One Minute Preceptor) Dr. Lynne Tereposky, Dr. Sandy Nash 1100

You’ve Intubated - Now What? Dr. Ryan Foster

Developing a Working Relationship in Healthcare Ms. Kelly Phipps, Mr. Geoff Payne

Nobody Told Me it Would be C-Spine This Scary...Issues Facing Dr. Trina Larsen Soles Young Physicians Dr. Sarah Giles RCC (Rural Critical Care Module)

Improve Your Suturing Skills Dr. Syd McKnight Dr. Stuart Johnston

GPA Stream Update on Rural Obstetric Anesthesia Day Registration: 0730am 0800am - 5:00pm See flyer insert for further Details & Agenda

Residents and Risk - CMPA Dr. Kathryn Reducka

Integrating Rural Research & Teaching Dr. Stefan Grzybowski 1200



Handling Risks and Working in a Rural Team, Dr. Kathryn Reducka


Faculty Development Moderator: Dr. Granger Avery IRPbc “Students & You - Engaging in Inter-professional Education” Ms. Kathy Copeman-Stewart, Ms. Robin Roots, Dr. John Soles The Difficult Resident Discussion Dr. Granger Avery Interactive Discussion on Meshing Practice & Teaching Dr. Blair Stanley, Dr. Robb Sebastian

Cardiopulmonary Edema Dr. John Bosomworth (RCC Module)

Status Asthmaticus Dr. Tara Gill Things that make your INR go Hmmmm: Pearls from an Emergency Pharmacist Dr. Dawn Dalen

Kelowna LimbRelocations Using Non Traumatic Care Dr. Jeff Eppler Dr. Mike Ertel Dr. Nick Balfour

(1500-1600) SOOS/OCSC workshop Dr. Sandy Nash

ECGs-Findings You Can’t Miss Dr. Tandi Wilkinson (40 mins each)


Coffee Break


Early Sepsis: The Emergency Department and Beyond, Dr. David Sweet


Meet and Greet Reception ~ Hosted by RCCbc

Thursday June 16th

ER Protocols for Dementia Care Dr. Martha Donnelly

Update on Rural Obstetric Anesthesia

THEME: Community Action Day


Registration, Breakfast and Exhibits


Welcome by Mayor John Harwood


Plenary Discussion - You can run, but you can’t hide: Why physicians should care about disasters & what you need to know (Panel: Dr. Graham Dodd, Dr. Sarah Giles,)


Coffee Break Breakout Sessions


Safe Drinking Water Will it be on tap during emergencies? Ms. Elizabeth Sigalet

Town Hall Panel Creative Ways to Handle Rural Healthcare Concerns Moderator: John Harwood Bernice Magee, Kelly Phipps, Karen Hamling, Shelly Sim, Granger Avery


Sepsis in the Immune Compromised Dr. David Sweet

Interventional Cardiology Dr. Richard Townley

Back-country MedicineThings That Can Make a Difference Dr. Jel Coward

Should Epidurals be Con- Casting Workshop sidered a Negative Health Dr. Chris Parfitt Outcome? Dr. Pam Angle

iSTAN Simulator Dr. Tara Gill

Developing a Research Idea into a Project Dr. Stefan Grzybowski

Inotropes Dr. Ryan Foster

Altitude Medicine Dr. Jeff Eppler

Massive OB Hemorrhage- Easy to Miss Serious The Team Approach Orthopedic Injuries Dr. Nevin Kilpatrick Dr. Matt Petrie Dr. Louis Prinsloo

iSTAN Simulator Dr. Tara Gill

Taking Care of Systems Intro: Advocacy Dr. Andrew Clarke 1100


Registration, Breakfast and Exhibits

Hypothermia Dr. Shawn Spelliscy


Wednesday June 15th 0730

Mayor’s Lunch (Tables Hosted by Communities)


