King’s College London UNIVERSITY OF LONDON
B.Sc. Third Year Optional Physics Course
CP/3630: General Relativity and Cosmology Lecturer: Prof. Nick E. Mavromatos Department of Physics –Theoretical Physics Group These notes contain a summary of the most important results and concepts covered in the course CP/3630: General Relativity and Cosmology, taught to the third year undergraduate students of King’s College London Physics Department, during the second semester (January-March) of the academic years 2000/01 - 2007/08. They were amended in May 2008 by expanding the Cosmology section, based on lectures given to the first year graduate students (Doctorate Programme) of the department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Valencia (Spain). Only classical aspects of the theory will be covered in the lectures. It should be stressed that these notes are not meant to be substitutes of a book. The student is strongly advised to follow closely the books suggested during the course, on which the latter is based. These notes should not be distributed without the consent of the pertinent Physics Departments and/or the author.
updated: May 2008 c King’s College London 2008 ° c Dept. F`ısica Te` 2008 ° orica, Univ. de Val` encia (Espa˜ na)