Discover - Issue 4, Winter 2013

Page 1


2013 Flu Clinic

Pharmacists Clinic Offers Immunizations to Campus Community

A Q&A with Dr. Abby Collier The AGILE Project Comes Full Circle: The Final Report

IN THIS ISSUE Discover is the official MAGAZINE of the University of British Columbia Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Released quarterly, it has the latest information about Faculty programs, research, events and Alumni.



Pharmacists Clinic Offers Flu Immunizations to the UBC Campus Community



Seasonal Influenza: Prevention is Key!

Jimi Galvão


A Q&A With: Dr. Abby Collier, Associate Professor in Pharmacology

Editorial Team

09 Inside Story on the Story of Medicines: Journey of a Drug Through the Body


10 Professionalism, Patient Care & the Pharmacist: Celebrate Learning 2013 12 Pharmacy 101 for Youth 2013: Bridging UBC to Prospective Pharmacy Students in High School 13 UBC CPPD: Supporting Pharmacy Professionals Through Continuous Learning 14

Winter Update: The New Entry-to-Practice Program

15 Annual White Coat Ceremony Welcomes Incoming Students

Jimi Galvão Julia Kreger Ivan Yastrebov Vivien Lee Graphic Design Julia Kreger Contributors June Chow Abby Collier Michael Coughtrie Renée Dagenais

Congratulations to the Fall Graduating Class of 2013

Leanne Kim

New: Make a Lasting Difference Student Recruitment Video

Michael Legal


Olivia Li Peter Loewen

16 Moustaches & Men's Health: An Overview of Faculty Research into Prostate Cancer

Glenda MacDonald

19 Scientific Café Increases Research Collaborations with the Centre for Drug Research and Development

Caely-Ann McNabb

Faculty Launches Pharmaceutical Sciences Analytical Suite



21 The AGILE Project Comes Full Circle: The Final Report



Giving (and Receiving) a Student Award: A Very Personal Experience

23 BCPhA Student Ambassadors Launch New Website & Student Manual

Arti Maharaj Faye Nera

Ivan Yastrebov Vivien Lee Martin Dee Adam Smylie Ema Peter COVER IMAGE: Jason Min, Lecturer and

The Graduate Student & Alumni Lounge: A Place for Collaboration and Celebration

Pharmacist, UBC Pharmacists Clinic,

Sustainability Creates Ripples at UBC

Photo by Ivan Yastrebov.

prepares to administer a flu vaccination.

Learning Technology at the first Story of Medicines Café 24 New Story of Medicines Tours Offer Insight into the Past, Present and Future of Pharmacy Upcoming Reunions and Alumni Engagement 25 The Next Step - Your Professional Life

To share ideas and content for future issues, please email: Connect with us:

In Memorium Pharmacy Students Selected As Vice-Chairs of UBC United Way Campaign 26 Recent Awards, Publications and Presentations 2



Message from the



lu season is upon us once more and the Faculty has

Immunizations are but one of the many services that

been actively involved this year on two fronts. Firstly, we

pharmacists can provide and across the country we are seeing

partnered once again with the University of British Columbia’s

a shift in attitudes toward the role that the profession can play.

Risk Management Services Department to deliver campus

Pharmacists can provide primary patient care and help reduce

immunization clinics for UBC students, staff and faculty

costs to the health care system. Pharmacists are also well

members. Thanks to the efforts of Drs. Kathy Seto and Fawziah

positioned to work interprofessionally with other health care

Lalji, our 4th year students worked alongside students from

disciplines to provide this care and simultaneously contribute

the Faculty of Medicine and School of Nursing to administer

to the collective body of knowledge that informs the global

approximately 4,000 flu vaccinations during the month of

pursuit for optimal health outcomes. As a Faculty, we are

November. The Faculty first participated in the program in

excited to be a part of this shift and to be an active contributor

2012 and we look forward to continuing to be involved in the

to the future of one of the most trusted professions in the world.

offering of this important service in the years to come.

Flu season is not the only season that is upon us. It is also the

Our second flu season initiative involved a separate clinic,

Holiday Season, and on behalf of everyone here at the UBC

a first in the history of the Faculty. Barbara Gobis, Dr. Kathy

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, I wish you and yours a very

Seto, Jason Min and Larry Leung, together with several

happy and prosperous New Year.

community pharmacists, organized a series of three flu clinics for our partners at the Centre for Drug Research and


Development (CDRD) and other non-UBC members of the campus community. Held in the site of the Pharmacists Clinic in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, the clinics were well attended, demonstrating the significant contribution that our

Michael Coughtrie, PhD

students and the profession of Pharmacy makes to the health

Professor and Dean

care of British Columbians.




Pharmacists Clinic Offers Flu Immunizations to the UBC Campus Community by Ivan Yastrebov





he second floor of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building has been busier than usual lately, due largely in part to the


Pharmacists Clinic commencing operations. Throughout the month of November, the Pharmacists Clinic participated in the Provincial Influenza Campaign, which provides influenza vaccinations (flu shots) free of charge to B.C. residents. The cost of this service is covered by the Ministry of Health as part of a provincial effort to minimize the potential impact of influenza, which can spread quickly and cause serious illness in some people. Members of the campus community not covered by the UBC Risk Management’s Influenza program

IMAGES (Opposite) Larry Leung, Lecturer and Pharmacist, UBC Pharmacists Clinic, prepares to immunize. (Above, L-R) Clinic receptionist Michele Mayorga greets a patient; Pharmacy student Andrea Paterson consults with a patient; Patients wait in the Clinic reception area; The Pharmacists Clinic Team - Larry Leung, Barbara Gobis, Michele Mayorga and Jason Min.

were eligible to receive flu shots at the Pharmacists Clinic as part of the campaign. The immunizations were administered by supervised fourth year UBC Pharmacy students who received training and authorization from the College of Pharmacists of BC.



FEATURES (continued from previous) There were a total of four flu clinics, which ran for three hours each. Close to 250 people were immunized by 20 Pharmacy students, all supervised by licensed pharmacists and faculty members. “This was very convenient for me living in the UBC lands,” said Hazel Maunder, a UBC neighbourhood resident. “I feel this is a very good facility and could prove useful to my husband and I in the future.” Similar sentiments were shared by other clinic participants. Patients were happy with the convenience of being able to receive their flu shot on campus, while students were pleased with the ability to apply their skills in a real world setting. “The Pharmacists Clinic is a really supportive environment for learning,” says Britnie Potter, fourth year Pharmacy student. “It was good practice to use our new training and gain experience.” According to Clinic Director Barbara Gobis, the Pharmacists Clinic gives patients and other health care professionals firsthand experience with the high quality patient care services that pharmacists are trained to provide. “ Our appointment schedule for all four flu clinics was fully booked and we had people drop in as well,” she says. “The feedback we received was also consistently high – people were impressed with how professional and informative the students were.” While pre-scheduled flu clinics at UBC are now over, the Pharmacists Clinic will continue to offer flu vaccinations free of charge until the spring of 2014. Everyone is encouraged to be vaccinated against the flu to protect themselves and the health of others. For more information on the Pharmacist’s Clinic and its flu vaccination program, please contact Barbara Gobis or visit FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:


IMAGES (From top) Larry Leung prepares to immunize Michele Mayorga; Pharmacy student Yuna Choi consults with a patient; Pharmacy student Shaylee Peterson immunizes a patient.




