ASTM003 AM and Accretion Lecture 10 of 11 (QMUL)

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Week 10 The growth and settling of dust grains

The basic idea of how planetary formation occurs involves the build-up of large, rocky planetary cores/embryos by coagulation of the solid material in the protoplanetary disc. Initially, this involves the sticking together of dust grains, that gradually begin to settle towards the midplane of the disc as they grow. Dust then coagulates to form planetesimals, which in turn grow through mutual accretion into planetary embryos whose primary mode of growth is accretion from the planetesimal swarm. We shall now consider the settling of dust grains towards the central plane of the protoplanetary disc. Upper disc surface

z=H 2

g= Ω z

Disc midplane


We can estimate the settling time in a quiescent (non-turbulent) disc. The component of the gravitational force in the z direction acting on a dust grain of mass mgr is GM mgr z r3 where M is the mass of the central star and r is the distance of the grain from the star. We may approximate r ≃ R and use the Keplerian result that GM/R3 = Ω2 , where Ω is the angular velocity at the gas about the central star. The acceleration towards the midplane of the disc due to gravity is therefore gz = − Ω2 z . The dust will therefore fall towards the central plane when we view the system in a rotating frame. As the dust grains move through the gas, the gas will exert a drag force on the grains, resisting their fall to the central plane. As a result, the grains will have a maximum velocity – their terminal velocity. The drag force Fdrag acting on a spherical particle smaller than the mean free path of gas molecules moving with a speed much smaller than the sound speed is Fdrag = πa2 ρ cs v where a is the radius of the particle, ρ is the density of the gas, cs is the sound speed of the gas and v is the velocity of the grain relative to the gas. The equation of motion for a grain of mass mgr then becomes mgr

dv = Fdrag + mgr gz . dt 46

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