Coffee & Refreshments


Working as a Rural Team (Panel: Dr. Stuart Johnston, Ms. Kelly Phipps & Ms.Cathi Mounsteven)


Ethical Decisions in the ER (Scenarios: Drs. Mike Ertel, Stuart Johnston, Marg Docherty)


Preventing Unnecessary Frail Elderly Emergency Visits - Dr. John Sloan



r 0730

Registration, Breakfast and Exhibits


Plenary Discussion - She’ll be coming round the mountain when she comes… Is timely transport even possible in rural BC? (Moderator: Dr. Trina Larsen Soles)


Coffee Break


Moderator: Dr. Trina Larsen Soles What To Do Before Paramedics Arrive -You Are the First There, Alone! Dr. Michael Smialowski

Management of DKA: Go slow and avoid Complications Dr. Mark Duncan

Workshops The Frail and Elderly in the Rural ER Dr. John Sloan

Hand Injuries Dr. Stuart Johnston Dr. Syd McKnight

Nursing Stream

Procedural Sedation Dr. Hal Irvine

iSTAN Simulator Dr. Tara Gill

Chest Tubes

Intubating in the ER Dr. Nick Kuzak

iSTAN Simulator Dr. Tara Gill

Chest Tubes (2nd session)

Ventilator Maintenance Mr. Troy Stirzaker

Ms. Renee Decosse Ms. Debra-Lyn Watson

(RCC Module)

Transport of the Newborn Dr. Robert Wilson 1100 1130

Transport of the Multi-Trauma Patient Transport of the Psychotic Patient

Concussion in Hockey Dr. Dave Rhine

Pediatric Trauma Dr. Paul Linden




Atrial Fibrillation, Dr. Evan Lockwood


ATLS Update & Outreach Dr. Alec Ritchie

Drowning Your Dreams: Heart Failure Dr. Kevin Pistawka

The Febrile Infant Under 3 months of Age Dr. Robert Wilson

Comprehensive Treat- Chest Tubes ment of Fractures (RCC Module) Dr. Chris Parfitt

Physician Health Modules ~ Taking care of each other ~ Taking care of learning


Coffee Break


OB Gyn Emergencies Dr. Tony Human Dr. Nancy Humber

Highly Irregular Arrhythmias Dr. Evan Lockwood

Caribou Hunter, Toxicity & Detective in the Far North (Toxic Alcohols) Dr. David Goranson

Acute Abdomen Dr. Andy Kluftinger

Physician Health Modules Dr. Andrew Clarke continued


Handling Psychotic Patients, Dr. Bruce Campana


Dinner & Dance @ The BC Wine Museum

Chest Tubes Dr. John Soles continued


Breakout Sessions


Registration, Breakfast and Exhibits


1st Nations Interactive Telehealth, Dr. John Pawlovich


Coffee Break Breakout Sessions


Diffiicult Patient Dr. Marg Docherty

Approach to the Acutely Painful Limb—Vascular Emergencies and Necrotizing Infections Dr. Jeff Eppler


Medical Relief Work in Afghanistan & Wow! Your ACLS worked Pakistan: The Matter of the Means Now What? Dr. Fahreen Dossa Dr. Frank Ackerman


Suicide is Never Painless, Dr. Bruce Campana


Complete Evaluations; Conference Ends


Read the Rashes - Pediatric Exanthems & Allergies Dr. Stan Szombathy

Remote OB Dr. Charles Eckfeldt

ER Protocols for Dementia Care Dr. Martha Donnelly

We Don’t Do OB, but Here Comes Baby Dr. Tony Human Dr. John Soles

Airway Management Dr. Bruce Starke Dr. Hal Irvine

Ultrasound Workshop Beyond Fast Dr. Tandi Wilkinson

Nursing Stream CPAP and Maintenance Mr. Troy Stirzaker

(RCC Module) Remote Nursing: Case Presentations Ms. Julie Campbell


Saturday June 18th

REGISTRATION FORM (see reverse for payment options) Sign up for plenary sessions not required. Please select breakout sessions/workshops below (Most workshops have limited space) Monday-Tuesday June 13 & 14, 2011 Pre-conference workshop All Day

CARE: $750 Physicians

$50 Nurses

$25 Paramedics

Wednesday June 15, 2011 Breakout Sessions

Time 1000

&Effective Presentations

Do Bugs Need Drugs?