Thanks to our students who participated in the Flu Clinic

Seasonal Influenza: Prevention is Key!

Student Immunizers: Aaron Ng

Maryn Dempster

Alesha Cvenkel

May Wu

Alex Tang

Megan Tromposch

Amy Xuan Le

Melissa Twaites

Andrea Paterson

Michelle Kang

Andrew Formosa

Nancy Zhou

Angel Ka In Chan

Neal Dharsi

Anudeep Nirval

Nick Fleming

Arthur Leung

Olivier Wellman-Labadie

Britnie Potter

Samuel Nolan

Brittni Jensen

Sara Cassidy

Candy Lee

Shaylee Peterson

Carly Webb

Stefan Chua

Clay Palmer

Stephanie Hsieh

David Sun

Tessa Kenning

Dawei Ji

Tina Yi-Ting Lien

Donna Rahmatian

Tony Kim

Edward Fang

Youna Choi

Elisa Cho

Seasonal influenza, or more commonly known as the flu, is a

Emily Wharton


Greg Ouellette

Kelly Chong

Harman Toor

Benton Attfield

Jessica Beach

Jia (Shermaine) Ngo

and a runny nose.

Jessica Tran

Katie Park

A simple flu shot can prevent the flu in up to 70 to 90 percent

Jieun Kim

Genie Cheung

of healthy children and adults. Moreover, the government of

Joe Boucher

Benny Sio

Josh McPherson

Derek Rodriguez

Katherine Lafreniere

Mei Yi Shi

positions to provide immunization services. In fact, more

Katie Wong

Regine Ocampo

than 2,400 Pharmacists in British Columbia are authorized to

Kelsey Lautrup

Mariah Williamson

Maggie Billingsley

Jolene Guenter

Maggie Chen

highly contagious respiratory infection that affects the nose, throat, and lungs. The flu season in Canada runs from November to April, with 10 to 20 per cent of the population infected each year. Symptoms include fatigue, decreased appetite, vomiting,

British Columbia provides over one million doses of seasonal influenza vaccine to immunization providers each year. Pharmacists are easily accessible health care providers in ideal

provide flu shots. Influenza prevention is everyone’s responsibility. Do not hesitate to seek advice from health care professionals this flu season. You can find more information at - VIVIEN LEE




A Q&A With: Dr. Abby Collier, Associate Professor in Pharmacology by Julia Kreger

“I want to make drugs and chemicals safer for pregnant women and children... including providing safe, evidence-based guidelines to improve and extend drug development and use for all patients, but especially this underserved and vulnerable population.� - Dr. ABBY COLLIER fold: firstly, rather than using existing drugs like physicians do, I wanted to see if I could understand their actions better in order to develop new drugs and to safely extend the use


n October 2013, the Faculty welcomed Dr. Abby Collier,

of existing drugs. In this manner we can increase our ability

associate professor in pharmacology. Originally from New

to treat pathogens, diseases and syndromes and widen the

Zealand, Dr. Collier received her BSc in Pharmacology (1998)

number of diseases we can treat successfully with modern

and her PhD in Pharmacology (2003) from the University

medicine. Secondly, this field combines knowledge of anatomy,

of Auckland. Along with her research, Dr. Collier teaches

physiology, biochemistry, chemistry, math and physics. It is an

pharmacology to undergraduate and graduate students and

incredibly mentally stimulating and challenging field and it

was awarded the University of Hawaii Regent’s Medal for

keeps me on my toes and thinking hard!

Teaching in 2011.

What positive impact has your research had? How will it

Can you tell us about of your area of research?

benefit human health in the future?

ABBY: I'm a pharmacologist with a specialty in drug

ABBY: The research from my lab has had three main impacts

metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DM/PK). This means I

so far. We have defined the development of the conjugation

study drug actions in the body - how the drugs are absorbed,

enzymes called UDP-glucuronosyl transferases (UGTs) in

distributed, metabolized and excreted - so we can begin to

the human fetal and pediatric liver. These enzymes only

define drug dosing levels and intervals and also study what the

develop after birth and their development was previously

mechanisms for both drug actions and side effects are. Within

unknown. Most of the clinically prescribed drugs go

this broad field my specialty is conjugation/Phase II enzymes.

through this enzyme to be detoxified and eliminated from

Moreover, although I can apply my expertise to any patient

the human body, including acetaminophen, morphine and

or member of the population, I choose to focus primarily

the anesthetic propofol. Our research in this area has made

on pregnancy and pediatrics - also known as developmental

two clear contributions: we have assisted to develop new

pharmacology. Most DM/PK scientists work in industry but

pharmacokinetic (PK) and physiologically-based PK (PBPK)

due to my abiding interest in pregnancy and pediatrics (among

models that have been incorporated into the industry standard

other things), I'm here in academia.

software (SimCYP) used in pre-clinical and clinical trial drug

What inspired you to pursue this field?

development. We have begun to unravel the mechanism by which these enzymes are activated. This can lead to future

ABBY: I've wanted to be a pharmacologist since I was 14. Back

druggable targets to prevent drug toxicity and increase drug

then I didn't even know the proper name of the field but I

safety in children and, moreover; can be used to develop novel

knew I wanted to do drug research. The reason for this is two-

drugs for currently untreated diseases as well as for specific




Inside Story on the Story of Medicines:

populations such as children or pregnant women. We have also made defining discoveries in trans-placental metabolism and transport of drugs and chemicals in pregnancy (primarily those that are metabolized by the UGTs), which has helped with such studies as safety/toxicity of Bisphenol A in pregnancy and in infants & children; use of painkillers such as morphine and diamorphine in pregnancy and during labour/ birth; metabolism and transfer of the anti-HIV drug AZT/ Zidovudine in pregnancy to protect the fetus; and safe levels of environmental chemical exposure including pesticides such as Chlorpyrifos. I have a five-year collaboration with Dr. Monika Ward at the Biogenesis Research Institute in Honolulu. Together we have begun to unravel some of the negative effects in assisted reproduction as well as some of the fundamental biology of assisted reproduction and infertility. Already this has led to

Journey of a Drug Through the Body

Inside Story on the Story of Medicines is an ongoing feature dedicated to uncovering the individual narratives that make up our interactive Story of Medicines exhibition. In this edition, following the first anniversary of the Pharmaceutical Sciences building, we focus on the Journey of a Drug Through the Body exhibit. The Journey of a Drug Through the Body Body is located on the mezzanine level of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building. It consists of multiple wall-size screens that demonstrate pharmacokinetics, or how medication is metabolized in the human body.

a potential project to improve re-implantation of fertilized

The exhibition is operated by touch and visitors can select

embryos for infertile couples. We hope to use these ongoing

from a variety of body types, a menu of common drugs

studies to improve fertility, improve assisted reproduction

like antibiotics and insulin, and a selection of delivery

techniques and understand human development more fully.

methods. The selection is then converted into a dynamic animation that illustrates how a drug travels and behaves

What is your vision for your time at the Faculty?

in a human body. Visitors have the opportunity to watch

ABBY: Here at UBC, I want to share my knowledge of drugs and

multiple animations by selecting different combinations of

their actions with our students as we work to teach and train

body types, drugs, and delivery method to learn how each

world class pharmacists, physicians and scientists. Secondly,

factor affects drug metabolism through the body. Many

I want to make a difference with my research. I want to make

have commented that this is one of the most relatable

drugs and chemicals safer for pregnant women and children, to

exhibitions because they can choose body types similar to

increase access to appropriate pharmacotherapy for pregnant

themselves and visualize how everyday drugs work in their

women and children - including providing safe, evidence-

own bodies.

based guidelines to improve and extend drug development and use for all patients, but especially this underserved and vulnerable population.

