Nowadays, I keep watch on North Kingstown
There’s a coastal stretch of land inside the smallest state in the US. It sits along an oceanic passage as if hugging the brisk Atlantic. It’s a sub-rural area but large enough in size that it stretches halfway across the state. It’s quaint, sunny, lively and historic. It’s nothing like busy, fast-paced Vancouver.
Welcome to North Kingstown, Rhode Island.
It’s a beautiful place to be. The kind of town you retreat to when other places get too loud. Where strangers stop and chat after meeting paths on village streets. Where families shop for goods their neighbours need. Where friends routinely volun teer at drives and pantries every weekend. In North Kingstown, the community works like clock work. It’s a place full of mixed emotions. Being the only home I ever knew, all the memories I’ve cherished and tried to expel take place within its borders. Growth, strength, pain, anguish, solace, love and learning come to mind.
Though North Kingstown is frozen for much of the winter, the spring season blossoms with haste. Summer flourishes even more so, and outsiders are drawn to the town’s warmth and energy.

You can bury your feet in the hot summer sand while enjoying the cool breeze. Children jump back and forth between the beach water and the land, tracking footprints along the shore just in front of the tide. Stay at the beach late enough, and you’ll see a show of fireworks — red, white and blue across the star-speckled sky.
Sometimes the sunny morn ings turn to rainy afternoons. The bravest of folks stay outside when the thundershowers arrive. Within a half-hour, the heavy rain subsides, and rumbling thunder lingers in the distance, leaving the air crisp and cool as evening approaches. The clouds part, and the sunshine returns. That sum mer shower sensation was one of my last before I departed across the continent for Vancouver, to live a new life on the West Coast.
Look, breathe, see, explore, meet, laugh, party, sleep, eat, write, study, sing, study, write, study, write, study, write, study, write and it’s over! Time to return home for the summer.
Arriving back was revitalizing. I could once again surround my self with the expected, something I had missed throughout my time out west. Familiarity is re-ener gizing. But the clock still ticks even when you’re gone, and it’s up to you to once again move with
your hands.
I can’t help but reflect upon the quietest moments in town. The kind of quiet moments when you’re deep in thought, play ing your life back in your head like a movie. When the movie’s over, I’m extra attentive to my surroundings; the rustling water, the crinkling leaves, the cry of seagulls from above, cars racing by in the distance, swing sets rocking back and forth — wher ever I am — these settings all combine to a medley that brings clarity to the town. It is usually solemn but wholesome.
As I sit and write from home, there’s a refreshing sense out and about. Summer is approaching once more. Strangers, families and friends keep the gears mov ing, just as they did last season.
I can confidently say I love my hometown. It’s a special hidden gem within a busy area. Like the glass between the dials and the exterior world, North Kings town feels safe from much of the outside, a bubble or shield, if you will. It has shaped every little part of me. Who and what would I be without it? That is a question I don’t want to ponder. If nothing else, I can thank my hometown for leaving its print on me. And like you would a watch, I take it everywhere I go. U
AMS celebrates 100 years since Great Trek, opens time capsule

The AMS unearthed a 1972 time capsule and put a new one in its place to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the Great Trek last Friday. The event took place at the Great Trek Cairn on Main Mall and included speeches from notable former AMS executives on the importance of student activism.
The Great Trek was a protest organized in 1922 by the AMS to push the government to start construction on UBC’s current campus. Students gathered 56,000 signatures before the AMS president at the time led protest ers from Fairview to the half-built Chemistry Building on what is now the Point Grey campus. This, along with AMS advocacy to the BC Legislature, pushed the pro vincial government to commit $1.5 million to the new campus.
“[This day] marks the anni versary of the first big win that students ever had on this campus,” said current AMS President Esha na Bhangu.
1972/73 AMS President Gordon Blankstein’s speech before the capsule was unearthed touched on 1972 tuition and living costs, music performances from the likes of Billy Joel and Frank Zappa and other notorious accounts of his time at UBC, putting the 50-year time difference in perspective.
“I’m a little terrified of what might be in the time capsule,”
said Blankstein. “I hope there’s nothing offensive to anybody because it was definitely different times.”
Event speakers dug up the time capsule, and current stu dents opened it. It included sev eral magazines and newspapers from the day, including a copy of The Ubyssey . It also had a student registration list, some postcards and an invitation and the menu from the 1972 Great Trek Cere mony to bury the capsule.
There was also a copy of an engineering publication, The Red Rag , which Bhangu described as “PG-13 content.”

All the items will be displayed in the AMS archives on the third floor of the Nest.
The Great Trek, while an iconic moment of student activism at UBC, was colonial in nature — a fact speakers at the ceremony didn’t shy away from.
“[The Great Trek] only perpet uated the idea that ... what is now UBC was empty land free for the taking, and also further excluded our people from this type of deci sion making,” said Jordan Wilson, a representative for Musqueam Indian Band.
Since then, Wilson said he believes the relationship between the university and Musqueam has changed for the better.
“On first glance, [Musqueam
house posts and artwork] might seem like window dressing or decoration. But to my mind, these initiatives . . . speak to the way the relationship [between UBC and the Musqueam Nation] is trans forming.”
Wilson put photos of signif icant events with Musqueam people at UBC, a booklet about the history of Musqueam and In digenous communities along with an orange shirt that says ‘Every Child Matters’ in hənqəminəm , the Musqueam language, into the new time capsule.

Kim Campbell, former prime minister and former AMS execu tive, also spoke at the event about the privilege of interacting with students from different faculties during her time working for the AMS. She also mentioned the importance of thinking and advo cating for beyond our own time.
“Can we develop that way of thinking as the Great Trekers did in a way to try [and] create some thing that they would not live to see?” said Campbell.
Herb Dhaliwal, former min ister of natural resources and VP finance of the AMS, addressed students in particular, speaking on how consequential student activism is.
“Education is very important but you need to get involved in all the other issues and participate. You can make a difference,” said Dhaliwal.
Along with the Musqueam items, every undergraduate society placed objects into the new time capsule. UBC also contributed an alumni UBC strategic plan, a letter from former UBC president Santa Ono and a bow tie.