Issues Facing Young Physicians

&Developing a Working Relationship...

You’ve Intubated

Residents and Risk - CMPA

Small Group FD


Rural Research & Teaching



Suturing Skills


ER Protocols for

- Now What? Status Asthmaticus

Faculty Development ...Interprofessional Education ...Difficult Resident Discussion ...Meshing Practice & Teaching

All day


Cardiopulmonary Edema

&Pearls from an ER

Dementia Care



Update on Rural Obstetric Anesthesia ($200 if attending this day only. Otherwise included as part of RECC registration. ) PALS ($749)

Thursday June 16, 2011 Breakout Sessions

Time 1000


Safe Drinking Water Sepsis in the Interventional Back-country Immune Compromised Cardiology Medicine

&Systems Intro Town Hall Panel

Research Idea into a Inotropes Project

All day 1/2 day


ACLS-EP (Cost $774) Finding Medical Evidence (Cost $145)

Epidurals Considered a



Negative Health Outcome?

Altitude Medicine Massive OB HemorrhageThe Team Approach


I will require transportation to the Okanagan College


Orthopedic iSTAN Injuries


I do not require transportation

Friday June 17, 2011 Breakout Sessions

Time 1000


What To Do Before & Paramedics Arrive Transport of Newborn

Frail & Elderly in

Hand Injuries

Rural ER

Transport Multi-Trauma & Concussion in Psychotic Patient


Mgt of DKA


Pediatric Trauma


ATLS Update & Outreach

Heart Failure


iSTAN Simulator

Chest Tubes


Intubating in


Chest Tubes

the ER

The Febrile Infant

Treatment of

Chest Tubes

Fractures 1510

OB Gyn Emergencies


Caribou Hunter,



Physician Health Modules

Ventilator Maintenance

Acute Abdomen

Toxicity & Detect...

All day SHOCK $1075 physicians $750 residents


Dinner & Dance @ The BC Wine Museum ($75pp)

No Yes #Tickets

Saturday June 18, 2011 Breakout Sessions

Time 1000

Difficult Patient

Painful Limb



Remote OB

Exanthems... 1050

Medical Relief Work in

Your ACLS worked ER Protocols for

Afghanistan & ... All day

- Now What?

Dementia Care

Airway Management

...Here Comes Baby

Ultrasound Workshop

CPAP & Maintenance

Remote Nursing Case...

AIME workshop CAEP Physician Members CAEP Resident Members Physician Non-Member Resident Non-Member

Early bird $1075 $995 $1450 $1450

After May 7th $1145 $1045 $1500 $1500

Other Activities Costs to be determined based on the level of interest. Registration & Payment details available onsite. Please indicate your interest in any of the following activities:

Kettle Valley Bike Tour

Winery Tour Golf at the Harvest Golf Course

Explore 18 trestles & 2 tunnels through the beautiful Myra Canyon as you follow the old Kettle Valley Railway line. It’s 20km & takes about 2hrs Visit at least 3 wineries that surround Kelowna, 3-4hrs 9 or 18 holes, your preference

How to Register Online Using your credit card, you can register for courses with our secure server Phone Call us at (604) 875-5101 to register using your VISA or MC Office hrs M-F 08:30-1630. (Note: 5-6 days for processing)

The Rural Emergency Continuum of Care Conference (ME8563) CONTACT DETAILS Dr. Mr. Ms.

My practice is considered:

Last Name

Given Name(s)

Fax Fax to (604) 875-5078 with your VISA/MasterCard. Please feel free to duplicate the adjacent form, and type or use dark ink to complete it. (Note: 5-6 days for processing)




Email Email us at with all your contact details and the name of the course that you would like to register for and we will call you back.