Tours are now available for the Story of Medicines. The exhibition is free to the public and open for viewing from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. To learn more, please

When you are not working at UBC Pharm Sci, how do you

visit or email us at

plan to spend your time in Vancouver? - VIVIEN LEE

ABBY: Well, I'm a huge foodie and Vancouver has a great food and wine scene that I'm already beginning to enjoy Granville Island Market is a definite favorite. Also, I grew up riding horses in New Zealand (which is very agricultural) but haven't ridden seriously for the last seven years or so because it wasn't practical when I was based in Hawaii. I'm really looking forward to getting involved in the equestrian scene here in B.C. and meeting some interesting people as well as riding regularly and owning a horse again.

IMAGE Dr. Abby Collier mid-jump.

IMAGE The Journey of a Drug through the Body exhibit. DISCOVER • WINTER 2013



Professionalism, Patient Care & the Pharmacist: Celebrate Learning 2013 by Julia Kreger




EDUCATION “OUr annual celebrate learning event is very well received as an opportunity to share ideas and discuss educational best practices.” - Dr. Wayne Riggs

IMAGES (L-R) Dr. Nancy Winslade; Dr. Gurdeep Parhar


ow is the teaching profession challenged by social

it Truly be Taught?” Dr. Parhar addressed how teaching

media and the evolving social contract? What are

professionalism is challenged by social media and the

the key factors that influence patient care in community

components of social responsibility and accountability in

pharmacies? How can we integrate the values of empathy,

health professional education. He left participants with

social responsibility and professionalism into curriculum

concrete strategies for incorporating empathy, social


responsibility and professionalism into curriculum design.

These are but a small sample of the big questions explored

The two-hour speaking program drew over 35 faculty

at the Faculty’s 2013 Celebrate Learning Week seminar on

members, staff and students. “Our annual Celebrate Learning

October 23, titled “Competency Based Curricular Design.”

event is very well received as an opportunity to share ideas

The seminar featured talks by two prominent members of Canada’s teaching community: Dr. Nancy Winslade, assistant professor, Clinical and Health Informatics Research, Department of Medicine, McGill University and president of

and discuss educational best practices,” says Dr. Wayne Riggs, professor and associate dean, Academic. “This year’s event was no exception with two outstanding speakers presenting on timely topics.”

Winslade Consultants Inc.; and Dr. Gurdeep Parhar, associate

Since 2008, UBC’s Celebrate Learning Week has provided

dean, Equity and Professionalism, Faculty of Medicine

a platform for ongoing discussion around teaching and

and acting-associate vice president Equity and Inclusion,

learning. Learn more at

University of British Columbia. Dr. Winslade’s presentation, titled “Educating the Pharmacist for Today and Tomorrow,” shared data from her research and



evaluated how educational outcomes can address challenges in community pharmacy practice. This topic is particularly relevant in light of the changes to the pharmacist’s scope of practice and as the Faculty moves towards the implementation of an Entry-to-Practice PharmD program in 2015. Dr. Winslade also hosted an informal afternoon session on the topic of assessment programs and tools. Dr Winslade’s presentation was followed by Dr. Parhar’s talk, titled “Social Responsibility and Professionalism – Can




Pharmacy 101 for Youth 2013: Bridging UBC to Prospective Pharmacy Students in High School by Faye Nera, Olivia Li and Leanne Kim

IMAGES (L-R) The Career 101 for Youth volunteer team; Tony Seet, alumnus and lecturer, assists a student.


e founded Career 101 For Youth to help our peers

included a brainstorming session on the different methods

make informed decisions about their careers, and

that a pharmacist utilizes to gather information about patients

felt Pharmacy was the best profession to focus on for our inaugural one-day conference: Pharmacy 101 for Youth 2013. In attendance were 150 selected grade 11 and 12 Lower Mainland students, as well as over 30 student volunteers.

and how to operate digital sphygmomanometers. A question and answer period rounded out the day, with conference participants enquiring about a range of topics on both the Pharmacy BSc program and profession. Current

Members of UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences made

UBC Pharmacy students were also on hand to offer general

three presentations as part of the conference program.

advice based on their undergraduate experiences.

Jennifer Chatterton, director, Student Services, presented on admission requirements and Tony Seet, an alumnus and lecturer, discussed what he enjoys about being a community pharmacist. Tony also provided insight into what to expect in terms of learning and course work. Students were intrigued not only by the clinical practice aspects of Pharmacy, but also the potential of a career in pharmaceutical research. The last presentation was made by Dr. Wayne Riggs, professor and associate dean, Academic. Dr. Riggs covered his career path

The response to Pharmacy 101 For Youth 2013 has been extremely positive. “I think the main highlights of the conference were [interacting with] the students and faculty members and how they explained [and gave] in-depth views of the pharmaceutical fields,� expressed one participant. Other students commented on how useful the information was in helping shape their ideas about what a career if Pharmacy could look like.

and outlined the various steps he took that led him to his

To learn more about Career 101 For Youth, visit

current role with the Faculty.

A series of workshops followed the presentations, featuring tours of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building and Story of Medicines interactive exhibition. There were also patient simulator demonstrations, facilitated by Dr. Kathy Seto and the Korean Canadian UBC Pharmacy Student Society, which gave students the opportunity to experience taking pulses first-hand. The Society presented an additional workshop that 12


Faye Nera, Olivia Li and Leanne Kim are three B.C. high school students passionate about professional development and career growth. To that end, they established Career 101 For Youth, an organization dedicated to creating a positive influence on the career choices of their fellow students. On October 26, 2013, they held their very first event at the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building.


UBC CPPD: Supporting Pharmacy Professionals Through by Glenda MacDonald Continuous Learning


BC Continuing Pharmacy Professional Development

twice annually, is in its ninth year. CP3 is designed to prepare

(UBC-CPPD) is jointly sponsored by the UBC Faculty

International Pharmacy Graduates (IPG’s) for practice in

of Pharmaceutical Sciences and College of Pharmacists of

Canada and help Canadian-trained pharmacists re-enter

BC. We develop, deliver, manage and evaluate continuing

practice after an extended absence. Our graduates have an 87%

pharmacy development programs and initiatives for pharmacy

success rate on licensure exams. We are pleased to note that

professionals. We also accredit continuing pharmacy education

several CP3 alumni now support the program in an honourary

programs provided throughout the province. We are indebted

lecturer capacity, while others take an active role as preceptors.

to the many pharmacy professionals in British Columbia who contribute to our continuing education initiatives as instructors, invigilators, presenters and preceptors.