Some notable undergraduate society additions included local ly-sourced honey from the Land and Food Systems Undergraduate Society, a resume and cover letter from the Commerce Undergradu ate Society describing the faculty’s current programs and the Engi
neering Undergraduate Society’s signature letterman jacket — along with some secret objects in its pockets.
The AMS added menus from all its current food outlets, a KN95 mask, a copy of The Hundred-Year Trek by AMS Archivist Shel don Goldfarb and letters from students. After the ceremony, it added a copy of The Ubyssey
“I think it was really cool to see how easy it was to differentiate between the items ... [it shows] team pride,” said Kinesiology Undergraduate Society Ivran Rai after the event.
The new time capsule will not be opened for another 50 years — in 2072.
Bhangu closed the event by calling on future students to continue the work of student advocacy.
“I think this is a testament to student advocacy and student ac tivism, and we really, really hope the next 50 years bring so much more of this.” U
UBC forms accessibility committee
Liz Mendes ContributorUBC will form an accessibility committee to comply with new BC legislation — although disabled students and faculty want to see more than simply a committee from the university.
Former UBC President Santa Ono announced the formation of the committee in an early October blog post. New regulations under the Accessible British Columbia Act — passed by the BC Legis lature in April — require public sector organizations to have an accessibility committee, an acces sibility plan and a mechanism to collect feedback on their accessi bility efforts.
Disability groups involved in listening sessions with Ono largely supported the creation of the committee, but they want more than just a committee — they want a Disability Task Force.
Katherine Benson, member of the UBC Law Disability Alliance, said a Disability Task Force could create a guiding set of longterm actions — similar to UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan — the university could use when forming its accessibility committee.
A petition started by Kathryn Douglas, a project and administra tion coordinator at UBC, to form such a task force has 199 signa tures at time of print.
“[The Disability Affinity Group] has been calling for the formation of a Disability Task Force to com plement the incredible work done by the Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence (ARIE) Task Force and the Trans, Two-Spirit and Gender Diversity Task Force. The ARIE Task Force report calls for the for mation of a Disability Task Force at UBC,” the petition reads.
Corin Parsons, student leader of the Disabled Grad Students Association, said in a written statement to The Ubyssey, that the meeting with Ono was productive and included discussions around a call to action document created by disabled students.
Still, Parsons believes UBC could do more.
“The requirement to form an accessibility committee is a legal mandate under the province’s new accessibility legislation,” he said. “It is, as we say in our Calls
to Action document, a floor not a ceiling. Forming an accessibil ity committee is UBC just doing what it is legally required to do, so it’s strange to see it presented as somehow responsive to disabled students’ requests.”

Some disabled students and faculty are also concerned about the inclusion of disabled commu nity members in UBC’s proposed committee.
“So far, disabled folks have not been a part of the planning or organization of this committee, which is a significant problem,” Dr. Jennifer Gagnon, founder of the Disability Affinity Group, said. “Members of the [Disability Affin ity Group] have offered to serve on the committee but our participa tion has not been invited.”
In a statement sent to The Ubyssey, Dr. Arig al Shaibah, as sociate vice-president, equity and inclusion at UBC, said she believed the new BC legislation would complement the inclusive work UBC has already done, including creating a Disability Accommoda tion Policy and having accessibility shuttles to bring people around campus.
She added that UBC is cur rently engaging in discussions to properly consult and engage on-campus disability groups.
“Efforts are just getting under way to convene relevant university offices to ensure there is a shared understanding of the accessibil ity imperative and to discuss the details of the governance model we will need to action the work ahead, including the establishing a committee with membership from stakeholders and rights-holders,” she wrote.
Parsons said these efforts are not enough.
“The unofficial motto of the disability movement is ‘nothing about us without us’ because we’re frequently excluded from decision making processes that affect us,” he said.
“I don’t want a committee that takes our calls to action with no oversight or accountability and sends us on the way with a pat on the head.” Parsons said. “We need decision-making infrastructure that guarantees disabled people have a seat at the table and actual power in shaping university pol icy.” U
Breaking down UBC’s $425,000 food security allocation
Bernice Wong Senior Staff WriterUBC has announced the breakdown of a $425,000 allocation toward food security initiatives on the Vancouver campus, increasing funding from this year over last to student-run initia tives, but not matching the 2021/22 allocations to larger university-run initiatives.
At the September 26 Board of Governors meeting, then President Santa Ono announced $500,000 of extra funding for food security to be split between the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses.
This one-time funding reduces the financial gap between last year’s and this year’s budget allocation to food security, which cut UBC fund ing to the AMS Food Bank in half.

The allocations are a product of consultation between UBC, AMS and GSS leadership.
Here are the specific allocations.
Combining the 2022/23 budget and the one-time allocation, UBC has allocated $127,000 to the Food Hub Market, an at-cost grocery store, and $260,000 to UBC Meal Share, a by-application resource which gives students once per term grocery store gift cards and meal plan swipes, respectively. The totals are less than half of what these organizations received last year.
The Acadia Park Food Hub, a community food pantry received $55,000, more funding than last year. Operation of the Food Hub was taken over by UBC this year, and was previously run by the AMS.
In a statement from Andrew Parr, associate vice president of Student Housing and Community Services, he noted that “food insecurity ini tiatives was not reduced during this fiscal year.”
He outlined that the 2021/22 figures are a reflection of “one-time funding” in recognition of the “ex traordinary circumstances” students were in due to the pandemic.
Currently, he reported that the administration is pursuing a “longterm plan for addressing afford ability” in the form of the Student Affordability Task Force. This task force report includes a “$100 million fundraising initiative to support need-based aid and food security.”
Notably, no funds were allocated towards Fooood, a university-run affordable food outlet which will remain closed this year due to high operating costs.
Funding for student organizations has increased in comparison to the previous academic year.
Dana Turdy, AMS vice-president academic and university affairs, told The Ubyssey that food security advo cacy has been a priority for the AMS.
As for the allocated amounts for the AMS Food Bank, she said, “there could always be more funding.”
However, with the current universi ty’s budgetary restraints, she believes that this allocation “will go a long way.”
One of the main things that the AMS will implement with this new Food Bank funding is “more of a variety of food items,” said Turdy. With this year’s summer demand for the food bank almost doubling, Turdy said that the funding can help
secure key staples like “eggs, milk and rice.”
The increase in funding for this year’s AMS Food Bank is largely due to the one-time allocation. $145,000 of the collective $170,000 in funding is from the one-time allocation.
Despite this, Turdy reported that the AMS is advocating for long-term funding in next year’s budget and that they “hope to see a continued level of funding in future years.”