Mail Mail your registration form using the adjacent form with your cheque, money order (payable to UBC) or credit card details to: UBC CPD 855 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L7


(incl: Course materials & Meals) *Register Online & Save $20*

Select Category

Full Conference

Daily Rate

$550 (by June 3rd)

$200 (by June 3rd)

$600 (Onsite)

$250 (Onsite)

Residents Students



Nurses Paramedics Health Professionals Health Authorities



Physicians GP Office Practice GP Anaesthesia GP Surgery GP Obstetrics GP Emergency Specialist

This course incurs significant non-refundable expenses prior to the course— please read carefully.

2. Cancellation by the organizers: The Division of Continuing Professional Development reserves the right to cancel a course between 10-20 business days prior to the course date. Each registrant will be notified by telephone, followed by written notification and full refund. The University of British Columbia is not responsible for any costs, including but not limited to airline or hotel penalties.

I plan to attend:

All 4 days Wed Thur Fri Sat

Presentation handouts available in hard & soft copies. Please indicate preference: Printed Syllabus Syllabus on USB SPOUSAL & CHILDCARE OPTIONS Spousal Registration: $60 fee Partners/spouses will receive a receipt & name badge to gain access to conference meals NOTE: sign up for available sessions onsite Name: Childcare Registration: No extra charge. Available during session time only. Name:

Age: Allergies:

Accreditation The University of British Columbia Division of Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD) is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Continuing Medical Education (CACME) to provide study credits for continuing medical education for physicians. As well, the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education of the United States (ACCME) maintains a reciprocity relationship with CACME which the American Medical Association (AMA) recognizes for the purpose of allowing Canadian medical schools the ability to certify activities for AMA PRA Category 1 credits and to award such credits to eligible physicians. This program has been reviewed and approved by the UBC Division of Continuing Professional Development. UBC CPD designates this educational program as meeting the accreditation criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 23.75 MAINPRO M1 credits. This program is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. This program also meets the accreditation criteria for a maximum of 23.75 Category 1 credits toward the American Medical Association Physician’s Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those credits he/ she actually spent in the activity.

Postal Code


Refunds and Cancellations

1.Cancellation by individual registrant: Should you be required to cancel your registration you must do so immediately in writing by email to or via fax at 604-875-5078 before the “Refund cut off date” of June 1, 2011. After you have successfully contacted our office with notice of your cancellation then return by mail your Income Tax Receipt. At this point your registration will be refunded less a $50 handling charge. Between June 1, 2011 and the conference date, no refunds will be granted for withdrawal, unless a replacement can be secured by the registrant the $50 cancellation fee to the original registrant will still apply should a replacement be found.





GPA Day (Wed, June 15th)


Spousal Registration


Fri Wine Museum Dinner/Dance


CARE Workshop


PALS Workshop


ACLS-EP Workshop


FME Workshop


SHOCK Workshop


AIME Workshop




Expiry Date

Name of Cardholder Are you a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC)? Yes No If yes, please list your specialty: Personal Information is collected on this registration form pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996 c. 165. This information will be used for the purposes of facilitating the conference and collecting aggregate statistics. UBC CPD publishes a participant list for the conference that includes the participant’s name and city. Please check the box below if you DO NOT wish to have your information included on the participant list: I DO NOT CONSENT to being on the participant list. All participants who register for UBC CPD courses are included on the mailing list for future educational programs. If you DO NOT wish to have UBC CPD course brochures mailed to you, please indicate below. I DO NOT wish to be on the UBC CPD mailing list For further information, please contact UBC CPD at or 604-875-5101.