UBC-CPPD continues to be the primary provider of the Pharmacy Technician Bridging Program (PTBP) in British Columbia, a requirement for currently practicing pharmacy

In addition to myself, our team includes Sheryl Peterson,

assistants who wish to become regulated Pharmacy Technicians.

associate director; Sandi Hutty, coordinator, Canadian

More than 1,300 individuals have participated in our PTBP

Pharmacy Practice Programme; Sheila Kwan, administrative

program, with over 3,500 registrations in our online or in-class

manager; Virginia Kwong, coordinator, Pharmacy Technician

PTBP courses. An additional 1,200 registrants have participated

Bridging Program; Ying Gu, assistant, Bridging Program and

in PLAR (challenge) exams, held in multiple locations around

Louise Healy, finance and registration clerk. We also appreciate

the province. We began delivering the BC Bridging Program

the efforts of our Work Learn students, Jennifer Jun, Jenny

Curriculum in 2010, which was replaced by the National

Hong and Youna Choi.

Bridging Program Curriculum in 2013.

UBC-CPPD supports pharmacy professionals in meeting

To learn more about our programs and initiatives, please visit

their continuing professional development learning needs

by developing and delivering high quality live and online programs. Many live programs are digitally recorded and can be accessed free of charge through our website http://cpd.

Dr. Glenda MacDonald is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of the Continuing Pharmacy Professional Development Program. We collaborate with many B.C. pharmacy colleagues and organizations in the provision of our programs. Our Canadian Pharmacy Practice Programme (CP3), offered



• WINTER Jun.2013 IMAGE (L-R) Glenda MacDonald, Sheila Kwan, Louise Healy, Ying Gu, Virginia DISCOVER Kwong, Jenny Hong, Sheryl Peterson, Sandi Hutty, Youna Choi and Jennifer



Winter Update:

The New Entry-to-Practice Program by Peter Loewen and Glenda MacDonald

Following several months of hard work by many dozens

• It will be a formal degree program taking 3-5 years to

of pharmacists, faculty members, students, and other

stakeholders in our professional community, the New

• The objectives and learning outcomes are being designed

Program Proposal for UBC’s next entry-to-practice pharmacy

program was approved by the Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty

• There will be a system for granting some credit for prior

Advisory Council on October 31, 2013. There are many more

steps along the road to commencing this new program by our

• We are working toward the program starting in January

target of September 2015, including more consultations with


UBC faculties, students, pharmacy professional associations. Approval by UBC’s Board and Senate, and the Provincial Government, is also required. You are invited to review the details of the program and provide your feedback at Flexible PharmD Program We have been working diligently to create a PharmD program for pharmacists with a BSc Pharmacy degree who wish to attain the knowledge, skills, and competencies of a PharmD degree. Such a program must be flexible, enabling pharmacists who are working full-time to complete the coursework, and

complete on a part-time basis. to align with the new Entry-to-Practice PharmD program. learning and experience.

Over the next few months, we will share additional details of the new UBC Flexible PharmD program. We also invite pharmacists to join over 300 colleagues who have provided their feedback and suggestions through our Flexible PharmD survey at: As always, your comments and questions about our new programs are invited and appreciated. Dr. Peter Loewen is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Doctor of Pharmacy Program. Dr. Glenda MacDonald is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of the Continuing Pharmacy Professional Development Program.

allow them to complete the experiential components in a way that is compatible with their busy lives. This new program


will be required to follow a similar consultation and approval



process described for the Entry-to-Practice Program. The following features are being incorporated into our plans for a new UBC Flexible PharmD Program:



EDUCATION Annual White Coat Ceremony Welcomes Incoming Students On October 3, 2013, more than 220 faculty, staff, and students from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences attended the White Coat Ceremony. This annual event welcomes newly enrolled students into the Faculty and a journey marked by professionalism and commitment to patient-centred care. As part of the ceremony, students recite and sign the Pledge of Professionalism, an oath that honours

experiences in making the most of his

integrity and ethical behavior in the

time with the Faculty. The ceremony

pursuit of professional development.

concluded with refreshments in the

Signed pledges can be found on display


in the Story of Medicines exhibition. After the pledge, students are cloaked in white coats by pharmacists, leaders of various pharmacy associations, and alumni. This symbolic gesture signifies acceptance into the profession of Pharmacy and a network of health care professionals dedicated to upholding

New: Make a Lasting Difference Student Recruitment Video This Fall, the Faculty released a new student recruitment initiative - a six-

“This entire White Coat Ceremony

minute video highlighting how the

felt like our first real act towards our

profession of Pharmacy can make a

career," says Tam Duong, Pharmacy

difference in patient's lives. The film

student. "It was thrilling to listen to the

stars two undergraduate students, as

keynote speakers talk about my future

well as Faculty members Tamiz Kanji,

profession.” - VIVIEN LEE

Kathy Seto, Roxanne Carr, Larry Leung and Jason Min.

Congratulations to the Fall Graduating Class of 2013

The video is part of a student

Congratulations to the graduating class

spearheaded by Wayne Riggs,

of 2013! Ten students graduated from

professor and associate dean, and

the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Jennifer Chatterton, director of

BSc Pharm, MSc, PhD, and PharmD

Student Services, who worked closely

programs at November’s convocation

with UBC Studios to create the final


communications piece.

On November 29, our students and

“This video is more than a recruitment

their family attended the official

piece,” says Michael Coughtrie,

UBC graduation ceremony at the

professor and dean. “It also advocates

Chan Centre. Immediately following

for the profession of Pharmacy, showing

the ceremony was a reception at

the human side of our practice, and

the Flagpole Plaza to celebrate their

emphasizes making a real difference in


patient care and people’s lives.”

and Jason Min delivered the keynote

“We are very proud of our students

Click here to watch Study at UBC

address, presenting their founding story

and wish them the best of luck in

Pharmaceutical Sciences: Make a Lasting

of Clinicare Pharmacists Inc. President

their careers.” says Dean Coughtrie,

Difference on YouTube.

of the Pharmacy Undergraduate

Pharmaceutical Sciences.


Society, Aaron Sihota, spoke about


standards of practice excellence. “As I read the pledge and received my coat, it suddenly dawned on me that I’m not just the average college kid anymore,” says first year Pharmacy student Leo Leung. “It really made me reflect on my future as a professional – the people I can help, my career, and everything else in between.” After reciting the Pledge, Dean Michael Coughtrie welcomed the class to the Faculty and encouraged all students to make a difference in Pharmacy, health care, and the lives of people. Alumni and Faculty members, Larry Leung

recruitment and awareness initiative,

his academic career and shared his




Moustaches & Men's Health: An Overview of Faculty Research into Prostate Cancer by Julia Kreger


rostate cancer is the most prevalent male cancer in Canada

Dr. Burt Lab: Creating a

and accounts for the second leading cause of death by

Magnetically Actuated Drug

cancer. As the population ages, incidents of prostate cancer will continue to rise. Since 2003, the annual Movember awareness campaign has raised funds and awareness in support of prostate cancer reasearch and men's health. While Movember occurs just once each year, important research into understanding prostate cancer continues all year round in the labs of Faculty members Drs. Helen Burt, Kishor Wasan and Emma Guns.