With the recent Sprouts Cafe-led walkout for food se curity funding from UBC amid record-breaking inflation rates, Turdy said, “it really just shows a lot of frustrations that students are experiencing right now.”

This past year, the AMS Food Bank saw a 600-visit spike between February and March. Visits to the food bank continue to dramtically increase.
“I don’t think we’ve ever seen this problem so severe before, and it’s definitely not something we take lightly,” Turdy said. U
“Nothing about us without us.”MELISSA
One of my clearest memories associ ated with Carly Rae Jepsen is when “Stay Away” started playing on my first boyfriend’s car radio when we kissed for the first time. While that relationship ended a few months later, I still associate a newfound sense of happiness and freedom with that memory and song — a feeling of finally, after years of telling myself that I couldn’t be gay, being comfortable to express my sexuality. It was euphoric.
Two years later, a similar sense of euphoria washed over me at Jepsen’s concert at UBC.
On October 29, Jepsen per formed for a packed Halloweekend crowd of dressed-up attendees — including Raccaccoonie from Every thing, Everywhere, All At Once — at the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre at UBC as part of her So Nice Tour.
The night was great from start to finish. The pre-show playlist of David Bowie, ABBA and Diana Ross and opener Empress Of’s pulsating dance-pop performance primed the audience for Jepsen’s exuberant disco-inspired discography.
At around 9 p.m., the arena’s ethereal, blue lights faded to black as special guest, The Moon from “The Loneliest Time” music video, appeared on a screen among the stars and clouds hanging on the stage. “I offer you a safe place to feel whatever it is you need to feel.
More than anything, this night is for you,” The Moon said to the silent, but excited crowd, before leading everyone in a countdown to the start of the show.
Then, everything turned red. As lights flashed on stage and the open ing notes of “This Love Isn’t Crazy” played, the band and background vocalists ran to their instruments and mic stands on stage. Jepsen followed, dressed in a short silver dress and matching pair of kneehigh boots. She struck a pose at the top of the stairs at the back of the stage, her backlit silhouette eliciting screams from the audience.
For the next 90 minutes, the crowd couldn’t stop smiling, danc ing and singing along as Jepsen performed banger after banger. She sang all the hits like “Run Away With Me” and “Call Me Maybe” — the law requires you to sing along, according to Jepsen — as well as songs like “Want You In My Room” that I usually skip when they come up in shuffle, but that I have a new appreciation for after seeing them live.
Jepsen also led the crowd on a thematic journey through the heart, from trying to reconcile your romantic feelings for someone after they friend zone you (“Your Type”) to feeling like you’re going on bad date after bad date (“Beach House”), to being so in love that you can’t contain it anymore (“I Really Like You”).
The show comes a little over a week since Jepsen released her
latest album The Loneliest Time and the singer used the stage to promote many of the new songs, including “Talking To Yourself” and the coun try-sounding “Go Find Yourself Or Whatever.”
While Jepsen spoke less to the audience than other performers I’ve seen, she still engaged with the audience in other ways, like holding out the mic or pointing out to the crowd — which always felt electric when it was directed to where I was sitting. She also, in what has

become tradition, performed with a Minecraft sword in hand that an audience member gave her during the “Cut To The Feeling” finale.
Aside from the music, the energy in the arena was my favourite part of the show. Going in, I was nervous because my friend and I were sitting in different sections. But that didn’t seem to matter once the show start ed. I was still dancing and vibing with everyone around me, including the person behind me who was also attending by themself.
There was also something magical about shouting “But you know what / I’m coming back for you, baby!” from “The Loneliest Time” in unison with an arena full of people.
Even after Jepsen and the band gave their final bow and the arena’s lights turned on, as I walked back to the bus loop, I couldn’t help but feel good. Like that day two years ago in my ex’s car, I will look back fondly on this night for years to come. U
‘This night is for you’: Carly Rae Jepsen takes audience to the moon and back at UBC showCarly Rae Jepsen
Crunch time: an excessively thorough review of UBC Apple Festival apples November arts and culture calendar
Ubyssey culture staff
DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS (MOA, 11/1, 4–9 P.M.)
Celebrate the Mexican holiday Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) at the UBC Museum of An thropology with an altar, mariachi music and dance, a guided tour of the Xicanx art exhibit, and food.
Free for students.
UBC Campus and Community Planning, in collaboration with UBC Wellbeing and the Blank Vinyl Project, is holding a free outdoor concert to promote relaxation and wellness in the community.
The apple festival.
The Apple Festival is back after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. To celebrate, two of our editors attended an apple tasting two weeks ago. Here are our hon est, (kind of) expert opinions from students with strong opinions on apples.

Charlotte Alden, coordinating ed itor: I’m a Gala gal. If Gala apples have one fan, I am that fan. If Gala apples have no fans, I am dead. I love sweet, crisp apples, and have nightmares about mealy apples. I enjoy apples in all forms, but you really can’t beat a nice apple com pote, or a crisp apple on a fall day.
Nathan Bawaan, web news editor: The ‘a’ in apple stands for ‘alpha’ — because apples are a top-tier fruit. I love a Granny Smith, or a Honeycrisp if I’m feeling rich,
with some peanut butter, mashed together into an applesauce or just in its raw form as a snack. All apples are valid, except for the mealy ones.
Charlotte: In texture and juiciness, the Ambrosia passed with flying colours. Flavour-wise, this ambro sia tasted a bit watery to me, and lacked the tart and sweet apple punch that I love from my old faithful, the Gala apple.
Nathan: I don’t fully remember tasting this apple — sorry to my friend who is a die-hard Ambrosia stan — but I think I liked it based on my scores. The flavour and texture were good, but the look was lacking.
Charlotte: Ah, the Golden Gala. While the look of this apple left something to be desired, every thing else was perfect. While I was open to having my mind changed
about the superiority of Galas, I stand by my original claim: Galas are the best apples.
Nathan: I am a Gala girl convert. It was sweet, juicy, had a good bite and the texture was just right. It was also yellow, making it stand out among the reds and greens of its apple brethren
Charlotte: Look, I know I shouldn’t have been coming in expecting this to taste like an ap ple. It’s a crabapple. I knew that. But nevertheless, this reaffirmed my opinion that crabapples are trash. As Hilary Duff once said, “Eating a crabapple thinking it will taste like a real apple is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing.”
Nathan: This apple should be called ‘Hy-flop.’ From the cheese-like flavour to the way it crumbled in my mouth, there was almost nothing good about this crabapple. The only redeeming
quality was that it was tiny, so you’ll only have to suffer for a little bit.
Charlotte: This apple is forgettable to me. It tasted decent, but the texture was disappointing. I can’t remember much else about this apple, but I’ll take that as a sign that it wasn’t that good.
Nathan: I also don’t remember a whole lot about this apple, except that it kind of tasted like a pear — which I thought was fun and quirky.
Charlotte : I had such high hopes for this one. A hint of banana in an apple? Innovative! Jaw dropping, if executed correctly! However, the flavour did not live up to my imagination.
Nathan : I became obsessed with this one as soon as I saw the name — love at first sight, if you will. And, I’m still in love. It tastes like an apple, but with a funky, ba nana-y finish. If you like bananas, I recommend!
Charlotte : All this tasting taught me is that my opinions on apples are extremely valid: crabapples are bad and Gala apples are the best. Good for my ego and my wallet, as No Frills has had a huge bin of discounted Gala apples all month. I feel vindicated that I’ve convinced Nathan of the glory of the Gala.
Nathan : This tasting was lowkey the definition of “slaying so hard that slay loses all meaning.” I went in feeling ravenous and came out feeling sufficiently full. All of the apples (except that Hyslop one) were tasty, and I will now be adding Gala apples to my shopping list rotation. Plus, I found love in the form of that Winter Banana apple. U

