Guyora Binder SUNY DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR U N I V E R S IT Y AT B U F FA LO D I S TI N G U I S H E D P R O F E S S O R H O D G S O N R U S S F A C U LT Y S C H O L A R V I C E D E A N F O R R E S E A R C H A N D F A C U LT Y D E V E L O P M E N T JD, Yale Law School AB, Princeton University (716) 645-2673
My recent article, Disbanding
The Puzzle of Inciting Suicide
(with Luis Chiesa), 56 American
Criminal Law Review 65 (2018).
Unusual: The Death Penalty for
Police Agencies, grew out
Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
of conversations with my
(with John Kaplan & Robert Weisberg)
coauthors Tony O’Rourke and
(Wolters-Kluwer, 9th ed., 2021).
Rick Su, regarding the tragic and turbulent events over the
past year. It assesses proposals
Defunding Police Agencies (with Rick Su
to disband police forces, like
& Anthony O’Rourke) 71 Emory Law
that passed by the Minneapolis
Journal (forthcoming 2022).
City Council, from a democratic
Disbanding Police Agencies (with Anthony
and institutionalist perspective.
O’Rourke & Rick Su), 121 Columbia
Should localities concerned
Law Review 1327 (2021).
about discriminatory policing and excessive force disband
Judicial Review of Strict Liability
their police forces? This is a
Local Ordinances (with Brenner
more practical strategy than
Fissell), 53 Arizona State
many readers may imagine,
Law Journal 425 (2021).
that has been used before in
A Political Interpretation of Vagueness
American history to reform
Inadvertent Murder (with Brenner Fissell & Robert Weisberg), 93 Indiana Law Journal 549 (2018). BOOK REVIEWS Book Review, 93 American Literature (forthcoming 2021) (reviewing Karla F. C. Holloway, Legal Fictions (Duke University Press, 2013) and Eric Bachman, Literary Obscenities (Penn State University Press, 2018)). Book Review, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books (Sept. 2020) (reviewing Lawrence Friedman, Crime Without Punishment: Aspects of History of Homocide (Cambridge University Press, 2018)).
Doctrine (with Brenner Fissell), 2019
policing. One reason in favor
Illinois Law Review 1527 (2019).
of using such a strategy today is that discriminatory police departments are often too
Crime and Punishment
insulated from democratic oversight to be meaningfully
Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Wolters-Kluwer, 9th ed., 2021) provides a comprehensive examination of criminal law under both the Model Penal Code and common law. Interspersed with excerpts that provide social, political, and criminological background to the black letter law, the casebook’s interdisciplinary approach addresses the purposes and limits of punishment and considers the meaning and types of crime. The ninth edition, co-authored by Guyora Binder, Robert Weisberg, and the late John Kaplan, includes new research on the role of constitutional law in the criminalization of homelessness and expanded discussion of racial justice topics including the criminal liability of police for the use of unnecessary lethal force, controversies surrounding citizen’s arrest powers, and the evolution of sexual assault laws.
reformed. Yet these same legal impediments to democratic control will also impede efforts to dissolve police forces and start fresh.”