Delivery System Improved prostate cancer detection has led to more men being diagnosed with prostate cancer at earlier ages. These patients are faced with a variety of treatment options including surgical and radiation intervention with associated side effects. For many men, whose Prostate-Specific Antigent




(PSA) levels are below 10ng/ml, with small nodules determined by DRE and whose Gleason score equals or is less than 6, a better approach may be active surveillance. However, for men undergoing active surveillance there are no current treatment options with limited psychological consequences.

RESEARCH Dr. Burt’s lab, in conjunction with researchers from Vancouver

synthesize androgens de novo in order to supplement the loss

General Hospital and UBC Department of Engineering

of exogenous sources often induced by androgen deprivation

are collaborating on a project where a simple magnetically

therapy. Silencing of SR-BI may impact the ability of prostate

actuated drug delivery device may be non-invasively implanted

cancer cells, particularly those of castration-resistant state, to

in the prostate, so that the patient may trigger a daily dose of

maintain the intracellular supply of androgens by removing a

docetaxel (DTX) using a magnetic rectal probe. This patient-

supply of cholesterol.

empowering treatment may release exact doses of drug to suppress tumor growth and positively prolong the duration of Active Surveillance so that many older patients may never require radiation or surgical intervention.

The down-regulation of SR-BI significantly impacts PSA production of prostate cancer cells, as well as the viability of C4-2 cells in the presence and absence of HDL. This may indicate a deficiency in cholesterol availability to the androgen

This project is a joint venture between Drs. Helen Burt, John

synthesis pathway or may implicate a role for SR-BI in prostate

Jackson and Kevin Letchford (UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical

cancer signal transduction pathways.

Sciences), Dr. Alan So (Vancouver Prostate Centre) and

Dr. Guns Lab: Vancouver

Drs. Mu Chiao and Nazly Pirmadori (UBC Department of

Prostate Centre

Engineering). Funding for the development of magnetically actuated drug delivery systems was provided by the Natural

Dr. Emma Tomlinson Guns is

Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

an associate professor in the Department of Urologic Sciences,

Dr. Wasan Lab: Treatment

Faculty of Medicine at UBC and

Option for Castration-Resistant

associate member of the UBC

Prostate Cancer

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Dr. Kishor Wasan, professor and

She co-directs the Pharmacology

associate dean of Research &

and Drug Design Core at the Vancouver Prostate Centre (VPC)

Graduate Studies in the Faculty

and has completed pharmacokinetic analyses for numerous local

of Pharmaceutical Sciences, is the

clinical trials with conventional therapeutics for the treatment of

recipient of a 2012 Prostate Cancer

prostate cancer.

Canada Pilot Grant. Funded by the Movember Foundation, the Prostate Cancer Canada Pilot Grant program supports research projects investigating ground-breaking approaches to cancer treatment. Dr. Wasan was awarded $120,000 for a project

Dr. Guns' lab has received over $4 million in funding over the past 10 years for research focused on several areas pertaining to the development, treatment and progression of prostate cancer.

exploring a treatment for prostate cancer that is resistant to

In conjunction with her core responsibilities at VPC, Dr Guns’


research group recently helped redefine an important resistance

“There are very few effective therapies for castration resistant prostate cancer,” says Dr. Wasan. His project proposes treating such cancer by cutting off the cholesterol supply to reduce androgenic hormone synthesis. “This treatment strategy is

phenomena involved in castration resistant progression— tumour derived steroid formation. More recently, her lab has developed an interest in microvesicles as conveyors of treatment resistance and cell survival signaling during cancer progression.

really novel. We have new data to show that SR BI is upregulated

Another significant aspect of Dr. Guns' research is orientated

in castration resistant prostate cancer,” says Dr. Wasan.

around the use of natural health products (NHPs) and dietary

The Wasan Lab recently published a paper paper titled "Knockdown of scavenger receptor class B type I reduces prostate specific antigen secretion and viability of prostate cancer cells. Scavenger Receptor Class B Type I (SR-BI) facilitates influx of cholesterol to the cell from lipoproteins in the circulation." The paper outlines that the influx of cholesterol may be important for many cellular functions, including synthesis of androgens. Castration-resistant prostate cancer tumors are able to

supplements by prostate cancer patients. The concurrent use of NHPs with conventional chemotherapeutics and treatment strategies have been an important focus and interest of her lab in order to help patients and caregivers discern both beneficial and adverse interactions with NHPs. Dr. Guns is a current board member for the Society for Intergrative Oncology and is cofounder and former President of the Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada.




Men's Health Awareness

Did You Know...

Pharm Sci Students Support

Movember 2013

Using the moustache as a catalyst, Movember gives men the

“This is my third year

opportunity to talk about their health more openly.

participating in Movember

Statistics suggest that 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with

and I am looking forward

prostate cancer in their lifetime.

to many more years. I feel that men’s health

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in Canadian

is something that is

men between the ages of 15 and 29.

overlooked quite easily

Statistics suggest that 1 in every 11 men will develop lung

these days and what


better way is there to get people aware then having

The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test is a simple blood test that measures the amount of PSA in your blood.

a big furry moustache on Sunil Fazaluddin, Student

your lip!”

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced within the prostate gland and is secreted into seminal fluid.

“My moustache is my

Risk for prostate cancer increases with age.

thank you to all the men who have served and

Men with a first degree relative (brother, father, son) with

continue to serve as my

prostate cancer are at higher risk for the disease.

motivation, support, and

Maintaining a healthy weight through good diet and exercise

inspiration. I'm excited to

may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

be part of a movement that advocates for the

In addition to prostate cancer, a number of benign (not

health of the people who

cancerous) conditions can cause a man’s Prostate Specific

mean a lot to me!”

Antigen level to rise. Common signs and symptoms of prostate cancer include

Ana Baskalovic, Student

difficulty urinating and blood in the urine or semen. Symptoms are not always present especially in the early

“Having lost family

stages of prostate cancer.

members to prostate cancer, I was motivated and inspired to join the Mo Brothers and Mo Sistas in raising awareness for the fight against prostate cancer. With new research and innovative treatments, we can support other men Renée Dagenais, Student

with their battle.”

To learn more about Movember and men's health, please visit



RESEARCH Scientific Café Increases Research Collaborations with the Centre for Drug Research and Development On September 26, 2013, members

on the research and capabilities of the

2500 capable of generating 600

Faculty or CDRD, please visit

gigabytes of genetic information and or

Illumina MiSeq capable of sequencing


one exome daily. All instruments are housed within the new Pharmaceutical

Faculty Launches Pharmaceutical Sciences Analytical Suite

Sciences building.

the first ever Scientific Café. The event

On October 16, 2013, UBC

says Dr. Kishor Wasan. “Not only will

provided a forum for both the Faculty

Pharmaceutical Sciences officially

this increase the reach of our Faculty,

and CDRD to showcase their research

launched the Pharmaceutical Sciences

but also contribute to exciting new

infrastructure, expertise, and strengths

Analytical Suite (PSAS), a collection of


in an informal setting with the intention

state-of-the-art scientific instruments

of maximizing the collaborative spirit

available for use by the scientific

that exists between both organizations.