This art festival features music, stories, poetry, theatre, ceremony, films, dance, readings and more from DTES artists and communi ty-members.
Most events are free.
Presentation House in North Van presents “a celebration by and for immigrant and refugee artists,” including Bharatanatyam South Asian dance, original plays, Nige rian R&B and more.
Performance tickets are $17 24. Workshops are free but registra tion is required.
The Vancouver Black Library (VBL) will host a casual party at the Hatch Art Gallery in the Nest. Come through for karaoke, open decks DJ sets, snacks and purely to hang out and build community. Free.
VAFF features work from Asian North American filmmakers.
Tickets are $10 for students.
This film by director Mantas Kve daravicius explores the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, and includes a director Q&A. Free. U
Queer artists on moving the needle toward an inclusive tattooing industry
Kayley Kuo ContributorA UBC student looking to get some ink on their skin may not have to look far: There are some talented tattoo artists in the UBC student body. But, for a piece of art that they’ll likely carry on their body for the rest of your life, some prefer to choose artists that relate to the nuances of their ex periences with gender expession and sexuality.
Two such artists at UBC, Clara Sismondo and Li Yang, said that it’s heartening to see the increas ing amount of Queer representa tion in the tattoo community.

Tattoos are a powerful method of self-expression, and can play a part in making anyone feel more comfortable in their body. This can be particularly valuable to
2SLGBTQIA+ people, who may not feel that their identities are reflected in their bodies, or re spected by society.
Clara Sismondo, a tattoo artist and fourth-year student in geology and honours English, said that tattoos can help Trans or nonbinary individuals affirm and express their own identities. The joy that comes with that affirma tion is called gender euphoria.
“Tattooing is really important to me in terms of reclaiming cis normative and heteronormative beauty standards,” said Sismondo.
“For me as a Trans person, body modification has been an im portant part of my transition and continues to be, and tattooing is a part of making my body come into the world the way I feel.”
Sismondo has been doing hand-poke tattoos for about half a year. Their first canvas was themself.
“There’s something really, really meditative about being able to just create that art on my own body and have that sense of ownership.”
That experience of grounded connection is just as important when Sismondo is inking other people.
“It’s a lovely way to connect with people in a really intimate experience, to sit down with someone and create this perma nent piece of art on their body.”
This sense of intimacy is a ma jor reason why Queer representa tion in tattooing is so important. A positive tattoo experience involves being able to fully trust the tattoo artist.
“As a Queer and Trans per son, it feels way more safe and comfortable [for me] to go to a
Queer, Trans tattoo artist,” said Sismondo.
On the other side of the nee dle, community is essential to beginning artists learning where to start.
Li Yang is a third-year psy chology major and hand-poke tattoo artist at Chi Collaborative in Burnaby. Although Yang could be described as self-taught, hav ing never gone through a formal apprenticeship process, they prefer to credit their teachers and supporters.
“I like to say communi ty-taught because a lot of the stuff I know about the process and techniques, I learned from the internet community, and a lot of the Queer community in general,” said Yang.
These techniques aren’t just about improving their style. Yang said these online resources are crucial in learning tattoo safety.
“It’s kind of like a harm-reduc tion thing. If you don’t do it right, you can get sepsis.”
In the same way that 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals and organizations often provide in formation and resources that are unavailable elsewhere out of ne cessity, such as much-needed saf er sex or gender-affirming care, aspiring Queer tattoo artists often turn to online resources shared by members of the community.
Community information exchange about tattooing is a response to the traditional gate keeping tendencies of the broader tattoo industry, which has been dominated by straight, cis, white men.
Yang explained that the tradi tional path to becoming a tattoo artist starts with an appren
ticeship in a parlour. However, apprentices are treated more like unpaid interns instead of being properly trained or compensated.
“It’s kind of a gatekeeping system that has been set up by the white people, the old, straight, cis white men [in] tattoo parlours, which is ironic because, you know, the knowledge that they have about tattooing is largely taken from Indigenous peoples.”
Many Indigenous cultures, including Inuit, Secwepemc and Anishinaabe communities, have histories of tattooing which some settler tattoo artists have appro priated.
The rise of visible, marginal
ized artists on the internet, many of whom are community-taught, is a promising sign that the tattoo industry is gradually moving away from gatekeeping and theft.
“I’m really excited that the world of tattooing is opening up to so many people who have been historically excluded from it, and also is becoming more aware of the history of tattooing,” said Sismondo.
“I think that it is just such a beautiful art practice,” said Yang. “And I think if anyone is interest ed in it, there didn’t used to be, but there’s lots of resources now out there that are available for people.” U
The Holy Spider gives insight into sex worker rights in Iran
Zainab Fatima ContributorThis article contains mention of gender-based violence.
Holy Spider follows Rahimi, a jour nalist covering the news of a serial murderer named Saeed, labelled “The Spider Killer,” who targets sex workers. He justifies his mission through religion, as their city of Mashad, Iran is home to the shrine of Imam Reza.
Although Rahimi is fictional, the film is based on a real serial killer who was active from 2000 to 2001. The recent protests in Iran, sparked by the murder of Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini, also make director Ali Abbasi’s devastating representation of the violent man ifestations of misogyny unarguably relevant.