CONFERENCE LOCATION & ACCOMMODATION The Delta Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Centre 1310 Water Street, Kelowna, BC Conference Group room rates are: $189.00 CDN (Delta Standard Room) $209.00 CDN (Delta Lakeview/Premier Rooms) $234.00 CDN (Deluxe Room) plus applicable taxes Individual reservations can be made by contacting in-house Reservations directly: Tel: 1-800-465-4651 Email: Web: Participants are asked to make their own hotel reservations. We encourage you to book early! Please mention group name: "Rural Emergency Continuum of Care Conference". Reservations must be made by May 12, 2011, as rooms will not be held beyond this date, except on a space available basis.

LIMITED ENROLLMENT WORKSHOPS CARE: Monday & Tuesday (June 13-14) limit 16 participants The CARE Course – Comprehensive Approach to Rural Emergencies – is an educational package for rural emergency medicine providers. It is produced and sponsored by the Rural Coordination Centre of BC. This two-day course teaches multi-disciplinary emergency care to rural physicians, nurses and paramedics. It provides interactive, hands-on learning in a fun, warm and supportive interprofessional environment. Medical, trauma and obstetric emergency management are featured with an emphasis on the realities of rural practice. Web-based educational materials are accessible before and after the course to participants, including access to ‘critical procedures’ that may be needed on an occasional basis. Fees: $750 physicians, $50 nurses, $25 Paramedics

Study Credits: Up to 17.5 Mainpro-M1 (CFPC)

PALS: Wednesday (June 15) limit 18 participants The Pediatric Advanced Life Support course is designed to teach multi-disciplinary emergency care aimed at the pediatric patient. It provides an interactive, scenario based learning environment. Scenarios include cardiac, respiratory and shock cases, in order to develop and practice a systematic team approach to pediatric emergency care. Closed loop communication will also be emphasized. Instructors: Ms. Debbie Cain, Ms. Rosella Jefferson and Dr. David Goranson Fee: $749 (includes course materials) Study Credits: Up to 7.25 Mainpro-M1 (CFPC) & Section 1 (RCPSC)

ACLS-EP: 8-4:30pm Thursday (June 16) limit 18 participants The Advanced Cardiac Life Support – Experienced Provider program is for seasoned providers who wish to attend a course that challenges providers rather than repeats information in the ACLS provider course. The aim of the ACLS EP course is to expand knowledge beyond the standard primary and secondary survey and to give the participant a systematic approach towards identifying and treating underlying causes of cardiac arrest. This ACLS course for experienced providers will concentrate on 'What’s new in ACLS' and formal recertification in the morning, and in the afternoon will offer interactive learning in advanced topics like interesting ECG cases, stroke management, airway options, and procedures. Instructors: Dr. David Goranson, Dr. Alec Ritchie and Mr. Chris Sims Fee: $774 (includes course materials) Study Credits: Up to 7.25 Mainpro-M1 (CFPC) & Section 1 (RCPSC)

Finding Medical Evidence: 12–4pm Thursday (June 16) limit 17 participants (Venue:Okanagan College, Computer Lab C344H, 1000 KLO Rd, Kelowna) This interactive workshop will teach physicians to conduct effective internet searches to find credible and evidence-based medical information. Practice online searches using various resources (e.g. PIER, Ovid MEDLINE, STATRef e-books and Clinical Practice Guidelines), search for online journals and explore audio-visual tools for clinical procedures and continuing education. Know how to find authoritative patient information using MedlinePlus and other high quality websites. Instructor: Mr. Robert Melrose, Librarian, College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC Library Fee: $145 (includes course materials and transportation to the computer lab) Study Credits: Up to 3.5 Mainpro-M1 (CFPC) & Section 1 (RCPSC)