Held at the Pharmaceutical Sciences

The collection includes a Bruker 400


Building, the event began with

MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


presentations from Dr. Kishor Wasan,

(NMR) Spectrometer, a Vevo 2100

new-analytical-services-suite. For

associate dean, Research & Graduate

Ultrasound Imaging System, an AB

further information on pricing and

Studies, UBC Pharmaceutical Sciences

Sciex UHPLC/MS/MS System, and a

booking of equipment please visit

and Dr. Jason Crawford, senior director,

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Orbitrap or contact

Scientific Operations, CDRD. Both

High Resolution Mass Spectrometer.

Barbara Conway at

presentations highlighted the research

The suite also incorporates the

capabilities and talent both institutions

Pharmaceutical Sciences Sequencing


offer. Afterwards, the event shifted to

Centre, including the Illumina HiSeq

of UBC Pharmaceutical Sciences and Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD) gathered for

“It is very exciting to be able to offer our resources to the scientific community,”

To read the original press release and view a digital brochure please visit

the Story of Medicines exhibition, where an informal mixer generated dialogue on possible collaborations. “The evening was very successful in creating connections and exposing the great work being done by both groups,” said Dr. Crawford. “Even though we work under the same roof, due to busy schedules, these kinds of conversations don’t happen often enough and it was great to have an event specifically dedicated to increasing scientific partnerships.” The conversations didn’t end that evening, there are now ongoing talks about different collaborations. With the successes of the initial café, the Faculty is planning to host more events in the future to help maintain a culture of collaboration. For more information




The AGILE Project Comes Full Circle:

The Final Report by Michael Legal





he AGILE project (Advancing Experiential LearninG

Office of Experiential Education. Formal, mutually beneficial

In InstitutionaL Pharmacy PracticE) was originally

partnerships between the Faculty and Health Authorities are

initiated by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UBC in

needed to ensure that preceptors are optimally supported and

November 2012. Its goal was to develop recommendations to

so that the Faculty maintains a reliable supply of placements.

inform new approaches to institutional experiential pharmacy

The use of pairs, tiers and facilitated multi-placement models

education in British Columbia. Upcoming program changes

will increase rotation capacity and leverage peer-assisted

and increased enrolment at the Faculty are expected to

learning. Dedicated clinical faculty and protected teaching

exacerbate existing challenges in securing adequate numbers

time for preceptors will help address preceptor workload

of institutional placements for pharmacy learners. The AGILE

and provide teaching support. A comprehensive preceptor

Project sought to identify solutions for these concerns and to

development program is necessary to ensure new preceptors

determine the support needs of preceptors and learners at

have the skills needed to teach and allow experienced

Health Authority sites. As project lead, as well as a Health

preceptors to build on their existing strengths. AGILE also

Authority clinical pharmacist and experienced preceptor, I

recommends the inclusion of an early hospital practice

had the great pleasure of planning and executing the multi-

experience (two weeks) and additional institutional practice

phase approach needed to complete this important work. And

content throughout the curriculum. The result will be better

now after one full year since beginning, the AGILE project has

prepared students who can work independently while on

come to a close.


One of the major aims of AGILE was to foster broad

The AGILE recommendations provide a path forward for

engagement of stakeholders. Key stakeholders across the

Health Authority-based pharmacy experiential education.

province included pharmacists and pharmacy leadership

No single approach will be sufficient to address all of the

from all of BC’s six Health Authorities as well as pharmacy

challenges that lay ahead. Instead, a coordinated multi-faceted

learners and Faculty members. Site visits; focus group

plan that involves close collaboration between the Faculty and

discussions, electronic surveys and one-on-one interviews

Health Authorities will be required. It will also be important

were among the approaches used to gather stakeholder

to ensure that all of the stakeholders who were engaged in

input. Stakeholders provided their perspectives regarding

developing the AGILE recommendations remain actively

barriers and challenges to experiential education as well as

involved in implementation.

viable solutions. Feedback was analyzed in a rigorous manner using qualitative research methodology. The most frequently mentioned challenges and solutions provided the basis for the AGILE Project Recommendations. In addition an extensive

To read more of the final report, please visit Michael Legal is Project Lead, AGILE.

review of pharmacy and other health discipline literature was conducted to identify proven approaches. Strategies used by


other experiential programs in Canada and North America


were also considered. The AGILE Project Recommendations include the following key strategies: formalized partnerships between the Faculty and Health Authorities, adoption of novel learner-preceptor models, direct Faculty support for preceptors and learners, increased learner preparation, and an enhanced role for the DISCOVER • WINTER 2013



Giving (and Receiving) a Student Award:

A Very Personal Experience by June Chow


an Maxwell knew the importance of Peoples Drug

considered exceptional given the nature of the professional

Mart’s support of UBC Pharmaceutical Sciences during

program and its admissions requirements.

its building and program expansion, but as CEO needed to ensure its contribution would make the biggest impact possible. Discretionary funds are raised through its annual golf tournament, and Peoples had ongoing commitments to maintain, particularly to the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Society and the company’s new Healthy Communities Fund. The option to provide seed funding for (and then growing) a capital fund for a student award worked well. Once matured, the fund will be endowed to generate the award through interest income year upon year in perpetuity, until such time when Peoples will provide the annual award separately. The ability to directly impact a student’s life was particularly appealing. The board wanted to recognize students showing leadership given the hard work involved. With its pharmacists operating across small towns in B.C., they further earmarked the award for those from outside the Lower Mainland with additional costs of studying at UBC. Danielle Ghag received the first Peoples Drug Mart Award in

A believer in actively participating in one’s learning, she thinks she distinguished herself as a third year peer tutor to second year Pharmacy students. A volunteer at St. Paul’s Hospital for years, she plans to pursue a hospital residency to practice interprofessionalism within its collaborative health care environment. Danielle is from a family of alumni pharmacists based in Abbotsford, including her father and uncle who own and run independent community pharmacies. Coincidentally, while she was being chosen for the Peoples Drug Mart Award, they were creating their own student award in memory of their older brother who never had the opportunity to pursue university himself. Through the new Peoples Drug Mart Award, Ian and the board can be assured that at least one student will benefit each year, and that the impact being made is on a very personal level. JUNE CHOW IS ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT & ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT.

Spring 2013, and was surprised and honoured to be selected


from amongst her peers. Pharmacy students are already




UPDATES BCPhA Student Ambassadors Launch New Website & Student Manual The BCPhA Student Ambassadors have been working closely with the BCPhA to launch a website and student manual to aggregate and systemize important information and resources

faculty mentors. It recognizes that

“Cows on Campus” to the informative

ideas and discoveries are not found

“Recyclemania at the Opera.” Through

exclusively within research labs, and

the labs, groups were able to showcase

offers a space where researchers can

how they are playing a part in the larger

congregate, collaborate and celebrate

sustainability conversation. A website

the many milestones that mark

and online engagement strategy

their life-long pursuit of inquiry and

complimented the ripple labs, which

advanced knowledge.

highlighted a fictional UBC Science student, Emily, and her efforts to be

for undergraduate pharmacy students.