Rahimi is a single woman pur suing a career path dominated by men. People from hotel employees to policemen constantly question or critique her position in society and her authority as a reporter.
Although she is a journalist, Rahimi is not positioned so differ ently from the sex workers in the film. She was terminated from her previous workplace for speaking out after experiencing sexual ha
rassment from her employer. The incident leads to others ostracising her, providing an excuse for her opposers to question her personal ity and professionalism.
The same structures of misog yny that harm sex workers impact her as well.
Abbasi strategically opens the film through the point of view of one of Saeed’s sex worker victims,
starting from her goodnight kiss to her young child before leaving for work.
Humanizing sex workers from the outset is important to contrast the dehumanizing remarks made throughout the story as the killer and his supporters justify the murders.
Abbasi’s film ultimately critiques the use of religion to
justify cruelty. There are female characters in the film who wear a headscarf and those who do not. Women who have married and raised their children from home or are working mothers, along with those who are single and pursuing a career. However, in all of this, you have the male policy-makers, whose fingers are intertwined with prayer beads. They label the
sinner and decide the punishment because they have aligned them selves with their interpretation of faith as morality.
One of the reasons why I wanted to watch this film was because I am part of the religious community that it depicts. I have fond memories of Mashad from my childhood because my family has visited the city several times for pilgrimage.
Although I am not Iranian myself, the environment I was brought up in is very similar: full of taboos about sexual agency and limitations to what a woman could do. As I grew up and dis covered my own path, I found myself critiquing these aspects of my society and was intrigued to see The Holy Spider doing the same.
I appreciate the way Abba si portrays the weaponization of religion and the countless barriers women face every day. The fact that the main character is a journalist is significant too, as a reporter uncovers the truth and confronts perpetrators, no matter who they may be. Here, a woman takes on this role, and the truth she uncovers does not only concern Saeed or his victims but the entire community. U
Funding options available to UBC students looking to get an autism diagnosis
The resource guide accompanies the feature found at ubyssey.ca/features/bcsautism-assessment-process-is-slow-andexpensive/.
Autism diagnoses can be hard to come by, especially for adults. The cost of getting a formal diagnosis can create a barrier for many adults looking to get an autism diagnosis since they can cost upwards of $2,000 in BC. For students, this can be problematic because current medical doc umentation is generally required for access to academic accommodations although the UBC Centre for Accessibility (CFA) does accept childhood diagnoses.

Here are some ways that UBC students can obtain funding.
The director of the CFA, Janet Mee, previously told The Ubyssey that the centre collaborates with enrolment services to obtain funding for students who do not have a diagnosis and that the centre is often able to provide interim accommodations for stu dents who are still looking for funding or are in the middle of the assessment process.
Another potential source of funding for UBC students is the AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan, which includes a $1,250 mental health benefit for meetings with a psycholo gist however, it is unclear how much of this would cover diagnostic services.
Students should note that you need to have MSP or equivalent basic health insur ance coverage such as iMED to be covered by the AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan, which provides extended health coverage.
Another financing option is BC’s public health insurance, otherwise known as the MSP. Only Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international students that are
studying in BC for at least six months are eligible to apply for MSP. However, as there are no provincially-funded diagnostic ser vices for adults, there are very few doctors who take MSP and the ones that do have long wait times.
If you are under 19, there is a free-pro vincially-funded diagnostic assessment through BC Assessment Network, but the wait time can stretch up to three years. Although, wait times vary depending on your geographic location.
Students can also access Canada Student Grants for Services and Equipment — Student with Disabilities (CSG-DSE) via Apendix 8 in Student Aid BC. CSG-DSE will provide reimbursement of up to 100 per cent of the cost of a psycho-educational evaluation — which is used to diagnose learning disabilities — at a maximum of $3,500. However, this funding is only avail able once you have obtained a diagnosis that allows you to qualify for Appendix 8, meaning you will need to pay the price of the assessment upfront. Reimbursement will still be issued if you are not diagnosed with a learning disability but are diagnosed with a different disability. The CFA is able to guide students through this process of applying for Appendix 8.
Student Aid BC also provides a learn ing disability assessment bursary of up to $1,800 to help both full- and part-time students pay for the cost of diagnosis. For more information about how to apply, UBC students should talk to the CFA. The CFA

wrote to The Ubyssey that “alongside En rolment Services, [they can] identify similar services in [a students] home province’s student aid system.”
UBC students also have the option of joining the UBC Disabilities United Collec tive, which can sometimes offer need-based support to help pay for the diagnosis. Since the collective is an AMS resource group, it has access to the $500,000 AMS Resource Group Fund, which is split among the var ious AMS resource groups. Students who are interested in accessing this fund can contact the president of the collective for more information.
Community Living BC also has a Pro vincial Assessment Centre that provides mental health services for individuals 14 and up with a referral, including those with de velopmental disabilities. Interested students can contact them to see if they can provide support in obtaining a diagnosis.
In a statement to The Ubyssey, the CFA wrote, “For students who suspect they may have an Autism diagnosis, our primary rec ommendation is to start their inquiries with their primary healthcare provider.” U
Singapore burns as bright as its sun

Singaporean sun seared our backs as we ambled out of Changi Interna tional Airport with our luggage, but it didn’t deter us from awing at the Green City.

This was our first international trip as a family, and it felt equal parts surreal and exhilarating to soak in Singapore’s Rain, Yellow Flame trees and futuris tic, biophilic and art deco architecture, blistering heat and diverse population. As we traversed the streets, Malay, Tamil, English, and Chinese and Singaporean Mandarin swirled around us in a cacoph ony of excited chatter, berating tones and happy squeals.
We stepped into a whole new universe at Marina Bay Sands’ ArtScience Museum; the surroundings exploded in a brand new culmination of eccentric visuals, sounds and activities. The shutters of cameras went off, mingling with perpetual gasps in the background, and still, none of us managed to articulate how beautiful the place was. The museum was divided into themes, and creative and technological ef fort was taken to create visuals and sound effects suitable for each one.