SHOCK Course: 9-5pm Friday (June 17) limit 16 participants The Shock Course is designed specifically for physicians who work in rural settings. Its mandate is to equip you with the skills necessary to diagnose and treat the hemodynamically unstable patient, using only the tools available in the rural ER. The course emphasizes the latest, evidence based standards of care for shock, most of which can be applied in the rural setting. As well as theoretical knowledge about the work up of shock, use of vasopressors, and early goal directed therapy for sepsis, there is also ample opportunity for hands on practice of central line insertion (volunteering not required!) and the use of bedside ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of shock. There are also several real life case discussions involving complex management issues. This course is suited for both the experienced and the emerging rural doctor. Instructors: Dr. Francois Louw and Dr. Frank Ackerman Fee: $1075 physicians, $750 residents (includes course materials)

Study Credits: Up to 7.0 Section 1 (RCPSC) & Mainpro-M1 (CFPC)

AIME: 8-5:30pm Saturday (June 18) limit 24 participants The AIME program has been providing valued and practical hands-on airway management learning experiences for clinicians around the world for over 10yrs AIME program highlights include:

• • • • • • • • • •

Case-based clinical decision making New practical algorithms When, why and how to perform awake or rapid sequence intubation New textbook/manual based on the AIME program Unique, customized clinical videos Limited registration to ensure clinician to instructor ratios of 5 or 6:1 Clinician to simulator ratios of 2:1 Reinforcement of core skills Introduction to newer alternative devices (optical stylets, video laryngoscopes & others) Exposure to rescue devices (King laryngeal tubes, LMA Supreme and others)

AIME educators are experienced (and entertaining) clinical instructors who understand the varied work environments of practicing clinicians. Whether you work in a large, high volume centre or a small remote setting, AIME will provide a practical approach for airway management in emergencies. Instructors: Dr. Alec Ritchie, Dr. Nick Balfour, Dr. Paul Linden and Dr. James Thompson Fees: CAEP Member Physician $1095/$1145 , Non-Member Physician $1450/1500

Study credits: 8 MAINPRO C (CFPC)/ Section 1 (RCPSC)


Rural Coordination Centre of BC Enhancing Rural Health Through Education

An Update on Rural Obstetric Anesthesia Wednesday June 15th, 2011 Dear fellow GPAs and rural anesthetists, We are pleased to invite you on behalf of the RCCbc to this CME event specifically aimed at rural practice. We’ll be looking at the latest evidence and how it is relevant to and implementable in rural practice. The presenters include: Dr. Roanne Preston, Department Head BC Women’s Hospital Dr. Pamela Angle, Director of the Obstetrical Anesthesia Research Unit, Sunnybrook Research Institute and Associate Professor of Anesthesia at U of T Drs. Nevin Kilpatrick, Kallie Honeywood, and Wendy MacLeod, BC Anesthesiologists with a GPA origin and rural experience. Program: 07:30-0800 08:00-08:15 08:15 -08:45 08:45-09:15 09:15-09:35 09:35-10:05 10:05-10:25 10:25-10:40 10:40-10:55 10:55-11:15

Registration and breakfast Welcome Morning: Short snappers/new evidence Labour analgesia: PCEA PDPH GA for C/S incl. STAT section Questions/Discussion Coffee Break What's the right dose of Oxytocin in C/S Preventing hypotension during spinal anesthesia Post op pain & chronic pain

Nevin Kilpatrick Pamela Angle Wendy MacLeod

Roanne Preston Roanne Preston Roanne Preston



Lunch: 12:00-13:30

Key note - "Issues and barriers to Maternity Anesthesia care in hospitals with low obstetric volumes-the Ontario experience", with discussion

Pamela Angle

After Lunch 13:30-15:00

Massive OB hemorrhage + discussion

Wendy, Nevin & Kallie

15:00-15:30 15:30-17:00

Break Trouble rounds with case presentations


GPA & Specialist Panel

Food & wine: mingle and talk about the future of GP Anesthesia: Where are we going? (A quasi formal GPA meeting). Dr. Louis Prinsloo, Conference Coordinator

Registration: See brochure for details Fee: $200 (or included in RECC conference registration) RCCbc: Rural Emergency Continuum of Care Conference: Venue: The Delta Grand Okanagan, Kelowna BC:

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