We are pleased to recognize donors

The intent is to answer any pharmacy-

who have given a minimum of $5,000

related inquiries such as what to expect

to help dedicate the space, and to

The Faculty also contributes to UBC’s

in the Pharmaceutical Science program

list them on the Lounge’s plaque, as

sustainability goals in a variety of ways.

at UBC, licensing examinations


For instance, did you know that heat

Dr. Helen M Burt, PhD(Pharm)'80

generated by the UBC Data Centre is

and requirements for practice in B.C., information on professional organizations, and potential career avenues that pharmacy may offer.

Dr. Arda-e-Viraf Minocherhomjee, PhD(Pharm)'82, MBA'84 Dr. David Wing Kee Kwok,

The website also offers students

BSc(Pharm)'84, MSc(Pharm)'87,

an open forum to ask questions,


share experiences, and discuss

more sustainable.

used to heat our building, lowering the amount of greenhouse gas emissions? The Pharmaceutical Sciences Building has a number of other architectural and design features that contribute to its sustainability. To learn more about those

Dr. John & Sharon McNeill

features visit

In Memory of Dr. Madan T Wasan,

the forum and update student manual

In Honour of Dr. Sidney Katz

or to learn more about the Campus

content to ensure information is

If you would like to know more about

relevant and current. Ultimately, our

giving towards the Graduate Student

goal is that the website and manual

& Alumni Lounge, please contact June

will assist students in making an

Chow, Associate Director, Office of

informed decision about their career,

Development & Alumni Engagement at

and to encourage students to get more

604-822-1772 or

On Thursday, September 19, the first

involved with their profession—both as


in a series of café talks focusing on

pharmacy-related topics. The Student Ambassadors will frequently monitor

Sciences at UBC. Jessica Doig, Vice For more - RENéE DAGENAIS

The Graduate Student & Alumni Lounge: A Place for Collaboration and Celebration The Graduate Student & Alumni Lounge is dedicated to current and future students of the Faculty’s graduate research programs by alumni and

Learning Technology at the first Story of Medicines Café

held by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical

To view the website, visit:

Student Ambassadors at - IVAN YASTREBOV

the Story of Medicines (SOM) was

a student and as a licensed pharmacist.

information, please contact the BCPhA

Sustainability Office please visit

Sustainability Creates Ripples at UBC On November 4, 2013, the Campus Sustainability Office rolled out a student awareness campaign designed to draw attention to sustainability initiatives at the university. Dubbed the

President and Project Director at NGX Interactive, presented a talk titled “Creating Engaging Experiences via Learning Technology.” NGX Interactive partnered with the Faculty to create the touch screen technology and interactive learning experiences on which the Story of Medicines exhibition is based.

Ripple Effect, the campaign ran until

In her presentation, Jessica shared how

November 15 and featured 18 pop-

technology has revolutionized learning,

up ripple labs organized by different

referencing specific examples from the

campus groups. Lab topics and

Story of Medicines. She also highlighted

names ranged from the entertaining

key milestones in the development of




books and static items. Custom

New Story of Medicines Tours Offer Insight into the Past, Present and Future of Pharmacy

digital interactive exhibits like the

Have you ever wondered what happens

Story of Medicines provide visitors

to Tylenol after you swallow it? Did you

with inspirational and educational

want to learn how drugs like Tylenol

experiences,” shares Jessica Doig.

are discovered? Are you curious

the project and demonstrated how each interactive display worked. “Learning is no longer confined to

A reception followed the café talk. Future SOM cafés will highlight one unique aspect about the exhibition, presented by experts in the field of learning technology, graphic design, pharmaceutical sciences, and more. The Story of Medicines is free to the public and open for viewing from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information about future SOM events, visit - VIVIEN LEE

about the types of medications used by pharmacists of the past? By taking a guided tour through the Story of Medicines exhibition, you will discover the answer to these questions and many more. The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences now offers a public and school group tour program. Unveiled at the beginning of November, the program provides tours led by experienced guides. Each tour features an in-depth look at individual exhibit zones. The first stop is Origins & Evolutions of Pharmacy (where the history of pharmacy comes alive with real historical artifacts); followed by The Journey of a Drug Through the Body (a behind the scenes look into what happens to medications in the human body), Six Drugs That Changed the World (where an interactive drug development game awaits), and Role of Pharmacy (a glimpse at past and future career paths of the Pharmacy profession). The tour closes with the Pledge of Professionalism, Digital Alumni Yearbook and Impact Media Wall (showcasing one of the largest screens in North America). Each tour is approximately 30 minutes in length and packed full of information. You are also free to explore any exhibits

IMAGES Attendees mingling at the Story of Medicines event; Guests were presented with Story of Medicines bags.

that sparked your interest on your own after the tour is over. For school groups we have a downloadable scavenger hunt activity sheet, which is available on our website. To book your tour and



for more information, visit - IVAN YASTREBOV

Upcoming Reunions This Fall the Pharmaceutical Sciences Class of 1953 celebrated its 60th anniversary reunion, the Class of 1973 celebrated its 40th anniversary reunion, and the Class of 1988 celebrated its 25th anniversary reunion. Each reunion group made a point of coming back to campus to have a special tour of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building and we were pleased to see so many of our alumni reunite to celebrate these milestones! Planning is already underway for the Class of 1974 40th anniversary reunion in 2014. If your class will be celebrating a milestone reunion in 2014 we can help! Please contact Caely-Ann McNabb at or 604-827-1411. - CAELY-ANN MCNABB

Alumni Engagement There have been many opportunities for alumni engagement this Fall and we’d like to thank all of our alumni who participated in one form or another: • Cloaking at our White Coat Ceremony. • Guest lecturing to our students. • Joining our Dean for a roundtable discussion in Victoria. • Learning about the changes to our E2P program at our alumni and friends event in downtown Vancouver.

UPDATES • Being a preceptor to our students. • Visiting us for a tour of our building. • Joining us for lunch at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting in San Antonio. • Attending the Pharmacy Alumni Group AGM and Bowl of Hygeia rededication. • Judging our students during Mogul’s Den. We always welcome and value you! - CAELY-ANN MCNABB

The Next Step – Your Professional Life

Pharmacy Students Selected as Vice-Chairs of UBC United Way Campaign

Save the date for this Pharmacy and Medicine joint event for recent graduates on January 23, 2014. More details to come.

In Memoriam Kenneth (Ken) George Ringrose, BSc(Pharm)’68, November 30, 1944 August 15, 2013 Edward Richard MacCallum,

United Way helps fund community organizations throughout the Lower Mainland that provide assistance to children and senior citizens in need. The UBC chapter holds an annual campaign, raising funds through events and payroll donations from UBC staff and faculty members. This year, UBC United Way established a student campaign, a first in the chapter’s history, and selected Pharmacy students Joyce Chang and Teresa Lee as Vice-Chairs.