As evening approached, we had plans
to explore Gardens by the Bay, a para dise sculptured from artificially-grown rainforests. Exploring the rainforest was a refreshing contrast from the museum visit that had left me slightly overstimulated. The variety inside the gigantic greenhouse called Cloud Forest was outstanding. It housed hundreds of species of flowers, cacti, rainforest trees and a 35-metre-tall waterfall. The temperature and humidity levels were expertly controlled in a way that allowed the lush green vegetation to thrive indoors.
At the end of the day the giant trees playing with lights to the crescendo of Hans Zimmer, which truly stole the show.
It was not unlike leviathans, beautiful apparitions that were lit up with colour ful fires, and judging from all the cheers, squeals and excited screams, everyone was lit up like one of those colossal trees.
It was jaw-dropping to experience strang ers smiling at each other and cheering under those mammoths. I grasped onto the hope that multifarious communities can unite as a single entity during grand moments of beauty and could also sustain during dire times.
At the end of the show, our feet were
aching, our clothes dotted with sweat, hunger rolling like thunder in our stom achs and our cheeks hurting from smiling too much. After 15 minutes, we were nosedeep into the soupy goodness of laksa and tofu skewers.
On our third day, we went on a city tour, and at that moment, Singapore seemed like a stories within a story. On one street, we stumbled across sweet and kind hawkers selling their best fruits and vegetables in stalls made out of wood chipped away with time. Two steps into another block, you’ll be enchanted by the colourful shophouses swathed in bright blue and crimson red, and we were lured in one of those tiny, cute cafes for some Kaya toast and black coffee. We were characters from a children’s pop-up book because the environment seemed to be too beautiful and full of life, as if every part had been elaborately and carefully sketched out.
On our last day, we decided to pay a visit to Universal Studios, and we thor oughly enjoyed the adventure rides and attractions despite the overpriced food. The rides made me feel like the main character straight out of a young adult
novella. It was a one-of-a-kind experience to be among thousands of people milling around, all linked together with a com mon need to explore and enjoy.
Before going to the airport, we took our sweet time exploring the wares on Bugis Street and getting food from the Albert Centre Market. Gone were the high-rise buildings, hi-tech technology and polished behaviour, replaced with bright shops squabbling for space in the small area, daring bargains, local merchandise and mouth-watering, stom ach-clenching food. This piece of local haven had more vegetarian options than a high-end bougie restaurant had offered us, and I was pleasantly surprised. I could write love odes to the traditional Singaporean pancakes with red bean and peanut butter filling. I adored them so much, and they were only one Singapor ean dollar each.
Sweaty and sated, it was time to bid goodbye to the Green City. I knew then that I would miss and cherish the blan kets of green trees and bright florals, the pleasures we found in the scrumptious and savoury delicacies, the art, the archi tecture and the fierce spirited sun. U
The only reason I picked UBC was so my mom could say that I go to a Top 50 institution when she and her sisters are fighting over whose children are the most successful.
UBC’s ranking, according to Times Higher Education, has dropped from 37th to 40th world wide. If it continues to decline at this rate, I’m going to get beat out by my cousin Kyler, an unlicensed makeup artist with a history of spreading pink eye.
I’m now tasked with finding a more elite institution that offers my super niche and obscure major (political science) — it has to be rec ognized enough that simply saying its name immediately makes any conversation about me.
Here are just a few of the reasons why UBC has gone from top to flop.

I don’t know who comes up with these rankings. Maybe it’s a few guys with clipboards, or the All-See ing Deity of Educational Institu tions. Whoever it is, I’m going to assume that they just got lost so they couldn’t find the campus, let alone evaluate its delivery of Elite Educational Experiences (blackCalibri-on-white-text Powerpoint
Given that we’re conveniently placed in the middle of nowhere, it’s highly possible that on the way over here, they took a wrong turn and ended up in the forests surrounding UBC (heart of Vancouver, my ass!) where they’re currently camped out with the international students who couldn’t find housing.
If getting to the campus wasn’t already hard enough, good luck actually finding your classes. You think that’s the Geography Build ing? Nope. Construction site. Since you even bothered to ask, we’ve now decided to tear down all the build ings and rebuild them in completely different locations. Fuck you.
Statistics show that within this past year, the amount of squir rel attacks on campus has risen by 85 per cent, with over half of them resulting in fatalities. From running people over with a skate board to good ol’ stab wounds, the squirrels are getting creative with their torture tactics!
Not only do they glare menac ingly anytime I have a bag of chips in my hand, clearly manipulating me into letting a tasty morsel slip from my fingers, but they’ve now turned to psychological warfare. One of them even tried to sign
me up for a multi-level marketing company.
Since the university’s first president was in power, UBC students have
lived by the phrase Tuum Est (“It is yours,” for all the people who did not take LATN 101 as a GPA-booster).
This begs the question: What exactly is mine? Crippling student loan debt? Rampant food insecurity? Take it back! I don’t want it!
I think you know exactly what
you need to do now. Time to apply to the University of Toronto. Happy trails! U

The Dingbat is The Ubyssey’s humour section. Send pitches and completed articles to blog@ ubyssey.ca
The Dingbat: UBC budget tears down Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs tier by tier
Thomas McLeod Senior Staff WriterAbraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a common measure of whether a person has their life to gether, and whether a person is psy chologically whole. The hierarchy is split into physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization.
UBC has long been waging war against students’ psychological requirements, and with the recent revelations that UBC has reduced funds to combat food insecurity on campus, it has finally begun its final barrage on the smoking remains of
the student psyche.
It was only a matter of time until UBC rounded out the last tier of the pyramid. It has already killed shelter, with on-campus housing prices making you wish you never left Winnipeg. Drip (or clothing, for the swagless masses) is another resource that has been deferred to students, and vast swaths of the UBC commu nity have comforted themselves with the knowledge that reproduction has never been part of the university experience. Sleep? Don’t make me laugh.
“Security” at UBC has always been a euphemism for “guys with shitty Reddit accounts who couldn’t even become cops,” so that’s off the table. We have health if that cough can wait a month. And sure, you can find employment at UBC, if you love applying for every WorkLearn known to man here and at UBCO.
UBC has pushed its students harder every year in order to rise and inevitably fall in the world uni versity rankings, alienating them
from their peers and civil society in general.
Couple this with its installation of Weird Vibes Conductors (wifi) all over campus, and people have become increasingly withdrawn, self-involved and introverted, preferring the warm embrace of League of Legends, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, MySpace or whatever other dumb bullshit you people are doing on your computer. Touch some grass guys, Jesus.
This was only ever the case for people who came to UBC for the
clout of attending the second best school in Canada: the delusional, the idiotic, the unambitious and the drunk. Once UBC introduced the Mandatory LinkedIn Profile Act of 2014, the veil was lifted on how exclusive this school (and its 52 per cent acceptance rate) actually was.
Hahahaha. U
The Dingbat is The Ubyssey’s humour section. Send pitches and completed articles to blog@ ubyssey.ca
The Dingbat: UBC’s tuition fees may be rising, but its ranking isn’tWho is the All-Seeing Deity of Educational Institutions and how can I meet them? ZUBAIR HIRJI / THE UBYSSEY
Editorial: The AMS’s proposed revisions to its Records Policy are bad for transparency
Ubyssey Editorial Board
Editor’s note: This editorial was published before the motion to revise Policy SR2 was withdrawn from AMS Council on October 26. The motion has referred back to the Governance Committee.
The AMS is not practicing good governance.
AMS Council was set to vote on a motion to revise its Records Policy (SR2) on October 26. If passed, that would mean mem bers of the AMS (a.k.a. students) cannot request access to internal correspondence, transition reports or raw data (data collected by or for the AMS).
The proposed changes come after The Ubyssey requested access to redacted emails from the AMS related to the hiring of AMS Presi dent Eshana Bhangu as interim VP finance and discussions around the amendments to the Video Surveil lance Policy (SR14) that now allows filming inside Safewalk and other AMS vehicles in September.
In response to the request, Bhangu and AMS Archivist Shel don Goldfarb said email correspon dences are not considered records under AMS code and bylaws.
“According to the AMS Bylaws, AMS members can access records and books. Correspondence, in the way the Bylaws currently are writ ten, does not fall under that cate gory,” Bhangu wrote in an emailed statement to The Ubyssey
At the time of our request, emails seemed to be considered an AMS record — bylaw 18(1) states, “All reports, correspondence and any records … shall remain with the Society to be kept at the offices of the Society” — but it was surpris ing to learn that they cannot be requested by students.
We also requested access to the elections administrator transition report — which was rejected on similar grounds and would not be requestable under the amended Policy SR2.
We understand that some docu ments need to remain confidential; The Ubyssey isn’t asking for records that would leave the personal information of AMS staff and mem bers up for grabs. All we’re asking for is to be able to access redacted documents that society members should be entitled to view.
These new restrictions on what documents students can access could have been codified during the October 26 Council meeting.
Making internal correspon dence and raw data unrequestable by students is bad for many rea sons.
Such a practice is bad for trans parency — a topic that candidates in AMS elections, including the current execs, have been promising to address for years.
The Ubyssey has its own reasons for wanting to be able to request AMS emails: to help with our reporting and to hold student leaders accountable. But, students in general should also be able to re quest emails from their democrat ically-elected and student-funded leaders.
Why can’t a student see email conversations between the VP finance and Studentcare related to coverage under the AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan? Why can’t a student see emails between the VP academic and university affairs and a student advocacy group?
Refusing to allow students to see these records also makes it harder for the AMS to call on other bodies, like UBC or the Student Le gal Fund Society, to be more trans parent with students. Why should people listen to calls for frankness in governance when those demand ing these changes are themselves
not practicing transparency?
The proposed changes leave the door open for case-by-case exceptions for requesting these documents. But, the AMS is still able to leave students in the dark about what’s going on a vast ma jority of the time — and gives the student society an easy excuse for not sharing anything that could damage its reputation.

There is a precedent for receiv ing email records from the AMS. In 2020, The Ubyssey reported on conflict of interest allegations against then-AMS VP External Kalith Nanayakkara.
When asked about this prece dent, Bhangu said this “past lack of compliance with the Bylaw section has been by one individual, and it is not a norm.”
Why can’t it be the norm?
Part of the issue is that the AMS is a private entity. Other public institutions like UBC and the provincial government are required to release emails and correspondences when requested under the Freedom of Informa tion and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).
Another issue is that the BC Societies Act — the law outlining how private organizations like the
AMS function — doesn’t require these groups to even comply with records requests. In this regard, the AMS is being generous.
Despite this generosity, the AMS can do more — and the first step would be for councillors to vote against any revisions to Policy SR2 that make it difficult for the society to practice good gover nance.
The AMS might not fall under FIPPA, and the Societies Act might not require compliance with record requests, but that does not mean it should explicitly prevent sharing emails and data upon request.
Similarly, Bhangu wrote in her statement, “We are happy to consider making exceptions in exceptional circumstances, but we must ensure compliance with our Bylaws to the best of our ability.” Yet, nothing in AMS code or bylaws explicitly prevents the sharing of emails.
We urge the AMS to follow its word and commit to transparent governance by voting against any revisions to Policy SR2 that restrict transparency. U
Editorials represent the opinions of the editorial board of The Ubyssey
Cosmic community: UBC CHIME project members win national prize
Sophia Russo Science EditorUBC’s Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) team was awarded the Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering last week.
The award is funded by the Nat ural Sciences and Engineering Re search Council of Canada and serves to recognize Canadian excellence in projects that combine expertise across multiple disciplines.
According to CHIME project members, the significance of this award is not limited to its financial potential — the real value lies in community, validation and new op portunities to explore the unknown.
The main goal of CHIME is to learn more about the expansion of the Universe by characterizing dark energy. The project is also a leader in the observation of mysterious radio waves coming from outside our galaxy called fast radio bursts and also does research on pulsars, neu tron stars with very strong magnetic fields.

The CHIME team — composed of around a hundred students, facul ty and staff — collaborate closely in their exploration of the Universe and its constituents.
According to physics and astron omy professor and CHIME member Dr. Mark Halpern, the major signif icance lies in the honour of being recognized with a national award of this scale.
He said he felt the excitement surrounding this award was rooted in “having the recognition and the
appreciation that we actually built something that’s useful and produc tive.”
The community aspect was also highlighted by the CHIME members interviewed. Physics and astronomy professor and CHIME member Dr. Ingrid Stairs stressed that this award belongs to the whole CHIME team.
“There is a huge amount of effort that’s gone into [the CHIME project] by a very large number of people and it really should be considered to be a full team award,” she said.
The interdisciplinary nature of the Brockhouse Prize finds a perfect home in the CHIME project. The team consists of engineers, program mers, cosmologists, radio astrono mists and more.
The team-centred approach to CHIME was apparent when The Ubyssey interviewed Halpern’s lab, including PhD student Tristan Pin sonneault-Marotte, posstdoctoral fel low Hyoyin Gan, scientific software developer Liam Gray and CHIME project manager Mandana Amiri.