BSc(Pharm)’81, July 5, 1951 - August 16,

“I truly appreciate the opportunity to


serve as the UBC United Way Student

Ronald H. Waller, BSc(Pharm)’68, MSc’72, September 22, 1943 – August 31, 2013

Campaign Vice-Chair in its pilot year,” says Chang. “By collaborating with various undergraduate societies, we hope to raise funds and more

George Barry Phillips, BSc(Pharm)’56,

importantly bring attention among

November 18, 1932 - September 9, 2013

the various student groups on campus

George William (Bill) Staiger, BSc(Pharm)’53, April 16, 1929 October 29, 2013.

On October 28, 2013, Lee spoke at the 2013 Donor Thank You Breakfast hosted by UBC United Way. Her talk focused on available resources for seniors to address challenges arising from isolation. “It’s an honour to be able to serve in this role,” says Lee, who is also a first year student. “Senior isolation has always been one of my major concerns and I am excited to be part of such a strong and resourceful team to help raise awareness about the issue.” The UBC United Way Student Campaign launched on October 7 with a fundraising goal of $600,000. To learn more about the campaign, visit - VIVIEN LEE IMAGE United Way Campaign Vice-Chairs Joyce Chang and Teresa Lee

about the very real and close issue of children living in poverty.” A first year student, Joyce hopes to build a solid foundation for growth and expansion in the years to come. DISCOVER • WINTER 2013


UPDATES Recent Awards, Publications & Presentations Awards Jenny Kim, Natalie McCormick, Lilla Roy, Ying Wang - Recipients of Office of Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies Internal Travel Awards. Catherine Hu - Kam Li Ma Scholarship Ying Wang - Dr. William Wilson Simpson Memorial Award Ankur Midha, Natalie McCormick, and Veronika Schmitt - John McNeill Scholarshi Julia Varela - Four-year PhD scholarship by Brazil’s Science without Borders program (external award) Kyle Collins - CSHP BC Branch Pharmacy Practise Award Dr. Mary Ensom - 2013 Paul F. Parker Award Dr. Frank Abbott - New President Elect 2014, Canadian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences PUBLICATIONS ID. Sharma, A. J. Lau, M. A. Sherman, T. K. H. Chang. Agonism of Human Pregnane X Receptor by Rilpivirine and Etravirine: Comparison with First Generation Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Biochemical Pharmacology 85: 1700–1711, 2013. Ibrahim F, Sivak O, Wasan EK, Bartlett K, Wasan KM. Efficacy of an oral and tropically stable lipid-based formulation of Amphotericin B (iCo-010) in an experimental mouse model of systemic candidiasis. Lipids in Health and Disease 2013, 12:158. Lau AJ, Chang TKH. Indirect Activation of the SV23 and SV24 Splice Variants of Human Constitutive Androstane Receptor: Analysis with 3-Hydroxyflavone and its Analogues. British Journal of Pharmacology 170: 403-414, 2013. Loewen P, Jelescu-Bodos A. Learning Styles and Teaching Perspectives of Canadian Pharmacy Practice Residents and Faculty Preceptors. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2013;77:163. Kiang TKL, Ng KOY, Ensom MHH. Multiple Regression Analysis of Factors Predicting Mycophenolic Acid Free Fraction in 91 Adult Organ Transplant Recipients. Ther Drug Monit. 2013: EPub Ahead of Print. PMID: 24081204 Marra F, Chong M, Henry B, Patrick, DM, Kendall P. Effectiveness of antivirals during H1N1 pandemic influenza outbreak in British Columbia. Options for Control of Influenza, Capetown, South Africa, Sept 5-9, 2013. Patrick DM, Chambers C, Chong M, Purych D, Blondel-Hill E, Marra F. Advancing Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance: An Empiric Approach to Deriving a Composite Drug Resistance Index for Urinary Tract Infections. IDWeek 2013, San Francisco, California, October 4-6, 2013. Fletcher A, Marra, F, Kaczorowski J. Pharmacist-Administered Vaccinations in BC: Results of a Survey to Assess Barriers and Facilitators to Vaccination Delivery in Non-Traditional Settings. 41st Annual North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting 2013, Ottawa, Ontario, November 9-11, 2013. Ibrahim F, Sivak O, Wasan EK, Bartlett K, Wasan KM. Efficacy of an oral and tropically stable lipid-based formulationof Amphotericin B (iCo-010) in an experimental mouse model of systematic candidiasis. Lipids Health Dis. 2013 Oct 29;12(1):158. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 24164706. Kiang TKL, Wilby KJ, Ensom MHH. Clinical Pharmacokinetic Drug Interactions Associated with Artemisinin Derivatives and HIVAntivirals. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2013: Online First. DOI 10.1007/s40262-013-0110-5.




Sadatsafavi M, Bansback N, Zafari Z, Najafzadeh M, Marra C. Need for speed: an efficient algorithm for calculation of singleparameter expected value of partial perfect information. Value Health. 2013 Mar-Apr;16(2):438-48. Epub 2013 Jan 26. Victoria Wood, Lynda Eccott and Lesley Bainbridge. Blended Active Learning Pilot: A Way to Deliver Interprofessional Pain Management Education. Pharmacy. 2013; 1(2): 218-227. PRESENTATIONS Dr. Kishor Wasan - "Innovating for Health Transformation for the Poor," Fall 2013 Global Health Conference Hosted by the UBC Chapter of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, September 28, 2013, Vancouver, Canada. Dr. Kishor Wasan - 20th Canadian Conference on International Health, October 27-29, 2013, Ottawa, Canada. Pavel Gershkovich, Jonathan Wong, Olena Sivak, Kishor Wasan, Peter Fischer - The Role of Lymphatic Transport in the Intestinal Absorption of Lipophilic Cannabinoids, American Assocation of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting, November 10-14, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA. Kishor Wasan, Jenny Kim - Targeting Intracellular Cholesterol Synthesis in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Cells, American Assocation of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting, November 10-14, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA. Kishor Wasan, Jinying Zhao, Cheryl Gregory-Evans, Keving Gregory-Evans - Development of a Novel Topical Ophthalmic Formulation for Nonsense Mutation Suppression, American Assocation of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting, November 10-14, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA. Kishor Wasan, Fady Ibrahim, Jacqueline Cawthray, Olena Sivak, David Weekes, Yasmin Mawani, Kristina Sachs-Barrable, Chris Orvig - Pharmacokinetics and Organs Distribution of a Novel Lanthanide Complex for the Treatment of Osteoporosis in Rats, American Assocation of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting, November 10-14, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA. Kishor Wasan, Olena Sivak, Fady Ibrahim, Ellen Wasan - Antifungal Activity of Novel Tropically Stable Oral Amphotericin B Formulation (iCo-010) in a Mouse Model of Systemic Candidiasis, American Assocation of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting, November 10-14, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA. Kishor Wasan, Kristina Sachs-Barrable - Effect of Disodium Ascorbyl Phytostanol Phosphates (DAPP) on P-glycoprotein (P-gp) Expression and Activity within Caco-2 Cells, American Assocation of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting, November 1014, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA. Kishor Wasan, JoAnn Osei-Twum - Absence of Amphotericin B Interaction with P-glycoprotein in a Short-Term Caco-2 Cell Model, American Assocation of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting, November 10-14, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA. Dr. Corey Nislow - International Conference on Functional and Comparative Genomics & Pharmacogenomics, November 12-14, 2013, Chicago-North Shore, USA.



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