According to Amiri, the CHIME project finds a “good balance” in its team.
Pinsonneault-Marotte has found CHIME to be a significant learning opportunity as he completed his Master’s on the project and wraps up his PhD.
“It’s a great mix of people from different backgrounds … it’s been a great opportunity to learn from people.”
As the CHIME members accept this honour, professor of physics and
astronomy and CHIME member Dr. Gary Hinshaw explained, the Brockhouse Prize extends to an affir mation of having a “pan-Canadian” project provide exceptional research contributions.
“It’s a specifically Canadian born and bred project that has gone beyond the borders … that sense of cooperation and mission focus is really wonderful,” he said. U
Visit ubyssey.ca to read the full ver sion of this article.
UBC sends community delegation to world climate conference
Shereen Lee Staff WriterUBC will be sending a delegation of eight faculty and student rep resentatives to observe the United Nations climate summit.
From November 6 to 18, the delegates will be attending the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Assistant professor in Asian studies Dr. Pasang Sherpa, clinical assistant professor in the School of Population and Public Health Dr. Shannon Waters, geography professor Dr. Simon Donner and educational studies professor Dr. Vanessa Andreotti will be among UBC’s faculty representatives.
A wide range of disciplines will be featured in this year’s delegation and serve to highlight the unique goals and perspectives of each participant.
Waters is attending COP27 with issues of public health and Indigeneity in mind as a doctor and member of Stz’uminus First Nation.
“I think Canada is lagging behind a lot of other countries in terms of its commitment, and funding of work, to climate change mitigation and adaptation. I believe that Canada has to ramp
up its prioritization and funding to this critical health issue ur gently,” she wrote in a statement to The Ubyssey.
Masters of electrical and computer engineering student Gideon Berry, PhD candidate in the Institute of Oceans and Fisheries Verónica Relaño Écija, third-year international econom ics student Abdul Bashar Rahman
and PhD student in the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability Rudri Bhatt have been selected as UBC’s student representatives.
Berry told The Ubyssey that they hope to advocate for youth voices and clean energy solutions at the conference. While they began their studies in engineer ing physics at UBC, Berry has
since transitioned to a focus on electrical engineering and energy systems.
“With the climate crisis getting ever closer to the 2030 requirements to decarbonize, and all the targets not being met over and over again — it filled me with so much dread,” they said.
Berry said they aim to support student voices and education well
into their career.
“I want to actually become a faculty member eventually … where I can actually be the pro fessor who encourages students to be involved in the communi ties, who can incorporate inter disciplinary [subjects] for them in their fields,” said Berry.
The delegates aim to advocate for campus interests at the con ference and have compiled a feed back form to better understand community priorities. Before the conference commences, the delegates will interpret the data to inform their platform.
Berry noted that one area of concern across UBC community members involves human rights issues in Egypt.
The conference’s host country has drawn scrutiny for sup pressing the voices of activists and critics. Earlier in October, UBC’s Centre for Climate Justice hosted an event with investigative journalism outlet The Intercept on the imprisonment of pro-de mocracy activists like Alaa Abd El Fattah.
“I really hope that the [Egyptian] government is held accountable, and they don’t get away with just using this oppor tunity to be the face of the Global South … with activists in prisons and in horrible conditions,” said Berry. U
Danielle Steer breaks all-time Canada West points record
Danielle Steer broke the all-time Canada West points record on October 14 as UBC women’s soccer secured a 3-0 victory over the Trinity Western Spartans. Steer’s two assists — one to Nisa Reehal and the other to Katalin Tolnai — gave her 67 points total to move her ahead of T-Birds alum Jasmine Dhanda's 65 points.

Football clinches playoffs, downs previously undefeated Huskies
After starting the season 1–3, the T-Birds bested the conference-leading Huskies 35–29 to secure a spot in the playoffs. Isaiah Knight led the Thunderbirds offensively with an outstanding 231 total yards.

Rowing wins big at prestigious Boston competition

Varsity rowing teams travelled to the renowned Head Of The Charles Regatta in Boston, where both men's and women’s lightweight fours teams came from behind to earn a first-place victory. The men captured their first gold medal while the women re peated their performance from 2019.
Cross country sweeps Canada West championships

The UBC men’s and women’s cross country teams claimed the Canada West champi onship titles on October 29 in Abottsford. UBC’s Tyler Dozzi claimed the gold on the men’s side, and T-Bird Kiana Gibson won the race for women’s cross country’s fourth consecutive championship victory.
Women’s rugby becomes three-peat Canada West champs

In the Canada West semi-final, the Thunder birds first conquered the University of Alber ta Pandas 64–12. Savannah Bauder scored 34 points, 14 of which came from conversions. They then played the University of Victoria Vikes in the final, triumphing over them 24–12 for the division championship title.
Women’s golf earns third straight Canada West championship

UBC captured their third consecutive Cana da West title after beating their island rival, the University of Victoria Vikes. First year Jessica Ng led the T-Birds, finishing second in the individual scoring.
Men’s basketball takes Buchanan Cup over NCAA rivals SFU
UBC men’s basketball defeated the NCAA Div II Red Leafs for the Buchanan Cup after a thrilling 79–73 victory in front of a packed gym. UBC’s huge 28-point second quarter pushed the 'Birds to win their 19th Buchanan Cup.

Women’s field hockey's Hannah Rumble earns CW award
Women’s field hockey goalie and third-year arts student Hannah Rumble was named the Goalkeeper of the Year for the Canada West conference, following a breakout year that saw her shutout the opposition in three of her five wins and backstop the Thunderbirds to a second place finish in the conference.

Men’s hockey scores 14 goals in one weekend
The UBC men’s hockey team scored a total of 14 goals in a pair of back-to-back victories against the University of Manitoba Bisons, despite blowing three-goal leads in both games. On October 7, the T-Birds held on to win 6–4, while they won 8–7 in Saturday’s game.

UBC women’s hockey goes to overtime twice
Both of UBC women’s hockey’s games against the Huskies on the third weekend of the month went to overtime. On October 14, the T-Birds led 2–1 after two but fell 3–2 to the Huskies in overtime off a powerplay goal. The following day, they rebounded with a 2–1 win as Chan reet Bassi broke the tie in double overtime. U